what is the relationship between dignity and respect​


Answer 1


It may look like the same thing—treating the person with respect versus treating that person with dignity but it is an important distinction. Respect acknowledges the behavior while dignity teaches the importance of civility and humanity. The same concept can be applied to a peer situation


Answer 2


Dignity and respect are words with profound meaning but they’re also words that are usually heard when we are being lectured at or corrected. So it’s only normal that we struggle to truly understand or internalize their significance.

Here are our definitions at Cultures of Dignity:

Dignity: From the Latin word dignitas, meaning “to be worthy.”

As in: All people have the right to be recognized for their inherent humanity and treated ethically. Dignity is a given. You just have it and no one can take it away.

Respect: From the Latin word respectus, meaning “to look back at.”

As in: showing admiration for someone because of their abilities, qualities or achievements. Respect is earned. You are respected by others for what you have achieved, experienced and how you have handled yourself as you have achieved accomplishments.

The problem is we use respect in two distinctively different ways: Recognizing a power or status difference between people or recognizing the value of a person. When it comes to a relationship, we commonly frame being respectful as being polite, obedient and following the rules. In this context, questioning the rules or challenging the person enforcing

the rules is often perceived as defiant, rude, disrespectful and subject to punishment.

The questions then become:

Should you respect someone in a position of authority who abuses power?

Should you respect someone who doesn’t treat others with dignity?

Even if they’re older than you?

Even if they have more seniority than you?

Even if they have more experience than you?

If dignity is a given that can’t be taken away, what does it look like to treat someone you don’t respect with dignity?

If we use dignity as our anchor and ground our work in the belief that every person has value, then we can separate people’s abusive actions from their essential humanity. For example, there may be a boss at work who belittles, bullies, or embarrasses people under them in front of others. The boss does not need to be respected based on their behavior but they need to be treated with dignity. It may look like the same thing—treating the person with respect versus treating that person with dignity but it is an important distinction. Respect acknowledges the behavior while dignity teaches the importance of civility and humanity.

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"We the people of the states of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, do ordain, declare and establish the following constitution for the government of ourselves and our posterity.
Report of the Committee of Detail in the Federal Convention, August 1787, page one
"WE the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Report of the Committee of Style in the Federal Convention, September 1787, page one.

1) What arguments would the framers offer for keeping the list of individual states? For replacing the list of states with "the United States"?

2) Consider and compare what each draft explicitly names as the purpose for Constitution. Why might the later draft list "in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America" when the early draft says merely "do ordain, declare and establish the following constitution for the government of ourselves and our posterity."

3) Can you come up with an example of how one of the goals stated in the final version of the Preamble is carried out by our government today?



The framers of the Constitution would offer several arguments for keeping the list of individual states in the Preamble. First, they would argue that the states are sovereign entities that have come together to form a federal government. Second, they would argue that the states are the primary units of government in the United States and that the federal government is a creature of the states. Third, they would argue that the states are the source of all political power in the United States and that the federal government is a limited government with specific enumerated powers.

The framers of the Constitution would offer several arguments for replacing the list of states with "the United States" in the Preamble. First, they would argue that the United States is a single entity composed of many states. Second, they would argue that the United States is a federal republic, and that the federal government is the supreme authority in the country. Third, they would argue that the United States is a nation with a single people, and that the federal government represents the interests of all Americans.

One example of how the goals stated in the final version of the Preamble are carried out by our government today is in the area of national defense. The federal government provides for the common defense of the United States by maintaining a military force and by entering into treaties with other countries.

What is the history of how drug crime has developed



Archaeological records indicate the presence of psychotropic plants and drug use in ancient civilizations as far back as early hominid species about 200 million years ago. Roughly 13,000 years ago, the inhabitants of Timor commonly used betel nut (Areca catechu), as did those in Thailand around 10,700 years ag


Over time, the power of the presidency in using executive orders has expanded because
O presidents have always enjoyed great popularity and can do as they please.
Othey can sometimes respond more quickly to an urgent need.
O the Constitution intended for this to happen.
O Congress was happy to give up some of its responsibilities.


Over time, the power of the presidency in using executive orders has expanded because the Constitution intended for this to happen.

What new powers have been granted to the president over time?

Examples include negotiating treaties, leading the armed forces, selecting justices for the Supreme Court, and overriding laws. Powers allegedly required by presidents to carry out the law. Examples include signing executive agreements and issuing executive orders.

Why has the president's authority grown throughout time?

The expansion of the federal government, America's development as a nation, its emergence as a major player in international politics, and various pieces of legislation that have given the president new powers are the reasons why presidential power has grown over time rather than changes in the constitution.

To know more about  power of the president visit:



Answer: B


Just took the test and got it right.

different types of paperwork and professional documents which are required for firefighters



1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.

2. Standard operating procedures (SOPs).

3. Fire department policies and procedures.

4. Local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards.

6. Incident reports.

7. Training records.

8. Medical records.

9. Safety reports.

10. Investigative reports.

Which of the following gods the juvenile justice systems in many states restorative justice corrective justice disciplinary actions punitive punishment


The American juvenile justice system is the primary system used to handle minors who are convicted of criminal offenses.

The system is made up of a federal government as well as several distinct state, territory, and municipal governments. States and the federal government share sovereign police power under the joint authority of the US Constitution. In order to intervene in delinquent conduct and promote rehabilitation, the juvenile justice system involves the police, courts, and correctional facilities. Consequences that young people and their guardians may encounter include probation, community service, juvenile court, youth jail, and alternative education. The juvenile justice system, like the adult system, is based on the idea that catching delinquent conduct early would prevent youth from committing crimes as adults.

To know more about justice system visit:

Example for the 6 amendment


Answer: The right to a public trial held without unnecessary delay. Often referred to as a “speedy trial.”

The right to be represented by a lawyer if desired.

The right to be tried by an impartial jury.

The right of the accused to obtain and present witnesses to appear on their behalf.

The right of the accused to “confront,” or question witnesses against them


"We the people of the states of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, do ordain, declare and establish the following constitution for the government of ourselves and our posterity.
Report of the Committee of Detail in the Federal Convention, August 1787, page one
"WE the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Report of the Committee of Style in the Federal Convention, September 1787, page one.

1) What arguments would the framers offer for keeping the list of individual states? For replacing the list of states with "the United States"?

2) Consider and compare what each draft explicitly names as the purpose for Constitution. Why might the later draft list "in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America" when the early draft says merely "do ordain, declare and establish the following constitution for the government of ourselves and our posterity."

3) Can you come up with an example of how one of the goals stated in the final version of the Preamble is carried out by our government today?



The arguments for keeping the list of individual states in the Preamble would be that it emphasizes the federal nature of the government and the fact that the states have ceded some of their sovereignty to the national government. The arguments for replacing the list of states with "the United States" would be that it emphasizes the unity of the country and the fact that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The later draft of the Preamble is more specific about the goals of the Constitution, and it also includes the phrase "to ourselves and our posterity." This suggests that the framers were thinking about future generations when they drafted the Constitution.

One example of how the goals of the Constitution are carried out by the government today is in the area of national defense. The Constitution provides for the common defense, and the government carries out this goal by maintaining a standing army and navy, and by providing for the defense of the country through diplomacy and treaties

In one well-developed paragraph, tell me about El Chapo.



For Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, whose feats of escapology were matched only by his drug-smuggling acumen, it was a trademark yet ultimately futile manoeuvre. The 17 Mexican marines raiding his ranch nearby would catch him soon enough.

Six months earlier, he had humiliated Mexican authorities by fleeing Mexico's most secure prison, his second jailbreak in two decades. This time he would not slip through their fingers, although those who caught him were left in no doubt how angry he was to have been arrested.


state courts were created by... A
the US Constitution
B state constitution​


Answer: B. state constitution

Explanation: The creation of state courts is outlined in the state constitution. Each state has its own constitution, which serves as the highest legal document within that state and varies state by state within the US. Furthermore, the state constitution establishes the structure and powers of the state government, including the judiciary, provides the framework for the creation of state courts, and defines their jurisdiction, powers, and procedures.

State courts are an essential part of the judicial system in the United States as they handle a wide range of cases, including criminal, family, civil, and probate matters. State courts have the authority to interpret and apply state laws within their respective jurisdictions.

The FAFSA is unlike other financial aid applications because ____.


Because each state has a different deadline and you must submit an application each year, the FAFSA differs from other financial aid applications.

The FAFSA is what?

College students can apply for financial aid by filling out the FAFSA, which stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Each state is given a deadline by FAFSA for students to apply for federal aid, and students must do so annually.

In conclusion Because each state has a different deadline and you must submit an application each year, the FAFSA differs from other financial aid applications.

Learn more about  FAFSA here


# SPJ 1

help . Create a list of at least three types of paperwork and describe each in as much
detail as possible. for a firefighter



1. Pre-incident plans: A pre-incident plan is a document that contains information about a specific building or property, including the layout of the building, the location of fire hydrants and other water sources, and the location of potential hazards.

2. Incident reports: An incident report is a document that contains information about a fire or other emergency incident, including the date and time of the incident, the location of the incident, the type of incident, and the names of the firefighters who responded to the incident.

3. Training records: Training records are documents that contain information about the training that a firefighter has received, including the date and time of the training, the type of training, and the name of the instructor.

1What event was a major determining factor in the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1861?
1. the Dred Scott Casev
2. the Three-Fifths Compromise
3. the Jim Crow laws
4. the Equal Rights Amendment


The Dred Scott Case! :)

A forensic scientist is using an exemplar to analyze a document. What type of sample is the forensic
scientist using?


It would be a handwriting sample, also called an exemplar.




Forensic sample means an evidentiary item that potentially contains DNA relevant to a crime.

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• The airway is blocked.
• There is serious choking
• No air is getting in through the nose and mouth.
• The person cannot swallow the saliva.


Answer: The airway is blocked


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