What rumors do Mr Frederick and Mr Pilkington spread about Animal Farm?


Answer 1

The rumor that the animals were fighting among themselves and starved to death was propagated by Frederick and Pilkington. When it became clear that was not taking place,

they started spreading reports about cannibalism and torture on the farm. Nobody actually gave those tales any credence. Over the following year, word of the uprising spread at an astounding rate. Animals started to rebel against their owners across the nation. Beasts of England was being sung by animals everywhere. Animals were beaten by humans when they heard them singing that song, but Man was unable to stop it.It was only a matter of time before animals in other parts of the nation learned about the liberation the disobedient creatures at Animal Farm were experiencing. Animalism

learn more about animals   here:



Related Questions

true or false? assessment for cultural sensitivity must occur at the personal and organizational level.


Cultural sensitivity must be assessed both personally and organizationally. This is correct. Thus, the correct choice is true.

What is cultural sensitivity?

Cultural sensitivity, also known as cross-cultural sensitivity or cultural awareness, is the understanding, acceptance, and knowledge of various cultures and cultural identities. It is connected to cultural competence (the abilities required for efficient communication with persons from various cultures, including cross-cultural competence) and is often viewed as a prerequisite for attaining cultural competence, but is a more widely used word. Individual cultural sensitivity is a state of mind towards relationships with others who are different from oneself. Cultural sensitivity allows tourists, laborers, and others to successfully engage with people from cultures other than their own.

To learn more about Cultural sensitivity, click



Place each exa,ple in the correct category. which activities demonstrate expressed powers, and which demonstrate implied powers?
A. expressed powers
B. implied powers


The examples of expressed powers are raising taxes, regulating trade, coining money, and declaring war while examples of implied powers are drafting soldiers and creating a national bank.

The expressed powers refer to the federal government powers that are explicitly defined in the Constitution. The express powers include the power to tax, to coin money, to regulate foreign and domestic commerce, to raise and maintain an armed forces, to fix standards of weights and measures, to grant patents and copyrights, to conduct foreign affairs, and to make treaties.

Implied powers refer to government powers that are not directly stated in the Constitution, and are implied or suggested to be applicable in some or all cases. The implied powers include creating a national bank, establishing a federal minimum wage, establishing a military draft, and creating gun control laws in some cases.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are a) raising taxes b) regulating trade c) coining money d) drafting soldiers e) declaring war f) creating a national bank.

Learn more about Expressed powers:



. mindfulness pertains to our outer worlds of other people and events. c.mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander. d. mindfulness is about concentrating or focusing.


A. Mindfulness requires less effort than letting our minds wander.

Mindfulness is the exercise of purposely bringing one's interest to the prevailing moment enjoy with out evaluation,[1][2][note 1][3][web 1] an ability one develops thru meditation or different training.[2][4][5] Mindfulness derives from sati, a big detail of Hindu and Buddhist traditions,[6][7] and is based on Zen, Vipassanā, and Tibetan meditation strategies.[8][9][note 2] though definitions and strategies of mindfulness are extensive-ranging,[15] Buddhist traditions explain what constitutes mindfulness which include how beyond, gift and future moments rise up and give up as momentary sense impressions and intellectual phenomena.[6][16][web 2] individuals who have contributed to the popularity of mindfulness within the contemporary Western context consist of Thích Nhất Hạnh, Herbert Benson, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Richard J. Davidson,[17][18] and Sam Harris.

Learn more about Mindfulness here



major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a significant mental illness that causes aberrant reality interpretation, according to medical terminology. Hallucinations, delusions, and very disordered thought and behaviour are frequent outcomes of this disease, which makes it difficult to go about daily tasks and can even be crippling.

To put it another way, schizophrenia is also regarded as a chronic brain condition that affects less than 1% of Americans. Delusions, hallucinations, slurred speech, difficulty thinking, and a lack of motivation are all possible signs of schizophrenia.The majority of patients with schizophrenia need a lifetime of care that includes a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and well-coordinated specialty care services.

To know more about Schizophrenia visit:



remember, a symbol is something physical representing an abstract concept.what might the burning of miss havisham's wedding dress symbolize?


The burning of Miss Havisham's wedding dress symbolizes redemption and rebirth of a better person.

There are numerous ways that fire is employed in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.  Fire can represent a variety of things. The few things that fire can represent are warmth, little evils that have the potential to grow into bigger forces, and devastation.

Fire is used by Charles Dickens to symbolize all three of these concepts in Great Expectations. Miss Havisham's bridal gown takes on an ironic meaning of death and decay when it is worn by her deteriorating body.

Later, when her rotting wedding dress catches fire, her atonement is complete. This denotes the beginning of her rebirth as a better person and the discharge of her former sufferings.

To know more about Great Expectations, click here:



which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form a natural boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia

What are the features of the Ural Mountains?

The mountains stretch for 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) and cut through arctic tundra to the north and forest and semi-desert landscapes to the south. The Ural Mountains were formed as a result of continental collisions 250-300 million years ago, making them one of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth.

Is it cold in the Urals?

The Urals are one of the coldest regions in Russia, with an average daily high of just 6 degrees Celsius. The climate is overwhelmingly cold, with mercury not even reaching positive levels during winter.

When did Russia cross the Ural Mountains?

The official Russian invasion of Siberia dates back to 1581, when Cossack chief Ermak Timofeevich led a detachment across the Urals and soon after Sibyll defeated his Khanate army.

To learn more about Ural Mountains visit:



which term is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are relatively fixed and immobile?


Caste system is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that are relatively fixed and immobile.

Endogamy, the hereditary transfer of a way of life that frequently includes a profession, ritual rank in a hierarchy, customary social contact, and exclusion based on cultural conceptions of purity and contamination are all characteristics of caste, a type of social stratification. The tight social divisions within Hindu society in India, which have their origins in ancient south Asian history and continue to this day, serve as its paradigmatic ethnographic exemplar. However, as a result of urbanization and affirmative action initiatives, the economic importance of the caste system in India has been decreasing. The Hindu caste system has received a great deal of attention from sociologists and anthropologists, and it is occasionally used as an analogical framework for the study of caste-like social distinctions that exist outside of Hinduism and India.

To know more about caste system:



what method of auditory training involves a more global approach of stressing syntax and content of the spoken message. training involves the use of meaningful stimuli based on information.


Synthetic method of auditory training involves a more global approach of stressing syntax and content of the spoken message

The goal of auditory training is to improve an individual's ability to detect the acoustic cues necessary for the development of auditory abilities. The synthetic and analytical methods of auditory training are the two main types.

Synthetic approach to the focus of auditory training is on a broader perspective on speech perception, emphasizing the use of context and syntactic cues to understand spoken messages. involves utilizing significant stimuli (words, phrases, sentences). This could entail practicing sentence comprehension using context-based prior knowledge or having the clinician name a topic and offer pertinent words or phrases for the person to repeat back.

The synthetic (or top-down) method is concerned with understanding the meaning of a message through a variety of communication techniques, including enhanced hearing, attention, use of context, and repair techniques.

To learn more about syntax, refer:



what does crooks offer in return for joining george, lennie, and candy on the dream farm?


Crooks offers to work for free on the farm if George allows Crooks to accompany them.

Lennie is told by Crooks that he is crazy. He claims he has witnessed hundreds of people come and go with the same desire of owning a plot of land, but none of them ever succeeded in realizing their dream. No one receives a land grant or access to heaven. Every ranch employee, according to Crooks, has the same dream. He continues by saying that he has watched many men argue over the same plot of property, but nothing ever comes of it. According to Crooks, finding a small plot of land is like finding heaven. He hopes to have a home that is his forever place, much like George and Lennie do.

Crooks sees George and Lennie's ambition as an opportunity to leave the ranch and his sad life behind.

Learn more about Crook's story here: https://brainly.com/question/16096483


Can anyone help me. I need it today.



1.Iraq 2.Syria 3.Turkey


cognitive dissonance is the mental unrest that accompanies being told we are wrong. question 31 options: true false


True. Cognitive Dissonance is the mental unrest that accompanies being told we are wrong.

When your views and actions are at odds, you experience cognitive dissonance, a mental conflict. When someone has opposing beliefs, attitudes, or viewpoints towards the same issue, it can be unsettling. The level of pain varies depending on the topic and how effectively the person handles mental conflicts. Uncomfort, worry, and anxiety can result from cognitive dissonance. And the severity of these consequences frequently depends on the degree of divergence between the opposing views, how important those beliefs are to that individual, and how successfully that person manages self-contradiction.

Learn more about Cognitive Dissonance here:



Felix and Oscar are roommates. Oscar is messy and Felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. The roommates can only reach a private solution if Oscar compensates Felix for being messy.


The roommates can only reach a private solution if Oscar compensates Felix for being messy. This statement is false.

It doesn't matter if Felix pays Oscar to clean up after him or if Oscar pays Felix to compensate for his mess. Either strategy could solve the issue, provided the cost savings from cohabitating outweigh the cost of the private solution for the one compensating the other and the private solution is enforced.

Management uses compensation as a tool for a variety of reasons to maintain the business. According on the needs, objectives, and resources that the company has access to, compensation may be changed.

If compensation is based on logical factors, workers will view it as fair. For the purpose of evaluating positions, various pay structures have emerged. Job descriptions, wage ranges/structures, and written procedures are only a few of the components shared by these systems.

To know more about compensation:



all of the following are the worldview of african american except: group of answer choices a. african americans are future oriented. some are rather relaxed about time and hence, may be late for appointments. d. african americans tend to speak louder than other cultures, and it is important to not interpret that as being angry c. their highly animated nonverbal communication methods are sometime erroneously misinterpreted as being aggressive. b. they tend to prefer close personal space and are comfortable with touching and hugging.


The worldview of African American except: group of answer choices a. African Americans are future oriented.

Hence, Option A  is correct.

The word used is "African American."

African American is the proper word now to describe anyone with ancestry in any of the African nations. The phrases "African American" and "black" are both used in literature.

The term "black" refers to a larger demographic.

Historically, a variety of terms were used to describe African Americans (Negro, colored, black).

They taught in their children the principles of honesty, integrity, and treating their fellow people with compassion, an attitude that still permeates many contemporary African American families, despite the ignorance and insensitivity of their oppressors.

To know more about African Americans here



weber's theory that religious beliefs follow an evolutionary trajectory toward rationalism is understood by present day anthropologists in what way?


In the cultural context of daily life, Weber's theory demonstrated that the belief in witchcraft and empirical knowledge are compatible.

Sociologist Max Weber had a keen interest in the development of religions as well as the interactions between the economics and society. His few forays into anthropology always revolve around an interdisciplinary, socio-anthropological, and historical viewpoint. Weber's theory served as the foundation for the "interpretive anthropology" that Geertz developed.

In light of Weber's theory of religion, the anthropological study of religion is revisited, and in particular the disagreement between Geertz and Asad over the theoretical underpinnings of this area. It is demonstrated that a significant body of anthropological research on religion and political economy in societies where the major world religions have a long history has been built upon his comparative analysis of the ethics of the world's religions and, in particular, the "Weber's theory" about the relationship between religion and the development of bourgeois capitalism.

Learn more about Weber's theory:



freeway 405 in los angeles is constantly congested, causing traffic to move very slowly. why would this freeway be considered a tragedy of the commons?


The freeway is overused as a result of the inability to prevent drivers from using it. Congestion will happen when a good is non-excludable but rival. This is an illustration of a tragedy of the commons.

The Freeway 405 is intended to be used mostly by predestrains, therefore its use by automobiles led to it being frequently crowded.

Because the government was unable to prevent drivers from using the freeway, it is a tragedy for the common people (average people). The frequent traffic jams on that expressway made life difficult for the average person as a result.

The drivers want to take the freeway since they cannot be prevented from doing so. Traffic becomes more congested when there are more cars on the freeway. The result is that traffic moves slowly. Some people might not be able to use the freeway if it has reached its maximum capacity owing to overuse. The people who can't utilize the freeway are in a worse situation.

Know more about freeway click:



Why is it important to include keywords that represent each of the essential concepts that make up your research question when you are searching for sources?


When searching for sources related to your research question, it is important to include keywords that represent the essential concepts of your question in order to narrow down the search results and make sure you are not missing any important sources.

What are the benefits of including keywords in a source search?

Including keywords that represent the essential concepts of your research question is important because it allows you to focus your search for relevant sources. By using keywords, you can narrow down the search results to sources that are more likely to contain information that answers your research question. Additionally, using keywords helps to ensure that you are not missing out on any important sources that may be related to your topic.

Learn more about Keywords: https://brainly.com/question/26355510


prior to the end of a hypnosis session jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: prior to the end of a hypnosis session jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: a hidden observer. hypnagogic sensations. age regression. rem rebound. posthypnotic suggestion.


Prior to the end of a hypnosis session, Jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. Jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: prior to the end of a hypnosis session Jessica's therapist told her she would not feel hungry anymore and nauseated at the thought of overeating. jessica's therapist is likely trying to implement: age regression. Option C

What is age regression?

Generally, Age regression is a kind of treatment in which you intentionally return to a younger state of mind in order to access and revisit memories from earlier times in your life. It is possible to induce it oneself, or to have a hypnotist or therapist do it for you.

A short or long-term reversal of behavior that occurs back to previous stages of development is known as age regression. Although it is typical and to be anticipated in youngsters, it may also take place in adults. As a defense mechanism against traumatic experiences, stress, serious illnesses, or mental health conditions, people might return to infantile behaviors at times.

Jessica's therapist informed her before the conclusion of a hypnosis session that she would no longer feel hungry and that the notion of overeating would make her sick to her stomach. It is probable that Jessica's therapist is attempting to apply the following:

Jessica's therapist informed her before the conclusion of a hypnosis session that she would no longer feel hungry and that the notion of overeating would make her sick to her stomach. There is a good chance that Jessica's therapist is attempting to implement: age regression.

Read more about  age regression



the somatic senses enable us to detect sensations, including: group of answer choices touch. temperature. pain. all of the above.


All of the above

Somatic sensations are sensations that originate from the skin, such as touch, pressure, warmth, cold, and pain, and from the muscles, tendons, and joints, such as pain and the position of the limbs. Soma, the Greek word for body, alludes to the entire of the body structure, aside from the microorganism cells (eggs and sperm). Even though they are typically regarded as distinct visceral sensations, sensations originating from the internal organs (the viscera), such as pain or the sensation of fullness in the stomach or bladder, may therefore be included. Referred pain is when pain in the viscera feels like it's coming from some part of the body's surface or underlying tissue.

To know more about Somatic sensations visit https://brainly.com/question/18917302?referrer=searchResults


you are a leader who wants to protect your self-image or change the way you are seen by others (or both). the set of behaviors you would use is known as .


Answer: self-handicapping behavior

The texas farm bureau represents which segment of the texas agricultural industry?
a. Large agricultural producers
b. Industries that supply services or products, such as cotton gins or fertilizer, to the agricultural industry
c. Family farms and ranches
d. Commodity groups such as cotton growers or mohair producers


Option (a), The Texas Farm Bureau is the industry representative for the state's large agricultural producers.

What does the Texas Farm Bureau do and who are they?

The largest farm organization in Texas, Texas Farm Bureau, represents farmers and rural communities across the state as the "Voice of Texas Agriculture." The grassroots organizing of Texas Farm Bureau starts in little towns all around the state of Texas.

Why American Farm Bureau is important

The Farm Bureau's legacy includes environmental initiatives that preserve the environment and keep it beautiful and productive for present and future generations to use and enjoy, as well as community leadership, assistance with rural issues, outreach to the general public, and agriculture literacy programs.

Learn more about large agricultural producers: https://brainly.com/question/1100489


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during early childhood (typically from birth to five years) period of the lifespan.

Neurodevelopmental disorders refer to a group of disorders that influence the development of the nervous system, resulting in abnormal brain function which may impact emotion, learning ability, self-control, and memory. They are a group of conditions with onset in the developmental period. They are characterized by developmental deficits that produce impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning. The range of developmental deficits varies from very specific limitations of learning or control of executive functions to global impairments of social skills or intelligence. They typically manifest in the early childhood phase of development, often before grade school typically within the ages from birth to five.

Learn more about Neurodevelopmental disorders:



Which investment has the least liquidity?mutual fundhousechecking accountsmall business.


investment has the least liquidity is Small business

What is liquidity?

Liquidity is a term that tells us how long it takes to convert an investment into cash as quickly as possible.

A small business is not a type of investment. Investors can invest in a company, investors can receive money after the company is dissolved, and they can get their money back after the company's shares are sold, but this takes time. It takes...it's the most liquid. It is a highly liquid investment and investors like it. Investors don't like investments with the least liquidity. Investors invest in investment types that offer high liquidity. So that in an emergency, investors can easily sell their investments and get their money back

Learn more about investment here.



greg ensured that his group members were all motivated to help create the solution to the problem they were solving. as a result, they all worked for the best outcome. this advantage of group problem solving arises because .


Greg ensured that his group members were all motivated to help create the solution to the problem they were solving. as a result, they all worked for the best outcome. this advantage of group problem solving arises because group work enhances buy-in.

Team buy-in allows managers to match employee strengths and weaknesses in a complementary way, which takes all the responsibility off of one individual and allows teams to pick up each other's slack and build a sum greater than its parts. Joining groups satisfies our need to belong, gain information and understanding through social comparison, define our sense of self and social identity, and achieve goals that might elude us if we worked alone.

A working group consists of people who bring the specialist skills and expertise you need to a project. The working group could be several individuals with lived experience of mental health problems or a combination of staff and individuals with lived experience. The advantages of grouping materials are: 1) Sorting things help us find items of different types easily . 2) Arranging things to different groups makes our life ordered and organised. 3) Sorting materials also helps in the storage of things and waste disposal .

Learn more about group members visit: brainly.com/question/407954


according to the video on perma, what intervention was used to target meaning in a study that produced good results?


Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement are the five components that Martin Seligman outlines in his "PERMA" model as being crucial to human wellbeing and flourishing.

Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) are deliberate actions designed to improve positive emotions, behaviors, or thoughts.

The planning of exercise treatments can reduce psychological stress by encouraging frequent training in a secure setting.

Regular exercise causes the body to create less adrenaline and cortisol, which are stress hormones that relieve tension and induce relaxation as well as the release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins. This concept can help leaders understand how to better their personal wellness as well as how to inspire others to succeed.

To learn more on PPIs:



Sigmund is the founding father of psychoanalytic theory of personality development.
a. True
b. False


It is a. true that Sigmund is the founding father of psychoanalytic theory of personality development.

Five psycho stages—the oral, anals, phallic, latency, and genital stages—are when Freud suggested that a child's personality develops. Each stage of inner development involves a distinct way for the body's libido (internal energy) to manifest itself.

Because each stage shows the fixation of libido—roughly translated as pleasure impulses or instincts—on a different part of the body, they are known as psychoseual stages. Some parts of the body become more significant as a person develops physically as possible sources of annoyance (erogenous zones), pleasure, or both.

According to Freud (1905), tension and pleasure are the foundation of life. Freud also held that all pleasure originated from the release of the libido (inner energy), which he believed was the source of all tension.

To know more about psychoanalytic theory of personality:



The client becomes a symbol of the inherent mistrust that exists in majority-minority relationships is a characteristic of which challenge associated with counseling White clients?
a. dealing with expressions of racist attitudes/beliefs/behaviors
b. transferring racial animosity to White clients
c. having the competency of the counselor of color challenged
d. unrealistically viewing the therapist of color as a Super Minority therapist


The client becomes a symbol of the inherent mistrust that exists in majority-minority relationships is a characteristic of transferring racial animosity to White clients.

It suggests that someone behaving with racial animus is acting because they despise or hate someone for their race for some reason. A member of the Ku Klux Klan, for instance, usually despises Black or Latino people because to their skin color or ethnicity. Any form of prejudice towards someone based on their race, ethnicity, or skin tone is known as racial discrimination.

One way people might discriminate is by refusing to interact with, make deals with, or pool resources with members of a specific group. Governments may discriminate implicitly or blatantly, for instance, by enforcing laws differently depending on race, allocating resources disproportionately based on race, or implementing racial segregation policies.

Learn more about Racial Discrimination here:



true or false: any action taken by a manager that is within the bounds of the law is, by definition, an ethical action.


Answer: False


which of these terms is a valid specifier of sexual dysfunction in dsm-5? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a lifelong b secondary to a medical condition c due to relationship factors d due to psychological factors


A valid specifier of sexual dysfunction in dsm-5 is because of the psychological factors.

Sexual dysfunction should be evaluated by a nonjudgmental health care practitioner using the same history-taking and physical examination approaches as are used to evaluate any other complicated symptoms. Unless it is distressing to the patient, a lack of sexual activity should not be considered sexual dysfunction.

Primary sexual dysfunction suggests that the individual has never been satisfied with their sexual activity. Secondary sexual dysfunction, on the other hand, denotes a decline from a previous level of sexual functioning and engagement. Secondary or acquired sexual dysfunction is significantly more common in clinical practice.

A Paraphilic Disorder is defined by the DSM-5 as a paraphilia that has also "included personal injury, or danger of harm, to others." In other words, using DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, it is conceivable to have a paraphilia but not a paraphilic disorder.

learn more about sexual dysfunction at https://brainly.com/question/9930877


which terms apply to each suggestion? (1) when overwhelmed with work, prioritize, devoting special time to your most important activities; (2) when making decisions, be open to different perspectives and ideas; (3) have your main priority be making a difference in the world.


(1) when overwhelmed with work, prioritize, devoting special time to your most important activities; selective optimization with compensation. (2) when making decisions, be open to different perspectives and ideas; postformal thought. (3) have your main priority be making a difference in the world; generativity.

Personalized Optimization With In order to adjust to changes connected to human growth as well as to age-related gains and losses, compensation is a lifelong model of psychological and behavioral management. Early adulthood is a developmental stage known as postformal thinking, during which a person learns to integrate contradictory thoughts or emotions into a more comprehensive understanding. In order to ensure the long-term survival of the species, generosity is the inclination and readiness to take part in actions that benefit future generations.

learn more about Adulthood here:



in what stage of ethnocentrism are people most likely to tell racist jokes, use hate speech, or act violently against minority outgroups?


In the 2nd stage of ethnocentrism people most likely to tell racist jokes, use hate speech, or act violently against minority outgroups.

In social science and anthropology, as well as in everyday English discourse, the term "ethnocentrism" refers to the practice of using one's own culture or ethnicity as a frame of reference to evaluate other cultures, practices, behaviors, beliefs, and individuals rather than the norms of the specific culture in question. Consider the utensils that various civilizations favor as a common illustration of ethnocentrism. Some cultures think it is strange or wrong that some cultures customarily use chopsticks to eat, preferring instead to use forks, spoons, and knives.

Additionally, ethnocentrism can cause particular intergroup feelings like dread and hatred. Dehumanization, delegitimization, and moral isolation of ethnic minorities are other possible outcomes.

Learn more about ethnocentrism here: https://brainly.com/question/14700248


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