what must managers be able to do if they want employees to understand the business’s goals and be productive?


Answer 1

Conceptual skills to understand the business’s goals and be productive.

Who needs conceptual skills?

The ability to see an organization's big picture is referred to as having conceptual talents. For instance, you can consider why you are undertaking a project before getting started, how it ties to the organization as a whole, and how it affects the surrounds.Conceptual abilities enable you to anticipate problems, come up with ideas for solutions, and comprehend the strategic large picture that drives a company's day-to-day operations. Although they are useful in any career, conceptual skills are particularly crucial for those in managerial positions.

To know more about Conceptual skills here



Related Questions

what do you call the legal requirements that an organization must adopt a standard based on what a prudent organization should do, and then maintain that standard?


The legal requirement that an organization must adopt a standard based on what a prudent organization should do, and maintain that standard is called due care.

Due care is a legal standard that establishes a duty for people to act reasonably based on the circumstances of a particular situation. This means that a person's conduct must not cause unreasonable harm to anyone else. Due care is about correcting something immediately. It is a way to implement something right away to perform mitigation procedures.

Due care is doing the right thing, the prudent man rule.

Learn more about the due care here:



During last month, your beginning inventory was $19,500, your ending inventory was $14,063. If there were no additional purchases, what percent of inventory was sold?.


Inventory was sold at 28% if no more purchases were made.

What is the difference between beginning inventory plus acquisitions and ending inventory?

Beginning inventory plus net purchases minus COGS equals ending inventory, according to the basic formula. The ending inventory of the previous period is your starting inventory. The products you have purchased and added to your inventory count are the net purchases.

Net acquisitions added to beginning inventory is what?

An sum referred to as the cost of products available for sale is equal to the cost of beginning inventory plus the cost of net purchases for the period. Net purchases are the total cost of the items plus the cost of shipping less any discounts, allowances, and returns.

To know more about additional purchases visit:-



what should paul coghlan recommend to the board considering the effects of taxes, signaling, agency, clientele effects, executive stock options, and market conditions?


The board considering the effects of taxes, signaling, agency, clientele effects, The Clientele effect refers to the upward movement of stock prices in response to investor objectives and needs.

Which would have an impact on the shares and cause the stock price to change in one of two directions.Videos featuring customer testimonials would be the most successful of above-mentioned strategies. This is due to the fact that it includes a user experience and word-of-mouth marketing element.Contrary to spontaneous word-of-mouth, organisations actively encourage.

Control word-of-mouth marketing.Word-of-mouth sales account for 13% of all sales and $6 trillion in annual global purchases.Five times as many sales are generated by word-of-mouth marketing as by sponsored advertising. Word-of-mouth, in the opinion of 28% of respondents, fosters brand affinity (a client's shared values with a company).

To know more about market conditions visit:



What is the main reason for the transition to an information economy?


The main reason for the transition to an information economy is the rapid increase in computer use in al aspects of daily life.

Information economy is an economy with an increased emphasis on informational activities and information industry, where information is valued as capital good.

Characteristics of information economy is that field in which information is characterized as the reduction of ambiguity and instability, which addresses the production, management, processing, delivery, dissemination and usage of information.

To know more about information economy here,



teams that meet face-to-face . group of answer choices are more effective than virtual teams. often encounter more interpersonal issues than virtual teams. are less effective than virtual teams. can be equally effective as virtual teams.


Teams that meet face-to-face can be equally effective as virtual teams. The correct option is C.

Why face to face is better than online classes?

The "real world" examples and experiences of your classmates and teachers will help you understand concepts better. You acquire new knowledge and abilities while studying in person, alongside other students, and in a real-world setting. Since you're all learning the same things, it's simpler to understand one another and share knowledge.

The good news is that virtual meetings can be just as effective as in-person meetings with the right tools and some advanced preparation. This is due to the fact that virtual meetings are excellent for fostering more personal connections between people.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about face-to-face meetings here:



despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior. of what is this an example?


The  top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior is an example of an enacted value or norm

Enacted values or norms are those that a business and its personnel genuinely live out and exhibit on a regular basis. They are the values that are really demonstrated in practice and diverge slightly from the principles upheld by the business. The values that are actually being lived and experienced that are being enacted are the ones that have the most effects on the company's culture.

They are the principles that direct the actions and decisions of the organization's members and mould the workplace culture as a whole. In the given case,  the company's top management frequently acts unethically despite receiving extensive training in ethical ideals and behaviours. This refers to breaking the principles laid down by the company.

Read more about values and norms on:



the international monetary fnud part 2 a. . b. restricts capital outflows that might threaten international financial stability. c. has effectively eliminated adverse selection and moral hazard problems. d. .


The best option is the International Monetary Fund, which (b) limits capital outflows that would jeopardize financial stability worldwide.

What are the IMF's three primary responsibilities?

To support the stability of the international monetary system, the IMF performs 3 important tasks: observation, federal loans, and additional support.

How does the International Monetary Fund operate?

By taking out a loan from the IMF, a nation commits to changing its trade reforms in order to address the issues that prompted the request for assistance. These modifications in policy are prerequisites for IMF loans and assure that the nation will be able to pay back the IMF.

What is the role of the International Monetary Fund?

By providing summary lending to nations experiencing equilibrium of payments issues brought on by capital outflows or onerous federal loan obligations, the principal goal is to maintain exchange rate stability.

To know more about  federal loans click here



lebleu, incorporated, is considering a project that will result in initial aftertax cash savings of $1.76 million at the end of the first year, and these savings will grow at a rate of 3 percent per year indefinitely. the firm has a target debt-equity ratio of .85, a cost of equity of 11.6 percent, and an aftertax cost of debt of 4.4 percent. the cost-saving proposal is somewhat riskier than the usual project the firm undertakes; management uses the subjective approach and applies an adjustment factor of 1 percent to the cost of capital for such risky projects. what is the maximum initial cost the company would be willing to pay for the project? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer in dollars, not millions, rounded to the nearest whole number, e.g., 1,234,567.)


As per the cost-saving proposal, the maximum initial cost the company would be willing to pay for the project is $ 167,125,803.

Cost-saving proposal

In economics, cost saving proposal refers practices and principles designed to optimize operational efficiency.


Lebleu incorporated, is considering a project that will result in initial after-tax cash savings of $1.76 million at the end of the first year, and these savings will grow at a rate of 3 percent per year indefinitely. the firm has a target debt-equity ratio of .85, a cost of equity of 11.6 percent, and an after tax cost of debt of 4.4 percent. the cost-saving proposal is somewhat riskier than the usual project the firm undertakes; management uses the subjective approach and applies an adjustment factor of 1 percent to the cost of capital for such risky projects.

Here we need to find the maximum initial cost the company would be willing to pay for the project.

Here we have to find the 2% adjustment factor, the required

=> WACC = 8.89%+2% = 10.89%

And the annual post-tax cost savings = $1.82 million

Then the PV of the savings is calculated as,

=> $1.82 million/10.89% = $ 167,125,803

Therefore, the maximum initial cost is $ 167,125,803.

To know more about Cost-saving proposal here.



in an english auction, with rational bidders, the object being sold always goes to the bidder who values it most highly. choice 1 of 2:true choice 2 of 2:false


The given statement of high value with rational bidders of English auction is true.

An auction is a sales occasion when prospective customers submit aggressive bids for goods or services in either an open or closed style. The reason why people participate in auctions is because they think they can get a good bargain when purchasing or selling assets. All bidders are aware of each other's offers in an open style. Bidders in a closed format are unaware of other bids. Both live and online platforms can be used for auctions. The top bidder in a closed style, as well as the highest in an open style, will often receive the item or service in question.

To learn more about auction click here



which of the four options best represents specialization and its relationship with trade? absolute advantage economic crises comparative advantage all the above


Comparative advantage best represents specialization and its relationship with the trade.

What is trade?

The act of exchanging goods or services between people, companies, or countries is referred to as a trade. In every aspect of foreign trade, the negotiations for a new trade agreement fell squarely under the purview of the ministry.

When a country concentrates all of its resources on a productive sector in which they excel,  this is known in international economics as specialization. The country produces something at a lower opportunity cost than other nations thanks to comparative advantage, a factor of specialization.

Only when each trade producer has an absolute advantage over the other in producing a particular good does absolute advantage result in clear profits from specialization and trade. Adam Smith's claim would not necessarily be true if a producer had any absolute advantages.

Therefore, Thus option (C) is correct.

Learn more about trade here:



Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is


Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. This statement is False.

The amount that a corporation owes its financiers, including banks and other financial institutions as well as alternative funding sources like friends and family, is shown on notes payable, which are long-term liabilities. Since they are repayable after a year, albeit typically within five years, they are considered long-term.

These money may be borrowed by businesses in order to purchase items like tools, equipment, and automobiles that will likely be used up within five years and amortised.

In the event that a note payable's payment obligations are not met, the creditor may have a claim against the borrower's assets under certain notes payable. Repayment terms could be extended if the loan is secured.

To know more about Notes payable visit:



what is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities?


Cash flows from investing activities frequently reflect cash flows related to cash the company has loaned to others.

The main difference between cash flows from investments and cash flows from financing is that cash flows from investments are used to fund investments whereas cash flows from financing are used to operate the company. It is to be used to fund. Investing activity refers to income or expenditure on long-term assets such as equipment and facilities.

Investments or cash flows from investments Cash flows show how much cash was generated or used from various investment-related activities in a given period. Investing activities include purchasing speculative assets, investing in securities, or selling securities or assets. Financing activities are cash flows from activities such as the issuance of bonds between a company and its owners and creditors.

Learn more about Cash flows here:- https://brainly.com/question/24179665


the classifications used to categorize cash inflows and outflows on the statement of cash flows includes activities, activities, and activities.


The classifications used to categorize cash inflows and outflows on the statement of cash flows includes operating activities, financing activities, and investing activities.

Now, According to the question:

What is cash flow and is it profit?

The net amount of cash and cash equivalents entering and leaving a business is referred to as cash flow. Inflows are represented by money received, and outflows are represented by money spent.

Cash flow is not a profit because it is the money going in and out of a business over a period of time, but  profit is what remains of earnings after deducting expenses.

Hence, The classifications used to categorize cash inflows and outflows on the statement of cash flows includes operating activities, financing activities, and investing activities

Learn more about Cash flows at:



Why is low inflation good for the economy?


Almost all economists recommend minimizing inflation. Low inflation helps sustain global competitiveness by encouraging saving, investment, and economic growth.

Economic stability also promotes economic growth. Typically, governments aim for an inflation rate of 2% or less. The optimum compromise between avoiding the expenses of inflation and also avoiding the costs of deflation when prices decline is thought to be this moderate but low rate of inflation. Regular consumers can profit from inflation in the following three scenarios, which show how the economy might gain from a consistent, moderate level of inflation is the word that economists use to describe the gradual rise in prices throughout an economy.

learn more about inflation here:



Credit card accountability, responsibility and disclosure, or credit card, act of 2009


A federal law known as the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act of 2009 was created to safeguard cardholders from unfair lending practises by card issuers. The main objectives of this law, also referred to as the CARD Act, are to decrease surprise fees and enhance the disclosure of charges and penalties.

The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act was passed by the US Congress in May 2009, and shortly after that, President Barack Obama signed it into law. It became active in 2010. The CARD Act was created to safeguard consumers from the unethical tactics of credit card issuers, building on the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). It intends to reduce or eliminate some credit card costs, lessen the manipulation of younger clients, and provide all users more information about fees.

Prior to the act's passage, the language in credit card agreements was frequently extremely cryptic and challenging to read; crucial terms were buried beneath mountains of legalese, and the information provided varied between different issuers, making it challenging for customers to compare products. Both in the initial card agreements and monthly statements, the language, terms, and disclosure of penalties and fees are now much more transparent thanks to the act.

Learn more about Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act here: https://brainly.com/question/10434881


fidelity systems reports net income of $81 million. included in that number is depreciation expense of $10 million, and a gain on the sale of equipment of $2 million. records reveal increases in accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable of $4 million, $2 million, and $2 million, respectively. calculate fidelity's net cash flows from operating activities using the indirect method. (negative value should be indicated by minus sign. enter your answer in millions.)


$85 million

The indirect method of calculating net cash flows from operating activities is as follows:

Cash flow from operating activities

Net income - $81million

Add: Depreciation Expenses - $10million

Less: Gain on sale of equipment - $2million

Less: Increase in account receivable - $4million

Less: Increase in inventory - $2million

Add : Increase in account payable - $2million

Net cash flows from operating activities - $85million.

What you mean net cash flow?

Net cash flow refers to either the gain or loss of funds (after all debt has been paid off) over a period of time. A company is said to have positive cash flow if it has excess cash after paying all  operating expenses.

To know more about Net cash flows visit here:



Which types of controls are recommended for a global MNC versus a multi-domestic MNC?


Global MNCs must exercise strict control over their subsidiaries. They don't choose to diversify their product range to cut costs because they concentrate on a small number of product lines.

They also use centralized planning for their strategy. Multi-domestic MNCs require less sway over their divisions.

While expansionary fiscal policy should increase output today, it will also cause output to grow at a slower rate than it would have otherwise. Similar to inflationary fiscal policy, contractionary fiscal policy will result in higher output down the road despite temporarily depressing output levels.

Whenever a central bank employs expansionary monetary policy, it helps to boost the economy. This boosts the availability of money, brings down interest rates, and raises demand. It promotes economic expansion.

To know more about Global MNCs



a loan is offered with monthly payments and a 6.5 percent apr. what is the loan's effective annual rate (ear)?


The effective yearly rate of a loan with monthly payments and a 6.5 percent interest rate is 0.65.

The calculations and formula are as follows: Effective yearly interest rate is calculated as follows: (1 + (nominal rate multiplied by the quantity of compounding periods)) (number of compounding periods) - 1.


The percentage of interest on a loan or financial product if compound interest builds up over the course of a year with no payments made is known as the effective interest rate (EIR), effective annual interest rate, annual equivalent rate (AER), or simply effective rate. It is the compound interest based on the nominal interest rate that is due annually in arrears. It is employed to compare the interest rates of loans with various compounding intervals, including weekly, monthly, half-yearly, and annual. The annual percentage rate (APR) does not account for compounding, so the effective interest rate may be greater depending on the jurisdiction's definition. The EIR, in contrast, annualizes the periodic rate by compounding. In the European Union, EIR is the norm, and many

Learn more about interest rate  from



You can be arrested for not stopping when the vehicle performing a stop is a marked law enforcement vehicle.T/F


According to the question, you can be arrested for not stopping when the vehicle performing a stop is a marked law enforcement vehicle is True.

What does legal enforcement mean?

Law enforcement refers to the organizations and personnel in charge of upholding the rule of law, controlling public safety, and enforcing laws. Investigation, capture, and imprisonment of suspects in crimes are among the main responsibilities of law enforcement. Regional, state, and federal law enforcement organizations often fall into one of three categories. Cops and sheriff department are examples of local law enforcement organizations. The city or highway patrol is one example of a state agency. Both FBI and the US Secret Service are examples of federal agencies.

Enforcement action is what?

The issuance of the an Order Issued or the delivery of a Break of Conditions Notice is a formal enforcement action. An offense is committed when either is violated. Any action will be appropriate to the planning control breach.

To learn more about enforcement visit:



a company issued 5-year, 7% bonds with a par value of $95,000. the company received $92,947 for the bonds. using the straight-line method, the amount of interest expense for the first semiannual interest period is:


A) $3,530.3

B)Debit Cash $200,000; debit Premium on Bonds Payable $8,531; savings Bonds Payable $208,531.

C) Debit Bond Interest Expense $13,808.00; debit Premium on Bonds Payable $1,042.00; credit score Cash $14,850.00.



95,000 - 92,947 = 2,053

This quantity is distribute equally among all interest pay money:

2,053 / 10 charge = 205.3

cash outlay + amortization on bargain = activity expense

95,000 x 7% x 1/2 + 205.3 = $3,530.3

B)debit the money received

we credit the bond payable for their face value

we alter the use of top class when lower and top rate when higher

C) we calculate the premium and divide oer whole payment to get the amortization:

280,420 - 270,000 = 10,420 / 10 = 1,042

cash outlay - amortization on top class = activity expense

270,000 x 11% x 1/2 - 1,042 = 13,808

What is semiannually interest?

Interest compounded semiannually ability that the compound hobby fee is calculated on the bases of the important brought with the results of the compound activity price from the previous term's calculation, and this will happen twice a year.

Learn more about semiannual interest period here:


an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment. True/False ?


Upon the voluntary termination of a worker's employment, an employer may cancel the worker's medical, vision, or dental insurance coverage. An express employment contract cannot guarantee an employee's immunity from wrongful termination. Private employers can typically hire and fire employees whenever they want. So it is a false statement

The word "voluntary termination" can relate to a number of situations, but it is most frequently used to describe when an employee decides to quit the employment of their own free will. Unlike layoffs and firings, when the company or another party made the decision to terminate employment rather than the employee, this is different.

To learn more about voluntary termination



Alice is buying books from an online retail site, and she finds that she is able to change the price of a book from $19.99 to $1.99. which part of the cia triad has been broken?


The part of the CIA triad that has been broken is integrity.

This ties everything together and further increases the sample size of the data. B. Time spent doing something. This makes all this data more accurate. Integrity is broken. This is because the relationship of trust between them has been damaged.

The Internet of Things describes a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. Pervasive computing, also known as ubiquitous computing, is increasingly embedding computing power into everyday objects to communicate and function efficiently.

Learn more about The CIA here:- https://brainly.com/question/9227515


suppose a bank has $700 million in deposits and $30 million in required reserves, and it is holding no excess reserves. what is the required reserve ratio? give your answer to two decimals.


The required reserves ratio, given the amount the bank is holding in deposits and the amount in required reserves, is 4. 1 %

How to find the required reserve ratio ?

The amount of reservable liabilities that commercial banks must keep onto rather than lend out or invest is known as the reserve ratio. The central bank of the nation, in this case the Federal Reserve in the United States, sets this criterion. It is often referred to as the ratio of cash reserves.

To find the required reserve ratio, the formula is :
= Amount in reserve / ( Amount that banks have both in reserve and as deposits ) x 100 %

Amount in reserve = $ 30 million

Amount that banks have both in reserve and as deposits :

= 700 + 30

= $ 730 million

The required reserve ratio is :

= 30 / 730 x 100%
= 0. 041 x 100 %

= 4. 1 %

Find out more on the required reserve ratio at https://brainly.com/question/13758092


in sales contracts, the complete agreement need not be in writing, but there must be some evidence of the:


Although there is no requirement for a written agreement in sales contracts, there must be some evidence of the parties' intentions.

An agreement may be signed anywhere on the document, but it must be signed at the bottom. Furthermore, in the absence of a signature, initials will suffice.

The essential terms of the contract only need to be written down: the names of the parties, the subject, the amount, and the payment.

The kind of contract in question determines whether price is an essential term.

To know more about agreement , visit:-



What are the positive and negative effects of economic growth?


The positive and negative effects of economic growth, both affect the economy in respect of growth, GDP and development.

The positive effects of economic growth means an increase in money supply, economic output and productivity. It create wealth, some of which goes directly into the pockets of employers and workers, improving their wellbeing.

The negative effects of economic growth which include creative destruction, natural social tension, health challenges, increase in increased pollution and a depletion of natural resources. An economy with negative growth rates has declining wage growth and an overall contraction of the money supply.

To know more about economic growth here,



What level of inflation will a healthy and stable economy have?


Although the Federal Reserve has not set a formal inflation target, officials generally agree that a rate of inflation of roughly 2 percent or slightly less is desirable.

nor too low. If inflation is too low, the economy may be in danger of experiencing deflation, which is a phenomena linked to extremely sluggish economic conditions that involves dropping prices and maybe earnings on average. It is less likely that the economy will suffer from severe deflation if the economy declines if there is at least a modest degree of inflation. The rate of inflation that the FOMC considers is most compatible with stable prices over the long run is the one that is included in the longer-range inflation projection. The FOMC can then use monetary policy to support maintaining a level of inflation that is neither too high nor too low.

learn more about inflation here:



is measured by the project’s impact on uncertainty regarding the firm’s future returns.


The project's effect on the company's future earnings uncertainties serves as a proxy for corporate risk.

Stand-alone risk quantifies the variation in anticipated returns for a certain project. This risk cannot be diversified since it ignores other elements and concentrates on just one aspect of a corporation.

Corporate risk quantifies how approving the project impacts the company's entire riskiness or how the project's impact on risk is measured. Market risk as well as beta are interchangeable terms. The beta coefficient of the project serves to quantify beta risk.

Through providing the investor with a measurement of the creativity and experimentation with an investment evaluation return estimate, risk analysis helps the investment choice. The outcomes of the deterministic approach are enhanced by the use of the probabilistic method, which is not a replacement for it.

To know more about  Stand-alone risk



An example of a correction of an error in previously issued financial statements is a change?a. in the tax assessment related to a prior period. b. in the service life of plant assets, based on changes in the economic environment. c. from the cash basis of accounting to the accrual basis of accounting. d. from the FIFO method of inventory valuation to the LIFO method.


A conversion from the capital account to the accrual method of accounting occurs when a mistake in previously published financial statements is fixed.

Explaining finances is what?

Finance is the process of creating funds or cash for any kind of spending. It involves allocating various financial resources, including as lending, loans, and invested capital, to the areas of the economy that may benefit from them most.

Describe a problem with money:

The inability to pay either early or late debt obligations is financial hardship. Debt makes it harder to manage money and lowers one's purchasing power. Financial worries start to arise once all debts have been paid. There has to be a fix so that debts may be

To know more about financial visit:



ryder supplies has its stock currently selling at $63.25. the company is expected to grow at a constant rate of 7 percent. if the appropriate discount rate is 17 percent, what is the expected dividend, a year from now? (round the answer to two decimal places.)


The expected dividend, a year from now is 6.33

P0 = $63.25; g = 7%; R = 17% P0 = D1/R-g=6.325

A dividend refers to praise, cash or otherwise, that an enterprise gives to its shareholders. Dividends can be issued in diverse bureaucracies, inclusive of cash fees, shares, or any other shape. A business enterprise's dividend is decided by using its board of directors and it requires the shareholders' approval.

Dividends are regular earnings-sharing payments made between an organization and its investors. A business enterprise's board of administrators determines the charge in line with share, whilst and how often dividend payments are made. Dividend shares can offer a stream of earnings, which can be especially valuable during inflationary periods.

Learn more about dividends here https://brainly.com/question/3161471


two members of the kenyan parliament from coffee-growing areas said that no firm should have a monopoly to market kenyan coffee. the retail coffee company tetu coffee has sparked a storm in the industry by promising to earn the country sh400 billion annually if given exclusive licenses to market kenyan coffee. the members of parliament said the coffee bean farmers should be free to sell their beans to the highest bidder. are the farmers in kenya justified in being upset with having a single coffee buyer?


(Option A) The government prohibits other buyers is something that would create a market with one buyer in the situation described.

What effects do government regulations have on consumers?

They may benefit from consumer protection legislation, but they may also be costly. By raising the cost of producing goods and services, it boosts prices. It also restricts individuals' freedom of choice, some of whom are risk-averse than others.

What impacts might governments have on businesses and individuals?

Governments can implement subsidies, which raise prices and enhance the attraction of domestic goods by taxing the public and giving the money to an industry, or tariffs, which impose additional taxes on imported goods and monopoly. Increased taxes, levies, and restrictions may cripple businesses or entire industries.

To learn more about Monopoly visit:



The complete question is:

Two Members of Parliament from coffee growing areas said that no firm should have a monopoly to market Kenyan coffee. Tetu Coffee has sparked a storm in the sector by promising to earn the country Sh400 billion annually if given exclusive licenses to market Kenyan coffee. The MPs .said the coffee sector should instead be liberalized to enable growers to sell their produce wherever prices were better. Maitha said coffee farmers had been exploited for long through poor prices paid for their produce.... (Source: "Coffee Marketing Monopoly Opposed," The East African Standard, Nairobi, Kenya on September 6, 2004). Read the text above to answer this question. What would create a market with one buyer in the situation described?

A. the government prohibits other buyers.

B. there are economies of scale in purchasing coffee.

C. the Tetu coffee has the ability to out-compete other coffee buyers.

D. there are economies of scope.

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