If today is Monday and it is a 1st Quarter moon, what phase will it
be on Thursday?


Answer 1


Wanning gibouss 56%


Answer 2
Waning gibbous ... I’m sadly doing this too it’s difficult but it gets easy

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an atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the ___ of that element


an atom is the smallest unit of a pure substance or element that can exist and still retain the properties of the original substance or element

How have scientists discovered the structure of atoms?
a.By looking at them under a microscope
b. By running experiments that expose their properties
c. By examining only the largest atoms.
d. Bysplitting them apart.



Explanation:Well most scientists used microscopes but they also looked at bigger ones so the answer would be “by running experiments that expose there properties”

what is in veins and artery



the veins and arteries are the things that distribute blood throughout your body. There was a lot more blood in the arteries, that's making them very important and should not be cut ever. Veins on the other hand can be cut but you should still not cut them to begin with as if to not lose any blood. They distribute blood throughout your body that comes from your heart and helps muscles skeletal another systems of your body work.

Blood? I’m not 100% though

How many moles of gas are contained in 890.0 mL at 21.0 at C degrees and 750.0 mm Hg pressure?



There are 0.0364⋅mol


Lithium forms ions with a charge of lt Oxygen forms ions with a charge of 2- in the ionic compound lithium oxide, how many
atoms of lithium will there be if there is 1 atom of oxygen?



There are 2 lithium atoms in the ionic compound lithium oxide, Li₂O


The charge of ions formed by lithium = 1⁺

The charge of ions formed by oxygen = 2⁻

In the ionic compound lithium oxide having 1 atom of oxygen, we have;

For the compound to be electronically neutral, the sum of the charges of the atoms in the ionic compound is zero

The charge of 1 atom of oxygen in the lithium oxide compound + The charge of the 'n' number of lithium atoms in the lithium oxide compound = 0

∴ 2⁻ + n × 1⁺ = 0

n × 1⁺ = 0 - 2⁻ = 2⁺

n = 2⁺/(1⁺) = 2

n = 2

The number of lithium atoms in the lithium oxide compound, n = 2

Therefore, there are two lithium atoms in the ionic lithium oxide (Li₂O) compound


Select all that apply!

The emission of a Beta particle has the effect of:

a change in mass of an electron emitted from the nucleus
decreasing mass by one unit
increasing mass by one unit
adding a proton to the nucleus
converting 1 neutron to 1 electron and 1 proton


the answer is “decreasing mass by one unit”

For the reaction 2h2+o2>h20, how many grams of water are produced from 70 grams of hydrogen




firstly the equation has to be balanced. 2H2+o2>2H2o.

finding the mole of hydrogen?

mole = 70/2 which is equal to 35 mole of hydrogen.

35 mole of hydrogen is equal to the mole of water.

finding the mass of water=?


mass= 35*18=630g of water

b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers
b. How many molecules are in 1 mole of
c. What is the name given to the number of
molecules in 1 mole?
21. a. What is the molar mass of an element?
b. Write the molar mass rounded to two
decimal places of carbon, neon, iron and



b. What useful functions do oxidation numbers  serve?

It is used to show oxidation and reduction (loss and gain of electrons)

b. How many molecules are in 1 mole of  molecules?

1 mole = 6.022 * 10^23 molecules

c. What is the name given to the number of  molecules in 1 mole?

Avogadro's Number of molecules

21. a. What is the molar mass of an element?

This is the mass of an element divided by the number of moles.

Molar mass = Mass / Number of moles

b. Write the molar mass rounded to two  decimal places of carbon, neon, iron and  uranium.

amu = Atomic Mass Unit

Carbon = 12.01 amu

Neon = 20.18 amu

Iron = 55.85 amu

Uranium = 238.03 amu

As the moon orbits the ______________, its gravitational pull is______________ on the side of the earth closest to the ______________.This ______________ force pulls on the water facing the moon,creating a ______________. The moon also ______________ on the solidearth, causing the water on the far side of earth to ______________as well. These bulges in the water are the ______________.The areas in between the close and far side of the earth which are not in ______________ with the moon experience ______________.

pls help i give brainlyest












Low Tide

According to Banquo, the King "Sent forth great largess to your offices." What
gift does King Duncan bring for Lady Macbeth?





The answer is gotten from Act 2, Scene 1 of the play by Shakespeare titled "Macbeth". In this scene, we see that Banquo met Macbeth late in the night where they had a profound conversation about the gift of diamond which king Duncan had given to Banquo to deliver to Macbeth.

The molar mass of two equally sized samples of unknown gaseous compounds is shown in the table. Molar Mass Comparison Gas Molar Mass A 17 g/mol B 36.5 g/mol Which statement describes the density and diffusion of both gases at STP? Gas A has a higher density and diffuses faster than Gas B. Gas A has a higher density and diffuses slower than Gas B. Gas A has a lower density and diffuses faster than Gas B Gas A has a lower density and diffuses slower than Gas B.



Effusion  is the process of a gas being poured out through a hole diametrically smaller than the structural exit of the container.

A lighter gas effuses faster than a heavier gas.

Thus gas A has a lower density and effuses slower than Gas B.


The gas with a lower molar mass will have a lower density and diffuses at a slower rate. Thus gas A has a lower density than gas B and diffuses slower than gas B.

Three points should be noted here;

The density of any substance is related to the molar mass.[tex]D=M/V[/tex], where [tex]D[/tex] is the density, [tex]M[/tex] is the mass and [tex]V[/tex] is the volume of the substance.The density of the gas is directly proportional to the molar mass of the gas.

Hence the gas A has lower density and the gas B has higher density as the molar mass of A is [tex]17 g/mol[/tex] and of B is [tex]36.5 g/mol[/tex].

About Diffusion please note the below points;

Diffusion is the process of movement of a substance from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower concentration.The gas with a smaller mass will diffuse slower in rate than the gas with a higher mass.

Hence the gas A diffuses slower in rate than gas B.

Thus the correct answer is "Gas A has a lower density and diffuses slower than Gas B".

Learn more about the density of gas here: https://brainly.in/questions/16376906

How are chemical equations balanced?


Use coefficients of products and reactants to balance the number of atoms of an element on both sides of a chemical equation.

a 31 g sample of a compound that contained only


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

A 31 g sample of a compound that contains only the elements C,H and N is completely burned in O2 to produce 44.0 g of CO2, 45.0 g of H2O, and 92.0 g of NO2. Determine the empirical formula of the compound.




Mass of C = 44.0g/44.0 g/mol = 1 mol * 1 = 1 mole of C

Mass of H = 45.0 g/18 g/mol = 2.5 moles * 2  = 5 moles of H

Mass of N = 92.0 g/46 g/mol = 2 moles * 1 = 2  moles of N

Dividing through by the lowest mole ratio;

1/1, 5/1, 2/1

1 : 5 : 2

Hence the empirical formula is;


Oxidation numbers of oxygen in H2PO4 and H2O2 is_____ respectively



-2 , -1



+1 × 2 + +5 + 4 ×O=-1

7+ 4O =-1

4O= -8

O = -2


+1 × 2 +2 x O =0

2 + 2O=0

O= -1

(As the oxidation number of Hydrogen is +1 , and we have 2 hydrogen atoms so we multiply by 2 , while the oxidation number of P is +5 in this equation, also the compound as a whole equals -1 , then we do the steps as followed)

(while the other compound as a whole equals zero , and doing steps as followed)

*if anything is unclear send me a message*

True or false: Equal but opposite forces pushing on the same object produce a net force of zero on the object.





the answer is true hope it helps

Question: why do astronauts wear organge suits vs white suits

Full answer please..


Astronauts are found wearing orange-colored Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES) while the space shuttle is ascending or entering into space. This peculiar shade of orange known as “International Orange” was chosen for safety as it is highly visible against any kind of landscape, especially in the sea.

4 Hydrogen has three naturally occurring isotopes. H.1, H-2, and H-3 The atomie mass of Hydrogen is 1.097 Which isotope is most abundant in nature? Explain​



The number following the name of the element is the number of subatomic particles inside the nucleus of the atom. This means that it is the mass number of the isotope. The average atomic mass of the element is the sum of the products of the percentage abundance and mass number of the naturally occurring isotopes.

Since, the average atomic mass of the hydrogen is nearest to 1 then, the most abundant isotope should be hydrogen-1.

The faster rate of reaction was caused by using a higher temperature. Explain, in terms of particles, why a higher temperature causes a faster rate of reaction.



Increasing the temperature a reaction takes place at increases the rate of reaction. At higher temperatures, particles can collide more often and with more energy, which makes the reaction take place more quickly.


Which type of reaction occurs in the following?

2HgO(s) Right arrow. 2Hg(l) + O2(g)
a decomposition reaction in which a metal is reduced
an acid-base neutralization reaction to produce oxygen gas
a displacement reaction involving two metals
a combustion reaction involving burning a metal in oxygen





the reactants turn into two different products, thus the reaction is decomposition.

AB -> A + B


A: a decomposition reaction in which a metal is reduced


HgO is actually the metal Mercury and in the equation Mercury is being decomposed into the elements Hg and O. (the element for Mercury and Oxygen) So the equation they give you is a decomposition.

the symbol between two reactants in a chemical equation?


It’s an addition sign since two things reacting means to add them up (mix them together)

Hope this helps!!

Identify the shape below:



linear angleee


lol i dont know what to put here


B) Bent

There are a lot of types of bents but this one is linear bent.

Which blocks will move under these conditions and explain



Correct: B


The first block wont move because:


The second block will move because:

Σf:5-3=2N (direction to the right).

The third block will move because:

Σf=3N (direction to the right).

At equilibrium at 2500K, [HCl]=0.0625M and [H2]=[Cl2]=0.00450M for the reaction H2+Cl2 ⇌ HCl.
a. Determine the balanced equation and write the equilibrium expression
b. Determine the K eq
c. Will this process favor the reactants or products at equilibrium?



a. [tex]H_2+Cl_2 \rightleftharpoons 2HCl[/tex]

b. K = 192.9

c. Products are favored.



a. In this case, according to the unbalanced chemical reaction we need to balance HCl as shown below:

[tex]H_2+Cl_2 \rightleftharpoons 2HCl[/tex]

In order to reach 2 hydrogen and chlorine atoms at both sides.

b. Here, given the concentrations at equilibrium and the following equilibrium expression, we have:


Therefore, we plug in the data to obtain:


c. Finally, we infer that since K>>1 the forward reaction towards products is favored.

Best regards!

which substance will evaporate first???????????????????



I think it would be a liquid.


If the temperature hits a certain point, it will turn to ice. If the ice gets exposed to heat, it will melt and return back to it's natural form, a lqiuid. If the liquid is exposed to enough heat, it will evaporate. Not sure if this is right, but I tried my best!  

What is a free body diagram? what is it used for?



A free body diagram is used to calculate static and dynamic forces acting on an object. In other words, a free body diagram is the starting point to develop a mathematical model to find and calculate various forces acting on a body.


CH4 and CO₂ are the chemical formulas for:



CH4 = Methane

CO2 = Carbon dioxide

Hope this Helps!!Hope this Helps!!:)

There are two types of chemical compound one is covalent compound and another is ionic compound in chemistry. In ionic bonds, electrons are completely transferred. Therefore, the name of CH[tex]_4[/tex]  and CO[tex]_2[/tex]  are Methane and Carbon dioxide respectively.

What is chemical Compound?

Chemical Compound is a combination of molecule, Molecule forms by combination of element and element forms by combination of atoms in fixed proportion.

Covalent compounds are formed by covalent bond and ionic compounds are formed by ionic bond. Covalent bond is formed by sharing of electron and ionic bond are formed by complete transfer of electron. Ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds. The melting and boiling points are higher in ionic compounds.

chemical formula                                      Chemical name

CH[tex]_4[/tex]                                                           Methane

CO[tex]_2[/tex]                                                      Carbon dioxide

Therefore, the name of CH[tex]_4[/tex]  and CO[tex]_2[/tex]  are Methane and  Carbon dioxide respectively.

To learn more about chemical compound, here:



What are the reactants in the following equation; NaOH + HCI --> NaCl + H2O
a)NaOH and HCI
b)HCI and H20
c) NaOH and NaCl
d)HCI and water​


The reactants are a) NaOh and HCl because they are on the left side of the equation/arrow :)

true or false, the special olympics started as a backyard summer camp?





hope this helps:)))

Name the following compound:

CH2 ≡ CH2




Answer is A. Ethyl.........


D. ethane


2. Describe how a cold front affects weather.



Cold fronts can produce dramatic changes in the weather.  

Explanation: They move fast, up to twice as fast as a warm front. As a cold front moves into an area, the heavier (more dense) cool air pushes under the lighter (less dense) warm air, causing it to rise up into the troposphere.


the person above is correct


just to confirm it

hope th8s helps!

have a good day :)

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