What volume of 1.00 M HCl in liters is needed to react completely (with nothing left over) with 0.500 L of 0.500 M Na2CO3 ?Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.


Answer 1


The volume of the acid is 0.5 L


Given that;

The molarity of HCl is 1.00 M

The volume of Na2CO3 is 0.500 L

The molarity of Na2CO3 is 0.500M

To find the volume of HCl needed, follow the steps below

Step 1; Write the balanced equation for the reaction

[tex]\text{ 2HCl\lparen aq\rparen }+\text{ Na}_2CO_{3(aq)}\text{ }\rightarrow\text{ 2NaCl}_{(aq)}\text{ }+\text{ CO}_{2(g)}\text{ }+\text{ H}_2O_{(l)}[/tex]

In the above reaction, 2 moles of HCl is needed to completely react with Na2CO3 .

Step 2; Apply the molarity concept to find the volume of the acid

[tex]\text{ }\frac{C_AV_A}{C_BV_B}\text{ = }\frac{n_A}{n_B}[/tex]


CA is the concentration of the acid

VA is the volume of acid

CB is the concentration of the base

VB is the volume of the base

nA is the number of moles of acid

nB is the number of moles of base

Step 3; Substitute the given data into the formula in step 2

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ }\frac{1\text{ }\times\text{ V}_A}{0.5\text{ }\times\text{ 0.5}}\text{ = }\frac{2}{1} \\ \text{ Cross multiply} \\ \text{ 1 }\times V_A\text{ = 2 }\times\text{ 0.5 }\times\text{ 0.5} \\ \text{ V}_A\text{ = 0.5 L} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the volume of the acid is 0.5 L

Related Questions

1. What is the molarity of a solution of HNO3 that contains 25.2 g of HNO3 in 1.0 L of solution?



First, let's discover the quantity in moles of 25.2 g of HNO3. For this, we use the following formula: n = m/MM

MM of HNO3 = 63 g/mol

m = 25.2

n = 25.2/63

n = 0.4 moles

Now using the following formula: M = n/V

We can find the molarity of the solution:

n = 0.4 moles

V = 1L

M = 0.4/1

M = 0.4 mol/L

Answer: 0.4 mol/L

Laboratory balances that measure to the hundredths (0.01g) are calleda) centigram balanceb) milligram balancec) analytical balance





Here, we want to select the balance used to measure mass to a hundredth accuracy

The kind of balance used in this case is the centigram balance. The measure the mass of a substance to an accuracy of a hundredth which is 0.01g

21. If you have 350 milliliters (mL) of a 500-milligramper liter (mg/L) solution of alum (aluminum sulfate),how much water would you have to add to bring theconcentration down to 100 mg/L? Assume that youare adding water that does not contain any alum (C2=0).1. 70 mL2. 1,400 mL3. 143 mL4. 1,750 mL





In order to get the required volume, we will use the dilution formula expressed as:



C₁ and C₂ are the initial and final concentration respectively

V₁ and V₂ are the initial and final volume respectively

Given the following parameters:

C₁ = 500mg/L

C₂ = 100mg/L

V₁= 350mL



Substitute the given parameters into the formula to have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V__2=\frac{C_1V_1}{C_2} \\ V_2=\frac{500\times350}{100} \\ V_2=\frac{175,000}{100} \\ V_2=1750mL \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the amount of water needed is 1750mL

Hi. Can I get help with question number 49, please?


The definition of definite shape and volume is a definition of the solid state of matter. The molecules of the compound are so tightly bound that they maintain their shape regardless of the container in which they are contained.

Within the options we see a liquid (l), two gases(g), and a solid described with the suffix s, this is the I2(s), therefore this will be the correct option.

Answer: a. I2(s)

The answer is is 12 (s)
Hope this helps !

Name each of the following Acids and Bases:Mg(OH)2



Mg(OH)2 is a base


Firstly, we need to define the word "acid and base"

An acid is a substance that will produce hydrogen ion as the only positive ion when dissolved in water


A base is a substance that can neutralize the acid by reacting with hydrogen ions to produce salt and water. A base also contain hydroxyl ion (OH)

From the above definition, you will see that Mg(OH)2 is a base

How is electroplating done?
A. The anode is replaced by the object to be electroplated.
B. A precipitation reaction is used to plate the cathode with an ion.
OC. The metals in the anode and cathode electrodes trade positions.
OD. Ions of one metal are reduced onto a cathode made of a different


The process of electroplating is done as follows:

Ions of one metal are reduced onto a cathode made of a different

metal; option D is correct.

What is electroplating?

Electroplating is the process by which one metal is used to coat the surface of another metal.

Electroplating is done in order to improve the appearance of one metal and is also done in order to protect against corrosion.

The process of electroplating involves electrolysis.

The metal to be coated over the is used as the anode while the metal to be coated is used as the cathode.

Learn more about electroplating at: https://brainly.com/question/15208303


Match the type of radiation to a correct description of it.BetaAlphaGamma?Decreases the atomic number of the atom.?Increases the atomic number of the atom.?Does not change the atomic number of the



Alpha particle...........> decreases the atomic number of an atom

Beta particles .............> increases the atomic number of the atom

Gamma particle ..........> does not change the atomic number of the atom


The three types of radioactive particles are;

1. Alpha particle

2. Beta particle

3. Gamma particle

Alpha particles has a positive charge with atomic number 2 and mass number 4

Any atom that gives off alpha particle, will have it atomic number drops by 2 and its mass number drops by 4

Hence, alpha particle decreases the atomic number of an atom

Beta particles; The atomic number of a beta particle changes, it can either be positive or negative

When an atom gives off a beta particle, the mass number number of the atom remains unchanged but the atomic number increases

Hence, beta particles increases the atomic number of the atom

Gamma particle is a neutral particle and it does not have any charge on it

When an atom gives off a gamma particle, the mass and atomic numbers of the atom remain unchanged

Hence, gamma particle does not change the atomic number of the atom

if 2.00 moles of aluminum nitrate are dissolved to form 2.00l of solution , the concentration of the NO3 ion will be ?


First, we write the reaction to solve this:

Al(NO₃)₃(aq) => Al³⁺(aq) + 3NO₃⁻(aq)

We need to calculate the concentration of the salt:

Molarity = moles of Al(NO₃)₃ / Volume of solution (L)

Molarity = 2.00 moles / 2.00 L = 1.00 mol/L

The salt is completely disociated, so the concentration of NO3- ion is:

Concentration NO3- = 3 x Concentration of the salt = 3 x 1.00 mol/L = 3.00 mol/L

Answer: 3.00 mol/L

6. How is a magnet turned into a temporary magnet?
A. It has to contain hydrocarbons
B. It has to be pure iron
C. It has to have opposite magnetic poles
D. It has to have an alloy of iron


A magnet turned into a temporary magnet is It has to have opposite magnetic poles. Option C.

Temporary magnets are made of soft metals that become magnetized only when exposed to a permanent magnetic field or electric current. When they come into contact with a magnetic field, they become magnetized. Temporary magnets are made of soft metals that retain their magnetism only when in proximity to a permanent magnetic field or electric current.

They are magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. Clips, iron nails, and other similar items are examples of temporary magnets. The force that a magnet exerts on a particular substance, including other magnets, is called magnetic force. Forces act over distance and include attraction and repulsion. The north and south poles of two magnets attract each other but the two north poles or the two south poles repel each other.

Learn more about Temporary magnets here:-https://brainly.com/question/2288395


What common similarity is possessed by all electrolytes, other than being water soluble?



Knowing that all electrolytes are water soluble, we must determine which other common similarity is possessed by all electrolytes


To determine it, we need to know that

Simply, an electrolyte is a substance that can conduct an electric current when melted or dissolved in water. If the physical or chemical process that generates the ions is essentially 100% efficient (all of the dissolved compound yields ions), then the substance is known as a strong electrolyte. If only a relatively small fraction of the dissolved substance undergoes the ion-producing process, it is called a weak electrolyte.

That means, all electrolytes can conduct electricity, and they can be identified as strong or weak by measuring the electrical conductance of an aqueous solution containing the substance.

Finally, another common similarity for electrolytes is that they can conduct electricity.


Another common feature of all electrolytes, apart from being soluble in water, is that they can all conduct electricity, either to a large or small extent.

Can you please help me fast





the answe is naturally occurring

(give me brainliest )

what is the mass of aluminum used if 0.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by reacting aluminium with an acid


The mass of aluminum used if 0.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by reacting aluminum with an acid is 2.69 g.

given that :

number of moles of aluminum chloride = 0.1 moles

The balanced reaction is given as :

2Al    +    6HCl  ----->    2AlCl₃     +  H₂

it is clear from the reaction that:

2 moles of Al produce 2 moles of AlCl₃  

the mole ratio is 2 : 2

mean moles of Al = 0.1

molar mass of Al = 26.9 g/ mol

mass of Al = number of moles × molar mass

                  = 0.1 × 26.9

                  = 2.69 g

Thus, The mass of aluminum used if 0.1 moles of aluminum chloride is produced by reacting aluminum with an acid is 2.69 g.

To learn more about moles here



Ammonia, NH3 , reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen gas and water.

What is the percent yield of the reaction?


The percent yield of the reaction when 3.85g of Ammonia reacts with 5.78g of O2 to give out 0.750L of nitrogen is 27.43%

It is given that the mass of Ammonia is 3.85g and the mass of Oxygen is 5.78g. The yield of Nitrogen is 0.750L. To find the percent yield, we need to know the number of moles of ammonia and Oxygen.

No of moles of Oxygen =  5.78/31.99

No moles of Oxygen= 0.181 mol of O2.

No. of moles of Ammonia = 3.85/17.03

                                             = 0.226 mol of NH₃

It can be seen that 0.226 mol of NH₃ reacts with 3/4th of 0.226 mol of O₂ which is 0.1695 mol of O₂.

But the given moles of O₂ are more than that of the required value. Therefore, NH₃ is the limiting reactant and O₂ is the excess.


0.226 mol of NH3 x 2 mol of N₂/ 4 mol of NH3

= 0.113 mol of N₂

Experimentally it would be calculated as

n = PV/RT

n =  (1 x 0.750)/(0.0821x295)

n = 0.031 mol of N₂

Percent yield = Experimental yield/theoretical yield x 100

Percent yield= (0.031/0.113)x100

Percent yield= 27.43%

Therefore, the percent yield of N₂ is 27.43%

To know more mass percentage, click below:



4. Calculate the pH of 0.90M HPO4?Ka HPO4^2- = 4.5 x 10-13(a) 7(b) 14(c) 12.3(d) 8.20(e) 6.20





[H⁺] = 0.90 M

Ka HPO₄²⁻ = 4.5 x 10⁻¹³

What type of model that is a smaller or larger copy of an
object and one that shows key features or interactions?
A. mathematical model
B. physical model
C. conceptual model
D. statistical model


A physical model is a replica that has been built that is intended to represent the original object. A physical model may be the same size as the real object it represents, smaller, or larger. A scale model is one that is either bigger or smaller than the real thing.

A physical model is a streamlined tangible depiction of an object or phenomenon that has to be studied, typically on a smaller scale.

The model can replicate the relevant physical factors (temperature, waves, speed, etc.) and forecast the unique limits of the circumstance. Before starting the last stages of a project, these constraints can be considered, tested, and solutions implemented.

Urban planning, naval construction, aeronautics, and other fields involving geometry, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics frequently use physical models.

To learn more about types of models, please refer:



___ H2SO4 + __KOH → __K2SO4 +__H2 Obalance the equation



We have to balance this equation:

___ H₂SO₄ + __ KOH ----> __ K₂SO₄ + __ H₂O

The first step is to determine the number of atoms of each element that we have on both sides of the equation.

___ H₂SO₄ + __ KOH ----> __ K₂SO₄ + __ H₂O

K: 1 K: 2

S: 1 S: 1

H: 3 H: 2

O: 5 O: 5

We have 1 atom of K on the left side of the equation and there are 2 atoms of K on the rigth side of the equation. To balance the number of K atoms we can change the coefficient for KOH and write a 2 there.

___ H₂SO₄ + 2 KOH ----> __ K₂SO₄ + __ H₂O

K: 2 K: 2

S: 1 S: 1

H: 4 H: 2

O: 6 O: 5

We balanced the K. The S atoms are already balanced. Let's focus on H. We have 4 atoms of H on the left and 2 atoms of H on the right side of the equation. We can change the coefficient for H₂O and write a 2 there to get 4 atoms of H on the right side.

___ H₂SO₄ + 2 KOH ----> __ K₂SO₄ + 2 H₂O

K: 2 K: 2

S: 1 S: 1

H: 4 H: 4

O: 6 O: 6

We balanced the H and we also changed the number of O atoms on the right side and also balanced them. The balanced equation is:

H₂SO₄ + 2 KOH ----> K₂SO₄ + 2 H₂O

Answer: H₂SO₄ + 2 KOH ----> K₂SO₄ + 2 H₂O

37.In the compound MgO, what is the oxidation number of oxygen?Select one:a. +4b. +2c. +1d. -2


When we have to determine the oxidation number of compounds, we need to look at their specific and most common charges in their non neutral form, and Oxygen is an element that will usually present a -2 oxidation number and charge, the same way Hydrogen will almost always present a charge of +1, these fixed values for some elements is helpful for us to determine the oxidation number of other elements. For oxygen is -2, therefore letter D

For the reaction 2NOBr→2NO2+Br2, the rate law is rate =k[NOBr]^2. If the rate of a reaction is 6.5×10−6molL−1s−1, when the concentration of NOBr is 2×10−3molL−1.What would be the rate constant of the reaction?



k = 1.625 mol⁻¹ L s⁻¹


What is given?

rate = 6.5 x 10⁻⁶ mol L⁻¹s⁻¹,

[NOBr] = 2 x 10⁻³ mol L⁻¹.

Step-by-step solution:

We want to find the rate constant, k of the reaction based on the rate law:

[tex]rate=k\cdot\lbrack NOBr]^2,[/tex]

so we just have to solve for 'k' and replace the given values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} k=\frac{rate}{\lbrack NOBr]^2}, \\ \\ k=\frac{6.5\cdot10^{-6\text{ }}mol\text{ L}^{-1}s^{-1}}{(2\cdot10^{-3}\text{ mol L}^{-1})^2}, \\ \\ k=1.625\text{ mol}^{-1}L^s^{-1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer would be k = 1.625 mol⁻¹ L s⁻¹

Calculation: If a compound is 14.40% hydrogen by mass and 85.60% carbon by mass, what is the empirical formula?CH3CHCH2CH4


In order to find an empirical formula of a compound with a given percent composition of the elements that compose this molecule, we need so start by assuming an initial mass of 100 grams (it can be any value, but we usually choose 100 grams because it is easier to work on)

Now, if this compound has 100 grams, we can find the mass of each element and with that information, we can find the number of moles of each one

How do you find the slopeAnd the equation as well



Explanation :

What is the electron figuration of selenium


The electron configuration of selenium is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d¹⁰ 4p⁴.

Selenium is an element of atomic number 34. Electronic configuration helps us in understanding the distribution of electrons in their atomic and sub-atomic sub-shells easily. For writing an element in electronic configuration, a standard notation is to be followed for placing the electrons accordingly in the sub-shells.

The element Selenium with atomic number 34 has 34 electrons in it. Therefore, the nearest noble gas found to Selenium is Argon. Argon has a complete shell of electrons with its configuration as 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶. With reference to the electronic configuration of Argon, the electronic configuration of Selenium could be found easily.

It could be found from the electrons filling according to the energy of shells that Selenium occupies till the 4th shell until the p sub-shell.

Therefore, the electronic configuration of Selenium is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d¹⁰ 4p⁴.

To know more about electronic configuration, click below:



CH3OH-water interactions: What happens when the CH3OH molecules are surrounded by water molecules? Briefly describe their interaction.


When the CH₃OH molecules are surrounded by water molecules, there are solvent-solute interactions where the solvent water molecules interact with the OH group of the CH₃OH molecules resulting in the dissolution of the molecules in water.

What is solvation?

Solvation refers to the interaction between solvent and solute molecules whereby the solvent molecules surround and interact with the polar groups of the solute molecules resulting in the dissolution of the solute in the solvent.

Solvent-solute interactions are common when polar or ionic substances are dissolved in water. For example, when, methanol, CH₃OH is dissolved in water.

Learn more about solvation at: https://brainly.com/question/12568957


What's the volume of 0.2 mol of hydrogen at STP.



4.48 L


At STP, the volume of 1 mol of any gas occupies 22.4 L

Therefore, the volume 0.2 mol of hydrogen at STP = (0.2 mol/1 mol) x 22.4 L = 4.48 L

“Give the chemical formula(s) for carbonic acid, bicarbonate, carbonate, & calcium carbonate. Write the chemical reaction that produces each of these molecules”I’m a bit confused by this question can someone help me out?



The chemical formula(s) are:

Carbonic acid is H₂CO₃

Bicarbonate is HCO₃⁻

Carbonate is CO₃²⁻ and

Calcium carbonate is CaCO₃

The chemical reaction that produces each of these molecules are:

CO₂ + H₂O ⇄ H₂CO₃ ⇄ HCO + H⁺ ⇄ CO²⁻ + H⁺

Ca²⁺ + CO₃²⁻ → CaCO


Chemical name Chemical formula

Carbonic acid H₂CO₃

Bicarbonate HCO₃⁻

Carbonate CO₃²⁻

Calcium carbonate CaCO₃

Carbonic acid, (H₂CO₃) is a compound formed in small amounts when its anhydride, carbon dioxide (CO₂), dissolves in water.

Bicarbonate (HCO₃⁻) forms when a positively charged ion attaches to the negatively charged oxygen atoms of the ion, forming an ionic compound.

H₂CO₃, HCO₃⁻, and CO₃²⁻ can be formed as shown in the chemical equation below.

CO₂ + H₂O ⇄ H₂CO₃ ⇄ HCO₃⁻ + H⁺ ⇄ CO₃²⁻ + H⁺

In the presence of a calcium ion, (Ca²⁺) from hard water, carbonate, (CO₃²⁻) will combine with it to form calcium carbonate.

Ca²⁺ + CO₃²⁻ → CaCO₃

Rachel burns a 53 gram cracker under a soda can filled with 77.8 grams of water. She took the temperature of the water before she began -- it was 9.3 degrees Celsius. After the cracker was done burning, the temperature of the water was 73.8 degrees Celsius. How many calories of heat were released by the cracker? Round your answer to one digit after the decimal point.


In this question, we have a situation in which we have to use the Calorimetry formula, which is how much heat was released or absorbed (in Joules), after we had a change in temperature of a compound. The formula for this Calorimetry question is:

Q = mcΔT


Q = is energy as Heat

m = mass in grams, 77.8 grams

c = is the specific heat capacity, 4.184 J/g°C this is for water

ΔT = the change in temperature, calculated as Final Temperature - Initial T

73.8 - 9.3 = 64.5°C

It is important to know that the heat released by the cracker is the same heat absorbed by water but with an opposite mathematical sign, so we have to find out the heat absorbed by water:

Q = 77.8 * 4.184 * 64.5

Q = 20995.7 J is the heat absorbed by water

Therefore the heat released by the cracker is - 20,995.7 J

The first ionization energy of magnesium is 738 kJ/mol. A good estimate for the second ionization energy of magnesium is:


The second ionization energy is always greater than the first one. So, the answer is between 1450and 6900 kJ/mol.

Each ionization energy means the energy that it takes to separate the outer electron from the atom. In this case, the best estimation of the second ionization energy is 6900 kJ/mol because it would take more than double the first ionization energy.

Therefore, the answer is d.

Determine the volume (mL) required to prepare each of the following. 190 mL of a 0.300 M HNO3 solution from a 3.75 M HNO3 solution.Express your answer with the appropriate units.


To solve this problem we have to use the rule of dilutions:

[tex]V1\cdot C1=V2\cdot C2[/tex]

Where V1 is the initial volume, C1 is the initial concentration, V2 is the final volume and C2 is the final concentration.

In this case, we need to find V1. Solve the equation for V1 and then replace C1 for 3.75M, V2 for 190mL and C2 for 0.300M:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V1=\frac{V2\cdot C2}{C1} \\ V1=\frac{190mL\cdot0.300M}{3.75M} \\ V1=15.2mL \end{gathered}[/tex]

It means that the volume required is 15.2mL.

REACTION; C5H12 + 8O2 5CO2 + 6H2OWhen 15.5 grams of C5H12 are consumed in this reaction what volume of CO2 can be produced in liters?


Step 1 - Finding the stoichiometry of the reaction

The given reaction is:


To find the stoichiometry of the reaction in moles, we just have to "read" the bigger numbers that come before the formulas of the substances:

1 mole of C5H12 reacts with 8 moles of O2 thus producing 5 moles of CO2 and 6 moles of H2O

Since the exercise is specifically asking us about the relation between C5H12 and CO2, we can simplify this statement to:

1 mole of C5H12 produces 5 moles of CO2

Step 2 - Converting this relation to a relation in grams

To convert moles to grams, we just need to multiply the number of moles by the molar mass of the substance.

Since the exercise is giving us the mass of C5H12, it would be interesting to convert its number of moles to mass (its molar mass is 72 g/mol):


We can now rewrite the statement in step 1 as:

72g of C5H12 produce 5 moles of CO2

Step 3 - Finding how many moles of CO2 will be formed

To find the moles of CO2 that will be formed, we can set the following proportion:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 72g\text{ of C5H12 produce ---- 5 moles of CO2} \\ 15.5g\text{ of C5H12 would produce --x } \\ \\ x=\frac{15.5\times5}{72}=1.07\text{ moles of CO2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4 - Converting moles to volume

The molar volume of a gas in STP conditions (standard pressure and volume) is 22.4 L/mol, which means that each mole of gas occupies 1 L. Since we have formed 1.07 moles of CO2, we have:


The volume of CO2 that would be formed is thus 23.96L.

Nitrogen gas and oxygen can combine to produce nitric oxide such a reaction absorbs 88KJ of heat from the surroundings, how many grams of nitrogen gas do you predict were consumed in the reaction?N2 + O2 -> 2NO. AH=180kJ


N2 (g) + O2 (g) =======> 2 NO (g) AH = 180kJ

Don't forget to balance the reaction.

This is an endothermic reaction because it needs heat to produce and the sign + of AH

Some reactions absorb enthalpy and others free heat.

We can find the mass of N2 using this enthalpy:

N2 (g) + O2 (g) =======> 2 NO (g) AH = 180kJ

x (grams) AH = 88 kJ

First, we calculate the molecular mass of N2:

Molar mass N2 = 28.01 g / mole so,

1 mol N2 = 28.01 g N2


28.01 g of N2 ----------------------- absorb 180kJ (stoichiometry)

x (we need this)----------------------- 88 kJ (is real)

[tex]x=\text{ }\frac{88kJ\text{ . 28.01 g N2}}{180kJ\text{ }}=13.69\text{ g of N2}[/tex]

Convert 57.0 degrees C todegrees F.[?] °FT in degrees F


In order to convert a temperature in celsius to a temperature in Fahrenheit, we need to use the following conversion formula:

(°C*9/5) + 32

Now we use the 57°C value in the formula:

(57 * 9/5) + 32

(513/5) + 32

102.6 + 32


The temperature of 57° in Fahrenheit will be 134.6°

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