What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?
a) Isolationb) Hardware Independencec) Partitioningd) Encapsulation


Answer 1

The property of virtualization that allows entire virtual machines to be saved as files that can move or be copied like any other file is encapsulation. The correct option is d.

What is encapsulation?

Encapsulation is a technique for preventing direct user access to some object components, preventing users from seeing the state values for all of an object's variables.

Because of this, VMs are highly manageable and portable. Like any other software file, a virtual machine (VM) can be copied from one place to another and saved on any storage medium, including storage area networks (SANs) and regular USB flash drives.

Therefore, the correct option is d) Encapsulation.

To learn more about encapsulation, refer to the link:



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what is (was) a chord set? a computer peripheral allowing users to make music (striking chords). a data structure used at one time in software engineering but not used any longer. a shortcut device allowing computer users easy access to functions. the original name for the computer keyboard.


A chord set is  a shortcut device allowing computer users easy access to functions. Chorded keyboard or chord set is a computer input device that allows the user to enter characters or commands formed by pressing several keys together.

A keyset or chorded keyboard (also called a chorded keyset, chord keyboard or chording keyboard) is a computer input device that allows the user to enter characters or commands formed by pressing several keys together, like playing a "chord" on a piano. A keyboard is for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer. You press the individual buttons on the keyboard when you type. The number keys across the top of the keyboard are also found on the right of the keyboard.

Learn more about keyboard here https://brainly.com/question/24921064


you need to allow your network technician to view the rms logs and reports, but no additional permissions should be granted to this technician. what can you do?


Delegate the AD RMS Auditor role you need to allow your network technician to view the rms logs and reports, but no additional permissions should be granted to this technician.

Three distinct administrative roles are provided by Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), which can be used to more effectively assign control over your AD RMS infrastructure. When you first install AD RMS in your business, these roles are generated.

The functionalities in the AD RMS console are completely accessible to the AD RMS Enterprise Administrators group. When you install AD RMS, the user account that performed the installation is immediately assigned to this group. You should only allow people that need access to all AD RMS settings to join this group.

Rights policy templates can be made and managed by the AD RMS Templates Administrators group. Although it is created during the installation of AD RMS, no users are initially added to it. Keep in mind that having the ability to develop and administer templates might, in turn, grant you access to any type of protected content. Therefore, only users with whom you have a high level of confidence should be part of this group.

To learn more about Network click here:



a data source can be shared among database users as long as they have the same dbms driver and privilege to access the database. select one: a. file b. common c. shared d. system e. user


A File data source can be shared among database users as long as they have the same dbms driver and privilege to access the database. They are typically more adaptable to use than machine data sources since they store connection information in a text file rather than the Windows registry.

So that your program can rely on consistent and accurate connection information across all of the machines it uses, you can, for instance, copy a file data source to any computer that has the appropriate ODBC driver. Alternatively, you can put the file data source on a single server, distribute it across numerous machines connected to the network, and conveniently manage the connection information in a single place.

A file data source or also known as DSN files, may also not be able to be shared. A machine data source is referenced by an unshareable file data source that is contained on a single computer. You can access existing machine data sources from file data sources by using unshareable file data sources.

To learn more about database click here:



Why is mandatory reporting important in aged care?


Elder abuse can result in serious mental and physical harm, even death, if it is not reported.

When elder abuse is reported, law enforcement and the APS have a chance to look into the allegations. Additionally, it enables lawyers to offer initial assistance to hurt individuals. Mandated reporters are obligated by law to file reports of alleged elder or child abuse as quickly as is reasonably possible. The reporting of suspected cases of abuse by mandated reporters is completely exempt from civil and criminal penalties. All populations are incredibly susceptible to abuse and neglect, so as a healthcare provider, you must be aware of the typical symptoms, indications, and symbols. Nursing professionals are obligated to report any allegations of abuse.

Learn more about provider here-



9. in the array version of the stack class (with a fixed-sized array), which operations require linear time for their worst-case behavior? a) is empty b) peek c) pop d) push e) none of these operations require linear time.


In the array-based stack class, none of these operations require linear time for their worst-case behavior. The stack uses the Last-in-first-out (LIFO) algorithm and is a linear data structure (LIFO).

The stack's implementation using arrays is a technique whereby all operations supported by the stack are carried out using an array as the fundamental data structure. The various operations are:

Push: This operation adds a new item to the stack; if the stack is already full, an exception is thrown.Pop: If the provided stack is empty, it will raise an underflow exception and remove the most recent element from the stack, which is removed in reverse order of when it was inserted.Peek: This action returns the stack's topmost element.IsEmpty: Determines whether or not a stack is empty. If the supplied stack is empty, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.IsStackFull: Determines whether or not a stack is full. if the specified stack is full, returns true; else, it returns false.

To learn more about array-based stack click here:



Sebastian is the hr department's trainer. He is developing various materials to teach the fundamentals of using a virtual private network (vpn) to a variety of audiences, from the president and vice presidents of the corporation to newly hired mid-level managers and entry-level employees. After implementing his training program some weeks ago, he began getting calls from the it help desk stating that users are contacting them with troubleshooting issues for their vpn sessions. The help desk technicians do not know how to respond. What is the most likely problem?


First, attempt to block the firewall from communicating with the VPN, then restart.

Below is a list of the most likely issues.

The difficulty connecting to a virtual private network might be caused by a firewall issue.

Initially attempt to halt the firewall's contact with the VPN, then resume.

If the tunnel connection is established incorrectly, troubleshooting problems may also result. The server's VPN connection has to be verified, and any superfluous features should be turned off. It's also possible that the VPN's crash is what's causing the troubleshooting difficulty. You should try to remove any unused software from your computer. You need update the antivirus. Along with updating the server software, clients should also receive updates. Reinstate the VPN, if possible. Additionally, there is a possibility of incorrect port connection.

Learn more about VPN here:



listen to exam instructions which step in the penetration testing life cycle is accomplished using rootkits or trojan horse programs?


The "Exploitation" step of the penetration testing life cycle is often when rootkits or Trojan horse programs are used.

In the Exploitation phase, the tester uses vulnerabilities discovered in earlier parts of the testing process to try to gain unauthorized access to the target system or network. This can entail using tools like Trojan horse programs or rootkits to secretly access the system or to keep access after first entrance.

It's vital to remember that using such tools is typically not advised because they might be misused maliciously and destroy the target system or network.

Such tools should only be used in a penetration testing environment under rigorous control and only with the owner of the target system's express consent.

To know more about penetration testing kindly visit


Which is an example of proprietary operating system?


Microsoft Windows,Adobe Flash Player, the Java  runtime environment  from Oracle, iTunes, Adobe Photoshop, WinRAR,are some examples of proprietary software.

As a result, it can be inferred from the information provided that Microsoft Windows is an example of proprietary system software. Typically, proprietary OSs or closed source OSs are created, developed, and marketed by a specific firm and are not intended to be modified or customized by consumers. Linux is a free, open-source operating system distributed under the GNU General Public License, while proprietary operating systems are typically run on name-brand vertically integrated switches. Windows is a collection of several proprietary graphical operating system families created and marketed by Microsoft (GPL). Anyone may use the source code and run, examine, edit, and distribute it, as well as sell copies of their modified versions, provided they do so in accordance with the same license.

Learn more about Microsoft Windows here:



100 POINTS!!!
Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Michael works for a graphic design firm. He is creating an informative poster. He needs to add a great deal of text in the poster. What tool will help him format the text? Michael will use___________ a tool to help format the text for creating an informative poster.​


Answer: I Think The Answer is Format Tool

Explanation: If its wrong I Am Sorry;}

you are installing virtualization on a workstation that needs to support multiple operating systems. which type of hypervisor is best suited for this environment?


A virtualization management platform specialized for application, desktop, and server virtualization infrastructures is Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer). It has received the highest ratings from reviewers, receiving a score of 9.

Users of linked devices, like thin clients at desks, can access desktops remotely by simulating a workstation load with desktop virtualization. Access to data center resources is made more portable and safe thanks to these virtual desktops.

Citrix's Server virtualization technology is best suited for business settings because it can manage a wide range of workloads and has functionality for even the most difficult jobs.

An industry-leading platform for affordable desktop, server, and cloud virtualization infrastructures is Citrix Hypervisor. For the needs of today's data centers. Citrix Hypervisor enables enterprises of any size or type to consolidate and turn computational resources into virtual workloads.

It also guarantees a smooth transition of workloads to the cloud.

To learn more about Virtualization click here:



quick search lets you refine or narrow your search results using links under tweak my results. why might you use this tool to limit your search results by creation date?


The quick search tool limits your search results by creation date so that you can focus on recent material available. You may get better results by limiting the area that a search engine will search in order to reduce the number of results.

The ability to filter searches by the creation dates of online pages is available on several search engines. This is a highly helpful feature for folks who plan to conduct ongoing studies on a certain subject because it allows them to restrict the results to sites added since their previous search.

Your search results are reduced to more recent material. It may discover a page that is unimportant or out of the way and only index it once. This obscure, never-updated page is still appearing in your search results two years later. Only the most recent matches will be returned if you restrict your search to a more recent date period. It also aids in avoiding current happenings. It enables you to evaluate outcomes across time.

A count like this isn't perfect, of course; indexing dates alter over time. But in general, it functions well enough that trends may be seen.

To learn more about Quick search click here:



Create a parameter query where the user will enter a value to use as the criterion for the deptcode.


A parameter query is a special type of query in Access that allows users to enter values at runtime to use as criteria for the query. This allows users to tailor the query to their specific needs.

How to create a parameter query using a deptcode?

Create a new query in Access and select the table or tables containing the Department Code field.Add the Department Code field from the table to the query design grid.Right-click the Department Code field and select "Build".In the Criteria line, enter the prompt text you want to appear when the query is run, such as "Enter Department Code:"In the next line, enter the parameter, such as "[Enter Dept Code]".Run the query and enter a valid Department Code when prompted. The query will run and return the results where the Department Code matches the value entered.

A parameter query is a powerful tool in Access which allows the user to customize their query to their specific needs. To create a parameter query in Access, users can open a new query, add the table or tables containing the field they are looking to query, add the field to the query design grid, right-click the field and select "Build," enter a prompt text and a parameter as the criteria, and then run the query.

Learn more about programming: https://brainly.com/question/16397886


which type of lock prevents all types of access to the locked resource? select one: a. exclusive lock b. shared lock c. two-phased lock d. explicit lock e. implicit lock


An exclusive lock prevents all types of access to the locked resource. An exclusive lock is one that only allows one user to access a resource. Only after the resource's exclusive lock has been released can another user access it.

Exclusive locking occasionally turns out to be an overly hard and expensive locking mechanism. For instance, a lock timeout or the administrator's assistance would be needed to remove the exclusive lock in the event of a program crash or the lock owner forgetting to unlock the resource.

Owners of shared locks are free to coordinate their efforts using any other means of communication. The purpose of a shared lock is to inform collaborators of any potential outside contributors to a resource.

Multiple users can obtain a lock to a resource via a shared lock. Any user with the necessary access can therefore obtain the lock.

To learn more about exclusive lock click here:



which package provides tools for scientific and mathematical computations in python?


The core Python module for scientific computing is called NumPy. It adds support for huge, multivariate arrays as well as a sizable library of advanced math operations that can be used on these arrays.

What purposes serves Python?

Python is frequently used for creating websites and applications, automating repetitive tasks, and analyzing and displaying data. Python has been used by many non-programmers, including bankers and scientists, for a range of routine activities including managing finances since it is very simple to learn.

Is Python suitable for novices?

Python is a great programming language for experienced developers as well. It's among the most widely used languages for programming around the world, maybe as a result of how simple it is for novices to learn.

To know more about Python visit:



which type of software license allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time?


The Concurrent User License is a type of software license that allows a predetermined number of people to use the account at the same time.

What is a software license?

A software license is a document that regulates how software may be used or distributed. All software is copyright protected under US copyright law, in both source code and object code formats, unless it was created by the US government, in which case it cannot be copyrighted, or it is covered by a software license, which is a document that stipulates the use and distribution of software in accordance with legally binding terms. One of the most well-known and open-source licenses with the most flexibility is the MIT License. As long as you include the original copyright and license notice in the copy of the software, you are permitted to do pretty much anything with it.

To learn more about a software license, use the link given

in python, an infinite loop usually occurs when the computer accesses an incorrect memory address. t or f


It is untrue to say that when a computer accesses a wrong memory location, an infinite loop often results.

What purposes serves Python?

Python is commonly employed to build websites and applications, automate time-consuming operations, and analyze and present data. Since Python is fairly easy to learn, many professionals who are not programmers have utilized it for a variety of ordinary tasks, including handling funds, such as bankers and scientists.

Is Python suitable for novices?

Python is a great programming language for experienced developers as well. It's among the most widely used languages for programming around the world, maybe as a result of how simple it is for novices to learn.

To know more about Python visit:



If you were a salesperson selling crm software, during the pre-approach phase you would try to find out as much as possible about your customer's wants and needs by asking questions such as.


If you were a salesperson selling CRM software, during the pre-approach phase you would try to know as much as possible about your customer's needs and wants by asking questions such as 'how to maintain and preserve long-term relationships with customers?'.

For the long-term success of businesses, it is vital to maintain and preserve good customer relationships. Customers feel safer and connected to a business when they have a strong connection built on trust and communication, and in turn, this leads to increased customer retention and repeat purchases.

Thus, the questions regarding the wants and needs of the customers are like, “How do you preserve your consumers and maintain connections with them in the long run?”

You can learn more about needs and wants of customers at



there is a linux command called uname. when executed, the uname command will output important information about the system. which uname command option will output only the kernel version?


Linux command Uname has numerous other settings that enable us to isolate only the data we require. The -r or --kernel-release option, which solely displays details on the kernel release, is one such instance.

      $ uname -r

      output: 5.8.0-59-generic      

The name of the operating system you are using is printed on standard output by the uname command. The machine ID number is made up of 12 characters and is formatted as xxyyyyyymmss. The system is shown by the xx positions, which are always zero. The system's unique ID number can be found in the yyyyy positions.

Syntax: uname [OPTION]

Use the -v or --kernel-version option to print information about the kernel version.

      $ uname -v

      #88~20.05.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 19 12:00:10 UTC 2022

To learn more about Linux click here:



Nicole wants to create a database to collect information about videos in her video rental store. She would like to use the database to look up movies by rating, actors, producer, and title. She would also like to retrieve the movies that are in stock. What fields should she have in her database?.


The fields that Nicole must have in her database is title, producer, actor, rating, and in stock.

What is field?

Field is a set of data in database system with same data type. Field usually referred as a column or attribute but it also can hold another data like pictures, movie clips, etc.

Since, Nicole only want to look up movies by rating, actors, producer, title, and in stock movies. That all can be used as fields in her database with the appropriate data type for each field, also if Nicole want her also put more field for one category like actor 1, actor 2, actor 3, or rating 1, rating 2, rating 3.

Learn more about database here:



considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error?


Considering the laws of probability, how can researchers influence the margin of error by altering the size of samples.

What influences a poll's margin of error?

Due to sampling effects, any survey's results will have a margin of error (i.e., sampling error"). The results depend on the population sample that was arbitrarily chosen, and they would have been different if a different sample of the same size had been chosen.

Therefore, one can say that the researchers affect the margin of error taking the laws of probability into account by changing the sample size.

Learn more about probability from



determine the primary focus of screen format design in a health record computer application should be to ensure that


Good screen format design is essential for providing accurate, up-to-date patient data in health record computer applications. The design should prioritize ease of use, intuitive navigation, and the needs of healthcare providers.

Optimizing Screen Format Design for Health Record Computer Applications

The information provided is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.The information can be easily accessed and used in a timely manner.The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly.The layout of the screen is organized and logical.The design of the screen meets the needs of the healthcare provider.

Screen format design for health record computer applications is essential for providing accurate and up-to-date patient data. The focus of screen format design should be on creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface that is organized and logical, and meets the needs of healthcare providers. This will ensure that information can be accessed and used in a timely manner for effective patient care.

Learn more about computer application: https://brainly.com/question/23275071


what technique has been used to protect copyrighted material by inserting digital watermarks into a file?





this helps, for example, operating systems, to be given to consumers digitally without the need of a disk and the little slip of paper stating all the legal things nobody reads

assuming that all processor clock speeds are identical, executing a given software algorithm on a multicore processor is always faster than executing the same algorithm on a single-core processor. group of answer choices true false


It is false that assuming that all processor clock speeds are identical, executing a given software algorithm on a multicore processor is always faster than executing the same algorithm on a single-core processor.

A multi-core processor is an integrated circuit having two or more processing cores attached for increased performance and reduced power consumption. These processors also enable the more efficient multithreading and parallel processing of various jobs. Comparable to adding many distinct CPUs in a computer, a dual-core setup. However, because they are plugged into the same socket, the connection between the two CPUs is faster.

Using multicore processors or microprocessors is one technique to boost processor performance while remaining within the realistic constraints of semiconductor design and manufacturing. Utilizing several cores also ensures secure operation in industries like heat generation.

Imagine it as a road with automobiles on it. Even though every car is a processor, they all travel on the same roads and must abide by the same traffic laws. While having more cars allows for faster movement of goods and people, they also add to congestion and other problems.

To learn more about multicore processors click here:



if it were found (through testing) that an array of 500 integers could be sorted in 0.5 sec?onds, how many seconds would it take to bubble sort an array of 5000 integers?


It would take 50 seconds to bubble sort an array of 5000 integers.

Since, T(5000) = 0.5 X 10^2 seconds = 50seconds

What is bubble sort?

Bubble sort, also known as sinking sort, is a straightforward sorting algorithm that repeatedly compares each element with the one that comes after it in the input list and, if necessary, switches its values. A simple approach for placing a string of numbers or other items correctly is called bubble sort. The technique looks at each group of neighboring elements in the string from left to right, adjusting their locations if necessary. In computer graphics, bubble sort is well-known for its ability to find very minute errors (such the swapping of just two elements in arrays that are almost sorted) and rectify them with just linear complexity (2n).

To learn more about bubble sort, use the link given

Although software and internet technologies were american innovations, the manufacturing of computer hardware moved to latin america and asia.
a. True
b. False


The statement "Although software and internet technologies were American innovations, the manufacturing of computer hardware moved to Latin America and Asia." is a true statement. It is true because both have a lot of human resources.

What is manufacturing?

Manufacturing is the advent or manufacturing of products with the assist of equipment, labor, machines, tools, and chemical or organic processing or formulation. It is the essence of secondary area of the economy. The time period may also seek advice from a variety of human activity, from handicraft to high-tech, however it's miles maximum generally carried out to business design, wherein uncooked substances from the number one area are converted into completed items on a huge scale. Such items can be bought to different producers for the manufacturing of different greater complicated products, or dispensed through the tertiary enterprise to give up customers and consumers.

Learn more about manufacturing https://brainly.com/question/13440987


you have a laptop running windows 10. user account control (uac) has been disabled. how would you re-enable uac on the laptop? (select two. each choice is complete solution.)


You have a laptop running Windows 10. User Account Control (UAC) has been disabled. In the Control Panel, select System and Security, then Security and Maintenance.

In the Control Panel, select User Accounts, then User Accounts.

What does User Account Control do?

User Account Control (UAC) prevents malware from damaging your PC and helps businesses provide a more managed desktop. With UAC, apps and tasks always run in the security context of a non-administrator account unless an administrator explicitly grants administrator-level access to the system.

Where is User Account Control?

Check if UAC is enabled in the Start menu, and click Control Panel. From there, click User Accounts. You will see an option to Turn User Account Control on or off. Click this and you'll see a checkbox to enable User Account Control. Under Security Settings, select Local Policies > Security Options.

Learn more about User account control:



In order to terminate multiple network cables that converge in one location such as an electrical closet or server room, what should you use?a. patch panelb. loopback portc. terminal adapterd. RJ-45 jack


Patch panels should be used to terminate multiple network cables that converge in one location, such as an electrical closet or server room. Correct answer: letter A.

This is due to improved cable management, connectivity and security.

What are the reasons for using patch panels to terminate several network cables converging at the same location?

Patch panels should be used to terminate multiple network cables that converge in one location for several reasons:

Firstly, patch panels provide easy and organized access to the network cables by allowing them to be managed and labeled. This makes troubleshooting and management of the cables much easier. Secondly, patch panels also help protect the cables from damage and wear and tear, as the cables are routed through the panel and then connected, rather than being exposed to other equipment or furniture in the room. Finally, patch panels also provide cable grounding and shielding, which helps protect the network from electromagnetic interference and ensures that the network performance remains good.

Learn more about Network connection panels:



what statement about constructors is false? group of answer choices all constructors are passed a pointer argument constructors may take arguments you must write at least one constructor for every class classes may have more than one constructor constructors have no return type


A return type cannot exist in the constructor. It ought to produce and deliver fresh objects. Consequently, a compilation error would result.

Including a return type in a constructor declaration is not allowed. A constructor has to accept one or more input parameters. In the absence of explicitly declared constructors for the class, Java will give a default constructor. The name of the constructor should match the class name. 2) The compiler will automatically produce a default parameterless constructor for a class if you don't define one. 3) All instance variables are initialized to default values, such as 0, null, and super(), by the default constructor.

Learn more about variable here-



how can technology help u communicate better


The way that technology can help a person to communicate better is by:

Better InteractionReliability of informationSpeed in information delevery, etc.

What is the ways that tech has helped man?

Unprecedented developments have been brought about by technology in this globe. The days of commuting between locations on camels and horses are long gone. The development of the automobile altered how people thought about transportation.

Technology is a progressive thing because it is unstable. It never stops evolving and moving quickly. Instantaneous communication with anyone, anywhere in the globe, is now a possibility. Globalization has reached its zenith, and no one knows what lies ahead. However, technology has greatly benefited the communication industry in a variety of ways.

Therefore, through the ability to collaborate closely with clients who may even be on the other side of the world, technology has an impact on communication. Using programs like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Go ogle Meet, it is feasible to stay in touch with clients while working remotely.

Learn more about technology from


in 1998, an act was passed by congress that established a moratorium on taxing isps on the services they provide to computer users. this act was called the:


In 1998, an act was passed by congress that established a moratorium on taxing ISPs on the services they provide to computer users, this act was called the: Internet Tax Freedom Act.

What is the Congress?

The Congress is sometimes referred to as Senate and it can be defined as a deliberative assembly or council of elected citizens found in the upper chamber or house of a bicameral legislature.

This ultimately implies that, Congress is a federal legislative arm of government of the United States of America, which is saddled with the responsibility of oversight functions, enacting and passing federal laws, acts, and bills for the citizens, with the steps enumerated above.

On the 1st of October 1998, the United States Congress passed the Internet Tax Freedom Act and it was an act which typically established a moratorium on taxing internet service providers (ISPs) on the services that they provide to computer users in the United States of America.

Read more on Congress here: brainly.com/question/325850


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