A nurse is caring for a client who has cardiopulmonary arrest. Emergency response team will administer which of following meds during CPR if client's restore rhythm is symptomatic bradycardia?


Answer 1

When a nurse is caring for a client who has cardiopulmonary arrest, emergency response team will administer Atropine during CPR if client's restore rhythm is symptomatic bradycardia.

What is bradycardia?

Bradycardia is characterized by a slow heartbeat. Adults' hearts typically beat between 60 and 100 times per minute when they are at rest. Your heart beats less frequently than 60 times per minute if you have bradycardia.

If the heart can't pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the body and the heartbeat is too slow, bradycardia can become a serious issue. If this occurs, you might experience light headedness, extreme exhaustion or weakness, and shortness of breath. Bradycardia occasionally has no symptoms or side effects.

Not all instances of a slow heartbeat warrant concern. For instance, a resting heart rate between 40 and 60 beats per minute is quite typical during sleep and in some people, especially healthy young adults and trained athletes.

Learn more about Bradycardia



Related Questions

Table 6.1 shows the total utility derived from hamburgers by an individual. The marginal utilities derived from the _____ hamburgers are the same.
Table 6.1
Number of hamburgers consumed Total Utility
0 0
1 10
2 20
3 25
4 22
a. second and the third
b. first and the third
c. third and the fourth
d. first and the second


The total utility derived from hamburgers by an individual. The marginal utilities derived from the first and the third hamburgers are the same.

What is hamburgers?

A hamburger, or simply burger, is a dish made up of a patty of ground meat—typically beef—that is sandwiched between two slices of bread.A 100% pure beef patty that has been lightly seasoned with salt and pepper serves as the base of the Classic McDonald's hamburger. The McDonald's burger is then topped with ketchup, mustard, chopped onions, and a tart pickle. You might be wondering what makes a cheeseburger different from a hamburger. In the latter, there is a slice of cheese!The word "hamburger" originates from the German port city of Hamburg, where it's believed that 19th-century sailors brought back the concept of raw, shredded beef (now known as beef tartare) after dealing with Russian Baltic regions.

To learn more about hamburgers visit:



Consumers seek to maximize based on their preferences, limited incomes, and the prices of the goods and services available to them


Consumers seek to maximize based on their preferences, budget, and the prices of the goods and services purchased.

What is consumers?

Consumers are individuals or organizations who purchase goods or services. Hiring products and services is also included in the definition. They are people or other economic entities who make use of a product or service. A consumer is defined as somebody who buys goods or services for personal consumption rather than for manufacture or resale. A customer is someone who decides whether or not to buy something at the shop or someone who is affected by advertising and marketing.


Consumers aim to optimize their purchasing power depending on their tastes, budget, and the costs of the goods and services they purchase.

To know more about consumers,



A medical assistant has a patient who ha a PPO insurance plan. The provider would like the patient to see a neurologist. Which of the following forms should the assistant use?
A. Referral
B. Authorization
C. Precertification
D. Verification of Eligibility


The assistant should use Verification of Eligibility if the provider would like the patient to see a neurologist.

What is a neurologist?

A neurologist is a medical professional who treats and manages conditions affecting the brain and nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves). A neurologist is familiar with the structure, operation, and medical conditions that affect your nerves and nervous system.

Your nervous system serves as the control panel for your body. From moving your arm to your heartbeat, it manages every thought, emotion, and action you have.

A pediatric neurologist is a medical professional who treats children, from newborns to teenagers, who have brain or nervous system disorders. In addition to inherited and developmental conditions, they also treat a number of ailments that are common in adults.

Learn more about neurologist



When abuse is disclosed, the mental health professional's initial focus should be on....
A. thoroughly assessing the family environment
B. Gathering information necessary to make a child abuse report
C. Gathering evidence for criminal prosecution
D. Determining whether or not abuse occurred


An expert in mental health will probably emphasize emotional harm.

Explain about the mental health?

Our psychological, emotional, and social well-being all fall under the category of mental health. It impacts our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Additionally, it influences our capacity for managing stress, relating to others, and making wise decisions. 1. Throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood, mental health is crucial.

When we talk about mental health issues, such as mood, thinking, and behavior difficulties, we are talking about a wide variety of ailments known as mental illnesses, sometimes known as mental health disorders. Depression, anxiety issues, schizophrenia, eating problems, and compulsive behavior are a few examples of mental illnesses.

DNA or the chemistry of the brain are biological variables. traumatic or abusive encounters in life. mental health issues in the family history Diet, exercise, and drug use are all aspects of your lifestyle.

To learn more about mental health refer to:



Middletown, U.S.A., has been dealing with several monopoly firms, making it difficult for new firms to enter. Match each company to the best description of the particular "barrier to entry" it is benefitting from.


Patents and copyright rules give Burt's Brass Band control resources and royalty from every song download. Copyright laws protect new music to promote the creation of ideas, art, and less physically intangible products.

Do monopolies have entry restrictions?

Based on the kinds of entry barriers they take advantage of, there are two different sorts of monopolies. One type of barrier to entry is a natural monopoly, where there is no formal restriction on entry. The second situation is a legal monopoly, in which laws forbid (or severely restrict) competition.

What constitutes the entry barrier in a monopoly?

Monopoly marketplaces have entrance restrictions. A firm may be given exclusive rights by the government to provide an item or service. Additionally, the business can have a patent, in which case a specific product can only be produced by them.

to know more about monopoly here:



Clara Guidry Scenario 1
You enter the patient's room. After washing and gloving hands, you introduce yourself and verify identities of the patient, Mrs. Clara Guidry and the baby. Assessment findings: Blood pooling under buttocks with several large clots; fundus boggy and slightly deviated to the right, 3 cm. above umbilicus; Vital signs: BP 90/60, P 110, R. 20, SAO2 98%, skin color pale, patient alert and oriented; unable to move legs, holding and breastfeeding baby. SELECT THE FIRST TWO NURSING ACTIONS IN THE ORDER THAT THEY SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED:
1Assist mother to unlatch infant from breast and place infant in crib or hand to the husband.Patient is light-headed and hypovolemic putting infant at risk of falling from mother's arms. Infant safety is a first priority.
2Massage uterine fundus.Massaging the fundus until firm and tightly contracted closes off blood vessels at the placental site and stops bleeding.
3Call for help using emergency call system.Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality requiring a rapid, team approach to patient management.
4Set oxytocin rate to Bolus on IV pump as ordered by healthcare provider.Rapid infusion of oxytocin causes a sustained contracted uterus, thereby clamping off blood vessels from placental site and preventing hemorrhage.
5Assess bladder status and need to perform straight catheter.A full bladder displaces the uterus and contributes to hypotonia and uterine atony. Her uterus is slightly deviated to the right, indicating a potential need for catheterization.


Note that the first two steps in order that they should be executed are as follows:

"Assist mother to unlatch infant from breast and place infant in crib or hand to the husband. The patient is light-headed and hypovolemic putting the infant at risk of falling from the mother's arms. Infant safety is the first priority." (Option 1)

"Call for help using the emergency call system. Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality requiring a rapid, team approach to patient management." (Option 3)

What does it mean for one to be Hypovolemic?

Hypovolemic shock is an emergency situation in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body due to substantial blood or other fluid loss. Many organs may stop working as a result of this sort of trauma.

PPH is extreme bleeding that occurs after giving birth. It's a severe and perhaps fatal disorder. PPH often develops within 24 hours of delivery, however, it can occur up to 12 weeks later. When bleeding is detected early and treated promptly, it leads to better results.

Learn mroe about Hpovolemic:

The diamond-water paradox is illustrated by which of the following statements?
A) Water, a necessity, has a relatively low price whereas diamonds, usually a luxury, have a relatively high price.
B) Although water appears to have a relatively low price when compared to diamonds, at the margin, the prices are equal.
C) Although water appears to have a relatively low price when compared to diamonds, in reality, the prices are equal.
D) Although water appears to have a relatively low price when compared to diamonds, at the margin, water has the relatively higher price.
E) Although water appears to have a relatively low price when compared to diamonds, in reality, it has a relatively higher price.


The contradiction that exists when diamonds fetch a higher price on the market despite the fact that water is generally more useful for survival than diamonds is known as the diamond-water dilemma.

The meaning of the diamond-water paradox?

The diamond-water dilemma is stated and resolved. Water, which is necessary for life, is inexpensive, whereas diamonds, which are not necessary for life, are pricey. The distinction between total and marginal utility as well as the law of diminishing marginal utility must be understood in order to resolve the contradiction.

What causes the value dilemma between diamonds and water?

Why is there a value contradiction between diamonds and water? B) Because water has a low marginal benefit and a low price.

To know more about diamond-water paradox visit :-



The diamond-water paradox is illustrated by the statement "water, a necessity, has a relatively low price whereas diamonds, usually a luxury, have a relatively high price".

What does the diamond-water paradox tell us?

The diamond-water paradox is a classic example of the paradox of value which states that the value of a good is not determined by its usefulness, but by its scarcity and demand.

Water is essential for life, but it is abundant and easily available in most places, so its price is low. Diamonds are not essential for life, but they are rare and highly desired, so their price is high.

Water has a high marginal utility when the consumer is thirsty, but it quickly declines as more water is consumed. Diamonds have a low marginal utility when the consumer already has many of them, but it increases as more diamonds are acquired. Therefore, water has a low price and diamonds have a high price, even though water has a higher total utility than diamonds."

Read more about diamond-water paradox



Within what timeframe must DoD organizations report PII breaches to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) once discovered?


Note that a one-hour timeframe, DoD organizations must report PII breaches to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) once discovered.

What is a DoD Organization?

The United States Agency of Defense is a federal executive branch department tasked with managing and supervising all government departments and services directly linked to national security and the United States Armed Forces.

The Department of Defense is responsible for the following agencies.

DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Developing new technology.The Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) provides food to military families all across the world.Agency for Defense Contract Audit (DCAA)DCMA (Defense Contract Management Agency)...Defense Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and Security Agency (DCSA)

Learn more about PII:

Which of the following items are included in calculating operating income?
- expenses related to primary revenue-generating activities
- expenses related to peripheral activities
- revenues related to peripheral activities
- revenues related to primary revenue-generating activities
(Select all that apply.)


A company's operating income is computed by deducting operating costs from its gross profit. Administrative, selling, or general expenses are examples of naturally recurring costs incurred to run a business.

What is operating income?

Operating income is derived by subtracting cost of goods sold and operating expenses from gross income, including salaries and depreciation. It computes the business operations' profit. When calculating operating income, interest expense, interest income, and other non-operational revenue streams are not taken into account. A other firm rents a factory.

The cost of items sold, direct labor costs, manufacturing overhead, and capital expenditures for greater costs like buildings or machinery are not included in operating expenses.

To learn more about operating income from given link



____________ ___________________and the host exist in symbiosis (living together).


Parasites and the host exist in symbiosis (living together).

What are parasites?

Parasites are organisms that live on or in another organism (the host) and benefit by deriving nutrients or resources from the host. The host is usually harmed by the parasite, but not always killed. Parasitism is a type of symbiosis, which is a close and long-term interaction between two or more different species.

An example of parasitism is the relationship between tapeworms and humans. Tapeworms are flatworms that live in the intestines of humans and other animals. They attach to the intestinal wall and absorb nutrients from the host's food. Tapeworms can cause malnutrition, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms in the host. Tapeworms can be transmitted by eating undercooked meat or fish that contains tapeworm eggs or larvae.

Learn more about symbiosis at: https://brainly.com/question/494031


portion size -- the amount of food eaten in one sitting
serving size -- found on the food label and is used to help you determine an appropriate serving size.


Portion size is the amount of food eaten in one sitting and serving size is found on the food label.

What is a portion size?The quantity of food you decide to eat during a meal or snack is referred to as a portion size and we can choose whether it's large or small. Over the past 20 years, average portion sizes have increased to the point where sometimes a plate can arrive with enough food for two or even three individuals. What Americans consider to be a normal portion at home is changing as a result of expanding portion sizes. It is known as portion distortion. The quantity of food or drink that is typically offered is referred to as a serving size.One piece of bread or one cup (eight ounces) of milk are examples of measured servings of food or drink.So the options are 1- a) and 2- b).

The complete question is :

Choose the best definition for each term.

1.portion size -

2.serving size -

a)the amount of food eaten in one sitting

b )found on the food label and is used to help you determine an appropriate serving size.

To learn more about food, refer:



Lady Macbeth: "Art thou afeard to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire? wouldst thou have that which thou esteem'st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, letting "I dare not" wait upon "I would" like the poor cat i'th'adage?"
(act 1, scene 7)


In attempt to convince him, Lady Macbeth asks a number of rhetorical questions in her speech. She suggests that despite his weakness, Macbeth secretly want to commit this act.

What is Lady Macbeth referring to when she talks about the "ornament of life?"

It is she who tells him that the crown – the "ornament of life" - is what he desires. Where the witches flatter Macbeth's egotism and "black and deep desires", Lady Macbeth knows that belittling him will incur the wrath of his pride and spur him to act.

What does wouldst thou have that which thou esteem st the ornament of life and live a coward in thine own esteem mean?

Hope is both inebriated like a person and something that Macbeth dressed himself in, like a piece of clothing, according to Lady Macbeth's opening metaphor.

To know more about Lady Macbeth visit:



Answer: option c is correct she creates pathos by trying to make Macbeth feel ashamed.


If the quantity supplied in a market exceeds the quantity demanded in a market, we would expect prices to:
a) rise in order to clear the market.

b) stay the same.

c) rise.

d) fall.


Fall, more product then demand price goes down

What FM covers Training the Force?


FM 7-0, Training the Force, covers the Army's training policies, program management, and training support for all Active, Reserve, and National Guard components.

What is Training?
is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, productivity, and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology. In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation, or profession, training may continue beyond initial competence to maintain, upgrade, and update skills throughout working life. Common training techniques include lectures, role-playing, simulation, and on-the-job training which can be bolstered with e-learning, virtual classrooms or computer-based instruction.

To learn more about Training

The ideal weight for height for a person is 110 lb. If his or her current weight is 140 lb, then he or she can be classified as
a. slightly overweight.
b. underweight.
c. obese.
d. extremely obese.


The ideal weight for height for a person is 110 lb. If his or her current weight is 140 lb, then he or she can be classified as extremely obese incredibly fat Obesity is commonly defined as having a 20% excess of optimal body weight for height.

What is  extremely obese?

140 pounds in this instance is 27% over the optimum weight. Many different weights can be linked to good health. Given the wide variety of weights that are related with being in good health, defining the ideal body weight is challenging. For a period of six months, weight loss should average 1 to 2 pounds each week, with the subsequent strategy being determined by the total amount of weight lost.

Low-calorie diets (LCD) helps overweight and obese people to lose weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing a person's height in meters squared by their weight in kilograms. A 13-year-old boy's typical weight ranges from 75 to 145 pounds.

To learn more about extremely obese from given link



do not cause disease under normal conditions but cause disease under special conditions


Opportunistic pathogens do not cause disease under normal conditions but cause disease under special conditions.

What is Opportunistic pathogens ?

Opportunistic pathogens (OPs) are commonly defined as organisms in the medical literature that can become harmful after being disturbed by their host (e.g., disease, wound, medication, prior infection, immunodeficiency, and ageing).

What are opportunistic pathogens and pathogens?

Obligate pathogens and opportunistic pathogens are two different types of microorganisms. Only when a disease is present can an obligatory pathogen be discovered in the host animal.

                            Opportunistic pathogens are microscopic organisms that can infect healthy host animals while also having the potential to spread disease.

What opportunistic infection is most typical?

Among people with AIDS in the US, it is one of the most prevalent opportunistic bacterial infections.

Learn more about opportunistic infection



Fogelberg Company purchased equipment for $15,000. Sales tax on the purchase was $900. Other costs incurred were freight charges of $240, repairs of $420 for damage during installation, and installation costs of $270. What is the cost of the equipment?16,410.


The total cost of the equipment is $ 16,410

What is the total cost of the equipment ?

Cost price of the equipment = A=$15,000

Sales tax on the purchase = B= $900

Freight charges = C= $240

Repairs =  D= $420

Installation costs =E=  $270

Total cost of the equipment = A+ B+ C+E

                                               =15,000+ 900+ 240+270


Here, initial cost such as the cost price , tax incurred like sales tax, logistic expenditures such as freight charges and installation cost of the equipment add on to the total cost of the equipment.But, repair due to damage during installation is an error on the side of installation department and it is not included as a part of the equipment cost.It is calculated as part of the total expenditure and not as the total cost of the equipment.Thus, the total cost of the equipment is $ 16,410.

To learn more about tax, refer:



Good Situational Analysis gives what benefit to marketing managers?


Situational analysis helps marketing managers to Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of the organization and its products or services.

What is Situational Analysis?

Situational analysis is an essential step in developing a successful marketing plan because it provides a comprehensive and objective overview of the current situation and the potential challenges and opportunities for the future. It is the process of gathering and evaluating information about the internal and external factors that affect a marketing plan. It helps marketing managers to align their marketing efforts with the organizational goals and mission, and to create value for the customers and the stakeholders.

Other benefits include; Understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target market and the competitive landscape. Set realistic and measurable objectives and strategies based on the available resources and capabilities. Monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the marketing plan and make adjustments as needed.

Find out more on Situational analysis here: https://brainly.com/question/26843597


An error in the ending inventory balance in Year 1 will also affect:
a) Year 1 cost of goods sold
b) Year 2 cost of goods sold
c) Year 2 ending inventory
d) Year 2 beginning inventory


The cost of products sold for Year 1, Year 2's ending inventory, and Year 2's beginning inventory will all be impacted by a mistake in Year 1's ending inventory balance.

An error in the ending inventory balance

A) Year 1 cost of goods sold

B) Year 2 cost of goods sold

D) Year 2  beginning inventory

The cost of products sold for Year 1, Year 2's ending inventory, and Year 2's beginning inventory will all be impacted by a mistake in Year 1's ending inventory balance.This is due to the fact that the beginning inventory balance for Year 2 is determined using the ending inventory balance from Year 1. As a result, any inaccuracy in Year 1's ending inventory balance will be carried over into Year 2 and affect the finishing inventory balances of both years.Since inventory is an asset and one of the primary inputs used to determine cost of goods sold, it is a crucial component of any organisation.Therefore, an inaccuracy in the Year 1 ending inventory balance will result in improper cost of goods sold calculations in Years 1 and 2, as well as inaccurate Year 2 beginning and ending inventory balance calculations.This may result in inaccurate financial statements, which could be harmful to the company. Therefore, it's critical to guarantee that the Year 1 ending inventory balance calculation is accurate.

To learn more about An error in the ending inventory balance refer to:



The following table contains financial information for Trumpeter Inc. before closing entries:
Cash$12,000 Supplies 4,500
Prepaid Rent 2,000
Salaries Expense 4,500
Equipment 65,000
Service Revenue 30,000
Miscellaneous Expense 20,000
Dividends 3,000
Accounts Payable 5,000
Common Stock 68,000
Retained Earnings 8,000
What is Trumpeter's net income?
A. $2,500.
B. $3,500.
C. $5,500.
D. $5,000.


Service income minus costs equal $1,400. Before closing entries, Trumpeter Inc.'s financial data is shown in the table below: Cash $12,200

What is the total stockholder equity of trumpeters?

Retained earnings plus common stock make up total shareholders' equity. Comm stock is worth $68,000. Beginning retained earnings ($8,000) + revenues ($30,000) less costs ($24,500) less dividends ($3,000) equals ending retained earnings ($10,500).

Closing entries effect which accounts?

Closing entries have an effect on temporary accounts. These consist of income accounts such as sales and service revenue, expense accounts such as cost of goods sold, selling, and administrative costs, and other income and expense categories such as the gain or loss on the sale of assets or the income tax expense account.

What rights does a 50% shareholder have?

Certain corporate law decisions may only be made by shareholders who own more than 50% of the company's shares. The ability to appoint and dismiss directors (and so alter day-to-day control) as well as authorise the payment of a final dividend belongs to shareholders holding 51% of the company's ownership.

To know more about shareholder equity visit;



The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with the emergence of debates about the nature and causes of climate change in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century?


Lines 4 and 9. CO2 emissions are produced by the majority of industrial processes, such as manufacturing, transportation, and animal agriculture. CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat emitted from Earth to space.

Over the past 20 years, how has the climate changed?

In the past 20 years, there have been significant changes to our world, which is not good. Earth has become hotter, more populated, and more full of gases that trap heat over the past two decades since world leaders first gathered to discuss climate change. In those 20 years, the average global temperature increased by six tenths of a degree.

What are the primary reasons for climate change?

The factor causing climate change is human activity. People changed land from forests to farming land and consuming fossil fuels. People have burned more fuel since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

Learn more about global warming here:



The total satisfaction of happiness received from the consumption of a good, service, or combination of goods and services refers to the utility; where as the additional satisfaction or happiness received from the consumption of an additional unit of a good or service refers to the utility


Total utility is the aggregate summation of satisfaction or fulfillment that a consumer receives through the consumption of goods or services. Economists seek to quantify utility and total utility using utils.

What is total utility?

Total utility is the overall enjoyment that a customer obtains from the use of certain products and services. Each every unit of products or services has its own marginal utility. Total utility is the total of all such individual objects' marginal utilities. The total utility of consuming a thing is equal to the amount of money that would provide the same degree of enjoyment to the user. For example, the amount of money that would provide the same level of happiness as eating a chocolate bar may be used to calculate the level of happiness.


Whole utility is the total sum of happiness or fulfillment that a customer obtains from the purchase of products or services. Economists use utils to quantify utility and total utility.

To know more about total utility,



Off-premise sales are defined as alcoholic beverages sold at establishments such as convenience stores and gas stations


When alcoholic beverages are sold by the drink in settings like restaurants and bars, this is referred to as on-premise sales. Alcohol sold packed "to go" at locations like convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, or liquor stores is referred to as off-premise sales.

What are Off-premise sales?

contracts for home upgrades or doorstep sales that are made at the client's residence or place of employment (where the customer makes the order straight away)

If you arrange a trip to advertise and sell your products or services, if the customer offers to purchase while you are with them and away from your business premises—for instance,

when you visit a customer to give a quote to decorate their living room but they offer the price instead—and you leave to consider it,

if a contract was immediately signed on your business premises following communication with the customer while you were away from your premises.

Hence, Alcohol sold packed "to go" at locations like convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, or liquor stores is referred to as off-premise sales.

learn more about off-premise sales click here:



A hand exerts a constant horizontal force on a block that is free to slide on a frictionless surface. The block starts from rest at point A, and by the time it has traveled to a distance d to point B it is traveling with the speed of ub. When the block has traveled another distance d to point C, will its speed be greater than, less than, or equal to 2ub? Explain your reasoning


The force is a constant so the work is the sam between A and B and C and D. Work is not related o time. But regards to power (rate of work, need time), time is not he same between An and B and C and D.

Since he has to come to rest, the time between C and D is less than the time between A and B. her fore, the velocity is not going to be the same, Velocity is different because the change of power and time.

What is constant?

a number that is assumed not to change value in a specific mathematical debate; a term in logic with a fixed designation; a number that has a fixed value in a specific scenario or generally; or a number that is distinctive of some substance or instrument.

To learn more about constant visit



What is the name of the provision which states that a copy of the application must be attached to the policy when issued?
A) Policy Summary
B) Buyer's Guide
C) Entire Contract
D) Entire Policy


The entire contract is the name of the provision which states that a copy of the application must be attached to the policy when issued

What is the entire contract ?

The entire contract provides the capability that the insurance policy along with the application represents the complete contract. When an assertion is presented, the insurer has no leeway to make ability to influence the behavior at their discretion and surprise policyholders.

An entire contract is one in which the parties involved must complete their duties before asking the other parties to complete their obligations. If a party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, the contract may be declared null and void.

Entire Contract Clause — a standard insurance contract provision that limits the insured's and insurer's agreement to the provisions of the contract. The clause's primary purpose is to protect the insured.

Hence to conclude the entire contract is the name of the provision which states that a copy of application must be attached to the policy

To know more on entire contract follow this link:



The study by Dement and Kleitman looked at different aspects of sleep and dreaming.
(a) Outline one of the aims of the study.
b) What were the results in relation to this aim?


Aims are general statements that provide direction and/or identify an intention to act.

What are the aims of a study?Aims are statements of intent. They are usually written in broad terms. They set out what you hope to achieve at the end of the project. Objectives, on the other hand, should be specific statements that define measurable outcomes, e.g. what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome.This refers to the type of research which aims to improve already existing theories for the purpose of understanding them better.With this in mind, we can see that basic research is the name which is given to the type of research which aims to modify and improve research about personality traits.The name of the study which aims to modify existing psychological theory related to personality traits would be considered a Basic Research.A research aim describes the main goal or the overarching purpose of your research project. In doing so, it acts as a focal point for your research and provides your readers with clarity as to what your study is all about.

To learn more about Aim's refer to:



What ADP/ADRP covers Army Leadership?


This publication is part of the Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) series, which provides the doctrinal foundation for the Army's operations, organizations, and capabilities.

What does ADP cover?ADP 6-22, Army Leadership, covers Army leadership principles and attributes, as well as the skills and competencies that leaders at all levels should develop in order to effectively lead Soldiers and organizations. The Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) series, which provides the doctrinal basis for the Army's actions, organisations, and capabilities, includes this publication.The Army Profession and the Foundations of Army Leadership are established and described in ADP 6-22, which also outlines the characteristics and key leadership competencies expected of all leaders at all levels and cohorts.All Army professionals, whether military and civilian, make up the ADP 6-22's main audience. This resource will also be used by Army trainers and educators. Unless otherwise stated, the term "Army leaders" refers to officers, noncommissioned officers, and specific Department of the Army civilians.

To learn more about Doctrine Publication refer :



What is the most recent release of AR 600-9?


The Department of Defense Instruction  which provides a weight control programme and guidelines for body fat standards in the services, is implemented by this rule.The most recent release of AR 600-9 is June 28, 2013.

What does AR 600-9 cover?

Assist commanders and managers in making sure that people who have higher body fat percentages receive dietary guidance and advice on how to lose weight. Recognize those who suffer from an illness that needs medical attention.Assess soldiers whose body fat levels are too high. Let soldiers know that certain medical issues, environmental factors, physical limits, and/or drugs may cause weight gain.Direct Soldiers in need of dietary and exercise advice to the proper specialist. Inform and educate soldiers on appropriate dietary practises.a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.When a male Soldier measures a female, there will be a female Soldier there, and vice versa for the opposite.

To learn more about AR 600-9 refer to:



The most recent release of AR 600-9 is dated 28 June 2013.

What is the AR 600-9?

AR 600-9 is the Army Regulation that prescribes the policies and procedures for the Army Body Composition Program (ABCP). The ABCP is designed to ensure that all soldiers achieve and maintain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.

The ABCP also establishes body fat standards for all soldiers and provides guidance for the management of soldiers who do not meet the standards.

Some of the changes in the 2013 release of AR 600-9 include:

The addition of a screening table weight for soldiers under 21 years of ageThe revision of the body fat worksheet to include the neck measurement for female soldiersThe clarification of the roles and responsibilities of commanders, soldiers, and health care personnel in the ABCPThe establishment of a monthly ABCP training requirement for commanders and command-designated personnelThe update of the procedures for the notification, counseling, and removal of soldiers from the ABCPThe inclusion of a medical evaluation requirement for soldiers who exceed the screening table weight by more than 30 poundsThe modification of the reenlistment and separation policies for soldiers who do not meet the body fat standardsThe enhancement of the incentives and recognition for soldiers who achieve excellence in physical fitness and body composition.

Learn more about the AR 600-9:



The Beacon Drive Inn had food sales of $45,000, an opening inventory of $8,000, purchases of $13,00, and an ending inventory of $9,000. What was the food cost percentage?


The food cost percentage of the The Beacon Drive Inn is 0.66%.

How do you calculate food cost percentage?Total Food Cost Percentage = (Total Cost of Goods Sold / Total Food Sales) x 100.Total Cost of Goods Sold = (Beginning Inventory + Food Purchases) – Ending Inventory.The total sum that your company spent on expenses directly associated with the selling of goods is known as the cost of goods sold. Depending on the nature of your firm, this could also include raw materials, packaging, direct labor involved in making or selling the product, and items bought for resale.

Given :

sales = $45,000

opening inventory = $8,000

purchases = $13,00

ending inventory =  $9,000

Starting inventory + purchases − ending inventory = cost of goods sold.

8000 + 1300 - 9000 = 300

Total Food Cost Percentage = (Total Cost of Goods Sold / Total Food Sales)                               x 100.

Total Food Cost Percentage = 300/ 45000 *100

= 0.66 %

To learn more about cost of goods sold.  refer,



17 Which of the following are also referred to as resistance vessels because they dramatically alter their internal diameter to rapidly regulate blood flow to the periphery?
A) Aortas
B) Arterioles
C) Arteries
D) Veins


The correct option B) Arterioles, Because they drastically modify their internal diameter to quickly control blood flow to the periphery, is known as a resistance vessel.

Explain the term Arterioles?

As these distribute blood circulation into capillary beds, arterioles are regarded as the main resistance channels.

Arterioles contribute to overall upstream pressure and the geographical distribution of blood, making up around 80% of the overall resistance of blood flow throughout the body . They are important hemodynamic regulators. Depending on the arterial bed in question (i.e., across various organs), their diameters vary greatly, and while in a constricted or dilated state, they vary even more. As a result, their primary distinguishing characteristic is not their size but rather the composition of the smooth muscles in their wall, which is made up of three structurally separate layers called the intima, media, or adventitia.

Thus, due to the drastic changes in internal diameter that arterioles undergo to quickly control blood flow to the periphery, they are also known as resistance arteries.

To know more about the Arterioles, here



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