What was an effect of the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906?


Answer 1
The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency, the Food and Drug Administration

Related Questions

Which of the following is filed when a Supreme Court judge asks to review a decision from a lower court? *
66 points
Summary Judgement
Court Order
Petition for Writ of Certiorari
Judicial Review

pls help i need this for a test!


D judicial reviewwwweee

Using complete sentences, discuss why many people view Confucianism as a philosophical belief system instead of a traditional religion.



Confucianism built on an ancient religious foundation to establish the social values, institutions, and transcendent ideals of traditional Chinese society.


Hope this helps.


Many people do not consider Confucianism a religion because it doesn’t follow many of the traditions that religions typically adhere to. Confucianism has no clergy or priests of any kind and doesn’t teach the existence of any god or the possibility that life could exist after death. Instead, Confucianism focuses on a moral code, the belief that a person should apply to a certain set of standards to their behavior.



Answer: true





A teacher saves P5,000 every 6 months in the bank that pays 0.25% compounded monthly. How much will be her savings after 10 ears?


Answer: $101,197


First find the periodic interest rate for 6 months because the rate is per year.

= 0.25% / 2

= 0.125%

There are 2 semi annual periods in a year so in 10 years:

= 2 * 10

= 20 periods

Use future value of annuity formula:

= Amount * ((1 + rate)^periods - 1) / rate

= 5,000 * (( 1 + 0.125%) ²⁰ - 1) / 0.125%

= $101,196.45

= $101,197

It is actually all of the answers displayed



huh  is there a question to this or......???




ooo yes i do


why do you think that some
Congressmen wanted Texas to be split in both free and slave territories?



maybe because Texas laws are less strict than some of the ones in other places


What is the American dream and what has happened to it



the United States of America could dream how didn't i knew that

In a free market economy, who is primarily
responsible for making economic decisions
about consumption, savings, and production?



One of the most important characteristics of a market economy, also called a free enterprise economy, is the role of a limited government.


Most economic decisions are made by buyers and sellers, not the government. A competitive market economy promotes the (4) efficient use of its resources.

Why was Isaac Newton famous?



Because of all he did for the laws of motion, and inventions of other stuff.


Besides his work on universal gravitation (gravity), Newton developed the three laws of motion which form the basic principles of modern physics. His discovery of calculus led the way to more powerful methods of solving mathematical problems.

Hope this helped! Have a nice day! Plz mark as brainliest!!! :D


he developed the theory of gravity and the laws of motion, along with calculus and discovered information on reflecting telescopes

Which of the following would Lester Maddox MOST LIKELY have agreed with during his time as a business owner?
People should be treated the same, regardless of the color of their skin
Martin Luther King Jr was the greatest Georgian of the Modern Civil Rights era.
Schools should follow the example set by the University of Georgia and integrate.
A businessman has the right do with his property as he sees it and should not be required to act based on decisions of the Supreme Court





I took the test and got it right.

Select 3 answers that apply


1,4,5 are the correct answers for this question!!!!!!!

How was nationalism a driving force behind the unification of Germany and Italy?


Nationalism is a unifying effect when it comes to history. Areas with similar languages and values have a lot to say, when you see that much is similar you realize that it is often better together. In Germany, the pus factor was Prussia's expansionism that might start it. This is similar to Italy, where several people speak the same language and share the same values.

Which of these was a reason that Prussia was able to gain control over the German states and
push for full unification in 1871?

O all of the above

O consisted of a large German population

O it had a powerful army

O it won wars against France and Austria


all of the above :):):):):):)):):)::)(::

Answer: all of the above i think


In the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the idea of popular sovereignty meant what?



The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that mandated “popular sovereignty”–allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state's borders


What is a millet? Who lived in them?



Image result for What is a millet? Who lived in them?

In the Ottoman Empire, a millet (Turkish: [millet]) was an independent court of law pertaining to "personal law" under which a confessional community (a group abiding by the laws of Muslim Sharia, Christian Canon law, or Jewish Halakha) was allowed to rule itself under its own laws.


 there you go have a wonderful day

explain the significance of Pearl Harbor for Japanese-Americans



on December 7th 1941 Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the United States naval Base at Pearl harbor located in the island of oahu. the attack not only brought America in the world war ii, but race suspicions of citizens and immigrants of Japanese descent. following the Pearl harbor attack however a wave of anti Japanese suspicion and fear led to the Roosevelt administration to adopt a Jurassic policy towards these residents alien and citizen alike. virtually all Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and property in living camps for most of the war.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!


In all, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor crippled or destroyed nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes. Dry docks and airfields were likewise destroyed. Most important, 2,403 sailors, soldiers, and civilians were killed and about 1,000 people were wounded.


hope this helps...

Which of these constitutional amendments made all people born or naturalized in the United States into citizens of the United States?




The correct answer is the Fourteenth amendment.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlineast.




took test




Reason and evidence are the same as claims is not true about claims in argumentative writing. A claim is an experience that you and/or another person talks about happening. Reasons are what attempts to justify a claim. Evidence is what backs up your claim (Example: DNA/Forensic evidence, texts, emails, audio recordings, video recordings, etc.)


Read the text then use the drop-down menus to complete the statements about savannas port brainly


You need to put pictures so that people can help.




I'm thinking its the first and the third one


i did some research and apparently claims are statements about what is true or good or about what should be done or believed.

i hope this helps

1. List the names and accomplishments of two women's rights reformers from the 1800s (4 points)



1) Women’s rights movement, also called women’s liberation movement, diverse social movement, largely based in the United States, that in the 1960s and ’70s sought equal rights and opportunities and greater personal freedom for women. It coincided with and is recognized as part of the “second wave” of feminism. While the first-wave feminism of the 19th and early 20th centuries focused on women’s legal rights, especially the right to vote (see women’s suffrage), the second-wave feminism of the women’s rights movement touched on every area of women’s experience—including politics, work, the family, and sexuality. Organized activism by and on behalf of women continued through the third and fourth waves of feminism from the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, respectively. For more discussion of historical and contemporary feminists and the women’s movements they inspired, see feminism.

2)Prologue To A Social Movement:-

In the aftermath of World War II, the lives of women in developed countries changed dramatically. Household technology eased the burdens of homemaking, life expectancies increased dramatically, and the growth of the service sector opened up thousands of jobs not dependent on physical strength. Despite these socioeconomic transformations, cultural attitudes (especially concerning women’s work) and legal precedents still reinforced sexual inequalities. An articulate account of the oppressive effects of prevailing notions of femininity appeared in Le Deuxième Sexe (1949; The Second Sex), by the French writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. It became a worldwide best seller and raised feminist consciousness by stressing that liberation for women was liberation for men too.

3)Reformers And Revolutionaries :-

Initially, women energized by Friedan’s book joined with government leaders and union representatives who had been lobbying the federal government for equal pay and for protection against employment discrimination. By June 1966 they had concluded that polite requests were insufficient. They would need their own national pressure group—a women’s equivalent of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). With this, the National Organization for Women (NOW) was born.

4)Successes And Failures

With the eventual backing of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (1965), women gained access to jobs in every corner of the U.S. economy, and employers with long histories of discrimination were required to provide timetables for increasing the number of women in their workforces. Divorce laws were liberalized; employers were barred from firing pregnant women; and women’s studies programs were created in colleges and universities. Record numbers of women ran for—and started winning—political office. In 1972 Congress passed Title IX of the Higher Education Act, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program receiving federal funds and thereby forced all-male schools to open their doors to women and athletic programs to sponsor and finance female sports teams. And in 1973, in its controversial ruling on Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion.


I think those much are enough my friend,



 After World War II the ways that women worked were changed drastically such as jobs not depending of physical  work. Notations of femininity appeared in Le Deuxieme Sexe, the book became a world wide best seller and aware people by feminists. In 1965, women were welcomed to new jobs that didn't need a drastic amount of physical and more of mental knowledge so for that to happen women would succeed more in there education which raised more respect for women.


creds to the guy above

Which of the following is not an accurate statement about Slave Spirituals?
a. They allowed slaves to win favor with their masters, who found the songs entertaining and
b. They provided slaves with an outlet to express their feelings in songs.
C. They allowed slaves to practice Christianity.
d. They enabled slaves to communicate with each other in code.


C is the answer to your question

Where do most Indians wind up living as settlers moved west ?





Up north, in regions like Nebraska, CO, Montana. In reservations.

Density is the amount of mass in a given volume of material.






read answer




hope this Helped you out

What condition contributed to the revival of learning during the high middle ages



The Middle Ages was a period of history that came after the fall of Rome and before the Renaissance. The dates for this time period are roughly between 476 AD to 1400 AD.


What industry suffered the most from the expansion of railroad networks in the



The railroad shops across North America represented a large portion of the continent's industrial capacity. ... Railroads even helped shape the physical growth of cities and towns, as steam railroads and then electric street railways facilitated growth along their lines and made suburban living feasible.

Explanation: Please mark brainliest if can :)

What did Greece do to protect themselves after the wars were over?



Athens, and other Greek cities, sent aid, but were quickly forced to back down after defeat in 494 BCE. Subsequently, the Persians suffered many defeats at the hands of the Greeks, led by the Athenians. ... The end of the Persian Wars led to the rise of Athens as the leader of the Delian League.


What events led to the retreat of the Confederate soldiers? I'll give brainlist..​



The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865, near the town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia, and led to Confederate General Robert E. Lee's surrender of his Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S.


Explain one way in which exchange networks affected agriculture during the period 1200 - 1450.



Unit 2: Networks of Exchange (c. 1200-1450):


Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads, trans-Saharan trade network, and Indian Ocean—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.

People that are bulimic , when they purge do they lose a lot of weight?


Answer: While it is most common among young women, bulimia can affect women and men of all ages. When you’re struggling with the eating disorder, life is a constant battle between the desire to lose weight and the overwhelming compulsion to binge eat. You don’t want to binge—you know you’ll feel guilty and ashamed afterwards—but time and again you give in. After the binge ends, panic sets in and you turn to drastic measures to “undo” your overeating, such as taking laxatives, vomiting, or going for an intense run.


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