What is the reason water has so many special properties?


Answer 1

Answer:  Water has many unusual properties

Explanation: Water has many unusual properties because of its polar covalent bonds. Oxygen has a larger electronegativity than hydrogen, so the electron pairs are pulled in closer to the oxygen atom, giving it a partial negative charge. Subsequently, both of the hydrogen atoms take on a partial positive charge.

Related Questions

Help help ASAP help no link


Effect 1 - A
Effect 2 - A
Effect 3 - C (maybe B)
Effect 4 - B

If a colony of 10 bacteria begin dividing once every 24 hrs, how long would it take to get 320
48 hours
144 hours
0 72 hours
120 hours


the answer would be 144 i'm completely sure it is B.

what is the difference between ovulation parturition, and gestation​


Ovulation is when an egg is released from an ovary to be fertilized.

Gestation is the time the female mammal is pregnant and growing the embryo into an offspring that can survive after birth.

Parturition is the act of giving birth.

what force is caused by gas molecules and slows things down? answer ASAP!

A. Air resistance

B. Pulling

C. Friction

D. Gravity



ima say that a makes the most sense but def not d



A. Air resistance.

It slows things down

in a certain environment, a prey animal can camouflage and avoid predation when it is all
gray (same color as the rocky terrain) or when it is black (same color as the parts of the
environment that have been affected by an oil spill). Dark gray prey animals do not blend
either surface. What kind of selection will likely be seen?
(1 Point)


The dark grey animals

If a microscope has a 40´ objective lens in place and a 15´ ocular lens, the total magnification of the microscope system under these conditions is





The total magnification of a microscope is obtained by multiplying the magnifying power of the ocular lens and that of the objective lens.


Total magnification = ocular magnification x objective magnification

In this case, ocular magnification = 40`, objective magnification = 15`

Total magnification of the microscope system = 40 x 15

                 = 600`

Hence,  the microscope system under these conditions would be 600`.

Which of the following conclusions is most likely true if a region experiences unusually low daily temperatures for the season?

the seasonal total of GDD units will be lower than average

the accumulated GDD units still needed to ripen a crop will fall

the average daily value of the GDD will rise

the Tbase value for a particular crop will rise


Answer: D

Explanation: Because if it is going to be cold out every day, the plants aren't gonna grow. So that means the crop rarity will go up, and people would take advantage, and sell them for more of a value.

how would blockage of the pancreatic duct affect the digestive system

a) The food in the small intestine would be more basic (alkaline
b) It would have little effect because liver enzymes would take over
c) The small intestine would contain acidic, mostly undigested chyme.
d) The stomach would be unable to function





The stomach would eventually shut down (stop working) cause it could not digest anymore

When are chromosomes present in cells?
A. Just before and during DNA replication

B. Never






prophase, in prophase the mitoic spindle forms and the chromosomes condense. Prophase is the first stage before cell division (mitosis) and chromosomes will be present in the cell.

List 5 organisms that are common ancestors to a Leopard.


Answer: I can only list one (sorry): saber-toothed cats.

Explanation: . . .

Explain why all solids are not the same, even if they are made of the
same type of atoms? *


All solids are not the same, even if they are made of the same type of atoms because the arrangement of atoms is different.

n the diagram, the shape of the lens is
and the image is



wheres the image?


What are the components within a DNA molecule



A and T

G and C


km not sure if this is what your looking for


5-carbon sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogen base


What happens when two haploid
gametes are combined during
A. The cell doubles in size.
B. The diploid number is restored to the zygote.
C. The cell immediately fuses to any cell any the



Option B is the correct one


Fertilization between the haploid gametes forms a diploid zygote. ... Haploid (1n) spores germinate and undergo mitosis to produce a multicellular gametophyte (1n). Specialized cells of the gametophyte undergo mitosis to produce sperm and egg cells (1n), which combine in fertilization to make a zygote (2n)

true or false your cells do not need nitrogen to make DNA



That's false



False!!!!!"proteins and even our DNA"


I searched it up

n 1960, an invasive species of fish was introduced into the stable ecosystem of a river. Since then, the population of a native fish species has declined. This situation is an example of an
1) Ecosystem that has recovered
2) Ecosystems are altered through the activities of humans.
3) Environmental impact caused by physical factors
4) Ecological niche without competition


This situation is an example of 'ecosystems are ALTERED through the activities of humans' (Option 2).

Human activities (i.e., anthropogenic activities) represent the main factor capable of affecting the homeostasis of the ecosystems.

Some human activities that negatively alter a natural ecosystem include deforestation for different purposes (e.g., urbanization, agriculture, etc), the introduction of non-native invasive species, pollution, etc.

These activities may trigger serious problems to the environment such as soil erosion, climate change, undrinkable water, etc.

In conclusion, this situation is an example of 'ecosystems are ALTERED through the activities of humans'.

Learn more in:


c) Taxol is a cancer medication that makes the structures in the cytoskeleton
more stable. This makes it harder for cells to form mitotic spindles. Why would
this be effective when fighting a tumor? (1 point)




Taxol will be effective because it stops the uncontrollable cell division of cancerous cells. It makes it very difficult for cells form mitotic spindles and hence will make it very hard for the DNA to be divided. This will then stop division and causes it to die.

Brainliest involved for the right answer! Also extra points will be given:)



DNA is the recipe for how to build your body's proteins and mRNA is an index card it copies the DNA but doesn't have to stay in the nucleus. (1st option)


DNA carries genetic instructions for developing, growing and reproducing all known organisms and many viruses. mRNA, on the other hand, collects the DNA's instruction to the cells' protein-making part.

Imagine you are talking to a friend who says "oh that animal has the most muscles and is the strongest so it will survive. That's what survival of the fittest means." Explain to your friend why they are wrong and what the true, scientific meaning of the phrase "survival of the fittest" means. Your answer should include the following vocab: natural selection, adaptation, evolution, genetic variation


Answer: I would say survival of the fittest means the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution. I do not the the answers to the rest sorry

Explanation: What if I dont want to imagine XD


Muscle mass isn'y always a genetic trait, for instence I could work out a bounch and become ripped. if I have kids they could still be couch potatos. That is because traits aquired in ones own life are not passed on, it is the mutations you posses from birth that are passed on if the envirorment aproves of them. If you have lots of muscles and are strong you are not nessisarly more likely to survive anyway, because how are you gonna run away from a lion when youve got all these arm muscles waying you down.

Explique de qué manera la deriva continental ha influido en la distribución de especies vegetales y animales en el mundo.



la deriva continental ha notablemente influido en la distribución actual de las especies. Este fenómeno se puede observar en grupos de organismos similares que se encuentran en diferentes continentes, lo cual concuerda con la idea de que la separación entre dichos continentes se produjo más tardíamente en el tiempo  


La teoría de la deriva continental plantea que durante el final del Paleozoico y el principio del Mesozoico (hace aproximadamente hace 225 millones de años) las masas continentales actuales se encontraban unidas formando una gran masa de tierra o supercontinente conocido como 'Pangea'. Esta teoría se basa en evidencia de diversa fuentes incluyendo pruebas geográficas (coincidencias en las costas de algunos continentes), paleontológicas (mismos fósiles en diferentes continentes), geológicas y tectónicas (por ej., la presencia de cadenas montañosas que se separaron hace millones de años), y paleoclimáticas (evidencia de climas similares durante el pasado en continentes diferentes). La deriva contiental afectó la distribución actual de especies de plantas y animales. Por ejemplo, la fauna en Europa es semejante a la observada en Norteamérica porque estos continentes se separaron más tardíamente en el tiempo que otros contientes/masas de tierra del hemisferio sur, y dichas semejanzas se encuentran reflejadas en organismos evolutivamente más relacionados (menor tiempo de divergencia evolutiva).

What is energy transformation


Energy transformation, also known as energy conservation, is the process of changing energy from one form to another. In physics, energy is a quantity that provides the capacity to perform work or provides heat.

2. What type of pesticide is used to kill mold?
a rodenticides
b fungicides
c insecticides
d herbicides



type of pesticide is used to kill mold (b) fungicides

Answer: B fungicides

Explanation: i took the quiz

Horses and donkeys can breed and produce sterile offspring known as mules. Horses and donkeys remain separate species because of this hybrid sterility, which is a(n) Group of answer choices post-zygotic barrier to reproduction. sympatric barrier to reproduction. pre-zygotic barrier to reproduction. allopatric barrier to reproduction. good thing.



The correct answer is ''post-zygotic barrier to reproduction''


Biological barriers prevent the exchange of genes between two or more populations, a postzygotic reproductive barrier reduces the survival or reproduction of hybrid offspring. In hybrid non-viability there is low survival of the hybrid, especially during embryonic stages. On the other hand, the sterility of the hybrid occurs when the fertilized egg develops into a healthy but sterile adult. Segregation of aneuploid gametes during meiosis, different gene associations occur on the chromosomes of the parents.

The only haploid cells in humans (with 23 chromosomes and no matching pairs) are:
A. sperm and egg cells

B. skin and muscle cells




The only haploid cells in humans (with 23 chromosomes and no matching pairs) are:

A. sperm and egg cells

You look at the cell under a microscope and see that it has 34 body chromosomes and one nucleus. Second view: Several hours later, you look at the same cell again and see that it has double the amount of DNA and one nucleus. Third view: A little while later, you see that it has one cell with 68 chromosomes and two nuclei. What stage of the cell cycle was this cell in when you viewed it at each time point


1st view --- G1 phase (growth)
2nd view --- S phase (synthesis)
3rd view --- M / cytokinesis phase (mitosis)

Can you guys help me with this ? Kinda struggle with those questions.


A c a b d d (don’t mind dis part)

How do the whiskers and incisors interact to help the rat survive?


The Rat’s whiskers are highly sensitive to touch, they brush over the ground, obstacles, food, and other rats. When they bend, it’s follicles send messages to the rat’s brain.
The Rat’s incisors are the four long, sharp front teeth, they use them for gnawing and for grinding food prior to swallowing it.

What happens to waste before it is passed out of the body???



It goes through a series of "Events" I'll talk you through them lol.


See, when you eat something it goes down the esophagus and into the stomach, then to your small and large intestine. While it slowly travels through your intestines, your body is slowly taking the nutrients from that piece of food, which makes the food turn into a different color, since all the nutrients is taken out of the food, then the body no longer needs that food. Then it disposes from the body!

Hope this helped!


Describe the difference in how energy is transferred to producers and consumers



Producers create their own energy using photosyntehsis. They absorb light and water to make glucose. Consumers have to eat, they can't make their own energy.


Does light skin color people can get cancer more easily than people who have darker skin?


No every one can get cancer
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