What observation supports the claim that earth rotates


Answer 1


The most direct observational evidence for Earth's orbital motion is the apparent shift of nearby stars after six months, as the Earth moves from one side of its orbit to the other. Because of the large distance to even the nearest start, this parallax shift is too small to been seen without a telescope.

Answer 2


The most direct observational evidence for Earth's orbital motion is the apparent shift of nearby stars after six months, as the Earth moves from one side of its orbit to the other. Because of the large distance to even the nearest start, this parallax shift is too small to been seen without a telescope.


Hope this helped! <3

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Answer:where the  questions. cos


The image above depicts a triangular piece of land, ACD, with two roads, segments BE and CF, cutting across the property. The owner wishes to add a fence along segment BC. The entire triangular piece of land is an isosceles triangle in which sides AC and CD both equal 9 miles. Segment CF represents the perpendicular bisector of the 13 mile-long base. If triangles BKC and FKE, formed from the intersection of the two roads, are congruent and segment AE is equal to side CD, what is the length of segment BC?

Select one:
A. 2.5 miles
B. 3.0 miles
C. 3.5 miles
D. 4.0 miles



A. 2.5 miles


I completed it n got 100 lol

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If u looked at a SA cells and cardiac muscle cells under a microscope, do u think they would look the same or different from each other? Explain ur reasoning HELP MEE PLSSSSS



They look a little bit different. SA cells contain fewer mitochondria, fewer myofibers, and a smaller sarcoplasmic reticulum. This means that the SA node cells are less equipped to contract compared to the atrial and ventricular cells.

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It uses an if then system, which is commonly used when creating hypothesises.

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a. sarcoplasmic



The answer is sarcolemma

the answer is c sarcolemma

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Hey you forgot the part were you stuff the candle with cotton and then square the amount of laptops you have then divide by the amount of iphones produced by the worms that eat batteries to get the answer chicken AND 3 marked white vans but the catch is there are not white they are actually red


What would happen to Earth's climate if we had no moon, and why?



The tilt creates what we know as seasons and changing weather. Without the pull of the moon, this tilt would change.


Either the tilt would become extreme, leading to extreme and severe seasons, or the tilt would decrease, and we would see almost no seasons at all. The moon influences life as we know it on Earth.

Answer: Because It is the pull of the Moon's gravity on the Earth that holds our planet in place. Without the Moon stabilising our tilt, it is possible that the Earth's tilt could vary wildly. It would move from no tilt (which means no seasons) to a large tilt (which means extreme weather and even ice ages).

The tilt creates what we know as seasons and changing weather. Without the pull of the moon, this tilt would change. Either the tilt would become extreme, leading to extreme and severe seasons, or the tilt would decrease, and we would see almost no seasons at all. The moon influences life as we know it on Earth. Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


Explain how an abiotic factor (stronger storms, warmer oceans, or lower ocean pH) can affect populations in a coral reef ecosystem



Climate change leads to: A warming ocean: causes thermal stress that contributes to coral bleaching and infectious disease.


Sea level rise: may lead to increases in sedimentation for reefs located near land-based sources of sediment. Sedimentation runoff can lead to the smothering of coral.

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image link: https://imagebank.illuminateed.com/imagebank/1357110



In a forest the brown rabbit would be the best










Slash-and-burn agriculture, method of cultivation in which forests are burned and cleared for planting. Slash-and-burn agriculture is often used by tropical-forest root-crop farmers in various parts of the world and by dry-rice cultivators of the forested hill country of Southeast Asia

the answer is agriculture :

True or false? A purebred plant has a heterozygous genotype.
Please help



false. :D


It is h o m o zygous (apparently that is a bad word haha )

How does being really cold affect the nervous system?


If the temperature is too hot, you may feel tired and lethargic, and if it is too cold, this may heighten the pain you feel.

6. Which domain includes all multi-cellular organisms?
a. Eukarya
b. Bacteria
c. Archaea
d. None of the above




Eukarya is the only domain that consists of multicellular and visible organisms, like people, animals, plants and trees.

amount of force times the distance it moves an object






Note: this is physics, not biology

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Hey, you didn’t attach a image.

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The main examples of non-renewable resources are fuels such as oil. It, coal, and natural gas, which humans regularly draw to produce energy. Apart from non-renewable resources, there also exist renewable resources that are also a source of energy.

Help me answer this biology question Urgent



1) Producers

2) Photosynthesis

3) Consumers

4) Herbivores

5) Carnivores

6) Decomposers


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How are the smallest ocean waves produced?



Ocean waves are usually formed by a distant wind. ... The area which the wind affects the surface is called the fetch. The larger the fetch, the greater the waves produced. the small waves generated by storm winds are often confused and disorganized.



For a wave to effectively be produced there need to be large wind, long period of time and a large distance of water. If they are all reduced, then there would be a reduction in the intensity of the wave.


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Which phase is the best summary of the model


can you please provide a summary of the model? try posting this question again.

The development by farmers to produce larger tomatoes is the result of



artificial selection by selectively breeding the larger variants


Based on scale of 100 and represents average performance



Ok what is the question good sir/madam?



Yes i agree with the other answer SIr or Ma'am but i don't know if this question!

I neeeeedddddddd helpppppppp


Invasive is the correct answer! :)

Where do nutrients enter the body?



thru the nucleus or cell wall i think


Answer: The small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in your food.

Explanation: The small intestine is good for absorption due to it having a large inner surface area.

Plsss help me this due is tonight plsss



whatever the trait is, I'm just going to use tall as an example

1. phenotype=

Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short



Tall: Short


Can anyone help me with my homework



Explanation: 1. Sediment is a naturally occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion, and is subsequently transported by the action of wind, water, or ice or by the force of gravity acting on the particles.

2.  Organic, Clastic and Chemical Sedimentary Rocks.

3. The formation of coal takes millions of years, which is why it is an exhaustible and non-renewable natural resource.

It was formed around 300 million years ago when the earth was covered with swampy forests.

When plants in these forests- mainly trees, mosses, ferns, and reeds died, they fell into the swamps.

Thus there was a thick layer of dead vegetation in the swamp formed.

4. Clastic rocks are composed of fragments, or clasts, of pre-existing minerals and rock. A clast is a fragment of geological detritus, chunks and smaller grains of rock broken off other rocks by physical weathering.

6.Squeezed and compressed over time, the sediments become 'consolidated' (made solid) into layers of rock. Stratigraphy is the study of those layers Cementation occurs when dissolved mineral components deposit in the interstices of sediments. It is the sticking together of sediment that forms a rock.

7. It is used by marine biota to form a shell frame. Shells of marine animals are rich in carbonate minerals. When the marine animals die, the shells will accumulate and settle in a place so that rocks are formed.

8. This may be due to the overburden load, which is essentially the weight of all the material above the layer of minerals in question squashing them flat. Or it may be due to deformation caused by the movements of tectonic plates which often causes a form of deformation known as shearing where two things slide past each other. When this occurs in ductile rock masses, it acts to flatten and rotate mineral grains so that their long axis is parallel to the shear plane.

Determine the rate of oxygen consumption at each temperature for comparison. Then divide the higher rate by the lower rate to obtain the difference (ratio) between the two temperatures. Round your answer to the nearest 0.1. It can be concluded that mouse respiratory rate (increases or decreases) when temperature is lowered. In this experiment there was a fold difference in respiratory rate at the two temperatures.



In mice rate of respiration increases as the temperature drops.


As the temperature decreases, the respiration rate also decrease because the body needs less oxygen for the production of energy. But in the case of mice, the rate of respiration decreases and the reason is the fear. Results showed that the respiration increased in mice as the decrease in temperature occur, caused due to the fear instilled in the mice towards cold temperature so in mice rate of respiration increases as the temperature drops.

What is the transfer of
heat from one object to
another through direct





conduction is the transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other.

The text box below contains facts about salmon:
Facts about salmon. baby salmon migrate from freshwater streams and rivers to the ocean.
in the ocean, baby salmon d/r/i//n/k salt water.
Special cells on the salmon's gills called c/h//l/o//r/i/d//e cells help the salmon to e/x/c/r//e/t//e/ salt.

How do populations of baby salmon respond to changes in s/a//l/i//n/i//t/y as they migrate?
The baby salmon u/t/i/l/i//z/e// special structures but do not a/l/te/r/ their behavior.
The baby salmon al/t/e/r/ their behavior and u/t//i/l//i/z/e special structures.
The baby salmon u/t/i//l//i//z/e special structures to a/l/t/e//r their behavior.
The baby sa.l.m.on a/l/t/e/r their behavior but do not u/t/i/l//i/z/e special structures.



what even is the question i am so cunfuzzles

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