what was the dilemma faced by the convention after randolph proposed the virginia plan? how did hamilton and madison respond to that dilemma?


Answer 1

The issue looked by the show after Randolph proposed the Virginia Plan But the arrangement likewise raised the problem of whether slaves would be counted for the reasons for deciding the number of delegates that each state would get in the new Congress.

He battled to find a republic that was sufficiently able to endure yet not so solid as to stomp all over individual freedoms and freedoms.

Delegates from the little states enthusiastically protested the Virginia Plan since it provided more capacity to states with huge populations. Little states upheld William Paterson's New Jersey Plan, which proposed a solitary house congress in which each state had an equivalent vote.

Learn more about dilemma:



Related Questions

in 1995, when umpqua bank opened in new markets, which type of marketing effort did it utilize?


In 1995, when umpqua bank opened in new markets did Formulated marketing.

Formulated marketing is used after a business has selected a marketing strategy and meticulously created a step-by-step marketing formula to follow in order to achieve desired results.When selling a good or service, the four Ps are a "marketing mix" made up of four essential components: product, pricing, place, and promotion. The four Ps are typically taken into account by firms when developing marketing plans and strategies to reach their target audience.

To know more about Formulated Marketing here



How were the governments of japan and italy similar in the 1930s? select two answers. a. both were headed by groups of military leaders.
b. both used extreme nationalism to win support. c. both were supported by citizen armies. d. both began programs of aggressive expansion. e. both were known as militarist governments.


The correct answer is B and D.

The governments of Japan and Italy were analogous in the 1930s in that both used extreme nationalism to gain support and both embarked on programs of aggressive expansion. The two countries that confederated themselves with Adolf Hitler in Germany followed the same kind of politics during World War II.

Italian, German, Japanese, and Soviet authoritarian sweats in the 1920s and 1930s had their differences. But we can also see parallels in the ways they come about. For illustration, they all embraced nationalism and all set up ways to justify violence against civilians.


Nationalism is the testament that one's nation is superior to all others. The root of nationalism is frequently grounded on participated race. An illustration of nationalism can be seen in important of Adolf Hitler's rhetoric. nationalism is an extreme form of nationalism in which a country asserts or maintains dangerous ascendance, supremacy, or other forms of control over other nations to pursue its specific interests.

To learn more about Nationalism, click here:




B. Both used extreme nationalism to win support.
D. Both began programs of aggressive expansion.


The US did not
immediately enter
WWII. Summarize the
two movements before
the bombing of Pearl


Answer: Prior to Pearl Harbor, the United States had been involved in a non-combat role, through the Lend-Lease Program that supplied England, China, Russia, and other anti-fascist countries of Europe with munitions.

What is the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, just before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941.

What was WWII?

World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a world war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's countries—including all of the great powers—forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis powers.

the ongoing goal of isis is to create ______, an islamic state headed by a supreme religious and political leader.


The ongoing goal of ISIS is to create a Caliphate, an Islamic state headed by a supreme religious and political leader.

A Caliphate is an Islamic state governed by a single leader, with the intention of creating a unified religious and political community.

Establishing a Caliphate: The Goal of ISIS

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) seeks to establish a Caliphate, which is an Islamic state led by a single supreme leader. This leader, known as a Caliph, would be both a political and religious figure, and would exercise authority over all Muslims in the world. The Caliph would be the leader of the Muslim community, and would be responsible for unifying Muslims under a single interpretation of Islamic law.

Learn more about Islam: https://brainly.com/question/4466


in mid-eighteenth-century virginia, churches and ministers needed what from the government to practice their faith?


''log college'' is the answer

Which best describes the Oregon Trail?
O It was a series of trails that splintered off into different directions on the way to Oregon.
O It was difficult to distinguish from older Native American trails that cross-crossed the western states.
O The name Oregon Trail is inaccurate because it does not actually reach all the way to Oregon.
O It was a single, direct path from Missouri to Oregon.


Answer: It was a series of trails that splintered off into different directions on the way to Oregon.

What does it mean to impeach an Official of the government?

Question 5 options:

to accuse an Official of a crime

to have the Official put in jail

to have the Official exiled from the country

to remove the Official from their position


The phrase "impeach an Official of the government" means to remove the Official from their position. The Option D is correct.

What is a government impeachment?

Basically, an impeachment refers to process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct. It is also seen as unique process involving both political and legal elements.

In Europe and America, an impeachment tends to be confined to ministerial officials as the unique nature of their positions may place ministers beyond the reach of the law to prosecute or their misconduct.

Read more about impeachment




Official Crime


I tried the person on top answer and i got it wrong it was Official crime

im a k12 student and I took the test on k12

have a great day ! (●'◡'●)

Which is an example of a scholarly source for an informative essay?
a television broadcast
a message board
an interactive website
a legal document


A legal document is an example of a a scholarly source for an informative essay.

So, the correct option is option (D).

An informative essay is a form of academic writing that enlightens the reader and provides information based on facts and reliable sources.

A useful essay is not about your subjective opinion or personal point of view. The goal here is not to persuade the reader, but to convey something about the topic.

Define terms, analyze data, provide guidance about anything, compare/contrast topics.

Examples of such texts are textbooks, leaflets, pamphlets, etc., which convey information to the reader in a neutral way. You should write informative essays in a factual tone, avoiding I, we pronouns.


The purpose of an informative essay is to

Enlighten the reader by providing facts and clear explanations about the subject. You don't argue, you don't try to persuade. Share terms and data, compare and contrast facts about a topic, explain, explain how to do something.

To learn more about Informative Essay , refer:



The biden administration announced on wednesday that it would give three native tribes a total of $75 million to do what?


The biden administration announced on wednesday that it would give three native tribes a total of $75 million climate relocation.

Climate is a decisive factor for any living organism because it determines whether the organism survives or not. Global warming is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases. This leads to  the loss of habitats, changes the ability to migrate, changes competitive relationships.

The fate of  species depends entirely on climate change, those that are able to move to a new area with new climatic conditions fulfill their physical, biological and climatic needs. Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather. These changes may be natural, but since the 19th century, human activity has been the main driver of climate change, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and gas), which produce heat-trapping gases.

Learn more about climate change , here:



What evidence can you find in the text to support the idea that
the Articles of Confederation sought to protect the independence of the States
rather than to create a strong central government?






What was the name of the German offensive plan developed to beat France on the Western front?




the Battle of the Bulge

Answer: Schrieffer Plan

Explanation: because Schrieffer Plan, battle plan first proposed in 1905 by Alfred, Graf von Schlieffen, chief of the German general staff, that was designed to allow Germany to wage a successful two-front war.

What is the thesis main idea of the speech?


A thesis statement is the speaker's whole speech distilled into a single sentence. Both the main argument being made and any supporting points should be included.

The speaker will typically establish the thesis at the outset of the speech to serve as a type of road map for the audience. Depending on their ultimate objective, some presenters choose to wait until the end of the speech. The audience is kept focused on the main issue or argument and its supporting arguments by the thesis statement, which is an essential part of any speech. In other words, a speech without a thesis statement may contain all of the necessary components, but it lacks a unifying theme, which will influence how the audience perceives both the speech and the subject matter as a whole.

learn more about speech here:



What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


The Great/Western Schism of 1378–1417 and the Black Death had an A connection. Later cases of the bubonic plague were thought to be God's retribution, according to some.

The Black Death: Between 1347 and 1351, there was a pandemic known as the Black Death that killed a great number of people.

The term "bubonic plague" was used to describe later Black Death outbreaks.

The Great Schism: The lengthy internal rift of the Catholic Church was referred to as "The Great Schism."

The existence of multiple candidates for the Papacy was the root of the Great Schism.

The Great Schism took place historically before the Black Death.

To know more about The Great Schism and the Black Death visit:



How does Alondra change by the end of the story? OA. She goes from being annoyed by Papaw's story to being interested in Papaw's story. OB. She goes from being excited to stay with Papaw to wishing her mother would come get her. OC. She goes from listening to Papaw tell his stories to ignoring him and watching television. OD. She goes from wanting to watch television to wanting to read a book about the moon ​


Alondra changed when she heard her grandfather saw Neil Armstrong walked on the moon on TV, and hence she goes from being annoyed by Papaw's story to being interested in Papaw's story.

Who actually first walked on the moon?

The first two of the twelve people to set foot on the moon were Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. As he made his first steps, he murmured words that would live on in history books for future generations: "That's just a tiny step for a man.

One of the things placed on the moon's surface was a plaque that stated, "We came in peace for all mankind. Here men from planet Earth first set foot on the moon. July 1969 A.D." Armstrong and Aldrin safely docked with Collins at 5:35 p.m., and at 12:56 in the morning on July 22, Apollo 11 started its return trip.

To learn more about Neil Armstrong, visit:



Social contract is best defined as which of the following?
Choose 1 answer:
The agreement between people and the government defining the rights and duties
of eac
The system in which the interests of the people are represented through elected
The belief that the government's right to rule comes from the people
The belief that government should only have powers granted under the


The best way to characterize the social contract is as an agreement outlining each party's obligations and rights between the people and the government. The correct answer is option (A).

What is social contract?

The social contract is a theory or paradigm in moral and political philosophy that dates back to the Age of Enlightenment. It typically, but not always, addresses the validity of the power of the state over the individual.

A social contract is an agreement that governs conduct of people and organizations in a particular setting, such as a workplace, a culture, a country, or a social media platform. This agreement may be implicit or explicit. The idea that people's moral and/or political duties depend on a contract or agreement among them to create the society in which they live is known as social contract theory, which is almost as ancient as philosophy itself.

To know more about social contract, visit:



Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistandeclares "war" on the United Statesterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africaterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001


Fight against the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, declare war against the United States, terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, and Al Qaeda with terrorists commit the attacks of September 11, 2001 are the life of Osama Bin Laden on chronological order.

Osama Bin Laden was born into Saudi affluence and went on to become the head of one of the most brutal, global terrorist networks in history, declaring a self-declared holy war against the United States.

In 1979, he involved himself in fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

In 1996,  He relocates to the Afghan city of Jalalabad and declares war against the United States (U.S.)

In late 1998, Osama struck U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people and injuring many.

On Sept 11, 2001, he along with his association with Al Qaeda, hijacked planes and targeted New York's world trade center leading to 3k death and thousands of injured.

To learn more about Osama Bin Laden, follow the below link:



Analyze the following sketch from a Richmond, Virginia, cartoonist, done in April 1861, and then complete the following statement.
In this cartoon, the cat, depicted as [...], seeks to catch the mice, representing the [...], whereas the rat, symbolizing the [...] lies dead, underscoring the futile effort to hold the nation together.


In the given sketch following characters are depicted

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Seceded states

3. Union

A caricature sketch typically takes 3-5 minutes per face (about 15 faces an hour). Consequently, it would require twice that much for two persons, and so on.

A caricature is a drawn representation that simplifies or exaggerates a subject's features using sketching, pencil, or other artistic drawing techniques.

The distorted representation of a person, kind, or action is called a caricature. Commonly, a standout quality or trait of the subject is picked out and emphasized, or traits of animals, birds, or vegetables are used in place of those of people, or a parallel is made to the behavior of animals.

To know more about Caricatures here



against constitution, believed it needed a bill of rights, patrick henry and george mason


Against constitution, believed it needed a bill of rights, patrick henry and george mason Henry thought that the drive by the elite to consolidate power was a factor in the absence of a bill of rights.

James Madison, the head of the Virginia Federalists, was forced to guarantee that the Constitution would be amended to include a bill of rights once it was ratified in response to arguments made by Henry and other Anti-Federalists. Virginia became the tenth state to ratify the Constitution on June 26, 1788, following 25 days of tense discussion.

The states received a list of 12 amendments from the first United States Congress in 1789. The rights of the people and the states, in Henry's opinion, were not sufficiently protected by these modifications. Therefore, he refused to support them and suggested that a new convention be called to update the Constitution.

To know more about "George mason" visit:



How did britain gradually extend its control over most of india despite opposition?


The British East India Company utilized its dominance to extend control over the majority of India by taking advantage of the country's variety. Later, the British government took over.

Is Britain a country?

The Uk of England And ireland, sometimes referred to as the UK or Britain, is a nation in Europe that lies off the northwestern coast of the continent. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are included in it.

Can we refer to the UK as Britain?

United Kingdom and Great Britain are terms that are frequently used interchangeably. However, both are not quite interchangeable. The lengthy histories of the British Isles provides the basis for the two names and the distinction between them. Off the coast of Europe's northwest lies a collection of islands known as the British Isles.

To know more about Britain visit:



What was Roosevelt's Latin American policy?


Theodore Roosevelt said in 1904-05 that the United States might interfere in a Latin American nation's internal affairs when that nation engaged in egregious and ongoing misconduct.

Speaking at the Minnesota State Fair in Falcon Heights, Minnesota on September 2, 1901, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt of the United States defined his ideal foreign strategy as follows: "Speak gently, and carry a hefty stick." Two weeks later, Roosevelt was elected president, and "Big Stick diplomacy" came to characterize his style of governance. The strategy of carefully moderated discussion ("speaking softly") reinforced by the tacit threat of a potent military is known as "big stick diplomacy" ("big stick"). The most notable instance of Big Stick diplomacy during Roosevelt's presidency is the Great White Fleet, a collection of American warships that traveled the globe as a show of peaceful strength. In numerous instances involving foreign affairs, President Roosevelt employed big stick tactics.

learn more about Theodore Roosevelt here



How does the Senator feel about the Fugitive Slave Act? Why does he feel this way? Use textual evidence to support your answer.


James Murray Mason of Virginia staunchly protected southern interests in the Senate. He introduced the Fugitive Slave Act on January 4, 1850, to enhance existing law addressing escaped slaves.

What is Fugitive Slave Act?

On September 18, 1850, Congress enacted the Act. The 1850 Compromise includes the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Under the act, slaves were to be returned to their masters even if they were in a free state. The act also charged the federal government with discovering, relocating, and punishing fugitive slaves. To avoid implying that the slave had done a crime and that the slaveholder was the wrongdoer, such individuals are also referred to as freedom searchers.

To learn more about Fugitive Slave Act, click



Why did Churchill describe Soviet rule as and iron curtain ?


Answer: Winston Churchill gave a speech declaring that an “iron curtain” had descended across Europe, pointing to efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and its satellite states from open contact with the West.

What were the major tensions in Latin America that led to and shaped independence movements?


The severe constraints imposed by Spain on its colonies over trade and the freedom to elect their own representatives were the primary cause of these revolutions in Latin America.

Most of the colonies that were ruled by the Spanish monarchy revolted and gained independence in the 19th century. The most well-known movement was that of Simón Bolivar and José de San Martn, which led to the liberation of Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. These uprisings were mostly prompted by Spain's severe restrictions on the colonies' capacity to trade and right to elect their own leaders.

Other factors included the dominance of Europe in Latin America, the Haitian Revolution (L'Overture), American and French revolutions, the Monroe Doctrine, Creoles, Napoleon's invasion of Spain, Spain's colonization of Latin America, strong leaders in the region calling for independence.

To learn more on Latin America:



What's the oldest bridge in the world?


Arkadiko Bridge is the oldest bridge in the world, which is still being used today.

The Peloponnesian peninsula in southern Greece is home to the Arkadiko Bridge, which is also known as the Kazarma Bridge. The Peloponnese bridge, which is close to the current route between Tiryns and Epidaurus, is still heavily utilized today. The little arched bridge is a significant landmark and useful element of the whole region.

Around 1,300 BC or the Bronze Age, the bridge was built in Greece. It was initially constructed as a military road network, linking the historic cities of Mycenae and Epidaurus. Amazingly, the bridge doesn't use any kind of adhesive like mortar, yet it has stayed sturdy and standing for thousands of years. The bridge is made stable not only by the weight of the limestone but also by the symmetry with which the blocks are arranged along the vertical axis.

To read about the Bronze Age see:



Why was the postwar era known as the atomic age ?


Answer: The Atomic Age, also known as the Atomic Era, is the period of history following the detonation of the first nuclear weapon, The Gadget at the Trinity test in New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, during World War II.

Read the writing prompt for an informative essay about a historical turning point. A historical turning point is a significant event in history that has led to lasting change. Identify a turning point in world history. Discuss the historical events surrounding this turning point, and explain how it changed the course of history. What should a student writer do first?.


The first thing a student writer should do when writing an informative essay about a historical turning point is to identify a specific turning point in world history to discuss.


The first thing a student writer should do when writing an informative essay about a historical turning point is to identify a specific turning point in world history to discuss. This could involve researching and considering different events in world history to determine which one had the most significant impact on shaping the course of history.

After identifying a specific turning point, the next step would be to gather information and research the historical events surrounding this turning point. This could involve studying primary sources such as documents, photographs, and other materials from the time period, as well as secondary sources such as academic articles and books written by historians. This research will provide the writer with a solid understanding of the context in which the turning point occurred, as well as the key events and factors that led to it.

Finally, the writer should use this information to explain how the historical turning point changed the course of history. This could involve discussing the specific effects of the turning point on different regions or groups of people, as well as its broader impact on the world as a whole. The writer should also consider how the turning point continues to impact the world today, and how it has shaped the course of history since it occurred.

Learn more about identification as a writer here:



When the united states dropped atomic bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima how did japan respond?


Despite horror of Hiroshima, there were many in Japanese government that disbelieved United States had technical ability to develop, yet alone transport and drop, atomic bomb.

What is the Japanese government?

The Japanese government is built on popular sovereignty and consists of three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. The 1947-adopted Japanese Constitution provides the framework within which the Government operates. It is a unitary state with 47 administrative divisions with the Emperor serving as its head of state. He serves in a ceremonial capacity and without any government-related authority. The legislature, or National Diet, is the legislative branch's body. It has two houses, the House of Councilors serving as the upper house and the House of Representatives as the lower house, and is bicameral. The people, who are the source of sovereignty, directly elect each of its members. In the Constitution, it is described as the highest organ of sovereignty.

To learn more about sovereignty, visit:



Answer: After the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan:

Explanation: B.

surrendered, ending the war.

How did advertising change in the 1920s?


In the heyday of the 1920s, average Americans were spending more and more of their disposable income on major consumer durables. The consumer economy and the US stock market advertising industry grew to match.

By the late 1920s, an increasingly sophisticated advertising industry had integrated new techniques in retail, credit, sales management, and consumer research into the marketing process. Marketing efforts accelerated to match the rapid introduction of new products and services by companies to satisfy consumer markets. 43 months to March 1933. By the end of 1933, production had fallen sharply, and real GDP fell 29%. Consumer spending declined from $77.5 billion in 1929 to $45.9 billion in 1933. Purchases on credit or through payment plans became normal in the 1920s, but the market crash in October 1929 resulted in a sharp drop in the number of consumers buying on credit by 1930, as households focused on paying off their existing debts. $1.3 billion. Automobile, department store, penny store, and mail order sales declined sharply in January 1930 as the United States entered the Great Depression. radio advertising in 1930 was seven times greater than in 1927. Advertisers modified messages to focus on themes of the economy, patriotism, and fear of humiliation. They used testimonials, "hard sell," product placement, and sponsorships to convince shoppers to spend. This guide provides primary and secondary sources that examine marketing efforts, with a large focus on the advertising industry, from 1929 to 1933. The Great Depression is comprised of two economic recessions, from August 1929 to March 1933, and May 1937 to June 1938. The guide's subject pages highlight resources related to more specific areas of interest, such as race and gender in advertising, radio advertising, and consumer protection groups.

To learn more about sophisticated please click on below on link



Which of these resulted from the exonerations of the separate wrongful 1986 convictions of timothy cole and michael morton?
a. The Michael Morton Act created a uniform state policy that requires attorneys to makediscovered evidence that might be helpful to the defendant available to the defense
b.As a result of the Michael Morton case, the district attorney and prosecutor who wereresponsible for withholding evidence that would have helped Morton were convicted oncriminal charges for the first time in state history
c. The Timothy Cole Advisory Panel on Wrongful Convictions was created in 2009 by the statelegislature and submitted a final report in 2016 with twelve detailed and heavily researched
d. Eyewitness testimony and lie detector tests were banned as evidence in serious criminal trials.


Attorneys are required to turn over newly uncovered evidence that could be beneficial to the defendant and make it available to the defense under a uniform state policy established by the Michael Morton Act. Therefore, the option A holds true.

The Michael Morton Act was an act, which was brought into an enforcement after there were examples of wrongful convictions in the cases of Timothy Cole and Michael Morton in the year 1986. As per the regulations of this act, the attorneys had to abide by uniformity throughout the policies of all the states in order to present helpful evidences for the defendant.

Learn more about uniform state policies here:



The paris agreement intends to direct money toward limiting climate change and lowering greenhouse gas levels. Which groups are likely to benefit from the paris agreement? select the two correct responses.


Renewable energy enthusiasts will gain from climate change and the Paris Agreement.

What is the goal of the Paris Accord?

A legally binding international pact on climate change is the Paris Pact. On December 12, 2015, 196 Parties agreed to it at COP 21 in Paris. On November 4, 2016, it became effective. Its objective is to keep global warming well below the pre-industrial level of 2 degrees Celsius, or preferably 1.5.

What are the Paris Agreement's major goals?

increase their efforts and support mechanisms that aim to cut emissions, improve resilience, lessen vulnerability to the worst effects of climate change, and foster regional and global collaboration.

To know more about paris agreement visit:



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the chance that a certain type of thumbtack lands point up when you toss it in the air is 80%. this makes the standard deviation of the proportion of times it lands point up out of 100 tosses equal to? Question 1 a design team completes their high-fidelity prototype of a responsive website. They confirm that the designs represent the expected user experience. What else must they confirm before handing off designs to the engineering team? select all that apply. Suppose the mean daily peak power load ( y) for a power plant and the maximum outdoor temperature (x) for a sample of 6 days is as given in the ff. Table x y 95 214 82 152 90 156 81 129 99 254 100 266 find the ff. The peak power load when the max. Temperature is 84. which statement is true? multiple choice the larger the standard deviation, the more portfolio risk. the standard deviation is not an indication of total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the lower the total risk. When the narrator says, It slows the juices down . . . he meansA the trip makes him tired and hungry.B the visit makes him feel depressed.C the trip gives him something to do.D the visit changes his pace of life. plsssssssssssss helppppppppppppp .... An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False the agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the Order 97, 78/9, 45 from greatest to least.97, 78/9, 4578/9, 45, 9797, 45, 78/978/9, 97, 45 Read a fable from the Omaha Tribe.Coyote and SnakeCoyote was going in a straight line across the prairie. While he was seeking something, a person said suddenly, "Stop!" Coyote thought, "Who can it be?"He looked all around but saw no one. Then he walked on a few steps, when someone said, "Walk around me!" Then Coyote saw it was Snake."Humph!" said Coyote. "When I walk here, I do not wish to walk around anyone at all. You go to one side. Get out of my way!"Snake replied, "I am here. I have never thought for a moment of giving place to anyone!""Even if you think so," said Coyote, "I will run over you.""If you do so, you shall die," said Snake."Why should I die? There is nothing that can kill me," said Coyote."Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake. Then Coyote stepped over him. And Snake bit him. But Coyote did not feel it."Where is it? You said that if I stepped over you, I should die. Where have I received my death blow?" said Coyote.Snake made no reply and Coyote walked on. After some time he came to a creek. As he was about to drink, he saw himself in the water. He seemed very fat."Whew!" he said. "I was never so before. I am very fat." Saying this, he felt himself all over; but that was all he did. Then he walked on until he felt sleepy. He said, "I am very sleepy." So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep. Coyote did not wake up. Snake had told the truth.Which of the following is a universal theme from this tale? Coyote is arrogant and rude. Intelligence can be a powerful tool. Snakes are smart creatures. You should never trust a snake. What term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation? 1. Which statement best describes conservation efforts? Mrs. Gilmore is teaching a 5th grade class. She is standing 15 feet in front of Jonah. Brianna is sitting 8 feet to Jonah's right. How far apart are Mrs. Gilmore and Brianna? feet new classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government will For a first order linear plot of ln[A] vs time, where ln[A] at 200 minutes was 125, and ln[A] at 400 minutes was 250 What is the rate constant for this reaction? The answer contains 3 significant figures (round your answer to 3 decimal places) a type e0 galaxy would be select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a an extra large elliptical. b a spherical galaxy. c a galaxy with a disk but no spiral arms. d an extremely flattened elliptical galaxy. e a spiral galaxy with a large central bulge. Human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through _____________. In what way does culture play a role in support for or opposition to euthanasia? Quality control activities include recording temperatures for all excepta) Incubatorsb) Refrigeratorsc) Patientsd) Freezers medicare and medicaid were enacted by the johnson administration in 1965 as amendments to which federal law already in existence?