Germany ignored the Treaty of Versailles by
Select all that apply
Question 3 options:

reducing its arms.

increasing size of military

invading territories

joining League of Nations


Answer 1

Adolf Hitler, the head of the Nazi Party, sends German armed forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized area in western Germany along the Rhine River, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact. the correct response is option (3).

What is the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was formally signed on June 28, 1919, bringing an end to World War One. According to the conditions of the treaty, Germany was required to pay compensation, disarm, relinquish territory, and give up all of its foreign possessions.

Pact of Locarno, a collection of pacts signed on December 1st, 1925, by Germany, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Italy, each of which guaranteed the other peace in western Europe.

To know more about Treaty of Versailles, visit:


Related Questions

What Drives Land-Use Change in the United States?



Commodity prices, environmental factors, Government policies and programs, and population growth.


Land use and land-use change have important economic and environmental implications for commodity production and trade, soil and water conservation, and other policy issues. Changes in land use occur for various reasons, and some changes are less reversible than others. Commodity prices, environmental factors, Government policies and programs, and population growth can affect land-use decisions by influencing the relative economic returns to different uses.

briefly explain one example of how either the jefferson or madison administration responded to these british actions prior to the war of 1812


Jefferson responded with a trade embargo against France and Britain that did nothing to stop the pirates and hurt the American economy more than Britain's. By the time Jefferson left office, trade with France and Britain had all but stopped, and trade with other nations was threatened by pirates and the British.

Which of the following was a conservative movement of the 1920s?

Red Scare


Klu Klux Klan

All of these answers are correct.



All of these answers are correct. The Red Scare was a movement in the 1920s in which fear of communist influence led to widespread persecution of alleged radicals. Prohibition was a movement in the 1920s in which the sale and consumption of alcohol was banned in the United States. The Klu Klux Klan was a white supremacist group that was active in the 1920s.


Why do you think it would be important to study the social structure of a given period?


It would be important to study the social structure of a given period because it helps you better understand how certain empires/kingdoms are ruled and or their laws. It could be by power,education, and or religion.

Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about before 5,000 years ago in South America. The correct answer is B.

Egypt, China, and India are the oldest civilizations in the world, and Mesopotamia is better known. Their culture was not less developed than that of ancient America. This is evident in the architectural remnants of structures like pyramids, plazas, temples, and apartment buildings.

Norte Chico near Supe, Peru, is where this South American civilization was first established. The Holy City of Caral, which had developed into a city around 5000 years prior, served as their capital.

German archaeologist Max Uhle made the first archaeological find in 1905. Additionally, new sites kept turning up until the 1970 discovery of the pyramids.

The inhabitants of Caral also constructed plazas, amphitheaters, temples, and residential zones in addition to the pyramids.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back about how far in South America:

a. 2,650 years ago

b. before 5,000 years ago

c. 3,250 years ago

d. about 4,000 years ago

Learn more about pyramids:


What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?




The Great Schism occurred in the Catholic Church from 1378 until 1417. The Black Death (1347-1351) disrupted much of the economy and trade occurring in Europe and people entered into a period of depression, confusion, and misery.

Where to sleep if you're homeless in NYC?


Make a call to the relevant borough.

Call 718-637-2643 for Bronx Works.

Camba: 718-675-3373 (Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Queens).

(Manhattan/Bronx) Catholic Charities: 212-862-6401.

718-592-5757 Queens Community House

Drop-In Facilities

Living Room, Bronx. ...

A Haven. Between East 141 Street and East 142 Street is 2640 Third Avenue.

Main Chance, Manhattan ...

The homeless centre in Olivieri. ...

... Staten Island

In Brooklyn: Keep in mind that the Coalition for the Homeless does not run these shelters.

For more questions like NYC visit the link below


provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands.


CCC involves provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands.

What is natural resource conservation, and why is it important?

Air, water, soil, minerals, energy, plants, and animals are examples of natural resources on Earth. Conservation is the process of caring for these resources so all living creatures can benefit from them now and in the future. Natural resources provide us with everything we need to survive, including food, water, air, and shelter. Sustainable natural resource conservation is the prudent use, management, and preservation of the natural environment and all of its resources. Integrated environmental education can provide information that can be used to manage natural resources in a sustainable manner. Saving resources is what conservation entails. Follow the three "R"s to save natural resources: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

To know more about natural resource visit:


Which statement reflects the magnitude and importance of the idea of independence?

A. 'Tis not the affair of a city, a country, a province, or a kingdom, but of a continent—of at least one-eighth part of the habitable globe.
B. Now is the seed time of continental union, faith and honor.
C. The least fracture now will be like
D. a name engraved with the point of a pin on the tender rind of a young oak;


Option A. which makes reference to continent is the the statement which reflects the magnitude and importance of independence.

What is independence?

A person, nation, country, or state is said to be independent when its citizens,or a subset of them exercise self-government and, typically, sovereignty over its territory. The condition of a dependent territory is the opposite of independence. The celebration of a country's or nation's independence day marks the moment that a country or nation is free from all types of foreign colonialism and can develop independently of other countries.

The oldest surviving example of a state declaring independence is Scotland's Declaration of Arbroath from 1320; the most recent example is Azawad's declaration of independence from a from 2012.

Learn more about independence here


Why is the Taj Mahal considered as a symbol of undying love Brainly?


The taj mahal is a huge monument built for love. in a world that holds little regard for the depth and gravity of that emotion; a world that has reduced love to 'days' and 'cards' and 'date nights' makes me stop and think of shah jahan and his wife mumtaz of his.

They were engaged for 5 years before getting married. in that intermittent time, shahjahan married an indian princess... hmmm... once married they were inseparable, some articles say. they say shahjahan was heartbroken by her death. mumtaz was her right hand in life and even at court. and she couldn't get over the pain of losing her for days. The taj mahal has long been synonymous with "perfect" love. love for a wife, love for a partner. as I stood before him two winters ago. I didn't understand this expression simply as 'love', he was a man known for his monuments in delhi and agra, so he expressed his love through another beautiful monument, ok i said to myself. The monument was built by Shah Jahan, the fifth emperor of the Mughal Empire, who ruled from 1628 to 1658. As was customary, Shah Jahan had several wives throughout his adult life, but his favorite was Arjumand Banu Begum, known like Mumtaz Mahal. As it turned out, theirs was not simply a union of convenience and the alignment of powerful families. The two fell in love, and Shah Jahan named his wife Mumtaz Mahal, Persian for "the exultant of the Palace". Although Shah Jahan had other wives, they were but shadows to him next to the bright light of Mumtaz Mahal. During their nineteen-year marriage, the two had a very close bond; Mumtaz Mahal was Shah Jahan's constant companion, even when he traveled on military campaigns, and she followed his advice in all matters. Once Shah Jahan became emperor, he made her the chief empress and bestowed on her the titles of Queen of the World and Queen of the World. Age, among others. He lavished his wife with expensive gifts, from jewelry to land; he gave her an unprecedented allowance of one million rupees per year; and she had her residence decorated with gold and the finest gems. Together, Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan had fourteen children, but tragedy struck the birth of the last child: Mumtaz Mahal died of hemorrhage. Distraught, Shah Jahan channeled his grief into a monument that would stand as a testament to his undying love for his wife. Together, Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan had fourteen children, but tragedy struck at the birth of the last child: Mumtaz Mahal died of a hemorrhage. Distraught, Shah Jahan channeled his grief into a monument that would stand as a testament to his undying love for his wife. Together, Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan had fourteen children, but tragedy struck at the birth of the last child: Mumtaz Mahal died of a hemorrhage. Distraught, Shah Jahan channeled his grief into a monument that would stand as a testament to his undying love for his wife.

To learn more about hemorrhage please click on below link


What is the significance of the Taj Mahal?


The Taj Mahal is the crowning achievement of Muslim art in India and one of the most celebrated works of art in human history.

The Taj Mahal is situated in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh on the right bank of the Yamuna River in a huge Mughal garden that spans almost 17 hectares. Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor, erected it in remembrance of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Construction on the mosque, guest house, and main entrance began in 1632 and was finished in 1648. The outer courtyard and its cloisters were later constructed and finished in 1653. A number of historical and Quranic inscriptions in Arabic script have made it easier to determine the Taj Mahal's chronology. Masons, stonecutters, inlayers, carvers, painters, calligraphers, dome builders, and other artisans from across the empire were compelled to work on its construction.

learn more about Taj Mahal here


I need help on this question





Who was the intended audience of William Bradford?

A. his subscribers
B.King George III
C. the British Parliament
D. the French Monarchy


The initial immigrants' offspring and grandchildren were among the readers Bradford wrote for. His subscribers were the intended audience of William Bradford. Therefore, option (A) is accurate.

Who was William Bradford?

William Bradford, who served as governor of the Plymouth colony for 30 years and was born in Austerfield, Yorkshire, England in March 1590 and died in Plymouth, Massachusetts (U.S.), contributed to the development and stabilization of the democratic structures of the first permanent colony in New England.

Bradford was a significant and influential Pilgrim leader. He contributed to the planning of the first Thanksgiving and was a significant signer of the Mayflower Compact. After founding Plymouth Colony, he continued to be politically engaged, holding the office of governor as well as other political positions for the rest of his life.

Hence, option (A) is the optimal one.

Learn more about William Bradford, from:


how did the crusades affect the world economically, culturally, and educationally?


The Crusades also opened up many new trade possibilities with goods that Europeans never had access to before.

The Europeans learned about new concepts in math as well as a new numbering system, called Hindu Arabic Numerals, that we still use today. They gained access to new medical knowledge and other ideas as well. The Crusades also opened up many new trade possibilities with goods that Europeans never had access to before.

One of the most important effects of the Crusades was the increased trade and economy. During the Crusades, many Crusaders were fascinated by the luxury goods they found in the Middle East and took them back home as soon as the Crusades ended.

The Crusades slowed the advance of Islamic power and may have prevented western Europe from falling under Muslim suzerainty. The Crusader states extended trade with the Muslim world, bringing new tastes and foods to Europe.

Learn more about crusades affect the world here:-


habakkuk prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people. True/False


The above statement was False. Because Habakkuk expresses concern about the fact that God will use the Babylonian kingdom to judge Judah's sins.

Who warned the people of Judah?

Jeremiah was imprisoned overnight for prophesying against Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah (Jeremiah 19-20). This was a punishment for openly despising and ridiculing criminals.

According to Isaiah 7:4, it was Isaiah who advised King Ahaz during the Dark Ages when Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin, king of Syria, invaded Judah.

Hence, habakkuk does not prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and does not warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people.

To learn more about Habakkuk here:


Why did the Japanese attack the Pearl Harbor



Below 4 explanations


1. The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 was one of the most devastating surprise attacks in history. The attack was carried out by Imperial Japan, and was a major part of their plan to expand their empire in the Pacific.

2. The attack was a direct response to the United States’ increasing economic sanctions against Japan. The US had been trying to limit Japan’s expansion in the Pacific, but Japan was determined to continue its aggressive actions throughout the region. The attack on Pearl Harbor was designed to prevent the US from interfering with Japan’s plans.

3. The Japanese believed that a successful surprise attack on Pearl Harbor would cripple the US Pacific Fleet and buy them time to complete their expansion plans. However, the results of the attack were not as successful as the Japanese had hoped.

4. The attack on Pearl Harbor united the US and brought the country into World War II. The US was determined to avenge the attack, and the attack had the unintended effect of galvanizing the US into action and eventual victory in the war. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a turning point in World War II and changed the course of history.

the north shore beach of oahu is known as one of the world premier locations for what sport/activity, which was even practiced by the native hawaii'ans before the coming of the europeans?


The north shore beach of Oahu is kno-wn as one of the world premier loca-tions for surfing, which was even prac-ticed by the native Hawai'ians before the com-ing of the Europeans.

What is surfing?

Surfing is a surface water sport in which an indivi-dual, a surfer, uses a board to ride on the for-ward section, or face, of a mov-ing wave of water, which usu-ally carries the surfer tow-ards the shore.

The laid-back North Shore is a stretch of coast kno-wn for big waves and profess-ional surfing con-tests at Waimea Bay and Sun-set Beach.

Located in Ehukai Beach Park, Ban-zai Pipeline Hawaii is fam-ous for its legend-arily danger-ous waves and off-ers some of the best surf-ing in Hawaii for experi-enced surfers.

To know more about surfing click below:


Which architectural contribution of Islam is illustrated above?

Vaulted ceiling


I believe there are two architectural contributions of Islam one being the dome and the other being the Minaret.
But if it’s just one answer I would go with Dome.

Minaret architectural contribution of Islam is illustrated above option(D) is correct.

What is architecture?

Architectural design is a schematic that shows how a building will look. The principles and concepts of a building are therefore illustrated by a diagrammatic representation. It will display how the project will seem once the components are put together.

The idea of architectural design centers on the parts or constituents of a structure. The person in charge of architectural design is typically an architect. To build a logical and practical structure, they manipulate both space and natural elements.

Muslims have commissioned a wide variety of different architectural styles, from modest mosques for daily prayer, like the Shaykh Lutfallah Mosque in Isfahan, to madrasas, or religious schools, and monuments, like the Taj Mahal in Agra and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

Therefore,  option (D) is correct.

Learn more about architecture here:





Malcolm X believed that the violence committed against African-Americans by the police and whites should be met with self-defense. He believed that African-Americans should not passively accept violence and oppression, but should actively defend themselves against it. In his famous "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech, he argued that African-Americans should be prepared to use violence if necessary in order to defend their rights and dignity. He believed that non-violent resistance and passive acceptance were not effective in the face of systemic racism and violence, and that African-Americans needed to be willing to take a more aggressive stance in order to protect themselves and their communities.


What types of details did Lewis note in this entry?


These journals were a gold mine of knowledge on the people met, the landscape, the flora and animals, and navigation.

What do you mean by journal?

A Statistical perspective of the Indian nations inhabiting the Territory of Louisiana, which listed the names of different tribes and their localities, was Captain Lewis' progress report on the expedition's actions and observations of the Native American nations they had come across as of April 25.A project to explore the North American West was the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1866), which was supported by the government. The main goal of the mission was to study the Missouri and Columbia rivers in search of rivers that would go from the heart of the continent to the Pacific Ocean.

To know more about Journals here


How does a New Yorker say hello?


Ayo is another salutation you may hear New Yorkers use. It essentially means ay, you, how ya doing and is a casual way to say hello.

The key to speaking like a New Yorker is not so much what you say as it is how you say it. People from New York are renowned for being blunt, outspoken, and self-assured. Additionally, they have a reputation for speaking out frequently. Speak briefly and clearly.

Not the quickest talkers, New Yorkers are believed to talk the most. In fact, the research found that people from New York use up to 62% more words than those from other states when they are conversing in business.

To learn more about New Yorkers


how would the earth be if there were no humans? ​


Answer: Clean


There wouldn't be any humans to dirty it.


it would be much more cleaner and a lot more animals

Explanation: with humans we tend to put trash everywhere and a lot of chemicals that kill off animal. Plant keep growing and there would be a water shortage for more then another 100 thousand years.

which of the following was associated with the second great awakening? group of answer choices the popularity of camp meetings declining literacy rates the belief that only a small minority could attain salvation the growing appeal of catholicism popular new translations of the bible


bible was present in the British Isles as early as the second century, according to historical evidence. For the next 1,000 years, missionaries and educators translated little passages of the Bible

The first person to oversee an English translation of the entire Bible was John Wycliffe (1329–1384). (NT in 1380, OT in 1382). Wycliffe attended Oxford for his education and worked as a lecturer there. He saw the need of allowing people to read the Bible in their own language because he was both a scholar and a pastor. Additionally, he spoke out against church corruption, which angered Rome and led to his removal from office. He translated the Latin Vulgate, the church's canonical Bible, into Middle English.

learn more about Bible here:


Why did the majority of Native American tribes side with the French during the French and Indian War?
to collect on a payment promised by French officials
to learn the best military techniques for future battles
to prevent the British from expanding and taking more land
to help the French hunt and trap furs for survival


Answer: C


Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?
a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.
b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.
c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics. d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor.


Conflicts in other countries would lead to US involvement in another war  resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations.

What objection led the US Congress to vote against US membership in the League of Nations?

Congressmen who feared that the United States would become involved in European conflicts opposed joining the League, but the collective security clause ultimately prevented the United States from joining.

Following the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, an international institution called the League of Nations was established. The League's objectives included disarmament, preventing war through global security, resolving international conflicts by diplomatic discussion, and enhancing human welfare.

Lodge spearheaded the League opposition because Republicans were worried that joining the League would bind the US to an expensive group that would make it harder for the US to protect its own interests.

To know more about U.S. congress, refer:


Which war was fought by the United States in the 1900s?



World War I & World War 2 are the 2 most historical events in America History.

IWhy did many German and Scandinavian immigrants settle in the Midwest between 1890 and 1910?
to adopt American customs
to be near immigration stations
to farm the rich, available land
to live in growing urban areas




which right outlined in the bill of rights allowed civil rights activists to participate in the march on washington in 1963?


The right that allowed civil rights activists to participate in the March on Washington in 1963 is the right to freedom of assembly, which is outlined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

This amendment guarantees the right of individuals to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The March on Washington was a massive protest in which thousands of people gathered in Washington D.C. to demand equal rights and an end to discrimination based on race. The event is best remembered for Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech, which was delivered at the Lincoln Memorial during the march.


The Bill of Rights is the name given to the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments were added to the Constitution in order to protect the individual rights of American citizens. The Bill of Rights was adopted on December 15, 1791, and it includes amendments that limit the powers of the federal government, protect the freedom of speech, religion, and the press, and guarantee the right to fair trials and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

The Civil War, which was fought between 1861 and 1865, was a turning point in the history of the United States. The war arose out of tensions between the Northern and Southern states over issues such as slavery, state sovereignty, and the expansion of the federal government's powers. During the war, the federal government took steps to protect the rights of individuals, such as issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be freed.

Despite these efforts, the Civil War had a significant impact on the Bill of Rights. Many of the amendments were not consistently applied or enforced during the war, and some were even suspended in certain parts of the country. For example, the writ of habeas corpus, which is guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment and protects individuals from being held without charge, was suspended in some parts of the country during the war. This meant that individuals could be arrested and held without being charged with a crime.

The Civil War also led to the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was adopted in 1868. This amendment guarantees that all individuals are treated equally under the law and have the right to due process. It also includes a provision that states that no state can "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." This amendment was an important step in protecting the rights of all Americans, including those who had been freed from slavery as a result of the war.

Learn more about The Bill of Rights here:


Transcendentalism influenced American culture in the 1800s by:


Transcendentalism influenced American culture in the 1800s through individualism and the concept of self-reliance.

Why did individualism and self-reliance spur Americans to support transcendentalism?Because individualism is very present in American culture.Because self-confidence is encouraged in society.Because individualism corroborates with the concepts of capitalism and American meritocracy.

Transcendentalism was a viral philosophical and poetic movement on the American continent, mainly in the USA, in the early 19th century.

Transcendentalism stimulated individual thinking and reinforced how human beings should live alienated from the elements that made up life around them, to focus on the perception and understanding of their thoughts and desires.

In this case, transcendentalism reinforced the individual's rationality and relationship with society and the environment, when that individual's desires were aligned with the environment or situation in which he would become involved.

Learn more about transcendentalism:


Answer: D. inspiring people to be more accepting of new ideas.


Which tatement explain why the Fifteenth Amendment wa propoed by the Radical Republican during Recontruction?


African American men were denied the ability to vote until the fifteenth amendment was adopted during the reconstruction era.

The law recommended that it be against the law for the federal and state governments to deny a citizen the right to vote due to their skin color, race, or prior slavery.

The suggestion to require 80% of Southerners to swear loyalty to the Union would be the appropriate reaction, given that this number was reduced to 10%, presuming that this is referring to the same list of possibilities that was previously offered with this question.

The Radical Republicans held that black people had a right to the same political chances and rights as white people. Additionally, they thought that the Confederate generals should be held accountable for their actions during the Civil war.

To learn more on Reconstrution:


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