What is the name of the windows location that stores cut or copied information? select only one.


Answer 1

Answer: Clipboard.


The Office Clipboard stores text and graphics that you copy or cut from anywhere, and it lets you paste the stored items into any other Office file.

Answer 2




Related Questions

Select a website of your choice. Take a look at its HTML and CSS. Select two of the HTML elements, and see what CSS rules apply to them. You may need to examine several different elements and CSS rules before you find some that you can understand. Remember that you can use the internet to look up what a property and value mean in a CSS rule.

Cut and paste the HTML elements and the CSS rules into a word processing document.

Write a paragraph that explains how the CSS rules style the HTML elements that you have selected.





What six things can you do with GIS?



You can:

- Change detection

- Transport route planning

- Flood risk mapping

- Site selection

- Weed and pest management

- Koala habitat mapping

Hope this helps! :)

answer kendra works at a small office. she has an older printer connected to her computer with a usb cable because it does not support ethernet or wi-fi. how can kendra share her printer with her four co-workers?


Since  Kendra works at a small office. she can share her printer with her four co-workers is she will enable print sharing on the printer.

What benefit does printer sharing offer?

Although printer sharing is a helpful network function, it is not as significant as file sharing. Sharing a printer has the following benefits: Less money is spent on printers and supplies since fewer printers are required. decrease in maintenance.

Therefore, The way to find a shared printer are:

Switch to the Control Panel.Select Sound and Hardware.Click the Add a printer icon twice.Click Next after selecting Add a network, wireless, or Bluetooth printer.Windows should look for the printer. Select the printer if it was recognized, then click Next.

Learn more about printer from


functional dependency make --> type exists in the table vehicle. vehicle vehicleid type make ownerid ownername 111 car ford o1 pam 222 car ford o2 pat 333 truck honda o3 pam 444 car honda o1 pam group of answer choices true false


Functional dependency Type --> Make exists in the table VEHICLE is a false statement.

What exactly do functional dependency and types mean?

When two sets of attributes have a relationship where one set can precisely predict the value of the other sets, that relationship is defined as having a functional dependency. It is represented by the symbol X Y, where X denotes a set of properties that can be used to calculate the value of Y.

Therefore, A functional dependency in relational database theory is a restriction between two sets of attributes in a relation from a database. A functional dependency, then, is a restriction placed on a relation's two attributes.

Based on the table, there is no issue Functional dependency  of   hence the statement is false.

Learn more about Functional dependency from


a(n) connection is a nonphysical connection between sender and receiver that allows an exchange of commands and responses.


a logical connection is a non-physical connection between sender and receiver that allows an exchange of commands and responses.

What is the difference between a physical and non-physical connection?

Physical is palpable, making it pretty simple to understand. You may observe, feel, and track it. It is the physical medium that connects two points, as well as a wider network that includes all nodes, including switches and routers, in between any two points.

The arrangement (topology) of the network falls under the non-physical category and is more of an abstract idea. Software configuration makes it soft and intangible. Non-physical objects include autonomous systems and objects organized into management or routing domains. You must infer it from looking at software/soft setups because you cannot see them by directly looking at them.

To learn more about a non-physical connection, use the link given

A company is monitoring the number of cars in a parking lot each hour. each hour they save the number of cars currently in the lot into an array of integers, numcars. the company would like to query numcars such that given a starting hour hj denoting the index in numcars, they know how many times the parking lot reached peak capacity by the end of the data collection. the peak capacity is defined as the maximum number of cars that parked in the lot from hj to the end of data collection, inclusively


For this question i used JAVA.

import java.time.Duration;

import java.util.Arrays;;

class chegg1{

 public static int getRandom (int min, int max){


       return (int)(Math.random()*((max-min)+1))+min;


public static void display(int[] array){

    for(int j=0; j< array.length; j++){

     System.out.print("   " + array[j]);}

     System.out.println("----TIME SLOT----");


public static void main(String[] args){

   int[] parkingSlots= new int[]{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };



   for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {


     for(int ij=0; ij< parkingSlots.length; ij++){

       if(parkingSlots[ij] >= 0){

           parkingSlots[ij] -= 1;



       else if(parkingSlots[ij]< 0){

           parkingSlots[ij] = getRandom(2, 8);







    // System.out.println('\n');

     try {


     } catch (InterruptedException e) {







-1   -1   -1   -1   -1----TIME SLOT----

  8   6   4   6   2----TIME SLOT----

  7   5   3   5   1----TIME SLOT----

  6   4   2   4   0----TIME SLOT----

  5   3   1   3   -1----TIME SLOT----

  4   2   0   2   4----TIME SLOT----

You can learn more through link below:


Which network protocol allows administrators to access a remote computer in a secure way?


SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that gives users, particularly system administrators, a secure way to access a computer over an unsecured network.

What is Secure Shell ?

The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol that allows network services to be operated securely over an unsecured network. Remote login and command-line execution are two of its most notable applications. SSH applications use a client-server architecture to connect an SSH client to an SSH server.

SSH is a layered protocol suite that consists of three major hierarchical components: the transport layer provides server authentication, confidentiality, and integrity; the user authentication protocol validates the user to the server; and the connection protocol multiplexes the encrypted tunnel into multiple logical communication channels.

SSH was created on Unix-like operating systems to replace Telnet and unsecured remote Unix shell protocols like the Berkeley Remote Shell and the related rlogin and rexec protocols, which all use insecure, plaintext authentication token transmission.

To learn more about Secure Shell refer :



you are an it administrator for stormwind. your company's employees run various operating systems on their computers. you want to implement bitlocker on your network. which operating systems support bitlocker drive encryption


The operating system that supports BitLocker drive encryption is Windows Vista or 7 Ultimate. The correct option is A.

What is BitLocker drive encryption?

A built-in security feature of Windows called Microsoft BitLocker will encrypt all of the data on the drive where Windows is installed. BitLocker is a dependable method for preventing unauthorized access to or theft of our crucial data.

Full-volume encryption will make sure that only those with the proper encryption key will be able to decrypt and access your files and information. You can encrypt PCs or drives.

Therefore, the correct option is A. Windows Vista or 7 Ultimate.

To learn more about BitLocker drive encryption, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

Windows Vista or 7 Ultimate

Windows 10 Home edition

Apple macOS

Linux Operating System

Lightning bolts can carry currents up to approximately 20 ka. We can model such a current as the equivalent of a very long, straight wire.


You are missing the full version of the question, but another student had asked the exact same question and has been thoroughly answered with an expert verified answer here on this link.


Hope that helps

which are the two basic formats for data storage? spreadsheets and documents files and databases erds and use cases flash and web forms


The two basic formats for data storage are spreadsheets and documents.

Data Storage formats:

There are two basic types of data storage formats: spreadsheets and documents. Spreadsheets are used to store numerical data, while documents are used to store textual data. Each type of data storage format has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Spreadsheets are typically used to store data that can be easily represented in a tabular format. This type of data storage format is easy to use and understand, and it can be easily manipulated using software programs such as Microsoft Excel. However, spreadsheets are limited in terms of the amount of data that they can store, and they are not well suited for storing data that is not easily represented in a tabular format.

Documents, on the other hand, are better suited for storing data that is not easily represented in a tabular format. This type of data storage format is more flexible than a spreadsheet, and it can be used to store a larger amount of data. However, documents are more difficult to use and understand than spreadsheets, and they are not as easily manipulated using software programs.

Learn more about Data storage:



You are driving too slowly if you



Impeding upon the normal flow of traffic


Who should you not contact if you think you are the victim of identity theft or fraud?​


Dont contact people that believe ur story and don’t contact snitches

What is a typical development cycle using a Version Control System (VCS)?(1 point)

Start a new branch, merge every functional version of the new feature as it is developed, send a pull request to the team and commit new features into the project.

Build a repository, upload files, publicize the project, evaluate proposed changes and merge approved changes into the project.

Send a pull request to the team, pull a new branch, commit every functional version of the new feature as it is developed and merge new features into the project.

Start a new branch, commit every functional version of the new feature as it is developed, send a pull request to the team and merge new features into the project.


Start a new branch, commit every functional interpretation of the new point as it's developed, shoot a pull request to the platoon and combine new features into the design.

What's Functional Version?

Programs are created using the functional programming paradigm, which involves applying and composing functions. rather of a series of imperative statements that alter the program's running state, this declarative programming paradigm defines functions as trees of expressions that collude values to other values.

The process of monitoring and managing changes to software law is known as interpretation control, generally appertained to as source control. Software technologies called interpretation control systems help software development brigades in tracking changes to source law over time. interpretation control systems enable software brigades to operate further fleetly and intelligently as development surroundings have increased. They're especially helpful for DevOps brigades because they enable them to speed up successful deployments and cut down on development time.

Learn more about VCS click here:



tumblr allows greta to post text, photos, and hyperlinks about some of her favorite things. she enjoys reading the feedback that other internet users post about her choices. which form of consumer-generated media is greta using?


Tumblr allows Greta to post text, photos, and hyperlinks about some of her favorite things. She enjoys reading the feedback that other internet users post about her choices. The form of consumer-generated media is Greta using is blog entries.

What is Tumblr?

Tumblr is a microblogging and networking sites website started in 2007 by David Karp and now owned by Automattic. Users can utilize the service to submit multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. People can follow the blogs of other users. Bloggers can also set their blogs to be private.

User-generated content, also known as user-created content, is any type of content produced by people on online platforms like social media, discussion forums, and wikis, such as photographs, videos, text, opinions, and audio.

Learn more about consumer-generated media:

Why do most organizations stick to using legacy systems over replacing them?(1 point)

Organizations are getting better performance from legacy systems, so they continue to use them.

Organizations do not want to disrupt their ongoing processes, so they do not bother modernizing their software.

Organizations stick to legacy systems as the maintenance costs of legacy systems are always less than modern programs.

Organizations do not bother developing new systems, because it is good to stick to their original systems even if they are not performing proper functionalities.


Many businesses are reluctant to throw out their well-known legacy systems. Because modernization or complete replacement seem too hazardous and complex, they would prefer to keep using the current approach.

What is legacy software?

A legacy system is a piece of computing equipment or software that is no longer supported. The system continues to satisfy the requirements for which it was first intended, but growth is not permitted. A legacy system will only ever perform the current tasks for the business.

There is a lifespan for every technology, application, and digital system. It also comes to an end eventually. Avoid missing the right opportunity to upgrade your legacy software before it can no longer effectively run your company.

We always advise our clients to start by carefully planning for this reason. Before optimizing your software, think about a variety of things, such as your business objectives and potential future risks. The best practices for selecting the legacy system modernization approach that best suits your needs are thorough analytics and a well-established strategy.

Therefore, we at Acro-Polium are prepared to assist if you're looking for a trustworthy partner to upgrade, migrate, or replace your legacy software.

Learn more about system legacy click here:



In the case of driving in bad weather, at night, or behind trucks or motorcycles, you should _____.


In the case of driving in bad weather, at night, or behind trucks or motorcycles, you should increase your following distance to at least five seconds.

What is Weather?

The state of the atmosphere, including atmospheric humidity, pressure, wind, temperature,  cloud cover and precipitation are referred to as weather. It is different from climate; climate is the average of all weather conditions for a specific location over about 30 years. Altitude, Latitude, and local and regional geography all have an impact on weather. It influences how people dress on a daily basis as well as the types of structures built.

Weather is the collection of daily events that occur in our atmosphere. Weather varies throughout the world and changes in hours, minutes, days, and weeks. The troposphere, the part of the Earth's atmosphere closest to the ground, is where the majority of weather occurs.

To learn more about Weather, visit: https://brainly.com/question/11950913


which of the following can be used to connect securely to a remote computer? select three that apply.


The option from the list that can be used to connect securely to a remote computer is: SSH Protocol. (Option A)

What is SSH Protocol?

SSH, or Secure Shell, is a network communication protocol that allows two computers to interact and exchange data (c.f. http, or hypertext transfer protocol, which is used to send hypertext such as web pages).

SSH is typically used with TCP. However, RFC 4251 states that the SSH transmission layer protocol "may also be employed on top of any other trustworthy data stream." The SSH protocol defaults to listening on TCP port 22 for connections.

Learn more about SSH Protocol:

Full Question:

Which of the following protocols can be used to securely manage a network device from a remote connection?





Create a program in scratch, which will take the following input from the user:
How many sides they want their shape to have (triangle to octagon)
Size of the shape
Color they want to draw the shape in (use values 1-500)
How many copies of the shape they want to draw


There are more than a hundred different types of Scratch blocks in all. These code blocks can all be divided into one of three groups, Stack Blocks.

How many various forms can you find in Scratch?There are more than a hundred different types of Scratch blocks in all. These code blocks can all be divided into one of three groups: Stack Blocks.utilizing the same block coding found in Scratch, with text-based languages like Python. You'll be able to use blocks to make colorful things during this session.By definition, an octagon is any form having eight sides, even if it isn't a typical octagon. An irregular octagon is created by creating a shape with eight sides that are not all the same length. Utilize angles of various sizes.The pen is used to create a triangle in Scratch. 3 of the following steps are repeated to create an equilateral triangle.Making a thing out of a shape Create a polyline to show the path leading to the object, or use an existing form as a line, rectangle, oval, polygon, arc/circle, rounded rectangle, polyline, or 3D polygon. Choose the command after selecting the item. Opening of the Create Objects from Shapes dialog box.    

To learn more about Scratch blocks refer to:



There are more than a hundred different types of Scratch blocks in all. These code blocks can all be divided into one of three groups, Stack Blocks.

How many various forms can you find in Scratch?Scratch blocks come in over a hundred different varieties. These code blocks can be classified into three types: Stacking BlocksUsing text-based languages like Python and the same block coding found in Scratch. During this session, you will be able to make colorful things out of blocks.An octagon is defined as any form with eight sides, even if it is not a typical octagon. A shape with eight sides that are not all the same length is used to make an irregular octagon. Make use of a variety of angles.In Scratch, the pen is used to draw a triangle. To make an equilateral triangle, repeat three of the following steps.Creating something from a shape To show the path leading to the object, draw a polyline or use an existing form such as a line, rectangle, oval, polygon, arc/circle, rounded rectangle, polyline, or 3D polygon. After selecting the item, select the command. The Create Objects from Shapes dialog box appears.

To learn more about Scratch blocks, refer to:



you need to shutdown the system for maintenance. before you shut it down, you want to warn the users on the system and give them 5 minutes to save anything they are working on. which command should you use?


The fsck command examines and interactively fixes erroneous file systems. Before mounting any file system, you should use this command.

Why is the fsck command used?The fsck command examines and interactively fixes erroneous file systems. Before mounting any file system, you should use this command.For validating the consistency of a file system in Unix and Unix-like operating systems like Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD, use the system function fsck (file system consistency check). Both Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS have a comparable command called CHKDSK.'Shutdown' /m 'computername' /r 'fBy giving each name individually, this command can also be used to target numerous remote machines. The remote end system will be shut off together with all running processes by this command.  

To learn more about fsck command refer to:



Rheneas wants to ensure his management team is aware of the common causes for failed enterprise system implementations before they begin their own. He points out to the team that _____.


The major reasons why ERP installations fail include inadequate planning, ineffective resource management, and a lack of risk awareness.

What are the enterprise system implementations?

The ability of a technical team to manage risks and change successfully may be compromised on a variety of levels, including crucial business procedures.

The major reasons why ERP installations fail include inadequate planning, ineffective resource management, and a lack of risk awareness.

Therefore,  A technical team's ability to effectively manage risks and change may be overwhelmed on a number of levels, including vital business processes.

Learn more about enterprise system here



Which option is an example of iteration in an algorithm?
A. Instructing the computer to use a certain amount of its memory to
save the algorithm's data
B. Including a rigid sequence of events that the computer must
perform in an exact order
OC. Instructing the computer to repeat a step over and over while a
certain condition is met
D. Including an if-then statement to account for a specific condition


An example of an iterative algorithm is the ABO allele frequency estimation method that is stated at the bottom of the preceding page because it repeatedly uses one value of (p, p, p) to obtain another value of (p, p, p). ´µ Ç ). /(2 x521) = . 688.

What does an algorithmic iteration mean?

An algorithm may need to repeat some operations until instructed to stop doing so or until a certain condition is satisfied. The repetition of stages is known as iteration. Iteration is the process of repeatedly performing the same action. Long division, the Fibonacci sequence, prime numbers, and the calculator game are a few examples. Some of these, but not all, made use of recursion. a collection of succeeding integers, or do a task a predetermined number of times. The process of doing laundry, the way we solve a long division problem, the ingredients for making a cake, and the operation of a search engine are all instances of algorithms.

To learn more about algorithm refer to




I believe the asnwer is C. Instructing the computer to repeat a step over and over while a certain condition is met


Beucase i took the cst

if its not correct please correct me

which is the best solution for backing up user data? a. file history b. cloud history c. onedrive d. previous versions e. backup and restore (windows 7)


The best solution for backing up user data is: E. backup and restore (Windows 7).

What is data?

In Computer technology, data can be defined as any representation of factual instructions or information in a formalized and structured manner, especially as a series of binary digits (bits), symbols, characters, quantities, or strings that are used on computer systems in a company.

Generally speaking, backup and restore (Windows 7) is considered as the best solution for backing up user data among the choices presented above because it avail end users an ability to store their personal files and documents without being connected to the Internet, unlike OneDrive that is a cloud-based service.

Read more on data here: brainly.com/question/26207955


Leslie has not properly bugeted for savings, retirement, or debt repayment


Savings, debt repayment, and retirement are the areas of Leslie's budget that are being negatively impacted by her underspending.

What happens if you don't budget correctly?A financial projection of a person, business, or government's earnings and expenses is simply referred to as a budget.It should be emphasized that the areas of Leslie's budget that her underspending is impacting include savings, debt reduction, and retirement. The most frequent effects of not budgeting are, in brief, a lack of savings, diminished financial stability, unrestrained spending, a greater risk of incurring debt, and increased financial stress. It will be challenging to live the same lifestyle in retirement as you had while working if you don't have any money.You might need to make changes like downsizing your house or apartment, giving up luxuries like cable television, an iPhone, or a gym membership, or driving a less expensive vehicle.

To learn more about budget refer



Which of the following describes an action that serves a goal of equity



Please complete your sentence for me to answer.

you have set a folder as a trusted location. you open an access database in a subfolder and still receive a security warning. why?.


you have set a folder as a trusted location. you open an access database in a subfolder and still receive a security warning because you did not put attention to checking the  "Subfolders of this location are also trusted."

What is the access database used for?

Database access refers to the functionality needed to access personal and/or business backend databases for information retrieval using voice database queries. You can organize and manage large amounts of data with the aid of the effective database program Access. Access makes it simple to create personalized reports and forms that can aid in business decision-making.

To learn more about access database, use the link given

Which scenario is an example of the "Generate" step in the troubleshooting process

A. After making a list of possible causes, you review the situation to see what data you can gather.
B. After writing a list of possible solutions, you try one of the solutions to see if it solves the problem.
C. After writing a list of possible causes, you look at the data to see if you can find any connections.
D. After reviewing the data for connections you start a list of possible solutions to the problem.


A methodical method of problem-solving known as troubleshooting is frequently used to identify and resolve problems with sophisticated machinery, electronics, computers, and software systems.

I Think Answer is option:  D

How to Use a Troubleshooting Methodology for More Efficient IT Support?For IT experts, troubleshooting is a crucial ability. There is no getting around the fact that a significant portion of our time is spent trying to determine why something that ought to work doesn't. Our capacity to identify and address computer and network-related problems is mostly derived from experience. But there is also a framework that directs us in the direction of obtaining the solutions we require.Although none of this information is unique to CompTIA, a troubleshooting methodology exam objective can be found in almost every CompTIA certification. This methodology, which was developed over time based on experience, is used as a guide when solving problems by newer members of the IT community.Check out CompTIA A+ if you're new to IT and troubleshooting to get your first job and get the core skills you need for a lucrative IT career.In some aspects, the scientific approach and the CompTIA troubleshooting methodology are similar. The problem is framed using a 6-step method that helps IT professionals find and implement a solution.The CompTIA's approach for troubleshootingDetermine the issueCreate a likely cause theory.To ascertain the cause, test the theory.Create a strategy for the problem's solution, and carry it through.Verify the complete system's functionality, and take preventative action if necessary.Record findings, steps taken, and results.To understand what each of these steps really means, let's take a closer look at each one.

To Learn more About Troubleshooting Methodology Refer To :



which of the following statements about podcasts is most accurate? a. podcasts are decreasing in popularity as more people are turning to mainstream news sources. b. audio and video files must be played on apple devices. c. podcasts are featured on media websites and company portals or shared on blogs and social networking sites. d. all podcasts are prerecorded and then streamed over the web.


Podcasts are featured on media websites and company portals or shared on blogs and social networking sites.

What is podcast ?

A podcast is a digital programme that can be downloaded from the Internet. For instance, an episodic series of digital audio or video files that a user can download to their personal device and listen to at their leisure.

Streaming apps and podcasting services make it easy to manage a personal consumption queue across multiple podcast sources and playback devices. There are also podcast search engines that assist users in finding and sharing podcast episodes.

A podcast series typically features one or more recurring hosts discussing a specific topic or current event. A podcast's discussion and content can range from carefully scripted to completely improvised. Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with a wide range of thematic concerns, from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism.

To learn more about podcast refer :



the following command is typed into powershell: add-computer -domainname 'mywebsite' -server 'dc2'. what does this command do?


The Above command is option A: Joins a computer to the domain mywebsite.com using Domain Controller 2.

What are typical techniques for LDAP query authentication?

An instruction to a computer program to carry out a certain task is known as a command in computing. It could be sent using a command-line interface, like a shell, as input to a network service as part of a network protocol, as an event in a graphical user interface brought on by the user choosing an item from a menu, or as a command sent to a computer over a network.

Therefore, In LDAP v3, there are two authentication options: basic and SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer). A client's anonymity is granted to LDAP through anonymous authentication. Unauthenticated authentication: Should not give a client access; solely for logging purposes. 17 Jun 2020

Learn more about command from


See full question below

The following command is typed into PowerShell: Add-Computer -DomainName 'mywebsite.com' -Server 'dc2'. What does this command do?

Joins a computer to the domain mywebsite.com using Domain Controller 2

Adds a computer to a workgroup

Tells us the functional level of the current version of AD

Changes the computers name in the ADA

Define a function calc_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that returns the total number of inches. Note: there are 12 inches in a foot. Sample output with inputs: 5 8 total inches: 68.


A Python function is defined by the "def" command, the function name, and parentheses (()).

def cal_total_inches(feet,inches):

   print("Total inches=" + str(feet*12+inches))

feet = int(input("Please input feet= "))

inches = int(input("Please input inches= "))



Please input feet=5

Please input inches=8

Total inches=68

A Python function is a section of code that executes when it is referenced. It is used to use the code several times within a program. It is also known as a method or a process. Like print(), input(), compile(), exec(), and many other built-in functions, Python also allows you to write your own custom functions.

Python has a set of guidelines for defining functions.

• Parentheses should be used to surround any args or input parameters.

• The documentation string for the function may be used as the function's first optional statement (docstring).

• Each function's code should begin with a colon (:) and be indented (space)

• The return (expression) statement ends a function and can optionally return a value to the caller. Return None is the same as a return statement that has no arguments.

To learn more about Python function click here:



Python projectstem 3.6 code practice
Write a program to input 6 numbers. After each number is input, print the smallest of the numbers entered so far.

Sample Run
Enter a number: 9
Smallest: 9
Enter a number: 4
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 10
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 5
Smallest: 4
Enter a number: 3
Smallest: 3
Enter a number: 6
Smallest: 3





list_of_numbers = []

count = 0

while count < 6:

   added_number = int(input("Enter a number: "))



   print(f"Smallest: {list_of_numbers[0]}")

   count += 1

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