4. Almost anyone willing to spend some time and effort can increase
muscle tone and power by lifting weights. Those who wish to engage in
championship competition, however, must do more than think merely
practice occasionally. They must devote themselves to the sport.
Weightlifting is an ideal way to build body strength. Beginners are often
surprised at how quickly their bodies change as they develop their
muscles. One important consequence is that clothes soon grow too tight,
particularly as chest size expands. Weightlifters find themselves
constantly adjusting their clothes or even buying whole new wardrobes.
What can you tell about the author's attitude towards weightlifting from
this passage?
Oa. She thinks it's a waste of time
Ob. She thinks it's a healthy form of exercise
Oc. She thinks overdeveloped muscles are unattractive
O d. She thinks it's dangerous to change the body's shape so swiftly.
O Other:


Answer 1

In the passage the author encourages to join join sports and mentions that Weightlifting is an ideal way to build body strength. So,  She thinks it's a healthy form of exercise ( Option B ).

The required details for Weightlifting in given paragraph

What is Weightlifting?

In the sport of weightlifting, athletes compete to lift the heaviest weights while using a barbell that is weighed down with weight plates from the floor to the ceiling. Lifting weights with a barbell is referred to as weightlifting. Weightlifting is a sport in which athletes compete by effectively enhancing the biggest weights by lifting a barbell laden with weight plates from the floor to overhead.

The world over, recreational weightlifting is very common. There are competitors from almost every nation, but competitive weightlifting is particularly well-liked in Russia and China, which are recognised as the two most successful countries in the sport.

To learn more about Weightlifting and get numerical on it , use the given link:



Related Questions

Which words in the passage have negative connotations? how do the words with negative connotations support the claim?


The words with negative connotations in the passage are "inhuman," "cruelty," and "rebelled."

These words suggest that the treatment of the slaves was unfair and unjust, which supports the claim that slavery was an oppressive and cruel institution.

The word "inhuman" implies that the treatment of slaves was so bad that it was not even considered to be of the same level as humans, while "cruelty" and "rebelled" suggest that the slaves were mistreated to the point that they had no choice but to fight back. This paints a clear picture of the inhumane conditions that slaves were subjected to and supports the claim that slavery was an oppressive and cruel institution.

For more questions like Connotations click the link below:




for those who don't feel like reading


Which words in the passage have negative connotations?

✔ inhuman, cruelty, rebelled

How do the words with negative connotations support the claim?

✔ by defining the actions of a leader who is to be feared

Which of the following statements is true?
Antisemitic behavior has occurred for thousands of years in different
forms, and still occurs today.
Antisemitism doesn't exist anymore because Hitler and the Nazis lost
World War II.
Antisemitic behavior is something new that has only started happening
Antisemitism and other forms of oppression have only happened
historically when new regimes came to power, like the Roman Empire.
חה ג
ה פר


Antisemitism and other forms of oppression have only happened historically when new regimes came to power, like the Roman Empire. The correct option is D.

What is Antisemitism?

Antisemitism is defined as hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. An antisemite is someone who holds such beliefs. Antisemitism is classified as a form of racism.

Antisemitism has historically manifested itself in a variety of ways, ranging from expressions of hatred or discrimination against individual Jews to organized mob pogroms.

Antisemitism and other forms of oppression have historically occurred only when new regimes, such as the Roman Empire, came to power.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding Antisemitism, visit:



What is the main goal of global village?


The idea that individuals all over the world are connected through the usage of new media technologies has been referred to as the "global village."

Purpose Global Village supports marginalised children's education and literacy in both developed and underdeveloped countries. PGV partners with local craftsmen through economic partnerships that transform families in addition to promoting education and economic opportunity through sustainable microenterprises. According to the definition of the "global village," even though people are geographically separated, they may still communicate, exchange stories, and get access to the same information thanks to technology like social media. People can express themselves and have an impact on any area of the world through these tools. In today's globalised society, where improvements in transportation and communication have produced what many consider to be Understanding and embracing cultural differences in business has become crucial for all firms in what is often referred to as a "global community."

To learn more about microenterprises please click on below link



fahrenheit 451 when was the last liberal arts college shut down



40 years prior to the events of the book

what literary elements/techniques does the dickens use to help the reader understand great expectations


To assist readers understand life through Pip's viewpoint, Dickens writes in the first person. Pip serves as both the storyteller and the primary character as he relates the tale.

What literary devices did Dickens employ in his stories?

His use of the 3rd person narrator technique in his narrative style is frequently intended to sway the reader's opinion. Because the protagonist (who represents the spoken voice) is omniscient and connects with the novelist, readers are progressively persuaded to share the viewpoint of the author.

Which are Dickens' most well-known and lasting books?

Despite the fact that early critics disagreed on what exactly made "Great Expectations" what it was, the book is now regarded as one of Dickens' best works because of its endearing characters, compelling plot, and strong writing.

To know more about Dickens visit:



How long is a cheer routine for competition?


A routine cannot last more than two minutes and thirty seconds.

There must be at least one cheer in the routine. a minimum 45-second song snippet. Timing starts with the first coordinated motion, the first cheer or dance beat, or both.Cheer squads competing against one another at a competition is known as competitive cheerleading. Teams do a 2.5 minute performance with music during a normal cheering competition, which involves stunts, leaps, and tumbling. A group of cheering industry professionals evaluate teams based on difficulty and execution.The three parts of this act are the sideline, the customary cheer (timeout or floor), and the musical segment (band dance, band chant, fight song, etc). A total of 3 minutes should not be spent on each part, which should be no longer than 1 minute.

Thus this is how long a cheer routine should be.

To learn more about cheer routine, refer: brainly.com/question/29552134


In gulliver’s travels, which is the main reason the principal secretary reldresal visits gulliver?



The answer is To convince Gulliver to defend Lilliput.


Hope this helps :) PLEASE MARK BRAINLEST

following world war i many american writers such as ernest hemingway, f. scott fitzgerald, ezra pound, and john steinbeck moved to paris and other parts of europe. this group of writers were worried that the u.s. had simply become a place to do business and make money and had failed to develop a cosmopolitan culture. in europe they hoped to live in such a culture, and there they wrote extensively about the post-war world and its scramble to accumulate material goods. which term is associated with this group of writers?


This group of writers is known as the "Lost Generation".

which term is associated with this group of writers?The "Lost Generation" refers to this group of authors. Novelist Gertrude Stein created the phrase, and Ernest Hemingway, who was a member of this group, popularised it.The term "Lost Generation" alludes to the disillusionment experienced by many Americans during the 1920s, a time of significant economic and political unrest in the country, partly brought on by the aftermath of World War I. A broad group of authors, including Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, and John Steinbeck, were part of the Lost Generation.These authors chose to sustain themselves in Europe, where culture and art were still thriving, after becoming disenchanted with American materialism and a lack of culture.This group of authors produced works that have become legendary throughout the 20th century as a result of their comprehensive writing about the post-war era and its rush to collect material possessions.

To learn more about Lost Generation refer to:



When disposal materials are dropped?


The substance must be non-toxic and free of radioactive and hazardous chemical waste. You shouldn't dispose of any liquid, solid, sludge, or viscous materials down the sink.

According to the aforementioned example, it is unsafe to dispose of waste materials, scrap lumber, and rubbish all at once. Alternative B would be the proper response. It is risky since there is a likelihood that these wastes won't be appropriately separated. To avoid the contamination of waste products that might be detrimental to everyone, segregation is crucial. Use of an enclosed chute is required for disposing of items that must be dumped more than 20 feet to the outside. A chute is a closed construction with sliding top opening that is closed on all sides. Material is moved from a higher altitude to a lower one using a chute. Either wood or a similar material was used to make it.

Learn more about Disposing here:



Why do we define words and terms in a research paper?


The main reason definitions should be included in writing is to avoid reader confusion.

A formal definition has three components: The concept (word, phrase, etc.) being defined. the group of things or ideas that the phrase refers to. The "Definitions of Words" section assures that your readers will comprehend the study's components as you want to present them since frequently, readers may have their own interpretations of the terms or be completely unfamiliar with them.In other words, by defining your essential keywords, you'll be able to better explain the concepts that underlie the terms you're using in your argument, the document you're writing, or, if they're added to a custom dictionary, the particular field the dictionary is intended to cover.

Thus this is why we define words and terms in a research paper.

Refer here to learn more about research paper: https://brainly.com/question/29759841


What does the general mean when he says that meeting Rainsford is like "finding a snuffbox in a limousine."

A) That he is extremely excited to find him.
B) He finds Rainsford to be so strange and unexpected.
C) He appreciates Rainsford's sense of morality.
D) He sees that Rainsford likes luxury, but also that he likes to live dangerously.



What does the general mean when he says that meeting Rainsford is like "finding a snuffbox in a limousine"? He appreciates Rainsford's sense of morality. He sees that Rainsford likes luxury, but also that he likes to live dangerously.



How long can you keep cooked chicken in the fridge?


The USDA advises utilising cooked chicken that has been kept chilled (at 40°F or below) within three to four days. Bacterial growth is slowed but not stopped by refrigeration.

Using cooked leftovers within three to four days is advised by the USDA.

According to the USDA, chicken can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days before needing to be thrown out. On day five, you should throw it away. Cooked chicken can keep for three to four days in the fridge and two to three months in the freezer, according to the USDA. After this time, eating cooked chicken can make you sick from foodborne disease since germs can still thrive even in the refrigerator. The USDA and U.S. Food and Drug Administration state that raw chicken, whether whole or in any other form, should not be consumed.

To learn more about chicken please click on below link



What is it called when a couple tries to reach an agreement on what each should give and receive in a transaction between them?


When a couple tries to reach an agreement on what each should give and receive in a transaction between them is called bargaining.

Negotiations between married couples to reach decisions affecting their marital unit are referred to as bargaining power.

It includes the allocation of income and, broadly speaking, any home decision that needs to be made. Studies show that men are more able to negotiate in households than women.

In the model of marriage markets, we assume that every couple bargains methodically over the distribution of the utility of their union and that every market participant has accurate conjectures about the utility he or she could obtain through an analogous bargaining process with every other potential partner.

This develops the bargaining model, characterizes stable matching with respect to the conjectures, and characterizes consistent conjectures.

To know more about marriage, visit:



What was the ending of An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


The ending of the story 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' was that the character named Peyton Farquhar lying dead on the rafters of the Owl Creek Bridge, with high body hanging and swinging.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is a short story written by American author Ambrose Bierce who writes story on the confrontation of some soldiers and southern land farmers. Farquhar was an ardent supporter of the Confederate Army. The story is basically the imagination of the images in the prisoner's mind just before he dies. This story is set during the American Civil War, and is known for its irregular time sequence and twist ending.

Learn more about Peyton Farquhar at:



What phrase suggests that Shakespeare believes his plays should be presented realistically the mirror up to nature a whole Theatre of others?


The term "reflect up to nature a whole Theatre of others," which implies that Shakespeare thinks his plays should be shown realistically. is To Hold Up the Mirror to Nature As Though It Were

Famous playwright and poet William Shakespeare is regarded as the founder of literature and is the author of works like Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and others. In order for his audience to be more persuaded by his works, he wanted them to be genuinely shown. "The mirror up to nature" is another phrase that implies this goal. In other words, his play is a reflection of reality.

To know more about Shakespeare, refer to this link:




A. the mirror up to nature


Trust in Yodie

What are 3 reasons why Islam spread so quickly?


Islam was expanded because of 1. missionaries, 2. trade, 3. pilgrimage, and military conquest. Over time, Arab Muslim warriors expanded their empire and occupied large lands.

When the Prophet Muhammad was still a resident of Arabia in the 7th century CE, he introduced the world to the well-known faith of Islam. Muslims must adhere to Allah's (Arabic: Allh; God's) will as their core principle. The Arabic word islm, which means "surrender," clarifies this meaning. The world was created, preserved, and repaired by none other but Allah. Islam Muhammad is regarded as the final in a line of prophets that also includes Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, & Jesus. His teaching both consummates and completes the "revelations" ascribed to preceding prophets.

To know more about Islam:



In 1 paragraph each, choose two characters (NOT JOHN PROCTOR) and describe how they must have felt at the end of the story based on what happened to them. These can be characters that lived or died at the end of the story.



Abigail Williams must have felt fear and guilt at the end of the story. As a result of her actions, many people in the town were accused and executed for practicing witchcraft. She likely realized that her lies had caused harm to innocent people, and may have been afraid of facing consequences for her actions.

Elizabeth Proctor must have felt a mix of emotions at the end of the story. She was devastated by the fact that her husband was executed for practicing witchcraft, but may have also felt relief that she and her children were spared. She may have felt a sense of responsibility to rebuild her life and raise her children without John.


Is symbolism a theme?


The purposes of themes, motifs, and symbols in literature are varied. Some communicate ideas that are not stated expressly in the text. Others support the reader.

The sentence begins, "An idea, notion, or lesson...." If themes are concepts or ideas, symbolism is a means of communicating those concepts or ideas. In other words, symbols must correctly represent the concepts of a story in order to do so.

Instead of having a parallel or repeating theme across a piece, they can just provide us with extra information about a character or scenario right then and there. Nevertheless, symbols are still recognised in a manner similar to that of motifs since they are concrete objects that are still linked to themes. Come up with a way to symbolise a theme. with a symbol or item that depicts a series of deeds that are harmful to others. An picture or item that communicates two opposing sets of deeds—two morally conflicting moral sequences—is even more potent. A theme is the inferred perspective taken on the principal topic or message of a work. Consider the issue of love as an example: it may be the topic, but it may also be the theme to learn to love oneself. Important concepts and statements concerning problems that the characters and setting of a tale must deal with are conveyed through themes.

To learn more about Nevertheless please click on below link



2. PART B: Which phrase from paragraph 1 best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "halfway there"
B. "overnight stay"
C. "not improving"
D. "mountain range"


The phrase from paragraph 1 best that best supports the answer to Part A is "not improving." Thus, the correct option for this question is C.

What do you mean by Phrase?

A phrase may be defined as the process of collection of two or more words that significantly express a single idea but do not form a complete sentence. A phrase works together in a sentence but does not contain a subject or a verb.

According to the context of this question, each phrase governs the specific idea in a particular context in order to express some information to the reader or audience. It makes the understanding clear crystal in all manner when it presents a specific topic. It has of great importance in the field of literature.

Therefore, the phrase from paragraph 1 best that best supports the answer to Part A is "not improving." Thus, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Phrase, refer to the link:



according to section 6 of the act, who besides the legal enslaver of a fugitive from slavery had the authority to apprehend a person escaping enslavement?


Their agent, lawyer, and anybody else hired to help find the runaway slave are all welcome.

The United States Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act or Fugitive Slave Law on September 18, 1850, as a result of the Compromise of 1850 between Northern Free-Soilers and Southern abolitionists.

The Act, one of the compromise's most contentious components, increased Northerners' suspicions of a slave power plot. It needed cooperation from both government authorities and residents of free states, as well as the return to the slaver of any captured escaped slaves. The "Bloodhound Bill" was so named by abolitionists in honor of the canines that were employed to find fugitives from slavery.

To know more about Fugitive Slave Act, refer to this link:



How our values influence our lives?



They dictate the choices you make and determine the direction that your life takes


How does an occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge show foreshadowing?


The narrator is describing the results of a successful hanging—swollen, blackened neck, bloodshot and "congested" eyes, and a swollen tongue. This is an element of foreshadowing.

How popular are BTS in Korea?


As of 2022, BTS is the best-selling artist in Korean history, with over 30 million albums sold, according to the Circle Chart.

Who is the world's biggest BTS fan?

Ji Hoon is certainly the most successful BTS fanboy since he ended up joining a gaming group with Jin. But his favorite from the start was Taehyung, showing his love and respect for V. His unafraid way of doing things is admirable.

What are BTS famous for?

Since their debut in 2013, BTS has become a quintessential pop music phenomenon. They earned him two Grammy nominations, charted his four No. 1 albums faster than other group since the Beatles, and also broke 25 Guinness World Records.

Are BTS the most popular in South Korea?

BTS topped the Forbes Korea Power Celebrity List in 2018, 2020, 2021 and 2022. In 2017 he was fifth and in 2019 he was second. In December 2019, Gallup Korea's annual poll revealed that BTS was the most popular artist of 2019 for the second year in a row.

To learn more about BTS in Korea visit:



On pages 4 and 5, review the final paragraph of
the story.
Click or tap ONE underlined phrase on these
pages that shows how the author uses sarcasm
to convey the mood during this scene on top of
the roof.



Which is as easy as quieting sugar addled children.

Explanation: sarcam

25 points! How does the free verse structure of the poem help support the authors theme rosa parks by nikki giovanni commonlit


The poem "Rosa Parks" is said to be dedicated to the "Pullman Porters," who organized and distributed important publications to Black Americans, in the first line of the poem. The narrator goes on to outline some pivotal events in the history of African-Americans.

What is the topic of the poem Nikki-Rosa by Nikki Giovanni?

Nikki Giovanni's poem "Nikki-Rosa" takes on a lot of important subjects, such as racism, poverty, childhood memories, and alcoholism. How white people depict black living or black realities is the poem's main point of contention.

Nikki-message: what is it?

Rosa's Ones often misinterpret and presume what she meant by poverty, especially white people. She talks about her upbringing in a black family with limited resources.

To know more about the Rosa parks visit:-



The ratio of distances between two places 'A' and 'B' and 'B' to ' C' is 4:5 . If the distances between A to C is 72 km , find the distance between A to B .





4x +5x =72

9x =72


4(8)+ 5(8)= 72

So half of 72 equal 36

So the distance between A to B is 36

Answer 36

What is the most important quality of a good citizen?


The act of citizens that includes the main of society ethics and having good manners.

Part of being a very good citizen method abiding via way of means of the network code and getting to know the way to interact in debate respectfully so we will all be secure and experience being collectively withinside the network.

Integrity. Respect. Responsibility. Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion.Identify traits of proper citizenship which include truthfulness, justice, equality, recognize for oneself and others, duty in every day life, and participation in authorities via way of means of instructing oneself approximately the issues, respectfully conserving public officers to their word, and voting.

Read more about citizenship;



what is the verbal in the underlined portion of this sentence? the plan accepted by the mayor involved a tax cut.


An adjectives, adverb, or noun can all be formed from a verbal form. Infinitives, gerunds, and participles are the three different kinds of verbals.

Describe the sentence.

A sentence is a verbal expression in languages and grammar, as in the English sample It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that conveys a full notion or as a unit made up of a topic and predicate.

What is the purpose of a sentence?

Our feelings can only be expressed through sentences. In order to produce a meaningful outcome, a bunch of words must be arranged in a sentence.

To know more about sentence visit:



How do you find a linear function?


One can use either the slope-intercept form or the point-slope form to get a linear function. Finding a linear function is analogous to finding the equation of a line.

A linear function can be used to depict a straight line on the coordinate plane. The equation y = 7x - 2 serves as an illustration of a linear function since it represents a straight line in the coordinate plane. Since y may be changed to f(x), this function can be written as f(x) = 7x - 2.

A linear function has the formula f(x) = mx + b, where m and b are real numbers. It resembles a line described by the equation y = mx + b, which is known as the slope-intercept form of a line. Yes, this is true because a linear function's graph is a line. Here,

"m" denotes the angle of the line.B is the line's y-intercept.The independent variable is "x.""Y" (sometimes referred to as f(x)) is the dependent variable.

To learn more about Linear equations, click here:



What is the most popular Korean boy band?


Answer: well there are different generations of boy bands but one of the most popular over all is BTS they have great talent and many awards.

Explanation: :)

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