5. The circle graph shows the favorite music genre of radio listeners. Which of the following 2 categories combinedmake up the biggest percentage?Music PreferenceClassical 10%a. Alternative and classicalb. Country and rock15%AlternativeRock 35%C.Jazz and countryCountry25%Jazz 15%d. Rock and Classical

5. The Circle Graph Shows The Favorite Music Genre Of Radio Listeners. Which Of The Following 2 Categories


Answer 1

rock with 35% and country with 25% are the highest percentages, therefore the answer is: B

Related Questions

Nick writes a check to his friend James Sloan on May 11 for $150.32.
What should he write in the check register and what should the new
balance be?


Nick will write

Date i.e. 11/5/20XX, Description i.e. Pay James, Check Number i.e. 123, Debit i.e. $150.32, Balance i.e. $X - $150.32.

The New balance will be $X - $150.32, where $X is the previous balance.

Given, that Nick writes a check to his friend James Sloan for $150.32 on May 11.

Let suppose Nick had an 'X' amount in his bank account.

He will fill the check register like this

Date           Description       Check Number       Debit       Credit     Balance

11/5/20XX                                                                                                $X

11/5/20XX   Pay James              123                  $150.32              $X-$150.32

Hence, Nick will write

Date i.e. 11/5/20XX

Description i.e. Pay James

Check Number i.e. 123

Debit i.e. $150.32

Balance i.e. $X - $150.32

The New balance will be $X - $150.32 i.e. $150.32 subtracted from the previous balance.

Learn more about Accounting Questions here



In ️FGH, f=65 inches, g=48 inches and h=70 inches. find the measure of


Let's take a look at our triangle:

Using the law of cosines, we'll get that:

[tex]G^2=F^2+H^2-2FH\cos \angle G[/tex]

Solving for angle G, we'll get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} G^2=F^2+H^2-2FH\cos \angle G \\ \rightarrow2FH\cos \angle G^{}=F^2+H^2-G^2 \\ \rightarrow\cos \angle G=\frac{F^2+H^2-G^2}{2FH} \\ \\ \rightarrow\angle G=\cos ^{-1}\frac{F^2+H^2-G^2}{2FH} \end{gathered}[/tex]

This way,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \angle G=\cos ^{-1}\frac{65^2+70^2-48^2}{2(65)(70)} \\ \\ \Rightarrow\angle G=41 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer these two questions


For PART A: the height of the pole in the right angle triangle is 30 ft and the correct option is C

For PART B: the lenght of wire 1 in the right angle triangle is 45 ft and the right option is D

What is a right angle triangle?

A right-angled triangle is a polygon of three sides having one angle as 90 degrees(right angle).

Part A

To calculate the height of the pole in the right angle triangle, we use the formula below.


tan∅ = opposite/adjacent

From the diagram,


∅ = 41°Opposite = Height of the pole = PAdjacent = 34 ft

Substitute these values into equation 1 and solve for P

tan41° = P/34P = 34×tan41°P = 29.55P ≈ 30 ft

Part B

Similarly, fine the length of wire 1, we use the formula below.


cos∅ = Adjacent/Hypotenus.......... Equation 2

From the diagram,


Hypotenus = Wire 1 = x∅  = 41°Adjacent = 34 ft

Substitute these values into equation 2 and solve for x

cos41° = 34/xx = 34/cos41°x = 45.05x ≈ 45 ft

Hence, the height of the pole is 30 ft and the lenght of wire 1 is 45 ft.

Learn more about right angle triangle here: https://brainly.com/question/64787


help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeee


Answer: 9.7 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]16t^2 =1503\\\\t^2 =1503/16\\\\t=\sqrt{1503/16} \text{ } (t > 0)\\\\t \approx 9.7[/tex]

Please can someone answer this question it would be much appreciated
Thanks so much :)



Step-by-step explanation:

In​ 2005, 10.9 out of every 50 employees at a company were women. If there are 41,646 total company​ employees, estimate the number of women.


Number of women's are 9,078.83.

What is Proportional?

Any relationship that is always in the same ratio and quantity which vary directly with each other is called the proportional.

Given that;

In​ 2005, 10.9 out of every 50 employees at a company were women.


Since, In​ 2005, 10.9 out of every 50 employees at a company were women.

Let number of women's in 41,646 total company​ employees = x

So, We can formulate by the definition of proportion as;

⇒ 10.9 / 50 = x / 41,646

Solve for x as;

⇒ 10.9 × 41,646 / 50 = x

⇒ x = 9,078.83

Thus, Number of women's are 9,078.83.

Learn more about the proportion visit:



Which relation is NOT a function?*I am going to send you my answer choices *


th first pic is not a function because a function dont have to values for the same x

the second pic is a function because each value of x has a different result

the third pic is a function because each value of x has a different result

so the first relation is not a function

2. Identify the vertex from the quadratic function y=-5(x-6)^2+8 *


The given function is


This equation represents a parabola which is expressed in its vertex form


Where (h,k) is the vertex. Using this rule, the vertex of the given parabola would be (6,8).

Therefore, the answer is (6,8).

based on historical data, your manager believes that 35% of the company's orders come from first-time customers. a random sample of 62 orders will be used to estimate the proportion of first-time-customers. what is the probability that the sample proportion is less than 0.28?


The probability of the company's order from first-time customers with the sample proportion less than 0.28 will be 0.6103.

Total percent of company’s orders from first-time customers are 35%

Probability of the company's orders from first-time customers are 35/100 = 0.35.

Total number of customers in the random sample is 62.

Minimum given probability of company’s order from first time customers is 0.28

And the minimum probability of company’s order not from first time customers will be 1 - 0.28 = 0.72


As per the given question, Let P(z<0.28) is the required probability, where

Z = (0.28 - 0.35)/sqrt(0.28x0.72/62)

  = (0.28 - 0.35)/sqrt(0.28x0.0112)

  =(0.28 - 0.35)sqrt(0.003250)

  = (-0.07)/sqrt(0.003250)

  = -0.07/0.057

  = -1.228

From the z-score, we can get P( z<0.28 ) = 0.6103 ( From standard normal table )

To know more about z-score, visit here:



Rewrite the following rectangular equation in polar form assuming a is a real constant.x2 + y2 = 11a=



The polar form is

r = √11a


The given equation is

x^2 + y^2 = 11a


x = rcosθ

y = rsinθ

By substituting these values into the equation, we have

(rcosθ )^2 + ( rsinθ)^2 = 11a

r^2cos^2θ + r^2sin^2θ = 11a

r^2cos^2θ + r^2sin^2θ - 11a = 0

By factorizing r^2, we have

r^2(cos^2θ + sin^2θ) = 11a

Recall, cos^2θ + sin^2θ = 1

Thus, we have

r^2 = 11a

Taking the square root of both sides,

r = √11a

The polar form is

r = √11a

The table compares the time at which Layne got on the bus to school (in minutes after 8am) and the duration of the ride(in minutes after 8 am) and the duration of the ride(in minutes), for several days.Can the duration of the ride be represented as a function of the time layne got on the bus?



Yes, it can.


First of all, let us sort the data according to increasing value:

Time (minutes) 18 20 20 22 22 23 25 30

Duration (minutes) 38 40 42 41 42 44 47 52

As we can already see, the duration of the ride seems to increase as the amount of time after 8 am that she got on the bus.

This means that the Duration of the ride and the time Layne got on the bus have a linear relationship and so, YES, the duration of the ride can be represented as a function of the time Layne got on the bus.

Please i need your help! What is the slope of each line segment of QRS


Answer:ez 90 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the value of the missing exponent in the equation 652 : 10- = 0.652?


Given the following expression:


notice that the right side of the equation has a decimal number that goes up to the thousandth, therefore, the missing exponent in the equation is 3, since:


Write each equation in slope intercept form.
12x + 4y = 8


Slope-intercept form:

This is a way we can organize a linear equation:


m = slopeb = y-intercept

Solving the Question

We're given:

[tex]12x + 4y = 8[/tex]

To organize this equation in slope-intercept form, we have to focus on isolating y:

[tex]12x + 4y = 8\\4y = - 12x +8\\y = - 3x +2[/tex]


[tex]y = - 3x +2[/tex]

The answer is y= negative 3 plus 2

What is a proportional relationship in YOUR OWN WORDS


If all of the ratios of the variables are equal, then there is a proportional link between the two variables.

Explain about the proportional relationship?

One variable is usually a constant value multiplied by the other in proportional interactions. The proportionality constant is the name given to the constant value.

A set of equal ratios connected to one another by a constant of proportionality make up a proportional relationship between two quantities. Different, related representations of proportional connections include tables, equations, graphs, and written descriptions.

We'll now look at a real-world illustration of a proportionate relationship: There is a correlation between the quantity of fuel we put in our car's tank and the price we will have to pay when we fill it up. In other words, we will pay more money the more gas we put in.

To learn more about proportional relationship refer to:



x^ • x^3 = 1/x^2


Step-by-step explanation:

x^y × x^3 = 1/(x^2) = x^(-2)

that means

y + 3 = -2

y = -5

the missing exponent is -5

x^(-5) × x^3 = 1/(x^2)


Step-by-step explanation:

Hi Ashley,    this looks harder than it really is  :)

recall your powers rules

so  [tex]x^{2}[/tex]  *  [tex]x^{2}[/tex] = [tex]x^{2+2}[/tex]=[tex]x^{4}[/tex]

knowing that you can probably figure this out.  But I'll help anyway

[tex]x^{?+3}[/tex] = 1 / [tex]x^{2}[/tex]

now flip over the fraction to make this even easier

[tex]x^{?+3}[/tex] = [tex]x^{-2}[/tex]

ohhhh  I bet you can see it now, huh

we just need  3 plus something to equal -2

that's negative 5 ,  right???

[tex]x^{-5+3}[/tex] = [tex]x^{-2}[/tex]

ahh, nice  , now just break it back up

[tex]x^{-5}[/tex] * [tex]x^{3}[/tex] = 1 / [tex]x^{2}[/tex]

got it???

Together, the areas of the rectangles sum to 30 square centimeters.



Area of the rectangle = length x breadth

A. Write an equation to showing relationship between x and y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area = length x breadth} \\ A=l\text{ x b} \\ A_1=3x \\ A_2=2y \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} A_1+A_2=30_{} \\ 3x+2y=30 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The equation for the relationship between x and y is

3x + 2y = 30

[tex]g(x) = 3 log(x + 7) - 8[/tex]is this function increasing or decreasing?


Given function : g(x)=3log(x+7) -8

A function is said to be increasing if the derivative of the function is greater than 0,

and it said to be decreasing tof the derivative of the function is less than 0,

Differentiate the given function with respect to x,

[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=3\log (x+7)-8 \\ \frac{dg(x)}{dx}=\frac{d(3\log (x+7)-8)}{dx} \\ g^{\prime}(x)=3\frac{d\log (x+7)}{dx}-\frac{d(8)}{dx} \\ g^{\prime}(x)=\frac{3}{x+7}-0 \\ g^{\prime}(x)=\frac{3}{x+7} \\ \text{ since if x}>7\text{ then the function will be negative, } \\ g^{\prime}(x)<0, \\ \text{thus function at }7Answer :

at x >7 , the function g(x) will be decreasing

at x <7 the function g(x) will be increasing.



Answer: $5 for each vinyl,$4 for each CD,and $1 for each electronic download

Step-by-step explanation:


$5 vinyl

$4 CD

$1 every electronic download

Step-by-step explanation:

good luck

Find the area of the polygon. (hint: you need to solve for missing apothem or sides).Also round the area to the nearest whole number



The hexagon given is a regular hexagon. With apothem of 15 in

Area of a hexagon =

[tex]\begin{gathered} =\frac{1}{2}\times a\times P \\ \text{where a = apothem} \\ p=\text{perimeter of the hexagon} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let us calculate the perimeter of the hexagon

From the triangle above,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{tan 60=}\frac{15}{x} \\ x\text{ tan 60 = 15} \\ x=\frac{15}{\tan 60} \\ x=5\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\text{The side length of the hexagon = 2x = 2(5}\sqrt[]{3})\text{ = 10}\sqrt[]{3}\text{ in}[/tex][tex]\text{The perimeter of the hexagon = 6 x 10}\sqrt[]{3}\text{ = 60}\sqrt[]{3}\text{ in}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Area of the hexagon = }\frac{1}{2}\times a\times P \\ =\frac{1}{2}\text{ x 15 x 60}\sqrt[]{3} \\ =779.42in^2 \\ \\ Hence,\text{ the area of the polygon is }779in^2\text{ (to nearest wholw number)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Lines AB and CD are straight lines. Find x and y. Picture attached/


By using properties of angles, it is obtained that

x = 18.5°, y = 37°


When two straight lines intersect, an angle is formed. The point of intersection is called the vertex of the angle and the lines are called the arms of the angle.


[tex]\angle COF = 90^{\circ}\\[/tex]

By the problem,

4x + 90  + 16 = 180 [Angle on a straight line]

4x + 106 = 180

4x = 180 - 106

4x = 74

[tex]\\x = \frac{74}{4}\\x = 18.5^{\circ}[/tex]

AB and CD are straight lines

[tex]\angle DOB = 16^{\circ}[/tex]  [Vertically opposite angle]

By the problem,

90 + 2y + 16 = 180 [ Angle on a straight line]

2y  + 106 = 180

2y = 180 - 106

2y = 74

[tex]y = \frac{74}{2}\\y = 37^{\circ}[/tex]

To learn more about angle, refer to the link-



I need help again, please.




Step-by-step explanation:

according to the rules of polynomial

f(-4) is the same thing as (x+4)

f(6) is the same thing as (x-6)


x+4=0; x=-4

x-6=0; x=6





award me

1.5x - 0.25y + 3.5x - 0.75y




Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

1. (1.5x+3.5x)-(0.25y+0.75y)

2. 5x-y

3. The answer is 5x-y.

help fast!
make up a word problem that can be represented with y=3.5x


The equation can be used for "the total cost of buying x chocolate bars, such that each one costs $3.50"

How to make a word problem that can be represented by that equation?

Here we have the linear equation:

y = 3.5*x

And we want to make a word problem that can be represented by this.

The simplest example would be something like "the total cost of buying x items of a cost equal to the constant of proportionality"

So let's suppose that there is a chocolate bar in a given store that costs $3.50 per unit.

So, if you buy x of these, the total cost will be modeled (in dollars) by the equation:

y = 3.50*x

Which is the same equation that we have above:

y = 3.5*x

Where the second 0 on the constant factor is trivial and can not be written.

Learn more about linear equations:



Question content area top
Part 1
A ramp forms the angles shown to the right. What are the values of a and​ b?




B= 29

Step-by-step explanation:

Round 7605 to the nearest hundred.


When rounding a number such as 7605 to the nearest hundred, we use the following rules:

A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above.

B) We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below.

C) If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.

In this case, Rule B applies and 7605 rounded to the nearest hundred is:



Your answer would be 7,600.

Step-by-step explanation:

7,605 rounded to the nearest hundred would be 7,600 because:

The 7 is the thousands.

The 6 is the hundreds.

The 0 is the tens

The 5 is the ones.

So, we need to find which number makes sense to round. Is 605 closer to 600 or 700? 600. So, we have: 7,600

May I have Brainliest please? My next rank will be the highest one: A GENIUS! Please help me on this journey to become top of the ranks! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

A car is traveling at a steady speed. It travels 2 1/3 miles in 3 1/2 minutes. How far will it travel in 49 minutes​? In ​one hour?


In 49 minutes the car will travel 2/147 miles

In 60 minutes the car will travel 1/90 miles

How to determine how far the car will travel in 49 minutes

The concept of average speed is used here. The formula is

= distance covered / time

= 2 1/3 / 3 1/2

= 2.3333 / 3.5

= 2/3

= 0.6667 miles per minutes

In 49 minutes

2/3 = distance  / 49

distance = 2/3 / 49

distance  = 2/147

= 0.0136 miles

In one hour = 60 minutes

distance = 2/3 / 60

distance = 1/90

= 0.0111 miles

Learn more about distance covered here:



A line segment is graphed on the coordinate plane. What point divides this segment in the ratio 2:3 ?


we have the points

A (1,-2) and B(5,3)

Find out the point (x,y) that divide the segment AB in a ratio 2:3

that means


step 1

Find out the horizontal distance AB

ABx=5-1=4 units

Find out the vertical distance AB

ABy=3-(-2)=5 units

step 2

we have that

the horizontal distance between A and x is


AX=(2/3)XB -----> equation 1

AX+XB=4 -----> equation 2

substitute equation 1 in equation 2





the x-coordinate of X is


Find out the y-cpoordinate

AX=(2/3)XB -----> equation 1

AX+XB=5 ------> equation 2

substitute equation 1 in equation 2




the y-coordinate of X is


answer is

the coordinate of the point is (2.6,0)

answer is option A

Milo can run 12 miles in 60 minutes. He needs to reduce his time by 19%. Approximately how many minutes does he have to take off his time? Round to the nearest whole number.


Milo needs to cover 12 miles in 48.6 minutes, as the percentage.

What is percentage?

A percentage that represents a tenth of a quantity. One percent, denoted by the symbol 1%, is equal to one-hundredth of something; hence, 100 percent denotes the full thing, and 200 percent designates twice the amount specified. A portion per hundred is what the percentage denotes. The percentage refers to one in a hundred. The % sign is used to denote it.

Milo can run 12 miles in 60 minutes.

She needs to reduce the time by 19%

So we have to calculate the 19%of 60

= 19/100* 60

=57/5 minutes

= 11.4

So the time he needs to achieve will be 60-11.4 = 48.6 minutes.

Hence, he needs to cover 12 miles in 48.6 minutes.

Learn more about Percentage, by the following link.



Use the future value formula to find the indicated value.FV = $3648, n = 22; i = 0.08; PMT = ?PMT =?(Round to the nearest cent.)


To calculate the periodic payment (PMT) we use the following formula:

[tex]\text{PMT}=\frac{FV\times i}{(1+i)^n-1}[/tex]

Where "FV" is the Future Value, "i" is the interest rate, and "n" is the number of periods. Replacing the known values we get:


Solving the operations:


Other Questions
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