what technique is most clearly being used to influence the reader in the following sentence? the manager's car was stolen.three policemen were at the scene of the crime when it happened.​

What Technique Is Most Clearly Being Used To Influence The Reader In The Following Sentence? The Manager's


Answer 1


Unwarranted implication


A warrant is a word that police use to state a case, but in your situation they have no clue and are still searching to a result of unwarranted implication.

Answer 2


unwarranted implication


Related Questions

11.) The descriptions given by the author about the characters in a story
such as personality, habits, likes and dislikes are called ...


Answer: character detail


The descriptions given by the author about the characters in a story

such as personality, habits, likes and dislikes are simply referred to as the character detail.

Character detail simply refers to a detailed description of the characters in a story. When writing a story, it is important for the characters to have a character detail. Character details include the age of the character, job, habits, personality, education etc.

Anyone got any fiction/fantasy/sci-fi books with a lot of action, good characters, and a sprinkle of romance for young adults?



The book Scythe by Neal Sherman is a pretty good read


There’s two books too atm so...

What is the main idea of the " Wild Entertainment" section?




where is the information?

I have an essay rewrite due by midnight tonight, and I do not have time to get it done. Please save the day for Brainliest. I have provided any information you may need below, including the thesis I wrote about 6 weeks ago for my original essay. Thanks in advance!

Thesis (Please make any changes you feel would make It better.): It is necessary to take chances in life because if you do not take chances or risks, you will never know whether you would have made it or not.

Prompt: Why is it necessary to take risks in life?

Word Count: In order to have sufficient details in the body paragraphs, the essay should be very close to 300 words.


It's very important to take risks in life, if you don't take chances or risks you would never know what would happen. It's necessary because imagine if you were applying for a collage. If you don't apply for a collage you love (ex, Harvard) but you don't wanna take the risk, then whats the point?! If they deny you at least they know you tried. You should still be proud you tried! You just gotta keep trying in life, if you take a small risk, so be it! But sometimes you don't wanna take the risk. Especially if it's dangerous! (ex. you are in your car and there is a train coming and you don't know if you'll make it) It is very necessary because if you did not take any risks, you would probably be working in a barber shop, or somewhere you don't wanna be! You should try to do something the best way possible to you, even if it means taking a risk. It's always your choice. First of all, risks are a part of life because everything is not going to be easy for you! (Only some people have easy life's, and it's really rare.) In life no matter what you just have to keep trying. Second of all, risks are important because IF YOU DON'T TAKE RISKS IT WILL NEVER GET YOU ANYWHERE!   here is another thing: The Cycle of Success

Taking a risk to achieve a goal requires courage to face the fear of uncertainty. No matter the outcome, either way, we grow through the process and become more resilient and confident. Better yet, building those skills helps in taking more risks and improves the chances of achieving future goals.   When you take risks you learn from them, better yet you maybe even learn the more risks you take the more spazzled your life will be! Well sometimes risks are WRONG sometimes you just want it to be easy. Sometimes your right. But in conclusion RISKS ARE A PART OF LIFE. If you never take risks then you will not learn what to do and what not to do all the time.

DUE BY 10:00 AM (30 minutes from now) (Will give BRAINLIST)
In a well-constructed paragraph, explain how the creature compares and contrasts his situation to Adam’s. (In the biblical creation story, God creates and cares for Adam.) Use evidence from Volume II, Chapter 2 of Gris Grimly's Frankenstein in your answer.

200-300 Words


Answer: In contrast to his creature, Victor Frankenstein is all-powerful, capable of "trampling him to ashes," while still calling him to repentance for all his murders (sins) Dr. Victor, his Creator, is seen by the Creature as the one who interacts with him by offering his life, and he embraces whatever Mr. Frankenstein tries to do with him. He will, however, exact vengeance on Frankenstein's remaining associates. It's plain that God and Job aren't an ideal match. God chooses to leave the Devil in charge of all evil in Job's world, according to the Bible. Even though Job and Frankenstein's creature are vastly different, this chapter depicts an almighty and noble Victor and a submissive creature, sinner


Read this excerpt from the article "Clemente's Impact Wanes in Puerto Rico 40 Years after His Death."
In the days that followed, as Clemente's death was accepted as reality, a photo of his 7-year-old son Roberto Jr. kissing a poster with his father's picture became as heart-wrenching and iconic in Puerto Rico as the image of JFK Jr. saluting his father's coffin was in the U.S.

Which is the best source to use to enhance the information in this excerpt?
A) a magazine article about JFK Jr.
B) a copy of the image of Clemente’s son
C) a website describing Puerto Rican photographers
D) an almanac entry about Clemente’s baseball career



I would say B


As we can see A and D do not make sense with the authors purpose of this article, it doesn't make sense to describe one person with evidence and not the other. Photographers are great, but C doesn't relate to the text. The texts main focus is on Clementes son and how he reacted to his fathers death!

Hope this sort of helped!

Therefore, B is most reasonable.

Pls help it would be greatly appreciated, Thx! What does it mean “to argue the affirmative?”


Answer:In an organized debate between teams, one side argues (i.e. argues in favour of) the affirmative side of the question, and the other side argues the negative side.

Explanation:The word 'resolved' makes it sound like a question proposed for debate. (Actually it makes it sound more like the result, after one side has won.)

Which of these is a characteristic of a good study spot? A. A place with good media access O B. A place that's quiet and away from distractions C. A place that's familiar and cozy D. A place where other people are studying​






look out for a guy with a link hell get your ip


Which of the following mathematical phrases gives the correct translation for the phrase "the
quotient of two less than thrice a number x and four"?
2 <3x
3x <2




(2 - 3x) / 4


The quotient of 2 less Than thrice a number x and 4.

The quotient is the result of a division operation :

2 less than thrice a number x is expressed Mathematically as :

2 - 3x

Hence, the quotient of 2 - 3x and 4 is expressed as :

(2 - 3x) / 4

what does the girl slip out the window when the emperor was divine


Answer: yes but I don’t want it in my mind for a while I don’t want it I don’t

A unique characteristic of a written text is that it,
A- requires readers to use their imagination
B- involves serious analysis
C- is longer than other mediums
D- tells the reader everything they need to know



the answer is B


is that you Aiden?




Written text has no visual or images so it requires reader to use their imaginations

In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what does the narrator mean in this quote? “It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood.”

a. Roderick is shaky and unsteady.
b. Roderick is sad and morose.
c. Roderick has a joyful countenance.
d. Roderick is pale and sick looking





I think

What figurative language is this:
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Idiom



These are all forms of figurative language but there is one more that onomatopoeia.


Answer: Plz include entire question.


sentance or senatance fragment
“The rear window had been smashed with a crowbar”





I would say this i a sentence however the use of a semi-colon could create a more intriguing sentence

Spell R E D lol uh
spell it



R e a d





Romeo and Juliet play questions
What are the key plot events and characters?

How would a Shakespearean audience have viewed the play?

What did you think about the play and why?



The charecters are Romeo ,Juilet ,Tybalt, Merccutio ,Count paris ,Frair lawrence , benvolio , Capulet , Juilets nurse , Rosaline , Lady capulet , prince escaluas , Lady montague , Montangue , Friar John , 1st musician , second musician , first guard, Anthony , poptan , page , Third gaurd and second gaurd .

And the plot is that romeo kills himself for real becuase juilet looks like she was dead but she wasn't so she killed himself properly.


Scared or mabye a vbit funny.

i liked the play becuase it was quit interesteing and it was a a change of an event.....

Hope this helps :) x

please help and put some good a** music i’ll give brainliest


teletubbies theme song

Make all exercises and questions




1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C


2. comes

3. moved

4. met

5. got married

6. got

7. was born

Do ever make a choice not to carry your phone all the time? Do you keep it away from the dinner table or certain social events? Do you ever turn it off so you can think and be with your own thoughts? Does your family have any rules about using phones?



Yes I chose not to take my phone to some places, no phones are allowed at the dinner table in my family, I am constantly turning off my phone so I can work and be creative. Only 3 games are allowed on phones, only 1 hour a day to be on electronic ingeral, and no texting or being on your phone during school hours.

Explanation: I am not sure if this is what you were looking for but this is my family rules about phones.

What is personification?



it is when you are describing a thing with human actions

what is the term for a word that gives information about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs?
A. Adverb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Pronoun



tha answer is A) Adverbs

for example,

Arun paints beautifully.

beautifully is an adverb because tells it tells us about the verb paints.

Describe this by own words l give brainliest ​


My friend ramen is really sweet and amazing.....when ever I need his help , he helps me without doubt . He corrects me when I am wrong or doing something wrong....he really is my bestie ....I hope everyone has a best friend like this !!..

I need help with this English poem please help thank you



my friend is beautiful sun that shines way


write a short story in 100-120 words that start with Sarah was very excited when she read the invitation​



Sarah was very excited when she read the invitation as she has never been invited anywhere.She has always dreamed of going to Paris when she saw that a famous celebrity gave her an invitation she knew this was her chance at picking up herself again. When she arrived at Paris she fell in love with this romantic city.The first thing Sarah did was of course eat the French baguette.After 2 long hours of exploring the city she finally dicided to go back to the hotel where the celebrity was waiting for her.'Hello I'm sorry you had to wait for me I just wanted to explore this beautiful city!' says Sarah'

I know this is bad but it's the quickest thing I could think of

The question above wants to analyze your written capacity. For that reason, it's not right for me to write the text for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you might wonder what event is inviting Sarah to and why she is so happy about it.

After that, you can write your short story like this:

Start with the sentence indicated in the question.Show Sarah's reaction.Show her why she is happy with the invitation.Show her what makes her think this invitation is so important.Show her getting ready for the event.Show if the event responds well to her expectations or not.

More information:


bronx masquerade unit test worksheet/ questions answers


Answer: 1. 1. Which words from paragraph 2 help the reader understand what tirade means? he'll snap

2.Which factor contributes most to Diondra's inner conflict in the story?

Pressure to be an athlete

3. After viewing Raul's self-portrait, how did Diondra change her opinion of sharing her artistic side?She decided she was tired of hiding who she really was

4. How does the setting contribute to Devon's conflict in the story?Devon embraces who he really is after he is spotted in the library

5. What does grief mean n paragraph 15?

Trouble or annoyance

6. Through each narrator's experience, the author explores the theme of-

embracing who you are

7. The organization of this selection allows the author to-compare the different viewpoints and personalities of the students in one class

8. Which two reasons tell why this story benefits from having the point of view of multiple narrators?The reader knows what multiple characters are thinking

and The reader can see the same event through multiple characters

9. Which element identifies the genre of the passage as realistic fiction?

The lifelike conflict

10. Which two elements reveal the nonlinear plot structure of this selection?

Organized themeatically and

Multiple protagonists


why do people bully so bad.an why not take up for others? of a essay.


Answer:Bullying is wrong because its victims experience not only a difficult time to focus on school work but, also in keeping their up and staying alive. Bullies don 't notice how deep their actually impacting their victims life 's. There are various ways that a person can be bullied. If you make someone feel inferior to you or you 're making them feel intimidated by you that, is considered bullying. In the article, make a sound for a voice unheard the author states that “more than 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied.” Students hate their aggressor so much they have a hard time focusing on school work because their just thinking of how to get rid of being bullied.Bully 's need to understand that it 's okay not to like a certain person but it is not okay to try and make their life miserable just to show or feel superior to them. Vitim 's can experience long-term effects, including low self-esteem and for them to cut themselves. Some bullies might just do it to make a joke and have fun, but they don 't see how much they are truly damaging and breaking this person apart on the inside. To the bullied teen out there, you must have confidence and stand up for who you are. Do not feel superior, you need to fight back correctly; walk away when it is happening then you must trust and go tell an adult, they will help you get rid of the bully. There are always two types of bystanders, one who acts and looks for help either because you can 't or because they don 't trust or don 't have enough confidence to go and tell an adult; and the other who sees a person being bullied but acts like her or she didn 't see or hear anything. I know bystanders might think to themselves that they don 't want to get involved in any problems, but you won 't you 'll just the bullies victims hero.Why is bullying wrong, when it feels great to feel superior to someone, to feel like you have a little servant. The real question is why do you need to have that feeling inside of you, do you not get enough attention at home, do you feel like your parents don 't care or pay as much attention to you as you wish do you want to feel what being a bully feels like, do you really want to make someone 's life so miserable that they hate you so much that they can attempt to kill themselves or even to kill you? I have previously bullied and I can say it 's not worth it. In the long run, it doesn 't matter if you feel superior if you feel popular or if people look up to you, because as time passes you realize the deep damage you have done. The fact that, that person dropped her self-esteem so low that she had no friends and started wearing all black and her hair in her face because she wanted nobody to see her, because her self-esteem was so low, and she had to wear tons of bracelets because she wanted nobody to see how much she 's cut herself.


Give me brainly please

Why is Visual literacy important



Visual literacy is a set of abilities that enables an individual to effectively find, interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and visual media. A visually iterate individual is both a critical consumer of visual media and a competent contributor to a body of shared knowledge and culture.



According to researchers, educators, museum professionals, filmmakers, and artists, visual literacy can improve one's creativity, critical thinking, educational achievement, empathy towards others, and ability to decipher technology

Can an argument use more than one strategy (logos, ethos, pathos) at once? Explain your answer in one or two sentences.


Yes, arguments can use more than one strategy at once. The reason being is because there could be arguments about many reasons






i dont know








Which choice is the best version of the underlined word in sentence 13?
B shows
C will have shown
D was showing
Sentence 13: By writing this poem, Lee honors his family's homeland and showed the value he places upon the tradition of expressing memories through song .
Underlined word: showed



B) Shows


best tense to be placed





The present tense verb is consistent with the tense that has been established in the first paragraph and is used throughout the passage, including the final paragraph ("describes, "mirrors," "acknowledges").

Other Questions
The top of a ramp is 4 feet above the ground. The ramp makes a 21.3 degree angle with the ground. What is the length of the ramp Bedrock Company reported a December 31 ending inventory balance of $414,500. The following additional information is also available: The ending inventory balance of $414,500 included $73,700 of consigned inventory for which Bedrock was the consignor. The ending inventory balance of $414,500 included $25,400 of office supplies that were stored in the warehouse and were to be used by the company's supervisors and managers during the coming year. Based on this information, the correct balance for ending inventory on December 31 is: hii pls help ill give brainliest if you give a correct answer The age of a man is twice the sum of the ages of his two sons. Ten years ago, his age was five timesthe sum of their ages. Find his present age.a) 40 yearsb) 50 yearsc) 60 yearsd) 70 years What is 48901x120412/12321 with a fraction of 6/9 + 29181041/21841x2912311203? It was one of my math questions couldn't find it online soooo?? HELP PLEASEWhat does the 2 mean in the formula of calcium nitrate? What does the 3mean? What would happen to the food that someone ate if they didnt have the digestive enzymes they needed Apply the distributive property to create an equivalent expression 4(x-2+y) How did white South Africans maintain power over their country'sgovernment?O A. They created apartheid laws to limit the rights of black SouthAfricans.B. They wrote a new constitution which granted more rights to allSouth Africans.C. They declared independence in 1948 created their owngovernmentD. They formed alliances with the Allied powers during World War II.SUBMIT A provision of the US Neutrality Act of 1935encouraged the sale of arms to neutral countries.prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.prohibited trade of any kind with other nations.encouraged trade only with Europe. Can somebody help me with this math question, all you have to do is answer the equation, then it's described, and then it draw it out I'll give you 100 points and a Brainliest A groundskeeper needs grass seed to cover a circular field, 290 feet in diameter. A store sells 50-pound bags of grass seed. one pound of grass seed covers about 400 square feet of field.How many square feet does each 50-pound bag cover? In AHIJ, the measure of J=90, IJ = 5 feet, and JH = 3.2 feet. Find the measure ofI to the nearest tenth of a degree.5JH3.2 Solve 3(7n+3) What is 27.5 divided by 22 What is the slope of the equation that passes through the points(-5,4) and (5,2) ? Discuss two ways in which some cultural views that exist may effect a relationship negatively What is the value of x? Find the equation of the line through (-5,4) which is parallel to the line y=-x+6.Give your answer in the form y=mx+b Giving brainliest to whoever comments the right answer first