prior to the castro regime in cuba, according to robin moore, the island was a center for gambling and organized crime, which contributed to the gap between poverty and wealth.


Answer 1

A period in Cuban history known as the consolidation of the Cuban Revolution is generally regarded as beginning in the years immediately following the revolution in 1959 and ending with the first congress of the Communist Party of Cuba in 1975, which marked the final political solidification of the new government established by the Cuban revolutionaries.

Consolidation of the Cuban Revolution:

Early domestic reforms, ongoing violations of human rights under the new government, rising international tensions, and the failure of the 1970 sugar harvest all fall under this time period.

Beginning in early 1959, Fidel Castro began to solidify his position within the new Cuban administration. It all started with the election of communist officials to office and a wave of expulsions of other revolutionaries who objected to the communists' election. Huber Matos incident marked the peak of this tendency, which persisted into the middle of 1960, when Castro faced minimal internal resistance and there were few autonomous institutions in Cuba.

Castro visited the United States in 1959, soon after the revolution, to seek assistance and to brag about his ambitious plans for land reform, which he thought the American administration would support.

Due to the nationalization of several American businesses, punitive economic penalties, and counterrevolutionary bombing assaults, tensions between Cuba and the United States gradually increased during 1960.

The Soviet Union began to bolster its ties with Cuba when the United States severed diplomatic ties with that country in January 1961.

Learn more about Cuban Revolution:


Related Questions

cathy has done little or no exploration of her ethnicity but has positive feelings about it because of the attitudes she absorbed at home. which of the following is her ethnic identity status?


Cathy hasn't given her ethnicity much thought, if any, but she feels good about it because of the values she picked up growing up. Foreclosed is her ethnic identity status.

What is meant by ethnic identity status?

A common ancestry, origin myth, history, country, language, or dialect, symbolic systems like religion, mythology, and ritual, food, dress, art, or physical characteristics are often used to establish ethnic membership. The creation of an individual's ethnic identity also includes their self-categorization within and psychological ties to their ethnic group (s). It is said that one's overall self-concept and identification include their ethnic identity. It is different from how ethnic group identities are formed.

What is the difference between nationality and ethnicity?

Nationality, or national origin, is a person's place of birth. You must not make assumptions about someone's background based on their personal traits, which can differ greatly. Ethnicity: This describes the cultural traits that define a person as belonging to a particular group. The majority of Americans—42.8 million—identifies as German-American. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a lot of people immigrated to the United States from Germany. In more than half of the states, German Americans are the most prevalent ethnic group. The Midwest, West, and Pennsylvania are where you'll find the most Germans.

To know more about Ethnic Identity Status visit:


middle adulthood presents a variety of unique difficulties. couples' drifting apart over time may be a problem. intimacy and communication are reduced. the connection frequently comes to a standstill.


Relationships tend to become more traditional, and financial hardships and stress from daily life increase. The expectations of marriage change when children are involved.

What kind of relationship situation does the middle-aged population most frequently have?

As a result, marriage is the most prevalent type of relationship among middle-aged Americans. As young kids start to leave the nest, marital satisfaction tends to rise for many couples in their midlife.

Between the ages of 40 and 65 is considered middle adulthood. As children leave the nest and career paths become more fixed, it is characterized by diminishing life options and a dwindling future. Since everyone has had their own life experiences, there are huge differences in attitudes and behaviors at this age.

Therefore, Two individuals who are at ease in their roles as partners might find it harder to meet the added parental responsibilities and expectations.

Learn more about middle adulthood from the given link.


Evolutionary psychology would have the most trouble explaining which of the following incidents?a. When Jane was in a building that caught on fire, she let everyone else exit before her, even though she didn't know them.b. Bob risks his life to save his nephew who was drowning.c. Nancy runs in front of a moving car to keep her daughter from being hit.d. When Kareem was put in the unfortunate situation of saving his cousin or his son in a boating accident, he chose to save his son.


The right answer is option a. When Jane was in a building that caught on fire, she let everyone else exit before her, even though she didn't know them.

What do evolutionary psychologists face as one of their main challenges?

Critics contest beliefs and commitments that no one holds, rather than concepts and hypotheses. This shows that convincing people to disagree with evolutionary psychology on the basis of science is the actual issue.

What are evolutionary psychology's shortcomings?

Its shortcomings include its lack of political acceptance in some areas and its occasional disregard for mathematical methods (while other evolutionary psychology approaches would in fact use these).

Which of the following statements is true regarding evolutionary psychology?

The fact that evolutionary psychology's hypotheses and presumptions cannot be refuted is a common critique of the field. According to one idea, for instance, some developed predispositions that were chosen because they improved reproductive success during human development serve as the basis for human social behavior.

Lean more about Evolutionary psychology :


During Concord and Lexington Why were the officers specifically targeted by the militia?


The British invaded Lexington and Concord with the goal of disarming any potential rebels by taking their guns. Instead, the Revolutionary War's opening conflict was precipitated by their activities.

What are Concord and Lexington?

Nonetheless, long after, fighting broke out once more as the militiamen opened fire on the British over behind buildings, walls, outbuildings, and woods.

Soon, British soldiers were throwing away their gear and gear to flee more quickly. where rebels allegedly kept large amounts of weapons and ammo. They were instructed to locate the stockpile and destroy it.

Learn more about Concord and Lexington, here:


the perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning.


The psychoanalytic perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning.

What do you mean by psychoanalytic theory?

Psychoanalytic is  an unconscious source of primal sexual, addictive, and aggressive urges; the superego, which subtly inserts cultural mores and establishes standards to live by; and the ego, which symbolizes a sense of self and mediates between present-moment reality and perspective. The unconscious mind rather than the conscious mind is the center of the psychoanalytic method. It is based on the fundamental tenet that the unconscious memories of your prior events shape the way you behave.

To know more about Psychoanalytic here


a learning orientation is the desire to learn and improve your knowledge, soft skills, and other characteristics in pursuit of personal development. multiple choice question.


Proactive learning orientation is the desire to learn and improve your knowledge, soft skills, and other characteristics in pursuit of personal development.

What is Proactive Learning?

Proactive learning is a generalization of active learning designed to relax unrealistic assumptions and thereby reach practical applications. Active learning is a teaching approach in which students actively engage with course material through discussion, problem-solving, case studies, role-plays, and other methods. Active approaches to learning impose a greater level of responsibility on the learner than passive approaches such as lecturing, but teacher guidance is still important in active learning instruction. Active learning activities can last from a few minutes to an entire lesson, or they can span multiple lessons.

Learn more about Proactive Learning


*Questions should be equipped with options that can be chosen by students

many complex human behaviors cannot be learned through classical or operant conditioning but are acquired through observational learning.


Many complex human behaviors cannot be learned through classical or operant conditioning but are acquired through observational learning is a true sentence. This is because observational learning is learning to observe other people

What is observational learning?

Observational learning describes the process of learning by observing others, retaining information, and later mimicking observed behavior. There are many learning theories that emphasize how direct experience, reinforcement, or punishment can lead to learning, such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. However, much of the learning happens indirectly.

For example, if a child sees adults waving at each other, think about how to imitate the behavior later. A tremendous amount of learning takes place through this process. In psychology, this is called observational learning.

Learn more about observational learning


The question should be equipped with a statement that the sentence above is a true false question. Thank you

places less emphasis on the political and social factors but tells more about the structured sequence of activities undertaken from the discovery of a problem to its solution


The incremental model gives social and political factors less weight but focuses more on the organized sequence of actions taken from the identification of a problem through its resolution.

What do you mean by political?

The term "politics" refers to a variety of behaviors that are connected to group decision-making or other types of power interactions between people, such as the allocation of funds or status.

What is the definition of political views?

A political ideology, as used in social studies, is a particular set of moral ideals, principles, doctrines, myths, or emblems of a popular change, institution, class, or large group that provides a few really cultural and political blueprint for a particular social order and explains how society should function.

To know more about political visit:


which of the following reflex is involved when a subject moves from supine position to standing position very quickly? cns ischemic reflex baroreceptor reflex bainbridge reflex chemoreceptor reflex


Baroreceptor reflex is involved when a subject moves from supine position to standing position very quickly.

Option B is correct.

Baroreceptor reflex:

The baroreflex, or baroreceptor reflex, is one of the body's homeostatic mechanisms that help keep blood pressure at a fairly constant level. The baroreflex provides a rapid negative feedback loop in which an increase in blood pressure causes a decrease in heart rate. The baroreceptor reflex is involved in maintaining arterial blood pressure. This reflex regulates arterial pressure around a preset value through a negative feedback loop.

How do baroreceptors help control heart rate?

The baroreceptor reflex dampens short-term fluctuations in blood pressure through feedback that regulates heart rate (HR) and vascular resistance. Defects in this reflex have been observed in hypertension and heart failure.

Learn more about baroreceptor reflex:


in the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button. iu
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
a. Word-for-Word plagiarism
b. Paraphrasing plagiarism
c. This is not plagiarism


This is paraphrasing plagiarism as the student has r phrased the whole statement only.

How does plagiarism work?

The act of presenting someone else's ideas or work as your own, with or without that person's consent, by incorporating it into your work without giving it due credit, is known as plagiarism.

What is the golden rule of plagiarism?

Always remember to give credit where credit is due as the "Golden Rule." In other words, you must cite the source (journal, magazine, book, website, etc.) where the material was discovered if it is not entirely your own concept. If not, you run the risk of plagiarising.

To know more about plagiarism, click here-


your cousin has covered the inside of his bedroom in foil tarps to block mind-controlling transmissions from the nearby sheriff's office. this suggests your cousin is experiencing


According to the research, the correct answer is generalized anxiety disorder. Your cousin has covered the inside of his bedroom in foil tarps to block mind-controlling transmissions from the nearby sheriff's office. This suggests your cousin is experiencing generalized anxiety disorder.

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

It refers to a pattern of worry and anxiety resulting in a loss of control over your thinking about many different events or activities.

In this sense, it produces irritability, difficulty concentrating, constant tension, and a level of anxiety severe enough to interfere with your daily life.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, generalized anxiety disorder is a common condition that can cause the person to feel agitated often becoming startled very easily.

Learn more about generalized anxiety disorder here:


at enron, organizational corruption most likely occurred as a result of . group of answer choices both answer choices are correct. bottom up processes top down processes


Organizational corruption at Enron most likely took place as a result of bottom-up and top-down processes.

What is corruption in simple words?

A person or group in a role of power may engage in corruption, which is a kind of deceit or a criminal offense, in order to obtain improper benefits to exploit that position for one's own benefit.

What is corruption and its effects?

Our faith in government to work in our better position is damaged by corruption. Additionally, it wastes taxes or rates that were set aside for significant community projects, which means we are forced to accept subpar infrastructure or services or lose out entirely.

To know more about corruption visit:


in the maslow hierarchy of needs, achievement, status, prestige, and self-respect are referred to as blank needs. group of answer choices physiological safety personal social self-actualization


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, achievement, status, prestige, and self-respect are referred to as Esteem needs.

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that explains why people are motivated to pursue certain wants at different levels. According to the hypothesis, people are driven to prioritize meeting their wants. The most fundamental requirements come first, followed by more sophisticated needs. The model of choice for illuminating the psychology of human motivation is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It will enable you to spend less time speculating about what makes your employee's tick and more time engaging in activities that inspire them. Physiological needs are covered at the lowest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We absolutely need these things to survive: air, food, drink, warmth, sleep, and shelter.

To learn more about Maslow's hierarchy of needs click on the given link:


imagine it is the year 2400 and this garbage mound has been buried underground. identify which type of anthropologist would study it.


Historic archaeologists kind of anthropologist could take a look at it .An anthropologist is someone engaged withinside the exercise of anthropology.

The required details about Anthropology is mentioned in below paragraph.

Anthropology is the take a look at of components of people inside beyond and present societies.Social anthropology, cultural anthropology and philosophical anthropology take a look at the norms and values of societies. Linguistic anthropology research how language impacts social life, while financial anthropology research human financial behavior. Biological (physical), forensic and clinical anthropology take a look at the organic improvement of people, the utility of organic anthropology in a criminal placing and the take a look at of illnesses and their influences on people over time, respectively.Anthropologists generally cowl a breadth of subjects inside anthropology in their undergraduate education after which continue to concentrate on subjects in their personal desire at the graduate level. In a few universities, a qualifying examination serves to check each the breadth and intensity of a student's information of anthropology; the scholars who byskip are authorized to paintings on a doctoral dissertation.

To learn about Anthropology visit here.


attraction theory suggests that proximity, interpersonal attractiveness, and similarity are the main components that draw people together.


Many of the communication techniques used between friends and love partners are similar.

The "similarity-attraction effect" refers to the widespread tendency for people to be drawn to persons who are similar to themselves in major ways. Instead of just being a physical attraction, "appeal" also refers to a sensation of liking or wanting to be close to someone.

Interpersonal attraction is often defined by social psychologists as a positive attitude or appraisal toward a particular individual that combines the affective, behavioral, and cognitive components.

To know more about Social psychologists visit :


the max population in an environment can sustain is affected by environemnta lfactos taht cause the population to level out or become stable


The maximum population an environment can sustain is determined by the carrying capacity of the environment, which is the maximum number of individuals that the environment can support sustainably.

The Impact of Environmental Factors on Carrying Capacity and Population Stability

Factors that can affect carrying capacity include the availability of resources, competition between species, predation, and climate.

All of these factors can cause population levels to level out or become stable in an environment.

Learn more about environment at:


in narrative therapy, helping a client develop to an experience will help them challenge negative images of self and emphasize positive agency.


In narrative remedy, Meaning questions assisting a customer increase to an enjoy will assist them project bad photos of self and emphasize fine agency.

The required details for narrative therapy in given paragraph

Narrative remedy (or Narrative Practice) is a shape of psychotherapy that seeks to assist sufferers perceive their values and the capabilities related to them. It affords the affected person with know-how in their capacity to stay those values to be able to efficaciously confront modern and destiny problems. The therapist seeks to assist the affected person co-creator a new narrative approximately themselves through investigating the records of these values. Narrative remedy claims to be a social justice method to healing conversations, looking for to project dominant discourses that it claims form people's lives in damaging ways. While narrative paintings is normally positioned inside the discipline of own circle of relatives remedy, many authors and practitioners document the usage of those thoughts and practices in network paintings, faculties and better education.

Narrative remedy has turn out to be related to collaborative as properly as person-centered remedy.

To know about narrative therapy click here


A nurse case manager is planning a teaching session on the use of critical pathways with a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?
-Critical pathways promote individualized care
-Critical pathways decrease administrative work time
-Critical pathways prevent unnecessary expense
-Critical pathways incorporate provider preferences


A nurse case manager is planning a teaching session on the use of critical pathways with a group of newly licensed nurses. Critical pathways promote individualized care, this information should be included.

What is critical pathways?

A Critical Pathway (CP) is a clinical management strategy that aids healthcare professionals in organising the provision of patient care for a certain case type or illness. A CP provides a "big picture" perspective as a reference to typical treatment patterns. The CP often suggests a comprehensive course of therapy. Treatment plans are developed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals working together to care for a patient. Critical routes can result in optimal patient outcomes and increased operational effectiveness/efficiency for the healthcare institution if they are appropriately created and implemented. Protocols, algorithms, and clinical practise recommendations are frequently included in CPs. The phrases metrics, benchmarks, compliance, and deviations are often used by healthcare team members.

To study more about Critical Pathway (CP


give three examples of how grieving family members and friends establish some kind of completion process after a death has occurred.


Grieving family members and friends after a death has occurred helps the individual let the feelings out and feel free of pain at a certain point.

What three things take place during the grieving process?

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance are the five stages of grieving process that are sometimes described as occurring sequentially, one stage following another. The phrase "Oh, I've moved on from denial and now I suppose I'm approaching the angry stage" is one that you may hear individuals use. However, this isn't usually the case.

How can close family and friends assist a grieving person in getting over their loss?

Sustaining contact. The individual who has experienced a loss could feel helpless, therefore they need to know they can trust you. Thoughtful actions like sending a text to let them know you're thinking about them or inviting them out for coffee or a walk can make a big difference.

To know more about grieving process, visit:


How does a teen’s “click culture” impact their behavior?


The areas of expertise for Click Culture include content marketing, targeted Fac/ebook advertising, PR, email, and community management.

What is “click culture”?

Generally, Content planning, community management, and engagement targeted Fac/ebook advertising, public relations, email marketing, and content marketing are some of Click Culture's areas of expertise.

In order to put your content strategy into action, you will need to create a content plan that outlines all of the marketing materials and content production that you will need.

This comprises all of the digital marketing channels and technologies that you will need in order to generate, distribute, and manage the content you produce.

People who are most likely to find relevance in your advertisements will automatically be shown those advertisements by Faceb/ook. The distribution of your advertisements may be further targeted using these three audience selection methods.

Core Audiences Identify a target audience by using characteristics such as age, interests, geographic location, and other factors.

Read more about Content planning


CQ not found

Why were settlers attracted to the Origin County?
select all that apply


What are the answers?

which of the following uses a variety of techniques to find patterns and relationships in large volumes of information that predict future behavior and guide decision making?


Data mining employs a range of approaches to sift through vast amounts of information in search of patterns and relationships that can be used to forecast behavior and inform decision-making.

What is technique and example?

An technique is a way of carrying out a task or carrying out an action. You might use your teeth to pry the top off of drinks to open them. If so, the dentist had better have a reliable method for mending teeth.

What are the techniques method?

An method is a method and aptitude for completing a certain task. When a classroom has become disorderly, a teacher may use the technique of performing a brief physical activity and divert pupils' attention and convince everyone to complete the same assignment at the same moment. The method is a means of doing something.

To know more about techniques visit:


what are the 3 regions that 13 colonies are grouped into



The 3 regions were the New England colonies, middle colonies, and Southern colonies.

New England Colonies:

ConnecticutMassachusetts BayNew HampshireRhode Island

Middle Colonies:

DelawareNew JerseyNew YorkPennsylvania

Southern Colonies:

GeorgiaMarylandNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaVirginia

Mileposts are located every _______ on interstate highways starting at each state line.randomevery mileevery ten miles


Mileposts are located every mile on interstate highways starting at each state line.

Why is it called interstate?

Interstate Highway System is named after President Eisenhower, who believed that the economic development and defense of the United States needed a reliable highway system. Construction was authorized by the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 and was completed over the next 35 years.

What's the difference between the interstate and free state highways?

The Interstate is very similar to a highway. However, the highway passes through multiple states. They must be roads with restricted access. H. Only accessible via on/off ramps with no stop signs or traffic lights.

Learn more about interstate highways:


Complete Question:
Mileposts are located every _______ on interstate highways starting at each state line.

every mile
every ten miles
Non of the above

when we make self-serving attributions, we tend to attribute our successes to factors and our failures to factors.


When we allow actual identifications, we frequently blame external circumstances for our mistakes & internal diffusion for our victory. People typically ascribe bad results outside factors (Situational).

What behaviors are self-serving?

The tendency for people to search out info and use it to further their own interests is known as the self-serving bias. In other sense, people frequently act in ways that others would find unjustifiable in order to suit their own interests.

What is the absolute opposite of serving oneself?

Modesty bias is the reverse of self-serving bias and occurs when people assign explanatory factors to achievement while attributing internal problems to failure. When people downplay their skills to avoid calling attention to themselves while also stop others from feeling inferior, modesty bias develops.

To know more abou Self-serving visit:


In order to rule out the possibility of a false report of vehicle theft, officers should check to see if: all of these choices.(the vehicle was reclaimed by a loan company,the vehicle was reported stolen because someone wanted to provide an alibi for crashing the car or being late to an appointment,the vehicle was accidentally misplaced in a parking lot.)


In the above case all of these choices are correct.

What is the best way to prevent car theft?

Car owners will lose more than $7 billion to car theft in 2020 alone, making it a multi-billion dollar crime.Motor vehicle theft is the unlawful act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle. It is often referred to as automobile theft and grand theft auto in the United States. 810,400 vehicles were reported stolen across the country in 2020, up from 724,872 in 2019.You must report car theft to your RTO (Regional Transport Office) in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Act. A few official paperwork must be filled out and signed by the RTO officer before you can proceed. The RTO will also provide you with the transfer paperwork that must be presented to the insurance company together with the properly signed forms.

To know more about Car theft here


research shows that people who learned a list of words while in a happy mood recalled them better when they were again happy. people who learned the list while sad remembered best when they were sad. this illustrates


According to research, persons who studied a set of words in a cheerful attitude. Individuals who encountered the list while feeling depressed remembered it the best; this shows negative transfer.

The research simple definition is what?

A structured inquiry process known as "research" entails the collection of data, the documenting of meaningful information, subsequent analysis of that data, and the interpretation of that data in line with the protocols defined by the relevant professional and academic specialties.

What is the first purpose of research?

Its objective is research that informs action. Your research should therefore make an effort to frame its conclusions in the context of the larger body of knowledge. The greatest standard of research must always be conducted in order to produce knowledge that can be applied outside of the research environment.

To know more about research visit:


How did political change in England ​ affect colonial governments?


Crowning of King James II led to loss of some political control.

How did England impose political control over the colonies?

Each of the thirteen colonies had a charter, or formal agreement between the colony and the monarch of England or Parliament. Royal colonies were governed directly by the monarch according to their charters. Men who owned property elected a colonial legislature. However, in principle, governors were in charge and were chosen by the monarch. The legislatures were in charge of setting the governor's salary and frequently utilized this power to bring the governors in line with colonial desires.

Colonial economies were governed by MERCANTILISM, a system predicated on the idea that colonies were established to boost the wealth of the home nation. England sought to restrict commerce, and ban colonies from trading with other European countries. Trade was governed by England, but colonies were given the freedom to set their own taxes.

to learn more about colonial rule click:


Involuntary assimilation occurred when the US government took Native American children from their parents and put them into boarding schools, forbidding them from wearing their native clothing or speaking the language.



It is a true statement that an involuntary assimilation occurred when the US government took Native American children from their parents and put them into boarding schools, forbidding them from wearing their native clothing or speaking the language.

How did government assimilate Native American children?

During 19th and 20th centuries, thousands of Native children were forced away from their families and sent to to boarding schools in misguided efforts to "civilize" them. After the Congress created the Civilization Fund and the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the boarding schools for Native children were established.

The children were forcibly compelled to attend these schools to eradicate Native youth’s tribal ties and assimilate them into white culture so that they would grow into adults supportive of the American economy.

Many parents sent their children because the Native children were not permitted to attend local public schools with white students, thereby making assimilation boarding schools the only available opportunity for formal education.

Read more about assimilation


Which of the following provides the BEST description of a presidio?
A A fort that was built to protect the missions A fort that was built to protect the missions
B A school inside of a mission A school inside of a mission
C A place were American Indians were converted into Roman Catholics A place were American Indians were converted into Roman Catholics
D A ranch or farm meant to feed the people in missions


Based on a historical perspective, the statement that statement that provides the BEST description of a presidio is A fort that was built to protect the missions.

What is Spanish Presidio

Spanish Presidio is a name that is used to describe the garrisoned place. particularly, a military post or fortified settlement in areas currently or originally under Spanish control.

Usually, the Presidio was common when the Spanish came to settle in America. These forts were built to protect their territories against the natives and other Europeans like the British and French.

Soldiers are usually the kind of people that live in the Spanish Presidio

Examples of Spanish Presidio are the followingAlcatraz IslandGoat IslandNaval School of the Pacific.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option A fort which was built to protect the missions.

Learn more about Spanish Presidio here:


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a researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results? Write the equation of the line in fullysimplified slope-intercept form. caresa has a somewhat irregular menstrual cycle ranging from 21 to 35 days. are caresha and her partner good candidates for the standard days method of birth control? consider the relationship between the energy of electromagnetic radiation and its wavelength. what will happen if the energy increases? the wavelength will remain the same. the wavelength will increase. the wavelength will decrease. what will happen if the wavelength increases? the energy will increase. the energy will remain the same. the energy will decrease. (s) how much excess reactant remains after the combustion of 6.53 moles of ethane gas with 10.6 moles of oxygen gas? Normal biota appear to contribute to first-line defense mechanisms through a) microbial polymorphismb) restriction analysisc) biofilm formationd) microbial antagonism given are five observations collected in a regression study on two variables. 2 6 9 13 20 7 18 9 26 23 a. which of the following scatter diagrams accurately represents the data? a. b. c. d. d b. develop the estimated regression equation for these data (to decimal). c. use the estimated regression equation to predict the value of when (to decimal). a philosophical movement in the 18th century marked by the belief in science and logic over religion and tradition. in pigs, erect ears (e) are dominant to droopy ears (e). if a heterozygous boar was crossed with a homozygous dominant sow, what proportion of the f1 generation would have droopy ears? The Executive Office of the President was created during the administration of _______. 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The Pacific Plate moves slowly enough for the volcano to keep growing, and the volcano breaks the oceans surface to form an island.-Two plates under the Pacific Ocean gradually move one over the other forming volcanoes on the top of the boundaries; big plates form volcanoes that break the oceans surface and form islands.-Two plates under the Pacific Ocean collide and quickly form volcanoes at their boundaries; big collisions form volcanoes that break the oceans surface and form islands. in animals, what is the difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning? 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