what is the potential energy the greatest in a roller coaster​


Answer 1


Gravitational potential energy is the greatest


It is the highest point of a roller coaster.

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In 1666 at the age of 23, what scientist
developed the theories of gravitation inspired
by an apple falling from a tree?

A. Galileo Galilei
B. Issac Newton
C. Albert Einstein
D. Nicolaus Copernicus



B - Isaac Newton


He first thought of his system of gravitation which he hit upon by observing an apple fall from a tree,

The incident occurring in the late summer of 1666.

A friend pushes a sled across horizontal snow and when it gets up to speed the friend jumps on. After the friend jumps on, the sled gradually slows down. Which forces act on the combined sled plus friend after the friend jumps on



      v’ =( [tex]\frac{1}{1+ \frac{M}{m} }[/tex]  )  v

we see that the greater the difference, the more the sled slows down.

friction force


When the man pushes the sled he does work and the sled acquires a speed and as long as it is supplied with an energy equal to the work of the chipping force with the snow, the speed is maintained.

When he jumps on the sled, a collision occurs and the initial moment

             p₀ = mv

is increased by the increase in mass

             m_f= (m + M_{man} ) v '

In this case there is no longer any external force applied and the only external force is friction, which causes the sled to stop, even when it is small, but the significant reduction in speed is due to the increase in masses.

            p₀ = p_f

            mv = (m + M_{man}) v '

            v ’=  [tex]\frac{m}{m+M}[/tex] v

            v’ =( [tex]\frac{1}{1+ \frac{M}{m} }[/tex]  )  v

Therefore, we see that the greater the difference, the more the sled slows down.

The only forces that act on the sled with the man are the friction that is responsible for the decrease in speed and weight with the normal

A 65.0 kg skier slides down a 37.20 slope with mu = 0.107.

What is the friction force?





The normal force is perpendicular to the slope, so:

Normal Force = cos(37.2)(9.8*65).......507.39N





magnitude of friction force- 54.3

friction force- -54.2


A dump truck, whose bed is made of steel, holds an old steel watering trough. The bed of the truck is slowly raised until the trough begins to slide. For dry steel to steel μs= 0.80, μk= 0.60. What is the acceleration of the trough as it slides down the truck bed? Express your answer with the appropriate units.



a = 1,538 m / s²


Let's use Newton's second law, let's set a reference system where the x-axis is parallel to the sloping floor of the truck and the positive direction is in the direction of movement of the trough, for this case the weight is the only force to decompose

          sin θ = Wₓx / W

          cos θ = W_y / W

          Wₓ = W sin θ

          W_y = W cos θ

Y axis

          N -W_y = 0

          N = mg cos θ

X axis

          Wₓ - fr = m a

the friction force has the expression

          fr = μ N

There are values ​​of the friction coefficient (μ_s) one for when the movement has not started and it takes a smaller value for when the bodies are moving.

In this case we first find the angle for which the movement begins, in this part we use the static coefficient and the acceleration is zero

             Wₓ - μ_s N = 0

             m g sin θ = μ_s mg cos θ

             tan θ = μ_s

             θ = tan⁻¹ μ_s

we calculate

              θ = tan⁻¹ 0.8

              θ = 38.7º

For this angle, how the trough begins to move, the coefficient is reduced to the dynamics coefficient (μ_k)  and the acceleration is different from zero.


we substitute

          mg sin θ - μ_k mg cos θ = m a

          a = g (sin θ - μ_k cos θ)

let's calculate

          a = 9.8 (sin 38.7 - 0.6 cos 38.7)

          a = 1,538 m / s²

What might Earth be like if it had never been hit by the theoretical protoplanet Orpheus?



If Earth hadn't been hit by Orpheus, it would be covered by ocean, with perhaps a few mountaintops emerging through the water. There would be no humans, but there could be other forms of life. Earth would rotate rapidly, as the moon would not be present to produce the tidal friction that slows Earth's rotation today

A woman pushes a 35.0 kg object at a constant speed for 10.8 m along a level floor, doing 280 J of work by applying a constant horizontal force of magnitude F on the object. (a) Determine the value of F (in N). (Enter the magnitude.) N (b) If the worker now applies a force greater than F, describe the subsequent motion of the object. The object's speed would increase with time. The object's speed would remain constant over time. The object would slow and come to rest. (c) Describe what would happen to the object if the applied force is less than F. The object's speed would increase with time. The object's speed would remain constant over time. The object would slow and come to rest.



a) F= 25.9 N

b) The object's speed would increase with time.

c) The object  would slow and come to rest.



By definition of work, this is the process through which a force applied on an object, produces a displacement of the object.If the force is constant, and the displacement is parallel to the direction of the force, this work is just the product of the applied force times the distance, as follows:

       [tex]W = F_{app} * d (1)[/tex]

We can solve for Fapp, replacing W and d by their values:

       [tex]F_{app} =\frac{W}{d} = \frac{280J}{10.8m} = 25.9 N (2)[/tex]


If the object is moving at constant speed when it is applied a force F, this means that this force must be compensated by an equal opposite force, in this case, the kinetic friction force.Since this force is constant while the object is moving, if we increase the force F making it larger, there will be a net force in the direction of the displacement, which will cause an acceleration that will increase the speed with time.


We have already said in b) that if the object is moving at constant speed, there must be an equal and opposite force to the applied force F, the kinetic friction force, which is constant, acting on the object.If we apply  a force less than F, there will be a net force in the direction opposite to the displacement, that will cause a acceleration opposite to the displacement, which will make the object to slow down and eventually come to rest.

What x rays travel at the speed of


What is the speed? Like we need the pic or something

HELP me please cause I don't understand it.



Force = 0.49 N (Approx)



Mass = 50 grams = 0.05 Kg

Acceleration = 9.81 m/s²




Force = Mass x Acceleration

Force = 0.05 x 9.81

Force = 0.4905

Force = 0.49 N (Approx)

During a normal reaction to a stressful event, muscles are moved to their maximum capacity, and sensitivity is



The paper focuses on the biology of stress and resilience and their biomarkers in humans from the system science perspective. A stressor pushes the physiological system away from its baseline state toward a lower utility state. The physiological system may return toward the original state in one attractor basin but may be shifted to a state in another, lower utility attractor basin. While some physiological changes induced by stressors may benefit health, there is often a chronic wear and tear cost due to implementing changes to enable the return of the system to its baseline state and maintain itself in the high utility baseline attractor basin following repeated perturbations. This cost, also called allostatic load, is the utility reduction associated with both a change in state and with alterations in the attractor basin that affect system responses following future perturbations. This added cost can increase the time course of the return to baseline or the likelihood of moving into a different attractor basin following a perturbation. Opposite to this is the system's resilience which influences its ability to return to the high utility attractor basin following a perturbation by increasing the likelihood and/or speed of returning to the baseline state following a stressor. This review paper is a qualitative systematic review; it covers areas most relevant for moving the stress and resilience field forward from a more quantitative and neuroscientific perspective.


During a normal reaction to a stressful event, muscles are moved to their maximum capacity, and sensitivity is increased.

What is Sensitivity?

This is defined as the ability of an organism to respond to stimuli such as touch, sensation etc.

During exercise, sensitivity to substances such as insulin when glucose transport wears off helps to balance energy supply.

Read more about Sensitivity here https://brainly.com/question/8043930

A 50 kg bike and rider accelerate from 4 to 8 m Determine how much kinetic energy must be added to make this occur?



A.) 200 in my opinion so I hope this helps

Answer: 1200 j


I just took it

Take 100 PONTS!!!!!! PLEASE I NEED HELP FAST. Just look The picture.​



i THINK it’s false. You don’t have to give me points ;-;



i think false and true is spelt wrong lol


the motion of a body with respect to another body is? ​



Motion that changes the orientation of a body is called rotation. ... In both cases all points in the body have the same velocity (directed speed) and the same acceleration (time rate of change of velocity).


its called relative speed

If a person walks 3 m north and 5 meters east, how would you find the displacement for that person? what would the displacement be?​





what dose current equal?


There is a basic equation in electrical engineering that states how the three terms relate. It says that the current is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance or I = V/R. This is known as Ohm's law.

Hope this helps! :)

if you ride a bike at 2 km/h and travel a total distance of 20km, how long willnit takr ( in second) you to teach your destination


Time = (20 km) x (1 hr/2 km) x (3,600 sec/hr)

Time = (20 x 1 x 3,600 km-hr-sec) / (2 km-hr)

Time = (20 x 1 x 3,600 / 2) (km-hr-sec / km-hr)

Time = 36,000 seconds

(That's 10 hours.)

If 155 g of sugar can be dissolve in 100g of water at 20 degree than how much sugar will be dissolved in 300 g of water at same temperature if someone do I will make you brainly



465 grams of sugar.


I'm not sure this is true: is the relationship linear?

If it is then 300 grams of water should be able told 3*155 grams of sugar

3 * 155 = 465  grams of sugar in 300 grams of water.




It's b because he discovered galaxies .

If an object is placed at distance of 16cm from a plane mirror, How far would it be from it's image?​



A plane mirror always creates an image with the same distance to the mirror as the object, only in the other direction. So both of them have a distance of 10cm, one is 10cm to the left, one 10cm to the right, thus their mutual distance is 20cm

14. Which of the following is not an example of work being done?
A. pushing a basketball away from your body
B. holding a coffee mug
C. carrying boxes across a warehouse floor



B. holding a coffee mug


Something must move a distance for work to be done.

What is the magnitude of the force that is exerted on a 20 kg mass to give it an acceleration of 10.0


Answer:Mass of the body = 20 kg.

Final Velocity = 5.8 m/s.

Initial velocity = 0

Time = 3 seconds.  

Using the Formula,  

Acceleration = (v - u)/ t

= (5.8 - 0)/ 3

= 1.6 m /s².

Now, Using the Formula,  

Force = mass × acceleration

= 20 × 1.6



The magnitude of requires force, that is exerted on a 20 kg mass to give it an acceleration of 10.0 m/s^2 is 200 Newton.

What is force?

The definition of force in physics is: The push or pull on a mass-containing item changes its velocity.

An external force is an agent that has the power to alter the resting or moving condition of a body. It has a direction and a magnitude. The application of force is the location at which force is applied, and the direction in which the force is applied is known as the direction of the force.

Given parameters:

Mass of the object: m = 20 kg.

Acceleration of the object: a = 10.0 m/s^2.

Hence, according to Newton's 2nd law of motion:

the magnitude of requires force = mass ×acceleration

= 20 × 10 Newton

= 200 Newton.

Hence, the magnitude of requires force is 200 Newton.

Learn more about force here:



A 7.80 g bullet has a speed of 620 m/s when it hits a target, causing the target to move 6.30 cm in the direction of the bullet's velocity before stopping. (a) Use work and energy considerations to find the average force (in N) that stops the bullet. (Enter the magnitude.) N (b) Assuming the force is constant, determine how much time elapses (in s) between the moment the bullet strikes the target and the moment it stops moving. s



[tex]23796.19\ \text{N}[/tex]

[tex]0.0002032\ \text{s}[/tex]


F = Force

s = Displacement = 6.3 cm

m = Mass of bullet = 7.8 g

v = Velocity of bullet = 620 m/s

t = Time taken

Work done is given by


Kinetic energy is given by


Using work energy considerations we get

[tex]Fs=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\Rightarrow F=\dfrac{1}{2s}mv^2\\\Rightarrow F=\dfrac{1}{2\times 0.063}\times 7.8\times 10^{-3}\times 620^2\\\Rightarrow F=23796.19\ \text{N}[/tex]

The average force that stops the bullet is [tex]23796.19\ \text{N}[/tex].

Force is given by

[tex]F=m\dfrac{v-u}{t}\\\Rightarrow t=m\dfrac{v-u}{F}\\\Rightarrow t=7.8\times 10^{-3}\times \dfrac{620}{23796.19}\\\Rightarrow t=0.0002032\ \text{s}[/tex]

The time taken to stop the bullet is [tex]0.0002032\ \text{s}[/tex].

1. Describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth causes atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns that determine the regional and global climate.


Unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates. ... Atmospheric circulation that, in part, determines regional climates is the result of sunlight-driven latitudinal banding, the Coriolis effect, and resulting prevailing winds.

a ball is spun around in circular motion such that it completes 50 rotations in 25 s.

1) What is the period of its rotation?
2) what is the frequency of its rotation?



(A) The period of its rotation is 0.5 s (2) The frequency of its rotation is 2 Hz.


Given that,

a ball is spun around in circular motion such that it completes 50 rotations in 25 s.

(1). Let T be the period of its rotation. It can be calculated as follows :

[tex]T=\dfrac{25}{50}\\\\T=0.5\ s[/tex]

(2). Let f be the frequency of its rotation. It can be defined as the number of rotations per unit time. So,

[tex]f=\dfrac{50}{25}\\\\f=2\ Hz[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

The rate at which work is done is known as which of the following?
A. Power,
B. Energy,
C. Momentum,



A , power


Hope this is useful. Have a lovely rest of your day! God bless you.

A tank is is half full of oil that has a density of 900 kg/m3. Find the work W required to pump the oil out of the spout. (Use 9.8 m/s2 for g. Assume r = 15 m and h = 5 m.) W = 1.59 J



3.9 × 10^7 J


Given that a tank is is half full of oil that has a density of 900 kg/m3. Find the work W required to pump the oil out of the spout. (Use 9.8 m/s2 for g. Assume r = 15 m and h = 5 m.) W = 1.59 J


Since the tank is half full, the height = 2.5m

Pressure = density × gravity × height

Pressure = 900 × 9.8 × 2.5

Pressure = 22050 Pascal

The cross sectional area of the pump will be area of a circle.

A = πr^2

A = π × 15^2

A = 706.858 m^2

Using the formula

Density = mass/volume

Mass = density × volume

Mass = 900 × 706.86 × 2.5

Mass = 1590.435

Energy = mgh

Energy = 1590.435 × 9.8 × 2.5

Energy = 38965657.8 J

Since the work done = energy

Therefore, the work done = 3.9 × 10^7 J

1. What does the Work-Energy Theorem state?
Work is equal to the change in kinetic energy
Work is equal to the change in momentum
Work is equal to the change in impulse
Work is equal to the change in position


The principle of work and kinetic energy (also known as the work-energy theorem) states that the work done by the sum of all forces acting on a particle equals the change in the kinetic energy of the particle. ... Kinetic Energy: A force does work on the block. So the answer would be the first one.

The Work-Energy Theorem states that Work is equal to the change in kinetic energy, which is the first option . This theorem is an essential principle in physics and mechanics, so first option is correct.

Work (W) is a measure of the energy transferred to or from an object by a force acting on it. It is defined as the product of the force applied to the object and the displacement of the object in the direction of the force. When a force does positive work on an object, it transfers energy to the object, increasing its kinetic energy. Conversely, when a force does negative work on an object (opposite to its direction of motion), it takes energy away from the object, decreasing its kinetic energy. So, first option is correct.

Learn more about the work-energy theorem here.



Velocity tells us not only how fast something is going, but in what direction it is traveling.






because I tride it

Help please, i am lost.



nas wr hdrtuendnetyje because


objects total kinetic and potential energy.



Bowling ball


If a spring extends by 3 cm when a 4 N weight is suspended from it, find the extension
when the weight is changed to
(a) 8 N
(b) 10 N
(c) 14


A - 6cm
B - 7.5cm
C - 10.5cm
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