What is the theory of relativity? How does it relate to the creation of electricity through solar energy?


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

The theory of relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity and explains the law of gravitation and relation to nature's force. Solar energy is regarded as the power source of the future and uses sunlight to generate electricity. It is a potential solution to the ongoing environmental problem and caused by the overuse of Earth resources. Solar energy is a power source and widely used by the scientific community. It is a potential solution to the environmental problems caused by Earth resources and high fossil fuel conception. The theory of relativity proposes a fundamental and straightforward presentation of fission with some application. Some characteristics of solar energy produced from the fusion process and deducted from the same equation. Relativity determined physics law for all non-accelerating observers and showed the speed of light within a vacuum. Space and time were interwoven in the single continuum.

Related Questions

........... Is ready made button for defining hyperlink on a slide​


Action Buttons An action button is a ready-made button that you can insert into your presentation and define hyperlinks. Use action buttons when you want to include buttons with commonly understood symbols for going to the next, previous, first, and last slides.







Windows Internet Explorer

because windows is aka microsoft windows

Discuss two business information systems that are used in two different sectors in a modern economy.



Two business information systems that are used in two different sectors in a modern economy are:

Transaction Processing System (TPS):

The Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of data system for capturing, storing, updating and recovering a company's data operations. Transaction systems often try to provide consistent response times to requests even if this is not as important as in real-time systems.

Management Information System (MIS)

MIS is the study of persons, technological systems and associations between them. Management Information Systems (MIS) Professionals at MIS allow businesses to profit maximally from staff, facilities and business process expenditure. MIS is a field of people with a focus on technological support.

state 4 error checking methofds for data transmition​



parity bits


MD5 hash

SHA256 hash

What are practical things people can do to protect their privacy and security online? What can we do, and what can we avoid doing?

Please help this is due today and I really need help.


there are multiple ways people can protect there privacy like you don’t even have to get online just block yourself away from the world or you can make sure that your always connected to a vpn with hides you from being online or you can avoid putting in your real information if it’s not needed

Explain how the value of 90 is stored in the Java variable, myFinalGrade.



As integer


More information is needed to properly answer this question.

However, I will answer this question with the limited information given.

90 will be stored as an integer in the variable.

First, the variable needs to be declared;

int myFinalGrade;

Then the variable is initialized;

myFinalGrade = 90;

Hence, the value is stored as an integer.

To add a hyperlink to your presentation, select the text, choose Hyperlink from the Insert menu, and then
type the word “hyperlink" in the Target field.
O click Apply.
change the font to blue.
O type the Internet address in the Target field.



I guessed D, taking it right now, sorry if it's wrong


Answer:I guess D


What's the smallest part of a computer

A microchip

A byte

A bit

A mouse click



A byte


I just had that question on my quiz

A byte!
It can be referring to any sort of byte according to the question. (kilobyte would be pretty small)

Complete the sentence.
One way to increase the reliability of a hard disk drive is by making it part of ____
an optical array
a capacitator
an analog ray


I think it is the capacitor

Answer: It is raid


Took the test for edge

Bryan's company is new and has limited funds to work with. He has been tasked with finding a telecommunications technology that will improve worker productivity on their latest project. So he doesn't go over budget, he must carefully consider all items that affect cost. His considerations include:



Download Speed, Operating Costs, & Purchase Price.


He needs it quick and he's on a budget, so he's gonna be worried about these three things that fall under the categories.

You're welcome my fellow seeker.

in how many ways we can connect internet​



There are several ways or methods of connecting to the Internet. There are two access methods direct and Indirect and these can be either fixed or mobile



here are many ways a personal electronic device can connect to the internet.  They all use different hardware and each has a range of connection speeds.  As technology changes, faster internet connections are needed to handle those changes.  I thought it would be interesting to list some of the different types of internet connections that are available for home and personal use, paired with their average speeds.

Dial-Up (Analog 56K).

Dial-up access is cheap but slow. A modem (internal or external) connects to the Internet after the computer dials a phone number.  This analog signal is converted to digital via the modem and sent over a land-line serviced by a public telephone network.  Telephone lines are variable in quality and the connection can be poor at times.  The lines regularly experience interference and this affects the speed, anywhere from 28K to 56K.  Since a computer or other device shares the same line as the telephone, they can’t be active at the same time.

DSL.  DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line.  It is an internet connection that is always “on”.  This uses 2 lines so your phone is not tied up when your computer is connected.  There is also no need to dial a phone number to connect.  DSL uses a router to transport data and the range of connection speed, depending on the service offered, is between 128K to 8 Mbps.

Cable.  Cable provides an internet connection through a cable modem and operates over cable TV lines.  There are different speeds depending on if you are uploading data transmissions or downloading.  Since the coax cable provides a much greater bandwidth over dial-up or DSL telephone lines, you can get faster access.  Cable speeds range from 512K to 20 Mbps.

Wireless.   Wireless, or Wi-Fi, as the name suggests, does not use telephone lines or cables to connect to the internet.   Instead, it uses radio frequency.  Wireless is also an always on connection and it can be accessed from just about anywhere.  Wireless networks are growing in coverage areas by the minute so when I mean access from just about anywhere, I really mean it.  Speeds will vary, and the range is between 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps.

Satellite.  Satellite accesses the internet via a satellite in Earth’s orbit. The enormous distance that a signal travels from earth to satellite and back again, provides a delayed connection compared to cable and DSL.  Satellite connection speeds are around 512K to 2.0 Mbps.

Cellular.  Cellular technology provides wireless Internet access through cell phones.  The speeds vary depending on the provider, but the most common are 3G and 4G speeds.  A 3G is a term that describes a 3rd generation cellular network obtaining mobile speeds of around 2.0 Mbps.  4G is the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards. The goal of 4G is to achieve peak mobile speeds of 100 Mbps but the reality is about 21 Mbps currently.


How is life complicated without electronics



life is complicated without electronics


because we wont know the weather or if anything  know anything about  and we would mostly not know anything

Complete the sentence.

involves placing a device on the network that captures all the raw data in the network traffic to try to find something valuable
A. Dumpster diving
B. Packet sniffing
C. Social engineering
D. Phishing



D. Phishing


Answer: B. Packet sniffing


right on edge

Helppppp plzzzz it's computer science helpp plzzz


1. String

2. "is assigned to"

Who watches Riverdale ? if you do can we be friends(pLEASE DON'T DELETE) and also who is your fav character from Riverdale



I have watched it before


my fav is veronica lol


how can online presence help others?



Online Presence helps others who might be naturally introverted, stuck in a precarious situation, or even by allowing someone company who desperately needs it.


Charles was supposed to present his PowerPoint slides to his classmates in a classroom, but now he has to present in the auditorium in front of his entire grade. What change will Charles have to make when he presents his slides?

He will have to change his topic.
He will have to rearrange his slides.
He will have to speak more loudly and clearly.
He will have to tell his friends about the change.




it is c


cus of the long and huge hall of u have in ur school

Answer: C

Explanation: Because he will need the whole grade to hear, or you know grab a mic :D HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY

the person who receives an e-mail​


i believe the answer to your question is email recipient!!

is a way og saving a file so it can be used by a different program​



what are you even asking

Many companies organize employees into work teams. The team meets to make plans, determine how work will be completed, and divide the work among the team members. The team is responsible for meeting objectives and may even have some say about their budget. Work teams still report to a manager and can ask for assistance when needed. True False



I think

Sorry if I was wrong

Culinary Arts simply means the art of
(7 Letters)



I believe it means C-o-o-k-i-n-g (7 letters)




Explanation: I got this one correct pls mark as brainliest

please I want help on this question
I want the answer quickly because I have test










I hope this helps a little bit.

What is the most important function of a network operating system (NOS)?



One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.


One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.

What is network operating system?

An operating system for computers known as a "network operating system" (NOS) is primarily made to handle workstations, personal computers, and occasionally older terminals that are linked together over a local area network (LAN).

A NOS's supporting software enables resource sharing and communication amongst various networked devices. A NOS's usual hardware configuration consists of several personal computers, a printer, a server, and file servers that are linked by a local network.

Because earlier iterations of the fundamental operating system weren't created with network use in mind, network operating systems

Therefore, One of the most important functions of a network operating system is its ability to share resources with other network users. The most common resource that's shared is the server's file system.

To learn more about network operating system, refer to the link:



What is the purpose of the Revisions pane in a presentation?

to make suggestions for improvement

to organize and rename groups of slides

to leave comments on slides for other users

to delete all the slides in a presentation at once


First option

Sorry if I’m wrong


to make suggestions for improvement

Click the above image
Ask the user to enter two numbers. The first number is for the multiplication table. The second number is the number of rows to display.

Use a for loop to print the table.



Follows are the cdo0de to this question:

import java.util.*;//package  

public class Table //defining class Table


   public static void main(String[] asx)//main method  


       int x,y,i;//defining integer variables

       Scanner bg=new Scanner(System.in);//creating Scanner class object

       System.out.print("Enter first number: ");//print message  

       x=bg.nextInt();//input value

       System.out.print("Enter Second number: ");//print message

       y=bg.nextInt();//input value

       for(i = 1; i <= y; i++)//defining for loop for print Table


           System.out.printf("%d * %d = %d \n", x, i, x * i);//calculate and print table





Enter first number: 5

Enter Second number: 3

5 * 1 = 5  

5 * 2 = 10  

5 * 3 = 15


In the above code, three integer variable "x,y, and i" is declared, in which "x,y" variable is used to input value from the user end, and after input, the value the for loop is used, in which the second variable "y" count the rows, and "i, x" variable is used for calculates the multiplication of the table.  

what are the different types of document required for mail merge?



More Information. A mail merge is used to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, directories, and mass e-mail message and fax distributions. There are three documents that are involved in the mail merge process: the main document, the data source, and the merged document.


libre office is what program​


I’m not 100% sure what this question is asking, but I believe the answer would be “an open-source office productivity software”.

Discussion Topic
How does social media affect the process of globalization? Give examples. In what
ways does social media help in creating global communities? Discuss other positive
influences of social media. What might be the adverse effects of excessive use of social



Social media positively affects and impacts the process of globalization. ... Global communities is a social infrastructure tool and as social media helps in strengthening social relationships and bringing people and communities together it leads to creating a string global community.

where can i make an animation for free?



I've heard of flipabook and apparently that's good for simple animations


Hope that helped! Have a nice day!

Which of the following devices can be connected to a network? Check all of the boxes that apply.
tablet computers



1, 2, 4, 6


Other Questions
Find a kitchen safety video online. You can choose from such topics as knife safety, handling hot objects, or other topics. Share the video with the class, and explain why you think it is a good video. What does the video demonstrate about kitchen safety? What did Sal's mother leave for her when she left? what is the capital city of nepalnepalnepalnepalnepalnepal Before radio, many minority musicians were severely limited by the prejudice of the era.TrueFalse please help!!!!!!!!!how does staphylococcus infection affect the integumentary system? could you help me on number 8 please How many arrangements are there of 12 distinct items? -2x(2x^2+7x+8)................... Which of the following is true about the role of genetic and environmental factors in human health?A) Genes are the only factor affecting whether or not an idividual will contract a disease.B) Genetic factors are more important than environmental factors in determining an individual'spersonal health risks.C) Individuals can influence their health by controlling their genetic traits.D) Environmental factors determine whether or not all genetic traits lead to health issues.E) Certain environments can lead to an increased risk of developing certain diseases. The intensity of a resistance program can be measured by which component(s)?A:Number of repetitionsB:Number of setsC:Weight lifted with each exerciseD: All the above Often, frequency distributions are reported using unequal class widths because the frequencies of some groups would otherwise be small or very large. Consider the following data, which represent the daytime household temperature the thermostat is set to when someone is home for a random sample of households. Determine the class midpoint, if necessary, for each class and approximate the mean and standard deviation temperature.Temp Frequency Class Midpoint61-64 34 6365-67 68 66.568-69 196 6970 191 70.571-72 122 7273-76 81 7577-80 52 79The sample standard deviation is _____degreesF. I need help here is the problem 2. Solve for b.(a - 3) Why is the United States concern about China's devaluation of the yuan? Which of the following is equal to 7?A. /81B. /49C. /64D. /36 which phrase best defines the word culture as it applies to one's community A triangle has angle measures of 95 and 65 What is the measure of the third angle Why is the American flag considered a symbol of the United StatesA) it represents the countrys historyB)it represents a dominant religious faithC)it is flown on top of the government building D) it is large Which of these elements has the lowest ionization energy?A. SiB. CIC. SD. Na The population of a small town, P, as a function of time, t, in years past 1940 is given below. P = 2,828 + 125t For which of the following years was the population of the town 8,453?