children whose parents address their escalating oppositional behaviors with increasingly punitive responses are more likely over time to engage in problem behaviors in school and other settings. this is one of the tenets of which model?


Answer 1

Children whose parents address their escalating oppositional behaviors with increasingly punitive responses are more likely over time to engage in problem behaviors in school and other settings. this is one of the tenets of the coercion model.

Coercion principle [1–3], evolved by using Gerald Patterson and co-workers at the Oregon Social mastering Center (OSLC), describes how aggressive and antisocial behaviors broaden in youngsters.

Patterson's Coercion idea describes a method of the way ineffective parenting in early childhood sets the degree for adolescent antisocial conduct later through association with deviant peers. indeed, a whole lot of the incentive of Schelling's 1966 attempt turned into giving an explanation for the complexity of coercion and offering insights into the demanding situations one must assume while using it.

a coercive cycle usually starts with the aid of a toddler misbehaving, followed by using the discern to scold the child, which ends up with the child's exacerbation of the misbehavior. If the parent disengages to stop the kid's aversive behavior, each contributor are fashioned via this reaction.

Learn more about coercion here:


Related Questions

according to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?


According to the normative view of science, should scientists leave at the laboratory door personal values.

Which of the following issues raised by the Human Genome Project is one that your textbook mentions?

One of the issues with the Human Genome Project is the possibility that, once your genetic makeup is known, you can be classified in a way that results in a self-fulfilling prophesy.

What is one danger that genetic change to the environment might bring?

Genetic engineering results in genetically altered organisms, plants, and animals. They may have an impact on biodiversity if they are introduced to the environment. For instance, more dominant new species may supplant established ones. During the licensing process, these and other potential impacts are taken into account.

To Know more about personal values.


What are expenses that may change each period?


These expenses, as the name implies, will change from month to month and are likely the biggest spending category. Items like groceries, utilities, entertainment costs, and clothing are examples of variable costs.

These are the costs you incur that remain constant from month to month. Examples of fixed expenses are your mortgage or rent, car payment, and insurance. You may expect them to remain constant for at least a year at a time, though they might change somewhat from year to year (like a rent rise, for example). These are the costs that are most difficult to anticipate and that are most likely to catch you off guard. Periodic costs include items like yearly vehicle registration, significant auto maintenance, and gift-giving throughout the holidays. Set aside a small amount each month to cover the cost of things you know will occur at least once a year.

learn more about expenses here:


role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles.


Role ambiguity will be the first role process variable covered in this essay. Role ambiguity occurs when individuals lack sufficient knowledge about their roles.

What does the word "variable" mean?

A variable is a value that could alter depending on the specifics of an experiment or mathematical problem. Typically, a variable is designated by a single letter. The most widely used universal signs for variables are the letters x, ky, and z.

What does the term "dependent variable" mean?

In order to establish the causality of relationships, researchers frequently change or measure autonomous and comparative fit for investigations. The cause is the independent variable. Its worth is unaffected by the other study variables. Effect is the dependent variable. Variable modifications have an effect.

To know more about variable visit:


Why was Charles Schenck arrested during ww1 ?


Charles Schenck was accused of conspiring to break the 1917 Espionage Act by trying to undermine recruitment and undermine military discipline.

Socialists Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer circulated pamphlets during World War I claiming that the draft broke the Thirteenth Amendment's ban on involuntary servitude. The pamphlets urged the populace to reject the draft but solely advocated nonviolent protest. The Court ruled that the Espionage Act was a proper use of Congress' power during the war and did not violate the First Amendment. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes came to the conclusion in a paper read by the whole court—even when constitutional rights were at stake—that courts during times of war owed the government more deference.

learn more about Charles Schenck here:


eliza lucas pinckney revolutionized the economy of south carolina when she proved that _______________ could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney revolutionized the economy of south Carolina when she proved that indigo could be successfully cultivated and processed in 1740.

In trendy, there had been methods for the cultivation of Indigo which have been recognized as the Ryobi machine and the Nij gadget. in this sort of cultivation, the planters used their land to cultivate Indigo. The land in which they cultivated changed into both owned via them or become leased via them from the Zamindar.

He became the first indigo planter in Bengal, beginning to cultivate the crop at Taldanga and Goalpara close to Hooghly. With the Nawabs of Bengal under corporation rule, indigo planting has become increasingly more commercially worthwhile because of the demand for blue dye in Europe.

Learn more about indigo here


Prejudice and_________ are separate but related features of the minority experience.


Prejudice and discrimination are separate but are related features of the minority experience.

Prejudice is a concept referring to biased thinking or incorrect attitude and discrimination refers to the negative behavior or actions against a group of people based on ethnicity, age, religion, health, race, and other categories. When talking particularly in regard to minorities, it is not wrong to say that minorities usually experience prejudice and discrimination. Minorities may face such issues because of their race, social class, etc.

You can learn more about minority at


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition form of communication that reaches large audiences without personal contact.


The best fits the definition form of communication that reaches large audiences without personal contact is mass media

What is mass media?

Let's analyze each word in the term "mass media" to get a better understanding.

Media - plural of medium. A means or tool used to do or achieve something.

Crowd - refers to a large audience of people.

The term 'mass media' thus describes a tool that affects a very large number of people. Since the term is used in the context of communication, it can be said to describe a means of communication that reaches many people at the same time without personal contact. Television is an example of mass media. Programs are produced anywhere in the world and broadcast to millions of people around the world.

Learn more about mass media here:


of the 3 most commonly studied stressors, which is most problematic for the average person? circle one: catastrophes significant life changes daily hassles


For the average person, catastrophes are most problematic when they cause an excessively traumatic or stressor response that exceeds what is expected in daily life.

This process, known as stress perception and response, refers to how we perceive and react to certain events, or stressors, that we judge to be threatening or challenging.

three different categories of stresses

disasters, Substantial life changes, Everyday inconveniences

A stressor is something that causes the production of stress hormones. Physiological (or bodily) stressors and psychological stressors are the two categories into which stresses are divided.

On the other hand, anxiety is characterized by excessive, ongoing worries that continue even when there is no external stressor.

learn more about stressor here:


while studying for your exam in introduction to biological anthropology, your classmate identifies au. aethiopicus and au. sediba as two gracile south african australopithecines. what do you tell your classmate?


Because the Au. sediba fossil skeletons from Malapa cave are so complete, researchers can observe what full skeletons would have looked like close to the period that Homo arose.

While some dental characteristics and the broad lower chest resemble humans, other tooth characteristics, the length of the arms and legs, and the narrow upper chest resemble early Australopithecus. These connections suggest that Au. sediba might provide insight into the genesis and progenitor of the genus Homo. In contrast to other portions of the skeleton, the pelvis of Au. sediba exhibits functional alterations that indicate the evolution of upright walking. The strength of the humerus and femur have been measured, and these results demonstrate that Au. happened before changes in limb proportions or cerebral cSPapacity.

learn more about sediba here:


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
a. true
b. false


True. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. This statement is the second amendment in context of the right to bear arms.

The Second Amendment was included because "armed citizens is what keeps the government honest," and that the people must have the right to keep and bear weapons in order to sustain a free state. The Amendment was supported by the public because no government would attempt to suppress armed citizens.

You have the individual right to bear arms as an American citizen, according to the Second Amendment. The amendment also makes it clear that the government is not allowed to violate that right. The Second Amendment, one of the first ten amendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791.

By outlining specific individual rights, restricting governmental authority, and strengthening the foundation of American freedom, the Bill of Rights improved upon the Constitution.

Learn more about the second amendment here:


during early adulthood question 24 options: a) some individuals are married, having children, and learning to maintain their own households. b) individuals are too old to seek formal education. c) there are not many developmental tasks to keep individ


During early adulthood, some individuals are married, have children, and learn to maintain their own households.

An adult is a fully grown human or another animal. In the human context, the term "adult" has meanings related to social and legal concepts. An adult, unlike a "minor," is a person who has reached the age of majority and is considered independent, independent, and independent.

Adulthood, is the period of complete physical and mental maturity in human life. Adulthood is generally considered to begin when he is 20 or he is 21. From around 40 years old to middle age, about 60 years old will reach old age.

Adulthood lasts until the end of life and is divided into adolescence or early adulthood (ages 20-39), middle adulthood (ages 40-59), and late adulthood or old age (ages 60+) . Age is generally divided into young (60-80 years old) and old (80+ years old).

Learn more about  adulthood


when considering perfect competition, the absence of entry barriers implies that:________


When considering perfect competition, the absence of entry barriers implies that: new firms can easily enter the market.

The Impact of the Lack of Entry Barriers in Perfectly Competitive Markets

Perfect competition is an ideal market structure that is characterized by a large number of independent buyers and sellers, all of whom are price takers.

Perfect competition is also characterized by the absence of entry barriers, meaning that there are no restrictions on the ability of new firms to enter the market.

This has a number of important implications for both producers and consumers.

From the perspective of producers, the absence of entry barriers means that a firm’s profits are limited, since new firms can easily enter the market and compete for customers. This puts downward pressure on prices, which benefits consumers but reduces the profits of existing firms. This lack of profitability means that firms must constantly innovate in order to remain competitive and attract customers.

Learn more about ideal market at:


Yesenia applied for a summer internship that she was really excited about and was not selected. although she was stressed about the lack of income, she reminded herself that she could really enjoy her summer and now she could plan that exciting road trip she had wanted to do with her friends. which type of coping approach is yesenia using?


Yesenia employs an emotion-focused strategy. The therapeutic method known as emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is founded on the idea that emotions are essential to identity.

What is an emotion-focused strategy?

The terms "emotionally focused treatment" and "emotion-focused therapy" (EFT) refer to a group of interrelated methods for psychotherapy with single patients, married couples, or entire families.

Systemic therapy, attachment theory, and experiential therapy are all included in EFT approaches. Examples of experiential treatment include person-centered therapy and Gestalt therapy. EFT is typically used as a temporary solution.

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dr. patel is a biological theorist. he believes that his client, who has schizophrenia, has abnormalities in all of these areas of his brain except his:


Dr. Patel is a biological theorist. he believes that his client, who has schizophrenia, has abnormalities in all of these areas of his brain except his brain stem.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental problem wherein individuals decipher reality strangely. Schizophrenia might bring about a blend of fantasies, dreams, and very disarranged thinking and conduct that weakens everyday working, and can incapacitate.

Individuals with schizophrenia require long lasting treatment. Early treatment might assist with fixing side effects before serious confusions create and may assist with working on the drawn out standpoint.

Schizophrenia includes a scope of issues with thinking (perception), conduct and feelings. Signs and side effects might differ, however typically include fancies, visualizations or confused discourse, and mirror an impeded capacity to work.

Know more on Schizophrenia -


What rumors do Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington spread about Animal Farm?


Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington spread the rumors that the animals are fighting among themselves in the Animal Farm.

A rebellion was started by the animals in the Animal Farm. The news of the rebellion spread to other farms as well. The news was a heroic and very impressive one for the other animals of different farms. They started singing songs in praise of the rebels and their heroic deeds. The news reached to other farms through the pigeons which were sent as messengers by Napoleon and Snowball. However, Mr. Frederick and Mr. Pilkington were not happy about the rebellion and did not wanted that the rebellion spreads over other farms so they started spreading false rumors that animals are fighting themselves and they are treated very brutally.

Learn more about Animal Farm at:


During the outbreak of WWII, the united states implemented a draft even though we were not at war. With this in mind,do you believe the US thought war was inevitable?explain your answer.


Americans began to worry that Great Britain wouldn't be able to beat Germany by itself. Should a worldwide conflict break out, our own military was dreadfully equipped to fight it.

What do you mean by the World war II?

The Second World War, generally known as World War II, was a battle that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and touched almost every region of the globe.

The main combatants were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China, and the Axis forces, which included Germany, Italy, and Japan.

To identify males who are qualified to join the American armed forces, the federal government uses the draught.

This typically occurs if the armed forces are too small to supply the required number of soldiers to wage war.

Therefore, Americans began to worry that Great Britain wouldn't be able to beat Germany by itself. Should a worldwide conflict break out, our own military was dreadfully equipped to fight it.

A growing majority of Americans, according to national polls, support starting a draught.

To know more about the world war II, visit:


what is the practice of advancing children to the next grade even when they have not met the required academic standards?


Social promotion is the practice of advancing children to the next grade even when they have not met the required academic standards.

The practice of advancing a student to the next grade after the current school year, regardless of whether they learned the required material or if they are frequently absent, is known as social promotion. This practice typically involves general education students rather than special education students.

Due to the widespread belief among education professionals that social promotion encouraged children's social and psychological wellbeing, it became the method of choice for dealing with problematic students. On the other hand, social promotion does little to assist those kids in catching up academically to their peers and instead serves to conceal the schools' shortcomings in effectively educating them.

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how did this make you feel? can you see how resistance may hint that someone is defending themselves against difficult personal understandings? how can interpreting the resistance help them solve underlying issues and anxieties?


In psychoanalysis, resistance is loosely defined as a client's unwillingness to discuss a particular topic in therapy.

Freud described resistance as an attempt to impede the analyst's. attempts at getting the patient to apprehend and relax the defenses. in opposition to his turning into conscious of repressed impulses. Freud drew. attention to the reality that reading resistance is the most crucial a part of our psychoanalytic work.

Having evolved the principle of resistance via his direct reports with patients present process therapy, Sigmund Freud observed that patients could avoid topics and topics that struck too intently to uncomfortable memories or unacceptable emotions and dreams.

Learn more about psychoanalytic here:


This type of bias occurs when a research study design fails to collect a representative sample of a target population


The problem known as sampling bias happens when a research study design fails to gather a representative sample of a target population.

Which four types of bias in sampling are there?

Self-selection, non-response, under coverage, survivorship, pre-screening or advertising, and healthy user bias are a few examples of prevalent sample biases.

Which three biases exist?

Information bias, selection bias, and confounding are the three different categories of prejudice. Various examples are used to discuss these three types of bias and possible remedies.

What could bias in research look like?

When personal opinions, social mores, cultural norms, biases, mistakes, and a host of other factors influence the research findings, this phenomenon occurs. Additionally, the researcher must have evaluated the research.

To learn more about Sampling Bias here:


why is it important to include keywords that represent each of the essential concepts that make up your research question when you are searching for sources?


It is important to include keywords in order to keep the search more focused and bring more results aligned with the main topics while searching.

A word associated with your topic that the search engine will search for throughout all of its content is referred to as a "keyword." More results will be returned from keyword searches than from subject searches. Your search will be more targeted if you use all the essential concepts.

You will always be able to get more relevant results when employing keywords when looking for sources to answer a research question than if you were to utilize extended phrases. You will be able to uncover reliable sources to support a compelling argument if you focus on the nouns in your inquiry that are most crucial. The number of additional results that are partially off-topic will decline as a result.

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a person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. a therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly , and praises her for what she did well. which behavioral technique did the therapist not use


The aim of exposure therapy is to reduce the person's fearful reaction to the stimulus. Most exposure therapists use a graded approach in which mildly feared stimuli are targeted first, followed by more strongly feared stimuli.

A therapy or scientific treatment (often abbreviated tx, Tx, or Tx) is the attempted remediation of a health hassle, usually following a scientific analysis. regularly, every remedy has indications and contraindications. there are many exceptional types of therapy. no longer all treatments are effective. Many cures can produce unwanted negative effects. medical remedy and therapy are generally considered synonyms. however, inside the context of mental fitness, the term therapy may also refer particularly to psychotherapy.

Learn more about therapy here


in most of the poor nations of the world today, what is the average number of children born to a woman?


In most of the poor nations of the world today, 3 children is the average number of children born to a woman.

Low fertility rates are the norm in most of the world's regions, and the global fertility rate has declined to below 2.5 children per woman. Currently, 80% of the world's population lives in nations with a fertility rate below 3 children per woman. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a small number of nations, which are home to about 10% of the world's population, nonetheless have women who have more than five children on average. While many of the nations with the greatest fertility rates in the 1950s witnessed a fast decline in the number of children per woman, the nations that already had low fertility rates only minimally increased their fertility rates.

To know more about fertility rates:


when nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


In 1968, a turbulent year that saw the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nixon's presidential campaign, Richard Nixon was elected president.

What did Nixon use to win over the mute majority?

Nixon made an appeal to the unspoken majority, pleading for cooperation "to finish the war in a way that we might win the peace." The Nixon Doctrine, which states that "the defense of freedom is everyone's business, not just America's business," was one of the first to be codified in a speech. Following his address, Nixon's

The silent majority's position was a Nixon quiz?

The Silent Majority was a term coined by President Richard Nixon to describe the large percentage of Americans who backed his policies but refrained from expressing them. Stagflation.

To know more about nixon ran visit:-


What is democratic Short answer?


A democracy is a system of government in which the populace has the power to decide laws and elect representatives to carry it out.

Democracy means that decisions are made by and for the people. Allowing everyone to vote on what they believe is best for the entire group is a fundamental democratic procedure. This demonstrates that voters elect our government. Citizens in this place elect their government representatives. These representatives in government speak for the opinions and issues of the people. One method to take part in our democracy is to vote. When they want to support or amend a law, citizens can also get in touch with their representatives.

To know more about democracy:


you are a correctional officer who feels compelled to report ethical misconduct within your institution. according to research, which group is least likely to be supportive of your efforts?


Being a correctional officer it is most likely that unions will be the least likely to be supportive of my efforts while reporting ethical misconduct within my institution.

Correctional staff watch over convicts' daily activities to make sure they follow the rules. They must also constantly monitor everyone's whereabouts. Prisoners are also escorted by officers to and from the institution, as well as to courts, hospitals, and other locations.

Failure of the leadership, as well as a lack of discipline, oversight, and training, appear to be some causes of misconduct. Misconduct is facilitated by management strategies that do not offer the required oversight, direction, mission, and training.

Being in a position of power and speaking out against misconduct can be quite difficult. Anyone who sees or suspects inappropriate behavior won't likely report it for fear of causing trouble and facing retaliation.

To know more about 'correctional officer' related questions



which group includes a set of functions that involve organizations investigating social media and elastic cloud opportunities, and that plans how to use those capabilities to better accomplish their goals and objectives?


The technology consists of a range of functions that involve firms researching social media and elastic cloud potential and planning how to employ such capabilities to better achieve their goals and objectives.

Major areas of their company's technological activity are overseen by information systems managers. These specialists handle the installation of software and computer gear after engaging with executives to identify an organization's IT goals.

A Database Administrator (DBA) is the person who creates and administers an organization's databases. This individual constructs and maintains databases used in applications or the data warehouse.

Learn more about to technology visit here;


What are the 5 training principles of exercise?


Intensity, progressive overload, specificity, individualization, and frequency are the five training principles of exercise.

There is no point in training for a marathon if your target race is a 4K. Your training must be tailored to the goal you are trying to achieve.

The underlying idea that everyone is unique and that not all training will be appropriate for everyone is a fundamental principle. Individuals react to training in different ways. Frequency involves the number of training sessions done over a consistent period e.g. each week

The need to progressively raise the burden you subject your body to is at the center of this. In weight training, for instance, you wouldn't always use the same weight because doing so would prevent you from gaining any muscle, so you would gradually raise it to grow stronger over the course of the weeks. Intensity depends on the goals.

To learn about training principles, follow the below link:


What is the likely consequence of introducing a subsidy paid to domestic producers to protect against foreign producers?.


A protection against foreign producers in the form of subsidy for domestic producers will lower their production cost hence lower price for their products and services.

A subsidy is defined as a government protection against foreign producers in a form of a financial aid to industries, producers, or manufacturers in order to help them deal with the cost associated with the production or manufacturing of products and services. A subsidy will encourage economic growth by making the domestic production and manufacturing cost lower which in turn will result in a lower price output, giving them competitive advantage over a more expensive foreign products. Unfortunately, subsidy in a long term is not sustainable as it will drain the government cash reserves and will eventually lead to a tax increase, and also it lowers innovation and creativity in the domestic producers.

To learn more about subsidy visit:


when we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible for


when we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible for cognitive functioning.

When we complain, we are actually disabling part of our brain. This can lead to a spiral of negative thinking that can be hard to break out of. According to a new study, complaining shrinks the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

It found that people who frequently complain have a smaller hippocampus than those who don't. The researchers say that complaining activates the stress response, which in turn has a negative effect on the hippocampus.

To know more about brain, click here.


. in a case study, a researcher is most likely to . a. interview many research subjects who have a single problem or disorder b. conduct an in-depth study of a single research participant c. choose and investigate a single topic d. use any of these options, which describe different types of case studies


in a case study, a researcher is most likely to conduct an in-depth study of a single research participant.

Case studies are in-depth analyses of a particular individual, group, circumstance, or community. Data are often acquired from a range of sources and by employing a variety of techniques (e.g. observations & interviews).

The case history, or personal history of the patient, is where the case study research methodology first appeared in clinical medicine. Case studies in psychology are frequently limited to the investigation of a single subject.

The material is mostly biographical and pertains to key current events in the person's life as well as prior significant occurrences (i.e., retrospective).

The case study is not a research method in and of itself; rather, researchers choose data gathering and analysis techniques that will provide case study material.

learn more about case studies at


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