What was one contribution of African Americans to the American Revolution?
A. They made the American military more numerous by enlisting.

B. They accomplished little because they were denied proper equipment for battle.

C. They all fought for the British because they were promised equal rights.

D. They were eager to win independence and eventually outnumbered white people in the army.​


Answer 1




im smart :)

Answer 2
It was A because B and D are just wrong. C is also wrong because although a majority fought for the British, some still fought for the colonists. So by default it’s A

Related Questions

Please help if you can thanx (World History) PROJECT: POINT OF VIEW 5 paragraph.



I don't know what you are talking about?!.


 how does Nigeria’s location affect trade 


Trade still faces significant challenges as a result of Nigerian port practices. Importers have complained about the inconsistent application of customs regulations, the lengthy clearance procedures, the high costs of berthing and unloading, and corruption.

What advantages does Nigeria's location offer?

Nigeria has the highest GNP and the fastest-growing economy in Africa. Nigeria has the third-largest manufacturing sector and the continent's largest population. Additionally, the country has the most cattle and the highest agricultural output. Nigeria's culture is diverse.

What obstacles does Nigeria's trade face?

Under the aegis of the West African Association for Cross-Border Trade in Agro-Forestry-Pastoral and Fisheries Products (WACTAF), traders asserted that banditry and kidnapping are seriously affecting trade on the Nigerian corridor due to inadequate infrastructure, including bad roads, high fuel costs, and a lack of electricity.

Learn more about Nigerian here:



how are birds made if they make blue sounds and pee green. why do they eat yellow water



Some birds like hawks and seagulls make noises such as caws, clucks, or screeches. Birds may also get loud because they want to let other birds know they’ve found some food. It’s almost like an invitation to dinner. Baby birds may also chirp quietly or loudly when they are hungry.


Answer: I think their eyes are made to see those colors, so they don;t actually pee green or drink yellow water, its what they see


my question is in the image :)


Answer: A


How did the Minority Control the Majority?


It is almost impossible for the Minority group to control the Majority group.

What are Minority group?

This refers to any group of persons that constitutes less than half of the population in the entire territory of a State; whose members share a common characteristics of culture, religion or language or a combination of any of these.

What are Majority group?

These groups are often statistical majorities, that is, they are the group with the most people which is not always true. The men are considered to be the majority group in the United States because they have more social power than women.

Read more about Minority & Majority



What places do they go in?


Ghana:The first west african kingdom to control the gold trade
Mali-This kingdom rose to fame when its ruler made a journey to Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Songhai-Timbuktu was part of this kingdom
Zimbabwe-This kingdom is known for its great city with a stone palace.

Why did the authors of the Constitution prohibit ex post facto laws?
O Legislative bodies should not condemn individuals without a trial.
OIt is unfair to penalize someone for behavior that was legal at the time.
O Judges with lifetime tenure might be tempted to use their power oppressively.
O Individuals should have the right to apply to a federal court against unjust imprisonment.



It is unfair to penalize someone for behavior that was legal at the time.



At the beginning of World War II, what action by Winston Churchill influenced Hitler’s strategy?


The action by Winston Churchill at the beginning of World War II that influenced Hitler’s strategy was that he refused to negotiate.

What happened at the beginning of World War II?

When World War II began, Winston Churchill took over as prime minister of Britain from Chamberlain. Chamberlain had been fond of negotiating with Hitler only for Hitler to go against the agreement.

Churchill therefore decided not to negotiate with Hitler and demanded that the Germans withdraw from Poland. This refusal to negotiate meant that Hitler then changed his strategy to defeat both the British and the French.

Find out more on Winston Churchill at https://brainly.com/question/8920453


why did the indian national congress endorse boycott




The Indian National Congress (IKN), Bharatija Rashtri Mahasabha, India's largest political party, existing since 1885. Founded by the English to support their colonial policy, it has transformed into a reform movement directed against the British presence in India, also reaching for terrorist methods.

Look at the photo……………


I think there is something wrong with the photos cus I can’t see them

Develop a response to the following prompt, citing evidence from the material you just read to support your response. The United States was populated and built by immigrants. Support your points by citing evidence from the material you read. How do immigrants continue to contribute to and build the United States?


By expanding the labour force, immigration most immediately boosts potential economic output.

In addition to many other impacts, this diversity has been praised for its contributions to American culture in the form of cuisine, language, and the arts.

Additionally, immigrants significantly boost the economy of the United States. People from many different countries made the decision to leave their homeland and immigrate to the United States in the late 1800s. Many people fled crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, starvation, and other problems because they believed the United States to be the country of economic opportunity.

To know more about the immigrants of United States refer to:



What did the Twelfth Amendment do?

Group of answer choices

1. gave the Senate the power to break ties in presidential elections

2. required electors to make separate votes for president and vice president

3. got rid of electing presidents by popular vote and established the Electoral College

4. freed all slaves in the United States


The 4th one is the correct answer


2. Required electors to make separate votes for president and vice president.


The 12th Amendment, which was approved by Congress on December 9, 1803, and which became effective on June 15, 1804, established separate Electoral College votes for the President and Vice President, addressing flaws in the prior electoral system that led to the contentious Presidential Election of 1800.

Learn more at https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2020/10/27/amending-the-electoral-college-the-12th-amendment/

Make a Prediction: How do you think the US
government would be different if it had senators
specifically representing the youth of America?


the basis of representation, the number of senators each state, the requirements for office, the lengths of service,

What are the differences between representation in the House and the United States Senate?

The U.S. Senate is represented by the two senators that each state sends. The representation of a state in the House of Representatives, however, is determined by its population. For instance, larger states like California have 53 members whereas smaller states like Vermont and Delaware only have one.

Why is the United States' Senate necessary?

They oversee the activities of the federal government and evaluate presidential picks for executive and judicial offices. According to the Constitution, state legislatures elect members to the US Senate.

To know more about United States Senate visit:-



Use the excerpt from John Newton's Thoughts Upon the African Slave Trade to answer the question.

What does the excerpt reveal about the experiences of enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage?

Many enslaved Africans died while being transported.

The enslaved Africans were treated as commercial products.

Very few enslaved Africans could be transported on a single ship.

The families of enslaved Africans were kept together in the same room.


The excerpt reveal about the experiences of enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage is that : The enslaved Africans were treated as commercial products.

The correct option is B.

Many enormous, specially constructed "slave ships" travelled the Middle Passage for around 80 days. Humans were crammed close to one another on or below decks with no room to sit up or move about. About 15% of those without ventilation or enough water became ill and died. They were treated as a commercial products and kept like books in a shelf.

It may take three weeks for the "middle passage," which transported the slaves from West Africa to the West Indies. Weather that isn't ideal might make the journey take much longer. Numerous continents, a great deal of money, some cargo and sugar, and millions of African slaves were all involved in the Transatlantic (Triangular) Trade.

To learn more about Middle Passage, refer



On the obverse side of the Great Seal, the shield symbolizes that the states support Congress
O and Congress unites the states
O but Congress is more powerful than the states
when Congress asks for money
Oif Congress officially declares war


The full rendition of the country's coat of arms can be seen on the seal's obverse (or front). The 13 founding states are referenced frequently by the number 13. Together, the arrows and olive branch stand for America's "strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for conflict."

To represent a preference for peace, the eagle is depicted with its head turned toward the olive branch on its right side.

Charles Thomson provided Congress with the final design and the main official explanation of the great seal's meaning at the time.

A historical overview, or brochure, of the US seal, was created with a short and formal explanation of its symbolism named "The Seal of the United States: How it was Developed and Adopted."

Learn more about Great Seal here:



A) and Congress unites the states

I had the same quiz this is right

Describe how the patriots treated many loyalists, and also how the loyalists supported Great Britain during this time of upheaval. Explain what happened at the end of the war. Use details to support your response.


The Patriots humiliated, looted, burned, and destroyed the homes of loyalists.

Who are Loyalists?Loyalists were American settlers who pledged allegiance to the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War and were often referred to at the time as Conservatives, Loyalists, or Royalists. They were opposed by pro-revolutionary patriots, calling them "enemies of. Loyalists wanted to pursue peaceful forms of protest, believing that violence would lead to mob rule or tyranny.Loyalists came from all walks of life. They fought for Britain not out of royal loyalty, but out of a desire for the freedom that Britain promised them in return for military service.

To know more loyalists refer to :



How was the war experience of an African American, Hispanic American, or Asian American soldier different from that of a white soldier? Please include at least three examples in your response


Answer: Different races were assigned to separate regiments led by white officers despite promises of equal treatment. In comparison to white soldiers, soldiers of other races received lower pay, inferior benefits, and inferior supplies.


Question 5 (1 point)
Read the sentence from the section "A Single National Militia Was Needed."
They provided Washington with a small but stable force and proved to be his chief
reliance in the dark hours of the war.
How does the idiom "dark hours" help the reader understand Washington's reliance
on the regular army?

O by illustrating that most of their activity happened at night

O by emphasizing their necessity in times of great struggle

O by indicating that their training occurred at regular intervals

O by explaining their need for periods of extreme secrecy



B. By emphasizing their necessity in times of great struggle.


A. By illustrating that most of their activity happened at night: This is taking is way too literal.

B. By emphasizing their necessity in times of great struggle: During war it is especially important to have a force that is reliable and able to defeat the opponent consistently. The more soldiers, the better. The question also includes that Washington was given a "small", but stable force.

C. By indicating that their training occurred at regular intervals: Perhaps this happened, but it is not a suitable response for what the idiom "Dark Hours" is referring to.

D. By explaining their need for periods of extreme secrecy: By saying dark hours, it is not telling the reader about their needs for things to stay private. My explanation for why the answer is B, stands.

Hope this helped, please let me know if this was correct!

Please help me pls…..


Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. It is an antibiotic drug that fights infection causing bacteria.

Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin was what kind?

The course of medicine was altered in 1928 by a random occurrence in a London laboratory. Bacteriologist Alexander Fleming of St. Mary's Hospital had just returned from vacation when he spotted a region around an invasive fungus on an agar plate where the bacteria could not grow. Fleming acquired an extract from the mold and gave its active ingredient the name penicillin after identifying the mold as a member of the Penicillium genus and isolating it. He discovered that penicillin had an antibacterial impact on gram-positive organisms like staphylococci.

To know more about Alexander Fleming visit:



Ancient Egypt had many pharaohs, one being Hatshepsut. The rule of this particular pharaoh proves that Egypt had
One god
Female Pharaohs
Social Structure
Strong Military


Answer: B

Explanation: Hatshepsut was the second recorded female pharaoh.

What are the mainland territories




What country do you need to know the mainland territories of?

In the sixth century, Rome became a(n)







The Central Cattle Pattern...
O a. was adopted by Eastern United States Native Americans when domesticated cows were introduced from Mesoamerica
O b. is a Middle Eastern religious tradition that worshipped cattle
O c. demonstrated the power and wealth of South African chiefs
O d. was an early Asian strategy of capturing young wild calves to raise in captivity and then domesticate their offspring
Both Europe and southern Africa have a time period archaeologists refer to as the [a], due to the importance of the metal.
10 pa
Chapters 5, 6, 9, 11, and 15 all discuss the complex cultures and civilizations that emerged in the aftermath of agriculture in the Middle East, Europe, China, and South Africa (as wel
only examples, such as Polynesia). One common element of these societies was the development and practice of social stratification. Define social stratification (2 points), then pick
areas, or culture or site in the area, and discuss two different ways social stratification is evident through the archaeology of that area (4 points each). Be specific, and use specific sit
other archaeological evidence to describe and explain the evidence for social stratification. Use the textbook, films, and lecture to find your examples.
For the toolbar, press ALT+F10 (PC) or ALT+FN+F10 (Mac).
% 0
Q5 2


The Central Cattle Pattern  d. was an early Asian strategy of capturing young wild calves to raise in captivity and then domesticate their offspring.

How to illustrate the information?

Domestication of animals refers to the mutual interaction that exists between animals and humans who have influence over their care and reproduction.

Goats were most likely the first domesticated animals, followed closely by sheep. Chickens were domesticated in Southeast Asia around 10,000 years ago. Later, larger animals, such as oxen or horses, were domesticated for plowing and transportation.

It is important to note that cattles plays an important part in economic growth and in the lives of farmers in developing Asian countries. Livestock contributes significantly to agriculture in the Asian region by providing draft power, manure, fuel, and fertilizer.

Learn more about cattle on:



What are 4 of the main roles of congress ?



The 4 main roles of congress include:

1. Making laws

2. Declaring War

3. Raising and providing public money and oversee its proper expenditure

4. Impeach and try federal officers


May I have Brainliest please? My next rank will be the highest one: A GENIUS! Please help me on this journey to become top of the ranks! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

Making laws
Declaring war
Providing public $$

What is/are Islam's understanding of God/Allah?



I didn't get what you are trying to ask


but Muslims have only one Allah



In Islam, Allah is the unique, omnipotent and only deity and creator of the universe and is equivalent to God in other Abrahamic religions. Allah, an Arabic word, means God, in the monotheistic sense. Allah is the center of the Qur'an and Islam, as is reflected in the Islamic testament of faith, “There is no God but Allah.”

4. Which of the following statements best summarizes Washington's viewpoint on American
(1 point)
foreign policy?
OThe United States can take advantage of Europe's ambition.
O The United States should limit interaction with Europe to commerce,
or trade.
O Europe's interests are similar to those of the United States and should be supported if they
OThe United States should stop trying to influence European politics.


D because in his farewell address to congress he tries to tell the US to not get involved with European affairs

which system of classification do most universities use



The Carnegie Classification system provides an essential framework to study the higher education system and its institutions.

What event ultimately ended the civil war


Answer: General Robert E. Lee of the Confederacy surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia.



Explanation: Seven score and ten years ago, General Robert E. Lee of the Confederacy surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox, Virginia. That spring day in 1865 ultimately marked the closing of the deadliest war in American history.

Were there any famous party leaders for the workers party (1921)?



Workers party is also popularly known as the Communist Labour Party of America, Let's know about the leaders involved in it:

Floated by the coalition casting a ballot of revolutionary, Marxist-impacted parts of the Communist Faction's Unknown dialect Organizations, the Left Wing Segment evidently won a larger part of the 15 seats on the party's overseeing Public Leader Committee as well as balloting for Worldwide representatives and Global Secretary in the 1919 election. Confronting surrendering party control to a forceful Trotskyite Public Chief Panel, the active Public leader Board, directed by James Oneal and Leader Secretary Adolph Germer, pronounced that casting ballot abnormalities had delivered the outcome invalid.

I hope it helps. To know further about party leaders for workers' party refer to: https://brainly.com/question/9170192

How did better farming techniques developed during the Agricultural Revolution lead to increased urbanization and industrialization? (3-5 sentences)


The advancement of tools and machines reduced the demand for rural labor. Because of this, as well as increasingly limited access to land, many rural workers were forced to migrate to cities, eventually meeting the labor demand created by the Industrial Revolution.

Humans industrialized farming during the Second Agricultural Revolution to produce higher crop yields with fewer workers. This allowed for the formation of larger cities and paved the way for the First Industrial Revolution.

The agricultural revolution refers to a series of cultural transformations that allowed humans to transition from a hunting and gathering subsistence to one based on agriculture and animal domestication.

To know more about The agricultural revolution here



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