Match the following New Deal Reform programs (17E)

Question 4 options:

Provided workers with Unemployment benefits and old age pensions.

Insured bank deposits so people would not lose their savings if a bank failed

Built 21 dams to provide electricity for parts of the South

Created to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud, and stop another stock market collapse.

Tennessee Valley Authority

Securities and Exchange Commission

Social Security Act

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Answer 1

1. Tennessee Valley Authority built 21 dams to provide electricity for parts of the South

What was the Social Security Act's principal objective?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, signed the Social Security Act of 1935 into law after it was passed by the 74th US Congress. Roosevelt's domestic New Deal policy included the statute. An act to promote the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits and allowing the various States to make more suitable arrangements for the elderly, blind, dependent, and handicapped children, maternity and child welfare, public health, and their unemployment administration.

2. Securities and Exchange Commission created to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud, and stop another stock market collapse.

3. Social Security Act provided workers with Unemployment benefits and old age pensions

4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured bank deposits so people would not lose their savings if a bank failed

To learn more about Social Security Act, visit:


Related Questions

How many calories do you burn in 45 minutes of swimming?



544 calories for 45 minutes of swimming


What does SoHo stand for in NYC?


SoHo is an acronym for the South of Houston Street located in New York City.

SoHo is a section of downtown Manhattan in the city of New York. Since the 1970s, the area has been home to numerous artist lofts and galleries. It is also well-known for its assortment of shops, which range from chic, upscale boutiques to outlets for major national and international chains. The region's history includes social, cultural, political and architectural advancements, and is a paradigmatic illustration of inner-city regeneration and gentrification.

Chester Rapkin, an urban planner and the author of The South Houston Industrial Area study, gave the area the nickname "SoHo" in 1962. The name is derived from the area being "South of Houston Street" and also alludes to the Soho neighborhood in London's West End.

To read more about New York City visit:


Transcontinental Railroad
Blank of the West Increased


Note that the Transcontinental Railroad of the West Increased development and industrial growth.

How did the transcontinental Railroad affect the west?

The First Transcontinental Railroad's completion in 1869 had a significant influence on the West. It promoted additional colonization in the West by making travel cheaper and simpler. It also fostered the growth of communities along the railroad, as the railroad reduced the isolation of the west.

The rail line, also known as the Great Transcontinental Railroad and later the "Overland Route," was primarily constructed by the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California (CPRR) and Union Pacific (with some assistance from the Western Pacific Railroad Company) over public lands made available by extensive US land grants.

Learn mroe about the Transcontinental Railroad:

Full Question:

Transcontinental Railroad of the West Increased _______?

what do the actions of the austrian government in response to the revolts of 1848 suggest about its interest and relationship to reform


After the Congress of Vienna of 1815, social and political tensions increased, leading to the events of 1848. The Austrian Empire, which was already conservative, further distanced itself from concepts from the Age of Enlightenment.

The already conservative Austrian Empire drifted further away from concepts of the Age of Enlightenment during the "pre-March" period. Press freedom was curtailed, numerous academic activities were restricted, and fraternities were outlawed. In some parts of Hungary, disputes between debtors and creditors over land usage rights and agricultural production led to disputes that occasionally descended into bloodshed. Before 1848, organised religion was a major source of conflict throughout Europe. Both inside Catholicism and amongst adherents of various confessions, there was conflict. These confrontations were frequently entangled with disputes with the government. State conflicts involving the military forces and tax collection were significant to the revolutionaries. As 1848 drew near, the empire was practically bankrupt and in constant need of soldiers as a result of the revolutions it put down in order to uphold the conservative minister Klemens Wenzel von Metternich's Concert of Europe. Brawls between troops and citizens resulted from draught commissions.

To learn more about Austrian Empire please click on below link


Who were the two engineers that built the Brooklyn Bridge?


The bridge was created by John A. Roebling, who passed away before the building could start. Then, his son Washington Roebling was named head engineer; but he fell ill, so some of his wife Emily Roebling's responsibilities were taken over.

The Brooklyn Bridge, which connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, towers majestically over New York City's East River. John Augustus Roebling, the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge, was a notable forerunner of steel suspension bridges.

He was born in Germany in 1806 and later studied industrial engineering in Berlin before moving to western Pennsylvania at the age of 25 and making an unsuccessful attempt to become a farmer. Later, he relocated to Harrisburg, the state's capital, where he worked as a civil engineer. He created a prosperous wire-cable industry and advocated the usage of wire cables.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


If the Federal Reserve System wanted to stimulate the U.S. economy and reduce unemployment, it wouldanswer choicesa. cause interest rates to decrease because low interest rates encourage businessgrowth and expansionb. cause interest rates to rise because high interest rates encourage business growthand expansionc. increase the discount rate it charges banks, which would increase the money supplyd. increase consumer spending by reducing the money supply


If the Federal Reserve System wanted to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment in the United States, it would increase the discount rate it charges banks, which would increase the money supply.

The funds rate is determined by the Federal Reserve based on the interest rate on excess reserves. The federal funds rate is the rate of interest at which banks lend to one another.

The Federal Reserve, the United States central bank, has a dual mandate: to work toward low unemployment while also maintaining stable prices throughout the economy.

In the event of a severe economic downturn, the Federal Reserve may take drastic measures to reduce unemployment and raise prices in order to fulfill its traditional mandate as well as to provide financial and economic assistance to the United States.

During recessions, the Federal Reserve employs a variety of monetary policy tools to help suppress unemployment and re-inflate prices. Open market asset purchases, reserve regulation, discount lending, and forward guidance to manage market expectations are among the tools available.

To learn more about Federal Reserve, please refer:


eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of South Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

The cultivation of indigo was widely popularized in the American society during the eighteenth century, and was adapted quickly by most American farmers during this period. The indigo cultivation has been done extensively, as it is cheaper to cultivate and has significantly higher rewards for agriculture for being a cash crop. It revolutionized the entire economy in the region of South Carolina during the mid-eighteenth century.

Learn more about indigo cultivation here:


Which technological advancement was developed in installations near these cities during WW II?
A. Long-range submarines
B. Radio navigation
C. atom bombs
D. Jet engines


Atom bombs are technological advancements that become advanced in installations near those cities during WW II.

Within the mystery towns That Created the Atomic Bomb. The new york project, this system that developed the first nuclear guns all through world warfare II, worked out of 3 motive-built towns in Tennessee, New Mexico, and Washington state.

President Truman legalized the usage of the atom bombs to be able to bring about Japan's surrender in the 2d world war. in the days following the bombings Japan surrendered. The long island mission become the American authority's application at some stage in global conflict II that advanced and constructed these first atomic bombs.

Learn more about Atomic Bomb here


Do you think the government has the right to have a say in what movies are made? Why/why not?



WW2 How was war fought at home, Europe, and the pacific?


Allied forces during the World War II slowly gained naval and air supremacy in the Pacific, and moved methodically from island to island, conquering them and often sustaining significant casualties.

What is World War II?

World War II, sometimes known as the Second World War or just World War II, lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's nations—including all the great powers—formed the Allies and the Axis powers, two military coalitions that opposed one another.

Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, seriously harming the US Pacific Fleet. Days later, after Germany and Italy attacked the US, America found itself at the center of a world conflict. The Pacific Strategy is what this is known as.

During World War II, Germany used a novel strategy known as the "Blitzkrieg" to conquer much of Europe (lightning war). Blitzkrieg entailed assembling large numbers of aircraft, tanks, and artillery. These forces would breach the defenses of the opposition along a constrained front.

Therefore, there were different scenarios at home, Europe and the Pacific during the World War II.

To learn more about World War II, click here:


Was the economic prosperity of the 1950s felt by all ?


Although the economy grew in the 1950s, not everyone experienced prosperity. Michael Harrington's The Other America (1962) documented poverty in the United States and revealed that, by 1960, 35 million Americans lived below the poverty line (defined as a family of four with an annual income of less than $3,000).

What were the main achievements of President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy?



President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy emphasized the importance of American military might, advocating for the country to become a “world power”, and protecting American interests abroad. He also sought to resolve international disputes peacefully, using the negotiation process known as “dollar diplomacy.” He worked to improve the relationship between the United States and Latin America by pursuing the construction of the Panama Canal and by promoting the “Roosevelt Corollary” of the Monroe Doctrine. He also promoted the construction of the Great White Fleet, a naval fleet of battleships that he sent on a world tour to demonstrate American naval power.


both serving in the 20th century, what is the only last name shared by a u.s. president and uk prime minister?


The British government is led by the Prime Minister, while the American government is led by the President. Both presidents take many crucial decisions that have an impact on citizens of their respective nations.

The head of state is the reigning monarch, not the prime minister, who heads the government. The person who has the final say on what occurs in the nation is the head of state. Technically, the Prime Minister may be overruled by the monarch in Buckingham Palace, but this rarely occurs in modern times.In the US, the President serves as both the head of state and the government. It is particularly significant because it combines two tasks into one.

learn more about Prime Minister here:


What were MacAurthurs successes with Korea ?


MacArthur was given the position of supreme commander of the United Nations force that was sent to assist the South after North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950.

He planned a risky but extremely successful landing at Inchon in September, and by October, North Korean forces had been driven back across the 38th parallel.

What did General MacArthur's invasion of North Korea accomplish?

The daring landing, which U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur planned and carried out in extremely difficult conditions, abruptly turned the war's tide and caused the North Korean army that was attacking to retreat in disorder up the Korean peninsula.

How many things did MacArthur accomplish?

One of only a few people to hold the five-star rank, MacArthur fought in World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. He distinguished himself as a skilled, brave, and competent military commander, earning the Medal of Honor and 17 other medals.

To learn more about MacArthur here


The societies discussed in this chapter developed different types of governing institutions partly because some polities had much smaller populations than others. Imagine it is the middle of the sixteenth century. Place these regions in order from smallest population to largest population.
Ottoman Empire
Mughal India
MIng China


The regions can be placed in such way- smallest population to largest population are England, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Mughal India, China.

The Ottoman Empire, often known as the Turkish Empire, ruled over a sizable area of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa from the 14th to the early 20th centuries.

Around the end of the 13th century, Osman I, the chief of the Turkoman tribe, founded it in the northwest Anatolian town of Söüt (current-day Bilecik Province). Around 1354, the Ottomans arrived in Europe. Following their conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik expanded into a transcontinental empire.

The Ottoman Empire's Byzantine Empire came to an end when Mehmed the Conqueror took Constantinople in 1453.

To know more about Ottoman Empire here


Briefly explain one important difference between the economic systems of the north and the west in the period 1800-1850.


The difference between the northern and western economic systems in the period 1800-1850 is that the economic system of the north relied on manufacturing products while the west heavily relied on trade both in goods and services.

In the 1800s, the North was more inclined toward the industrial revolution. As a result, they embraced the manufacture of new products from readily available raw materials such as cotton produced in the south.

Their western counterparts were however more inclined toward trade and their economic system heavily relied on exchanging raw materials and offering services to their neighboring communities in exchange for manufactured goods. They mostly exchanged:


This led to the growth of the urban centers and also played a major role in the industrial revolution at the time.

Find out more about the economic systems of the north, south, and west at;


what was the economic basis of feudalism in western europe? a. iron smelting b. slavery c. manorialism d. long-distance trade


The economic basis of feudalism in western europe was - manorialism.

The political, economic, and social structure that made medieval European peasants dependent on their master and their land was known as manorialism, sometimes known as seignorialism or the seignorial system.In the manorial system of medieval Europe, a manor house or castle served as the focal point of the rural community. Manors were the smallest divisions of these estates.

Rural society in medieval Europe was organized around a manor house or castle on an estate under the manorialism (manorial system) era. Manors were these estates' lowest territorial divisions.

For more info about 'manorialism' click on below link -


How did Tsutomu Yamaguchi come to be in both cities when the bombs were dropped?


Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business for his employer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

Which bomb was more damaging to Yamaguchi and why?

Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who saw the dropping of the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945, while on a business trip, managed to survive both nuclear strikes on Japan when the United States detonated atomic bombs during World War II. He made it home to Nagasaki despite having burns on his face and arms. Yamaguchi's house was completely destroyed three days later by the second nuclear strike. While he was out looking for creams to cure his already present burns, his family managed to live. They also survived because they were protected in a tunnel.

The blast caused several individuals, including Yamguchi, to lose their faculties of sight and hearing. They would then have to live with the knowledge that while they survived the explosion, their friends and family did not.

to learn more about atomic bombs click:


Though slaves were treated brutally from the moment of capture, europeans in the old world and new managed to justify the enslaving of african people--to themselves, at least. What was one of their main justifications for continuing the practice?


Theologians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries said that the concept that Africans were descended from Ham, a biblical figure who was put into slavery by his father, Noah, justified the enslavement of African peoples.

The notion of race and racial hierarchy did not determine who could and could not be sold into slavery in Western Europe prior to the New World's invasion.

Instead, the Early Middle Ages, which spanned the fifth through the ninth century, marked the limits of slavery in Europe. According to historian David Brion Davis, it was finally possible to avoid European Christians enslaving one another because to the Judeo-Christian belief in a monotheistic God who governs over a single race of people.

To learn more about slavery, refer



The plantation owners needed slaves to meet Europe's demand for sugar, rice, tobacco, and cotton.


As long as there was a need and a market for cheap human labor and the goods it could produce, slave trading continued in North America. While many people saw the harm it was doing to so many lives, the business of making money, even at the price of other human beings, was too alluring.

What do diamonds, NFL players, and antique corvettes have in common?



They are all valuable and sought after items.


What was the most significant difference between the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson's Fourteen Points ?


In January 1918, World War I was drawing to a close, and President Woodrow Wilson wanted nothing more than to assure the American and European public that a war of this nature would never happen again. Wilson drafted and read his plan aloud to Congress, a multi-step plan that he titled his 14 points.

Wilson then took the plan to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, where some, but not all, of the points were adopted. The end result of the Peace Conference would be the controversial Treaty of Versailles, and although some of Wilson's original points were present in the Treaty, there were some other elements that surprised both him and Germany. In regards to the original 14 Points of him. Wilson proposed an end to secret alliances, because he had seen the effects of countries forming secret military relationships with each other. He encouraged self-determination and freedom for the colonies, freedom of the seas, and the ability to promote open trade. He also advocated for the redrawing of Italy's borders. The Treaty of Versailles, on the other hand, featured some components that angered the Germans. Many of the world leaders who attended the Paris Peace Conference were upset with Germany and wanted to impose harsh sanctions. That is, they wanted the treaty to stipulate that Germany would be forced to give up its colonies, hand over the Kaiser and other German leaders for punishment, and pay reparations or money owed to other countries that suffered damage and casualties during the war. This essentially blamed Germany for the war, and the treaty made it almost necessary for Germany to accept that blame. In exchange, the treaty stated that Allied soldiers would leave Germany if all the requirements were met. However, there were some shared components between Wilson's 14 points and the last Treaty of Versailles. Namely, both called for a reduction of the armed forces in Germany. German soldiers would be withdrawn from other territories, while territories that were taken from France would be quickly returned to them. Belgium would also be granted independence from it and new nation states would be born out of the Ottoman and Auto-Hungarian empires, namely Poland, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary and others.

To learn more about reparations please click on below link


How much did Prohibition increase crime?


Prohibition increased the crime by 24 percent.

It is safe to say that the 1920s–1930s marked the start of a time when America's cultural perceptions underwent a most profound and unanticipated change. It was the decade that gave birth to the prohibition of manufacture and sale of booze. This is credited to Andrew Volstead, a lawmaker who was in charge of promoting the Prohibition Act of 1920. (Murray 13). The law's supporters' hopes for enacting a measure that would oversee the decline of crime and the ascent of sanity and morality in the preceding century were dashed when they realized that the Act had the exact opposite effect.

The upshot of the Prohibition Act was that since the production and sale of alcoholic beverages was now forbidden, it meant that illicit supply of the drinks could not be taxed, and the bootleggers discovered a big market for illegal brew. Films admired the criminals who gained large sums of money from the illicit sale of alcohol, creating a culture of figurative names and characterizations. For instance, in the 1932 motion picture The Public Enemy, A Capone was portrayed as Scarface (Fischer 57). To present, most film makers of gangster films choose to depict their criminal characters in the fashion that may be regarded to have started in Al Capone criminal era. To comprehend this culture, one must examine the way of life of these prohibition era gangsters, through the rather short criminal life of Al Capone (Willard 43 and Pfleger 29).

To learn more about Prohibition and crime, refer:


Read or review the script Mona used for her oral report about the solar system. Mars is one of the planets in the solar system. It is near Earth, and there are some robotic machines exploring Mars. There might be life on the Red Planet. Other planets include Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is a planet too, and it is the third planet from the Sun. The sun is in the middle of the solar system which is part of the Milky Way which is a galaxy in the universe.Planets go orbiting around the sun in circles, and orbit means go around.Is there life on other planets? We don’t know, but there probably is. Which of the following is an appropriate criticism of Mona’s report on the solar system? Select one: a. It is incorrect. b. It should include information about stars. c. It is poorly organized. d. It should be presented on paper.



C. it is poorly organized

during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, southern colonies devoted their agricultural energies to the cultivation of cotton. true or false


Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards that contain terms like the southern colonies devoted their agricultural energies to growing cotton. This revealed the Crown's determination to collect revenue from the colonies.

They believed that reason could be used to improve society and human nature. Slavery was practiced in all of the English colonies, but predominantly in the South. The Scotch-Irish and the Germans were combined. Stamp Act of 1765 (1765) The Stamp Act of 1765 ratified by the British Parliament under King George III. He established a tax on all official papers and documents in the American colonies, though not in England. On March 22, 1765, the British Parliament passed the "Stamp Act" to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years. War. The law required colonists to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various forms of papers, documents, and playing cards.

To learn more about Parliament please click on below link.


Why does Wilson think the US needs to help end the war?



Wilson thought that the United States alone could shape an effective peace settlement because he believed that the combatants were politically and morally bankrupt. Wilson felt that American intervention in 1917 would ensure that the United States would play a decisive role and dominate the postwar peace conference.

Answer: because its bad for us

Explanation:it causes harm to the world and on our people

before texas became a state, it was: select one or more: a. none of the above. b. fought over by the spanish and russians. c. its own country. d. a province of portugal. e. not a part of any european country's empire.


Texas joined the Union as the 28th state on December 29, 1845. Texas was formerly a part of Mexico, but it became a sovereign nation in 1836. since achieving independence

Texas has pushed for annexation by the US ever since gaining its independence. However, because of political disagreements regarding slavery, the procedure took over 10 years. Texas joined the country as a slave-owning state, legalized it, and then seceded 15 years later to form the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy broke apart from the United States soon after Abraham Lincoln was elected in order to keep slavery people of African .

learn more about Texas here:


briefly explain how federal government actions taken during reconstruction were similar to federal government actions taken during the civil war.


Three key amendments to the Constitution adopted shortly after the war that abolished slavery, guaranteed equal protection, and gave African-Americans the right to vote further consolidated federal power.

Congress now decided to start Reconstruction all over again.The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 divided the South into five military districts and provided for the establishment of new governments, based on male suffrage.Thus began the period of Radical or Congressional Reconstruction, which lasted until 1877.Andrew Johnson and passed the Reconstruction Acts of 1867–68, which sent federal troops to the South to oversee the establishment of state governments that were more democratic.Congress also enacted legislation and amended the Constitution to guarantee the civil rights of freedmen and African-Americans in general. Meanwhile, the Reconstruction laws gave former male slaves the right to vote and hold public office.Congress also approved two amendments to the Constitution.The Fourteenth Amendment made African Americans citizens and protected them from discriminatory state laws.

To learn more about consolidated please click on below link.


John of Damascus is associated with what issue that faced the Byzantine Empire?
O The competition between the Greens and the Blues
O The threat of the land-owning class known as the Powerful
O The Iconoclast Controversy
O The arrival of the Bulgar people on the northern border


John of Damascus is associated with what issue that faced the Byzantine Empire is option C:   The Iconoclast Controversy.

What benefited the Byzantine Empire from John of Damascus' efforts?

As one of the Muslim caliph's tax officials after his father, John of Damascus penned three discourses on sacred images in the year 730 while still a government minister, defending their adoration against the Iconoclasts and Byzantine emperor Leo III.

Lastly, In 749, John Damascene was said to have died. He was recognized as a saint and a doctor, or significant teacher, of our faith in 1883.

Learn more about The Iconoclast Controversy from

What group of immigrants arrived in large numbers on the US west coast for the primary purpose of working on the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century?
a) Chinese
b) Irish
c) Japanese
d) Mexican


Answer: Chinese Immigrants

Explanation: Hope it helps :)

What types of work did participants in the works progress administration undertake?


Men would construct/repair roads and airports. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) would assign women to sewing projects where they would collaborate to create clothing for the poor.

What was accomplished by the Works Progress Administration?

In a wide range of jobs, both skilled and unskilled laborers were engaged by the WPA, several of which were national infrastructure initiatives like building parks, roads, bridges, school, and some other public buildings.

What had that Works Progress Corporation quizlet been created for?

On public works projects, government Works Progress Administration (WPA) generated millions of jobs. Workers dredged river and harbors, constructed highways and public structures, and pushed land and water conservation. Public places were improved by hiring artists. A pension program for retirees was established by the Social Security Act.

To know more about Works Progress Administration (WPA) visit:


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