What should one do after the solution has been implemented?
a. monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed.
b. analyze and evaluate the solution’s success by asking the five w questions.
c. create a plan of action, detailing how the solution should be followed.
d. use the brainstorming process to create new and innovative solutions. please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Answer 1

Once the solution has been implemented, one must monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed, i.e. option a is correct.

There are 3 fundamental degrees involved: making plans and getting ready to put into effect the solution. imposing and tracking the action. reviewing and analyzing the achievement of the action. The steps such as defining a problem, studying the problem, figuring out feasible solutions, deciding on the satisfactory solution, making plans your direction of action, and subsequently enforcing the answer at the same time as tracking its effectiveness.

Therefore, option a is the correct choice.

To learn more about plan check the link below:



Answer 2


a. monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed


Related Questions

How does e. Mulsion, celebrity food scientist, define a physical change, and what examples does he give?.


However, I mistook you for referring to celebrity food scientist E. Mulson's remarks in the online animated video (Chemical and Physical Changes).

E. Mulson defines physical reaction in the video animation as "molecules in a substance staying the same, both before and after."

He used the juiced orange as an example to show how the molecules remain the same before and after juicing.

The fact that a physical change is reversible, especially if it involves a phase transition, identifies it. For example, if you freeze water into an ice cube, it will eventually melt back into water.

To rule out the idea of a chemical change is sometimes the simplest method to detect a physical change. There might be various signs that a chemical reaction has taken place.

Learn more about to e. Mulsion visit here;



A group of doctors used a t test to compare cancer patients’ recovery rates during the time spent in hospitals with the time spent in their own home to decide the best place for patients to be during recovery. their study measured all the patients’ white blood cell counts while they were in the hospital and then again while all patients were at home. what type of design is this?


Their study measured all the patients’ white blood cell counts while they were in the hospital and then again while all patients were at home, so this type of design is within-groups.

A within-groups type of design is additionally referred to as a dependent teams or continual measures style as a result of researchers compare connected measures from an equivalent participants between totally different conditions. All longitudinal studies use at intervals-subjects styles to assess changes within an equivalent people over time.

Cancer is a unwellness caused once cells divide uncontrollably and unfold into close tissues. Cancer is caused by changes to DNA. Most cancer-causing DNA changes occur in sections of DNA referred to as genes. These changes are referred to as genetic changes.

To learn more about cancer here



We’re there any connection between your life events and decisions about your future career





your life depends on some of your actions at a younger age with planning to go too college or looking for a job.

most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the deductible.

Deductible is a fixed greenback quantity throughout the profit amount - typically a year - that an insured pays before the insurance company starts to form payments for coated medical services. Plans could have each per individual and family deductibles. Some plans could have separate deductibles for specific services.

Health insurance plans provide coverage for many sorts of ailments and surgeries. They additionally cowl alternative aspects of medical treatment. mounted profit insurance plans provide the cash while not requesting an in depth description of all the aspects of treatment prices.

To learn more about health insurance plans here



What do these layers and their fossils suggest about Earth's history?
Only one kind of lifeform lived where these layers formed.
No lifeforms were present when these layers formed.
Lifeforms on Earth have been the same over time.
There have been changes in Earth's lifeforms over time.





There have been changes in Earth's lifeforms over time.


The answer is D


physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.


Health is the physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.

Health consists of maintaining the body and taking preventive measures to cut back the likelihood of developing numerous diseases. Health is that the body's natural useful and metabolic potency to adapt to physical and mental changes the body is exposed to. For a healthy life cycle, you wish a healthy and diet, sensible hygiene habits, staying in a very correct shelter and obtaining enough sleep.

A holistic view of health suggests that to supply support that appears at the entire person, not simply their psychological state wants. The support ought to additionally think about their physical, emotional, social and non secular eudaimonia.

To learn more about Health here



Sometimes your friends will have suggestions that are just not good ideas. Give an example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something and the language that you would use to communicate “no.” Then explain why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.


The answers include the following below:

An example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something is when told to take hard drugs. The language that was used to communicate “no" was by being reluctant ad also avoiding him/her completely.Refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance because a person may risk death or a jail sentence when this activity is dine.

What is Communication?

This is defined as the process in which information is passed from one place or individual to another and the various types of means are speaking, writing etc.

It is best to stay away from criminal activities such as the use of hard drugs because they have the ability to destroy the internal organs in the body thereby making a person's health to deteriorate.

In severe cases, it may lead to death and the person also risk jail sentence if caught by the relevant authorities. The appropriate language to say no to it is by being reluctant and avoiding such friend which is therefore the reason why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.

Read more about Communication here https://brainly.com/question/25645043


Medical researchers often test medicines on patients who have given informed consent for the tests. The researchers divide the patients into two groups. One group is given the medicine. The second group is given a harmless substitute such as sugar pills. Neither the patients nor the researchers know which patients have received the medicine and which have received the substitute. What is the purpose of having neither the patients nor the researchers know who is receiving which treatment?.


The purpose of having neither the patients nor the researchers know who is receiving which treatment is to decrease bias.

An unblinded placebo test is the experimental method mentioned in the question. This process aims to lessen the "placebo effect"-related bias in the experiment.The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which patients receiving a mock therapy (a placebo) report reacting better to actual treatment.A double-blinded placebo experiment is a type of experimental design in which a group of participants receives a non-medical therapy. The goal of using a placebo is to lessen biases. Biases are influences that could have an impact on an experiment's outcome but do not originate from the treatment's actual effects but rather from some other source. Because neither the researcher nor the subject are aware of which therapy is a "sham" and which is the real treatment, this neutralizes the technique and eliminates any possibility of manipulations that might be used to influence the outcome.

To know more about treatment check the below link:



What next steps have you contemplated for your life and career/work planning?



Step 1:explore career options

step 2:conduct field research

step 3:Determine your job target

step 4:build your credentials and resume

step 5:prepare for your job search

step 6:launch your job search

good luck (:

major depressive disorder is often ________, meaning its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.


Major depressive disorder is often episodic, meaning its symptoms are typically present at their full magnitude for a certain period of time and then gradually abate.

What is major depressive disorder?

Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as clinical depression, is a mental disorder characterized by at least two weeks of pervasive low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

What exactly is the pathology of serious depression?

According to the monoamine-deficiency theory, the central nervous system's lack of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine is the pathophysiological root cause of depression. The neurotransmitter serotonin has been investigated the most in relation to depression.

To know more about depression visit



You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


IgM antibodies. IgM antibodies are the first antibodies to appear in the bloodstream after an infection.

They are produced by B cells, which are a type of white blood cell when the body is exposed to a foreign invader such as a virus or bacteria.

IgM antibodies are the largest of the antibody classes and are the first to be produced in response to an infection. They are also the first antibodies to be detected in blood tests and can be used to detect current cases of salmonella. IgM antibodies bind to the surface of the antigen, or the pathogen or foreign substance, to help the body's immune system recognize and attack the source of the infection.

They are short-lived, produced shortly after an infection, and are not present in the body for a long time, making them a good indicator of an active infection.

To know more about antibodies, click below:



Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the?


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the Deductible.

The insured must pay a certain sum during the benefit period, which is typically one year, before the insurer begins to pay for authorized medical procedures. Plans for individuals and families may have deductibles. Different services may have different deductibles under some insurance coverage.

Plans for individuals and families may have deductibles.

The amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance plan starts to cover your approved medical expenses is known as a deductible. A subscription fee and a deductible are two different things. For health insurance, a monthly fee is typically required. Depending on the plan you select, deductibles may now be little or significant.

Learn more about insurance at



How many calories does 1 hour of swimming burn?


During swimming, When treading water with a moderate effort, your body burns 3.5 METs (223 calories per hour), 8.3 METs (528 calories per hour), a medium-speed, strenuous effort crawl, and 13.8 METs (878 calories per hour), a butterfly stroke. (These figures are for an adult weighing 140 pounds.)

Swimming can increase your mood and lower stress levels to improve your mental wellbeing in addition to your physical health. Compared to other workouts like running or football, exercising in the water puts less stress on your joints. In recreational and competitive swimming, the body is propelled through the water using a combination of arm and leg actions as well as its inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder that is especially beneficial in treatment and as exercise for people with physical disabilities. Burning calories effectively involves swimming. When swimming laps at a slow or moderate speed, a swimmer weighing 160 pounds burns about 423 calories per hour. At a faster rate, the same person may swim for an hour and burn up to 715 calories.

Learn more about swimming here



the forms and functions of humor in illness trauma narratives


The forms and functions of humor in illness trauma narratives is essential because it tends to lower the stress condition and makes the person lighthearted.

Reducing stress and anxiety using humor causes better blood circulation and release of happy hormones. These hormones tends to make the brain more stronger to handle the traumatic conditions. Humor can be effectively used to change the perspective of the trauma. The power of laughter can provide humor and healing when life gets hard. It has been highlighted in many reports that happy moments of life expressed with humor can bring the person back from coma and induce many successful surgeries.

Learn more about trauma at:



When is the most important time to sleep?


When it comes to going to bed, he asserts that there is a period of time—roughly between 8 PM and 12 AM—during which your brain and body may obtain all the non-REM and REM sleep they require to perform at their best.

According to research, 10 p.m. is when you should try to fall asleep. But when it comes to going to bed, you should concentrate more on maintaining a regular schedule and habit.

Side effects of not getting enough sleep

When you feel sleepy throughout the day, you probably didn't get enough sleep at night. Accidents, impatience, and forgetfulness may also occur.

Regularly lacking sleep might potentially have longer-term negative effects on one's health. These consist of:

getting sick more oftenhigh blood pressure (hypertension)diabetesheart diseaseobesitydepression

Learn more about important time to sleep to visit this link



at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


At second stage (resistance) of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium.

General adaptation syndrome (GAS) describes the method your body goes through after you area unit exposed to any quite stress, positive or negative. it's 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. If you are doing not resolve the strain that has triggered GAS, it will result in physical and psychological state issues.

Resistance, second stage :- The body resists and compensates because the parasympathetic system tries to come several physiological functions to traditional levels whereas body focuses resources against the agent and remains on alert.

To learn more about general adaptation syndrome here



How the dancers prepare for a performance and the protocols they do to avoid injuries and other conditions?


Dancers prepare well for their performance and protocols while avoiding injuries is by taking complete rest before final presentation, staying clam and hydrated and practicing well to avoid any mistake.

Dance is a physical activity with charismatic eye, hand and body movements and thus requires coordination of body and mind. Dancers need to practice hard for the performance and during this regime, they must ensure to remain hydrated and calm. Also, physically exhausting oneself must be avoided. Proper warm up sessions and meditation also helps the mind to revise the steps efficiently. Also some props and safety kits can be used by beginners to avoid any injuries. Dancers are most likely to face problems such as pain in feet and ankles, sprain in some body part, fatigue etc.

Learn more about dance at:



According to recent data, obese patients are less likely than nonobese patients to obtain preventive health services and exams, including cancer screenings, pelvic exams, and mammograms. They are more likely to cancel appointments, delay appointments, and delay preventive care service.
a) Both the first and second statements are false.
b) Both the first and second statements are true.
c) The first statement is true, and the second statement is false
d) The first statement is false, and the second statement is true.


b) Both the first and second statements are true as obese patients are less likely to obtain preventive health services and  are more likely to cancel appointments.

Common treatments for overweight and obese patients is through healthy ingestion, being a lot of physically active, and creating alternative changes to your usual habits. Weight-management programs might facilitate some individuals turn or keep from restitution lost weight.

Studies have shown that medical students believe that patients who are fat lack self-control, are less doubtless to stick to their appointments, and are a lot of “sloppy,” “unsuccessful,” and “unpleasant” than the thin patients.

To learn more about obese patients here



A study published in the journal environmental health found that flight attendants get cancer more often than the general population. The 5{,}3665,3665, comma, 366 flight attendants in the study had higher incidence rates for every type of cancer examined, even though they had relatively lower rates of smoking and obesity. What type of study is this, and what is the response variable?.


According to the aforementioned study, published in the journal of environmental health, flight attendants are more likely than the general population to develop cancer. Where the 366 flight attendants had a higher cancer rate.

Even while flight attendants have a lower level of obesity and smoking, they have higher cancer rates.

This indicates that the study is an observational one because the researcher discovered the response variable within the population.

As a result, option A is right.

According to a research published in JAMA Dermatology, flight personnel have double the rate of melanoma as the general population.

Non-melanoma skin cancer was reported by 7.4% of female flight attendants, compared to 1.8% of women in the general population.

Learn more about to The journal Environmental Health found that flight. visit here;



Full Question :

A study published in the journal Environmental Health found that flight attendants get cancer more often than the general population. The 5,3665{,}3665,3665, comma, 366 flight attendants in the study had higher incidence rates for every type of cancer examined, even though they had relatively lower rates of smoking and obesity. What type of study is this, and what is the response variable? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A An observational study where the incidence rate of cancer is the response variable (Choice B, Checked) B An observational study where type of person (flight attendant or not) is the response variable (Choice C) C An experiment where where incidence rate of cancer is the response variable (Choice D) D An experiment where type of person (flight attendant or not) is the response variable

Driving under the influence of anger can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol true or false



It is true that driving under the influence of anger can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.

Both anger and alcohol can impair a person's ability to drive safely. When a person is angry, their emotions can cloud their judgment and make it difficult for them to make rational decisions. They may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as speeding or tailgating, and they may be less able to react appropriately to changing road conditions. This can increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

Similarly, when a person is under the influence of alcohol, their ability to drive safely is also impaired. Alcohol can slow down a person's reaction time and impair their coordination, making it difficult for them to control the vehicle. This can increase the likelihood of accidents, and it can also make it more difficult for a person to avoid collisions or other hazards on the road.

In both cases, driving under the influence of anger or alcohol can put the driver, passengers, and other road users at risk. It is important for people to avoid driving while angry or under the influence of alcohol, as this can have serious consequences for everyone involved.


studies state that this is true your main focus is not on the road but rather what you are angry about

The doctor prescribed 100 mg, available is 1,000 mcg/0.5 ml. how many ml should be administered to the patient?


The doctor prescribed 100 mg, available at 1,000 mcg/0.5 ml, so, should be given to the patient is 50 ml.

Drug preparations are pharmaceutical preparations in certain forms as needed, containing one or more active substances in a carrier used as internal or external drugs.

Based on the substance form, drug dosage forms can be divided into three, namely liquid dosage forms (true solutions, suspensions, and emulsions), semisolid dosage forms (creams, lotions, ointments, gels, suppositories), and solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules, pills, granules, and powders).

When the doctor prescribes 100 mg syrup. The syrup preparation is 1,000 mcg/0.5 ml

Then how to calculate it:

1 mcg = 0.001 mg

1000 mcg = 1 mg

(100mg/1mg) x 0.5ml = 50ml

Thus, the drug preparation that must be given to patients is 50 ml.

Learn more about the calculations from drug preparations at https://brainly.com/question/24379776


ow often should people wash their hands to maintain good personal hygiene?

once per day
at least twice per week
whenever their hands are visibly dirty
whenever they touch unclean surfaces


At least twice per week

Which is normally not a sign that you are pregnant?

1. Missed Menstrual cycle
2. Constipation
3. Nausea
4. Increased energy level




your too hyper then

John visits the walgreens clinic for a flu shot. The healthcare professional administered an influenza virus vaccine trivalent (iiv3), split virus, 0. 25ml dosage, intramuscular. This is reported with code(s) _________.


Although individuals who received their flu vaccine at CVS were given a $5 voucher (when you buy $20 or more) in 2021, it doesn't seem that Target will be running the same promotion in 2022. However, if you want to get a flu shot soon, here are a couple locations that sell them and will give you a discount.

Can I still get a flu vaccination today?

It is preferable to obtain the immunization later rather than never. Long into April, flu season is still in effect. Even then, getting the flu shot for you and your family is still possible. If the flu virus is still prevalent in May, many medical professionals continue administer flu shots.

How is the flu shot administered?

1 Insert a needle deep enough into the muscle. Infants from 6 to 11 months: 1", children from 1 to 10 years: 1-114", and adolescents and adults from 11 years and older: 1-112". 2 Bundle the muscle in the hand that is not your dominant hand. 3 Quickly shove the needle into the skin at a 90° angle using your dominant hand.

To know more about the walgreens visit;



Part B
Analyze Ramón's diet and find ways to make it healthier by providing suggestions for substitutions, eliminations, and reductions. By making the right changes, Ramón can bring down his fat and sugar intake and also keep on track with his total servings per food group for each day. Fill in your suggestions for improving his Day 1 and Day 2 diet.


Which clearly defined tactics would be the greatest way to accomplish that objective of developing healthy eating habits.

What Ramón's diet and find ways to make it healthier?

Our options are to immediately swap out all the food in the kitchen for healthier alternatives, plan your meals for the week before going to the grocery store. Determine what to eat for supper each afternoon, or avoid trying new dishes because they require more time to prepare.

If you prepare your meals in advance and have a list stating, “Okay, this is what reading this day and these are the things I need,” you can do that for each day.

Therefore,  You can buy things that are nutritious, things that are more impulse buys, or even junk food.

Learn more about diet here:



Countries that add fluoride to water have higher cancer rates than countries that do not. The conclusion that fluoride causes cancer is.


Fluoride is the handiest chemical brought to ingesting water for the motive of medication (i.e. to save you enamel decay). The statement is true.

The countries that add fluoride to water includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the bulk of Switzerland (97%), and the bulk of the United Kingdom (90%).

Excess quantities of fluoride ions in ingesting water can reason dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, bone damage, osteoporosis, muscular damage, fatigue, joint-associated problems, and chronicle issues and risk of cancer.

The given statement is true.

To learn more about cancer check the link below:



Complete question

Countries that add fluoride to water have higher cancer rates than countries that do not. The conclusion that fluoride causes cancer. Is this statement true or false.

Does cycling burn more calories?


The intensity and duration of either workout will affect how many calories you burn. Running employs more muscles than cycling, therefore it generally burns more calories. Cycling, on the other hand, is easier on the body, and you might be able to go farther or faster than you can run.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here



a group of doctors used a t test to compare cancer patients’ recovery rates during the time spent in hospitals with the time spent in their own home to decide the best place for patients to be during recovery. their study measured all the patients’ white blood cell counts while they were in the hospital and then again while all patients were at home. what type of design is this?


The type of design is within-groups.

A t-test is a statistical test that compares two samples' means. It is used in hypothesis testing with a null hypothesis that the difference in group means is zero and an alternate hypothesis that the difference is not zero.

When the population standard deviation is unknown, the Student's t-test is used to test hypotheses about the mean of a small sample drawn from a normally distributed population.

The Student's t test compares means between two groups, whereas ANOVA compares means between three or more groups.

In ANOVA, the first step is to obtain a common P value.

A significant P value of the ANOVA test indicates that the mean difference between at least one pair was statistically significant.

To learn more about T test, here



Physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.
a. True
b. False


TRUE. The WHO defines physical, mental, and social well-being as more than just the absence of sickness or disability. This is the holistic perspective of health that nurses value.

The above statement is simply one of the principles that come within the ones that WHO is still strongly dedicated to as stated in the preamble of the Constitution.

Some of the principles are s follows :

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.One of every person's fundamental rights, regardless of ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, economic situation, or social standing, is to enjoy the maximum achievable quality of health.In order to achieve peace and security, it is essential for all people to be healthy, which depends on the complete cooperation of both individuals and states.Any State's success in promoting and protecting health is valuable to everyone.A common risk is the disparate advancement of many nations in the promotion of health and control of illnesses, particularly communicable diseases.Governments must provide enough social and health programs in order to fulfill their obligation to protect the health of their citizens.

Find more on Health at: brainly.com/question/20867263


What benefits could we achieved on performing or engaging in a cheer dance routine?


The benefits which could be achieved on performing or engaging in a cheer dance routine are better flexibility, enhanced stamina and endurance.

Cheer dance routine is a form of acrobatics exercise which involves high strength dance steps and exercises. It is performed mainly during some sport event. Such routines helps the person to enhance their mood, increase their physical endurance of the body and acts as strength training for them. Thus in some way it helps to keep the body fit, healthy and agile. It also brings self confidence and helps the person to have control over their mental agitations. It also encourages good posture and stabilizes the body's trunk or vertebral column.

Learn more about cheer dance at:



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What is the relationship between amino acids and proteins and enzymes? a 18.6 ml aliquot of 0.201 mh3po4(aq) is to be titrated with 0.269 mnaoh(aq) . what volume ( ml ) of base will it take to reach the equivalence point? Match the following New Deal Reform programs (17E)Question 4 options:Provided workers with Unemployment benefits and old age pensions.Insured bank deposits so people would not lose their savings if a bank failedBuilt 21 dams to provide electricity for parts of the SouthCreated to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud, and stop another stock market collapse.1. Tennessee Valley Authority 2. Securities and Exchange Commission3. Social Security Act4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation a hydraulic lift is being used to elevate a car. the right side of the lift has a larger area than the left. when the two pistons are at the same vertical height, which side of the lift has higher pressure? What actions characterize authoritarian governments? select three answers.a. leaders often seize power by illegitimate means.b. all citizens prosper under the government. c. citizens support the governments official ideology. d. a single leader or a very powerful group rules.e. leaders refuse to tolerate dissenting views. The map shows the latitudes and longitudes of Africa.A map titled Political map of Africa. Longitude lines from 20 degrees west to 60 degrees east are labeled. Latitude lines from 30 degrees north to 30 degrees south are labeled. South Africa is near 30 degrees south. Madagascar is near 20 degrees south. Republic of Congo is near 0 degrees. Ethiopia is near 10 degrees north. Egypt and Algeria are near 30 degrees north.Which country is located at 9 N, 40 E?AlgeriaEgyptEthiopiaMadagascar If a scatter plot shows a linear association, which must be true of the data? A. There is a line that passes through all of the plotted data points. B. There is a line that passes through most of the plotted data points. C. There is a line that describes the relationship between the two measured quantities reasonably well. D. There is a tendency for relatively high values for one measured quantity to be paired with relatively high values for the other measured quantity. how many ways can the letters of the word mailbox be arranged in a row if m and a must remain together (in order) as a unit? you are a leader. you recognize there are unstated standard operating procedures or ways of doing things in your organization. these procedures or ways of doing things are called: do premature infants often need to be placed on a ventilator because their undeveloped lungs produce excess surfactant What do granulosa cells secrete after ovulation? Five grams of nitrogen gas at an initial pressure of 3.0 atm and at 20? C undergo an isobaric expansion until the volume has tripled.a.What is the gas volume after the expansion?b.What is the gas temperature after the expansion? The gas pressure is then decreased at constant volume until the original temperature is reached.c.What is the gas pressure after the decrease? Finally, the gas is isothermally compressed until it returns to its initial volume.d.What is the final gas pressure? How might the history of georgia have been different if it were always considered an ideal home for its diverse population?. A tudent ketched ome art on a 8. 5 inch (X) 11 inch piece of paper. He want to reize it to fit an 8 inch (X) 10 inch frame. What percent of the original ketch wa till able to be included in the frame? body mass index (bmi) calculations of several football players on a university team show that they are overweight or even obese. which statement is most likely correct? NEED HELP 100 POINTS FOR CORRECT ANSWERIn the application activity, you had to choose between two options, Scenario 1: Building a Website or Scenario 2: Printing Band Posters. Review the feedback you got for your answer, then enter your revised answer here. Find the exact value of cos ( 285 ) . Who were the residents short answer? Look at the following two organizational designs and indicate which one you would choose.A. I want my employees to have very narrow job responsibilities. Ill hire more people with specific experience next year, and each person will form the basis for future departments in my company.B. I want my employees to have broad job responsibilities. Ill hire a small group of employees next year that have multiple skills, and ask them to work on anything that will help the company meet its goals. Solve for x 4 - (2x + 4) = Please explain step by step on how I could get this answer!