What is the trend in the atomic radii as the atomic number increases across a period or row What is the exception to this trend?


Answer 1

Atomic radius is defined as the distance from the centre of the nucleus of the atom to its outermost shell.

Atomic radii of elements gradually increases in a group from top to bottom. As we go down a group, the atomic number increases, thus, the number of shells increases. Also, as we move down the group, the valence electrons are present in a higher shell and thus, the distance of valence electrons from the nucleus increases. As a result of this, the force of attraction between the nucleus and the valence electron decreases. Therefore, the atomic radius increases on moving down a group.

Higher principal energy levels consist of orbitals which are larger in size than the orbitals from lower energy levels. The effect of the greater number of principal energy levels outweighs the increase in nuclear charge, and so atomic radius increases down a group.

As we move across a period from left to right, the atomic radii decreases gradually. In a period, there is gradual increases in the nuclear charge from left to right. As the atomic number increases in a period, the electron enters in the same shell. Thus, they are more and more strongly attracted towards the nucleus. As a result of this force of attraction from the nucleus, the atomic radii gradually decreases.

To learn more about atomic radius visit:



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which labeled structure is in charge of editing and sorting incoming sensory stimuli, and controlling information entry into the cerebral cortex?


Thalamus is in the charge of editing and sorting incoming sensory stimuli and controlling information entry into the cerebral cortex.

Thalamus is our body’s information relay station. All information from your body’s senses except smell must be processed through your thalamus before being sent to your brain’s cerebral cortex for interpretation. Your thalamus also plays a role in sleep, wakefulness, consciousness, learning and memory. Sensory impulses travel through nerve fibers from your body through brain structures to your thalamus. Specialized areas of your thalamus called nuclei, are each responsible for processing different sensory or motor impulses received from your body and then sending the selected information through nerve fibers to the related area of your cerebral cortex for interpretation.

To learn more about Cerebral cortex please visit:



How many bonds does chlorine form?


The bonds formed between Chlorine atoms of molecule will be covalent Bond and bonded by one covalent bond only.

Covalent bonds are made by sharing of electrons to complete the octet or doublet of the atom to attain stability.

Covalent bond refers to the mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms.

These electrons simultaneously attract the atomic nuclei of the two atoms participating in the covalent bond.

A covalent bond is formed only when the electronegativity difference of two atoms is too small so that an electron transfer to form ions will not occur.

Number of bonds for a neutral atom = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the atom)

Number of bonds for chlorine = (Number of electrons in the complete valence shell i.e. 2 or 8 electrons) - (Number of valence electrons of the carbon)

which means,

Number of bonds for chlorine atom = 8 - 7

Number of bonds for chlorine atom = 1

To know more about covalent bonds:



9.4 the molecule shown here is difluoromethane (ch2f2), which is used as a refrigerant called r-32. based on the structure, how many electron domains surround the c atom in this molecule? would the molecule have a nonzero dipole moment?


The  electron domains surround the C atom in this molecule is 4 electron domain. yes the molecule have a nonzero dipole moment.

The difluoromethane , CH₂F₂ have the 4 electron domains . the electron domains the are lone pairs and bond location around the particular atom present in the molecule. in the CH₂F₂ :

carbon have the valence electron = 4

Fluorine has the valence electron = 7

hydrogen has the valence electron = 1

Th CH₂F₂ has a tetrahedral geometry. the central atom Carbon has zero no. of lone pair and 4 bonded pair so, the electron domain is 4. yes the molecule have a nonzero dipole moment because of the unequal distribution of the charges.

To learn more about electron domain here



in general, as you go across a period in the periodic table from left to right: (1) the atomic radius ; (2) the electron affinity becomes negative; and (3) the first ionization energy . question 26 options: a) decreases, decreasingly, increases b) decreases, increasingly, decreases c) increases, increasingly, decreases d) decreases, increasingly, increases e) increases, increasingly, increases


Option (b) is correct. Atomic radius decreases, electron affinity increases and ionization energy decreases when we move from lrft to right in the periodic table.

When we move from left to right across a periodic table, the atomic radius decreases. With increase in atomic number, the nuclear charge increases but the number of shells in the atoms of all the elements in a period remains the same. On moving from left to right across a period, electron affinity increases. With increase in atomic number, the nuclear charge increases but the number of shells in the atoms of all the elements in a period remains the same. The ionization energy is the energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. Ionization energies increase moving from left to right across a period. Ionization energy decreases moving down a group.

To learn more about Periodic table please visit:



Bromobenzene is converted to a compound with the molecular formula c7h7br in the reaction scheme. Identify the reagents in each step and the products formed in each step.


Bromobenzene is converted to a compound with the molecular formula c7h7br in the following reaction scheme.

Bromobenzene is an organic compound with the chemical formula C6H5Br. It is a colorless liquid with a sweet, pungent odor. It is used in the production of dyes, pharmaceuticals, and other organic compounds.

Bromobenzene + NaNH2 --> 1-Phenyl-2-bromoethanamine + NaBr

Reagents: Bromobenzene, NaNH2

Products: 1-Phenyl-2-bromoethanamine, NaBr

1-Phenyl-2-bromoethanamine + KOH --> 1-Phenyl-2-hydroxyethanamine + HBr

Reagents: 1-Phenyl-2-bromoethanamine, KOH

Products: 1-Phenyl-2-hydroxyethanamine, HBr

1-Phenyl-2-hydroxyethanamine + HBr --> 2-Bromo-1-phenylethanone + NaBr

Reagents: 1-Phenyl-2-hydroxyethanamine, HBr

Products: 2-Bromo-1-phenylethanone, NaBr

For more questions like Bromobenzene click the link below:



determining the molar mass of a gas (36 points) trial 1 trial 2 (if needed) volatile liquid used expected molar mass of volatile liquid (g/mol) mass of flask, foil and rubber band (g) mass of flask, foil, rubber band and condensed liquid (g) mass of condensed liquid (g) * volume of flask, in liters (l) barometric pressure (mmhg) atmospheric pressure (atm) * temperature of boiling water (k) experimental molar mass of unknown liquid (g/mol) * percent error*


1 = Make a list of the known quantities and formulate the issue.

2 = n=PVRT=0.987atm×0.677L0.08206L⋅atm/K⋅mol×296K=0.0275mol. Get the molar mass now by dividing g by mol.

The molar mass of a gas at STP can be determined in what way?

At STP, the molar volume of a gas (22.4 liter/mole) and molar mass (22.4 lb/mole) are employed in the calculation D=M/V. Remember the Avogadro Principle for Gases (1811), which states that equal volumes of all gases under the same conditions contain the same amount of molecules.

The molar gas equation is what?

PV = nRT, where n is the number of moles of the given gas, P is the gas's pressure, V is its volume, T is its absolute temperature, and P is the gas's volume.

To know more about molar mass visit:-



an open-end mercury manometer, like the one shown here, is used to measure the pressure of an enclosed gas. what is the pressure of the enclosed gas if the mercury in the arm attached to the gas container is 354 mm higher than the arm open to the atmosphere and the atmospheric pressure is measured to be 0.975 atm?


The pressure of gas in a container is measured using a manometer with a tolerance of 0.509 atm. The pressure of an enclosed gas is measured using an open-end mercury manometer, like the one in this image.

However, unless clearly stated otherwise, a U-shaped tube that is partially filled with fluid is what is typically meant when using the term "manometer." To demonstrate how air pressure affects a liquid column in a laboratory experiment, you can quickly construct this kind of manometer. A manometer is a gauge used in science to measure pressure. The fourth and most basic state of matter is gas (the others being solid, liquid, and plasma). A pure gas might contain a single atom (e.g. a noble gas like neon).

The pressure of gas in a container is measured using a manometer is

(354*0.975 )- 344.65 = 0.509 atm.

Learn more about pressure here



A manometer with a tolerance of 0.509 atm is used to measure the pressure of gas in a container.

However, The open-tube manometer is a U-shaped tube that is partially filled with fluid, usually mercury or water. Which is commonly intended when using the term "manometer" unless it is specifically indicated otherwise. This form of manometer can be easily built to demonstrate how air pressure influences a liquid column in a laboratory experiment.  The pressure that is measured is related to the difference in height of the fluid at the two ends of the U-shaped tube.

Finally pressure of gas in a container is measured using a manometer is

(354×0.975 )- 344.65 = 0.509 atm.

Learn more about pressure:



list at least 3 structural properties of molecules that were not accurately represented by the model kits.


The structural properties of molecules that were not accurately represented by the model kits include:

Bond angleBond lengthShape of the molecule

What is bond angle?

Bond angle is the angle formed by two covalent bonds that originate from the same atom. The bond length of a molecule is the distance between the nuclei of two chemically bonded atoms. It is roughly equal to the sum of the two bonded atoms' covalent radii.

The position of a molecule's nuclei and electrons determines its shape. The electrons and nuclei gravitate toward positions that minimize repulsion while increasing attraction.

Learn more about molecules on:



what effect will the addition of a small amount of strong acid have on a buffer solution? what effect will the addition of a small amount of strong acid have on a buffer solution? no effect drastically lowers the ph slightly lowers the ph slightly raises the ph drastically raises the ph


There will be no effect of adding a small amount of strong acid to a buffer solution.

The conjugate base in the buffer eats the hydronium ion, turning it into water and the weak acid of the conjugate base when a strong acid (H3O+) is added to the buffer solution. This causes the amount of weak acid to increase and the amount of conjugate base to decrease.

A buffer solution is an aqueous mixture of a weak acid and either its conjugate base or base itself. When a modest amount of a strong acid or base is applied to it, the pH hardly changes at all.

A buffer is a substance that can withstand a pH change when acidic or basic substances are added.

For more information on buffer solutions kindly visit to



what is the electronic geometry (the arrangement of all electron pairs) around the central atom of nh3


Pyramidal is the electronic geometry (the arrangement of all electron pairs) around the central atom of nh3.

In chemistry, a trigonal pyramid is a molecular shape that resembles a tetrahedron and has one atom at the top and three at the corners of the base (not to be confused with the tetrahedral geometry). The molecule belongs to point group C3v when all three of the atoms in the corners are the same. The pnictogen hydrides (XH3), xenon trioxide (XeO3), the chlorate ion, ClO 3, and the sulfite ion, SO2 3 are some molecules and ions with trigonal pyramidal structure. Trigonal pyramidal-shaped molecules are sometimes referred to as sp3 hybridized in organic chemistry. According to the AXE technique for the VSEPR theory, the classification is AX3E1.

To know more about pyramidal geometry, click here,



What is the cell potential for Zn and Cu?


The electrode potential for copper is +0.34 V and for zinc -0.76 V.

Zinc has an electrode potential of -0.76 V, whereas copper has a potential of +0.34 V, With both electrodes acting anodically in relation to their respective local electrolytes, the voltmeter measures the sum of these two voltages, or 1.10 V, in an open circuit. Two electrodes are connected in a closed circuit, which allows current to flow. Copper functions as the galvanic cell's cathode, while zinc acts as its anode, supplying electrons (consuming electrons).

Copper electrode takes up copper atoms from the electrolyte as the zinc electrode dissolves (corrodes or oxidizes) (electroplating or reduction). This procedure keeps going as long as the circuit is closed.

Learn more about electrode potential here:



Students in chemistry class have been given the assignment to use flame test emission data to determine the identity of an unknown substance. When the students put a sample of the unknown compound in the flame, blue and green colors were visible. What could be one explanation for these results?.


One explanation for the vision of blue and green colors in the flame when students in chemistry class used this test to determine the identity of an unknown substance is that the sample contains barium and copper (I).

What is the flame test?

It is an analytical method used in chemistry to identify the presence of certain elements, mainly metal ions.

The principle of this test is based on the characteristic emission spectrum of each element, although the color of the flame can also vary due to temperature.

Learn more about chemical testing of metals at https://brainly.com/question/28650063


Four solutes are added to a solvent. All solutes have the same mass and solubility. The surface areas of four solutes are 2 mm2, 4 mm2, 6 mm2, and 10 mm2. Which solute will dissolve the quickest? 2 mm24 mm26 mm210 mm2.


Of the four solutes added to a solvent, the one with the smallest surface area (2 mm2) will dissolve the fastest.


Superficial area

The surface area or particle size especially affects the rate of solubility.

The greater the surface area (smaller particle size) the faster it dissolves. This is evidenced by the fact that a sugar cube dissolves more slowly than granulated sugar.

Solubility rate

The rate at which a solute dissolves depends on the size of the solute particles.

Dissolution is a surface phenomenon, since it depends on solvent molecules colliding with the external surface of the solute.

A given amount of solute dissolves faster when it is ground into small particles, rather than large chunks, because more surface area is exposed.

Other Factors Affecting Solubility

In addition to solute surface area, temperature and pressure influence the balance of intermolecular forces between solvent and solute, and the change in entropy that accompanies solvation, thus changing solubility.

Learn more about solubility at https://brainly.com/question/12024964





the answer is B(conducting)



in each combination that formed a reactoin, there area total of 4 ions involved, but only one cation and one anion come together to make the precipitate. what doo you think happens with the other 2 ions?


An insoluble ionic solid known as the precipitate is created during precipitation reactions when the cations of one reactant and the anions of another reactant present in aqueous solutions come together.

Solids can occasionally develop in the reaction between two aqueous solutions. The substance is known as a precipitate.

A double-replacement reaction produces the majority of precipitates. When two compounds' ions swap places with one another in an aqueous solution, the process is known as a double-replacement reaction. A, B, X, and Y are all ions in the equation AX + BY AY + BX.

When the ions of a chemical have separated in an aqueous solution, the result is an ionic solution. When two aqueous solutions are combined, a reaction occurs. This is when you discover whether or not a precipitate will form. If the end result of the ion interaction is insoluble in water, a precipitate results.

To know more about solubility product, please refer:



is the synthesis of ozone, o3, from oxygen, o2, an example of an exothermic or endothermic reaction?


The answer is endothermic

Which phenomenon that goes unexplained by lewis structures is solved by applying molecular orbital theory?


The para magnetism of oxygen molecule is unexplained by Lewis structures and  is solved by applying molecular orbital theory. So, the option C is the correct answer.

Lewis structure cannot explain the Para magnetism of oxygen molecule. Only the molecular orbital theory explains the para magnetism of oxygen molecule because the oxygen molecule contain two unpaired electrons.

Lewis structure explain the bond angle, the electrons in a molecule's valence shell and the ionization energy trends.

Molecular orbital theory explain bonding in molecules.

As a result, Lewis structure can explain option A (bond angle) and B (ionization energy trends), cannot explain option C. Only the molecular orbital theory can explain option C (the para magnetism of oxygen molecule).

To learn more about Molecular orbital theory, Here :



which of the following processes is a chemical reaction? a. distillation d. condensation b. combustion e. sublima


The correct answer is combustion. Burning is the result of a chemical change

Brainliest is appreciated!

for the recrystallization experiment: the sample is dissolved in hot solvent then filtered while hot. the filtrate is allowed to cool and the mixture is filtered a second time. what effect will result if the filtrate solution is cooled too rapidly?


Small impure crystals will form if the filtrate solution is cooled too rapidly.

The solution is a homogeneous aggregate of one or extra solutes dissolved in a solvent. Solvent: the substance in which a solute dissolves to supply a homogeneous combination. Solute: the substance that dissolves in a solvent to produce a homogeneous combination.

Solutions are uniform combinations of molecules wherein any of the levels of remembering can be dissolved in any other segment.

Household cleaners like bleach are solutions, they help us to make our houses smooth. Beverages such as fizzy drinks, mineral water, and tea are some of the answers.

Learn more about Solution here:-https://brainly.com/question/25326161


Lead is less active than zinc but more active than copper. Predict the results you would have gotten if you placed lead metal into
separate solutions of zinc nitrate and copper (II) nitrate.

A. Lead would react with both zinc nitrate and copper (II) nitrate
B. Lead would react with copper (II) nitrate, but not zinc nitrate
C. Lead would not react with either zinc nitrate or copper (II) nitrate
D. Lead would pact with zinc nitrate, but not copper (II) nitrate


i think it’s a.lead would react with both zinc nitrate and copper

As a system reaches thermal equilibrium, _____ has been transferred from areas of high to low _____.


As a system reaches thermal equilibrium, thermal energy has been transferred from areas of high to low temperature.

What happens during thermal equilibrium?

Heat is the transfer of energy from a high to a low temperature. The system (or combination of systems) is said to be in thermal equilibrium when these temperatures level out and heat stops flowing. Thermal equilibrium indicates that no matter is flowing into or out of the system.

Thermal energy may be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction occurs when heat energy is exchanged between nearby molecules that are in touch with one another.

When two things are in thermal equilibrium, there is no net heat movement between them, and their temperatures are the same.

learn more about thermal equilibrium refer



Which one of these sentences is appropriate for a formal lab report in CHM113 lab? O Three more trials were conducted and the data was recorded. O First, record the seven concentrations of the red dye which...... O The corvet was whipped with a soft tissue and then........ The error occurred because Tim spilled the solution. o We got a good yield.


The appropriate sentence is three more trials were conducted and the data was recorded. This record show that it is the concentration of the solute.

In chemistry, attention is the abundance of a constituent divided by the entire extent of a combination. several kinds of mathematical descriptions can be outstanding: mass awareness, molar awareness, range attention, and volume concentration.

The awareness of the solution tells you the way much solute has been dissolved within the solvent. as an example, in case you upload one teaspoon to 2 cups of water, the attention may be mentioned as 1 t salt per 2 c water. The vinegar label will file that the solution is 5% via weight acetic acid.

The concentration of a Solute. There are basic ways of reporting the concentration of a solute in a solvent, via reporting the mass of the solute in a given volume, or the variety of moles of solute in a given quantity.

Therefore, the appropriate sentence is three more trials were conducted and the data was recorded. This record show that it is the concentration of the solute.

Learn more about concentrations, refer: brainly.com/question/26255204


a 525.6 ml sample of carbon dioxide was heated to 351 k. if the volume of the carbon dioxide sample at 351 k is 774.9 ml, what was its temperature at 525.6 ml?


The temperature at 525.6ml is 236.52k

what is Charles law?

Assuming that the gas's pressure remains constant, the volume of a given mass of gas is precisely proportional to its absolute temperature. According to Charles' Law, a given amount of gas expands to a larger volume at constant pressure by a factor of 1/273 for every degree the temperature rises.

The formula for the relationship between volume and temperature is

V1 / T1 = V2 / T2, where V1 and T1 represent the starting volume and the absolute temperature, and V2 and T2 represent the end volume and the absolute temperature (the Kelvin temperature, not the Celsius temperature).

V1/T1 = V2/T2

V1= 525.6ml

T1= unknown

V2= 779ml


T1 =V1*(T2/V2)

    = 525.6ml * (351/779)



To learn more about Charles law https://brainly.com/question/16927784


In this chemical equation, why is the number of atoms the same on each side of the arrow? chemical reactions reduce matter but create energy. Chemical reactions produce new matter. Matter cannot be created or destroyed.


Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

4Fe + 3O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃

Because this chemical equation complies with the rule of conservation of matter, there is the same number of atoms on both sides of the arrow.

The law of conservation of matter states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It just changes into different forms. Or in accordance with this law, the total mass of the products and reactants stays identical during any physical or chemical change. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain the same number of moles on both sides of the chemical reaction in order to uphold the rule of conservation of matter.

Find more on matter-related problems at : brainly.com/question/6466221


Even though your question is incomplete, I believed you were referring to this type of question:

4Fe + 3O₂ → 2Fe₂O₃

In this chemical equation, why is the number of atoms the same on each side of the arrow?

a. Chemical reactions reduce matter but create energy.

b. Chemical reactions produce new matter.

c. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via ___________, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as _____________


Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via xylem tissue, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as seive.

Xylem tissue carries water and inorganic nutrients from the soil to plant roots and stems. It consists of elongated cells with pointed ends called tracheids and shorter and wider cells called vascular elements. The walls of these cells are woody and have wall openings called pits.

Xylem transports and stores water and water-soluble nutrients in vascular plants. The phloem is responsible for the transport of sugars, proteins, and other organic molecules in plants. Vascular plants can grow taller than others due to the rigidity of the xylem cells that support the plant.

Read more about xylem:


How do you calculate mass at STP?


The formula D= M/V is used at STP where,

M is equal to the molar mass and,

V is molar volume of a gas (22.4 liter/mole).

At Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP), 1 mole of any gas will occupy a volume of 22.4 L.

The Ideal Gas Law, along with a balanced chemical equation, can be used to solve for the amount, either in volume or mass, of gas consumed or produced in a chemical reaction.

The molar mass of a gas can be derived from the ideal gas law, PV=nRT , by using the definition of molar mass to replace n , the number of moles.

To know more about STP here



A penny ha a total of 3. 1g. Zinc make up 2. 9g of the penny. What i the % by ma of zinc in the penny?


The nuclear energy required to separate all the neutrons and protons from each other is 1.58×10²⁵ MeV.

Number of atoms in a 3g coin= 6.023×10²³ × 3/63

= 2.868×10²²

Each copper atom has 29 protons and 34 neutrons.

Thus, the mass defect of each atom is 29 × 1.00783 + 34 ×1.00867− 62.92960 = 0.59225u.

Total mass defect of all atoms = 0.59225u×2.868×10²²

=1.6985×10²² u.

Thus, the nuclear energy required=1.6985×10

22 ×931MeV = 1.58×10²⁵ MeV

What is nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the use of certain nuclear reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear energy can be obtained from nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions. Currently, the vast majority of nuclear electricity is produced by nuclear fission of uranium and plutonium in nuclear power plants.

To know more about nuclear energy, click the link given below:



What chemical species is missing in the net ionic equation
Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)


The chemical species that is missing from the net ionic equation is the number of electrons.

What is the missing chemical species?

We know that what we have in this case is a redox reaction. When we talk about a redox reaction we are talking about the kind of reaction where reduction and oxidation are both taking place at the same time. This implies that one of the species would accept the electrons and one of the species would donate the electrons.

Having said this, if we look at the reaction equation as it has been written, we can see that the specie that is missing here is the number of electrons that have been lost or gained in the course of the reaction as it has been written here.

We can only be able to infer this from the charges that the species that we can see in the reaction equation are carrying.

Learn more about net ionic equation:https://brainly.com/question/22885959


List at least 3 structural properties of molecules that were not accurately represented by the model kits.


Molecular models are classified into three types: ball-and-stick, skeleton, and space-filling. For tiny compounds, the depiction of bond angles is quite precise, and the visualisation of molecular structure is good.

What characteristics do molecular compounds have?

At normal temperature, most molecular compounds are gases or liquids, and those that are solids are soft and malleable. They have low melting and boiling temperatures, are poorly soluble, and are poor electrical conductors.

The attribute of the d n, a that cannot be proven using the model is the one type of structure that allows the atom to replicate itself, the amid cell division, thus the d n a contains two buiopolymers and two buiopolymous trans, which are known as poly Nucleotides.

Learn more about Molecular models refer



I'm not too sure on this question: Give a balanced chemical equation for solid aluminum reacting with aqueous hydrogen monofluoride to produce aqueous aluminum fluoride and hydrogen gas.

Help would be much appreciated! :D


The balanced reaction equation is given as;

[tex]2Al + 6HF(aq) ------- > 2AlF_{3} (aq) + 3H_{2} (g)[/tex]

What is the balanced chemical reaction equation?

We know that a chemical reaction has to do with the interaction between the reactants which would lead to the formation of the products. We know that one of the rules that govern a chemical reaction is that a reaction equation would be said to be balanced if the number of the atoms of each of the elements on the reactants side is the same as the number of the atoms on the products side.

The balanced reaction equation of the reaction between solid aluminum reacting with aqueous hydrogen monofluoride to produce aqueous aluminum fluoride and hydrogen gas has been shown above.

Learn more about reaction equation:https://brainly.com/question/3588292


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