the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions. True or False


Answer 1

the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions: false- 30

After every 30 chest compressions at a charge of 100 to one hundred twenty a minute, supply 2 breaths. preserve with cycles of 30 chest compressions and a couple of rescue breaths till the kid starts offevolved to recover or emergency help arrives.

CPR consists of three cycles of fashionable CPR with every cycle along with 30 chest compressions with a pause for 2 ventilations at a compression:ventilation ratio of 30:2. CCC includes a series of three cycles of continuous chest compressions with out pauses for air flow.

Define what CPR way, the “four Rs” (chance, apprehend, React and Resuscitate), and phrases related to CPR together with: Chain of Survival and Emergency response system, angina, heart assault, cardiac arrest and defibrillation.

Learn more about CPR here:


Related Questions

Babies born to black women are more likely to die in their first year of life than to babies born to white women, regardless of socioeconomic status. scientists believe this is linked to the pressures of racism. this is an example of what term?


Scientists believe this is linked to the pressures of racism and this is an example of Race-related stress.

Scientists and doctors have spent decades attempting to grasp what makes black women therefore prone to losing their babies. Now, there's growing accord that racism old by black mothers throughout their period makes them less doubtless to hold their babies to point. Black women should take care of themselves as well as their babies.

Race-related stress refers to the psychological distress related to experiences of racism. it's necessary to grasp that you simply will expertise race-related stress albeit you were mistaken that a racist act occurred.

To learn more about racism here


What is the main purpose of Cheerdancing?


In order to complete sequences in sync and assist stunts and tumbles, cheerleaders must practice and perform as a team. Additionally, it might boost a leader's confidence to speak up for the team's benefit.

Other kids are frequently inspired by cheerleaders to attend games and take part in school activities. Cheerleading is regarded as a demanding activity and appears to enhance teamwork as well as mental and physical conditioning. The link between the crowd and the team is provided by the cheerleaders. All-star cheerleading is a team sport, but it also fosters a sense of individualism. Each team member takes on the role of a leader. One needs to take the initiative and lead in their strong areas in order to.

To learn more about it, Cheerleading follows the below link:


Which of these elements could gain one electron to form an ionic bond with potassium?.


The element potassium (K) acquires a positive charge after losing an electron. An electron is added to chlorine, making it negatively charged. The attraction between the two atoms grows.

K+ will function as a cation because chlorine, which has seven electrons in its final shell and can gain one more to complete its octet and become Cl, does. Cl and K combine to form the ionic compound KCl. Potassium needs 3 more electrons to become stable despite having 5 in its outermost shell already. Despite having 6 electrons, sulphur requires two extra to be stable. Argon is stable and won't gain or lose any additional electrons since it currently has 8 in its outermost shell. The element that could add an electron and ionise with potassium (K) is chlorine (Cl) .

To know more about Chlorine check the below link:


What is the practice of selective incorporation?


Selective incorporation is an important doctrine which is the part of Bill of Rights and is given due importance in US constitution.

Selective incorporation is the policy through which the power of federal government is restricted by some constitutional remedy. It is out rightly held by political philosophers and experts that unlimited power held by the government can widely restrict the power held by the citizens individually. Thus, selective incorporation protects American citizens from federal government enacting laws which could infringe upon their rights on them. The due process clause of the 14th Amendment applies this selective incorporation within the Bill of Rights in the constitution.

Learn more about Selective Incorporation at:


you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


Answer:  IgM


when you experience severe anxiety and stress, your ____________ is likely playing a role in your emotional state.


When you experience severe anxiety and stress, your cognitive brain is likely playing a role in your emotional state.

Although your cognitive brain is the part of the rain that focuses on thinking process but in the case of sever anxiety and stress, the cognitive brain plays a role in the emotional state.

The cognitive brain causes the emotional state of anxiety by focuses more on events that cause stress. The mind cannot relax as a result of continuous anxiety stimulating thoughts by the cognitive brain. Hence, cognitive brain plays a role in your emotional state in case of severe anxiety and stress.

To learn more about stress, click here:


What percent daily value (%dv) for any given nutrient is considered low and considered high?.


5% DV or less of a nutrient per serving is considered low. 20% DV or more of any nutrient per serving is considered high.

A nutrient is considered high if a serving contains 20% or more of the daily value for that nutrient. A nutrient is considered "low" if a serving provides 5% or less of the daily value. DV is the recommended amount of a nutrient that should be consumed or not exceeded daily.

%DV indicates how much of a nutrient in a single serving of an individually packaged food or dietary supplement contributes to the daily diet. Not a definitive test, but the 5/20 rule gives a quick reading of the daily value percentage. This indicates that a %DV of less than 5% indicates a low abundance of that nutrient.

Learn more about A nutrient here:-


The academy of nutrition and dietetics and the american academy of pediatrics recommend that babies should be exclusively breastfed for: _______


The first six months are the answer. The American Academy of Paediatrics and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggest that infants should be nursed exclusively for the first six months

For the first six months of life, the American Academy of Paediatrics (2012) advises breastfeeding exclusively, followed by another six months of solid food introduction. For the first six months of a child's life, WHO advises mothers worldwide to exclusively breastfeed them to promote the best possible growth, development, and health. After that, babies should receive nourishing supplementary foods and keep breastfeeding for at least the next two years.

So, the first six months are the answer, we may say. Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first six months.



what site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness.


The site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness

Rosies offers unconditional acceptance and friendship to the marginalized in our community, especially those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or simply lonely. They are a volunteer-based non-profit organization that started as a youth mission in Queensland in 1987. Today, they continue to engage with young people and communities through education, awareness and volunteer programs.

about her cause

20,000 Queenslanders are homeless tonight. Almost half are women. More than 40% are under the age of 25, including 3,500 children under the age of 12.

Most people are not homeless themselves. It's her only option. They are often hidden. Youth affected by homelessness are more likely than the rest of the population to be unemployed, in poor health, and have little or no income. Homeless people can get caught in a vicious circle, especially at an early age. Education and awareness play a key role in prevention and support, which is also a core goal of Rosies.

Learn more about Rosies here :


nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to


One nutrition calorie is equivalent to 4.18 Joules.

A calorie is a type of energy unit. Calories are the energy individuals receive from food and drink they consume, as well as the energy they have used in physical activity. Calories are listed on all food packaging in the nutritional information. Many weight loss initiatives revolve around calorie restriction.

Calories are required for human survival. The key is to consume the appropriate amount. Everyone needs various levels of energy each and every day, depending on their age, gender, size, and level of activity.

Calories are classified into two types:

A calorie (cal) seems to be the portion of energy required to increase the temperature of one gram (g) of water by one degree Celsius (o C).A large calorie (kcal) is the quantity of energy required to raise one kilogram (kg) of water by one degree Celsius. A kilocalorie is another name for it.

For more information on Calories , visit :


The maximum blood pressure in the upper arm of a healthy person is about 120 mmhg. If a vertical tube open to the atmosphere is connected to the vein in the arm of the person, determine how high the blood will rise in the tube. Take the density of the blood to be 1040 kg/m3.


The blood will high rise upto 1.55 m the can be calculated by using the given entities.

The calculation of pressure in terms of height blood that rises in the capillary can be calculated as follows:

The gauge pressure is 120 mm Hg.

P blood= P atm+ P gh(Hg)+=P atm + Pgh_blood

p h_Hg=p h_blood


h_blood=1.55 m

The perpendicular pressure in line with unit area, or the strain at a factor inside a restricted fluid.

Thus, the height of the blood that will rise in a capillary is 1.55 m.

To learn more about blood check the link below:


with regards to health behavior, knowledge about positive behaviors like physical activity, nutrition, and mental health will instantly lead to individuals actually doing the behavior. t or f


Healthy behavior is the activity taken up by individuals to maintain or enhance their good health, prevent health problems, or achieve a body positive image.

We all have different bodies and the way they react to multiple things is also very different. Here, the focus will be on how positive healthy habits can keep you mentally happy and physically fit.

It is interesting to see how harming habits can continue to persist and keep on becoming stronger and hard to change and become dangerous. For instance, people know how harmful it is to smoke, even the packet itself has a picture that could be triggering for some people, but still, they are aware of its effect.

It could be that they are addicted, and for them, it might be rewarding in some ways; Also, it can be simply satisfying for them or the easiest option available to be used as a stress buster and relief.

The dependence on a particular choice-related behavior shows how attached we are to a specific behavior. We can question things endlessly, but we need to see how beneficial it is for us.

To know more about positive behavior:


Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


Meditation and relaxation combined form the ___relaxation response techique_____ which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

What is meditation and relaxation?

Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.

The different between meditation and relaxation is that meditation is the journey of discovering how the mind works and how to work with the mind. while relaxation is about unwinding and shaking off tensions and anxieties.

They are different level of meditation such as :

Mindfulness MeditationGuided MeditationLoving Kindness Meditation

Therefore Meditation and relaxation are combined together to form ___relaxation response techique_____ which can been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

Learn more about meditation and relaxation here:


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. This statement is true.

Your body can be damaged by an injury. It is a generic phrase that covers hurt brought on by mishaps, hits, falls, weapons, and more. Every year, millions of Americans hurt themselves. The severity of these wounds' ranges from mild to fatal. Accidents can occur at work or play, indoors or outdoors, whether operating a vehicle or simply crossing the street.

Injury that breaks the skin or other body tissues is called a wound. They consist of skin punctures, scrapes, scratches, and cuts. Wounds can also be brought on by surgery, sutures, and stitches in addition to accidents. Cleaning minor wounds is crucial because they typically don't require medical attention. Serious and infected wounds might necessitate first assistance, then a trip to the doctor. Additionally, if the incision is deep, you are unable to close it on your own, you are unable to stop the bleeding or remove the filth, or it does not heal, you should seek medical attention.

To know more about employment visit:

who can we improve our health?



Path to improved health

Eat healthily. What you eat is closely linked to your health. ...Get regular exercise. ...Lose weight if you're overweight. ...Protect your skin. ...Questions to ask your doctor.

A fireman injures the left ventral root of his first thoracic vertebrate when he falls off a fire engine ladder. What major functions could be lost due to his injury? movement in his upper extremities sensation in his lower extremities control of his trunk stability sensation in the left section of his upper body.


The firefighter in this case had a fracture in the left ventral root of the first thoracic vertebrae.

Efferent neurons, which convey impulses away from the central nervous system, are found in the ventral root. T1 (thoracic 1) vertebral ventral root neurons provide impulses to the upper extremities.

As a result of the injury to the left ventral root of his first thoracic vertebrae, he would lose upper extremity motor function. As a result, the right response is Movement in his upper extremities.

Thoracic or rib cage nerves (T1 through T12) send impulses to the torso and some regions of the arms.

Individuals with T1-T8 injuries typically lose control of their upper torso, restricting trunk movement and feeling due to a loss of abdominal muscle function.

This can have an impact on both balance and proprioception (where your body is in space)

Learn more about to  thoracic vertebrate visit here;


exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.


Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

By definition, aerobic exercise means that “with element.” Your respiratory and pulse rate can increase throughout aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system healthy. cardiopulmonary exercise is any form of cardiovascular acquisition, or “cardio.” It will embrace activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

Regular exercise can improve your brain health, manage weight, scale back the chance of sickness, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to try and do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any quantity of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health edges.

To learn more about Aerobic exercise here


Consult two or three books or websites designed to help parents
identify and understand their child's personality. What emphasis do
they place on genetic factors, shared environmental factors, and
nonshared environmental factors in shaping personality? To what
extent are their claims consistent with evidence from behavior-
genetic studies? Have they considered alternative explanations and
avoided confusing correlation with causation? Explain.


Genetics has a greater influence on our personality than our parents. The study of which genes are associated with which personality traits is known as molecular genetics. The nonshared environmental effects, which are largely unknown environmental influences, have the greatest impact on personality.

What is genetics?

Genetics is the scientific study of genes and heredity—how certain characteristics or characteristics are passed down from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions for constructing one or more molecules that aid in the functioning of the body.

Environmental factors frequently influence traits that are not influenced by genes. But not all the time. The environment can alter the DNA sequence or activity level of a gene. Either of these effects can alter the proteins produced by a gene, thereby influencing traits.

Personality is influenced by both genetics and environment. When it comes to behavioral outcomes, twin studies have found that genetics play a larger role than parental influences, but non-shared environmental factors play an even bigger role.

Learn more about genetics on:


a pregnant woman asks you how her unborn child can guard against germs. you explain that she is making antibodies that cross the placenta to provide protection. what type of antibodies do this?


IgG antibodies are the type of antibodies that are produced by the mother and cross the placenta to provide protection for the unborn child.

What type of antibodies do this?

IgG antibodies are a type of antibody that are produced by the mother and cross the placenta to provide protection for the unborn child. These antibodies are crucial for developing a strong immune system in the unborn baby and provide protection from various:

BacteriaVirusesOther pathogens

IgG antibodies are the most abundant type of antibody in the body, and they are the first line of defense against infection and disease. They work by recognizing dangerous antigens and triggering an immune response to fight them off. The IgG antibodies that cross the placenta help to protect the baby from infection and illness before it is born, giving it a better chance of staying healthy during its first few months of life.

Learn more about Antibodies:


the female athlete triad consists of three conditions, including low energy availability/level, low bone density, and __________.


The lady athlete triad is a clinical situation characterized by using a combination of 3 signs and symptoms Low strength availability, Menstrual dysfunction, and Low bone mineral density.

Low energy availability (LEA) takes place whilst the calorie intake of an athlete is inadequate to satisfy the energy required for day-by-day living plus the demands of training. power consumption must never drop beneath the resting metabolic price.

Low strength availability takes place while either dietary power intake is just too low or power elevated through exercising is too excessive, leading to an insufficient quantity of strength left to preserve normal physiological capabilities together with metabolic and immune function, bone health, and the menstrual cycle in girl athletes [14, 15]

Learn more about Low strength availability here


________ diseases are those that involve the immune system functioning erroneously, such as when the body mistakes its own healthy cells as invaders.


Autoimmune diseases are those that involve the immune system functioning erroneously, such as when the body mistakes its own healthy cells as invaders.

The immune system is a advanced network of organs, cells and proteins that defends the body against infection, while protective the body's own cells. The system keeps a record of each germ (microbe) it's ever defeated thus it will recognise and destroy the germ quickly if it enters the body once more.

Autoimmune disease happens once the body's natural munition cannot tell the distinction between your own cells and foreign cells, inflicting the body to erroneously attack traditional cells. There are quite eighty varieties of reaction diseases that have an effect on a large vary of body components.

To learn more about immune system here


manuel and manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that ________________________.


Manuel and Manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. Manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that Manuel is a psychiatrist and Manfred is a clinical psychologist.

Manfred is a clinical psychologist, and Manuel is a psychiatrist.

A psychologist is someone who studies the mind and behavior. When most people hear the word "psychologist," they think of talk therapy; however, this profession encompasses a broad range of specialization areas, including animal studies and organizational performance. A psychologist is a psychology expert or specialist. The research of the human mind and its features is known as psychology.

A psychiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in mental health. A psychiatrist is acquainted with both physical and mental health problems and will consider any links between them. Psychiatrists must first complete medical school before beginning their training in psychiatry.

For more information on psychiatrist , visit :


Why do I get hot in middle of night?


it can be many reasons such as having to many blankets or that your room is too warm.

Chronic inflammatory condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scalinga. Trueb. False


Chronic inflammatory condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling: Not contagious, thought to be an autoimmune disease. FALSE

Irritation is a vital part of your frame's recovery technique. It happens when inflammatory cells tour the location of a harmful or foreign body like bacteria. If inflammatory cells stay too lengthy, it may lead to continual inflammation.

The inflammatory reaction (infection) takes place when tissues are injured by way of microorganisms, trauma, pollutants, warmth, or every other purpose.

The damaged cells launch chemical compounds consisting of histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. these chemicals motivate blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues, inflicting swelling.

Learn more about inflammation here:


true/false ? to help a person who is suffering from shock, lift his or her legs about 12 inches.


A person that is suffering from shock should have their legs lifted about 12 inches. This is a true statement.

What is shock?

Shock is defined as the physiological response of the body during respiratory or circulatory failure leading to inadequate oxygen delivery to meet cellular metabolic needs and oxygen consumption requirements, producing cellular and tissue hypoxia.

There are various types of shock which include the following:

Hypovolemic shock (caused by too little blood volume)

Anaphylactic shock (caused by allergic reaction)

Septic shock (due to infections)

Neurogenic shock (caused by damage to the nervous system).

During treatment of shock, the following steps should be taken:

The individual should be kept still and clear the environment to aid ventilation.check for sign of breathing and if absent, start CPR.Elevate the person's feet about 12 inches unless head, neck, or back is injured or you suspect broken hip or leg bones.

The elevation of the leg aids the easy passage of blood to the brain.

Learn more about shock here:


How was the Bill of Rights applied to the states through selective incorporation?


Selective incorporation enabled the supreme court to restrict the power vested in federal government which helped the citizens to be protected from stringent laws which could otherwise be enforced on the state.

A part of US Bill of Rights has been expanded to the states under the equal protection clause of 14th Amendment, which came to be known as selective incorporation. Thus, under new amendments states are not allowed to enact laws which could possibly violate the Bill of Rights fundamental protections. Bill of Rights enabled the citizens with their individual power to take their cases to federal courts in case the government tries to infringe their right. However it must be kept in mind that not all rights among the Bill of Rights are classified as selective incorporation of rights.

Learn more about selective incorporation at:


Georgana wants to create a realistic fitness plan. What would be the best way to begin creating her plan?.


Our technique to health making plans is primarily based totally round 4 key steps - Define. Plan. Track. Refine. Define your goals. Plan how you will reap them.

Monitor progress. As you start your health program, hold those pointers in mind: Start slowly and increase gradually. Give your self masses of time to heat up and funky down with clean on foot or mild stretching. Then accelerate to a tempo you could maintain for 5 to ten mins with out getting overly tired. Most human beings recognize how they need to look, or how plenty they need to lift, however are not positive approximately a way to get there and haven't any plan using them forward.

Creating a plan is short and painless and brings readability for your training. You recognize what you need to gain, how you are going approximately it, and what development you've got made so far... and unexpectedly matters appear much less daunting.

To learn more about stretching check the link below:


Stage one of the general adaptation syndrome is the alarm stage. The sympathetic nervous system is activated during this stage to help the body prepare for the stress. What type of physical changes occur in the body at this point? (click all that apply).


The first degree is the alarm stage, which gives a burst of energy. This fight-or-flight reaction takes place withinside the alarm response degree.

The alarm stage is well-known version syndrome is the body's preliminary reaction to stress. The sympathetic fearful device is activated through the unexpected launch of hormones. You can also additionally higher recognize this degree because the fight-or-flight reaction. Your coronary heart rate will increase, your adrenal gland releases cortisol (a pressure hormone), and also you acquire a lift of adrenaline, which will increase energy. This fight-or-flight reaction takes place withinside the alarm response stage.

To learn more about hormones check the link below:


the chinese economy maintained its trend of positive growth, even throughout the covid-19 pandemic.


It has expanded at an incredible rate since then. China has seen one of the fastest continuous expansions for a major economy in history, with an average annual growth rate of 6.7% since 2012.

What impact did COVID-19 have on the economy?

Almost all major economies saw record losses in output as a result of the epidemic. GDP in the United States declined by 8.9 percent in the second quarter of 2020 (figure 3-3), the greatest single-quarter decline in more than 70 years (BEA 2021c). The majority of other large economies fared significantly worse.

Since 1978, when China began to open up and reform its economy, GDP growth has averaged more than 9% per year, and more than 800 million people have been pulled out of poverty.

Learn more about chinese economy refer


new york city’s mayor, eric adams, announced a plan this week to remove people with severe mental illness from the streets and do what with them?


Mayor Eric Adams rolled out a plan this week to remove people with severe mental illness from the streets earlier this month that gives the police more discretion to remove homeless New Yorkers whose behavior appears to threaten themselves or others and take them to a hospital for treatment.

Throughout his time in office, Mayor Adams has made a serious effort to target those who are homeless on the streets or who reside in the subways. This is obviously nothing new. 60,000 people live in shelters in New York City. However, those who frequently bring attention to the issue are those who are on the street and in the metro. He has presented this as a means of enhancing New Yorkers' sense of security.

He has been conducting inspections of homeless camps. He has been deploying teams of doctors and police officers to reach out to people in the subways, both to offer them assistance and to simply persuade them to leave. And I believe that the death of Michelle Go, a woman who was pushed down the subway tracks earlier this year by a man who was known to have mental health concerns, had a role in his focus on tackling serious mental illness.

To know more about Mental illness visit:


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