what technique has been used to protect copyrighted material by inserting digital watermarks into a file?


Answer 1




this helps, for example, operating systems, to be given to consumers digitally without the need of a disk and the little slip of paper stating all the legal things nobody reads

Related Questions

Which function in the random library will generate a random integer from 0 to the parameter value inclusive?


The function in the random library that will generate a random integer from 0 to the parameter value inclusive is random.randint() function. For example, random.randint(0, 10) will return a random number from [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10]. This function can be implemented in the Python programming language.

What is Python programming language?

Python is a computer programming language commonly used to create websites and software, automate tasks, and perform data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, which means it can be used to create many different programs and isn't specialized for specific problems. This versatility, coupled with its beginner-friendliness, has made it one of the most widely used programming languages ​​today. A survey by industry analysis firm RedMonk found it to be the second most popular programming language among developers in 2021.

The name Python comes from Monty Python. When Guido van Rossum was creating Python, he was also reading scripts for the BBC's Monty Python's Flying Circus. He thinks the short Python name is appropriate and a bit mysterious.

Learn more about python https://brainly.com/question/18521637


What are the five quality attributes?


For five crucial quality characteristics (modifiability, performance, availability, security and usability).

In order to cover all of the often used definitions for these quality attributes, we have enumerated a number of "generic scenarios" for each quality attribute. An indicator of how effectively a system serves the needs of its stakeholders is called a quality attribute (QA), which is a property of the system that can be measured or tested. To put it another way, a quality attribute, often known as a non-functional need, is what makes a system effective in the eyes of a certain stakeholder. In order to control the quality of services, it is essential to identify the proper quality attributes. Affordableness, availability, dependability, efficiency, predictability, reliability, responsiveness, safety, security, usability, and other qualities of high-quality services are some examples.

Learn more about system here-



Write an expression that evaluates to true if the value of the string variable s1 is greater than the value of string variable s2.


If the information provided is accurate, the expression will indeed be (s1.compareTo(s2) >0).

What does a computer variable mean?

A variable in programming is a value that can vary based on external factors or data that has been supplied to the program. A program typically comprises of data that it uses while running and instructions that tell the machine what to execute.

What is an example of a computer variable?

Any number may be represented by them symbolically. For instance, the numbers 5 and 10 may be found in variables 'a' and 'b,' respectively. The outcome is 15 once the program's actual values of "5 + 10" are substituted for the expression "a + b" during execution.

To know more about variable visit:



Complete the sentence.
The ________ is a method of compressing and decompressing media clip data.



The Huffman coding algorithm is a method of compressing and decompressing media clip data.

querying and presenting data from data warehouses and/or data marts for analytical purposes is known as


Online analytical processing (OLAP) refers to querying and presenting data from data warehouses and/or data marts for analytical purposes.

Multi-dimensional analytical (MDA) questions can be promptly resolved using online analytical processing, or OLAP. Business intelligence, which also encompasses relational databases, report generation, and data mining, contains OLAP as one of its subsets.

With new applications like agriculture emerging, OLAP is frequently used in business reporting for sales, marketing, management reporting, business process management (BPM), budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting, and other sectors. Online transaction processing, as used in databases, is known as OLAP (OLTP).

How does MDA government work?

Following the 2003 General State assembly, the Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA), a collaboration of politicians, was appointed to power in the Indian region of Meghalaya.

To know more about Online analytical processing click here



suppose you can buy chocolate bars from a vending machine for $1 each. inside every chocolate bar is a coupon. you can redeem 7 coupons for 1 chocolate bar from the machine. for example, if you have $20, you can initially buy 20 chocolate bars. this gives you 20 coupons. you can redeem 14 coupons for 2 additional chocolate bars. these 2 chocolate bars have 2 more coupons, so you now have a total of 8 coupons. this gives you enough to redeem for 1 final chocolate bar. write a recursive function that would accept the amount of dollars and coupons as its parameters and output the total number of chocolate bars that can be bought (including those redeemed via coupons). write a test program that would allow the user to enter amount of dollars and then use the recursive function to compute the number of chocolate bars the user can buy, and output the number to the screen.


Using knowledge in computational language in JAVA it is possible to write a code that suppose you can buy chocolate bars from a vending machine for $1 each and inside every chocolate bar is a coupon.

Writting the code:

public static int buyBars(int dollars) {

int coupons = 0;

int bars = 0;

while (dollars > 0) {

// buy a bar

dollars -= 1;

bars += 1;

coupons += 1;

if (coupons == 7) {

// redeem coupons for a chocolate bar

coupons = 0;

bars += 1;

coupons += 1;



return bars;


See more about JAVA at brainly.com/question/12975450


what command can a centos 7 user execute to allow them to page through a list of directories and files on a disk that is too long for a one-screen display?


The More command can be used by a centos 7 user to allow them to page through a list of directories and files on a disk that is too long for a one-screen display.

Define directories.

A directory in computing is a cataloging structure for the file system that includes links to other computer files and maybe other directories. Many computers refer to directories as folders or drawers, just as a workbench or a standard filing cabinet in an office. A directory is a special type of file that only includes the data required to access files or other directories. Because of this, directories take up less space than other kinds of files.

File systems are made up of collections of directories and the files that reside in those folders. On the hard disk (HD) or solid-state drive (SSD), folders—also known as "directories"—are established when the operating system and programs are installed. Folders are always used to organize files.

To learn more about directories, use the link given

How do you unlock a 3 digit combination lock?


Find the combinatorial lock's reference number to see if it exists. Put the lock's key in the open spot. Put the reset key in. Choose the ideal combo. Take out the reset device.

An example of a locking mechanism is a combined lock, which must be unlocked using a series of characters, typically numerals. The pattern can be input via a singular spinning dial that engages multiple disks or camera systems, a series of multiple revolving cassettes with engraved patterns that engage the deadbolt lock directly, or by an electronic or pneumatic keyboard.

There are many different kinds, from low-cost four different baggage lockers to increased safes. Combination locks don't require credentials like regular fasteners do.

To know more about COMBINATION LOCK visit here : https://brainly.com/question/21104884

After executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the __________ keys.


After executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the "O", "K", then "Enter" keys.

What is top command?

Top command is a displays of a character based screen that can be interactive. The displays will automatically update in a few seconds and displays some of information usually for CPU usage and memory usage.

To interact with top command we can use some of key like key "O" for sorting a field and key "K" after sorting is to display CPU usage, or key "N" after sorting is to display memory usage.

Learn more about top command here:



Which type of system is not proprietary?


Nonproprietary software is open source and accessible for free download and usage. It also makes its source code completely available. Software that is not proprietary can also be referred to as open-source.

Due to the fact that Linux and Android are not proprietary, there are several variations of both operating systems. A system, tool, or program that is solely owned by an organization is referred to as proprietary technology. In most cases, the proprietor develops and employs them domestically in order to manufacture and offer goods and services to clients. From the foregoing, it can be inferred that Microsoft Windows is an example of proprietary system software. Linux is an open-source, free operating system that was made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The source code may be used, examined, altered, and distributed by anybody, and they may even sell copies of the altered code. computer operating system that is specific to a certain class of computers

Learn more about software here:



The methods defined in the custom queue class are identical to the ones in the queue class in the python standard library.
a. True
b. False


The given statement is true in that the methods defined in the custom queue class are identical to the ones in python's standard library queue class.

The queue class represents a first in first out (FIFO) strategy. The queue class supports the usual enqueue and dequeue operations, along with methods for peeking at the top item, checking if the queue is empty, getting the number of items in the queue, and iterating over the elements in FIFO order. In Pythons standard library, there is also available a queue class that is the same as the one implemented as a custom queue class. There fore, the given statement reflects a true statement.

You can learn more about queue at



What are the 3 types of software security?


The security of the software itself, the security of the data handled by the software, and the security of networked connections with other systems are the three types of software security.

The security of the software itself, the security of the data handled by the software, and the security of networked connections with other systems are the three types of software security. Computer antivirus, network security, SaaS security, content management systems, e-commerce software, payment gateway software, content delivery networks, bot mitigation, and monitoring tools are some of the security software categories for business websites.

Learn more about security here-



which kind of attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software applications, hardware, and operating system program code?


A zero-day assault takes use of previously uncovered weaknesses in hardware, software, and operating system source code.

What is hardware, for instance?

The term "hardware" describes the actual aspects of a computer. Generally referred to as hardware or computer machinery. Typical examples of computer hardware have included computer, display, mouse, and processor unit. The core of such a computer's hardware, which itself is located inside the computer chassis, cannot be seen, though.

Why is hardware so crucial?

Without hardware, it would be impossible to implement the crucial software that gives laptops their usefulness. The virtual applications that operate on your computer are referred to as software. for example, the operating system, web browser, word processing documents, etc.

To know more about Hardware visit:



assume that you have written a try-catch block in your code. what will happen if an error occurs in the try block?


If the try block raises an error, the rest of the code inside the try block is not executed and control of execution passes from the try block to the catch block. A catch block handles exceptions thrown by a try block.

What is a try-catch block?

"Try" and "catch" are keywords that describe exception handling due to data or coding errors during program execution. A try block is a block of code in which an exception is raised. The catch block catches and handles exceptions in the try block.

What is a try block in Java?

A try block is a block of code (containing a series of statements) that can raise an exception. Used to enclose code that may throw exceptions. A try block is always followed by a catch block that handles exceptions raised by the associated try block.

Learn more about try block:



Identify the reaction type for each generic chemical equation. a b → ab: ab → a b: hydrocarbon o2 → co2 h2o: ab cd → ad cb:


The type for each generic chemical equation is:

A + B → AB is synthesis.AB → A + B is decomposition.Hydrocarbon + O₂ → CO₂ + H₂O is combustion.AB + CD → AD + CB is double displacement.

A chemical equation refers to the symbolic that perform of a chemical reaction in the form of symbols and chemical formulas. A chemical equation can also be meant by equations that is use to show chemical formula and symbols to show chemical reactions. The reactants in the chemical equation is located in the left hand side. The products in the chemical equations is located in the right-hand side. The example of chemical equation is 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O.

The missing part in the question is shown below:

Identify the reaction type for each generic chemical equation.

1. A + B → AB:

2. AB → A + B:

3. Hydrocarbon + O₂ → CO₂ + H₂O:

4. AB + CD → AD + CB:

Learn more about chemical reaction here https://brainly.com/question/29039149


Lists are dynamic data structures such that items may be added to them or removed from them.a. Trueb. False


Lists are dynamic data structures such that items may be added to them or removed from them is option a. True.

What is the name of the data pieces in a list?

An ordered group of values is a list. The components of a list are referred to as its elements or items.

Therefore, Since lists are dynamic data structures, items can be added to or removed from them at any time. A function cannot accept a list as an argument. The remove method eliminates every instance of a particular item from a list. A list's elements are rearranged using the sort method to put them in ascending or descending order.

Learn more about Lists from


you are using a single cloud sql instance to serve your application from a specific zone. you want to introduce high availability. what should you do?


When you want to introduce high availability you should---Create a failover replica instance in the same region, but in a different zone.

What is a Cloud SQL Instance?

Each Cloud SQL instance utilizes a virtual machine (VM) running on a  Cloud hosted server. Each VM runs a database program. B. MySQL servers, PostgreSQL or SQL servers, and service agents that provide support services.Logging and Monitoring.

Can I run SQL Server in the cloud?

Migrate your existing workloads to Cloud SQL or SQL Server running on the fully compatible Compute Engine. SQL Server running on Cloud works with all the tools you know , like  Visual Studio. Connect your existing workloads to the best that  Cloud has to offer.

Learn more about SQL cloud :



sometimes it is necessary to use untrusted self-signed certificates in practice. when might this be the case? what security guarantees would doing this provide?


Organizations may prohibit the use of self-signed certificates for a variety of reasons, including:

It is trivially simple to generate a certificate's key pair with insufficient entropy, to fail to protect the private key of the key pair appropriately for its use, to invalidate the certificate when it is used, and so on.When a certificate authority should have been used instead of a self-signed certificate.

In some cases, a self-signed certificate provides adequate security.

There are several significant limitations to self-signed certificates. The most important of these are:

Certificates that have been self-signed cannot be revoked.Self-signed certificates have no expiration date.

However, in some cases, a self-signed certificate may be sufficient, and may even be preferable to a certificate signed by a CA.

To know more about self-signed certificates, visit: https://brainly.com/question/29576482


fill in the blanks: is the argument valid or invalid? what is the name of its form (see logic handout) if i go to paris, then i will go to france i do not go to france, therefore, i do not go to paris.


The arguments are valid or invalid are given below:

1. what is the name of its form (see logic handout): Valid.

2.  if I go to Paris, then I will go to France I do not go to France, therefore, I do not go to Paris: Modus Tollens.

What is modus tollens?

In propositional calculus, the argument form known as modus tollens is acceptable when and are both propositions. If suggests and is untrue, then untrue.

Also referred to as proof by contrapositive or indirect proof. For instance, if wearing a crown indicates that you are the king, then doing otherwise indicates that you are not the monarch.

Therefore, the correct options are 1. valid, and 2. modus tollens.

To learn more about modus tollens, refer to the link:



mary identified a vulnerability in her code where it fails to check during a session to determine whether a user's permission has been revoked. what type of vulnerability is this?


A community's capacity to stop human suffering and monetary loss in the event of a disaster may be weakened by a number of variables, including poverty, a lack of access to transportation, and congested housing. Social vulnerability refers to these elements.

What user's permission has been revoked by vulnerability?

A security discipline known as the concept of the least privilege states that no user, system, or application should be granted more privileges than are required for them to carry out their intended role.

Therefore, Sensitive data may be exposed via weak encryptions as a result of potential flaws. These are referred to as cryptographic failures.

Learn more about vulnerability here:



if a user wants to communicate with another computer using its name, what must be available on the network?


If a user wants to communicate with another computer using its name, a name server must be available on the network.

What are nameservers?

Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server. To do this, they help web browsers and other services access your domain's DNS records.

Is the name server the same as the IP address?

A nameserver is a server in the DNS that translates domain names into IP addresses. Nameservers store and organize DNS records, each of which pairs a domain with one or more IP addresses. These servers act as the bridge between domain names, which we humans can remember, with IP addresses, which computers can process.

What are the three types of name servers?

There are three main kinds of DNS Servers — primary servers, secondary servers, and caching servers.

What is the purpose of a name server?

Name servers work as a directory that translates domain names into IP addresses. They make things easy to find across the Internet.

Thus, the name server is the correct answer.

To know more about the name servers:



which type of database maintains the hardware and operating system offsite and is accessed via internet-based applications? multiple choice question.


Cloud database maintains the hardware and operating system offsite and is accessed via internet-based applications. It is a type of database designed to operate in a hybrid or public cloud environment and aid in managing, organizing, and storing data for an organization.

Cloud databases may be made available as managed databases-as-a-service (DBaaS) or may be set up on a virtual machine (VM) hosted in the cloud and self-managed by an internal IT staff.

A cloud database was built and is accessible utilizing a cloud platform. Although cloud computing offers more flexibility, many of the same functions of a traditional database are still met.

To gather, organize, and transmit data to executives and employees for operational and analytical applications, firms use databases. Cloud databases typically offer the same data processing, management, and access capabilities as ones that are installed on-site. On-premises databases that are currently in use, along with the applications they support, may typically be moved to the cloud.

To learn more about cloud database click here:



lists are dynamic data structures such that items may be added to them or removed from them.a) trueb) false


The statement "lists are dynamic data structures such that items may be added to them or removed from them" is true statement.

What is Lists?

A dynamic data list displays a form built from a set of fields called a data definition. A data definition consists of a form's field types (text, boolean, date, radio button, dropdown menu, etc.) and the labels and settings for those fields. A data definition effectively serves as a data model for a dynamic list of data. For example, you can create a data definition with two text fields. One for the user's name and one for the comment. You can then display a form to collect user feedback on the dynamic data list that uses that data definition.

Learn more about lists https://brainly.com/question/14219377


lansing company’s current-year income statement and selected balance sheet data at december 31 of the current and prior years follow.


The net cash that is provided by operating activities is $17780.

How to calculate the net cash?

The net cash that is provided by operating activities will be calculated thus:

Cash flow from operating activities

Net income = $6000

Adjustment to reconcile net income to net cash

Depreciation expense = $12000

Account receivable = $5800 - $5600 = $200

Inventory increase = $1540 - $1980) = $-440

Prepaid insurance = $280 - $260 = $20

Prepaid rent increase = $180 - $220 = $-40

Salaries payable increase = $880 - $700 = $180

Utilities payable increase = $220 - $160 = $60

Account payable decrease = $4400 - $4600 = $-200

The net cash that is provided by operating activities will be:

= $6000 + $11780

= $17780

The net cash is $17780.

Learn more about net cash on:



copy the contents of this document into a text file. make sure the spacings and indentations are included. write a c program that reads the text file and then outputs


The C library function fopen() is used to open a file for a variety of tasks, such as reading, writing, etc., as well as different modes. To copy the contents of the document into a text file, the C program reads the text file and then outputs as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h> // For exit()


int main()


   FILE *fptr1, *fptr2;

   char fname[100], c;

   printf("Enter the filename  for reading \n");

   scanf("%s", fname);

   // Open one file for reading

   fptr1 = fopen(fname, "r");

   if (fptr1 == NULL)


       printf("Cannot open file %s \n", fname);



   printf("Enter the filename  for writing \n");

   scanf("%s", fname);

   // Open another file for writing

   fptr2 = fopen(fname, "w");

   if (fptr2 == NULL)


       printf("Cannot open file %s \n", filename);



   // Read contents from the file

   c = fgetc(fptr1);

   while (c != EOF)


       fputc(c, fptr2);

       c = fgetc(fptr1);


   printf("\nContents copied to %s", fname);



   return 0;


To learn more about C program click here:



you are the administrator for the widgets domain. organizational units (ous) have been created for each company department. user and computer accounts for each department have been moved into their respective departmental ous. from your workstation, you create a gpo that configures settings from a custom .admx file. you link the gpo to the sales ou. you need to make some modifications to the gpo settings from the server console. however, when you open the gpo, the custom administrative template settings are not shown. what should you do?


Enable the Administrative Templates central store in Active Directory. Copy the .admx file to the central store location

Administrators use what to configure control and manage users and computers?

Group Policy is a hierarchical infrastructure that enables a network administrator in charge of Microsoft's Active Directory to implement specific user and computer configurations. Group Policy is primarily a security tool for applying security settings to users and computers.

How should GPO processing be considered in the context of the creation of a nested OU structure?

How should GPO processing be considered in the context of the creation of a nested OU structure? Select the GPO permission that allows you to change existing settings, import settings, and enable or disable a GPO but is not granted by default to any user.

What are the two primary goals of OUs?

Organizational Units serve two functions: granting subadministrators control over a subset of users, computers, or other objects, and controlling desktop systems via Group Policy objects (GPOs) associated with an OU.

learn more about group Policy Visit:



13. the purpose of specifying a postcondition is to a. specify the types of objects the method accepts. b. explain the method's end result, whether it is a return value or change in an object's state d. set the method's expectations before the method is executed with respect to the parameters or c. state the ret


The purpose of specifying a postcondition is to: b. Explain the method's end result, whether it is a return value or change in an object's state.

Postconditions are used to describe the end state of a method, and what the method will return or change in the object's state. It is important to specify a postcondition as it allows for a clear understanding of the end result of the method and can be used as a reference for other developers when using the same method. Furthermore, postconditions can be used to verify that the code is working correctly and producing the expected results.

The Importance of Establishing Postconditions for Methods

When developing software, methods are integral components for building efficient and effective code. Methods are used to carry out specific tasks, and each task should be carefully designed with clear postconditions in order to ensure the desired result. Postconditions are used to describe the end state of a method, and what the method will return or change in the object's state. Establishing postconditions for methods is essential for providing a clear understanding of the end result, as well as for verifying that the code is working correctly and producing the expected results.

Learn more about Postconditions for Methods :



http, imap4, ftp, and telnet are all examples of protocols that operate at what layer of the osi model?


HTTP, imap4, FTP, and telnet are all examples of protocols that operate at 7 Layers of the OSI model.

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an Internet protocol suite model application layer protocol for networked, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the World Wide Web's foundation for data exchange, where hypertext pages include hyperlinks to other resources that the user may readily access, for example, by a mouse click or by tapping the screen in a web browser. Development of HTTP was began by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989 and described in a basic text explaining the behavior of a client and a server using the initial HTTP protocol version that was designated 0.9.

To know more about HTTP, visit;



solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


Since Solomon notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. The kind of influence that Solomon is experiencing in this scenario is Informational social influence.

What is the outcome of informational social influence?

A Real, long-lasting changes in beliefs are the result of informational social influence. The outcome of conformity brought on by informational social influence is typically private acquiescence, or a genuine shift in the individual's ideas.

Therefore, one should note that Informational social influence occurs when a person complies out of a desire to be correct and a tendency to look to others they perceive as having greater knowledge. This kind of conformity, which is linked to internalization, happens when a person lacks information or is uncertain of a situation.

Learn more about influence from


What is moving window method?


In the sliding window approach, the statistic is calculated over the data in the window while a window of a given length, Len, slides over the data sample by sample.

The statistic spanning the window of the current sample and the Len - 1 prior samples is the result for each input sample. The algorithm waits for the hop size number of input samples before computing the first output sample. Window length minus overlap length is used to define hop size. The number of samples in the window is regarded as zero. As an illustration, the method waits until it gets 3 samples of input before computing the first sample of the output if the window length is 5 and the overlap length is 2. After generating the first output, it generates the subsequent output samples for every hop size number of input samples

To know more about  SAMPLE visit here :


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