hello please help i’ll give brainliest

Hello Please Help Ill Give Brainliest


Answer 1




abiotic - nonliving components of an ecosystem that can affect the living organisms.

Temperature is a nonliving component and it affects the organisms that live within a certain environment.

Therefore the answer is Abiotic

Reasons its not the other answers:

Biotic factors must be living things

Temperature is not a living thing therefore Biotic cannot be the answer

Same with living, temperature is not living therefore the answer cannot be living.

Temperature plays a huge role in an ecosystem therefore it is considered an important component and the answer cannot be unimportant.

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what are the effects of natural hazards?



effect of naqtural had aaira xhina bey m

Which part of the blood is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body?



The main job of red blood cells, or erythrocytes, is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carbon dioxide as a waste product, away from the tissues and back to the lungs. Hemoglobin (Hgb) is an important protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of our body.


The responding variable is what you are ________ based on the changes of the manipulated variable.
A. predicting
B. comparing
C. proving
D. measuring



A. Predicting


A responding variable is a variable that the researcher predicts will change if the manipulated variable changes.

I believe it would be D

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Nucleic base should be the answer but it looks like that’s not enough letters

Yeah I have no questions man



Imfaoo, i can tell u bor-ed as hell

Meiosis creates

A. 2 daughter cells

B. 4 gametes


Meiosis creates 4 gametes which would cause the answer to be B




Which condition is often caused by painful swelling of the glomerulus?


The condition would most likely be Glomerulonephritis.

I will give brain to correct answer!

When guard cells are full, they bulge. This increases the
size of the gap between them and opens the hole in the
Which object is the best model of a guard cell?

A.) Straw

B.) Garden hose

C.) Water Balloon

D.) Strainer



Water balloon


Help please need a fast response im timed .Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

The path followed by an object in space around another object in space



The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space is called an orbit. Geosynchronous orbit is the orbit of a satellite that revolves around Earth at the same rate that Earth rotates.




this this a different language? I don’t understand

heh touch you song by Yarichin b*tch Club

Please answer the correct answer since the one i picked is incorrect.​



B - a mixture is a combination of things

my sister lives with my parents into negative



My sister does not live with my parents

Have a blessed day ever one

Who can be helped by building meaningful relationships with people of other
A. African Americans
B. Latino Americans
C. White Americans
D. All of the above



D. All of the above


This is world wide problem...

Refers to the broader range of changes such as the changes in average weather patterns in an area overtime





Weather can be defined as the atmospheric conditions of a particular area over a short period of time.

The elements of weather include precipitation, wind, temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, cloud, and wind speed.

On the other hand, climate can be defined as the change in the atmospheric conditions and manifestation of weather in a particular area over a long period of time usually 30 years.

Hence, climate refers to the broader range of changes such as the changes in average weather patterns in an area overtime.

What are the small fuzzy wart looking bumps on the leafs?



I'm pretty sure you're talking about galls



These bumps are called galls, and they usually appear due to the presence of insects or mites.

Why do living things undergo meiosis?
O To grow
O To make sperm and egg
O To renew and replace old cells
O To repair damaged cells



Option B should be the correct answer


Mitosis is the process where living things grow and repair, on the other hand Meiosis is the process where the living organisms produce gametes.

Hope this helps!

Answer: option B

Explanation: Meiosis is important because it ensures that all organisms produced via sexual reproduction contain the correct number of chromosomes. Meiosis also produces genetic variation by way of the process of recombination.

What 2 things do cells need in order to create energy


Answer:Beginning with energy sources obtained from their environment in the form of sunlight and organic food molecules, eukaryotic cells make energy-rich molecules like ATP and NADH via energy pathways including photosynthesis, glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.


Your body cells use the oxygen you breathe to get energy from the food you eat. This process is called cellular respiration. During cellular respiration the cell uses oxygen to break down sugar. Breaking down sugar produces the energy your body needs.

During which phase does DNA replication occur?

A. Metaphase

B. Anaphase

C. Prophase

D. Interphase




During which phase does DNA replication occur?


D is correct


For this assignment, you will develop a scientific model on a poster that illustrates the role of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the carbon cycle. Your model should also show how carbon
cycles the Earth’s four spheres. Once you have completed your model, you will write a paper with several
paragraphs describing the content of your model in more detail.



The model has carbon in lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere in different forms.


In the model, carbon is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbondioxide gas. This carbon is absorbed by the plants in the process of photosynthesis in order to produce food for itself and other organisms while on the other hand, plants, animals and humans give this carbondioxide to the atmosphere through the process of respiration. Carbon is present in earth spheres such as lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Carbon is present in the land in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas, oil shale, and limestone. It is also present in water in dissolve form. It is present in the body of plants and animals in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbondioxide gas.


The model has carbon in lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere in different forms.


In the model, carbon is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide gas. This carbon is absorbed by the plants in the process of photosynthesis in order to produce food for itself and other organisms while on the other hand, plants, animals and humans give this carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through the process of respiration. Carbon is present in earth spheres such as lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Carbon is present in the land in the form of coal, oil, and natural gas, oil shale, and limestone. It is also present in water in dissolve form. It is present in the body of plants and animals in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is present in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide gas.

if it was a virtual poster i could help more

6. Phylogenetic trees are used for?


Phylogenetic trees show the evolutionary pathways and connections among organisms. A phylogenetic tree is a diagram used to reflect evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms.

Mutation types: deletion,substitution or addition/insertion which one?


1. Deletion
2. Insertion
3. Substitution

Which of the following is a correct statement about the relationship between natural selection and evolution?
(3 points)
A. Natural selection results from evolution.
B. Natural selection includes evolution as a part of it.
C. Natural selection is one mechanism of evolution.
D. Natural selection and evolution are the same thing.


The answer is I believe is c

The statement 'natural selection is one mechanism of evolution' is CORRECT (Option C).

Evolution refers to the modification of inherited phenotypic traits in successive generations as a consequence of the adaptation to specific environmental conditions.

Natural selection is considered the main force driving evolution.

This mechanism (natural selection) increases the frequency of adaptive genes and/or alleles across generations by differential survival and reproduction of organisms better adapted to the environments in which they live.

In conclusion, the statement 'natural selection is one mechanism of evolution' is CORRECT (Option C).

Learn more in:


PLEASE NO LINKS!! Just tell me the answer

1. What percentage of the offspring will have Type O blood?

A. 0%



I will say 50%


Why do you think Leeuwenhoek named the cells he observed "animalcules"



Using single-lensed microscopes of his own design and make, Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe and to experiment with microbes, which he originally referred to as dierkens, diertgens or diertjes (Dutch for "small animals" [translated into English as animalcules, from Latin animalculum = "tiny animal"]).

Leeuwenhoek named the cells he observed originally as dierkens, which is the Dutch word for small animals, and translated to English as animalcules.

Hope it helps :)

Though I may be wrong :( ...

Have a great day!

Hola soy chica ando hot... quien se apunta


… no pues wow ……….jsushsd


yo quiero paso numero +503 61656558

What happens when you get a brain concussion?



A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination. Concussions are usually caused by a blow to the head.



Some signs of confusing includes

Slurring words or incoherent speech . Lacking awareness of location or time.

hope these helps you dear bhabi ji.

These may all be classified as


the answer would be c

Answer: The answer would be C.


I got it right.

pls help me with this


Errrr try to zoom in a bit more I can’t really see it

Which of the following are associated with arthritis? HURRY PLEASE

A-inflammation of joints

B-increased range of motion of joints

C-strengthening of joints

D-degeneration of joints



A. Inflammation of joints

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