7. Which art movement was politically active and focused on idea and performance rather than subject matter?


Answer 1




The art of Dadaism was focused on performance and printed matter.

Answer 2
Answer: Dadaism


Related Questions

TC Cannon was Hopi Indian True or False​





ahelm, el eppe chubanai loca kerosene keallda rocao crela es nailo fiïlee mundane rojando aodwes, do rehabilitation.
desa movo raco mose sua ejsey aqkel ajrhah eiaorls nehai roapek aheidm aheidldms fielding foeld d shun, whis aoep oealta orla delight labeh kebnah fuana. ( MOLAHSUA MAOSJ)

Norman Lewis art brought in as much auction value as his peers during the same era true or false​





Truebsbdbsueuwueueue wueueyeueueuejsjsyyy

Astro Boy was written by Miyazaki and turned into a Studio Ghibli production True or False​





it wasnt written by miyazaki


was the most important genre to Classical composers.


Pretty sure the correct answer is:

A) Symphony

Hope this helps!! :)

Shapes derived from mechanical , human -made objects





Which of the following is most likely the reason for a city to reject an artist's proposal to create a religious mural on the side of the city library?
A. The wall is too large for the subject matter.
B. The location is inappropriate for the subject matter.
C. The wall is deteriorating and won’t support the mural.
D. The wall is too small for the subject matter.



The location inappropriate for the subject matter


When you are dealing with religion must places won't let you place murals outside

Can public art instill a sense of civic identity?


here is your answer


Art can celebrate the qualities that make one place different from another. The best of public art can challenge, delight, educate and illuminate




It can make somebody develop a broader sense of what the art is depicting

hay i need a trumpet player what are the fingerings for #F A G C


hi! i took a photo of the fingerings that i wrote down. i hope this helps!

D, Two normal
0. The part of a circle bounded by a cada
A. Quadrant
B. Segment
C, Sector
D, Semi-circle






Part bounded by a chord

A chord divides a circle into two unequal parts; these parts are referred to as segments.

The bigger side is referred to as the major segment; while the smaller side is the minor segment.

Hence, (b) Segment is true.

Name all the notes in Part A of Dona Nobis
What key is the song in?
Name all the scale degrees in Part A (Do-Re-Mi, etc)




note do re me fa so la ti do fr mi re do

Your friend Darius is working on a class project on effigy mounds. He asks you to listen to his main facts about effigy mounds to see if they are
all correct before he presents. Which one of his facts is NOT correct?
OA. They are found in the upper Midwest of the United States.
OB. The earliest effigy mounds created in the shape of animals could be up to 3,000 years old.
Ос. .
It is estimated that up to 20,000 effigy mounds were created just in Wisconsin.
OD. The mound builders suddenly stopped creating them due to a sudden volcano eruption





"The mound builders suddenly stopped creating them due to a sudden volcano eruption" is not correct. Option (d) is not correct.

What do you mean by Project?

A project is described as a series of tasks that must be finished in order to achieve a specific result.

Some archaeologists think they were constructed to commemorate seasonal or astronomical phenomena. Others think they may have served as group or territory boundaries when they were built. The Effigy Mounds Culture continues to be represented by the animal-shaped mounds.

The effigy mound is a ceremonial mound as well as a burial mound, but its primary purpose seems to be ceremonial. Only twenty to twenty-five percent of them have any funeral supplies. The 137-foot-long and 70-foot-wide Great Bear Mound is one of the largest effigies that guests can see.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct. The mound builders suddenly stopped creating them due to a sudden volcano eruption.

Learn more about Project, here;



Imagine that you have been hired on a trial basis in one of the most prestigious restaurants in Los Angeles. One of the chefs tells you that the best way to get hired is by employing initiative and following directions and procedures independently. Describe possible ways that you could demonstrate these qualities during your trial basis in order to get hired permanently.


Answer: If I'm told to do something or already know what to do then I would do it. Try to work with other people, you can't do everything on your own. If you don't understand something, that's okay. Just ask for help if you need it, this shows communication and a want to learn. Although you need to ask for help, don't keep asking the same thing over and over again, and definitely don't ask something that you already know, this shows you have not learned anything.

Explanation: If you have any questions just ask, I would be very happy to be helpful.

It would follow instructions if I knew what to do or had been advised to. Try to collaborate with others; you can't accomplish everything by yourself. It's okay if you don't comprehend anything. Simply asking for assistance when you need it demonstrates communication and a desire to learn.

What is communication?

Giving, receiving, and exchanging information are all parts of communication, which might take the form of talking, writing, listening, or reading. Communication is the process through which information is conveyed between people using a common set of symbols, signs, or actions. Effective communicators pay close attention to what others are saying, speak or write clearly, and respect the ideas of others.

Communication can be done in four main ways: passively, aggressively, passively-aggressively, and assertively. Understanding each communication style and the motivations behind its use is crucial.

In daily life, communication enables us to connect with people, share our experiences and needs, and strengthen our bonds. It gives us the chance to communicate our views, share information, and express our emotions.

Thus, It would follow instructions if I knew what to do or had been advised to.

For more information about communication, click here:



What are aliens like?



Well they are green, and they have big black eyes.


What have you never seen any alien movies or TV shows?

Which photographic technique was used by renaissance painters for accuracy? * Daguerreotype O Calotype Collodion Wet Plate Camera Obscura​



Wet Plate Camera Obscura​


I look it up

One Direction - History (Official Video)



I like that song


Do u want a vid or what lol... I like one Direction do u  


Why might you want to use a pencil instead of a pen to number your note cards?

so you renumber the note cards later if you decide to reorganize them

so you can erase the numbers before you turn in your card

so you can keep track of the note cards you are leaving out





using pencil you can erase IG


Its the first one

Explanation: I am on the quiz and I listened to the other answer and got it wrong so i'm here to tell you guys the right one :D

You are given a math problem to solve. As
you try to remember the formula involved,
what memory system is being searched?​


Answer: muscle memory

Explanation: bc it is

Are aliens what modern folklore has been predicting for the last century?



yes I think????I didnt know

One of the most important pleces of art from the Aztec civilization is their codices. Which of the following is NOT true about the codices?
ОА They are books written about the culture, practices, and the beliefs of the Aztec peoples.
Most precolonial codices have been salvaged and are on display in South American museums
Oc They are largely pictorial although there is typically a small amount of text as well.
OD. They contain scenes of common rituals and daily life practices.


Answer:  B. Most precolonial codices have been salvaged and are on display in South American museums

Explanation: Gradpoint... I took the test and it said it was correct.

Most precolonial codices have been salvaged and are on display in South American museums is not true about the codices from the Aztec civilization . The appropriate response is option B.

What is the Aztec civilization ?

The Aztec civilization is renowned for being the final major Mesoamerican civilization to exist before the arrival of the Europeans. They created spectacular temple pyramids, advanced agricultural methods, utilized eagle soldiers to forge vast empires, and sacrificed humans to their gods.

The name of the city that replaced the Aztec capital and the valley it surrounded, which was eventually transferred to the entire Mexican nation, originated in Mexica. To associate themselves with Colhuacán, the hub of the Valley of Mexico's most sophisticated population, the Aztecs referred to themselves as Culhua-Mexica.

Mesoamerican manuscripts known as Aztec codices were created during Mexico's colonial era by the pre-Columbian Aztec people and their Nahuatl-speaking ancestors.

To learn more about the Aztec civilization



You have been hired as a tour guide for the Great Sphinx of Giza. To prepare for this job, you have learned facts to tell visitors. You have heard
several pleces of information; however, most of it appears to be wrong. Which of your "acts" is CORRECT?
It is made of granite.
OB. .
It is the largest of the monumental sculptures in the world.
It is the body of a jackal and the head of a goddess.
It was created in 1000 BCE


Answer: A


The answer is B.

Let's look at the options to find out why:

A) It is made of granite. This is false. It is made of limestone.

B) Let's skip this one for a minute. (We will come back to it)

C) It has the body of a jackal and the head of a goddess. This is false. It is actually a statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the head of a human, and the body of a lion.

D) It was created in 1000 BCE. This is false. It was really created in 2500 BCE.

Now let's look at B. Since we now know that all of the other options are not true, we can assume that B is a true statement.

I hope this helped!

Have an amazing day/night!

God bless!

Feel free to mark Brainliest!

When would you use chronological order to organize your note cards?
to group topics from most important to least important
to group similar topics
to show a sequence of events



The last one is correct (to show a sequence of events) because chronological means in sequence or over time.

Hope this helps dude

Help ASAP Select the correct answer.
Which aperture setting will give the shallowest depth of field?



C. f/1.4


The aperture is the setting that beginners typically use to control depth of field. The wider the aperture (smaller f-number f/1.4 to f/4), the shallower the depth of field. On the contrary, the smaller the aperture (large f-number: f/11 to f/22), the deeper the depth of field.

Why are there so few gas stations in the center of large cities? With such heavy traffic one ought to be able to do an excellent business. Briefly explain.



Its in the middle of cities so when ur running out of gas you can quickly reach a place to where u can get gas~ even if u were unaware u were almost out~


1.A half step is the closest distance between two notes. True / False

2.Pitch refers to how loud or soft a note is. True False



Both true


1. A single step would be referring to like steps. For example, from F to A (the spaces) would be one step. But F to G (space to line) is a half step.

2. Sounds are higher or lower in pitch according to the frequency of vibration of the sound waves producing them.

Who is
depicted in the image below?


lung cancerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Make a poem please and look at the picture



Mona Lisa calm as ever

On a chair she sits

No need for approval

Answers needed, is she happy, or not?

Like a statue, calm as a log

Insisting that you question the artists motive

Staring forward, beautiful backdrop

All the time she sits, waiting for you.

music can help remove stress from our lives. Compare and contrast the types of stress that early humans faced with those that we face now in the modern age.​



The stress that humans faced in the Old Age for one are that they didn't have many ways to think about other things and also many people couldn't just go and put the song they wanted to listen to instead they could only listen to the radio which has a slight possibility to play the song you want to here most.  These days in the Modern Age we have many more ways to listen to the music we want when we want it for starters we have YT which is of the worlds largest free music websites and for another, there are many more different genres of music to listen to, We have many ways of getting our music and even though a lot of it has ad's it's always been better for music in the modern age.

What is the name for large designs that are created on the ground with objects like stones, trees, gravel, or other durable landscape elements?
OA geoglyphs
OB. hieroglyphs
Ос stela
OD stucco






A. geoglyphs


What type of community art would most likely hang on thw walls of a Greek sanctuary?
A. A plaque to honor the gods.
B. A carving of everyday activities.
C. A painting of a common citizen.
D. A plaque depicting local plants.


the answer would be a


Oki! Mizuki here to answer! I believe the correct answer is A because the Greek sancturay is a place to worship gods.(or where people worship what they follow)


What Modern day issue does Tolkien deal with in the lord of the rings?


Answer:One such book is the first official, authorized paperback edition of The ... the creation of a fictional world set in an era that predated our current ... The Lord of the Rings is, at its heart, a paean to simpler times, when life was more pastoral. ... that deals with science, military matters, exploration and adventure.


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