Rock, Paper, Scissors

In this unit, you expanded your Python skills, and now you can really have some fun! In this lab, you are going to create a game that allows the user to play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer. If you aren’t familiar with this classic game, here’s how it works: two people (or a person and a computer!) each select either rock, paper, or scissors. The player who chooses the stronger object wins. Here is how the winner is determined:

Rock beats scissors because a rock can break scissors.

Paper beats rock because paper can cover a rock.

Scissors beats paper because scissors can cut paper.

Go to to write your program.

Your program should do the following:

Randomly choose rock, paper, or scissors for the computer

Ask the user to choose rock, paper, or scissors

Compare the computer’s choice to the player’s choice

Announce whether the computer or the human won

Here are two hints to help you write this program:

Test parts of your program to see if they work before moving on to work on other parts. For example, you will need to have the computer select a random number and then choose for that number to correspond to rock, paper, or scissors. You can write just that portion of the program and then test it by having the program print the word “rock,” “paper,” or “scissors” before you even begin working on the part of the program where the user inputs their choice. (Of course, don’t forget to erase the line of code that prints the computer’s choice when you are finished testing—otherwise the game will be just a bit too easy for the user!)

On a piece of paper, draw a chart that shows all nine possible outcomes of the game and use that chart to design and test the program. The chart might look like this:

TABLE 1 Rock paper scissors outcomes

Computer chooses rock Computer chooses paper Computer chooses scissors

User chooses rock

Tied game

Computer wins

User wins

User chooses paper

User chooses scissors

Run several tests on your program to be sure that the correct winner is announced.

When your program works properly, take a screenshot of your code to turn in.
(and no links!)


Answer 1


here's the link

plz gib brainlist lol

print('choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors')

choice=input('insert your choice:')

import random

x= random.randint(1,3)

if choice == ('Rock'):

   if x == 1:


       print('I chose rock')

   if x == 2:

       print('you lose')

       print('I chose paper')

   if x == 3:

       print('you win')

       print('I chose Scissors')

if choice == ('Paper'):

   if x == 1:

       print('you win')

       print('I chose rock')

   if x == 2:


       print('I chose paper')

   if x == 3:

       print('you lose')

       print('I chose scissors')

if choice == ('scissors'):

   if x == 1:

       print('you lose')

       print('I chose rock')

   if x == 2:

       print('you win')

       print('I chose paper')

   if x == 3:


       print('I chose scissors')

Answer 2
Ok I will go on it ok

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B is the correct answer
D is the correct answer. Because a is untrue b is definitely untrue c is also untrue, therefore our only answer is d. Also because it’s true network is definitely an effective way to learn about job openings. Hope this helps. :)

Please help!! I need this asap! thank you so much!! <3

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I think it’s the last one


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please help!! i need this asap <3
(the boxes have the same answer choices in both)



going based off the graph, it looks like for the first one it's 50 and the second is 200.


lmk if it's right or wrong </3

First is 50 second is 200

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just try your best


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I have a chromebook SAMSUNG and need help on customizing my cursor, what do I do? I downloaded a cursor from a rw-designer website and I'm not sure how to apply it.


If you download a custom cursor for chrome it should work, go to and follow the how to use guide and it should work.
Whichever browser you use you will need to go to the browser store of an extension site and download a cursor extension. To manage it you need to use the extensions button or the browser settings and choose your preferred settings.

please help!! thank you so much!! <3

Compared to a ball with a mass of 10 grams, which statement describes the change in kinetic energy of a ball with a mass of 20 grams thrown at the same speed?

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2) The kinetic energy of the 20 gram ball is half (½×) the kinetic energy of the 10 gram ball.

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4) The kinetic energy of the 20 gram ball is two times (2×) the kinetic energy of the 10 gram ball.


Answer: The kinetic energy of the 20 gram ball is half the kinetic energy of the 10 gram ball.

Explanation: :)

I think the answer is number 4
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