what is the sign of thawing freezing In frozen food delivery


Answer 1

Answer: Frozen food packaging has ice crystals.

Explanation:  Ice crystals indicate that the food has warmed and then refrozen. Water in the bottom of packages or staining from water on packages. This can indicate that the food started to thaw during transportation.

Related Questions

A dental assistant tells her friends that a hygienist she works with has a drinking
problem. If this is not true, the assistant could be guilty of:

a) Slandeling

b) Malpractice

c) Battery

d) Libel


The answer would be A

Need help fast!
Select the skill related component of fitness which is defined as the ability to move your body, or a part of it, as quickly as possible. (2 points)
O Balance
O Coordination
O Power
O Speed


Answer: speed

Explanation: move fast = speed


Most likely speed.


Since it is talking about moving “as quickly as possible” this would likely be the answer. Answers to do with balance could include examples such as having to stand on one foot. Coordination might use examples like throwing a ball and catching it. Power would likely use a key word such as force.

How many miles do you swim in an Ironman 70.3 race?


The 70.3 refers to the total of distance in miles (113.0KM) covered in the race,consisting of a 1.2-mile (1.9 KM) swim,a 56-mile (90km) bike ride,and a 13.1- mile (21.1 KM) run.each distance of swim,bike,run segments if half the distance of that segment in an ironman triathlon

You are applying for a job as a receptionist at a health club. Which of your personal
skills would you want to list in the “skills” section of your resume?

a) Applying hot and cold applications

b) Completing insurance forms

c) Proficient using Word, Access and Excel

d) Skilled player of basketball alund softball


The answer would be c.
A) is the correct answer

What are two examples of someone who requires a licensure?



teachers, and  land surveyors,


To obtain a license you must demonstrate that you meet state standards for that career.

Help me please thank you


the answer is muscles !
the correct answer is muscles

Summarize: How might a person reduce the effects of a stressor despite his or her body's automatic physical reactions to it?


Answer: The body's initial reaction to stress keeps you alert, gives you a burst of energy, and allows you to face the challenge. It can protect you from harm and motivate you during the incident. It can also sharpen your concentration.


4. Which of the following regulates the activity of the heart,
brain, and nerves and is found in body tissue

a. lipids
b. fats
c. amino acids
d. minerals



D. Minerals


regulates the activity of the heart,

brain, and nerves and is found in body tissue

Which of the following is an example of aerobic activity?
OA. Cross-country skiing
OC. Yoga
None of the above



A. Cross-country skiing


this makes you breathe the hardest and move more  while the others are stationary

The answer to this should be cross country skiing

Can something wrong with the gallbladder, liver or lymph nodes cause something that looks like dermatitis on my stomach?



I don't think so but if there is something that looks out of the ordinary go to the hospital


Dermatitis on organs does not sound good, you should really find another hospital to visit. This could be a very serious issues

The heart is———
to the lungs





The heart is medial to the lungs.

speech on friendship​




speech on freindship

Seeking prenatal care and avoiding unapproved medicine and drugs can lead to a miscarriage. Help I’m trying to take the exam review and I can get any answers


The correct answer is False.


Prenatal care is a health service that is provided to pregnant mothers to control the pregnancy, in which the doctor examines the mother and the baby to avoid complications in pregnancy and childbirth. On the other hand, the doctor may recommend that the pregnant mother avoid certain drugs that can affect her health and that of the baby, which could even cause a miscarriage. Therefore, when a pregnant woman seeks prenatal care and follows the doctor's suggestions to avoid unapproved drugs, she is avoiding complications in her pregnancy. So the answer is False.

A 59-year-old African American female is admitted at midnight with a diagnosis of Chest Pain. She complains of a squeezing type pain across her chest and into her left jaw area. Although she cannot remember exactly when the pain began, she does remember having indigestion and being nauseas after dinner the night before, around 7:30 p.m. Vital signs are: Blood Pressure-200/110; Pulse-128 beats per minute; Respirations- 26 per minute; Temperature-99.8; Saturation of Oxygen-86% on room air; pain level 9/10. During your initial assessment, she is rubbing her mid-chest, grimacing and is diaphoretic. The pain has been occurring intermittently throughout the evening and night. Her color is pale except around her lips which are bluish. Cardiac auscultation reveals a rapid regular rhythm. She has never had this pain before. Lungs sounds are crackles in both bases with clear upper lobes. She is afraid she is going to die. Per standing orders, a nurse administers Nitroglycerine 0.4mg sublingually; applies cardiac electrodes for continuous cardiac monitoring; obtains an electrocardiogram; places a peripheral intravenous catheter with saline lock; positions patient in low Fowlers.

On assessment one hour later, vital signs are Blood Pressure-180/95; Pulse-108 beats per minute; Respirations- 22 per minute; Temperature-99.0; Saturation of Oxygen-90% on 2 liters per minute; Pain level 8/10. She says her chest pain hasn’t changed. Heart and lung sounds are unchanged. Color is pale without previous blue changes. EKG displays ST elevation in leads II, III, and AVF. The MD has decided not to perform a cardiac catherization, and has admitted the patient to the ICU with a cardiology consult.

a. Is the type of pain this patient is having typical or atypical of cardiac type of chest pain?
b. What other types of pain would indicate a cardiac type problem but would not be specifically in the chest area?
c. Describe how women often present with cardiac problems and how they are different from men.
d. What health history information would the nurse assess for this patient?
e. What abnormals are present in the patient's vital signs (first set)?


the answer is C because she’s sick

The pituitary gland in a male child is malfunctioning. It signals the reproductive organs to secrete hormones too early. Based on your knowledge of the endocrine system and hormones, explain the likely impact of this on the male child. (7 points)








pineal body

the ovaries

the testes


and the code is 924766 plz join



Why do we need to have balanced diets?


A balanced diet supplies the nutrients your body needs to work effectively. Without balanced nutrition, your body is more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, and low performance. Children who don't get enough healthy foods may face growth and developmental problems, poor academic performance, and frequent infections.

Why do we need to have balanced diet



so not fat



A balanced diet provides your body with all of the nutrients needed for everyday life. Those that do not have a balanced diet are prone to diseases, infection, and will often have poor performance.


My answer is self-explanatory; this is not plagiarized.

1. Watzke relates cooking to technology. When we think about technology in the traditional
sense, we do not think of cooking. How does he correlate cooking to technology?



this is the sense of we keep finding new ingrediants and new ways to cook and prepare meals for us to eat like technology cooking is improving.


Technology makes the work of cooking easier, faster, and more efficient.

What do you mean by Technology?

Technology may be defined as the application of scientific understanding to the practical aims of human life.

Technology introduced many appliances like induction cooktops, electric heaters, etc which makes cooking more efficient.

Some types of equipment work automatically without human requirement, These appliances save time.

Apart from this, technology develops modern kitchen equipment that made easier to create food and drinks faster, healthier, and more efficient.

Therefore, technology makes the work of cooking easier, faster, and more efficient.

To learn more about Technology, refer to the link:



What is safety health??


It’s something that helps you learn more about your health and safety;)

When judging the quality of Native American music, what is most important? Question 4 options: The strength of the beat/rhythm The tone of the singer The feelings that the music generates The dance that accompanies the music



im pretty sure the answer is one of these two  

The feelings that the music generates  

The dance that accompanies the music


guys help I’m
Very nervous and I’m overthinking because tomorrow I have to take a test at school but I normally do online school any tips?? I’m very nervuous and i feel sick when I’m nervous and I feel like throwing up any tips please help!



Bro I can understand your situation be calm and cool and have confidence on yourself first that you can do anything without any nervousness:)


yes sure


first calm down and be hopefull that you will do best

do practice and be confident not over one

keep faith that no one is intelligence than you

I know you'll do the best

During aerobic activity, what should your approximate heart rate be?
OA 60-70 bpm
OB 80-100 bpm
Oc 130-180 bpm
OD. Over 200 bpm


it is d .. it could be c but it should be d bc it normally is 220

List all the stages of sleep and the significance of each.​



Stages Type of Sleep Other Names Normal Length

Stage 1 NREM N1 1-5 minutes

Stage 2 NREM N2 10-60 minutes

Stage 3 NREM N3, Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS), Delta Sleep, Deep Sleep 20-40 minutes

Stage 4 REM REM Sleep 10-60 minutes

All cells need oxygen to function properly. Which body systems need to coordinate to make sure cells receive oxygen?


The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells.

The skeletal system, circulatory system, nervous system and digestive system work completely independently of one another. True or False
Pls tell me the real answer



The answer would not be that they work independently


Every system need each other to work eg. The skeletal system needs the nervous system in oder to work because every time you need to move your brain signals to you legs so they could move.

They work independently with each other

add six bytes, 20H, 35H, 45H, 15H, 25H, 10H and save the result in one byte SUM.​





Which health care career do you think would require the most education and why?




Physicians and surgeons have some of the toughest educational criteria of any health profession. A bachelor's degree, a four-year medical school degree, and 3-7 years in internship or residency programs are the minimum requirements.

which of the following has the longest shelf in the freezer

*frozen fish*

*frozen beef*

*frozen poultry*

*frozen pork*


frozen pork can be stored for 4-12 months frozen


frozen fish


per ED2022

The correct answer is frozen fish. Frozen uncooked fish lasts indefinitely but loses texture and flavor.

What are three signs of depression?


Isolation, anxiety, insomnia
Other Questions
2. How was art used by the Africans? PLEASE HELPPP 7TH GRADE MATHHHH!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! NEED RN PLEASEDriving down the highway in separate vehicles, two friends realized that there were mile markers along each side of the road. They counted ten green markers for every mile they traveled. They also counted 8 yellow markers for each green marker. They text to each other their observations and wondered who was driving faster. Dev said he saw 110 green markers in 20 minutes. Mike said she saw 88 yellow markers in 2 minutes. Based on their observations, who is traveling faster? please help i have no idea what this stuff means The ordered pairs (12, 32). (x, 40), (18,48), (21, y) represent a proportionalrelationship. Find the values of x and y. Select the two correct answers. Item 7Too FastBatniks father was a great inventor. He had created many things that made peoples lives easier. One of his inventions was a car that could operate on both water and land; this car was Batniks favorite. On water, it could float and travel at speeds up to 80 miles per hour. But on land, it could travel at speeds over 200 miles per hour. Batniks father had created this special car to help people from their island get to the mainland and other islands faster. When Batnik's father was a boy, the only method of travel from one island to another was by ferry, and the trip often took hours. People who were sick and needed medical help from the mainland would have to endure the long crossing or not go at all because of delays. Batniks father loved his homeland and wanted to ease the burden on the people, so he created the water car.When he showed the car to Batnik, Batniks father warned Batnik that the car should not be driven at the maximum speed on land or water because the engine could burst into flame. One day when his father was away, Batnik decided that he wanted to show the car to his friends. He drove it on the water, at first going only half the possible speed. Then, as his excitement grew, he increased his speed on the water and was nearing maximum speed. When he reached the land, he continued to accelerate. His exhilaration grew. Like the mythological Greek boy Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, Batnik forgot his fathers warning and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. When the car exceeded 200 miles per hour, it burst into flames.Question 1Part AWhat is a theme in "Too Fast"?Great inventors are passionate about their work.Technology is more harmful than helpful.Helping people is often its own reward.Excessive enthusiasm can lead to bad choices.Question 2Part BHow is the theme identified in Part A best developed in the passage?Batnik makes a terrible mistake because he wants to show off for his friends.Batniks dad invents things because he loves his homeland.Batniks dad wants to help people by making their lives easier.The car is built to go very fast on both land and water. PLEASE HELP!!!Dr. Smith is considered by many to be an excellent sociologist. He has a great reputation among his colleagues and has conducted groundbreaking studies. He always treats his subjects with respect and works toward the good of society. 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