What is the maximum amount of days that you can eat a leftover that you have defrosted?


Answer 1

The leftovers are safe the entire time when thawing in the refrigerator, which takes the longest. The food should be consumed within 3 to 4 days of thawing, otherwise it can be refrozen.

Can you eat leftovers after five days? Nope. The FDA states that leftovers are safe for up to three to four days in the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, leftovers can be stored for three to four days. After then, there is a higher chance of food poisoning. Freeze leftovers as soon as possible if you don't believe you'll be able to consume them within four days. Make sure your food has been completely defrosted before cooking it, as partially defrosted food may not cook evenly and for hazardous germs to endure the cooking process. Cook the meal when it has defrosted.

To learn more about refrigerator please click on below link



Related Questions

What is a Hebrew kiss?




How many core capabilities span all mission areas?


The National Preparedness Goal defines 32 basic competencies and five mission areas that are meant to help everyone who is involved in attaining the Goal's objectives.

About National Preparedness Goal

What it means for the entire community to be ready for all sorts of crises and disasters is defined by the National Preparedness Goal. The objective itself is clear: a safe and resilient country with the tools necessary for the entire community to stop, guard against, reduce, react to, & recuperate from the hazards and threats that represent the greatest threat.

These dangers include occurrences like terrorist attacks, cyberattacks, chemical spills, disease pandemics, and other man-made hazards.

To know more about National Preparedness Goal:



What is the conceptual definition of students?


A person who is registered in a school or other educational institution is called a student.

An operational definition just explains how to measure a notion; a conceptual definition explains what the idea signifies. By explaining how your constructions connect to other constructs, a conceptual definition explains what your constructs are. This explanation is abstract, as are all of the structures it discusses. A student is a person who is learning something, whether it is a skill or a specific subject.Student(noun) a learner, pupil, scholar, especially one who attends school or who seeks information from books or from professional professors; as, students of an academy, college, or university; a medical student; a hard student.

Thus this is the conceptual definition of students.

Refer here to learn more about conceptual definition: https://brainly.com/question/29546206


need for an essay

which is more important:winning or giving your best effort



I would think giving your best effort. Your effort is more important, not the outcome of whatever you did.

What are the 7 main elements of a short story?


By understanding the seven key aspects of a story — subject, characters, setting, plot, conflict, point of view, elements and style — you can convert any idea into a fascinating novel.

They are truly experts at blending the five essential ingredients of a great short story: elements character, place, conflict, narrative, and theme. 7 Story Character Roles. When we divide character types based on their roles in a story, we can identify seven unique types: the protagonist, the antagonist, the love interest, the confidant, deuteragonists, tertiary characters, and the foil. One of the most significant literary characteristics is character development. Creating a major character and supporting characters is an essential aspect of the narrative process for a writer. Character influences one's point of view.

To learn more about elements please click on below link



How can I learn a cheer routine fast?


You'll remember your cheer dance choreography more quickly if you go gently through each move.

This method increases your awareness of each movement and how it should feel. This increases both mental and muscle memory. Comparable to memorizing reading information is this approach. Cheerleading performances frequently take one to three minutes and feature jumps, cheers, tumbling, and acrobatics.Cheerleaders must be flexible, preferably having flexibility comparable to that of a gymnast. Consistently stretch to increase your flexibility. You could do this while watching TV, so it wouldn't have to take up much of your time or interfere with your regular activities.

This is how you can learn a cheer routine fast.

Refer here to learn more about cheer routine: https://brainly.com/question/29552134


Which sentence is most clearly written?
While it says I clicked on something, I'm not sure.


Answer: D

Explanation: The most reasonable and clear sentence :)


The answer is most likely D


Visualization is the process of picturing the other team making mistakes so you can win TRUE or FALSE


THE ANSWER IS (TRUE) .Among offensive tactics is stopping the opposition from scoring. Catching, throwing, passing, and shooting can be challenging Visualization when one lacks hand-eye coordination.

Visualization is the technique of imagining your team winning while the opposing team makes mistakes. What is training in visualisation? Athletes who use visualisation get better at mentally preparing for competition. Visualization involves picturing success, concentrating on objectives, honing skills, and improving one's capacity to concentrate on the work at hand. Every sport's fundamental visual needs are aiming and anticipation, however the proportions of these two abilities vary depending on the sport. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity are the two elements that have a significant impact on better athletic performance. Long-distance running, cycling, or other endurance-building exercises .

To learn more about Visualization please click on below link



Why is BTS so important to Korea?


Researchers calculated BTS' impact to the South Korean economy in 2018 to be $3.6 billion annually, or the combined contribution of 26 mid-sized firms.

According to a case study from Harvard Business Review, "some estimations, the BTS ecosystem accounts for a stunning $4.9 billion of South Korea's GDP." 2020 saw South Korean GDP reach $1.64 trillion. That indicates that a single boy band contributed almost 0.30 percent to the nation's economic output. The popular K-pop group BTS, one of the greatest boy bands in the world and a source of tremendous pride for South Korea, is not well-liked there. BTS has received several honours in the US. They are the first nominees who are Asian

To learn more about South Korean please click on below link



What does it mean to be called a mandatory reporter?


Mandatory reporting is the legal requirement for certain kinds of persons to notify the appropriate authorities when they suspect child abuse or neglect.

Mandatory Reporting is the legal obligation placed on a person or organization to inform a government agency or other organization of a worry over the safety of a child, including but not limited to worries about physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological injury; government agents. Professional educators and social workers. Individual service providers and facility operators. workers in social service, welfare, home care, and home health organizations Typically, this group comprises social workers, educators, medical professionals, child care providers, law enforcement, mental health specialists, and other educators and healthcare personnel; but, in other areas, everyone is required to report.

To learn more about enforcement please click on below link



Which section of the passage illustrates Mrs. Dalloway’s feelings of emptiness caused by her social identity?


The section of the passage that illustrates Mrs. Dalloway’s feelings of emptiness caused by her social identity is this:

" She had the oddest sense of being herself invisible; unseen; unknown; there being no more marrying, no more having of children now, but only this astonishing and rather solemn progress with the rest of them, up Bond Street, this being Mrs. Dalloway; not even Clarissa any more"

What was Mrs. Dalloway's feeling?

Mrs. Dalloway apparently felt empty because of her social status and this is reflected in her words from the last part of the passage. She was said to have felt invisible and not seen.

Things now appeared to be slow for Mrs. Dalloway as we can see in this passage from the text. The personality of Mrs. Dalloway that is described in this text presented her to be someone who had a low self-esteem.

Complete Passage:

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (excerpts) So she would still find herself arguing in St. James's Park, still making out that she had been right—and she had too—not to marry him. For in marriage a little license, a little independence there must be between people living together day in day out in the same house; which Richard gave her, and she him. (Where was he this morning for instance? Some committee, she never asked what.) But with Peter everything had to be shared; everything gone into. And it was intolerable, and when it came to that scene in the little garden by the fountain, she had to break with him or they would have been destroyed, both of them ruined, she was convinced; though she had borne about with her for years like an arrow sticking in her heart the grief, the anguish; and then the horror of the moment when some one told her at a concert that he had married a woman met on the boat going to India! Never should she forget all that! Cold, heartless, a prude, he called her. ------ She would have been, in the first place, dark like Lady Bexborough, with a skin of crumpled leather and beautiful eyes. She would have been, like Lady Bexborough, slow and stately; rather large; interested in politics like a man; with a country house; very dignified, very sincere. Instead of which she had a narrow pea-stick figure; a ridiculous little face, beaked like a bird's. That she held herself well was true; and had nice hands and feet; and dressed well, considering that she spent little. But often now this body she wore (she stopped to look at a Dutch picture), this body, with all its capacities, seemed nothing—nothing at all. She had the oddest sense of being herself invisible; unseen; unknown; there being no more marrying, no more having of children now, but only this astonishing and rather solemn progress with the rest of them, up Bond Street, this being Mrs. Dalloway; not even Clarissa any more; this being Mrs. Richard Dalloway.

Learn more about Mrs. Dalloway here:



Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2 of The Tragedy of
Macbeth Macbeth, who has just become king, is
speaking to Lady Macbeth before the evening's feast.
Macbeth. Good things of day begin to droop and
[While] night's black agents to their preys do rouse.
Thou marvell'st at my words: but hold thee still;
Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill:
So, prithee, go with me.

Which word best describes the mood of this excerpt?

O annoyed

O perplexed

O discontent

O unsettling


The word that best captures the tone of this passage form act 3, stage 2 of The Macbeth Tragedy is irritated.

What is the opposite of captures?

Bag, catch, entangle, abduct, snare, and trap are a few typical synonyms for the verb "capture." All of these phrases indicate "to become to occupy or command by or as perhaps by seizing," but capture denotes taking by overcoming difficulties or opposition.

What does the English word "capture" mean?

verb [T] (CATCH) to seize command of a situation or to hold an individual as a captivity, especially through force: The remaining soldiers were seized while the other two were slain. Following a seven-day struggle, the capital was taken by rebel forces. Descriptive terms, antonyms, and examples in a thesaurus.

To know more about captures visit:



Answer: A


What makes a song considered K-pop?


Any Korean song that has jazz, gospel, classical, swing, hip-hop, all the way to rap, rock, or metal tones can be considered K-pop.

KPop is the title that depicts a social wonder, instead of a particular class of music. Korean Pop could be a millennial sort of tune built around the Boy Band show.

The genuine tunes can be anything from jazz, gospel, classical, swing, hip jump, all the way to rap, shake, and metal. K-pop, brief for Korean well-known music, may be the shape of well-known music originating in South Korea as part of South Korean culture.

Part of diverse sorts is utilized to form distinctive K-pop music concepts. Similar to how most K-pop bunches have an assigned rapper, and how English expressions are blended into the song’s South Korean verses.

This can be said to have begun with the South Korean-American symbols, like Fly to the Sky, which needed to grandstand the English familiarity in their music.

Learn more about songs at



What is the basic 3 act story structure?


The three-act structure is a narrative fiction model that separates a story into three parts (acts), which are sometimes referred to as the Setup, the Confrontation, and the Resolution.

Syd Field popularised it in his 1979 book Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting. The three-act screenplay format is a story-telling model that may be traced back to Aristotle's dramatic theory in Poetics. It is defined as a story with a beginning, middle, and end. The three-act structure is also known as the Setup, Confrontation, and Resolution. The three act structure is a narrative structure that separates stories into three parts: Act One, Act Two, and Act Three, or a beginning, middle, and end. Syd Field, a screenwriter, created this old storytelling technique.

To learn more about Confrontation please click on below link



which statement most accurately explains the structure of this passage. The straw, the coal and the bean



The author uses cause and effect to show that the tailor's repair causes the bean to have a black line.

in the final sentence of the passage, the pairing of the verbs "balanced" and "leaped" suggest what fine distinction regarding the character of altaf?



You need to write the full question or else people cant help you.


Which combine the entence to create one complex entence?

The new afety requirement were enacted baed on cientit’ recommendation; fewer accident occurred. Baed on the cientit’ recommendation, the new afety requirement were enacted, and fewer accident occurred. Baed on the cientit’ recommendation, the new afety requirement were enacted o that fewer accident occurred. The new afety requirement were enacted baed on cientit’ recommendation, and fewer accident occurred


One or more subordinate (dependent) clauses are added to the main (independent) clause using conjunctions and/or relative pronouns to create a complicated phrase. Simple sentences make up a clause.

Simple sentences are composed of a single clause (verb group). Multiple clauses are present in complex sentences (verb group). You can combine two or more sentences into complicated sentences once you can recognize a simple sentence. A subordinating conjunction that clarifies the connection between each notion in two or more sentences might be used. He would lose a day's pay if he was late once more. I love basketball with all my heart, but I prefer football. She was considered intelligent, but she failed every exam. I prefer to wear my blue coat when it rains. A lengthy sentence includes.

To learn more about complex please click on below link



What is an essay viewpoint?


The perspective from which an essay is written is referred to as the point of view.

How do you write Viewpoint essay?

Introduction: Introduce the topic and express your viewpoint. Declare whether or not you agree with the statement.

2 or 3 paragraphs for the body Give a reason for your opinion in each paragraph.

Conclusion: Summarize your thoughts and state your position using different words.

What should a viewpoint include?

A Viewpoint, like a Perspective, will present a summary and critical analysis of a scientific issue of current interest to the readership. However, unlike a Perspective, a Viewpoint is initiated by the authors and does not need to be accompanied by other Perspectives that provide differing perspectives on the topic.

Why is the viewpoint important?

other perspectives, to consider other beliefs, experiences, and points of view This provides us with a better understanding and empathy. It reduces bias, judgement, and conflict.

learn more about essay visit :



How do you identify a complex sentence in a sentence?


Answer: A complex sentence combines a dependent clause with an independent clause.


What might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?A. a firm handshakeB. a self-guided video interviewC. a solid resumeD. relevant experience


Twenty years ago, technology was less widely available, and candidates were not required to take part in a self-directed video interview.

During an interview, a candidate is evaluated to see if they are qualified for the job. The applicant with the strongest qualifications is chosen and given the position.Tests and interviews are part of the employee screening process, but thanks to technology improvements, interviews are more virtual and most companies now demand self-guided video interviews.An interview is a pre-arranged conversation in which one side asks questions and the other replies. The phrase "interview" is a colloquialism for a one-on-one talk between an interviewer and an interviewee.

Thus the correct answer is B.

Refer here to learn more about interview: https://brainly.com/question/28771382


What does the narrator symbolize in the raven?


The raven is a symbol of death and evil. The narrator's sorrow and the wisdom he acquires through their conversation are both represented by the raven.

The emblem in "The Raven" is clear. According to Poe, the Raven represents "mournful, never-ending reminiscence." Our narrator's discussion with the Raven is motivated by his sadness for his lost, ideal maiden Lenore.

In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," the narrator suffers from insanity and is plagued by the bird's presence. Poe's poem masterfully captures the decline of a person's mental state following the loss of his beloved Lenore and delves into his situation while Raven torments him. Despite being intelligent, the narrator has a hard time moving over Lenore's passing.

To know more about Raven:



I need help asap please!


The quotation that has a critical tone is option C, "America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of ever-changing disparate parts, it is held..."

What is tone?

Tone is a term used to refer to the author's attitude when it comes to the idea or subject being written about. Example of different tones are the following:


In "A Quilt of a Country," the author Anna Quindlen discusses diversity in America. She uses an analogy when she compares the US to a quilt - bot being made of parts that may, initially, seem discordant, but that in the end form a beautiful whole.

Notice how option C establishes a critical tone, which can be identified by the use of words such as "disparate" and "improbable." Also, the author seems to criticize those who think they are better than others.

Therefore, we believe option C to be the correct answer.

Note: In case option C turns out to be incorrect, option D could be a second option, as the phrase "vanilla-pudding" is used to criticize the word "tolerance."

Learn more about tone here:



The door under the stones in the woods



what do you mean?


i dont understand the question.

What are the 3 key elements of an essay?



Intro, Body, Conclusion.


More detailed answer:

Hook, Intro, Body, Quote, Evidence, Conclusion.

How do you split a paragraph in two?


The most popular approach for dividing paragraphs is to use line spacing. The paragraphs are often separated visually by adding a whole line gap, which is most common.

This technique makes the piece easier to read, emphasizes key points, and gives it a neat appearance. One idea per paragraph is the general guideline for paragraphing. You should start a new paragraph whenever you switch to a new concept. You would simply use "text. split("n")" (where "text" is a string variable containing the content of your file), as each newline in Word documents and other types of documents denotes the start of a new paragraph. You would use the syntax "text. split" as other formats need a blank line (two consecutive newlines) to divide paragraphs. To divide up text, use subheadings.

To learn more about paragraphs please click on below link



Who is the best band of Korea?


Jazz has proved challenging to define. This musical genre includes a variety of music, from the ragtime of more than a century ago to the essential rock contract and roll of the 2010s.

In his Ten Mandates to his heirs, Wang Geon claimed to have unified the Three Han (Samhan), or the Three Kingdoms of Korea. Samhan continued to be a commonly used word for Korea during the Joseon dynasty and was regularly cited in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Author, historian, and critic from China Xie He also voiced criticism. He is primarily known for his six Chinese painting tenets. Spirit Resonance, Bone Method, Correspondence to the Object, Suitability to Type, Division and Planning, and Transmission are the six guiding principles of Chinese painting.

To learn more about contract  please click on below link



What is non fiction short answer?


Any text or media piece that makes a sincere effort to base information (and occasionally opinions) only on facts and actual life as opposed to fantasy is considered nonfiction.

Nonfiction is sometimes thought of as being more objectively given, such as historical, scientific, or other simple and factual facts. However, nonfiction can also occasionally be presented more subjectively, such as truly held ideas and thoughts on a real-world topic. As one of the two primary categories of narrative (storytelling), nonfiction is frequently used in prose writing. This is in contrast to narrative fiction, which is frequently uncertain about its basis in reality and is generally filled with fictional people and events. Nonfiction works frequently take the form of biographies, news articles, documentaries, textbooks, travel guides, cookbooks, and scientific publications.

To know more about nonfiction:



if you are charged with selling/providing/delivering alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person


You could be charged with a misdemeanor offense

High-tech sector employment ______ in 2004.In the future, high-tech sector employment is expected to _______ employment in the private sector.


High-tech sector employment Rose more than 10%  in 2004.In the future, high-tech sector employment is expected to exceed employment in the private sector.

What kind of work is deemed high-tech?

The term "high tech" is typically used to describe economic and industrial sectors that place a strong emphasis on technical advancement. The modern economy depends heavily on the high-tech sector, which frequently pays much more than other sectors.

The word "high technology," which can apply to a wide range of industrial classifications and innovation, is abbreviated as "high tech." According to a Workforce Information Council-funded study, the high-tech industry has a particularly high number of people working in what is known as STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

To know more about High-tech sector employment visit:




rose more than 10%, exceed


took test

What is the purpose of an edit?


The main goal of editing in narrative film is to combine several shots into a logical, aesthetically beautiful, and meaningful whole. Continuous editing is the method of editing used in narrative film, and its goal is to provide effective and useful transitions.

Selecting and arranging textual, photographic, visual, auditory, or cinematic content that will be utilized by a person or an entity to deliver a message or information is known as editing. Correction, condensing, organization, and many other changes can be made throughout the editing process with the goal of generating a piece of work that is correct, consistent, accurate, and comprehensive. 

The editing process frequently starts with the author's original concept for the piece of writing, and it develops as a collaborative effort between the author and the editor as it is written. A precise set of techniques, interpersonal skills, and creativity may all be used in editing.

Learn more  about editing to visit this link



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