the charge nurse should intervene when observing a new nurse perform which action after a client has suffered a possible hemolytic blood transfusion reaction?


Answer 1

Disposing of the blood container and tubing in biohazard waste .

The blood container and tubing should be disposed of with biohazard garbage.

The blood bank should get the blood container and tubing back for repeat typing and culture, and they should be informed of the reaction.

If an iron overload is not treated, iron from transfused red blood cells can build up in your body and harm important organs.

A nurse must be knowledgeable about blood transfusion techniques and the many transfusion responses that can occur.

It is the location where a nurse utilizes a venous access to transfuse a patient with fresh red blood cells. The term "blood transfusion" refers to the practice of using donated red blood cells most frequently.

For more info on blood transfusion:


Related Questions

a client with multiple myeloma reports severe paresthesia in the feet. when planning care for the client, which priority nursing diagnosis will the nurse choose?


Nurse will prioritize in preventing Risk for falls. Myeloma cells can occasionally create aberrant proteins that are nerve-toxic. A "pins and needles" feeling occur along with numbness and weakening in bone.

An instance of bone marrow malignancy is multiple myeloma, also called myeloma. The spongy tissue that is located in the centre of some bones and is known as bone marrow is where the body makes its blood cells.

The malignancy, which frequently affects the spine, skull, pelvis, and ribs, is known as multiple myeloma because it frequently spreads to various body parts. Side effects may not occur or might be vague, like loss of hunger, bone pain, and fever.

Learn more about myeloma


The question was incomplete. Check below the complete question.

A client with multiple myeloma reports severe paresthesia in the feet. When planning care for the client, which priority nursing diagnosis will the nurse choose?

a. Risk for falls

b. Impaired tissue integrity

c. Acute pain

d. Sensory-perception disturbance

the nurse aide is preparing to ambulate a client who is unsteady. it would be best for the nurse aide to use a:


When ambulating an unsteady client, it is best for the nurse aide to use a gait belt

Ambulation is the ability to move about without the aid of any kind. It is most frequently used to describe a patient's objectives following surgery or physical treatment.

A gait belt is a tool that aids in fall prevention. A vulnerable individual, such a hospital patient, runs the danger of falling while walking, transitioning from a chair to a bed, or rising from a seat to standing. Gait belts can also aid in getting in and out of a vehicle.

When assisting a client with ambulation, a gait belt enables the client to walk with assistance and reduces the risk of a fall should the client grow weak. The nurse assistant's back is less stressed as a result. Additionally, a gait belt can help a customer get up from a sitting posture and shift to a chair.

For more information on Gait belts, visit :


a client with squamous cell carcinoma is receiving bleomycin. what is the priority assessment of the nurse when monitoring for side and adverse effects of bleomycin?


Pulmonary function studies, Cervical radiography, Echocardiography, and Electrocardiography is the main priority assessment of the nurse.

Which laboratory result should a nurse keep a careful eye on in a patient using antineoplastic medication?

Prior to the administration of this drug, the following parameters must be periodically checked: complete blood count, platelet count, serum calcium, cholesterol, and triglyceride level. During the course of the drug therapy, Options A, C, and D are not observed.

Bleomycin: Does it lead to acute leukemia?

"There is substantial evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of etoposide in combination with cisplatin and bleomycin," the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated in a qualitative risk assessment. Acute myeloid leukemia is brought on by the use of etoposide in conjunction with cisplatin and bleomycin [16].

To Know more about bleomycin visit:-


the nurse is examining a client who has an exacerbation of hip pain when in a sitting position. which body system can the nurse examine with the client lying down?


The nurse is examining a client who has an exacerbation of hip pain when in a sitting position  Gaurding .

A worsening. In medication, exacerbation can also refer to an boom inside the severity of a sickness or its signs and symptoms and signs. for instance, an exacerbation of asthma .

Exacerbation.” think about it as a flare-up. for the duration of any such bouts, you could unexpectedly have greater hassle respiratory or make extra noise when you do. those flare-united states are regularly linked to a lung contamination due to a virus or bacteria, which include a cold or a few different contamination.

Treatments options for exacerbations encompass bronchodilators, corticosteroids, antibiotics, oxygen therapy, and ventilation. COPD is the name given to a collection of lengthy-time period lung diseases. The situation has a tendency to get worse over the years and signs can include: wheezing.

Learn more about Exacerbation here:


the nurse is preparing to apply a roller bandage to a client with a sprained knee. which technique does the nurse plan to use?


The nurse is preparing to apply a roller bandage to a client with a sprained knee. Apply moist saline compresses to loosen crusts before attempting to remove the staples.

A minor knee sprained may also take up to 6 weeks to heal, whilst a severe sprain may additionally take months. comply with-up care is a key a part of your treatment and safety. be sure to make and go to all appointments, and make contact with your doctor or nurse advice line (811 in most provinces and territories) if you are having problems.

Knee traces or sprains can cause swelling, pain and tenderness inside the affected knee, in addition to buckling and trouble bending the knee. at the same time as many lines and sprains may be treated at home, you have to name your medical doctor right away if your knee ache is so intense that you can not walk or bend the knee.

Untreated tender tissue injuries can alternate the manner you move your joints, forcing other tissue and bones to "take up the slack" to catch up on weakness. The altered biomechanics can result in wear and tear at the cartilage that may develop into tissue degeneration and in the long run osteoarthritis .

Learn more about  knee sprained here:


a nurse is assessing a client who is postpartum following a vacuum-assisted birth. for what finding should the nurse monitor to identify a cervical laceration?


The nurse assessing a client who is in postpartum following a vacuum-assisted birth should monitor slow trickle of  and a Vaginal  discharge firm fundus to identify a cervical laceration.

Vaginal discharge can have causes other than underlying disease. Menstruation, and certain hygienic methods such as bidets are examples.

A recognized cause of postpartum hemorrhage has been discovered as cervical laceration. Postpartum hemorrhage is excessive bleeding that occurs after a baby is born. With a cesarean birth, it is more probable. Although it might occur later, it often occurs after the placenta is delivered.

Postpartum hemorrhage can also result from:

tear in the cervix or vaginal tissues Blood clotting issues Blood vessel tear in the uterus Placenta issues

For more information on cervical laceration, visit :


when inspecting the palmar surface of the hands, the nurse would note which characteristics as normal findings?


The characteristic which is a normal finding is that the surface of the hand does not appear pale.

One of the anatomy of the human body with a very vital function to support activity is the hands. Part of this movement system helps with activities, from carrying things, holding objects, grasping, and so on.

The front, or palm side, is known as the palmar side, while the back of the hand is called the dorsal side.

The carpal bones are located in the wrist or precisely between the forearm bones, namely the ulna and radius bones, as well as the bones of the fingers. This part of the bone serves as a link between the forearm bones and the finger bones.

Learn more about bone benefits here :


the potassium wasting drug furosemide has been prescribed for a patient. which foods should the nurse recommend the patient consume while taking this medication?


Avoid eating too much salt when taking a diuretic like furosemide because doing so can prevent the medication from working. Eat less processed food and prepared meals as well as other items high in salt.

Furosemide is a strong loop diuretic which can cause hypotension. When cooking or eating, avoid adding additional salt. Strong diuretics like furosemide, also known as "water pills," can dehydrate people and mess with their electrolytes. It is crucial that you follow your doctor's instructions to furosemide.

Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

reduced urination dry mouth, thirst, a pounding heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, muscle discomfort, or cramping.Whole grains in reasonable proportions.Fish. Poultry.Nuts.Vegetables.Fruits.dairy products with low fat.

Follow these guidelines carefully if your doctor advises you to eat or drink more potassium-rich foods (such as bananas, prunes, raisins, and orange juice) or to follow a low-salt or low-sodium diet.

Learn more about furosemide


when instructing a client regarding sublingual application, the nurse should inform the client that which action is contraindicated when administering the drug?


Swallowing the medication. The patient should refrain from ingesting or chewing the drug when it is given sublingually. Additionally prohibited during administration are eating and smoking.

Drugs in buccal or sublingual forms offer benefits. These methods of administration can be crucial in patients where you need the treatment to start working immediately, such a heart attack, because the medication absorbs swiftly. Additionally, because these medications do not pass through your digestive tract, patient liver is not involved in their metabolism. As a result, you might be able to use a lesser dosage and yet have the same effects.

Placing a medication beneath your tongue causes it to dissolve and enter your bloodstream through the tissue there. The fact that patient don't have to ingest the medication is another benefit. People who have trouble swallowing tablets may find it simpler to take medications that are absorbed beneath the tongue or in the space between the cheek and gum.

Learn more about medication


Allocating Joints Costs using the Net Relizable Value Method


Using the Net Realizable Value Method, joint costs are allocated based on total value of sales that costs less and can be separated for each product. When the net realizable value for each product is acquired, figure out the percentage removed from the total amount.

What is Net Realizable Value?

A common method used to appraise the value of an asset for directory accounting is called Net Realizable Value (NVR). It is calculated by discovering  what the expected selling price of the asset is and what the total costs associated with selling it are and then determining the difference between the two.

These assets include prepaid expenses, supplies, furniture, land, short-term investments, etc.

Find out more on Net Realizable Value here:


for most athletes who are exercising for less than an hour or not losing significant amounts of weight during exercise, the best beverage for replacing fluid losses is .


For most athletes who are exercising for less than an hour, the best beverage for replacing fluid losses is: water. Every 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, it is best to drink 7 to 10 ounces of water.

How to replace fluid losses after exercise?

After exercising, our body will experience fluid losses due to energy outtake and sweat we produce during physical activities. To rehydrate from the fluid losses, it is best to drink water. The recommended amount is one and a half times the fluid lost while exercising, but we need to spread it over the next two to six hours after exercise.

Learn more about a daily fluid loss here


when applying a dressing to an open bleeding wound, you use a sterile dressing primarily for which reason?


To reduce the chance of infection. The next step is to cover the wound with a sterile dressing and bandage it, preferably with a non-adhesive pad, to keep it from spreading.

This puts pressure on the area to promote healing while also shielding the skin around the wound from damage and stopping it from getting bigger. At least once each day, the dressing needs to be changed. When changing the dressing, be sure to thoroughly clean the wound, attach the sterile bandage, and wash your hands before you begin. If the wound bleeds when touched, emits a yellowish discharge, or appears dark red in colour, consider seeing a doctor while changing the dressing and monitoring the healing process. These indicate unusual wound healing. Watch for indications of infection. A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible if you have any of the following symptoms of irregular wound healing: intense pain, foul odour, thick and yellowish discharge, or discoloration of the skin around the wound.

Learn more about wound


after a tonsillectomy, the nurse reviews the primary health care provider's (phcp's) postoperative prescriptions. which prescription should the nurse question?


After a tonsillectomy, the nurse should review PHCP’s postoperative prescription and prescribe suction every 2 hours.

The surgical removal of the tonsils, which are two oval-shaped tissue pads located in the back of the throat, one on each side, is known as a tonsillectomy. Suction equipment should be accessible after a tonsillectomy, but due to the danger of trauma to the surgical site, suctioning is rarely done until there is an airway obstruction. After any kind of surgery, it's important for nurses to keep an eye out for bleeding. Initially, milk and milk products should be avoided since they coat the throat, make the child clear their throat, and raise the risk of bleeding. It is recommended to drink cool, clear beverages.

For more information on tonsillectomy, visit :


on her first prenatal visit to the doctor, marlene is warned about the dangers of drinking alcohol while pregnant. if she drinks, which condition could affect her unborn child?


Conditions that affect a baby in the womb when consuming alcohol can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or fetal alcohol syndrome, which is a disorder of fetal growth restriction, disorders of the central nervous system, and facial deformities.

In chemistry, alcohol is a general term for any organic compound that has a hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom, which is itself bonded to other hydrogen atoms and/or carbon atoms.

The function of alcohol is as an antiseptic (kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms), to clean wounds, and to clean medical devices. Types of alcohol in liquor can be divided based on levels. Group A contains 1-5% alcohol, group B contains 5-20% alcohol, and group C with the highest alcohol content, which is around 20-45%.

Learn more about supplement pregnant here :


a weight loss plan that may successfully lead to weight loss but does not consider the nutritional requirements and other health issues is (a) .


A weight loss plan that may successfully lead to weight loss but does not consider the nutritional requirements and other health issues is a fad diet.

Plans marketed as the finest and quickest way to lose weight are called fad diets. However, several of these diets call for skipping meals that include the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Some diets blame specific hormones for weight gain, implying that eating can alter the body's chemistry. These diets are frequently poorly or incorrectly researched.

Every fad diet has one thing in common: it suggests a short-term cure to a problem that, for many people, is a lifetime issue. When a diet is discontinued, the weight lost usually comes back rapidly. Fad diets aren't sustainable for the rest of your life since they don't emphasize lifestyle improvement, which is important to keep the weight off.

For more information on Fad diets, visit :


which is not a requirement to be accredited and able to perform a tuberculosis test on a cow in california


Receive authorization from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is not a requirement to be accredited and able to perform a tuberculosis test on a cow in California.

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease of cattle. It is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis which might additionally infect and cause malady in several alternative mammals as well as humans, deer, goats, pigs, cats, dogs and badgers. In cattle, it's primarily a respiratory illness however clinical signs ar rare.

The American Veterinary Medical Association, supported in 1863, may be a not-for-profit association representing quite ninety nine,500 veterinarians within the US. The AVMA provides data resources, continued education opportunities, publications, and discounts on personal and skilled product, programs, and services.

To learn more about American Veterinary Medical Association here


the nurse is caring for a client experiencing a prolonged second stage of labor. the nurse would place priority on preparing the client for which intervention?


The nurse would place priority on preparing the client experiencing a prolonged second stage of labor for a forceps and vacuum-assisted birth.

The client is in need of a forceps-and-vacuum-assisted birth since her second stage of labor is taking too long. If the foetus cannot be delivered with help, the client might need a cesarean section. The birth is called precipitous when labor and delivery are completed in a flash. At this point in labor, the membranes are artificially ruptured.

When the cervix is fully dilated (open) and the baby's head descends into the vagina, the second stage of labor begins (or birth canal). You'll need to be focused, determined, and energetic to push the baby through the birth canal at this point.

For more information on labor, visit :


which medication used in gastroesophageal reflux disease decreases the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin?


Histamine-blockers like ranitidine and cimetidine are effective at preventing acid release, which lowers pepsin activity. Ranitidine is a member of the histamine-blocker class of medications.

Ranitidine reduces the quantity of acid that is produced by your stomach. In order to cure and prevent stomach and intestine ulcers, ranitidine has been utilised. Additionally, it was used to treat illnesses including Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which is caused by an excess of stomach acid.

In addition to treating heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other disorders where stomach acid backs up into the oesophagus were also treated with ranitidine. A histamine (H2)-receptor blocker called famotidine slows the breakdown of pepsinogen into pepsin. A prostaglandin called misoprostol boosts the creation of stomach mucosa. A proton pump inhibitor like rabeprazole reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. Metoclopramide speeds up gastric emptying and motility.

Learn more about Ranitidine


while waiting for the placenta to deliver during the third stage of labor the nurse must assess the new mother's vital signs every 15 minutes. what sign would indicate impending shock?


The sign that indicate impending shock is increase pulse rate and decrease pulse pressure.


Shock is a condition where the circulation fails to maintain adequate perfusion. This can occur due to decreased oxygen delivery or increased oxygen demand. Shock can be classified into 4:

Distributive shock (sepsis, neurogenic) Hypovolemic shock (dehydration, hemorrhagic) Cardiogenic shock Obstructive shock (pulmonary embolism, cardiac tamponade)

Depending on the degree, shock can occur:

Decreased blood pressureIncreased/decreased pulseIncreased/decreased respiratory rateIncreased capillary refill time (CRT)Cold skin (except in septic shock)

However, health workers must be able to identify conditions of impending shock, where if left unchecked shock can occur and increase patient morbidity and mortality. Before finally a decrease in blood pressure occurs, the initial vital signs that can occur are an increase in pulse rate and a decrease in pulse pressure.

Learn more about shock here:


a client who is receiving lithium carbonate has a serum level of 1.8 meq/l. which intervention will the nurse implement in response to this diagnostic result?


Keep an eye out for signs of ataxia in the client. A prescription drug called lithium carbonate is used to treat the bipolar disorder symptoms.

Lithium Carbonate is a member of the pharmacological class known as Bipolar Disorder Agents. If lithium carbonate is safe and effective in children under the age of 7 is unknown.

By reestablishing the proper balance of specific natural drug compounds (neurotransmitters) in the brain, it helps to calm the mood and lessen excessive behaviour. The benefits of continuing to take this drug include reducing the frequency of manic episodes and reducing their symptoms, such as exaggerated sensations of wellbeing, thoughts that people are trying to harm you, and irritability. You can take lithium carbonate by itself or in combination with other drug. Speech, balance, and coordination are impacted by ataxia, a group of related diseases.

Learn more about drug


the nurse is reviewing a new prescription for promethazine. the nurse will immediately contact the health care provider if the prescription is for which client?


Children under the age of six should not be given promethazine containing cough and cold medications. These medications must only be taken as directed by a pharmacist.

Promethazine medication can be harmful to children under the age of six. Some are designated as 12+ and others as 16+.  Ask your doctor or pharmacist for their recommendations. Some adults should not use promethazine. Inform your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following apply so they can ensure your safety:

have primary angle closure glaucoma, an eye conditionhave issues emptying your bladder or having seizures due to epilepsy or another medical conditionare scheduled for an allergy test.

You might need to stop taking promethazine a few days prior to your test because it can impact your results. Ask the pharmacist where your allergy test is scheduled if you cannot consume any alcohol because certain liquid promethazine products contain a very little quantity of alcohol while you are trying to get pregnant. Home pregnancy tests might be affected by methadone. Speak with your doctor if you believe you are pregnant so they can schedule a blood test in its place.

Learn more about pharmacist


during which stage of chronic kidney diseases does teh national kidney foundation recommend that a protein intake of 0.6 g/kg/d be initiated?


In CKD stages 1-2, the recommended daily protein intake should be around 0.8 g/kg/day (below normal intake), and it should be reduced to 0.7-0.6 g/kg/day in CKD stages 3–4. The recommended daily phosphorus intake should be about 800-1000 mg/day.

For people with GFR 25 mL/min, which roughly corresponds to CKD Stages 4-5, K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 24 suggests considering a protein intake of 0.60 g/kg/d. However, it makes no recommendations for patients with greater GFR.

For healthy people, the recommended daily amount (RDA) for protein is 0.75 g/kg/d. The MDRD Study was unclear about the advantages of protein limitation on the course of renal disease (see CKD Guideline 13), but there was no proof that DPI above the RDA had any positive effects.

learn more about GFR here;


which baseline measurement would the nurse obtain before administering pituitary hormones select all that apply


The nurse should measure baseline vital signs, review blood glucose levels, and measure weight and blood pressure before administering pituitary hormones

Growth hormone is the anterior pituitary hormone that is most frequently administered pharmacologically.

The nurse should remember to include the following in the assessment, history taking, and examination they are conducting:

For the purpose of avoiding negative consequences, look for any restrictions or warnings (such as a history of allergies, pregnancy, a serious illness after open heart surgery, etc.).

To establish baseline status before starting therapy and to check for any potential side effects, consider height, weight, thyroid function testing, glucose tolerance tests, and GH levels.

For more information on Pituitary hormones, visit :


Complete question:

which baseline measurement would the nurse obtain before administering pituitary hormones select all that apply

-Vital signs

-Baseline weight

-Blood glucose levels

-Blood pressure

A medication is available in 1000mcg per mL.
How much is needed for a 0.8mg dose?




0.8 mg = 800 mcg


1 000 mcg    -   1 ml

 800 mcg    -   X ml

X = 1·800 /  1000 = 0.8 ml

the nurse is talking with the family after their loved one died. what words of support and comfort would be most therapeutic for the nurse to say after this event?


The nurse is talking with the family after their loved one died.  comfort would be most therapeutic for the nurse to say after this event Anticipatory Grieving related to loss of family member, as evidenced by sorrow.

Examples of therapeutics include drug therapy, clinical gadgets, nutrients therapy and stem-cellular cures. Therapeutics can be used in patients with energetic sickness – to treat the ailment itself or its symptoms and symptoms – in preventive medicinal drug, or as palliative care.

The intention of a healing rubdown is to deal with a fitness trouble, in place of clearly helping you to relax. Many human beings describe healing massages as uncomfortable however a “excellent pain” that facilitates relieve the ailment they are affected by. you could experience tenderness as your therapist works via your tissue.

Therapeutic in a sentence. maybe it became healing for him in some way. Powdered, it has little impact upon the skin, but in ointment or used by fumigation it has local therapeutic residences. The oil may be very conveniently absorbed from the skin and exerts all its therapeutic moves while as a result exhibited.

Learn more about Therapeutic  here:


part of the screening orthopedic component of the examination includes evaluating the person while he or she is:


Part of the screening orthopedic component of examination may include evaluating the person when he/she is:  duck walking four steps assesses hip, knee, and ankle range of motion, strength, and balance.

How is screening orthopedic component of the examination done?

The most important things to consider when conducting an orthopedic examination are symmetry of muscle, stature and joint movement.

Your first orthopedic appointment will mostly include a comprehensive medical history evaluation, X-rays or MRI and physical tests.

Common orthopedic tests are: bone densitometry, skeletal scintigraphy, discography, myelography and electromyography. These tests usually rely on proven technology like X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and computed tomography.

To know more about orthopedic examination, refer


a patient has been diagnosed with cellulitis on the right forearm. the nurse would anticipate orders to administer medications to eradicate which pathogen that caused the cellulitis?


A patient has been diagnosed with cellulitis on the right forearm and the nurse is anticipating orders to administer medication. The pathogen that causes cellulitis is called: staphylococcus aureus.

What is cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection caused mainly by staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Cellulitis makes the infected skin swollen, inflamed, and painful. Some people may also experience fever and chills. The infected skin will feel warm and tender to the touch, but also look pitted like a peel of an orange. There are several ways to get rid of cellulitis, such as warm compress and compression or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Learn more about facial cellulitis here


What is the complementary strand of dna that is made during dna replication if the template/parent strand of dna reads atg ggc?.


TAC CCG GTA is the complementary strand of DNA that is made during DNA replication if the template/parent strand of DNA reads ATG GGC.

DNA replication is a type of biological process in which one original DNA molecule splits into two identical replicas. Before a cell divides, this procedure creates a copy of the DNA within the cell.

Both of the two chains combine to form a double helix of DNA when it comes to the complimentary strand, and equivalent places on the two chains are made up of a pair of complementary bases.

Adenine A, for instance, should be complementarily bonded to thymine and vice versa if it is present in the paternal DNA. Similarly to this, if cytosine is found in the paternal strand of DNA, guanine and vice versa should complementarily bind to it.

To learn more about DNA visit:


Which of the following statements is true? Challenging behavior:
Can affect the safety of the person you support and others
O Is normally meaningless
O is always a permanent feature of the person
Can be used as a good way to label or diagnose people


The second one! Just think about it.

before giving the initial dose of pain medication or antibiotic, which action should the nurse take first?


Before giving the initial dose of pain medication or antibiotic, the nurse should ask the client if he is aware of any allergies to medications.

Antibiotics are medicines that fight infections caused by bacterium in humans and animals by either killing the bacterium or creating it tough for the bacterium to grow and multiply. bacterium are germs.

Pain management is a side of medication and health care involving relief of pain in numerous dimensions, from acute and easy to chronic and difficult.

A drug allergy is that the reaction of the system to a drugs. the foremost common symptoms of drug hypersensitivity reaction are hives, rash or fever.

To learn more about Antibiotic here


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