What it means to live with an open heart?


Answer 1

It takes more than merely declaring, "I'm an open-hearted person," to be genuinely receptive to others; it requires being vulnerable, being sincere, and expressing thanks.

We keep our hearts tightly closed and locked up for most of our life and with many of the people, we come into contact with. However, we are aware that when we expose our hearts to another, we have our most profound and fulfilling connections. Being open-hearted makes one susceptible to being wounded, disappointed, and rejected. It entails acting as though a broken heart doesn't exist. Along with vulnerability, there are a few more prerequisites for openheartedness. Genuineness and gratitude play a significant role in it.

To know more about being open-hearted, refer to this link:



Related Questions


Read the story "The Cake" from The Pig Brother and Other Fables and Stories by Laura E. Richards

Once a Cake would go seek his fortune in the world, and he took his leave of the Pan he was baked in.

"I know my destiny," said the Cake. "I must be eaten, since to that end I was made, but I am a good cake if I say it who should not, and I would fain choose the persons I am to benefit."

"I don't see what difference it makes to you!" said the Pan.

"But imagination is hardly your strong point!" said the Cake.

"Huh!" said the Pan.

The Cake went on his way, and soon he passed by a cottage door where sat a woman spinning, and her ten children playing about her.

"Oh!" said the woman, "what a beautiful cake!" and she put out her hand to take him.

"Be so good as to wait a moment!" said the Cake. "Will you kindly tell me what you would do with me if I should yield myself up to you?"

"I shall break you into ten pieces," said the woman, "and give one to each of my ten children. So you will give ten pleasures, and that is a good thing."

"Oh, that would be very nice, I am sure," said the Cake; "but if you will excuse me for mentioning it, your children seem rather dirty, especially their hands, and I confess I should like to keep my frosting unsullied, so I think I will go a little further."

"As you will!" said the woman. "After all, the brown loaf is better for the children."

So the Cake went further, and met a fair child, richly dressed, with coral lips and eyes like sunlit water. When the child saw the Cake, he said like the woman, "Oh, what a beautiful Cake!" and put out his hand to take it.

"I am sure I should be most happy!" said the Cake. "And you will not take it amiss, I am confident if I ask with whom you will share me."

"I shall not share you with anyone!" said the child. "I shall eat you myself, every crumb. What do you take me for?"

"Good gracious!" cried the Cake. "This will never do. Consider my size,—and yours! You would be very ill!"

"I don't care!" said the child. "I'd rather be ill than give any away." And he fixed greedy eyes on the Cake and stretched forth his hand again.

"This is really terrible!" cried the Cake. "What is one's frosting to this? I will go back to the woman with the ten children."

He turned and ran back, leaving the child screaming with rage and disappointed greed. But as he ran, a hungry Puppy met him, and swallowed him at a gulp, and went on licking his chops and wagging his tail.

"Huh!" said the Pan.

In a paragraph of 5–7 sentences, respond to the following questions:

What is the theme of this story?
Is it stated or implied?
How did the theme develop over the course of the story?

Use complete sentences, your best writing skills, and details from the passage to support your response.


The theme of this story is that vanity makes our choices go unheeded. This theme is implicit and it develops throughout the story through the cake choices and its tragic end.

What is the theme of a story?The theme is the message conveyed by the author of the story.The theme is teaching.The theme is a statement that wants to educate the reader about a subject.

The theme is a very important element of the story for its understanding. It is rarely quoted directly within the text and tends to be of an implicit nature that needs the reader's interpretation to unravel.

An example of this can be seen in the text above, where the reader can see that the theme portrays the adverse effects of vanity on our desires and goals.

This is explained by the actions of the cake. This cake wanted to have a beneficial function for humanity and be shared with many people, but his vanity prevented him from doing this when he had the chance and as a result, he ended up not being served and had an ending completely different from what he wanted.

Learn more about themes:





We can see here that the theme of this story reveals that one must learn to appreciate and help generous poor people because the nice looking greedy people might be a bait to destroy one. The theme of this story was actually implied.  The theme of the story develops over the course of the story as the Cake keeps looking for a perfect person to eat it but ended up in the mouth of an hungry puppy.

What is theme?

Theme of a story is actually known to be the underlying idea which a writer or author wishes to share with the readers. Themes are usually known to help readers to grasp what an author is passing across in his story.

We see here that the theme develops over the course of the story through the way the Cake kept looking for perfection in the person that will eat it.

(please mark as brainliest if it helps you a little bit)

Can you eat chicken 3 days?


In the refrigerator, raw chicken keeps for 1-2 days whereas cooked chicken keeps for 3–4 days.

Check the "best if used by" date and keep an eye out for spoiled food indicators including changes in colour, texture, and smell. Even if you fully prepare the chicken, you should avoid eating ruined chicken since it might make you sick. Can chicken be consumed three days beyond its sell-by date? The USDA advises using chicken within 1 to 2 days of purchase, or freezing it. Three days beyond the sell-by date, the chicken should still be good to eat as long as there are no symptoms of deterioration. It's fine to preserve raw chicken (whole or in parts) without putting it in the freezer.

To learn more about chicken please click on below link



Can somebody help me with this


Answer: C


Which tatement would the character grendel mot likely agree with, baed on hi outlook on life


Life is made up of random events which consist of accidental consequences.

Life is the property that distinguishes matter with and without biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes,  and is defined by its capacity for growth, response to stimuli, metabolism, energy conversion, and reproduction. Life is called the ups and downs of life. Without them, life is an endless war that can always be won.

"Things are beautiful when you love them." "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide how you want to make the difference."    "The most important thing is to enjoy life. To be happy. That's all." beauty secret: there is no beauty without happiness.

Learn more about life here:-https://brainly.com/question/24793479


What was the purpose of President Woodrow Wilson's speech?


In this speech before a joint session of Congress, President Woodrow Wilson asked for a declaration of war against

Wilson called for the termination of secret treaties, a decrease in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas in his speech, which directly addressed what he saw to be the causes of the world war.

Wilson's plan advocated for the victorious Allies to negotiate benevolent terms of peace with the defeated Central Powers of World War I, including maritime freedom, the return of occupied territory, and the right to national self-determination in tense areas like the Balkans.

Wilson wanted to establish a framework that would prevent future wars.

To learn more about prevent  please click on below link



How would you describe BTS in one word?


The Lodestar is BTS. Although the fundamental definition of a lodestar is anything that provides light and directs you, this description of it as something that aids a ship through night and bad weather is frequently used.

BigHit Entertainment's Bts is a K-pop boy band. In English, they are now known as Beyond the Scene, yet their Korean moniker is Bulletproof Boyscouts. They have seven members—three rappers and four singers—and made their debut on June 12th, 2013. the BTS ARMY in western media, which is also the name of BTS's official fan group. Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth is referred to as A.R.M.Y. The acronym ARMY also stands for a military, and since BTS (the armour) and ARMY (the military) are synonymous, they are constantly together.

To learn more about fundamental please click on below link



Story name: Jim Smily and his Jumping Frog
How does the theme of a story within a story apply to this passage?

The story has been told within other stories before.
The narrator is telling a story about how to tell stories.
The narrator of the story is really telling two stories.
The reader is reading a story about the narrator telling a story.
The story told by the narrator has two meanings.


The story told by the narrator has two meanings. Does the theme of a story within a story applies to this passage.

What is the passage?

The length of a passage varies depending on the context and the goal of the extraction. A passage can be, for example, a sentence's clause, a few phrases, or it can be a few pages.

Lies and dishonesty, as well as the delicate line between cleverness and dishonesty, are some of the major topics of "Jumping Frog." In the tale, Jim Smiley frequently backs unassuming or common animals to come back and win his wagers at the very last second.

The names of Jim Smiley's two beloved pets, Andrew Jackson and Dan'l Webster (his bulldog and frog, respectively), represent the country's regional

Therefore, Thus, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about the passage here:



What are the 3 endings of French infinitives?


Regular verbs in French are divided into three major families, er, ir, and re, based on the ends of their infinitive forms.

There are three basic categories of infinitive endings in French: -er, like manger (to eat). ir like finir (to finish). similar to vendre (to sell) We shall modify the verb's infinitive form by adding the verb ending to create the simple future tense. In the simple future tense, all three ordinary verb forms (-ar, -er, and -ir) have the same endings. The second primary portion of a verb is shown in a dictionary as its present active infinitive form, which we have previously encountered multiple times. Typically, first conjugation verbs conclude with '-are', '-ere' in the second and third conjugations, '-ere' in the fourth, and '-ire' in the fifth. There are five verb tenses in the French past tense: imperfect; flawed. past anterior is also known as past. Past simple | simple past; passé composé | compound past.

Past perfect plus-que-parfait (pluperfect)

To learn more about  infinitive please click on below link



Is rising action a conflict?


The rising action in a story is when the stakes start to rise and the conflict starts to intensify.

In most novels, an inciting occurrence or a turning moment heralds in the rising action. As the story progresses, there will be multiple conflict-filled moments, heightening the suspense as it nears its finale.

The rising action in a novel is the point in the story that things begin to get exciting. Typically, the conflict begins to take shape at this stage, and the protagonist encounters problems.

Suspense, intrigue, and conflict are three characteristics that may contribute to the escalation of the action.

An inciting incident—typically an event that sets up the major conflict and places barriers in the way of the main characters—usually starts the rising action. Rising action should build to the story's conclusion.

To know more about rising action, visit:



Passage 1 is adapted from "Ancient DNA Tells Story of Giant Eagle Evolution," © 2005 by Public Library of Science. Passage 2 is adapted from Tim Heupink, et al. "Dodos and Spotted Green Pigeons are Descendants of an Island Hopping Bird," © 2014 by BioMed Central.
question: In Passage 2, the description of a barcode mainly serves to _____
a trivialize the complexity of a particular research practice.
b use a familiar concept to communicate an idea.
c question the novelty of a scientific phenomenon.
d inject a note of levity into an otherwise serious argument.


In Passage 2, the description of a barcode mainly serves to use a familiar concept to communicate an idea.

Whats in Passage 2 claim ?In essence, Passage 2 makes the claim that the spotted green pigeon is a descendant of an island-hopping bird, and the rest of the article supports this claim.The researchers found that a green pigeon had distinctive DNA patterns that distinguished it apart from other pigeon species because the DNA in the bird's feather was broken and could only be analysed in sections.These DNA segments under investigation are known as "mini barcodes."The researchers chose the more popular concept of barcodes as an example to illustrate their idea and explain their discovery since they thought that the target readership for this article would not be entirely aware with the concept and functions of DNA.

To learn more about spotted green pigeon refer :



most of the time, the ___ struggles against the main character in the story


Answer: Antagonist

Explanation: when someone is struggling or having a hard time with the main character it tells us they are the bad guy . the antagonist is trying to hurt or cause conflict with the main character .


: one that contends with or opposes another : adversary, opponent. political antagonists. : an agent of physiological antagonism: such as. : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired.

Write a 100-200 word essay comparing and contrasting the Point and Counterpoint arguments. Where do the authors of the respective arguments agree? How mainly do they disagree? Be sure to use specific evidence from the text to support your response.



The authors of the Point and Counterpoint arguments agree that the use of technology in schools has the potential to improve student learning. However, they mainly disagree on the extent to which this potential is realized.

The author of the Point argument asserts that technology has proven to be effective in increasing student engagement and motivation, as well as providing access to a wider range of learning materials and resources. They provide specific evidence, such as studies showing improved test scores and higher levels of student participation, to support their claim.

On the other hand, the author of the Counterpoint argument argues that while technology can be useful in certain contexts, it is often overused and can lead to distractions and reduced levels of critical thinking. They provide specific examples, such as the prevalence of social media use and the lack of teacher training on effective technology integration, to support their claim.

Overall, the authors agree on the potential benefits of technology in education, but differ in their assessments of its actual impact on student learning.

When reeds are dead and a straw to thatch the marshes,
And feathered pampas-grass rides into the wind
Like aged warriors westward, tragic, thinned
Of half their tribe, and over the flattened rushes,
Stripped of its secret, open, stark and bleak,
Blackens afar the half-forgotten creek,—
Then leans on me the weight of the year, and crushes
My heart. I know that Beauty must ail and die,
And will be born again,—but ah, to see
Beauty stiffened, staring up at the sky!
Oh, Autumn! Autumn!—What is the Spring to me?

What is the central idea of this poem?

I’m quite confuse .. any help?



Maybe it's the idea of the beauty of Autumn?


How do you write a theme example?


Answer: When you write a theme statement, start by listing some of the topics of the text; for example, alienation, prejudice, ambition, freedom, love, loyalty, passion, etc.). The topic can also be a longer phrase, such as the relationship between love and hate. Can the meaning of a work be love?


How does premarital sex affect relationships?


Premarital sex can result in premarital fertility, as per research, and marriages between women who have children from past relationships tend to be less satisfying.

Hypothesis that having several partners raises knowledge of spousal options is on  speculative side. Pregnancy & spread of STDs like HIV/AIDS are only two of the many negative effects of early sexual engagement. Teenagers nowadays are more prone than ever to have premarital sex since puberty tends to start younger & the average age of marriage is rising.

Sex before marriage aids in recognising sexual issues, which may aid in working on them or seeking assistance. One excellent method for decompressing is having sex. Premarital sex is frequently found to be helpful in reducing the stress brought on by relationship conflicts.

To know more about Premarital sex:



Do you consider massive open online course helpful to people?


Yes, I consider massive open online course helpful to people.

Massive open online course (MOOC ) or an open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the Web. In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs), as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a widely researched development in distance education, first introduced in 2008, that emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012, a year called the "Year of the MOOC".

To know more about Massive open online course visit:



what are the key differences between replication of the leading and lagging strands?


A lagging strand replicates intermittently, creating brief fragments, whereas a leading strand repeats constantly. This is the main distinction between lagging and leading strands.

The leading strand is indeed a single DNA strand which replicates in the 3' to 5' orientation during DNA replication. Each complementary base at one time, DNA is continually added to a leading strand.

The lagging strand is just a single DNA strand which replicates in the 5′ - 3′ direction during DNA replication. The lagging strand receives DNA in irregular pieces known as "okazaki fragments."

One DNA strand, known as the leading strand, is constantly reproduced within each fork in the same direction as the fork's motion, whereas the other (lagging) strand gets copied inside the opposite direction using brief Okazaki fragments.

To know more about DNA replication:



What does the mirror represent explain how this symbol illustrates what Hamlet is trying to do throughout the play?


Hamlet makes his mother face the reality of her deeds by using the mirror. It stands for the reality hidden behind outward appearances.

Hamlet doesn't seem to be able to let his mother make her own decisions. He spends the majority of his two lengthy speeches reminding her of her transgressions and urging her to demonstrate repentance by refusing to spend the night with Claudius.

The mirror serves as a metaphor that helps Gertrude to examine her inner self and recognize her mistakes. Mother is being pressured by Hamlet to confront the truth about Claudius and her own behavior. The drama frequently references the capacity to recognize and reveal the truth. Hamlet strives to provide a solution to the question of what is real throughout the play.

To know more about Hamlet, refer to this link:






IntoNo ChangeWho assured memoment,though,



No Change

Who assured me




How do you drive at an uncontrolled intersection?


Unlike other times, which include four-way stop signs, uncontrolled intersection lacks any traffic signals or signage. Uncontrolled junction requires you to slow down & yield. You only need to stop if another car is coming up on your left or right.

They MUST stop and give you the right of way, thereby converting the junction into a four-way stop. Unfortunately, the great majority of individuals just drive without stopping in violation of this legislation. You won't ever be at blame for an accident if you yield. Once more, only if there is traffic or a pedestrian is it necessary to stop.

Stop and yield signs at a junction designate which vehicles have the right-of-way when approaching or crossing the road.

To know more about uncontrolled intersection:



3. Which of the following would be a good topic for an informational speech?


Answer: I would choose A because C and D are more persuasive and B is more narrative. Hope this helps!

this type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument.


A question that is worded in such a way as to sway the response in favor of one side of the argument is called a leading question.

Leading survey questions are those that persuade or guide respondents toward the intended response. Survey questions are frequently phrased in a certain manner to elicit replies that support the surveyor's ideas, even if this may eventually bias or mislead the survey findings.The quickest way to identify one is to identify the prejudices that a leading question presupposes. After doing so, you have the choice to respond in one of the following ways: Obviously disagree with the bias. For instance, in response to the inquiry, "How much did you like this event?" say, "I did not like the occasion."

Thus the correct answer is Leading question.

To learn more about Leading question, refer:  brainly.com/question/2976377


How does repetition affect the narrator's tone in the Raven?


Poe employs the literary device of repetition throughout this poem. The narrator utilizes repetition at the opening to comfort himself and soothe his fears.

Later, when the Raven starts repeating "nevermore," this similar tactic will cause him grief. This optimism is dashed as he hears just his own voice echoing back to him, and the raven's repeated use of the term "nevermore" underscores the speaker's actual physical loss of Lenore.As the poet muses on his beloved Lenore, the poem's repetition and alliteration techniques evoke a dreamlike atmosphere. The tapping, the narrator's appeals for Lenore, and the raven's catchphrase of "Nevermore" are examples of repetitions throughout the poem that add to the overall tense, frightening tone.

Thus this is how repetition affect the narrator's tone in the Raven.

Refer here to learn more about repetition: https://brainly.com/question/9134427


maria is a thirteen-year-old congenitally deaf child who was born to hearing parents living in a remote, rural area. since birth her parents have provided love, nourishment, educationally enriching toys, and developed their own hand signals to communicate with her about basic necessities. however, maria did not begin to learn sign language until she was twelve and the family moved to a city and encountered members of a deaf community. maria has found it very difficult to learn sign language, no matter what her instructors try. which of the follow concepts best explains maria’s difficulty learning sign language?



A sensitive period


The concept that best explains Maria’s difficulty learning sign language is a sensitive period

What is a sign language?

In contrast to spoken language, sign languages use the visual-manual modality to communicate meaning. Manual articulation and non-manual markers are used to convey meaning in sign languages. Full-fledged natural languages with their own grammar and lexicon, sign languages are.

The term "sensitive periods" frequently makes people think of moody teenagers, but it actually describes a time when a child's interests are concentrated on mastering a specific skill or body of knowledge. The most crucial sensitive times, according to Montessori Theory, are between birth and age six.

A period of time during development when an individual is more responsive ('sensitive') to certain types of environmental experiences or learning.

In this case, this can affect Maria as illustrated.

Learn more about sign language on:



encouraging the outbreak of the spanish-american war is the most famous example of what type of journalism?


The Spanish-American War began due to the outbreak of negative press, described as Yellow journalism.

What is yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism refers to news articles that are more concerned with attracting readers' attention than they are with reporting news accurately.

This method of newspaper reporting prioritized sensationalism above accuracy. It was one among many elements during its heyday in the late 19th century that influenced the United States and Spain to go to war in Cuba and the Philippines, which led to the United States taking possession of foreign soil.


To learn more about Yellow journalism from the given link



What's another way to say someone has a big heart?


Answer: unstinting, openhanded, benevolent, bountiful.


How do the details about Salvador at the end of the story connect to the details about Salvador in paragraph 1-2?


The details about Salvador at the end of the story connect to details about him in paragraphs 1 and 2 because the reader can now see that Salvador is a quiet and unassuming person who takes up all of the responsibilities of his household while sacrificing his ambitions.

What are the details about Salvador?

In the story, Salvador, Late or Early, by Sandra Cisneros, we learn of this young boy who works very hard to care for his younger brother, Arturito. In paragraphs 1 and 2 we learn that Salvador looked rustic and lived in a poor neighborhood. He was so immersed in caring for others that he barely had time for himself. He did all of these things innocently.

In paragraph 3, Salvador continued his duties till he faded into oblivion. This story describes the lives of people who give their best to others while losing out on benefits for themselves.

Learn more about Sacrifice here:



complete each of the following statements by dragging the word or phrase into the proper position. then, rearrange the statements into the correct order of appearance in the male duct system starting with the creation of sperm.


The male duct system is responsible for producing sperm  from the testicles.

How to rearrange the statements into the correct order ?Rearranging a group of lines that are presented in the question's confusing order is what the term "sentence rearrangement" alludes to. Candidates must put the sentences in the proper order before responding to questions about them. The candidates must carefully analyse the statements in order to respond to the question because the theme, topic, or area from which the jumbled phrases may be selected is unspecified.The inquiries may be of many kinds:The statements are in the proper order.The right way to phrase any one sentencefinding the passage's opening sentenceto determine the passage's final sentence, and so forthA candidate will get more adept at deciphering the complex problems the more they practise.

To learn more about rearrange refer to:



What's the most common collision in a work zone?


Rear-end collisions are the crash type that occur in work zones the most frequently (running into the back of a vehicle that is slowing down or stopped).

The summer and fall are the most common seasons for fatal work zone collisions. The rear-end collision caused by tailgating is the most frequent accident in a highway maintenance zone. Speeding and distracted driving are the other two main causes of accidents in work zones.A rear-give up collision (frequently known as sincerely rear-give up or withinside the UK a shunt) happens whilst a car crashes into the only in the front of it. Common elements contributing to rear-give up collisions consist of driving force inattention or distraction, tailgating, panic stops, and decreased traction because of moist climate or worn pavement. Rear-give up rail collisions arise whilst a educate runs into the give up of a previous educate.

Thus this is the most common collision in a work zone.

Refer here to learn more about collision: https://brainly.com/question/24915434


Book Two, Chapter 1
1. What does Winston fear will be on the dark-haired girl's slip of paper and what does
it actually say?



At work one morning, Winston walks toward the men's room and notices the dark-haired girl with her arm in a sling. She falls, and when Winston helps her up, she passes him a note that reads “I love you.” Winston tries desperately to figure out the note's meaning.


Other Questions
example of a mood disorder: a.obsessive-compulsive behavior b.phobia c.psychogenic amnesia d.panic attack e.manic-depressive illness abc has vertices A (0,0) B (3,3) C (-3,3) classify the triangle by its sides an alternative to child removal is _______, in which a child protective services worker is able to leave the child with the offending family and provide support and frequent visits. Yellow wallpaper 8. Who takes care of the house? Who takes care of other domestic duties?9. Who takes care of the baby? Whose baby is it?10. How does the narrator's attitude toward the wallpaper evolve over time? In whatways does her attitude change? Is the change a good thing,or is a barometer indicating a serious problem?11. What is the symbolic significance of the color green?12. With what do we associate green? Note: Choose positive as well as negativeassociations.13. What is the symbolic significance of the color yellow?14. With what do we associate yellow? Note: Choose positive as well as negativeassociations.15. Who is Jane? help me with this and ill give u brainlist wtv its called. please all of it If a classified data spill occurs, you must first destroy the hard drive to prevent any further unauthorized dissemination the perspective highlights the fact that people can have a rich, involved inner life and that prior experiences can have a profound effect on current psychological functioning. After reading the following excerpts, please respond to A, B, and C:The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is a government agency that administers the immigration system, overseeing lawful immigration and the naturalization process. A requirement for people seeking citizenship through naturalization is demonstrating good moral character in the years prior to application. Good moral character includes obeying laws as well as not attempting to exercise the rights or privileges reserved solely to U.S. citizens. An example is the right to vote in U.S. elections.In 1993, Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act to increase registrations of eligible voters. The act requires that the states provide people who are getting a drivers license or state ID card the option to register to vote at the same time. Since that time, some non-citizens have accidentally registered to vote when obtaining or renewing a drivers license and were later penalized for it when seeking citizenship. 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