What is the slope of the lines

What Is The Slope Of The Lines


Answer 1

Answer: the slope of the line is 2 or 2/1

Step-by-step explanation:

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First person to answer gets a Brainilest!!!Solve this math questions of the picture.


Answer: S wanted points I

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help with question 1.



reflection over the y-axistranslation left 4, down 3

Step-by-step explanation:

You want two transformations that will map segment AB to segment A"B", where the points are A(1, 1), B(5, 3), A"(-5, -2), B"(-9, 0).


We notice that the difference B-A is (5 -1, 3 -1) = (4, 2), and the difference B"-A" is (-9 -(-5), 0 -(-2)) = (-4, 2). These values have the same magnitudes, so we know no dilation is involved. The sign of the x direction of the segment has been reversed, which means the segment has been reflected horizontally. (B" is left of A", where B is right of A.)

Reflection over any vertical line will do, but the simplest is reflection over the y-axis.

The first transformation can be reflection over the y-axis.


The reflected line segment will be ...

  (x, y) ⇒ (-x, y)

  A(1, 1) ⇒ A'(-1, 1)

  B(5, 3) ⇒ B'(-5, 3)

The value that must be added to A' to move it to A" is ...

  A" -A' = (-5, -2) -(-1, 1) = (-5 -(-1), -2-1) = (-4, -3) . . . . . . left 4, down 3

Similarly, the value that must be added to B' to move it to B" is ...

  B" -B' = (-9, 0) -(-5, 3) = (-9 -(-5), 0 -3) = (-4, -3) . . . . . . left 4, down 3

That is, the entire segment A'B' can be moved to A"B" by a translation left 4 and down 3.

The second transformation can be translation left 4 and down 3.


Additional comment

The translation left could be accomplished by reflection over the line x = -2 instead of the y-axis.

The movement of the line segment could be accomplished in one transformation by rotation 126.87° clockwise about the point (-1.25, -2). The exact angle is arctan(-4/3) in the second quadrant.

A = {red, blue, green, yellow, orange} B = {pink, blue, purple, yellow, green} Find A ⋂ B.


According to the given sets, A ⋂ B = {blue, green, yellow}.

What are sets?

A set contains elements or members that can be mathematical objects of any kind, including numbers, symbols, points in space, lines, other geometric shapes, variables, or even other sets.

A set is a mathematical model for a collection of various things.

A ⋂ B:

A set called an intersection B has components that are found in both sets A and B.

The intersection of sets A and B is shown by the symbol, which is interpreted as "An intersection B" and written as A⋂B.

The set of components shared by all sets is the intersection of two or more sets.

So, we have:

A = {red, blue, green, yellow, orange}

B = {pink, blue, purple, yellow, green}

A ⋂ B which means common elements:

A ⋂ B = {blue, green, yellow}

Therefore, according to the given sets, A ⋂ B = {blue, green, yellow}.

Know more about sets here:



A social security number contains nine digits, such as 952-56-7606. How many different social security numbers can be formed?


First spot: 9 choices (0-9)

Second spot: 9 choices (0-9)

Third spot: 9 choices (0-9)




Ninth spot: 9 choices (0-9)

There are 9 choices for each digit, meaning we need to compute 9^9 to figure out how many possible social security numbers there are.


9^9 = 387420489 possible social security numbers

There are 20 cards labeled from 1 to 20 in a bag. A card is randomly selected from the bag.

What is the probability of getting an even number or a 1?


The probability of getting an even number or a 1 is 11/20

What is probability?

Simply put, probability measures how probable something is to occur. We can discuss the probabilities of various outcomes, or how likely they are, whenever we are unsure of how an event will turn out. Statistics is the study of events subject to probability.

Given that there are 20 cards numbers 1,2... 20.

A card is randomly drawn.

We have to find the probability of drawing either 1 or even card.

P(drawing even card) = no of even cards/total cards = 10/20= 0.5

P(drawing one) = no of 1's/total cards = 1/20 = 0.05

P(drawing both one and even card) = 0 (since impossible)

Hence P(drawing even or one) =0.5+0.05-0


= 11/20

To learn more about the probability from the given link



Brody runs a farm stand that sells strawberries and grapes. Each pound of strawberries sells for $2.50 and each pound of grapes sells for $2. Brody made $160 from selling a total of 72 pounds of strawberries and grapes. Graphically solve a system of equations in order to determine the number of pounds of strawberries sold, x,x, and the number of pounds of grapes sold, yy.


The number of pounds of strawberries sold and the number of pounds of grapes sold is 32 and 20 respectively.

What is equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side. It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Given that the selling price of strawberries each pound = $2.50,

The selling price of grapes each pound = $2

The total earning = $160

Let x is the no of a pound of strawberries and y is the no of a pound of grapes sold, then equation will be,

x = y + 12 and 2.50x + 2y= 160

Solve the equation by substitution method;

x = 32 and  y = 20

Therefore, the number of pounds of strawberries sold is 32

the number of pounds of grapes sold is 20.

To know more about equation:



Which two values of x are roots of the polynomial below?
x^2+ 5x + 9


The two values of x that are roots of the polynomial are:

x = -5 + i√11/2

x = -5 - i√11/2

What is a polynomial?

Polynomial is an equation written as the sum of terms of the form kx^n.

where k and n are positive integers.

We have,

x² + 5x + 9 = 0

It is in the form of ax² + bx + c

a = 1

b = 5
c = 9

Using the determinant.

x = -b ± √(b² - 4ac) / 2a

x = -5 ± √(25 - 36) / 2

x = -5 ± √-11 / 2

x = -5 ± i√11/2

Where i = √-1


The roots of the polynomial are:

x = -5 + i√11/2 and x = -5 - i√11/2

Learn more about polynomials here:



Shana makes a 3 gallon batch of lemonade. Each 1 gallon batch requires 2.5 pints of fresh lemon juice. How many cups of lemon juice will Shana need for 3 batches?


For a 3 gallon batch she will need 7.5 pints of lemonade

For 3 batches of the 3 gallon batch she will need 22.5 pints of lemonade

Sorry I didn’t know which one you wanted

Here are yesterday's high temperatures (in Fahrenheit) in 13 U.S. cities.
50, 51, 55, 55, 59, 59, 64, 67, 67, 74, 77, 78, 80
Notice that the temperatures are ordered from least to greatest.
Give the five-number summary and the interquartile range for the data set.
Five-number summary
Lower quartile:
Upper quartile:
Interquartile range:



To find the five-number summary for a set of data, we need to find the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum of the data. To find the interquartile range, we subtract the first quartile from the third quartile.

The minimum temperature in the list is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The maximum temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit. To find the median, we need to first find the middle value in the list. Since there are 13 temperatures in the list, the middle value is the seventh temperature, which is 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

To find the first and third quartiles, we need to divide the list into two halves at the median. The first half of the list contains the first six temperatures, and the second half contains the last six temperatures. The median of the first half of the list is the average of the third and fourth temperatures, which is 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The median of the second half of the list is the average of the sixth and seventh temperatures, which is 61.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, the five-number summary for this data set is:

Minimum: 50

Lower quartile: 55

Median: 64

Upper quartile: 61.5

Maximum: 80

The interquartile range is the difference between the upper and lower quartiles, which is 61.5 - 55 = 6.5.

Ivanna is draining an aquarium. The graph shows the amount of water (in liters) in the aquarium versus time (in minutes).
(a) At what time does the amount of water in the aquarium reach 0 liters?
(b) Choose the statement that best describes how the time and amount of water are related. Then fill in the blank.

As time increases, the amount of water in the aquarium decreases.
At what rate is the amount of water decreasing?
liters per minute
As time increases, the amount of water in the aquarium increases.
At what rate is the amount of water increasing?
liters per minute


A linear function gives us the following:

a) At 0 seconds, there are 300 liters of water in the aquarium.

b) The amount of water is losing volume at a rate of 60 liters per minute as time goes on.


Linear function;-

Modeling a linear function involves:

y = ax + b

That where:

The rate of change, or a, is the slope, or how much y changes when x changes by one.B is the y-intercept, which is also known as the function's starting point and is the value of y at x = 0.

The y-intercept in this problem is 300, hence 300 liters of water are present in the tank at 0 seconds.

The quantity drops by 60 liters each minute, so:

Water is losing volume at a rate of 60 liters per minute as time goes on.

Learn more about linear functions here;



10. en Vision STEM Sound travels in
waves. In dry air at 20° Celsius, sound
travels about 343 meters in one second
How many meters will sound travel in
7 seconds?


In 2401  meters will sound travel in 7 seconds if In dry air at 20° Celsius, sound travels about 343 meters in one second.

Define distance.

The length of the line connecting two places represents the distance between them. Subtracting the different coordinates will reveal the distance if the two points are on the same horizontal or vertical line. Distance is the sum of an object's movements, regardless of direction. Distance can be defined as the amount of space an object has covered, regardless of its starting or ending position.


Speed = 343 m

Time = 7 seconds

For distance,

Distance = Time × Speed

Distance = 343 × 7

Distance = 2401

In 2401 meters sound will travel in 7 seconds if In dry air at 20° Celsius, sound travels about 343 meters in one second.

To learn more about distance, visit:



use implicit differeniation to find dy/dx x^2+xy+y^2+1=0


The differentiation of the given function x² + xy + y² + 1 = 0 will be 2x + y + dy/dx(x + 2y) = 0.

What is the rate of change?

The rate of change is the change of a quantity over 1 unit of another quantity.

Most of the time the rate of change is the change with respect to time.

As per the given,

x² + xy + y² + 1 = 0

Take the first derivative on both sides with respect to x as,

d/dx(x² + xy + y² + 1) = d/dx(0)

2x + xdy/dx + ydx/dx + 2ydy/dx + 0 = 0

2x + x(dy/dx) + y + 2y (dy/dx) = 0

2x + y + dy/dx(x + 2y) = 0

Hence "The provided function x2 + xy + y2 + 1 = 0 will be differentiated as 2x + y + dy/dx(x + 2y) = 0.".

To learn more about the rate of change here,



Gianna is taking a walking tour in her city. the entire tour is 10 1/10 kilometers long. According to an app on her phone, Gianna's average walking rate is 1.6 meters per second.

Part (A) How many meters does Gianna walk each hour?

Part (B) How many kilometers does Gianna walk each hour?


The distances travelled in each hour for both part are given as 5760 m and 5.76 km respectively.

What is the application ratio and proportion?

A ratio is the relation between two numbers as a / b. A proportion is the equality of two ratios as a / b = c / d.

Ratio and proportion can be applied to solve Mathematical problems dealing with unit values of the quantities.

The given problem can be solved by ratio method as follows,

(A)  The average walking rate is 1.6 m/s

The speed in meter per hour is calculated as,

1 second = 1/3600 hour

Take the ratio of 1.6 and 1/3600 as follows,

1.6 ÷ 1/3600

= 3600 × 1.6

= 5760

(B) The average walking rate is 1.6 m/s

It implies that 1.6 m in 1 second.

Now, 1 m = 1/1000 km

=> 1.6 m = 1.6/1000 km

And, 1 second = 1/3600 hour

Thus, the distance travelled in kilometer per hour can be evaluated by taking the ratio as follows,

1.6/1000 ÷  1/3600

= (3600 × 1.6)/1000

= 5.76

Hence, the distances travelled per hour in meter and kilometer are given as 5760 m and 5.76 km respectively.


To know more about ratio and proportion click on,



What is the geometric mean of 7 and 12? 09.5




Step-by-step explanation:

formula for Geometric mean is

b = √a × √c

a = 7 and c = 12

b = √ 7×12

b = √84

b = 9.16

dont forget to rate as brainliest

I need help with my math homework


This is so easy. Enjoy it while you can.
1. 9x5 = 45
2. 10x3 = 30
3. 7x6 = 42
4. 6x4 = 24

5) An 8-inch dinner knife is sitting on a circular plate so that its ends are on the edge of the plate. If the central angle made by the knife measures 120°, what is the diameter of the plate? Show all work.
6) If the area of a circumscribed square is 324 square feet, then


The diameter of the plate. show all work. will be 9.24 inches. The diameter is double of the hypotenuse.

What is the diameter?

A diameter is a line that travels through the center of an object and intersects the circumference at opposing ends. It measures twice as long as the object's radius.

The radius of the circle becomes the hypotenuse when a right triangle is formed by joining the edge of the knife to the center of the circle and the center of the knife to the center of the circle.

With the help of the trigonometric function, the value of the hypotenuse is found as;

sin60 = 8/h

h = 4.62 inches

The diameter of the plate is double the hypotenuse in the given figure;

D = 2 X h

D = 2 X 4.6

D = 9.8

To learn more about the diameter



Sarah made a floral arrangement with 60% roses. If there were a total of 25 flowers in the arrangement, how many roses?



Step-by-step explanation:

turn percentage into decimal :

60/100 = 0.6

Then times it by how many flowers there are :

0.6×25 = 15

And your answer should be 15.

Which of the following terms are equivalent to the slope in a proportional relationship? Select all that apply.
a.) Constant Rate of Change
b.) origin
c.) Change in y / Change in x
d.) rise/run
e.) inverse



a.) Constant Rate of Change - yes

b.) origin - yes

c.) Change in y / Change in x - yes

d.) rise/run - yes

e.) inverse - Not apply

What is the difference between rate of change and slope coefficient?

The terms rate of change, gradient, slope coefficient, and rise over run are all equivalent to the slope in a proportional relationship. The slope of a line describes the rate at which a variable changes in relation to another variable. Rate of change is the same concept, but it is more general and can be applied to any relationship, not just linear. Gradient is another term for the slope of a line, which is the change in one variable compared to the change in another variable. Slope coefficient is a mathematical term for the slope of a line, which is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change. Rise over run is another term for the slope of a line, which describes the rate of change by measuring the vertical change (rise) over the horizontal change (run). All of these terms describe the same concept, which is the rate of change in a proportional relationship.

To learn more about rate of change refer to:



Professor Conner recorded a base hit 2 times in his 11 at bats. He is not happy about this. What percentage of the time will he record a base hit?
Round to the nearest whole number.
Remember: this is a percentage, not a proportion. Just type the number. You do not need to type the percentage sign.


Percentage of the time will he record a base hit is 18.

To find the percentage of times that Professor Conner recorded a base hit, you need to divide the number of times he recorded a base hit by the total number of at bats, and then multiply by 100%.

In this case, the percentage of times that Professor Conner recorded a base hit would be

= (2 base hits / 11 at bats) * 100%

= 18.2%.

After Rounding off to nearest whole number it becomes 18%.

What is a Base Hit?

A fair ball hit in such a way that the hitter can reach a base safely without a fielding error by the other side.

To know more about base hit visit: https://brainly.com/question/23480430


Percentage of the time will he record a base hit is 18.

To find the percentage of times that Professor Conner recorded a base hit, you need to divide the number of times he recorded a base hit by the total number of at bats, and then multiply by 100%.

In this case, the percentage of times that Professor Conner recorded a base hit would be

= (2 base hits / 11 at bats) * 100%

= 18.2%.

After Rounding off to nearest whole number it becomes 18%.

What is a Base Hit?

A fair ball hit in such a way that the hitter can reach a base safely without a fielding error by the other side.

To know more about Percentage hit visit:



8. Jay pays a flat fee each month for basic cable service. He also pays $ 3.50 for each movie he orders during the month. Last month, he ordered 5 movies and his total bill came to $ 54.
a. Write an equation in point-slope form that b. What is the monthly flat fee Jay pays represents the total bill, y, in terms of the number each month? of movies, x Then simplify it to slope-intercept form.
c. Next month, Jay plans to order 7 movies.
d. This month, Jay's total bill is $ 78.50.
What will be his total bill for the month?
How many movies did he order this month?




Step-by-step explanation:

Let the total bill be y

and let the number of movies be x

let the flat fee be f

given that he pays $3.5 per movie

and his total bill is  $54

The expression is given bellow for his total bill


For 5 movies his total bill is $54





Therefore the flat fee is $36.5

27 km equals about how many miles?


27 kilometers to miles

1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles

27 kilometers * 0.621371 miles = [tex]\fbox{16.777 miles}[/tex]

Help please, what is the slope and y intercept


slpoe is -1/2 and y-intercept is 2

this is serious pls help ASAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP its due in 25 mins




Step-by-step explanation:

11^4 = 11 × 11 × 11 × 11 = 121 × 11 × 11 = 1331 × 11 = 14,641



Step-by-step explanation:

10^4 = 10000

11^4 > 10 ^4 so A is the answer

If the perimeter of a trapezium is 68cm, its non -parallel sides are equal to 12cm each and its altitude is 4cm. The area of the trapezium is​



88 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of trapezium = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex](a + b)h

12 * 2 = 24

68 -24 = 44

44 is (a + b) as they are the sum of the parallel sides of the trapezium.

h (altitude) = 4

[tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex](44)(4) = 88 cm²


88 cm², hope it helps.

You are shown TUV below whose measure is 76°. Draw an angle bisector of
LTUV by clicking a dragging a ray out from the vertex at U.
Click and drag to draw a ray from the yellow dot.
To redraw, click and drag from the yellow dot again.
m/TUV = 76⁰


The bisector of the angle TUV is attached below.

What is an angle?

In Euclidean geometry, an angle is the shape created by two rays that share a terminus and are referred to as the angle's sides and vertices, respectively. Angles created by two rays are in the plane where the rays are located. The meeting of two planes also creates angles. We refer to these as dihedral angles.

The steps to draw a bisector of an angle:

1) Cross both rays with an arc. Place the compass point at the vertex of the angle after opening it to any width. Swing the compass so the pencil creates an arc that spans the angle's two rays.

2) Make a vertical arc inside. Place the compass such that the point is at the spot where the first ray and the first arc connect. Swing the compass to create an arc that fits inside the angle.

3) To intersect the first interior arc, draw a second interior arc. Move the point to the spot where the first arc crosses the second ray without altering the compass's breadth. Draw an internal arc by swinging the compass and intersecting it with the initial interior arc you drew.

4) From the vertex to the spot where the arcs meet, draw a line. To make sure the line is exact, use a straightedge. This line cuts the angle in half.

To learn more about bisector, click on below link:



For the following set of data, find the percentage of data within 1
population standard deviation of the mean, to the nearest percent.
58, 58, 50, 64, 59, 62, 58


The percentage of data within 1 population standard deviation of the mean, to the nearest percent is; 71%

How to find the mean and standard deviation?

The mean of a data sample is defined as the average of that data sample. The formula for the mean is;

μ= ∑x/n


μ = (58 + 58 + 50 + 64 + 59 + 62 + 58)/7

μ = 409/7

μ =  58.429

The standard deviation is defined as a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. It is gotten from the formula;

σ = √[Σ(xi - μ)²/N]

Solving this with a standard deviation calculator gives;

σ = 4.065

Thus, 1 standard deviation from the mean is;

58.429 ± 1(4.065)

= (54.364, 62.494)

The values that fall in this range from the given data set are;

58, 58, 59, 62, 58

They are 5 in number out of 7 and so the percentage = (5/7) * 100%

= 71.43%

Read more about mean and standard deviation at; https://brainly.com/question/26941429


Lupe says that the product
of 4 and any number is even.
Does her statement make
sense? Explain.



I'm not to sure what the answer is

Lupe's statement seems quite fair

When multiplied by 4, any number's pair

An even product will be produced

By this rule, we are not reduced

For example, take the number 6

Multiply it by 4, and what do you get?

The answer is 24, a multiple of 2

This confirms Lupe's statement is true

In conclusion, Lupe's statement rings true

It makes perfect sense, through and through

The product of 4 and any number

Will always be an even number.

6(3w-4y) please help




Step-by-step explanation:




One number is 5 more than twice another and their sum is 23. Find the numbers.


The value of the numbers 'x' and 'y' will be 6 and 17, respectively.

What is the solution to the equation?

The allocation of weights to the important variables that produce the calculation's optimum is referred to as a direct consequence.

One number is 5 more than twice another and their sum is 23.

Let the two numbers be 'x' and 'y'. Then the equations are given as,

y = 2x + 5            ...1

x + y = 23           ...2

From equations 1 and 2, then we have

x + 2x + 5 = 23

3x + 5 = 23

3x = 23 - 5

3x = 18

x = 6

Then the value of the variable 'y' will be given as,

6 + y = 23

y = 23 - 6

y = 17

The value of the numbers 'x' and 'y' will be 6 and 17, respectively.

More about the solution of the equation link is given below.



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