What did Sal's mother leave for her when she left?


Answer 1


I don't get this question??

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who is the king of Janakpur​



King Janaka.


King Janaka was the ruler of Mithilla, present day Janakpur, during the Treta Yuga. Although his real name was King Seeradhwaj Janaka, he is commonly known only as King Janaka. He was brave and also as well versed in Shastras and Vedas as any sage would be.

Part B Question about "Washed-up Plastics Become Art With a Vital Message."

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

"She now has more than 70 pieces in three exhibitions currently traveling throughout the United States."

"She started making the pieces after seeing plastic heaped by the waves onto Oregon's southern coast."

"Robert and Lauryn Geosits from Mandeville, Louisiana, were visiting the aquarium with their three children."

"Huge sculptures of sea life are displayed around the aquarium and zoo in New Orleans."



Should be B


what is an important passage in chapter 21 for "Killing a mockingbird"?





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Sana po maka tulong


Chapter 21 of Harper Lee's ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' reveals the jury's verdict in the case against Tom Robinson.


Judge Taylor was saying something. His gavel was in his fist, but he wasn’t using  it. Dimly, I saw Atticus pushing papers from the table into his briefcase. He  snapped it shut, went to the court reporter and said something, nodded to Mr.  Gilmer, and then went to Tom Robinson and whispered something to him. Atticus  put his hand on Tom’s shoulder as he whispered. Atticus took his coat off the  back of his chair and pulled it over his shoulder. Then he left the courtroom, but  not by his usual exit. He must have wanted to go home the short way, because he  walked quickly down the middle aisle toward the south exit. I followed the top of  his head as he made his way to the door. He did not look up.

How does the author make it clear that Dr. Benjamin Rush was a dedicated


Answer: here's my answer

Explanation: During the spring of 1813, former presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were united in grief at the death of a mutual friend who had recently persuaded them to forget their bitter rivalries. Like the two celebrated statesmen, the eminent physician and social reformer Benjamin Rush had been a Founding Father, one of 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

But Adams and Jefferson believed that Rush deserved to be remembered for much more than his conspicuous enthusiasm for the cause of American liberty. Jefferson wrote that “a better man, than Rush, could not have left us,” extolling his benevolence, learning, genius and honesty. Adams replied with equal praise: He knew of no one, “living or dead,” who had “done more real good in America.” Writing to Rush’s son, Richard, Adams maintained that as a “benefactor” to his country, the doctor deserved greater recognition than even the celebrated polymath Benjamin Franklin.

Recommend TWO ways in which a person should approach conflict resolution in order to sustain health relationships. ​



Step 1

I seek to understand the other side before wanting to be understood.

Conflict resolution often goes in the wrong direction when people only focus on making the other side understand them.

If both sides only seek to be understood, there can’t be any constructive dialogue.

I try to tell the story of the conflict from the other side’s: What is their intention? What are their need/want? Where are they coming from?

**their = his or her.

Step 2

I identify the *real* Issues

Once I understand the other side, I can better assess what this conflict means to me:

I visualize the current state and the ideal situation. The gap between those two is the real issue. If there is no (foreseeable) gap for me, then there is no conflict for me.

But if there is a gap, I look for a pattern and the layers in the conflict. I ask why? at least 5 times to get to the core of the conflict.

Step 3

Seek the Win-Win situation

If I know what’s at the core of the issue and believe to have a good understanding of the other side, it’s now time to negotiate and find common ground.

My general approach to find the win-win situation is to kill the other side with kindness.

I first acknowledge their feelings and ask them if what I think they want is what they want. If I assessed the other side incorrectly, I listen and re-evaluate my understanding of their situation. If necessary, I apologize but never expected an apology in return.

In this negotiation I also make sure that I get what I want. The key to sustainable healthy relationships is to approach conflict resolution knowing and not loosing sight of exactly what you want. Please forget about ever resolving any issues with anyone if you don’t know what you want to get out of the interaction with other people.

At the end of the negotiation, I summarized what happened and reiterated what needs to happen in the future to avoid further conflict. If needed, I allow myself to be corrected. It’s very important for both sides to walk away feeling good about the conversation.

Step 4

Check and Adjust

Some conflicts might appeared solved, but as variables change, there might be new negotiations needed to re-adjust the win-win situation.

Also one must contemplate that not every conflict is meant to be solved because not every conflict has a real impact or because its resolution is not important to one of the sides.

It takes two to not only to tango but to create and resolve conflict.

The two ways in which a person should approach conflict resolution in order to sustain health relationships are:

Engage in discussions with the aggrieved partiesEncourage the reaching of compromise and a way of better understanding.

What is Conflict Resolution?

This refers to the reaching of a compromise between two or more parties who are in conflict so that their differences can be resolved.

With this in mind, in order to have a successful conflict resolution, we can encourage the two warring factions to engage in discussions and also to reach a compromise.

Read more about conflict resolution here:

H- HELP PLEASE How do you think your previous writing experience has helped you prepare for journalism? Be specific.



mine has helped me because I know how to write proper sentences now and I have just learned a whole bunch!!!!! :)


What is the short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme?

A. A list of line numbers

B. A series of capital letters

C. A brief description of how each line rhymes

D. A set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern​



I think it is c hope it helps

What is the best definition of the term


its c:) because i took this in middle school
It’s B. Imagery is a form of figurative language in what you imagine and can picture what you are hearing/reading.

Helppppppp pleaseeee



Credit history is a record of your ability to repay debts and demonstrated responsibility in repaying them. You will reap rewards for having a good credit history, such as being offered lower interest rates on mortgage loans and car insurance.


Which type of sentence is this? Belle is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years.





A compound-compex sentence is one that comprises more than one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. As you may already know, the dependent clauses are those that cannot send a message on their own, as they need a complement to make sense. The independent clauses, however, are the clauses that manage to send messages on their own.

In the question aciam we have an example of compound-compex sentence. That's because "Belle is a competitive horseback rider" is an independent clause, "she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games" is more of an independent clause, while "which are held every four years" is a dependent clause.

Which would qualify as a euphemism for the main topic of this passage, the spread of MDR-TB? A) the global pandemic B) the uncomfortable situation C) the potential health disaster Eliminate D) the dangerous global health threat





Euphemism is a statement that decreases the moral sadness so its B

The availability of larger and larger soft drinks at gas stations is an example of which principle of McDonaldization?




Hope this helps <3

Why does Zaroff think Rainsford is “droll” and “naïve”? (Paragraph 116) A. Zaroff thinks it’s foolish and old-fashioned that Rainsford values human life even after fighting in the war. B. Zaroff thinks it is childish and immature that Rainsford has never tried to kill another human. C. Zaroff judges Rainsford’s American culture because Rainsford feels a religious sense of responsibility. D. Insane Zaroff has been isolated on the island for too long and laughs madly at seeing Rainsford, another civilized man.




I got it right on the test.

Zaroff thinks Rainsford is “droll” and “naïve” as Zaroff thinks it’s foolish and old-fashioned that Rainsford values human life even after fighting in the war.  Thus the correct option is A.

Zaroff is surprised and amused by Rainsford's remark, saying, "You'll find this game worth playing... your opinion of me will fundamentally change... you'll find it droll..." I bet you'll abandon your concepts of decency... I have no qualms about destroying them."

Rainsford's belief in the value of human life, according to Zaroff, is outmoded and naive given the conditions, when killing humans is merely a game.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Zaroff, here:



Which relative or friend do you admire most? Why?


My Grandma because she’s the light of my life and knows how to make me feel better in any situation. Sometimes you just need to talk to 80 year old to understand life again.
The person I admire most in my family is my mother. Why? She is always there for me and never turns her back on me. She brought to me in this world and because of her, I came to this world. She loves me even when I disagree with her or do something wrong! Her love for me is unconditional and I have countless reasons to admire and love her the most.

Just make something up. It's for English



1. One important thing I've learned from virtual learning is how to manage my time.

2.Yes, I feel good about my progress because I've learned how much potential I have.

3. One thing that can help me is to try to be early on some work, as in getting it turned it earlier or doing extra work.


Answer:that Karens can’t keep there dang masks on and a lot more about history,

Yes over Quarantine I learned how to stay fit and love myself,if I got a week away from home because it’s just loud and cramped


Visual aids should compliment what the speaker is saying. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Answer:Visual Aids should compliment what the speaker is saying this is True


The given statement is true, that the Visual aids should compliment what the speaker is saying.

What are visual aids?

Visual aids are defined as one of the option in communication. This includes the communication by the medium of photos, graphs, video clips, and other visual components.

In addition to the written communication, visual ads give help to the written communication and that Visual aids should support the speaker's message.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

Learn more about the visual ads, refer to:



6 is 12 times as many as 2



yes?!?.... ....... . .....

Yes because if u multiply 6x2 it equals 12

According to Holling, why is being a Presbyterian now a disaster? *



Holling Hoodhood has to spend his Wednesday afternoons with Mrs. Baker, because he is not allowed to go to where the other students in his school have to go. Holling attends a school that is a mixture of Catholic and Jewish students. Holling is neither. On Wednesdays, the Jewish students go to Hebrew school and the Catholic students go to catechism.

"So being a Presbyterian was now a disaster. Especially on Wednesday afternoons when, at 1:45 sharp, half of my class went to Hebrew School at Temple Beth-El, and, at 1:55, the other half went to Catechism at Saint Adelbert's. This left behind just the Presbyterians. Of which there had been three, and now there was one.


Because Holling can't go with the Catholic students or the Jewish students, he has to spend the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. Baker. Holling and Mrs. Baker are not happy with the arrangement. For the first month or so Mrs. Baker makes Holling do menial tasks such as cleaning chalk erasers. Eventually she decides to teach Holling Shakespeare, and that begins a strong and long lasting bond between the two of them.

What is a monologue? What do you expect from a monologue given by a person like Jimmy Kimmel?



a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child's life. ... Jimmy Kimmel delivers a monologue about his son.


On the first day, Sarah_____________ some of her new teachers.








read them aloud, none would make sense but met


On the first day, Sarah met some of her new teachers.


Just try each of them and you see met fits.

Which of the following is NOT true about message sensitivity options?

Messages can be marked private.

Messages marked as private or confidential cannot be shared with others.

Recipients of messages do not have to respect your requests for privacy.

Not all email services provide options for email sensitivity.​



Pretty sure its D :']


In Selma, Alabama on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, state troopers described the protestors as an "unlawful assembly. An assembly is: *
The country
To be very serious/sincere
A large gathering of people
None of the above​



Recent weeks have produced a lifetime’s worth of haunting images. Some of them everyone has seen: black-clad “agents” hustling citizens into unmarked vans, “counterdemonstrators” with automatic weapons dogging Black Lives Matter protests. Others I have seen in person: on a recent trip to Portland, Oregon, groups of mothers marching in front of a federal courthouse to protect protesters who had been gassed and beaten during previous demonstrations; on a stroll through a neighborhood park in my small hometown of Eugene, Oregon, a dozen masked “security guards” with assault rifles offering protection to anti-police-violence protesters.

And the backdrop to all these sights is the indelible image of a flag-draped coffin bearing the body of Representative John Lewis on his final trip—this one over a path strewn with rose petals—across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in Selma, Alabama.

Lewis’s cortege recalled a scene from half a century ago—one that echoed strangely amid the alarms and cries of this haunted July.

Adam Serwer: John Lewis was an American founder

On Sunday, March 7, 1965, Lewis and Hosea Williams led a peaceful crowd of some 600 marchers across

It requires all "_______s" to comply with the rules, but the definition
of creditor is very broad, and includes "businesses or organizations
that regularly provide goods and services first and allow customers
to pay later," according to a Frequently Asked Questions guide
prepared by the Federal Trade Commission, which will enforce the
Source: Inc
O. occupant
O. degenerate
O. adherent
O. creditor


I’d say it’s probably “creditor” since it talks about the definition of creditor

confused need help!!



the answer is D  tyranny is like a king, An example of tyranny is a country run by a cruel dictator.


Hi, can u help me pls ?​



7. b) Amtrak

8. a) The Apprentice

9. c) California

10. b) White House

11. c) absentee

12. a) Mike Pence

13. b) Kamala Harris

14. c) 18

15. a) POTUS


What is the sentence in which all letters from A-Z come?


the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog :)

How does the appearance of the handkerchief effect Othello?​



The handkerchief initially is a gift given to Desdemona by Othello as a love token. It is subsequently symbolically transformed into Desdemona's bedsheets, which she uses to reveal her true innocence and fidelity to Othello; and finally, Desdemona requests that the bedsheets be used to cover her as a death shroud.


The handkerchief initially is a gift given to Desdemona by Othello as a love token. It is subsequently symbolically transformed into Desdemona's bedsheets, which she uses to reveal her true innocence and fidelity to Othello; and finally, Desdemona requests that the bedsheets be used to cover her as a death shroud.

can someone make me a short informative essay ASAP please:(( I'll mark you as the bbrainliest if can do that​



it is said the "Student life is golden life" because student life is the most important part of human life. It is the period of pure joy and happiness because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown up life. In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is called the formative period of human life. Ever student should try his best to make the best use of his student life the primary duty of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge. He must do all his work at the right moment and maintain punctuality and discipline, he must remember that if a student becomes successful in his career and his character. It is built on a sound basic he will be able to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and countries  student should spend most of his time of this golden period in reading and learning a good student never waste his time fixed for reading uselessly but he must not be a bookworm being always engaged in his studies he should also be careful about his health and spend more time daily in some sports and games he should try to develop his body and mind at the same time as a student he must try to develop his intellect he should also try to Acquire some good qualities like Obediences, dutifulness, and respect elders and love and sympathy for fellow man is the society the duty of a student is to obey his parents and teachers and respect the elders of the society students are the future hope of the country so every student should try to be the best citizen in all respect so that he may serve his country as far as he can.


what element of an original work can be changed in an adaptation?





the setting and work of the story can change but the theme should remain the same in order to be changed in an adaptation

Can someone recommend good Japanese names with a last name if you can and also with meanings as well? Thank you for your work!~


Answer: Kaeru, its the name of my stuffed frog, it means frog


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