What kind of seeds should farmers plants in order to grow giant pumpkins,and why is this important?


Answer 1


Pumpkin plants need a lot of sun. Choose the sunniest place you have; remember that pumpkins are sensitive and will need shelter from wind and frost. Try to protect pumpkins from the worst of the elements by covering them during heavy rains, or putting up some kind of barrier to protect the vines from high winds or using shade tents during summer’s hottest days.

Pumpkins like and need a lot of water, but don't plant pumpkins in wet or dense soil. They need good, well-drained soil. You can dig it up by hand. Don’t use a tractor, pumpkin roots don’t go down very far. Prepare the soil in early spring, as soon as the ground is warm. Fertilize the patch with a good four inches of rotting cow manure. Pumpkins do best in soil that is slightly acid or nearly neutral.

If you live in a part of the country where there is still danger of frost in late April or early May, start pumpkin seeds indoors about two weeks before planting. Sow one seed for every four-inch peat pot filled with grow mix. Keep the pots watered, never let them dry out.

How to Plant Pumpkins

When seedlings have the fourth or fifth leaf, set them outdoors in hills about the size of a pitcher s mound, one plant to a hill. Protect pumpkin seedlings the first few weeks with plastic-covered frames. Space each hill at least 20 feet apart.

Growing Fall Pumpkins and Gourds

How to Fertilize Pumpkin Plants

Pumpkin plants have two kinds of flowers, male and female, which appear in early July. The male flowers show up first, followed by the females. Look out for the first female flowers. Look for vines to be strong and well-established before letting a female flower set fruit. It might help to break off the first female on each vine and wait for the second or third, when the vines are at least ten feet long. A female is easy to recognize: she has a baby pumpkin at the base of each flower.

You need a big vine to produce a big pumpkin, so in a sense you’re choosing the vine before the pumpkin. When you find a vine that’s strong enough and a female flower on the verge of opening, put a bag of cheesecloth over it for the night to keep the insects out. The next morning pick a fresh male bloom, trim off the corolla or outer petals, and rub the pollen-laden stamen in around the center of the newly opened female bloom.

How to Grow Pumpkins

Giant pumpkinsThis is just the beginning of a summer of long but rewarding work. What you have started is actually a pumpkin-producing factory. Remember that there are 100 or more leaves to each vine and if you are trying to grow a 300-pound pumpkin, each leaf is responsible for up to four pounds of weight in your pumpkin. Every leaf, every stem, every hair roots is now receiving sunlight, absorbing water, and blending nutrients. All are traveling down the all-important stem to your prize pumpkin.

Giant pumpkins balloon out from the vine and if precautions are not taken, they will tear away and lose touch with their all-important stem. Since vines put out roots at every leaf, tear out the roots of the vine where it is close to the pumpkin. This will give it free room to grow without damage to the vine. Gently train vines away from the pumpkin to prevent it from crushing them, try giving them a nudge in the right direction every day.

When two or three fruits on each plant reach the size of softballs, remove all but the most promising one and start to prune the pumpkin plants. After the primary vine has reached 20 feet, pinch off the tips and the side shoots so the vines won't divert resource from the fruit. Break off all the other female flowers A potential prizewinner is forming. The work of the plant now must go entirely toward nurturing this fruit alone.

It is important to remember that the only thing that will increase the size of the fruit comes out of the vines and the vines must get support from the natural root. For growing really big pumpkins, the most important things to remember are seeds, soil, sunshine, and water.

By mid-August the plants are pulling in water and nutrients at a great rate. Nighttime is when pumpkins do their growing, most expand two inches in circumference every night.

If it’s a dry season, give each plant 15 to 20 gallons of water twice a week. Water in the evening, and water only the base of the plant to keep the leaves dry, which reduces the risk of disease.

Hope it helps,

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Answer 2

The "Dill's Atlantic Giant" seed will produce a pumpkin that typically grows to reach between 200 and 300 pounds. They are not used for eating instead are carved and decorated.

What is the best way to grow pumpkin ?

Long sunlight hours are preferred by pumpkins, so choose your garden location accordingly. Select a location with sufficient surface drainage and stay away from shaded regions. Additionally, being close to a water supply is crucial because these pumpkins need a lot of water to grow to their full potential.

Monster pumpkin seeds should germinate in soil that is 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and 65 to 75 degrees in the air. Plant pumpkins from seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings to your garden five to seven weeks later. After the final frost in late May, plant. Avoid locations with complete or partial shade because full sun is crucial.

Therefore, its important to grow giant pumpkins used for ornamental purpose.

Learn more about pumpkins, here:


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help pls!

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Cellular respiration describes the series of steps that cells use to break down sugar and other  chemicals to get the energy we need to function.  Energy is stored in the bonds of glucose (like a stretched rubber band), and when glucose is broken down, much of that energy is released.  Some of it is captured in a form that can be used to do work in cells - a molecule called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. The energy that is not captured in ATP is usually given off as heat (one of the things that helps us maintain our normal body temperature).

Name two types of proteins that regulate the cell cycle. How do these proteins work?



Internal and external regulators are two types of proteins that regulate the cell cycle. Internal regulators allow the cell cycle to proceed only after certain events occur. External regulators speed up or slow down the cell cycle.


I hope this helps :)

The two types of proteins that regulate the cell cycle are Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases (CDKs). These two groups of proteins are responsible for the progress of the cell through various checkpoints.

What are Proteins?

Proteins are made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called Amino acids. They are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.

Cyclins regulate the cell cycle only when they are bound to Cdks and become fully active. The Cdk/cyclin complex must be phosphorylated, which further initiates other proteins to be phosphorylated that advances the cell cycle.

Retinoblastoma (Rb), is another group of tumor-suppressor proteins that regulates the cell cycle by monitoring the cell size.

Therefore, there are two types of proteins that regulate the process of the cell cycle are Cyclins and Cyclin-dependent Kinases (CDKs).

To learn more about the Cell cycle, refer to the link:


In Drosophila, the gene for red eyes, R is dominant to the allele for white eyes , r. This is sex-linked . Determine the possible genotype and phenotype ratios expected from a cross between:



B) XRxr XrY


Genotype ratio:1:1:1:1

Phenotype ratio: 2:2 50% white, 50% red



Genotype: 2:2

Phenotype: 100% white



Genotype: 2:2

Phenotype: 100% white

B. What is the distance between the two troughs?


The distance between two troughs (or two crests) is the wavelength.

A bird that can easily out complete other birds for its food and that can produce many eggs has high what?



Fitness or aptitude


Aptitude (or fitness) is the genotype/phenotype that results in the survival, fertility, and capability of having a mate. It is a way of measuring the individual ability to leave fertile offspring.

Aptitude puts together everything that matters in natural selection. Includes the survival capability, finding a mate partner possibility, producing fertile descendants, and leaving the genes to the next generation. The aptitude of a genotype must be significant for natural selection to act in its favor.

Which of the following structures is found in both plants and animals, and is correctly paired with its function?





What is the relationship between mutation, the cell cycle, and cancer? Select all statements that apply.

A. Mutated genes typically allow cells to respond to checkpoint proteins that halt the cell cycle, thus avoiding formation of tumors.

B. As a result of unregulated cell cycles, cells may become cancerous, meaning that the cells grow and divide uncontrollably.

C. Cancerous cells may form malignant tumors that invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue.

D. Mutated, defective genes may cause cells to become unable to respond to signals that regulate the cell cyle



i think its D :)


What cell part supports the structure of the system plant cell



The cell wall provides strength and support to the plant, much like the exoskeleton of an insect or spider (our skeleton is on the inside of our body, rather than on the outside like insects or spiders). The plant cell wall is mainly made up of the carbohydrates molecules cellulose and lignin.


learned this last year

hello help please i’ll mark brainliest!!!



the secone option


i just need one more brainliest thanks<3

Answer: The third one

Explanation: It is the third one because scientist have been talking about how there are billions of galaxy's in our universe.    

Brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. Show the possible outcomes of offspring between a heterozygous brown-eyed male and a blue eyed female. Use the letter B


No brown eyes take the W bc we are

What does the word petrified mean?



verb (used with object), pet·ri·fied, pet·ri·fy·ing.

to convert into stone or a stony substance.

to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, or other strong emotion:

I was petrified with fear.

to make rigid or inert; harden; deaden:

The tragedy in his life petrified his emotions.

verb (used without object), pet·ri·fied, pet·ri·fy·ing.

to become petrified.


mark me brainliest cs why not ?


Extremely frightened that one is unable to move or speak in the moment, also a change of material into rock like substance scientifically.

30 POINTS!!!!

I need help writing a 5+ sentence summary about this passage!!!

Benefits of Biotech in NC
North Carolina is an attractive terrain for biotechnology firms—from 2001 to 2010, the state experienced the highest job growth rate (23.5%) of any of the top biotechnology states in the country. Since 2001, the popularity of NC as a biotech destination has resulted in the creation of more than 12,000 jobs in pharmaceuticals, research, testing and medical labs, agricultural feedstock and chemical industries. All have shown robust growth. Related image
Students in NC have more opportunities to enter the field of biotechnology after graduation than in most states thanks to two very important research centers. The North Carolina Research Center located in Kannapolis and Research Triangle Park near Raleigh, are very important to the NC economy. Both of these facilities bring in tax revenue to our state and offer job opportunities in many science-based fields of study. Image result for research triangle
More than 250 companies and 50,000 people with expertise in fields such as micro-electronics, telecommunications, biotechnology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and environmental sciences are located here in NC. Industries invest more than $300 million in Research & Development at the region’s universities each year – double the average R&D investment for innovation clusters elsewhere in the nation. Because of these centers, NC is a leader in biotechnology advances in agriculture, energy and medicine. Our state is home to some of the leading physicians, research scientists, biotechnologists, and agricultural scientists in the US.
Some of the key factors that make North Carolina attractive for the biotechnology industry include:
the presence of the pioneering North Carolina Biotechnology Center and Research Triangle Park have lead to financial incentives the state government has provided to companies such as Merck and Quintiles; and the educational programs developed at both the community college and university level to help firms fill openings with qualified local employees with knowledge and training in biotechnology.
Tax revenues increase because of the large number of developing careers in the field of biotechnology in North Carolina.
Biotechnology affects us in every area of our lives, our food, water, medicine and shelter, improving quality of life. When it comes to Biotechnology, nothing could be finer than to live in North Carolina!



look at Explanation


North Carolina’s biotech industry is quickly expanding.

Within the state, there are more than 600 life science companies employing 61,000 people at an average salary exceeding $81,000 a year – which is nearly twice the state’s overall private sector wage, according to the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

In total, life science companies and institutions in North Carolina generate $73 billion in economic activity, which is an increase of 23 percent in two years, and account for 228,259 direct and indirect jobs, says North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

Furthermore, while employment in the nation’s life science industry rose by 7.4 percent from 2001 to 2012, North Carolina’s grew at a surprising 31 percent, even with setbacks from the Great Recession of 2008.

Following closely behind California, North Carolina outpaced life science industry growth in other states, including Texas, New York, Massachusetts and Florida, between 2009-2012, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the chart below, North Carolina's life science industry grew 5.2% from 2009 to 2012. While California's life sciences industry increased even more at 5.5% during the same time period, other states such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey actually saw their life sciences sectors shrink by 7% and 7.3%, respectively.

which group of organisms in level 4 of the energy pyramid


The group of organisms in the energy pyramid are tertiary consumers.

How would Earth be different without the greenhouse effect?

A. There would be more solar energy reaching Earth.
B. There would be more ice on Earth's surface.
C. The oceans would contain more carbonic acid.
D. The atmosphere would contain more methane.


B more ice on the earths surface. Greenhouse gases don’t tend to block the solar energy, but trap the energy that radiates from the earths surface. Dissolved CO2 becomes carbonic acid. More CO2 results in more carbonic acid. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases.

What elements are needed to carry out photosynthesis? Select all that apply.



You need carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water.




1.Light or photochemical reactions.

They require the presence of sunlight, which is transformed into chemical energy usable by organisms in the form of ATP, these reactions occur in thylakoids, and for their more detailed study, photochemical reactions are classified as cyclic photophosphorylation and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

2.Carbon fixation reactions or reactions in the dark.

They require or not the presence of sunlight, and they are reactions that will occur in the stomata.


They take inorganic compounds and O2 from the environment and combine them inside their cells and as a result of these reactions energy is released (exergonic reactions) applying it in the synthesis of ATP (endergonic reactions), forming inorganic by-products.

Biological importance of photosynthesis:

Photosynthesis is surely the most important biochemical process in the biosphere for several reasons:

1. Every year some 200,000 million tons of carbon is used in the photosynthetic process.

2. The synthesis of organic matter from inorganic is carried out mainly through photosynthesis; that will go from some living beings to others through the food chains.

3. Produces the transformation of light energy into chemical energy, necessary and used by living beings.

4. Oxygen is released, which will be used in aerobic respiration as an oxidant.

5. It is the cause of the change produced in the primitive atmosphere, which was Anaerobic and reductive.

6. The energy stored in fossil fuels such as Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas also depends on it.

7. It is responsible for maintaining the necessary balance between Autotrophic and Heterotrophic beings.

8. During the process, dioxygen is released into the atmosphere, which implies:

A pine tree is a conifer. What type of plant is a conifer?
a gymnosperm


a gymnosperm, hope this helps

Answer: A subset of Gymnosperms

Explanation: They are cone-bearing seed plants

as the frequency of a wave increases the sound ___​


Answer: Gets higher



the sound also increases i will give example C: As the mass of the ball increased then how far the ball went also increased.

E: According to the data, if the mass of the ball was 5, then how far the ball rolled would be 2 Meters.

E: According to the data, if the mass of the ball was 15, then how far the ball rolled would be 4 Meters.


how did the spread of homo-sapiens from Africa to other continents likely influence populations of other organisms



it was before the continent drift the homosapiens travelling habitated the most parts of world

What is a condition where the nervous system causes a muscle contraction or shortening of muscle fibers?
A. Muscular response
B. Motor response
C. Muscular movement
D. Motor movement


The answrr would be D

Need help asap............... ​



Cheetahs and lions


They feed on the same prey. Therefore, if they live in the same area, one or both species will have less food. You might expect them to fight each other over food, but they do not.


Cheetah And Lions can you mark me Brainlest?

What is period stigma?


Mensuration is always seems gross or cleanly despite its the most natural thing in the world this is what we call period stigma without periods humans would simply not exist hope this help have a good day!!

What is digestion? Compare and Contrast monogastric and ruminant digestion. Which animals are ruminants and which are monogastric? What organs do ruminants have to help them digest? What chemical compound can ruminants digest that ruminants cannot?

What organs do birds like chickens have and why? What is unique about a horse's digestion





Damage to the brain can sometimes occur as the result of an accident.
State the part of the brain labeled A and suggest a problem that may be
experienced by a person who has damage to that part of the brain.​



A traumatic brain injury interferes with the way the brain normally works. When nerve cells in the brain are damaged, they can no longer send information to each other in the normal way. This causes changes in the person's behavior and abilities. The injury may cause different problems, depending upon which parts of the brain were damaged most.

Animal that live in water is also called as _____?​



aquatic animals......hope it will help you

The ___ is the mostly closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.


The lysosome is the mostly closely linked with the destruction of worn out cells.

Some species of animals have moved into caves over generations. Which of the
following structures would MOST LIKELY to have become a vestigial structure in
these animals?


the correct answer is eyes

I think the correct answer would also be eyes

which statment explains how the fossil record supports the theory of evolution?
A. the fossil record shows how organisims have changed from relativly complex organisims to simpler organisims.
B. The fossil record shows how organisims have changed from realatively simple organisims to more complex organisims.
C. The fossil record shows that all organisms are simple organisims.
D. the fossil record shows that all organisims are complex organisims


B. The fossil record shows how organisms have changed from relatively simple organisms to more complex organisms.

Hope it helps, mate. Good luck! :3

are cell membranes in plant or animals or both?






Cell membranes are in both Plant and Animals cells.


Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. In plants, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane, they both give the plant structure and support. Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.

The genetic make-up of the offspring is the





Phenotype refers to traits that physically appear, genotype refers to genetic traits

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66.7 percent.


I looked it up and nothing rly said what percentage of Americans use solar power but solar power was used for 2.30% of the total US electricity.
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