What was a direct result of the end of apartheid in South Africa?

What Was A Direct Result Of The End Of Apartheid In South Africa?


Answer 1


C is the answer according to me

hope its ture

Answer 2




i took the test

Related Questions

• state any six characteristics of present society​



I don't know Cosmo speak so so slick clean


chicken Slap slick scratch Olympic what Aztec knock sarcasm KYescutcheon


Six of the most important characteristics are: cities, government, religion, social structure, writing and art.

1. Why is non-violent protest effective?


Because it brings light to an issue without turning people against it, like violent protest tends to do.
fighting fire with fire when it comes to an important cause doesn’t rlly work. people start to become opposed when they see violent protesters. peaceful protests are much better. when people see peaceful protests being fought with aggression it makes you think twice. and violence is never the answer! :) hope this helps

1. Even though African Americans were free in the northern states, they
still faced poverty, discrimination and racism. True or false






Use the information to answer the following question.
• Few trade barriers
• Laws protect private property
• Courts enforce laws to protect consumers and businesses
• Prices for goods and service are based on what consumer agree to pay
What type of economy do these statements describe?
CA Pure command
CB Communist
C. Mixed
D. Pure market



D. Pure market


Hope this helps (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

did The arrival of the Conquistadors in the valley of Mexico marked the decline of the Aztec civilization?





Explain the social, economic, or political costs of the American Civil War.



The Civil War destroyed slavery and devastated the southern economy, and it also acted as a catalyst to transform America into a complex modern industrial society of capital, technology, national organizations, and large corporations.The Civil War confirmed the single political entity of the United States, led to freedom for more than four million enslaved Americans, established a more powerful and centralized federal government, and laid the foundation for America's emergence as a world power in the 20th century.The total direct cost of the war to the North was about 3.4 billion 1860 -dollars. The expenditure by the federal govern- ment on soldiers' pay plus bounties and the physical machinery of war accounts for a little more than one half of this total.It improved commercial opportunities, the construction of towns along both lines, a quicker route to markets for farm products, and other economic and industrial changes. During the war, Congress also passed several major financial bills that forever altered the American monetary system.

please give me brainliest.

number 2

regulating labor practices, improving housing and prison conditions, and equal rights for women and ethic minorities are objectives of which progressive platform?

A. Efficiency and sanitation
B. Fair Treatment of citizens
C. State Rights
D. Regulation of Wealth


The Answer is B

I hope it’s helps bestie ❤️

Why did events in the Gulf matter, 1970-2000? Explain your answer



The Gulf War was the result of the aggression of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who tried to take over Kuwait in August 1990.


Coalition forces first gathered in Saudi Arabia to protect the oil-rich country from Iraqi aggression; then used air and ground strikes to push Iraq forces out of Kuwait in early 1991.

The policy Stalin used to fight off the Germans was called ____. *



Operation Barbarossa


Where is the area around 54°40?
Astoria, Oregon
Beginning of the Overland Trail
O C.
Mountains in what is now British Colombia
Santa Fe Region
O E. Valleys of California





Oregon Territory

The are around 54 degrees 40' or Fight is the southern boundary of the United States with Mexico which is a western territory that is under dispute. The Oregon Territory covered modern states of Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. Also, it includes the western coast of Canada up to the border of Russian Alaska.

Cause Effect Radical Republicans hope to protect freed slaves political rights in the South A. Radical Republicans cut off funding to the Freedman's Bureau B. Radical Republicans pass the Reconstruction Acts. C. Radical Republicans support democrat candidates for president. D. Radical Republicans remove Johnson from office.



B. Radical Republicans pass the Reconstruction Acts.



In what way were the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali similar?
A. Both kingdoms practiced their native religions instead of
converting to Islarating
B. Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade
C. Both kingdoms developed close relationships with the Tang
D. Both kingdoms converted to Christianity because of contact with


The kingdoms of Ghana and Mali were similar in that both kingdoms developed close relationships with the Tang Dynasty. Option C is correct.

What was the Tang dynasty?

Corresponds to the Chinese Li Yuan dynasty that ruled China in the period 618-906. It stood out as a period of great developments in Chinese society in respect of the economy, culture, stability and world influence.

Considered the golden age of China, the Tang dynasty had several conquests in the world, such as territorial expansion and alliances with various kingdoms, such as the kingdoms of Ghana and Mali.

Therefore, the period ruled by the Tang dynasty in China is marked by international alliances, economic prosperity and the pacification of the country.

Find out more about Tang dynasty on:




Both kingdoms grew wealthy from taxing and controlling trade routes

Why do you think the Kim regime sees the U.S. as its greatest enemy?




Kim Jong Un sees the US as its enemy because the US sided with South Korea in a war that the North saw as a war unification

In which age bracket in the U.S are people of color currently the majority?



between the ages of 25 and 54.



According to the latest projections from the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the United States will be “majority-minority”1—majority people of color—in 2043. For the working-age population (those between the ages of 18 and 64) the transition takes place in 2039


This is the site I got the info from: https://www.epi.org/publication/the-changing-demographics-of-americas-working-class/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20latest%20projections,transition%20takes%20place%20in%202039.

What is the primary language in South America? O Spanish O Portuguese French O English​





Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


O Spanish


Why is time important to suppliers to meet demand? (Site 1)


It's essential for your suppliers to keep their end of the deal and deliver materials on time so you can keep your production process on track. The bull whip effect happens when consumer demand for a product changes, prompting companies in a supply chain to order more products to meet the demand.

What did the Mexican American War mean for the population of California?
•Whoever gets it right will get a brainlest whatever its called!! ​


it might be one of those ones, i’m not to sure

What is the present form of government in Suriname? O democracy dictatorship monarchy O republic​



Politics of Suriname take place in a framework of a representative democratic assembly-independent republic, whereby the president of Suriname is the head of state and head of government, and of a pluriform multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government.

This is talking about globalization and GDP for Econ. I need help!

Now that you have researched and gathered data, it’s time to create a short outline for your paragraph. Be sure to define a clear topic, and list some important evidence that you will use to educate your reader.



technology over the past 10 years has changed very much with more people having access to technology know it is easier for many people to communicate around the world which allows for globalization. this helps us trade more because of communication which allows to live in our world today.


good luck

como era la vida de los campesinos de la rusia zarista​



Although serfdom officially ended in 1861, peasants were taxed heavily and had limited access to land, so most peasant families continued to live in constant poverty well in the 1900s. Peasants also held a near religious devotion to the czar, who seemed to some peasants as nearly as powerful and awesome as God.


Which technology was advanced by Michael Dell and led to the creation of a major
Texas Industry?




PC (personal computer)


Youre welcome and good luck

Explain where you would want to live if you were: A- a factory owner. Think of the activities of each person to give a reason why.



well I was going to be the factory owner then I would live in the seaside between ocean and forest and made my factory there.so that I could cut forests for medicine and water for producing electricity that would make me profit and die to living in sea side it would be easy for me to transfer the orders throught the help of ship!! and sitting in peace place gives me relaxation through which I could thinkd of new idea and make even more profit!!

mark me as brainliest if it helped you

which of the following was a result of the desire to expand slavery from 1800 to 1850

The Missouri compromise

the tariff of 1816

The war of 1812

The California gold rush



I just did this and i am sure that it is the war of 1812.


I got it correct when i did it, hope this helps

Hurry plzzz

What impact did new technologies in the assembly
and manufacturing have on the auto industry in the
Car production continued at roughly the same pace.
Trucks outnumbered passenger cars in sales.
Truck production increased rapidly.
Car production increased rapidly.



It had a very positive impact because the 1920's was when many new technologies were introduced, one example being the the assembly line, which made many industries more productive and profitable.


Hope this helps!


The answer is D: Car production increased rapidly.


TO DEHtory A The Medex
TC Copy of Assessment Dailyex
Q Aztec Empire Part 1 - Final Flashx
riptions teachtci com/shared/programs/343/lessons/1937/assessments/762235
Applying Social Studies Skills
Use the passage below and your knowledge of history to answer the questions.
In the Market Place of Tenochtitlán From earliest dawn troops of country people had thronged the three great causeways leading from
the mainland, and poured over them into the city. Fleets of canoes from Tezcuco, on the opposite side of the lake, and from various
smaller cities and villages on its border, were constantly arriving [loaded] with parties of expectant sight-seers. Thus the avenues,
streets, and squares, as well as the enclosures of the six hundred teocallis, or temples of the city, were filled, soon after sunrise, by an
eager and joyous multitude [great number of people)... To name all the commodities (goods] offered for sale in this vast market-place
would be a tedious task for in all Tenochtitlán were no stores, nor shops, nor places for trade, save this. - Kirk Munroe, The White
Conquerors: A Tale of Toltec and Aztec, 1893
17. According to this passage, what are two ways that people entered Tenochtitlán?




Tenochtitlan was located on a swampy island in Lake Texcoco in what is today south central Mexico. The Aztecs were able to settle there because no one else wanted the land. At first, it wasn't a great place to start a city, but soon the Aztecs built up islands where they could grow crops. The water also worked as a natural defense against attacks from other cities.

what were the achievements of political parties in Nepal?plz give long answer​





Parties ................

Which is an accurate description of American culture in the 1920s?
Americans were cautious due to hard economic times.
Americans enjoyed new forms of entertainment and leisure.
Americans used art and entertainment as a way to cope with
Americans believed in maintaining the traditional lifestyle of
earlier generations.


Answer: D


Why is the agricultural workforce an indicator of low-level development?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Why is the agricultural workforce an indicator of low-level development?

Because in developing countries there is not a large industry because governments do not have the capacity or the programs to support the development of a solid industry and the technology to help the country grow.

Private companies find it difficult to invest in industries, and there are just a few that work in these countries.

That is why in these kinds of countries, agriculture plays a major role in the economy, because many developing countries have enough raw materials and natural resources, but no money to build industries to transform those raw materials and natural resources into goods to export and sell.

So the economy is based on agriculture, the export of cash crops, and the internal consumption of those crops to feed the people.

What advantage does nuclear power have over the burning of fossil fuels?

A. Nuclear power does not produce electricity.
B. Nuclear power does not pollute the air.
C. Nuclear power does not produce radioactive waste.
D. Nuclear power does not create safety and health concerns.





fossil fuels pollute the air, while nuclear power is often far cleaner of a fuel source.


B. ) Nuclear power does not pollute the air.


is the second-largest country in the world. Only Russia is larger.
a. China
b. USA
C. Canada
d. Brazil



Actually it would be the Antarctic Penguin Empire, but otherwise it is Canada.


Try searching stuff up :D

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