what would happen if earth did not have any greenhouse gases?​


Answer 1

I think that the heat will not be able to maintain itself  enough and the cold gases of the space could freeze earth and we would not be alive.

Hope this helps

Answer 2

Answer: It would be exactly like it is now, because the greenhouse effect is a fake physics hoax, pretending that the atmosphere can reheat the Earth’s surface with its own heat in violation of Nature’s ironclad Second Law of Thermodynamics. Those who claim that it only traps surface heat in the atmosphere are missing the boat, namely, that the atmosphere contains solar heat removed from the surface, which is on its way toward space and can never return, anymore than heat from a fireplace can go back down the chimney and cook the meal twice. Look at an a-bomb blast and its mushroom cloud. That’s where the heat from the blast went, namely, up toward space, leaving a cooled surface. Therefore the CO2 global warming theory can only hold water if there’s a physical mechanism for atmospheric CO2 to send heat back down to the surface via radiation alone.

The leftist environmentalists have long been claiming suck, er, such a mechanism, CO2 back radiation. According to them, atmospheric CO2 absorbs surface heat then reradiates it back at so many watts per square meter, increasing surface temperatures by so many degrees C, with higher concentrations in the far future allegedly threatening runaway global warming. Their solution is to dismantle the entire fossil fuel industry now via mass government action and taxation and prepare the world for global Marxism, which they wanted all along.

Hope this helps have a nice day❤️


Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would have an average temperature of -18 °C and be covered in ice. Life as we know it would not be able to survive. ... By burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees, we are releasing more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and that has caused temperatures to rise.

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Why are slave revolts and rebellions kept out
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The event was the brainchild of performance artist Dread Scott. Largely overlooked in history books, protesters were brave souls who should be seen as a source of inspiration and dignity for those fighting against modern-day oppression, Scott said.


Ultimately, the rebels did not succeed in abolishing slavery during their time. But rather than end with violence, the reenactment closed with an alternate, more uplifting ending - the defeat of white militia men and a cultural celebration.

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Nurses, some women disguised themselves as men and fought in the war, some were spies, etc.


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Use the chart to answer the following question.
Jimmy Carter has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity for over thirty years,
building nearly 4,000 homes in fourteen countries.
The Carter Center has led a mission to eradicate the world of Guinea-worm
disease. Since 1986, cases of the disease have been reduced by 99.99
President and Mrs. Carter frequently lead Carter Center observer trips that
promote fair, free, and peaceful election processes in developing nations.
1eradicate: destroy completely
Which BEST summarizes the chart?
A. President Carter has been successful in his post presidential political career.
B. President Carter has been successful in launching several private businesses.
C. President Carter has been successful in advancing human rights initiatives.
D. President Carter has been successful in advancing alternative energy policies.



i love him do you love him? i love him and matt they are the best characters in death note



Use the list to answer the question.
• Governor of Georgia
• Reduced the power of the governor's office
• Established Department of Corrections and abolished chain
• Supported Georgia constitutional amendment to change voting
age from 21 to 18
Which of the following would be the BEST title for the list?
A. Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall
B. Political Achievements of Eugene Talmadge
c. Political Achievements of William Hartsfield
D. Political Achievements of Maynard Jackson




From the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall". The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall?

Ellis Gibbs Arnall, an American politician who presided as Georgia's 69th governor from 1943 to 1947, died on December 13, 1992, in March 20, 1907.

Arnall succeeded in getting rid of the poll tax, ratifying a new state constitution in 1945, and establishing a merit-pay system for public employees.

More than two decades before the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution made that change nationwide, he was successful in lowering the voting age to eighteen. Thus, Georgia became the first state to offer 18-year-olds the right to vote.

Therefore, from the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall".

To know more about the Ellis Arnall, visit:



This cartoon could be used to support the thesis that opposition to
women's suffrage was
stronger in western states than in eastern states.
based on unemployment statistics comparing men and
stronger among women than among men.
D based on stereotyping of women's roles.


Answer: d


This cartoon could be used to support the thesis that opposition to women's suffrage was based on stereotyping women's roles. The correct option is (D).

What do you mean by thesis?

A thesis is a study paper that is founded on your original investigation. It is typically presented as the capstone to a bachelor's degree or as the final stage of a master's study.

Preparing a thesis can be a difficult task. It is, aside from a dissertation, one of the longest pieces of writing that students usually finish.

A thesis assertion should always be a full phrase. The thesis may be extended to two lines in some instances, but it should be defined in a concise declaration rather than being discussed within a paragraph.

Therefore, the cartoon could be used to support the thesis that opposition to women's suffrage was based on stereotyping women's roles.

To know more about the thesis, visit:



How does the concept of checks and balances help to create a limited government?

A.It ranks the branches according to the level of power they have over each other.

B It lets each branch of government stop the actions of the other two if needed.

C. It gives national, state, and local governments an equal balance of power.

D. It says that each branch can carry out the roles of the other two if it becomes necessary.


With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others.


(B) It lets each branch of government stop the actions of the other two if needed.

Here is some proof that the answer is correct, also srry I don't have an "Explanation" and that the answer is late.

Which period of European history are these philosophers associated with?
the Crusades
the Enlightenment
the Great Schism
the Protestant Reformation



The answer is B The Enlightenment.

The period of European history that is associated with these philosophers is the enlightenment.

What do you mean by philosophers?

Persons who are highly engaged in philosophy are known as philosophers.

The period of European history that these philosophers are associated with is the enlightenment period.

Therefore, B is the correct option.

Learn more about Philosophers here:



How did the use of interchangeable parts contribute to the Industrial Revolution?


Interchangeable parts, popularized in America when Eli Whitney used them to assemble muskets in the first years of the 19th century, allowed relatively unskilled workers to produce large numbers of weapons quickly and at lower cost, and made repair and replacement of parts infinitely easier.


The interchangeable parts contributed to the industrial revolution in many ways. One major contribution is that it gave more availability to technology that helped make more supplies for factories to make things such as cars, telephones, etc.

Hope this helps. :)


Who was Henry VIIIs last wife?



Catherine Parr

What action did the United stars take when world war 1 began in 1914?
A) it declared its neutrality

B) it refused to trade with either side

C) it joined allies

D) it joined the central powers



A) it declared its neutrality


The US didn't want to stick its hands in a problem that was distant from home an quiet honestly didn't directly effect them, so they declared being neutral, but it did still trade with other nations.

Hope this helps :)

D. It declared its neutrality because the real cause was secret alliances, politics and nationalistic pride

Do you think stability in the Middle East is important to U.S. interests? Why or why not?



Stability with the Middle East is important to the U.S interests because the Middle East is the most important source of energy, producing almost 40% of the world's oil.

Stability in the Middle East is important to U.S. interests because Middle East is rich in natural resources, especially in oil production.

What is Middle East?

The Middle East is a geopolitical term that refers to the regions of Arabia, Asia Minor, East Thrace, Egypt, Iran, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and the Socotra Archipelago. the term "Middle East" is came into existence as the replacement of the term "Near East"  in early 20th century.

Middle East is rich in oil production and it's export, which contributes to the entire region through the wealth it generates and the labor utilization.

The unresolved conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the reason behind the conflict in the whole region of Middle East.

Hence, The richness of resources is the reason behind US interest.

To learn more about Middle East, here



There are 4 reasons listed
in this article as to why
imperial nations decided
to colonize other parts of
the world. Economic,
Racism, Religion, and
Nationalism are the
reasons. List the
examples that are
provided for each one in
the article. In addition,
how was Militarism also a
factor in expansion?


The answer is 2001 because the region is part of the racism

in which hijri namaz was made compulsory????



Five salat made compulsory in 10th Nabvi. Zakat means to purify. Zakat was made obligatory in 2. A.H.


The diagram below shows a high-pressure and low-pressure system over islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Which of the following best predicts what the weather will be over Location X?

A.cooler temperatures
B.increased humidity
C.strong winds
D.less clouds



hmm strong winds? I'm not really sure

Who represented the Allies at the Yalta Conference?

I’ll give brainiest pls help ASAP


Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom, and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union

3. What is Friar Laurence initially afraid of when he sees that Romeo hasn't 5 point slept in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A. That Romeo has been dueling with Tybalt

O B. That Romeo has been thrown out of his family for his relationship with Juliet

O C. That Romeo has been partying all night and is too drunk to go home O

O D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline​





O D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline

Place the following STEM inventions in the correct chronological order, from the earliest to the most recent discovery.
Talking doll - Summly app - Blissymbol printer - circular saw



talking doll, circular saw. Blissymbol printer, Summly app

circular saw, Blissymbol printer, talking doll, Summly app

circular saw, talking doll, Blissymbol printer, Summly app

talking doll, Summly app, Blissymbol printer, circular saw

The answer is:

circular saw, talking doll, Blissymbol printer, Summly app

In 1762 a German-born princess named Empress ____________________blank came to the throne. She promoted ____________________blank ideas and fostered the arts.



In 1762 a German-born princess named Empress Catherine the Great or Catherine II came to throne. She promoted Enlighted ideas and fostered the arts.


The first blank is Catherine the Great/Catherine II

The second blank is Enlighted

Hopefully this helps

Why might a transformation occur?


Answer: Because Bacterial transformation is used: To make multiple copies of DNA, called DNA cloning. To make large amounts of specific human proteins, for example, human insulin, which can be used to treat people with Type I diabetes. To genetically modify a bacterium or other cell.Transformation of cells is a widely used and versatile tool in genetic engineering and is of critical importance in the development of molecular biology. The purpose of this technique is to introduce a foreign plasmid into bacteria, the bacteria then amplifies the plasmid, making large quantities of it.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


How effective were the British acts/laws in suppressing colonial discontent and discord?



Parliament followed up the Stamp Act with one act after another, including the Declaratory Act, the Townshend Acts, and the Intolerable Acts.


Which issues are part of a social policy? Check all that apply.
O health care
O gun control
balanced budgets
O tax cuts and breaks
regulation of industry
O workplace and labor issues





that is the answer on edge

What was the first commercial lumber company in Oklahoma?

A. Choctaw Lumber Company

B. Weyerhaeuser

C. Georgia Pacific

D. Dierks Brothers



A. Choctaw Lumber Company


The first commercial lumber company in Oklahoma is "Choctaw Lumber Company."

It was formed by the Dierks's Oklahoma operations in 1910. During this period Choctaw Lumber Company also has ownership and operates some part of railroads, particularly in places like Valliant, Oklahoma, to De Queen, Arkansas.

In the later years, the name was changed from Choctaw Lumber Company to Dierks Forests, Inc

!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE>>>I DONT WANT TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
use the documents1) What is the tone of the poem? Explain and cite examples.

-The tone of the poem is

2) What does the poet mean figuratively when he says "our fearful trip is done"? What was the prize and why were the people exulting?

3) What does "The vessel grim and daring" mean?

4) Why would the poet refer to the subject of the poem as “Captain”? Why does the author refer to him as “father” at one point and place his hand behind his head?

5) What is the theme of the poem? Explain and cite examples.

6) Why do people feel as though they have such close, emotionally extreme relationships with their political leaders?

7) Research information about the poet Walt Whitman a list 3-5 facts about him.



to small to seeeeeeeee yea yea yea


3 biggest cities or towns (by population) in Pacific Northwest


I’m sorry I need points rn I do not gahave the answers


Tacoma, WA    Richmond, B.C.   Vancouver, WA


Tacoma, WA (198,397 pop.)

Richmond, B.C.( 190,473 pop.)

Vancouver, WA(175,673 pop.)

"By the end of 1940. Hitler was at the Pinnacle of his power". Explain the statement​



Pinnacle= The most successful point


Hitler was at the greatest point of his power by the end of 1940.

The statement is exclaiming that Hitler’s power and successfulness peaked by the end of 1940. The year 1940 was a very successful time for the Nazis, who at that stage, bombed Paris, Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland, invaded Denmark, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Many countries had surrendered to Hitler and the Nazis including Holland and Belgium. Hitler mainly had superior power over Britain at the time. In August 1940, Germany bombed airfields and factories in England, had air battles and daylight raids over Britain, declared a blockade of the British Isles and in September, planned “Operation Sea Lion”, where he aimed to invade Britain. The multitude of events which occurred in Hitler’s favour during the 1940s therefore provide reason for his peak of power by the end of the time period.

Evaluate the extent to which President Franklin Roosevelt's policies were effective in addressing the problems of the Great Depression during the period between 1933 and 1941.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

President Franklin Roosevelt's policies were relatively effective in addressing the problems of the Great Depression during the period between 1933 and 1941.

Let's have in mind that previous US President Herbert Hoover did not react before that critical moment of the US stock market crash, and practically did nothing to help the millions of American citizens that lost their jobs when companies closed.

However, as soon as Franklin D. Roosevelt took the presidency, he designed a series of economic programs and establish legislation that was known as the New Deal. That series of economic programs and legislation was aimed to help the American people that had lost everything in those years of the Great Depression after the US stock market crash of October 29, 1929.

Of course, there were positives and negatives of some programs. Critics can question the amount of money used by the federal government to support these social programs. However, many of them really created the so much-needed jobs in that time and represented a relief to the harsh economic conditions that the US faced in those years.

Did American imperialism have a positive or negative impact on the world and on the United States? Explain.

Please answer in a 6-8 sentence response.



Imperialism led to further protection of human rights for indigenous people. ... Although imperialism led to other good results, it also caused many negative situations and events such as slavery. Because of early contact with Europeans and Africans, there are now cultures such as; African-American.

Imperialism impacted societies in countless negative ways. It led to slave trade which then led to social discrimination around the world. It also damaged the cultures and created disunity among the natives. Last but not least, imperialism stripped countries off their natural resources and left nothing for the natives.


Was Andrew Jackson a hero or villain?


Like most human beings, Andrew Jackson was a bit of both. He was certainly a war hero, from the American Revolution to the War of 1812, culminating in his greatest victory, at New Orleans, weeks after the latter conflict was had officially ended. He was the first president to rise from a low social position to the White House by popular demand, and a flinty cuss who was never averse to defending his or his wife’s honor in a duel—as well as personally beating the tar out of the man who made history’s first presidential assassination attempt. Although he had no problem with slavery, he was adamant about preserving the Union against secession and nullification. But he will also be remembered as the president who responded to a victory in the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes keeping their property by ignoring the judiciary ruling and sending the Army to forcibly drive the Indians out of their homes and off to what is now Oklahoma, an unconstitutional act that led to the death of thousands along the “Trail of Tears.”
Hope this helps!! :D
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