What is the mass of chlorine in 3.9 x 1019 molecules of Cl2?


Answer 1


A photon is a quantum of EM radiation. Its energy is given by E = hf and is related to the frequency f and wavelength λ of the radiation by

E=hf=hcλ(energy of a photon)E=hf=hcλ(energy of a photon),

where E is the energy of a single photon and c is the speed of light. When working with small systems, energy in eV is often useful. Note that Planck’s constant in these units is h = 4.14 × 10−15 eV · s.

Since many wavelengths are stated in nanometers (nm), it is also useful to know that hc = 1240 eV · nm.

These will make many calculations a little easier.

All EM radiation is composed of photons. Figure 1 shows various divisions of the EM spectrum plotted against wavelength, frequency, and photon energy. Previously in this book, photon characteristics were alluded to in the discussion of some of the characteristics of UV, x rays, and γ rays, the first of which start with frequencies just above violet in the visible spectrum. It was noted that these types of EM radiation have characteristics much different than visible light. We can now see that such properties arise because photon energy is larger at high frequencies.

Related Questions

CAVA Chemistry 302/303B Unit 2 Lab Report
Imagine that you have a barrel of salt, but you forgot to label it. You know it must be either KNO3, or KCl.
You look at the solubility curves for KNO3 and KCl and you find that at 35 degrees Celsius, 100 g of water can dissolve about 30 g of KNO3, or about 37 g of KCl.
The solubility curves disappear. You only remember the solubility for both salts at 35 degrees Celsius in 100g of water. You know absolutely nothing else about these salts.
You have a scale, a hot plate, a thermometer, empty beakers, and plenty of water. You do NOT have any labeled KNO3 or KCl.
1. What property can you use to determine whether the barrel contains KNO3 or KCl? Hint: Name the property you could use to identify the mystery salt? (1 point)
2. Explain exactly what you would do. Another person should be able to perform your test by following your procedure. Do not bother with why you are doing these steps. Just tell me exactly what to do to perform this test. Hint: Do NOT include any discussion of your results. Save that for #3. (2 points)
3. How would your results identify the mystery salt? Hint: What exact results would indicate KNO3? What results would indicate KCl? (2 points)

1 (Property):
2 (Procedure):
3 (Results):


1 property

2 procedure


The solubility of potassium sulfate in water is 16 grams per 100
milliliter at 50 degrees centigrade. The smallest amount of water
which will dissolve 4 grams of this substance at the same temperature
will be


The answer is 25 grams for this question

How is the Methane on Titan similar to water on Earth?


Both in the phase of a liquid & has similar qualities like both molecules.
Saturn's largest moon Titan is the only world in our solar system besides Earth known to have bodies of liquid on its surface. ... It's now known that Titan's hydrologic cycle is surprisingly similar to Earth's, with one big exception: the liquid on Titan is liquid methane/ethane instead of water, due to the extreme cold.

1What are 2 examples of proteins in the body?



1. Insulin

2. Keratin


Proteins are one of the four biological molecules found in living systems. They are polymeric molecules made up of monomeric units called AMINO ACIDS. Proteins perform a wide variety of functions in the body ranging from enzymatic functions to structural roles.

Two examples of proteins found in the body are keratin, insulin. Keratin is a structural protein located in the skin, hair and nails while insulin is an enzymatic protein that aids in digestion.

explain the laws of universal graviation?



Newton's law of universal gravitation is usually stated as that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

Answer please...






80 ml of carbon monoxide (CO) are reacted with 40 ml of oxygen (O2). What volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed? 2CO + O2 → 2CO2

a. 200 ml

b. 120 ml

c. 80 ml

d. 40 ml


The volume of carbon dioxide is formed is Option C i.e. 80 ml.

Given that,

80 ml of carbon monoxide (CO) are reacted with 40 ml of oxygen ([tex]O_2[/tex]).

Based on the above information, the calculation is as follows:

Here the volume should be 80ml

Therefore we can conclude that The volume of carbon dioxide is formed is Option C i.e. 80 ml.

Learn more: brainly.com/question/16911495

Pleaseeee help pretty please



A object made from iron .


I believe the answer is any object made up of iron since iron has a strong reaction to magnets so it must have a strong connection with the magnetic field

Single-celled organisms need a microscope to be seen...
O True
O False





Microscope is an instrument which is used to observe small objects. There are many types of microscope with a different magnitude.

Plz help! I will give brainliest.



D. 0.50


Use avogadro number to find the whole work.

How do waves form?

Lesson 2.13

Question 4 options:

Ocean waves don't form

Ocean waves form as wind is absent.

Ocean waves form as wind moves across the surface, transferring its energy to the water.

Ocean waves form as salinity increases.



It's the 4th one. waves are created by the wind


C. Ocean waves form as wind moves across the surface, transferring its energy to the water.


hope this helps! c:

If I have 0.275 moles of gas at a temperature of 75 K and a pressure of 1530 mmHg, what is the volume of the gas?


Answer: The volume of the gas is 0.84 Liters


According to ideal gas equation:


P = pressure of gas = 1530 mm Hg = 2.01 atm     (760mmHg=1atm)

V = Volume of gas = ?

n = number of moles = 0.275

R = gas constant =[tex]0.0821Latm/Kmol[/tex]

T =temperature =[tex]75K[/tex]


[tex]V=\frac{0.275atm\times 0.0820 Latm/K mol\times 75K}{2.01atm}=0.84L[/tex]

Thus the volume of the gas is 0.84 Liters

How to do dots and cross diagrams



Draw circles to represent the electron shell of each atom overlapping the circles where the atoms are bonded. Add dots to represent the outer electrons of one type of atom (H). Add crosses to represent the outer electrons of the other type of atom (Cl). Make sure the electrons are always in pairs.

If I had 50 graham cracker squares, 15 marshmallows, and 100 little
chocolate pieces, how many total s'mores could I make before I ran out of


The answer the the question is 22

If it takes 38.70 cm^3 of 1.90M NaOH to neutralize 10.30cm^3 of H2SO4 in a battery. What is the concentration of the H2SO4?



3.57 M


The reaction that takes place is:

2NaOH + H₂SO₄ → Na₂SO₄ + 2H₂O

First we calculate how many NaOH moles reacted, using the given concentration and volume:

38.70 cm³ = 38.70 mL1.90 M * 38.70 mL = 73.53 mmol NaOH

Then we convert NaOH moles into H₂SO₄ moles, using the stoichiometric coefficients:

73.53 mmol NaOH * [tex]\frac{1mmolH_2SO_4}{2mmolNaOH}[/tex] = 36.765 mmol H₂SO₄

Finally we calculate the concentration of H₂SO₄:

36.765 mmol H₂SO₄ / 10.30 mL = 3.57 M

I feel sad when all the flowers



find happy things to think about, stay strong xx

Answer:    sorry u feel sad. y u feel sad?


We can talk if u want..

Brainliest to right answer





The outer core is a liquid and is made out of nickel and copper

The answer is fake there is magma in the core

What mass of iron is formed when 240 g of iron(III) oxide reacts completely with carbon monoxide?



168 g


[tex]Fe_{2}O_{3} + 3 CO >>> 2 Fe + 3CO_{2}[/tex]


First we need to figure out what is the formula mass (Mr) of Fe2O3 (Iron(III) oxide).

The atomic mass of Fe=56, O=16

Mr= 56+56+16+16+16=160 g/mol

We can now figure out the moles of the iron:

240/160 = 1.5 mol

Then we need to find the ratio to make Fe.

In the reaction, we know that 1 mole of Fe2O3 can make 2 moles of Fe. So 1.5 moles of Fe2O3 can make 3 moles of Fe.

And then we need to find the mass of the Fe.

3×56=168 g.

Hence 168g of the iron is made after the reaction.

3) Find the mass, in grams, of 5.08 mol Ca(NO3)2





Use the mole=mass/mr equation (rearrange this to find mass)

Mr= 164

So, 5.08 x 164 = 833.12g

The mass in grams of 5.08 mol Ca(NO3)2 is =833.12g

What is a mole?

The mole is the amount of substance of a gadget which includes as many standard entities as there are atoms in zero.012 kilogram of carbon 12;

Molecular mass of Ca(NO3)2 = 40+(14+48)*2


                                                = 164 g

1 mole of Ca(NO3)2 = 164 g

5.08 mole of = 5.08*164g


Learn more about mole here:-https://brainly.com/question/15356425


The inflation of airbags is due to the breakdown of a single chemical substance into two separate substances.

Two molecules of sodium azide (NaN3) break down into sodium (Na) and nitrogen gas (N2) during the reaction.

How many sodium (Na) atoms are produced in the reaction?

1 Na atom
2 Na atoms
3 Na atoms



The correct answer would be

B. 2 Na atoms


As seen in the picture below,

1. The pressure of a gas is 100.0 kPa and its volume is 500.0 ml. If the volume increases to 1,000.0 ml, what is the new pressure of the gas?

2. If a gas at 25.0 °C occupies 3.60 liters at a pressure of 10 kPa, what will be its volume at a pressure of 25 kPa?

3. When the pressure on a gas increases three times, by how much will the volume increase or decrease?

4. Boyle's Law deals what quantities?



1) The new pressure of the gas is 500 kilopascals.

2) The final volume is 1.44 liters.

3) Volume will decrease by approximately 67 %.

4) The Boyle's Laws deals with pressures and volumes.


1) From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]P_{1} = 100\,kPa[/tex], [tex]V_{1} = 500\,mL[/tex] and [tex]V_{2} = 1000\,mL[/tex], then the new pressure of the gas is:

[tex]P_{2} = P_{1}\cdot \left(\frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}} \right)[/tex]

[tex]P_{2} = 500\,kPa[/tex]

The new pressure of the gas is 500 kilopascals.

2) Let suppose that gas experiments an isothermal process. From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]V_{1} = 3.60\,L[/tex], [tex]P_{1} = 10\,kPa[/tex] and [tex]P_{2} = 25\,kPa[/tex] then the new volume of the gas is:

[tex]V_{2} = V_{1}\cdot \left(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \right)[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = 1.44\,L[/tex]

The final volume is 1.44 liters.

3) From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = 3[/tex], then the volume ratio is:

[tex]\frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}} = 3[/tex]

[tex]\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Volume will decrease by approximately 67 %.

4) The Boyle's Laws deals with pressures and volumes.

(Help would be greatly appreciated, chemistry is not my strong suit) How many moles of NaCl are present in a solution with a molarity of 8.59M and 125mL of a solution?
1. 1.07g
2. 62.7mol
3. 1.07mol
4. 62.7g


Molarity is a unit of concentration defined as the number of moles of solute (the substance being dissolved) per volume of solution (the solvent in which all the solute is dissolved). Mathematically, molarity is expressed as

[tex]M = \frac{\text{ mol solute}}{\text{ L solution}}[/tex].

In this question, we are given the molarity and the volume of a solution of NaCl. We can use this information to calculate the number of moles of NaCl present in the solution. Rearranging the equation to solve for moles of solute, we multiply the molarity by the volume of the solution (the units for volume must be in liters, so 125 mL is expressed as the equivalent 0.125 L):

[tex](8.59 \text{ M})(0.125 \text{ L}) = 1.07 \text{ moles of NaCl}.[/tex]

The question asks for the number of moles of NaCl in this solution, so number 3 would be correct.

I’ll really appreciate it if you help me out on this one .



3) All the animals and plants in a desert

4) Species becoming extinct

6CO2 + 6H20 → C,H120, + 602
6. How many molecules of CO2 are presenta
7. How many atoms of oxygen are present in the reactants?
8. How many atoms of carbon are present in the products
9. How many total atoms are present in C.H120,?
10. Is the equation above balanced or unbalanced?



The equation of the reaction is given as;

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

How many molecules of CO2 are present?

6 moles

How many atoms of oxygen are present in the reactants?

(6 * 2) + (6 * 1 ) = 12 + 6 = 18

How many atoms of carbon are present in the products?

(6 * 1 ) = 6

How many total atoms are present in C6H12O6?

6 + 12 + 6 = 24 atoms

Is the equation above balanced or unbalanced?

This is a balanced equation since the number of atoms of the elements is the same in the reactant and products.

5. How many Earths could fit between the Earth and the sun?

Please please please please help me


You need to multiply the size of the Earth and 12000
Once you do that you get the distance between the Earth and the Sun

Which of the following is an
example of thermal energy?
A. turning on a lamp so you can read
B. rubbing your hands together to get warm
C. kicking a ball



B. rubbing your hands together to get warm,


Rubbing your hands together warms them by converting work into thermal energy.

Hope it helps ;)


I think its A


Because a lamp has a lightbulb and it produces wasted heat and is thermal energy

What 3 things will you do to dissolve a solid (salt) faster in a liquid (water)



There are three ways to make solids dissolve faster: Break the solute into smaller pieces. Stir the mixture. * Heat the mixture.


Substances can dissolve in water three ways—by dissociation, dispersion, and ionization.

what is the meaning of flourish?


*Answer* : (of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

*For Example* :
"wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake"

My feet get hot as soon as I touch the sand. What kind of heat transfer occurred?


Conduction is the correct Answer
please mark brainliest

Which statement best describes the effects chemicals may have on the
A. The effects of chemicals on the environment are easy to observe.
B. Some chemicals may help the environment.
C. All chemicals harm the environment.
D. Chemicals must be released in large amounts to affect the


The answer is B. So yeah
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