what is the period of this pendulum if its mass is doubled? note that you do not know the value of mm , ll , or gg , so do not assume any specific values. the required analysis involves thinking about ratios.


Answer 1

The period of this pendulum if its mass is doubled. The required analysis involves thinking about ratios is The period is 8 s when the pendulum's mass is doubled.

When a weight is shifted sideways from its equilibrium position, gravity acts as a restoring force on it, causing it to accelerate back toward the equilibrium position. This is what is meant by the term "pendulum," which refers to a weight that is hanging from a pivot so that it can swing freely. The restoring force acting on the mass of the pendulum once it is released causes it to oscillate, swinging back and forth about its equilibrium point. The duration, or the time required for a left swing and a right swing, is the period. The length of the pendulum and, to a lesser extent, the width of the amplitude, or swing, affect the period. Since Galileo Galilei's early scientific investigations of it in 1602, pendulums have been employed for timekeeping, and they remained the most precise timekeeping technology until the 1930s. For 270 years, households and offices utilized the pendulum clock invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1658 as the world's primary timekeeper before the quartz clock took its place.

To know more about pendulum please refer: https://brainly.com/question/14759840


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Do injuries heal faster when sleeping?


Yes, injuries heal faster when sleeping. Sleep helps in ensuring proper blood flow on all over the body.

A decent night's rest can work on your temperament, assist you with remaining caution and lift your memory. Presently information show that getting sufficient Z's strength additionally get your slices to recuperate all the more speedily. As a matter of fact, rest was a higher priority than great sustenance in speeding wound mending.

This wasn't the very thing researchers had expected to see. They had wanted to show that giving individuals a dietary lift would make their skin wounds recuperate quicker — even in individuals who were sleepless. That would have been helpful for troopers in battle, or for specialists working long changes in a medical clinic. The researchers figured it ought to work since great sustenance keeps the body's insusceptible framework solid. That safe framework helps fix wounds and makes preparations for contamination.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to 4.18 kilojoules.

Joule is the fundamental energy unit of the metric system, or the International System of Units in a later, more thorough version (SI). In the end, the meter, kilogram, and second are used to characterize it.

Calorie: In the past, the definition of a calorie included the heating of water. Consequently, according to a conventional definition, one calorie is the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius, from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees.

The "calorie" measured for other temperature ranges differs slightly from this, which is frequently referred to as the 15 °C calorie. The calorie has more recently been defined in terms of the joule; historically, the calorie and joule have been equivalent to mechanical heat.

To know more about Calorie:



How do you find the scale factor of a dilation example?


Scale factor is found by estimating the pixel and data of geometry or image.

A scale factor is a number that allows you to resize a geometric figure or shape relative to its original size. The ratio of the size of the original image and the enlarged image.Magnification can be represented by or .If the scale factor is greater than 1 (>1), the image will be enlarged.If the scale factor is less than 1 (0<<1), the image will be scaled down.If the scale factor is 1 (=1), the image remains the same.Magnification lets you increase or decrease the size of an object. The basic formula for determining the scaling coefficient of the extended illustration is

[tex]scale. factor=\frac{x}{y} \\\\x=dim. new-shape\\y=dim.original-shape[/tex][tex]Scale factor = \frac{x}{y} \\\\x= new -shape\\y=original- shape[/tex]

Example -

Strain Scale 2: The center of strain in the coordinate plane is the origin (0, 0).

Let ABC be a triangle on the coordinate plane. The points in the coordinate plane are A(0, 2), B(2, 1), C(-2, -2).

If the scale factor is 2, each coordinate point of the original triangle is multiplied by a scale factor of 2.

So the triangle drawn is A'B'C' and the resulting coordinate points are A'(0 , 4), B'(4, 2), C'(-4, -4).

Stretch by a factor of 2, then multiply by 2.

(x,y) → (2x,2y)

To learn about pixel -



From the point of view of conductive heat loss, which adaptations would be beneficial to animals living in extremely cold climates? (all that apply)
A. Large surface area
B. Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivity
C. Lots of tissues, like muscle, with high thermal conductivity
D. Thick skin
E. Thin skin
F. Small surface area


The adaptive behavior that is beneficial to the animals that live in the extreme cold climates was found to be Lots of tissues, like fat, with low thermal conductivity.

define thermal conductivity ?

A material's thermal conductivity is a measure of its ability to conduct heat.

Heat transfer occurs at a slower rate in low thermal conductivity materials than in high thermal conductivity materials. Metals, for example, have high thermal conductivity and are particularly effective at transferring heat, whereas insulating materials like Rockwool or Styrofoam are the reverse. Materials with high thermal conductivity are commonly used in heat sink applications, while materials with low thermal conductivity are used as thermal insulation. Thermal resistivity is the counterpart of thermal conductivity.

Lots of tissues, such as fat, with low heat conductivity were discovered to be useful to animals living in extreme cold climates.

To learn more about thermal conductivity follow the given link:https://brainly.com/question/23897839


A person stands on a bathroom scale that rests on the floor of an elevator (lift). When the elevator is stationary the scale registers 35.9 kg. When the elevator (lift) accelerates upwards the scale registers 44.3 kg. Taking the acceleration of gravity to be 9.81 m s², calculate the acceleration of the elevator (lift) when the scale registers 44.3 kg.​


Answer and Explanation:

To solve this problem, we need to use the formula for weight, which is given by the product of mass and acceleration of gravity. The weight of an object can be calculated by multiplying its mass by the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, the weight of the person on the scale is given by the difference between the two readings on the scale, which is 44.3 kg - 35.9 kg = 8.4 kg.

Since the acceleration of gravity is known to be 9.81 m/s^2, we can use this value to calculate the acceleration of the elevator (lift) when the scale registers 44.3 kg. The formula for acceleration is given by the change in velocity over time. In this case, the change in velocity is the difference between the person's weight when the elevator is stationary and when it is accelerating upwards. This means that the acceleration of the elevator (lift) is given by 8.4 kg / (9.81 m/s^2 * t), where t is the time over which the acceleration occurs.

Therefore, to calculate the acceleration of the elevator (lift), we need to know the time over which the acceleration occurs. Since this information is not provided in the question, we cannot determine the exact acceleration of the elevator (lift). However, we can say that the acceleration of the elevator (lift) is proportional to the difference in weight readings on the scale and inversely proportional to the acceleration of gravity.

after the galileo orbiter detected something unusual in the space around europa, what did scientists interpret this phenomenon to mean?


Scientists interpreted this phenomenon to mean that there may be an underground ocean of liquid water on Europa.

The Galileo orbiter detected a magnetic field near the moon that was inconsistent with what scientists would expect from a moon made of solid rock and ice. This led them to hypothesize that a salty ocean of liquid water may be hidden beneath Europa's icy crust.

1. The Galileo Orbiter detected a powerful and localized magnetic field emanating from the surface of Europa.

2. Scientists hypothesized that this localized magnetic field was caused by the interaction between Europa's subsurface ocean and the magnetic field of Jupiter.

3. Scientists theorized that the magnetic field was evidence of a salty, liquid ocean beneath the moon's icy crust.

4. This ocean is thought to be at least twice the volume of all the Earth's oceans combined.

5. The presence of liquid water in such a large volume is a promising sign for the possibility of life on Europa.

6. This is because liquid water is necessary for life as we currently know it, and the presence of a heated ocean beneath the surface of Europa could provide the necessary energy and resources for life.

The Galileo Orbiter was an unmanned spacecraft sent by NASA to explore Jupiter and its moons. It was launched in 1989 and arrived at Jupiter in 1995. It was the first spacecraft to orbit Jupiter and it made numerous discoveries, including confirming the existence of liquid oceans beneath Europa's icy surface. It also detected a magnetic field around Jupiter and studied the planet's atmosphere and radiation belts. Galileo also sent back numerous images of Jupiter and its moons, which provided new insights into their composition and structure. It operated until 2003, when it was deliberately de-orbited into Jupiter's atmosphere.

to know more about Jupiter's atmosphere click here:



a section of the surface of a hollow sphere has a radius of curvature of 0.60 m, and the inside and outside surfaces have a mirror- like lish. what are the focal len hsof the inside and outside surfaces?


The focal length of the inside and outside surfaces is +0.30m and -0.30m respectively.

What is the focal length?

The focal length can be described as a measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light. Focal length can be defined as the inverse of the system's optical power. A positive focal length shows that a system converges light, while a negative focal length shows that the system diverges light.

For a spherically curved mirror, the focal length is equal to the radius of curvature divided by two. The focal length is positive for a concave and negative for a convex mirror.

[tex]{\displaystyle f=-{R \over 2}}[/tex]

Given, when the inside surface has a mirror like polish then the mirror behaves like a convex mirror.

[tex]{\displaystyle f={0.60 \over 2}} = 0.30 \; m[/tex]

Given, when the outside surface has a mirror like polish then the mirror behaves like a concave mirror.

[tex]{\displaystyle f={-0.60 \over 2}} = -0.30 \; m[/tex]

Learn more about focal length, here:



Where in electromagnetic spectrum is the infrared found?


Infrared rays are located in the electromagnetic spectrum between radio waves and gamma waves.

Electro magnetic radiation travels in waves, just like waves in an ocean. The energy of the radiation depends on the distance between the crests (highest points) of the waves, or the wavelength. In general, the smaller the wavelength, the higher the energy of the radiation. Gamma rays have wavelengths less than ten trillionths of a meter which is about the size of the nucleus of an atom. This means that gamma rays have very high energy.

Radio waves, on the other hand, have wavelengths that range from less than one centi-meter to greater than 100 metres. The energy of radio waves is much lower than the energy of other types of electro magnetic radiation. The only type of light detectable by the human eye is visible light. It has wavelengths about the size of a bacteria cell and its energies fall between those of radio waves and gamma rays.

To know more about infrared rays:



The default setting shows two people holding one object each. The mass of the blue object is 50 kilograms and the red one is 200 kilograms. Note that the value of force each object applies on the other is the same (0.000000041712 newtons), but in the opposite direction. This value is written in standard notations. Express this value in scientific notation.
Please help


The value of 0.000000041712 N written in standard notations can be expressed as 41.712 × [tex]10^{-9}[/tex] N in scientific notation.

Scientific Notation in Science

This is a way of expressing large and small quantity as a simple number. The number will be multiply by a power of ten which is known as multiplying factor

Given that the value of force each object applies on the other is the same which is 0.000000041712 newtons, but in the opposite direction. This value is written in standard notations.

This number can be expressed as

0.000000041712 N = 41.712 nN

That is, 41.712 nano Newton

The multiplying factor of nano is [tex]10^{-9}[/tex]

To express this value in scientific notation, multiply the number 41.712 by the multiplying factor. That is,

0.000000041712 N = 41.712 ×  [tex]10^{-9}[/tex] Newtons

Therefore, the value of 0.000000041712 N of force each object in scientific notation is 41.712 × [tex]10^{-9}[/tex] N

Learn more about Scientific Notation here: https://brainly.com/question/5756316


when they look into the universe, astronomers observe that nearly all galaxies are moving away from the milky way. this observation suggests that


An observer in a distant galaxy would make the same observation as the universe is expanding continuously.

From the big bang till now the universe is continuously expanding which means that the galaxies and the other celestial bodies are moving far from each other which is also a reason that the universe is cooling down since the big bang has happened. So if we observe that universe is expanding it is not a big deal we're moving away from the galaxies and galaxies are moving far from us... and we're moving apart from other galaxies.

To know more about the expanding universe :



photons can be produced by the impact of a high-energy electron with a target. if the electron is accelerated by a potential difference of 10.0 kv and produces a photon on impact, what is the minimum wavelength of photon?


[tex]1.24 * 10^{-10} m[/tex] is the minimum wavelength of photon.

The potential difference is ΔV = [tex]10 * 10^{3} V[/tex]

The charge on an electron is q = [tex]-1.6 * 10^{-19} C[/tex]

The change in the potential energy of a charged particle when it moves through a potential difference, ΔV, is

ΔU = qΔV


ΔU is the change in the potential energy.

q is the charge.

ΔV is the potential difference between the initial and the final position of the charge.

The change in the potential energy of the electron is:

ΔU = [tex]-1.6 * 10^{-19} * 10^{4} = -0.16 * 10^{-15} J[/tex]

According to the law of conservation of energy, the sun of the change in the kinetic and potential energy of the charge should be zero, since the electric field is conservative, and there are no other external forces.

ΔU + ΔK = 0

⇒ΔK = [tex]1.6 * 10^{-15} J[/tex]

Therefore, the kinetic energy acquired by the electron is:

Now when such an electron suddenly stops, it produces x-ray to compensate for the sudden release of energy. The maximum energy of this x-ray is equal to the kinetic energy of the electron.

K = [tex]1.6 * 10^{-15} J[/tex]

E = K

Also, the energy of an electromagnetic wave depends on its wavelength,

λ , by the following equation:

E = hc / λ


h = [tex]6.626 * 10^{-34} J[/tex] is the planks constant

c = [tex]3 * 10^{8} m/s the speed of light[/tex]

Therefore, the minimum wavelength corresponds to the maximum possible energy,

E = K

hc / λ = [tex]1.6 * 10^{-15}[/tex]

λ = [tex]6.626 * 10^{-34} * 3 * 10^{8} / 1.6 * 10^{-15[/tex]

  = [tex]19.878 * 10^{-26} / 1.6 * 10^{-15}[/tex]

  = [tex]1.24 * 10^{-10} m[/tex]

To know more about potential energy click here:



not all of the potential energy of the roller coaster cars is converted to kinetic energy and back again. some mechanical energy is converted to thermal energy. describe how mechanical energy gets converted to thermal energy along the track.


This statement is true. Not all of the potential energy of the roller coaster cars is converted to kinetic energy and back again, some mechanical energy is converted to thermal energy.

The amount of mechanical energy in the system is reduced as a result of the force of friction acting on the moving automobiles. Consequently, the mechanical energy is not wasted.

It is converted into thermal energy, which is discernible as an elevation in the track and car wheels' temperature on a roller coaster.

The coaster's kinetic energy turns back into potential energy when it climbs one of the subsequent, smaller hills after the initial lift hill.

In this manner, the track's route continuously transforms energy from kinetic to potential and vice versa.

A portion of the energy is always converted into thermal energy whenever this occurs. Friction is a source of heat energy. Frictional energy is not usable energy. It isn't put to use for labor.

To know more about friction, visit:



find the acceleration if the change in velocity is 5 m/s and the time is 15 seconds 5 m/s2 25 m/s2 0.33 m/s2 0.5 m/s2


The acceleration would be 0.33 / ms².

What do we called an acceleration ? The rate at which velocity changes with time, in terms of both speed and direction. A point or an object moving in a straight line is accelerated if it speeds up or slows down. Motion on a circle is accelerated even if the speed is constant, because the direction is continually changing.

Thus if we go mathematically:


v = 5m/s

t = 15 sec

hence a = v/t ,

 a = 5/15

 a= 0.33 m/s²

The acceleration would be 0.33 / ms².

To know more about the acceleration , visit :



What is the frequency of light with a wavelength of 4.257 x10 7 meters?


The frequency of light wave  is 0.704Hz.  if its wavelength is  4.257×10⁻⁷m .Frequency is inversely proportional to time-period.

Exactly when a wave goes through reflection, it essentially remains in the medium and simply switches its going of development. The smooth wave has traveled twofold its distance. This reflection characteristic of waves is consistently found in sound waves.

Exactly when you let out a boisterous cry inside a gorge, you habitually hear the resonation of the holler. The sound waves travel through the medium; for this present circumstance, the air and bob off the ravine wall and return to the start of the sound (you). The result is that you hear the resonation of your holler.

We know that when an electromagnetic wave is going through speed v passing in a medium, it contains specific speed and frequency which is given by the expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the speed of light in vacuum,

ν is the frequency of the wave and

λ is the wavelength of the wave.

Now, we know that speed(c) of light wave is 3 ×10⁸m/sec

Also, we have wavelength(λ)=4.257×10⁻⁷m

Therefore, frequency=speed/wavelength

=>ν = (3 ×10⁸m/sec) / 4.257×10⁻⁷m

=>ν =0.704/sec

or ν =0.704Hz

Hence, frequency of light is 0.704Hz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



when someone looks into a concave mirror from a distance of 25 cm, a virtual image is produced that is enlarged by a factor of 2. what is the image distance?


The image distance is di is -50cm.

The definition of concave.

Adverb: curved inward. bending inward. having one or two surfaces that are concave or that are ground to resemble a section of the interior of a sphere, paraboloid, etc. math of a polygon with an interior angle greater than 180 degrees.

Mirrors used in flashlights, reflecting telescopes, car headlights, and other devices are examples of concave mirrors. Convex mirrors come in a variety of shapes, including those used as optical devices, calling bells, and vehicle rearview mirrors.

The image distance is di = −mdo

The image distance is di = −2(25 cm)

The image distance is di = −50 cm.

To know more about concave mirror visit:



A moving electron has a kinetic energy k1. After a net amount of work is done on it, the electron is moving one-quarter as fast in the opposite direction. What is the work done w in terms of k1?.


The work done w in terms of K₁ is (9/16)K₁..Work done is equal to change in kinetic energy of the body.

Since, it is given a electron is moving with Kinetic energy. We know that kinetic energy of any moving body is given by=(1/2)mv²

where m is defined as the mass of the body

and v is defined as the velocity of the body.

Initially K₁.=(1/2)[tex]m_e[/tex]v²

=>v²=2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex]

=>v=√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex])--------(eq1)

Now,velocity of body becomes one plus one-fourth of the above velocity,so new velocity is =[√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex]) + [(1/4)×√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex])]=(5/4)×√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex].

Therefore, we know that work done is equal to change in kinetic energy of the body


=>W=(1/2)×[tex]m_e[/tex] × ([(5/4)²×√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex].)²- (√(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex]))²]

=>W=(1/2)×[tex]m_e[/tex] ×[(25/16)-1]×(2 K₁ / [tex]m_e[/tex].)



Hence, work done in terms of K₁  is (9/16)K₁.

To know more about work, visit here:



The specific gravity of an material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water. The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025.What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?


The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water is 8.3 %.

The specific gravity of any material is defined as the ratio of the density of the material to the density of water.

Mathematically, the formula for specific gravity of materials =

= S.G = density of the material / density of water

Specific gravity of the iceberg = 0.917

Specific gravity of the seawater = 1.025

The fraction of the iceberg submerged in the seawater =

= 0.917 = 0.917 x 100 %

= 91.7 %

The fraction of the iceberg that is above the surface of the water =

= 1 - 0.917

= 0.083

= 0.083 x 100 %

= 8.3 %

Thus, the fraction of the iceberg submerged in the water is a function of the specific gravity of the iceberg.

To know more about Specific Gravity:



what is angular speed (in rpmrpm ) or a 500 gg ball swinging in a 20- cmcm -radius circle at the end of a 1.0- mm -long string?


67.51 rpm is angular speed for a 500 g ball swinging in a 20 cm radius circle at the end of a 1.0 m long string

What is angular speed?

A net external torque is required for rigid bodies in order for there to be an angular acceleration. This is not true for non-rigid bodies, though: As an illustration, a figure skater may accelerate her spin without the need for an external force by merely squeezing her arms and legs inward.

Given that,

mass of ball (m) = 500 gm = 0.5 kg

radius of ball (R) = 20 cm = 0.2 m

length of string = 1 m

Let, θ be the angle formed by the string with vertical.

T cos θ = mg ........(i)

T sin θ = mω²r ..........(ii)

Now, (ii) ÷ (i)

T sin θ/ T cos θ = mω²r/ mg

or, tan θ = ω²r/ g

or,  ω = [tex]\sqrt{g/r}[/tex] tanθ

By Pythagoras theorem,

h² + R² = l²

or, h = [tex]\sqrt{(1)^2 - (0.2)^2}[/tex]

or, h = 0.98 m


tan θ = R/h

tan θ = 1 m/0.98 m

Now, ω = [tex]\sqrt{g/r}[/tex] tanθ

or, ω = [tex]\sqrt{9.8/0.2}[/tex] 1 m/0.98 m

or, ω =  7.07 rad/sec

So, putting the values:

ω = 2πN/60

or, 7.07 = 2πN/60

or, N = 67.51 rpm.

To know more about  angular speed refer to:



a projectile is fired horizontally from the top of a cliff. the projectile hits the ground 4 s later at a distance of 2 km from the base of the cliff. what is the height of the cliff?


A projectile is fired horizontally from the top of a cliff. the projectile hits the ground 4 s later at a distance of 2 km from the base of the cliff The height of the cliff 80m

A projectile is fired horizontally from the top of a cliff. the projectile hits the ground 4 s later at a distance of 2 km from the base of the cliff

h = 1/2gt2


g= 10

h = 80m

The height of the cliff 80m

A projectile is also anything that is hurled upward at an angle to the horizontal (provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible). Any object that, after being launched or dropped, continues to move due to its own inertia and is only affected by gravity's downward pull is referred to as a projectile. The force of gravity is the only force that can be said to act on a projectile by definition.

To learn more about projectile Please click on the given link:



Need help! Thanks lots!


In order for the law of conservation of momentum to be true there should not be any external forces acting on the system.

What is the law of conservation of momentum ?A preserved quantity is one that remains constant. Many conserved values exist in physics, and they are frequently useful for formulating system predictions in extremely complex settings. The Law of Conservation of Momentum states that momentum for a system is conserved, however there is a catch. This law only applies to isolated systems. This means that no external pressures should be acting on the system. When no external forces apply on a system, the momentum is conserved, according to the law of conservation of momentum.Specifically, the system's total momentum remains constant before and after any occurrence.What is momentum ?Momentum is a vector quantity that is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. Because momentum is a vector quantity, it has both direction and magnitude, and it is expressed as  p = m × vWhere,                                                                                                           p = momentum.                                                                                      m = the object's mass                                                                               v = accelerationThere are two types of momentum present:Momentum LinearMomentum Angular

Can learn more about laws of conservation of momentum from https://brainly.com/question/17140635


electrons in an x-ray tube are accelerated through 1.0 x 102 kv and directed toward a target to produce x-rays. calculate the power of the electron beam in this tube if it has a current of 15.0 ma.


The power of the electron beam in the tube if the current is 15 mA is 1.50 KW.

Voltage of the x-ray tube = V = 1.0 X 10² KV = 1 X 10⁵ V

Current of the x-ray tube = I = 15 mA = 15 X 10⁻³ A

Power of the x-ray tube = P =

= P = V X I

= P = 1 X 10⁵ X 15 X 10⁻³

= P = 15 X 10² W

= P = 1.50 KW

Power, in science and engineering, time rate of doing work or delivering energy, expressible as the amount of work done W, or energy transferred, divided by the time interval t—or W/t.

To know more about Power:



the threshold of hearing is defined as the minimum discernible intensity of the sound. it is approximately 10−12w/m2 . find the distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned. assume that the windows are rolled down and that each speaker actually produces 0.06 w of sound, as suggested in the last follow-up comment.


The distance is 97720.5 m

From the question, we have

P = 0.06 W × 2 = 0.12 W

d = ?

Sound intensity, I = P/4πd²

I = 10⁻¹² W/m²

10⁻¹² = 0.12/4πd²

d = 97720.5 m

The distance is 97720.5 m

Sound intensity :

The power carried by sound waves per unit area in the direction  perpendicular to that region is known as sound intensity or acoustic intensity. The watt per square meter (W/m2) is the SI unit of intensity, which also covers sound intensity. Sound intensity is a measure of how quickly energy moves across a given space. The unit area in the SI measurement system is 1 m2. So Watts per square meter are used to measure sound intensity. As there will be energy flow in certain directions but not in others, sound intensity also provides a measure of direction.

To learn more about Sound intensity visit: https://brainly.com/question/12899113


Light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors.
a. True
b. False


The statement that Light passes through the entire thickness of the neural layer of the retina to excite the photoreceptors is true.

Photoreceptors are specialized neurons found in the retina which are responsible for converting light signal to electrical signal. They are of two types such as cones and rods. Rods are responsible for vision at low light levels or scotopic vision. When the light strike up at these photoreceptors present inside the eye, the photoreceptors change the configuration of light, passing this on to the bipolar cells, which passes it to the ganglion cells which are primarily responsible for carrying the information to the brain. Iris regulates the amount of light that enters our eye.

Learn more about photoreceptors at:



the total amount of energy in the universe never changes, but the amount of energy available for work at any given moment varies tremendously. what best explains this change in available energy?


The total amount of energy in the universe never changes, but the amount of energy available for work at any given moment varies tremendously therefore interconversion of energy explains the change in available energy.

What is Law of conservation of energy?

This law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only converted from one form of energy to another.

The universe as a whole is referred to as a closed system which is why its  total amount of energy never changes. However, energy can be converted from one form to another through various means.

The amount of energy available for work at any given moment varies tremendously and it is caused as  a result of energy interconversion which is therefore the reason why it was chosen as the correct choice.

Read more about Energy here https://brainly.com/question/13881533


Four cube-shaped blocks are floating in equilibrium in a tank of water. Blocks A, B, and C have the same size. Block D is larger than the others. The masses of the blocks are unknown.Part (a) Rank the magnitudes of the buoyant forces acting on blocks A, B, C, and D in order of greatest to smallest.Part (b) Rank the masses of the blocks from greatest to smallest.Part (c) Rank the densities of the blocks from greatest to smallest.


The ranking of magnitude of buoyant forces of the four boxes from greatest to smallest is FD>FA=FB>FC. The ranking of masses of the blocks from greatest to smallest is mD>mA=mB>mC and the ranking of densities of the blocks from greatest to smallest is pA=pB=pD>pC.

(a) The buoyant force is the upward force exerted on an object wholly or partly immersed in a fluid. This upward force is also called Upthrust. Due to the buoyant force, a body submerged partially or fully in a fluid appears to lose its weight, i.e. appears to be lighter. It depends on acceleration due to gravity, volume of fluid and fluid density.

Thus, the order of force on the block from greatest to smallest is FD>FA=FB>FC.

(b) Mass (symbolized m) is a dimensionless quantity representing the amount of matter in a particle or object. The standard unit of mass in the International System (SI) is the kilogram (kg). If an object's average density is less than that of the surrounding fluid, it will float. The reason is that the fluid, having a higher density, contains more mass and hence more weight in the same volume. The buoyant force, which equals the weight of the fluid displaced, is thus greater than the weight of the object.

Thus, the order of mass on the block from greatest to smallest is mD>mA=mB>mC.

(c) Buoyant force is directly proportional to the density of the liquid displaced. So, greater the density of the liquid, greater is the buoyant force due to the liquid. So, the order of density on the block from greatest to smallest is pA=pB=pD>pC.

To know more about Buoyancy:



the choices below each describe the appearance of an h-r diagram for a different star cluster. which cluster is most likely to be located in the halo of our galaxy?


The cluster that is most likely to be located in the halo of our galaxy is the diagram that shows main-sequence stars of every spectral type except O, along with a few giants and supergiants.

What are star clusters?

Star clusters are large collections of stars. Star clusters are classified into two types: Globular clusters are gravitationally bound groups of tens of thousands to millions of old stars.

Because of their location on the dusty spiral arms of spiral galaxies, they are sometimes referred to as galactic clusters. Stars in an open cluster share a common ancestor as they all formed from the same massive molecular cloud.

A typical spiral galaxy has a faint, extended stellar halo. A stellar halo is an essentially spherical population of stars and globular clusters thought to surround most disk galaxies and the cD class of elliptical galaxies. It should be noted that a halo is a spherical cloud of stars surrounding a galaxy. Astronomers have proposed that the Milky Way's halo is composed of two populations of stars.

Learn more about star on:



In a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. The matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. Then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur Rank the steps leading up to the observed nova event in chronological order from first to last. Material accumulates onto Nuclear fusion reactions cause the white dwarf's surface increasing in temperature At a temperature of 10 million K, the accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion As nuclear fuel is burned up or blown into space, fusion ceases and the star dims


The density and temperature of the material accumulating on the surface of the white dwarf rise. The collected surface hydrogen starts to undergo nuclear fusion at a temp of 10 million K.

How essential is nuclear fusion, and what is it?

The Sun gets its energy through a process known as nuclear fusion. Since the 1960s, scientists have been working to duplicate it on Earth from more than 50 different nations. They are hopeful that it will someday supply the entire planet with copious amounts of renewable energy.

Has nuclear fusion ever been accomplished?

In a feat lauded by US officials as a "landmark achievement" and a "milestone for the future of clean energy," researchers at Walter Livermore National Laboratory's Nat'l Ignition Facility successfully produced a nuclear fusion reaction that resulted in a net energy gain.

To know more about  nuclear fusion visit:



object a has a 1.0-kg mass. what should be the mass of object b? the numbers indicate the relative lengths of the rods on each side of their supporting cords.


The mass of object b will be 1.5kg.

What is the short explanation of torque?

As a twisting or turning force, torque frequently causes objects to rotate around an axis, which could be the center of mass or a fixed point. Another way to think of torque is the capacity of something rotating, such as a shaft or gear, to overcome turning resistance.

Balancing torque for lower end

m x 2 = [tex]m_{A}[/tex] x 1

m = 1x1/2

m = 0.5kg

for middle one

(mA + m) x 2 = [tex]m_{0}[/tex] x 1

[tex]m_{0}[/tex] = (0.5+1) × 2

[tex]m_{0}[/tex] = 3.0kg

for upper end

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] x 3 = ([tex]m_{A}[/tex]+m+[tex]m_{0}[/tex]) x 1

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] x 3 =  (1+0.5+3)

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] x 3 = 4.5

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] = 4.5/3

[tex]m_{B}[/tex] = 1.5kg.

To know more about torque visit:



if the horizontal distance, that is, the distance in the direction of propagation, between a crest and the adjacent trough of a sine wave is 1 m, what is the wavelength of the wave?


2M  is the wavelength of the wave.

Let's start by defining what a wave is.

A WAVE is a disturbance that also carries energy and moves it via either matter or space with little to no mass transit as defined by science, more specifically by physics.

Now, keep in mind that a wavelength is the distance between a wave's crest and trough.

Observe the example provided.

We initially encounter a dip at the bottom before reaching the next crest as we move from the previous crest to the right to get there. Furthermore, the center of the two crests is this trough. As a result, the horizontal distance between each crest is twice as great as the horizontal distance between each crest and the trough. A mathematical equation including it

(Crest to Crest) Distance = 2 x Distance (crest to trough)

D(cc) = 2D(ct) (ct)

Where D(cc) is also the wavelength that we're interested in.

Wavelength is two (4.6cm)


Therefore, the wavelength is 2m.

To learn more about wavelength Please click on the given link:



how would the europa clipper mission deal with the special hazard that faces any spacecraft that tries to study europa close-up?


NASA's Europa Clipper will conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter's moon Europa and investigate whether the icy moon could have conditions suitable for life.

The magnetometer investigation aims to confirm that Europa's ocean exists, measure its depth and salinity, and measure the moon's ice shell thickness. It will also study Europa's ionized atmosphere and how it interacts with Jupiter's ionized atmosphere. On February 10, 2021, it was announced that the mission would use a 5.5-year trajectory to the Jovian system, with gravity-assist maneuvers involving Mars (February 2025) and Earth (December 2026). Europa Clipper's main science goal is to determine whether there are places below Europa's surface that could support life. Jupiter's moon Europa shows strong evidence for an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust.

To learn more about Europa clipper click here



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