By Frederick Douglass
Extract from an Oration, at Rochester, July 5, 1852

Fellow-Citizens—Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here to-day? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings, resulting from your independence to us?

But, such is not the state of the case. I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you this day rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn. To drag a man in fetters into the grand illuminated temple of liberty, and call upon him to join you in joyous anthems, were inhuman mockery and sacrilegious irony. Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day? ...

Fellow-citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions, whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are to-day rendered more intolerable by the jubilant shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, "may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!" To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then, fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. I shall see this day and its popular characteristics from the slave's point of view. Standing there, identified with the American bondman, making his wrongs mine, I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this Fourth of July. Whether we turn to the declarations of the past, or to the professions of the present, the conduct of the nation seems equally hideous and revolting.

Which of the following correctly describes the main purpose of the second paragraph? (5 points)

To reprimand his listeners for forgetting past and present injustices
To remind the audience that the Fourth of July is only for citizens
To impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves
To reveal the steps needed to end slavery


Answer 1


The main purpose of the second paragraph is:

C. to impress the disparity of experience between citizens and slaves.


The second paragraph of Douglass's speech emphasizes how different it is to be a white, free person and to be a slave on the Fourth of July. After all, the nation is celebrating freedom. But, as Douglass says, he and the other slaves are "in fetters", so inviting them to celebrate freedom is an act of cruelty, of irony. He makes a point of stating that, emphasizing the disparity between the slaves' and white people's conditions. There is no reason for slaves to celebrate, which means there is no reason for Douglass to celebrate. He, a former slave, knows the pain and suffering he came from. He cannot forget and ignore that thousands of people who are still in that predicament, working to death while being mistreated, beaten, humiliated, or sold as possessions.

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What does the quote “Ulwing the builder
would have liked it better if it had been
slammed" in the last paragraph reveal about
Christopher Ulwing?
He likes loud and forceful actions.
He has difficulty hearing.
He feels anger towards his son.
O He thinks his son is too timid.



He thinks his son is too timid.


This is supported by the rhetorical "what will happen when I am no longer by his side".

Please reply me in passive voice




hi, nice to meet you and bye


Hi sisters!


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Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match each term to the correct definition.


Purpose=The reason for writing a text

Audience=The intended readers of a text

Tone=The attitude the writer expresses

Style=The writers way of using language

Would the Civil Rights Movement have been successful without any leaders?



No because without any leaders there would not have been anyone giving orders to the soldiers. Therefore the people would have been running everyone fighting for what they thought was right. The civil rights Movement needed leaders because no one person can make a major change. But a group of people sticking together for what they thought was right, and campaigning behind it's leaders, made a huge difference in the world today.


Which or what game is this?



I am guessing a guessing game cause u didnt add anything?



what you are talking about


What is the best summary of the excerpt?



A. Pangu grew inside an egg, then hatched into a giant creature, releasing shells that formed the sky and the earth. After Pangu died, he became the world and its elements.


Option A is the correct answer that best summarizes the excerpt.

This is true because this particular option uses important details in the main passage to the summarize. It maintained the main idea of the passage.

Option A revealed how he grew inside the egg, hatched, released shells which formed sky and earth and then died; after his death, he became the world and its elements.  

What is an example of rhyme scheme in the road not taken by Robert frost


consists of four stanzas of five lines. The rhyme scheme is ABAAB

Answer:correct abaab


write why you agree with the quote or why not. i'll mark brainliest



I agree with this quote Because Hellen Keller had eyes but could not see but Hellen Keller had hands and those were like her eyes she felt with them and could tell what the object was.


I hope this helps you forgive me if it is wrong but this is what I think about the quote.

Does everyone have the same rights?(PLEASE TRY TO DO 3+ SENTENCES PLEASE THANK YOU)


yes, everyone has the same rights. In the constitution and bill of rights it is protection EVERYONES rights, not just one race, one gender or one religion. Everyone is guaranteed the same equal rights.

Read this sentence from paragraph 2 of "Puzzle Solved"
Solving this thing is as easy as
slaying Medusa!
Why does Anya compare the cryptogram to slaying Medusa?
A It is difficult to conquer
OB. It is based on mythology
oc. It is not what it seems.
OD. It is hard to look at.


Answer:I think it’s “it is not what it seems”  I might be wrong


”It is hard to look at” is definitely wrong and so is “It is difficult to conquer” Because the second story does not talk about them not being able to look or get something. The girls just want to figure out the cryptogram.

1. In which setting would a Gothic story most likely take place?
A. a soaring medieval castle gleaming with finery
B. a crumbling old mansion full of cobwebs
C. a gloomy urban landscape with rats in the alleys
2. Which character would you most likely see in a Gothic tale?
A. a wealthy nobleman who is saddened by the memory of his lost love
B. a lively young comedian who tells jokes about relationships
C. a modern-day prince who likes rock and roll and hip-hop
3. Which event would you most likely see in a Gothic story?
A. Characters use a time machine to travel to the future and explore new cities and countries.
B. A young hero is summoned by the king to fight against a group of armies that have been
attacking the kingdom.
C. A family ghost who was cheated out of his inheritance comes back to claim his rightful family

Please help!!




Your beautiful

What sorts of problems do the Laputan scientists try to solve?


The Author sets out on his Third Voyage, is taken by Pyrates. The Malice of a Dutch-man. His arrival at an Island. He is received into Laputa."

After being at home for only ten days, Gulliver is visited by a ship captain who invites him on a voyage departing in two months. Gulliver convinces his wife that this is a good opportunity and sets off, again working as the surgeon.


The scientists worry about catastrophes involving the earth’s orbit and the paths of comets, as well as the possibility of the sun’s extinguishments. They do not worry about any of the practical concerns of life, such as ways to grow food or ways to improve living conditions.


You witnessed a fight between two boys and your teacher ask to narrate


I don't know about you, but I'd look the teacher in their eyes, and tell them that I ain't a snitch. I don't care if I get suspended, detention, or even ISS, my dad taught me to never be a snitch so I won't be one.

Neglect , physical abuse , emotional abuse, or shaken baby syndrome


the answer is emotional abuse


Emotional Abuse


It's not neglect because that is to not acknowledge someone

Its not physical abuse because she is not harming Harry in any physical way

Its not shaken baby syndrome because again, he is not being physically abused and since he is in a physical education class, I'm assuming his brain is fully developed and he is older than 5 years old

When you read a peer's reflective essay for the purpose of providing feedback, what should you do first? A Read the essay through once to see if you can iden… B Look for ways that the author can improve spelling… C Identify the anecdote and reflections and make sur… D Identify where the author should include additiona…


Answer: Read the essay through once to see if you can identify the author's claim.


The first read-through should focus on what the writer is trying to say.

Please selected me BrainlIest.

The Book of Joshua emphasizes that God is with his people. Write a story that will tell others that God is with them in every part of their lives. Plan your story here.​



This story actually happened to me, There was a 1 year old boy who was in the kitechen by himself, His other 4 siblings where singing and praising GOD, he went to reach for his water but sliped and pushed off a knife that stabbed the ground. How was GOD in this situation you ask? The little boy was on huvering over the knife and hanging on the chair that saved his life. Turns out if that chair was not there that boy would have gotton stabed and died. YOU CAN'T TELL ME GOD WILL NOT PROVIDE!!!


the spot that is in the floor is where the knife was at. THANK YOU JESUS!!

A class is considering producing a student-written play about a girl who dreams of being a classical pianist. The play ends after her first concert as she received a standing ____________________ and cries of "_________________!"


Ovation and encore is the answer. Please mark brainiest

Who was the audience for the “I Have a Dream” Speech?






Before clocks were made, people kept track of time by other means. In
ancient Egypt, people used a water clock. Water dripped slowly from one
clay pot into another. People measured time according to how long it
took one pot to empty and the other one to fill. Candle clocks were
common during the Middle Ages. As such, when a candle burned, marks
on its side showed about how much time had passed. A final ancient way
to measure time was the sundial, which used the movement of the sun
across the sky. The shadows moving across the face of the sundial
showed the current time. What is the main idea? *
As such, when a candle burned, marks on its side showed about how much time had
Before clocks were made, people kept track by other means.
In ancient Egypt, people used a water clock.
All the above



the main idea is that there pots are ancient


Pls help me if your good at English ill mark brainliest <3



I would think it is A,

P.S. My twin is here, so well we are sharing answers! her user is eternalvanimelda27

What's In
Directions: Each picture below describes what is common to African people. Fill in the blanks
with the missing letters to guess the word.
1. —I—C—SI—V—R—


Work it out yourself you domb yute. CFC

According to the text, what is the meaning of the word coveting



Coveting is to have a desire for something, or to want to be in possession of something.

will give brainliest





Its b because its the only one that shows background, and supports the idea.


It’s B because it gives more reasoning as to why the school board should provide them a stage

Hope that helps :)

Please please please help!

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.

Nothing beside remains

I met a traveler

Its sculptor well those passions read


☁️My Answer☁️:

The piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem is C: Its sculptor well those passions read.


Nothing beside remains.


"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" The quote is intended to have those viewing the statue to see all of the marvelous things Ozymandias has created, yet they have all decayed and disappeared. The legacy of the "king of kings" is nothing.

Which of the following sentences uses voice that is appropriate for an adventure story?

A. It was easily the best day of the summer, when everyone in the Jefferson family went to the park.

B. He held the baby until she fell asleep, wrapped in a blanket of warm love and rocked to the rhythm of a heartbeat.

C. The sound came closer, ever closer, until she thought she would scream.

D. "Get in the van!" they yelled in unison as they dashed out into the daylight.






B. He held the baby until she fell asleep, wrapped in a blanket of warm love and rocked to the rhythm of a heartbeat.


my mother is cooking food​



what is she making


is it gonna be good?

7. He fought like a tiger, writhing and twisting, half flinging them off, and starting toward his
unconscious enemy." (chapter 15)

8. "When Jurgis lifted up the mattress he discovered beneath it a layer of scurrying roaches,
almost as badly frightened as himself." (chapter 16)

9. “All day long this man would toil thus, his whole being centered upon the purpose of making
twenty-three instead of twenty-two and a half cents an hour; and then his product would be
reckoned up by the census-taker, and jubilant captains of industry would boast of it in their
banquet-halls, telling how our workers are nearly twice as efficient as those of any other coun-
try." (chapter 20)

10. "So spoke Elzbieta, naïvely, and the young lady laughed and was rather at a loss for an an-
swer-she stood and gazed about her, and thought of a cynical remark that had been made
to her, that she was standing upon the brink of the pit of hell and throwing in snowballs to
lower the temperature." (chapter 21)



Simile, Personification, Synecdoche and Metaphor


He fought like a Tiger

...scurrying roaches, almost as badly frightened as himself

...captains of industry

....pit of hell

Does medea seem to be living the life of moderation that the nurse favors


I don’t think so


Write an essay about your school.​



Education is an essential part of our lives. We are nothing without knowledge, and education is what separates us from others. The main step to acquire education is enrolling oneself in a school. School serves as the first learning place for most of the people. Similarly, it is the first spark in receiving an education. My school is my second home where I spend most of my time. Above all, it gives me a platform to do better in life and also builds my personality. I feel blessed to study in one of the most prestigious and esteemed schools of the city. In addition, my school has a lot of assets which makes me feel fortunate to be a part of it. In this essay on my school, I will tell you why I love my school and what my school has taught me.

My school strikes the perfect balance between modern education and vintage architecture. The vintage buildings of my school never fail to mesmerize me with their glorious beauty.

However, their vintage architecture does not mean it is out-dated, as it is well-equipped with all the contemporary gadgets. I see my school as a lighthouse of education bestowing knowledge as well as ethical conduct upon us. In contrast to other schools, my school does not solely focus on academic performance. In other words, it emphasizes on the overall development of their students.

Along with our academics, extra-curricular activities are also organized at our school. This one of the main reasons why I love my school as it does not measure everyone on the same scale. Our hardworking staff gives time to each child to grow at their own pace which instills confidence in them. My school has all the facilities of a library, computer room, playground, basketball court and more, to ensure we have it all at our disposal.

A school is a place where I developed my artistic skills which were further enhanced by my teachers. Subsequently, it led me to participate in inter-school completions through which I earned various awards. Most importantly, my school taught me how to face failures with grace and never give up on my ambitions, no matter what happens.

To sum it up, studying in one of the respected schools has helped me a lot personally. I will always be indebted to my school for shaping my personality and teaching me invaluable lessons. It has given me friends for life and teachers that I will always look up to. I aspire to carry on the values imbibed by my school to do well in life and make it proud.


Hope it helps,

Pls mark me as the brainliest

Thank you


this is the way of writing

but if you want about your school

please tell me your school name in comment I will give you reply

1. Which statement is a theme in Antigone?

A. Great leaders listen to the advice from others.

B. It is wise to speak before taking action.

C. One can both feel afraid and act bravely.

D. At times, one must hide the truth to do what is right.

2. How does Sophocles characterize Teiresias in Antigone?

A. He shows him as angry in many scenes.

B. He portrays him as wise.

C. He shows him as indecisive in many scenes.

D. He portrays him as foolish.

3. Which statement describes the viewpoint of Teiresias in Antigone?

A. Only Haimon knows what justice is.

B. Antigone is stubborn and foolish.

C. Creon's advisers are too old to do their jobs.

D. Creon's actions are unjust and cruel.

4. Which sentence contains an inappropriate shift in person?

A. Bob went outside to his car.

B. She put on her shoes.

C. Sam put on his or her socks.

D. The boys waited until the bus reached their stop.



It's D



1.d 2. 3. 4.c


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