intestinal polyps are benign neoplasms and the first stage in development of colon cancer. these findings support the notion that: a. tumor invasion and metastasis progress more slowly in the gastrointestinal tract. b. apoptosis is triggered by diverse stimuli including excessive growth. c. an accumulation of mutations in specific genes is required for the development of cancer. d. cancers of the colon are more easily diagnosed in the benign form because they can be visualized during colonoscopy.


Answer 1

Cancer must emerge as a result of a buildup of mutations in particular genes.

Option c is accurate.

Which gene is an illustration of an oncogene?

The involvement of the N-myc gene, which is linked to c-myc, in neuroblastoma is a well-known instance of oncogene amplification (a childhood tumor of embryonal neuronal cells).

How does the telomerase enzyme function in cancer cells?

A molecule of RNA that functions as a template for new telomere segments is present in the enzyme. The majority of malignancies turn on the telomerase gene, which results in the telomeric repeat sequence being continuously appended to the ends of their DNA molecules.

To know more about oncogene visit:-


Related Questions

which two enzymes are required for generating antibody diversity by combinatorial joining in developing b cells?


RAG-1 and RAG-2 are two enzymes are required for generating antibody diversity by combinatorial joining in developing b cells.

The complex of proteins necessary for the rearrangement and recombination of the genes encoding immunoglobulin and T cell receptor molecules is encoded by the recombination-activating genes (RAGs). Only the recombination-activating genes RAG1 and RAG2 are expressed cellularly during lymphocyte development. In order for B cells and T cells, two lymphocyte subtypes that are significant components of the adaptive immune system, to mature, these genes must create the enzymes RAG-1 and RAG-2. Each antibody in a vertebrate's immune system is uniquely created to target a certain antigen (external proteins and carbohydrates) while avoiding the body itself.

To learn more about enzymes click on the given link:


Pathogens of the skin often enter via hair follicles and ducts of the sweat glands.a. Trueb. False


True, Skin pathogens frequently enter the body through sweat gland ducts and hair follicles. Due to the fact that both sweat glands and hair follicles serve as entrance points for bacteria and other pathogens, pathogens of the skin can enter the body through them.

What is Skin pathogens?

Skin pathogens frequently enter through sweat gland ducts and hair follicles. Sweat glands, nails, and the skin's pilosebaceous unit, which is made up of the hair shaft, hair follicle, and sebaceous, are examples of skin appendages. The layers and sublayers of human skin are many. Apocrine glands and sebaceous glands normally attach to hair follicles in the skin by hair follicles, sweat gland ducts, or abrasions other organisms must enter through wounds.

To learn more about sweat gland from given link


When the offspring of a purple color flower and a white color flower were mated among themselves, there were 150 purple and 25 white offspring in the f2 generation. This means that white flower color is due to a ________.


The white flower color that appeared in the F2 generation is as a result of recessive allele.

What is dominant and recessive alleles?

According Gregor Mendel, the gene comprises of two alleles. One of these allele is dominant while the other is recessive. A dominant allele is an allele that masks the physical expression of another while a recessive allele is an allele that is masked.

According to this question, when the offspring of a purple color flower and a white color flower were mated among themselves, there were 150 purple and 25 white offspring in the F2 generation.

Therefore, The appearance of the white flower color is as a result of the recessive allele in the flower color gene.

Learn more allele on:


many biologists think the current rate of species extinction indicates that a sixth mass extinction is underway. life has endured numerous mass extinctions and has always bounced back. how might the impact of human activities make this sixth mass extinction different from previous mass extinctions?


The 6th mass extinction is likewise known as the Anthropocene extinction and it's miles one-of-a-kind from the preceding 5 due to the fact it's miles especially resulting from humans.

This extinction is one hundred to one thousand instances quicker than the ultimate 5 extinctions and if it progresses withinside the following charge 1/2 of of the world's species could be wiped out.

Unlike preceding extinction activities resulting from herbal phenomena, the 6th mass extinction is pushed through human activity, primarily (aleven though now no longer restrained to) the unsustainable use of land, water and electricity use, and weather change.

Read more about the species;


wich of the following among a - d is false regarding an elisa test used to detect the presence of a drug in one's urine, a. a direct elisa test would be used b. the antigen in the test would be the drug, if present in the urine. c. the test would utilize monoclonal antibodies specific to the antigen. d. none of a - c is false; al l are true.


None of a through c are untrue statements in relation to an ELISA test that is used to identify drugs in a person's urine.

What is a sign that the chemical being tested for in the Elisa test is present?

Samples' unlabeled antigen and the labeled antigen compete with one another to bind to the capture antibody. When compared to assay wells with labeled antigen alone, a decrease in signal from the purified antigen indicates the presence of the antigen in samples.

What is the purpose of the Elisa test?

Pregnancy tests, illness detection in people, animals, and plants, the detection of illegal drug use, assessing the quality of indoor air, and determining the accuracy of food labels are just a few of the numerous uses for ELISA.

To know more about Pregnancy tests visit:-


What is meiosis process in biology?


Meiosis is a form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms and results in a reduction in the number of chromosomes in gametes (the sex cells, or egg and sperm).

Body (or somatic) cells in humans are diploid, with two sets of chromosomes (one from each parent).

Meiosis is the process by which a single cell divides twice to generate four cells with half the original genetic material.

These are our sex cells, sperm in men and eggs in women. Mitosis is the process by which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides into two, followed by the division of the parent cell into two daughter cells.

The term "mitosis" refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell prepares to divide.

Learn more about to  meiosis visit here;


Specialized cells of the dermal system in plants that function in gas exchange are called?


Specialized cells of the dermal system in plants that function in gas exchange are called Guard cells.

The outer protective layer of the primary plant body—the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds—is the dermal tissue system, or epidermis. The epidermis usually has only one layer of cells and no chloroplasts in its cells.

Through holes in the cuticle, specialized pores known as stomata permit gas exchange. The root epidermis, in contrast to the stem and leaves, does not have a waxy cuticle that would impede water absorption.

Specialized cells known as guard cells control the opening and closing of stomata. The guard cells' opening and closing are controlled by the turgor pressure in the cells. When guard cells absorb water, their stomatal pores expand, and when guard cells contract, they close.

know more about guard cells here:


some toll-like receptors (tlrs) are found on the surface of host cells and recognize specific microbial molecules. group of answer choices true false


Human defense cells have toll-like receptors on their surface that are engaged in innate immunity.

These receptors focus on certain bacterial antigens, allowing the host defense to quickly and effectively eradicate the bacterium. The O-antigen of E. coli is targeted by toll-like receptors on the surface of NK cells.

It is true that bacteria develop on host surfaces as films. In order to resist host defense, bacteria create coagulated bulk. A protective material is frequently produced by this capsular bulk.

TLR are receptors that recognize pathogens and are present in cell membranes. -they are triggered by PAMPs, and after binding, that specific cell releases cytokines.

Learn more about to TLR visit here;


if a facultative anaerobe is provided glucose as a sole carbon source and has all other nutrients for growth, what will happen if it is cultured without oxygen?


Although facultative anaerobes can grow without oxygen, their growth is improved by it. Aerotolerant anaerobes can develop in the presence of oxygen despite not engaging in aerobic respiration. Escherichia coli and other facultative anaerobes are able to adjust their metabolism and can grow in both oxygen- and oxygen-free environments, but they prefer aerobic environments.

Although facultative anaerobes can grow everywhere in a tube, they tend to congregate there more often because oxygen gives them more energy. These are able to develop and thrive at atmospheric oxygen levels. Because facultative anaerobes can metabolize energy either aerobically or anaerobically, they can develop with or without oxygen. Since aerobic respiration produces more ATP than fermentation, they tend to congregate largely at the top.

To learn more about  facultative anaerobes it, follow the below link:


major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize psychotic disorders.

These disturbances can include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and speech, and abnormal motor behavior.

Psychotic disorders

These disturbances often involve hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking and speech, and gross deficits in social and interpersonal functioning.

People with psychotic disorders may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not, and may have difficulty communicating effectively with others. Symptoms can be extremely disabling, leaving individuals unable to function in their daily lives. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and social support, depending on the individual's needs.

Learn more about Mental disorders:


Select all of the following that can be sources of dna used to create a transgenic organism.a. animalb. plantc.bacterium


The source of DNA used to make transgenic organisms is c. Bacterium

What are transgenic organisms?

A transgenic organism is an organism or cell whose genome has been altered by the introduction of one or more DNA sequences from another species through biotechnology. Transgenic organisms are made from transgenic cells that encounter recombinant DNA from another species.

The process of making transgenic organisms begins with taking DNA from other species or commonly referred to as transgenes. The other species' DNA is then inserted into the host's chromosome through the cell membrane. The process is carried out by various methods that do not damage the cells.

Learn more about  biotechnology here :


you decide to compare the genes and dna sequence of a specific chromosome to a homologous chromosome and a nonhomologous chromosome. which of the predictions would you make when comparing the two?


The homologous chromosome will have the same genes and a similar DNA sequence.

Different animals have different chromosomal counts and structures. Even eukaryotic creatures can exhibit variations. For instance, mammalian gametes are specialized cells that have half (haploid) as many chromosomes as somatic cells (diploid).

A man's chromosome has two distinct arms that are split by a feature called the centromere. It ultimately produces a long arm (q) and a short arm (p).Homologous Chromosomal pairs with the same length and centromere sites for the same loci's genes make up chromosomes. Normally, a person inherits one chromosome from their mother and one from their father. They may have different alleles, which causes various phenotypes for a single gene.

There are 22 pairs of homologous autosomes in the human genome. The sex of the individual affects the homogeneity of the 23rd pair. Males and females both have XY homologous chromosomes (non-homologous).

To know more about chromosome visit:

oxytocin is a(n): a.hormone required for fertilization. b.hormone required for parturition. c.hormone required for ovulation. d.enzyme required for water balance


Option B, Oxytocin is a hormone that affects the body's organs and is necessary for parturition.

Prostaglandin secretion is stimulated by oxytocin in a variety of species, primarily in parturition the decidua/uterine epithelium. Oxytocin's actions are mediated by tissue-specific oxytocin receptor expression, which causes the myometrium to contract and the decidua to produce hormone  prostaglandins. There are two ways that oxytocin causes uterine parturition. Natural hormone oxytocin promotes uterine contractions during delivery and nursing following childbirth. The male and female reproductive systems as well as some elements of hormone human behavior are also impacted.

learn more about oxytocin here:


When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?
a. primary succession b. secondary succession


Because the soil has survived the disturbance, secondary succession moves along more quickly than primary succession.(Position b)

What sort of species are some examples?

A living object that includes interdependent elements and is comparable to a live creature is referred to as an organism. Examples of such living things include plants, animals, single-celled life forms, and other creatures. Dogs, humans, and microorganisms are examples of organisms.

Are there living things?

An organism is a kind of life that has the ability to procreate: The ability to duplicate oneself is one of an organism's features, although this ability is shared by many other biological entities, including cells, DNA, organelles, and occasionally even communities.

To know more about Organisms visit:


In gene expression in eukaryotes, the primary transcript is transported unchanged directly to the cytoplasm and is ready for translation. true or false?


The given statement is false that in gene expression in eukaryotes, the primary transcript is transported unchanged directly to the cytoplasm and is ready for translation.

Primary transcript of DNA is called the pre m-RNA. It can be considered as the raw m-RNA that undergoes various types of processing in the nucleus itself before it is transported and translated. The processing that the pre m-RNA undergoes is capping, splicing and tailing.

Translation is the process of conversion of m-RNA into proteins. This occurs in the ribosomes at the cytoplasm. Translation requires the role of r-RNA and t-RNA as well for the protein to be formed.

To know more about translation, here


A folded membrane that forms a network of interconnected compartments in the cytoplasm


The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells contains a sizable membrane-bound compartment known as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

What does the cytoplasmic network of membranes look like?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which extends from the nuclear membrane throughout the cytoplasm, is a network of tubules and sacs (cisternae) that are membrane-enclosed. The biggest organelle in the majority of eukaryotic cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is completely encircled by a continuous membrane.

What is the name of the foldable membrane seen in the ER and Golgi?

The term "cisternae" refers to these hollow, flattened folds and sacs. The ER serves two main purposes: Transport: Much like an intracellular highway, the ER allows molecules, such as proteins, to move from one location to another. Similar to unattached ribosomes, ER-attached ribosomes synthesize proteins.

to know more about endoplasmic reticulum (ER) here:


physiologic pigmentation appears a) light to dark coral pink b) more frequently in light-skinned people c) in anterior regions only; is never seen in posterior region d) more frequently in dark-skinned people


The correct option is D : More frequently in dark-skinned people , Physiologic pigmentation occurs throughout the first two decades of life but may not be seen by the patient until much later. Pigmentation is asymptomatic and does not require treatment.

Pigmentation that occurs naturally. Physiological pigmentation is frequent and arises from an increase in melanin pigment synthesis by melanocytes  People with darker complexion are more likely to be impacted.

Physiological pigmentation can range in hue from light brown to practically black.

They discovered the darkest skin among Nilo-Saharan pastoralist groups of eastern Africa, such as the Mursi and Surma, and the lightest complexion in southern African San, as well as various hues in between, such as the Agaw of Ethiopia.

Learn more about to physiologic pigmentation visit here;


what is one difference between reverse transcriptase containing viruses and rna-dependent rna polymerase containing viruses?


The main difference is that Reverse transcriptase (RT), additionally called RNA-established DNA polymerase, is a DNA polymerase enzyme that transcribes single-stranded RNA into DNA.

This enzyme is capable of synthesize a double helix DNA as soon as the RNA has been opposite transcribed in a primary step right into a single-strand DNA. For example, flavivirus RNA-established RNA polymerases have a methyltransferase area that catalyzes methylations of a 5′-RNA cap.

Retrovirus opposite transcriptases have an extra ribonuclease H area that catalyzes degradation of the RNA strand withinside the RNA–DNA hybrid all through genome replication.RNA established RNA polymerase containing viruses are usually enveloped viruses, opposite transcriptase containing viruses by no means have envelopes.

Read more about transcription:


distinguish between the conditions needed for the proper functioning of pepsin and trypsin.


The optimum pH for pepsin activity is 1.8, while trypsin works best in alkaline pH (pH 7.5-8).

Trypsin is generated by the pancreas and is a component of pancreatic juice, whereas pepsin is the main digestive enzyme in the stomach and is produced by the gastric gland in the stomach. Pepsinogen, an inactive version of the enzyme, is activated by the gastric juice's HCl, whereas trypsinogen, an inert form of the enzyme, is activated by the enzyme enterokinase. Trypsin is a serine protease that employs the serine residue in its active site, whereas pepsin is an aspartic protease that uses a catalytic aspartate in its active site. Trypsin functions best in alkaline pH, while pepsin requires a pH of 1.8 for optimal activity (pH 7.5-8). Trypsin has eight varieties, but pepsin has four, namely pepsin A, B, C, and D.

Trypsin hydrolyzes peptide bonds at the C-terminal side of lysine or arginine, whereas pepsin hydrolyzes peptide bonds between big hydrophobic amino acid residue. Trypsin transforms peptones from peptonized proteins, whereas peptones from peptonized proteins are converted to polypeptides by pepsin.

To know more about Pepsin visit:


Where do the 3 reactants in photosynthesis come from?


Light energy turns carbon dioxide and water (the reactants) into glucose and oxygen during photosynthesis.

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and water, usually from the air and soil, mainly during photosynthesis. Water is oxidized within the plant cell, which means it loses electrons, but carbon dioxide is reduced, which means it receives electrons. Water is transformed into oxygen, while carbon dioxide is transformed into glucose.

Photosynthesis is required by plants for energy and, ultimately, survival. Water and carbon dioxide are photosynthetic reactants.

Carbon dioxide and water are major substrates or reactants that reach the chloroplast in the leaves during photosynthesis via stomata and xylem, respectively. Plants often utilize the carbon dioxide that other living organisms emit during the breathing process.

To learn more about photosynthesis


The motor functions of the alimentary canal are movements that combine food with digestive fluids and movements that move materials along the digestive tract.
a. True
b. False


The motor functions of the alimentary canal are movements that combine food with digestive fluids and movements that move materials along the digestive tract. The statement is true.

The digestive system's four essential processes are motility, digesting, absorption, and secretion.

The alimentary canal is typically understood to be the route taken by food as it enters our bodies and exits through the anus after being digested. It is made up of a tube-like structure that extends from the mouth to the anus. The digestive tract, which also refers to the alimentary canal, is crucial to human digestion.

1. The alimentary canal's motor actions can be divided into two categories: mixing movements and propelling movements. 2. When smooth muscles in confined areas of the tube contract rhythmically, mixing movements take place.

For more information on digestive system kindly visit to


Which ganglia extend from the cervical region to the coccygeal region along the vertebral column?
Parasympathetic ganglia
Sympathetic chain


The sympathetic chain ganglia will extend from the cervix region to coccygeal region.

Sympathetic chain ganglia which are also referred to as the paravertebral ganglia are placed simply ventral and lateral to the spinal cord. The chain extends from the higher neck right all the way down to the coccyx, forming the unpaired coccygeal ganglion. It consists of fashionable visceral afferent and efferent axons that permit for involuntary manipulation of physical capabilities through the hypothalamus. The overarching feature of the sympathetic device is to govern the 'fight, fright or flight' (sympathoadrenal) response. Each ganglion inside this chain is both cervical, thoracic, lumbar, or sacral.

Learn more about the ganglia in


What are functions of the labeled structures?
A. release semen from body B. produces sperm
protects the testes
C. releases semen from the body
D produces fluids that combine with sperm


The male reproductive system includes the structure with the label. The structures with labels mostly serve to create sperm-associated fluid. The right response in this case is option D.

Muscles around the reproductive organs tighten in response to stimulation of the erect pecker, pushing semen down the urethra and duct system. Ejaculation is the act of a guy pushing semen through his urethra and out of his body. A man's ejaculate may contain up to 500 million sperm each time.

the skin pouch that houses and provides protection for the testicles. The temperature of the testicles must be lower than the inside of the body in order for them to produce sperm. The scrotum is external to the body because of this.

When a guy is sexually excited, the seminal vesicles and prostate gland produce seminal fluid, a white fluid that combines with sperm to create semen.

To learn more about the male reproductive system


Which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species?


An extinction event is a broad and quick decline in the biodiversity on earth. It occurs when numerous species go extinct within a short period of time, for example, dinosaurs.

Why is it known as a mammalian?

There are various distinctive characteristics that set mammals apart from other vertebrate creatures. Mammals of all species generate and exude milk from their mammary glands to nourish their young. They also have hair on their body, albeit the amount of hair varies across different mammalian species.

Is the human a mammal?

All warm-blooded, hair-covered vertebrates, including humans, are considered mammals. They have a more developed brain than other species of mammals, and they provide milk for their offspring.

To know more about Mammalian visit:


You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. To detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


You are a public health official looking into a salmonella epidemic. You decide to check the person's blood for such IgM antibody class to find active instances.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis (ELISA) for the determination of IgM class autoantibodies to Salmonella typhi in personal blood or plasma is the Salmonella typhi IgM ELISA testing method. Typhoid fever is an intestinal illness that spreads throughout the body and is caused by Salmonella typhi.

The first immunoglobulins the body produces after being exposed to bacteria are IgM antibodies. While other antibodies are being produced by your body, they offer temporary protection. IgM antibodies are found in your lymph and blood fluid, a fluid that transports immune system cells to all regions of your body.

Learn more about salmonella at


true or false? the actual stimulation of the muscle cell is the result of a chemical called cholinesterase.




In analyzing the gains and losses from international trade, to say that moldova is a small country is to say that:____.


In analyzing the gains and losses from international trade, to say that Moldova is a small country is to say that Moldova is a price taker.

International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because goods or services are required or desired. In most countries, such trade accounts for a significant portion of GDP.

International trade promotes better business opportunities and higher living standards, thereby improving the global economy, while also providing customers with a diverse range of products from around the world.

A price-taker is an individual or business that must accept market prices because it lacks the market share to influence market prices on its own. Because of market competition, the majority of producers are also price takers. For example, suppose a farmer grows wheat, which is a commodity that can only be sold at the current market price.

To learn more about international trade, here


What would happen in the digestive system and the processing of your food if your small intestine was removed?


In the event that a sizable portion of your small intestine was removed, you can experience issues with nutrient absorption and loose stools.

You can require continuing medical care if you have a long-term (chronic) ailment like cancer, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis.

The procedure for food digestion

While the liver creates bile, the pancreas releases pancreatic juice into the small intestine. Trypsin, which breaks down protein into tiny peptides in pancreatic juice, emulsifies fats whereas bile emulsifies protein. In the duodenum, this digestion takes place primarily. They are absorbed in the ileum following digestion.

When food is broken up into little pieces and digested in the stomach, it gives you nutrients and enters your bloodstream.

To know more about digestion, visit:


to select against the hfr and kill the least number of exconjugants, which would be the best genetic marker


An mutation in a nucleic acid sequence or other genetic feature is referred to as a genetic marker if it can be easily discovered and used to identify a person, a population, a species, or the genes responsible for a hereditary illness.

SNPs, STRs, and indels are the three main categories of markers found in the human genetic . Adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), or cytosine (C) are the four fundamental building blocks that make up a DNA sequence. SNPs only modify one of these bases. For instance, some people may have ACGTGA instead of ACCTGA at a chromosomal region where ACCTGA is present in most people. Given that there is a chance that either a C allele or a G allele may appear at the third position in this illustration, the third position would be regarded as an SNP. Considering that each person receives a single copy of DNA from each parent, every person has two complementary copies of DNA.

Learn more about genetic here


Which of these organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants?
A) animals
B) fungi
C) bacteria
D) protists


Nitrogen in the air may be transformed by bacteria into a form that plants can utilize, hence option C  is correct.

How do organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas?

The enormous amount of oxygen present in the earth's atmosphere is essential for plant life. The nitrogen may be changed through a process called nitrogen fixation into a form that plants can utilize.

Fixation is the process by which atmospheric nitrogen is transformed into forms that plants can utilize, fertilizers can be used to fix nitrogen.

Therefore, microbes may naturally fix nitrogen into the soil, hence option C  is correct.

Learn more about nitrogen gas, here:


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