What is the main objective of the committee?


Answer 1

The main objective of the committee is the effective operation of various bodies to achieve goals.

Committees are groups of people that are formed to address a specific issue or accomplish a specific goal. The objective of a committee will depend on its purpose and the tasks it has been assigned. For example, a committee may be formed to plan a community event, conduct research on a particular topic, or make recommendations on a policy issue. The main objective of a committee would be to fulfil its assigned tasks and achieve its goals.

The primary purpose of a committee though depends on the type of committee. They are made to share knowledge, skills, and expertise among members in order to make more informed decisions or solve complex problems. Overall, the main reason for forming a committee is to bring together a group of people who can work together to accomplish a common goal or objective.

Read more about the committee on:



Related Questions

What is the importance of using indigenous materials in making crafts?


You don't need to spend money on it or struggle to get it; in other words, you don't need to employ sophisticated transportation options. Additionally, indigenous materials can be utilised even in their unprocessed, raw forms without the need for expensive processing that depletes energy and other resources.

They enhance the lives of Indigenous women and provide young Indigenous people self-esteem. Beyond being solely commercial and measurable, Indigenous arts and crafts also enhance and preserve Indigenous culture and help to spread this ancient civilization throughout Australia and the rest of the globe.

What are the benefits of utilizing locally produced materials in handicrafts?

By using native materials, it promotes our cultural heritage. Products made by hand reveal a person's artistic talent and broad imagination. There will be incentives for raw material producers to increase their output.

Learn more about indigenous materials to visit this link



Why did Hecuba bring a cup of honey wine to Priam before he left Troy?


Before Priam left Troy, the reason that Hecuba brought him a cup of honey wine was to urge Priam to pour out a sacrifice for Zeus and offer a prayer.

Why Hecuba Brings Priam A Cup of Wine?

One of the events in Homer's story entitled The Iliad is the event that Priam wants to go to the Achaean Camp to get the body of Hector, son of Priam and Hecuba. Before he left for the Achaean Camp, Hecuba gave Priam a cup of honey wine and suggested that Priam has to pour out a sacrifice for Zeus and offer a prayer. Priam did this and Zeus basically answered his prayer by sending an eagle as an omen of his favor.

Learn more about Priam’s opinion about Achilles at https://brainly.com/question/11844847


musical theatre evolved initially as a revolt against other forms of theatre, particularly realism.
a. true
b. false



a true


In which asian country do radio stations start playing christmas music as early as september?a. Russiab. Indiac. Japand. Philippines


The answer is the Philippines

What are the different traditional techniques used in the Philippine arts?


In the Philippines, folk architecture, marine transportation, weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk literature, folk graphic and plastic arts, decoration, textile or fiber art, ceramics, and other aesthetic manifestations of traditional culture are all considered traditional arts.

What supplies and methods were frequently employed in traditional art?

Paint pencils, charcoal, clay, plaster, brushes, pottery wheels, palette knives, and other tools are frequently employed in traditional art. Traditional artistic skills, such as conventional painting and sketching techniques, were among the techniques used.

What classical techniques are examples?

Examples include the use of needlework or weaving, as seen in the textile works of Alighiero e Boetti or the digitally spun tapestries of Pae White, as well as the use of calligraphy into paintings. These pieces frequently straddle the line between art and craft, combining several ethnic traditions

Learn more about traditional techniques to visit this link



What is the importance of technology in improving art skills?


Technology has changed the way art is made and shared and has continued to go hand in hand with new artistic ideas and skills.

This has made it possible for groundbreaking artists and their creative expressions to reach new audiences outside of the traditional boundaries of the art world.

Many artists were able to increase the visibility of their work thanks to the internet, making it more accessible to audiences all over the world. In addition, cutting-edge technology gave the artist the ability to alter and manipulate their work, making it a significant form of art.

Numerous significant digital artists of the new millennium used cutting-edge technology to create memorable performances and installations.

Learn more about Digital Art here:



best-selling chimamanda ngozi adichie novel whose protagonist leaves nigeria for a u.s. university


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian author, won the 2013 U.S. National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award for her novel Americanah.

In Americanah, a young Nigerian woman named Ifemelu moves to the United States to attend college.

What is the title of one of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's most well-known novels?

After that, she wrote a number of short stories about the conflict, which would later be the subject of her bestseller Half of a Yellow Sun (2006).

After leaving Nigeria, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie attended college in which nation?

Adichie left Nigeria at the age of 19 to attend Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to study communications and political science.

To learn more about Americanah here



How can technology help in the making of art?


Art is now much more accessible thanks to technology. The internet has opened up the art industry to a wider and more diverse audience, just like it has opened up countless other aspects of modern life to a wider audience.

Artists have access to all the tools they need to promote and sell their own works, often without the difficulties that come with running a physical exhibit, and museums display collections online. It is abundantly clear that the connection between art and technology has resulted in numerous fascinating brand-new pieces and methods. Some significant innovations from the past few decades are AI generated art, VR generated art, Blockchain generated art, etc.

Learn More about Art and Technology here:



who was the german expressionist artist who was the first to arrive at a totally abstract, non-objective style of representation, often inspired by musical compositions?


Wassily Kandinsky was one of the German expressionist who was the first to arrive at an abstract, non-objective style of representation, often inspired by musical compositions.

The German expressionist movement started with writing or art and was born in Northern Europe. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it only presents reality from a subjective perspective, significantly distorting it for dramatic effect to elicit emotions or thoughts. Wassily Kandinsky the German expressionist was the first artist to adopt a highly abstract, non-objective style of portrayal that frequently drew inspiration from original music.

To learn more about German expressionist, visit: https://brainly.com/question/29746130


What are typical documents you would read at school? Select all that apply.

news report
job application
short story
employee handbook



short story news report novel

Are joint committees permanent or temporary ?


Joint committees are mostly permanent committees, but some are constituted on a temporary basis.

A joint committee is a committee composed of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, such as the U.S. Congress  In some cases, joint committees may be established on a permanent basis, with the authority to continue operating indefinitely unless specifically dissolved by the legislature.

However, not all joint committees are permanent committees. Some joint committees may be created on a temporary basis, with a specific mandate to address a particular issue or set of issues, and are dissolved once their mandate has been completed. The duration and mandate of a joint committee may also be subject to periodic review and renewal by the legislature. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that all joint committees are permanent committees.

Read more about Joint committees on:



What are the available materials used in providing traditional and contemporary art creation?


Paint pencils, charcoal, clay, plaster, a brush, a pottery wheel, a palette knife, and other materials are frequently used in traditional art.

New technologies like computers, three-dimensionality, live elements and performances, and so on are all common in contemporary art.

Contemporary Craftsmanship signifies "workmanship that has been and keeps on being made during our lifetimes". Contemporary art is art that was created in the 1960s, 1970s, or even up to the present day. It is known that this kind of art is much more socially conscious than any other era.

Numerous historical art forms were included in traditional art. Paintings, sculptures, printmaking, mosaics, and drawings are among these artistic mediums. Cultural perspectives and ideas were a big part of traditional art, so different cultures used different materials and techniques to show their own cultural ideas.

Learn more About Art here:



richard wagner unified his works with a network of musical ideas, each representing a person, object, action or concept, which he called


Richard wagner unified his works with a network of musical ideas, each representing a person, object, action or concept, which he called Leitmotif

Leitmotif is an associated melodic part that accompanies the reemergence  of an idea, person, or situation especially in Wagnerian music. Richard Wagner is known as the earliest composer who is related with the concept of leitmotif. His cycle of four operas, Der Ring des Nibelungen (the music for which was written between 1853 and 1869), uses many of the leitmotifs, often related to specific person, objects, situation or concept.

To learn more about Leitmotifs, here



The manager of a symphony in a large city wants to investigate music preferences for adults and students in the city. Let pa represent the population proportion of adults who live in the city who prefer pop music. Let ps represent the population proportion of students who live in the city who prefer pop music. Random samples of 200 adults from the city and 200 students from the city will be selected.


The interpretation of the given expression is "the difference between the population proportion of adults and the population proportion of students who prefer pop music is approximately 0.022".

Given :

pA is the population proportion of adults.

pS is the population proportion of students.

The total number of adults is 200 and the total number of students is also 200.Random samples of 200 adults from the city and 200 students from the city will be selected.

The following steps can be used in order to determine the best interpretation of the given expression:

Step 1 - According to the given data, pA is the population proportion of adults who live in the city who prefer pop music.

Step 2 - Also given that pS is the population proportion of students who live in the city who prefer pop music.

Step 3 - So, the interpretation of the given expression is "the difference between the population proportion of adults and the population proportion of students who prefer pop music is approximately 0.022".

Learn about random sample;



What is the key concept of the Cotton Club?



this was a nightclub in the 1920s and 1930s in the prohibition era.


Why is the 1920's known as the Jazz Age?


The year 1920 is known as the Jazz Age because during that time Jazz was developed and expanded throughout the cities of the United States and part of Europe.

Also during that time began an exciting decade in which notable social, economic and cultural changes took place.

What is Jazz?

It is a musical style which emerged in the late nineteenth century in American spaces, Jazz is characterized mainly because it is instrumental and because they have a good rhythm which has the intervention of soloists who are improvising melodies repetitively.

Learn more about jazz at: https://brainly.com/question/930077


The study of non-western and traditional music within its unique cultural context is called?


Music in its social and cultural context surroundings is the subject of ethnomusicology.

To better comprehend what music is and what it means to its practitioners and viewers, ethnomusicologists look at music as a social process. It is quite interdisciplinary to study ethnomusicology.

People who work in the discipline may have degrees in dance, performance studies, gender studies, performance anthropology, folklore, area studies, cultural studies, race or ethnic studies, or other humanities and social science specialties.

Numerous fields are covered by ethnomusicologists' work. In their work as scholars, they analyze music from all around the world and look into how it relates to various facets of culture and society. They also instruct a variety of more specialized classes like theory and sacred music traditions in addition to teaching courses on various global music.

Learn more about ethnomusicology here:



What was the turning point in the showdown when it became apparent that gatsby was not going to win.


The turning point in the showdown when Gatsby realizes that he was not going to win is when Daisy cannot deny that she did love Tom once.

What is the Story of Chapter 7 of the Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby is one of the novels created by F. Scott Fitzgerald and became one of the Classic American Novels. One of the chapters in the book that has a dramatic impression and uses the scenic method is Chapter 7 entitled Gatsby vs Tom. In this chapter, Gatsby confronts Tom at the Plaza Hotel. At this confrontation, Gatsby realizes that he cannot win against Tom because Daisy cannot help but admit that she once loved Tom.

Learn more about the Great Gatsby at https://brainly.com/question/1930057


what does fragonard's the swing, which was commissioned by an unknown patron, suggest about the artist's aristocratic clientele?


Fragonard’s the swing, which was commissioned by an unknown Patron, suggests the erotic interest of the artist’s aristocratic clientele.

The Swing, also known as The Happy Accidents of the Swing, is an 18th-century oil painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard in the Wallace Collection in London.

The painting depicts a well-dressed young woman sitting on a swing. A smiling young man, hidden in the bushes below and to the left, points to his puffy dress with a hat in hand. A smiling old man, almost hidden in the shadows to his right, pushes the swing with a pair of ropes, while a small white dog barks nearby. The woman wears a shepherd's hat (chapeau de bergère), as she kicks her shoe with her outstretched left foot. There are two statues, one with a finger in front of his lips looking down at the young man on the left, the other with two putti lying on the right next to the old man. It depicts the erotic interest of the artist’s aristocratic clientele.

To learn more about Fragonard’s the swing, click here:



One similarity among egyptian art is in the use of a proportional system. What was the effect of using this system?.


The use of a proportional system is one thing that Egyptian art has in common. The effect of using this system was that "Many of the depictions of human figures look very similar". The correct answer is D.

In ancient Egyptian art, everyone looks the same. The sculptures and reliefs of ancient Egypt are strikingly similar.

The oldest ancient Egyptian art depicts themes that have been recognized for thousands of years. However, it lacks the proportions and register lines that gave Egyptian art a more uniform appearance. One explanation for this is that the Egyptians laid out human forms using a system of guidelines and grids. The proportional space occupied by the various parts of the body remained constant in 2-dimensional art, regardless of how tall or short, fat or skinny someone was.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

(A) Most of the humans in Egyptian art appear very different from one another.(B) The pharaoh’s heads are always three times bigger than their bodies.(C) Egyptian gods and goddesses were always represented in bigger proportions than the common people of Egypt.(D) Many of the depictions of human figures look very similar.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about ancient egypt here: brainly.com/question/26323655


a group of lieder unified by a narrattive thread or by a descriptive or expressive theme is called a(n)


A group of lieder unified by a narrative thread or by a descriptive or expressive theme is called a song cycle.

The musical components of song cycles must be connected. A song cycle's music makes several references to its fundamental concept. The development of keys, motives, or ideas must be used by composers to link song cycles. The way the composer arranges the song cycle mostly depends on his personal taste in music. Between 3 and 9 tracks that are all musically related together make up a professionally composed song cycle.

A song cycle's content can be made more cohesive by grouping related songs with a common topic. In the Romantic era, topics related to nature, relationships, and how people perceived their surroundings were frequently employed by composers to build song cycles. For instance, the well-known German composer of the Romantic era Robert Schumann created song cycles called "A Woman's Love and Life" or "Frauenliebe und Leben" in English. The subject of this song is a woman's relationship to love and how it impacts her life.

To know more about composers



the study of non-western and traditional music within its unique cultural context is called


Ethnomusicology is the study of traditional and non-Western music within its own cultural setting.

The study of music from the cultural and social perspectives of the people who create it is known as ethnomusicology. It includes several theoretical and methodological viewpoints that highlight, in addition to the sound element, cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, and other elements or contexts of musical activity.

It is the first-person, in-person examination of musicking, also known as the act of participating in a musical performance, in the context of musical ethnography.

Prior to the Second World War, folklorists, who started documenting and analysing folklore music in Europe and the US in the 19th century, are regarded as the field's founders. Jaap Kunst is credited with coining the term "ethnomusicology."

To learn more about Ethnomusicology, refer



How have the fashion industry’s labor practices changed in the United States and elsewhere?
What safeguards do factories have in place now that were not present in the early 20th century?
Why is it important for the fashion industry to carefully follow OSHA’s rules?


The way  that the fashion industry’s labor practices changed in the United States and elsewhere is that:

Workers in the fast-fashion industry hardly ever get protection. Numerous instances of verbal abuse, required overtime, unclean drinking water, and pressure not to use the restroom have been documented at numerous factories, according to research. Even after putting in over 100 hours a week of work, workers occasionally don't get paid.

How would you describe the working environment in the fashion industry?

There is said to be the addition to working 14 to 16 hours per day, seven days a week, garment workers also have to put up with verbal and occasionally even physical abuse from managers.

Workers are frequently exposed to dangerous compounds while working amid inadequate ventilation. Accidents and injuries happen frequently as well.

Therefore, Forced and child labor are caused by fast fashion in nations like Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The fast fashion sector is rife with issues like low pay, excessive hours, hazardous working conditions, sexual misconduct, and physical violence.

Learn more about fashion industry from


Every December, Miami Beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world. What are people coming to see?
A. Auto racing
B. Manatees
C. Art


Every December, Miami Beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world, where people come to see Art.

Every December, Miami Beach holds the annual Art Basel Miami Beach where art enthusiasts from across the globe see and buy millions in art from the world's top modern and contemporary galleries. Art Basel is a for-profit, privately owned and managed, international art fair which is staged annually in Miami Beach as well as in other locations such as Basel, Switzerland, Hong Kong, and Paris.

Art Basel Miami Beach is considered to be North America's most comprehensive international contemporary art fair. Art Basel caters to the international crowd as people come annually from all over the world. The art galleries' features are the most famous and art is absolutely wonderful.

Learn more about Art https://brainly.com/question/25729154


The American musical theatre, in 2016, seems to be heading for a decline due to its racy content


The statement that The American musical theatre, in 2016, seems to be heading for a decline due to its racy content is false.

American Musical theatre is a place where various forms of theatrical performance that includes combination of musical composition, spoken dialogue, acting and dance are presented. The Musical tones such as jazz, is a an American art form and like our country, it has been forged from many influences referring mainly to comic opera, operetta, English music hall, minstrel shows, vaudeville etc. Racy content refers to sexually derived content in nature and is often inappropriate for the kids to witness. However, it was never a matter related to music theatre. Art forms related to love, humor and aggression or drama were mainly portrayed.

Learn more about musical composition at:



S2 Assessment 11
Which of the following is likely to have the biggest impact on the tone of a
O Camera Angles
O Lighting
O Dialogue



O Dialogue



A: Dialogue


Camera Angles: Help with horror, action, and serious-based productions

Lighting: Helps with horror or any production with suspense

Scenery: Helps explain the setting of a story, but doesn't make the genre of the story

Dialogue: Clever comebacks, funny statements, etc.

That's why dialogue is the answer to your question.

Who is King Priam and Queen Hecuba?


Hecuba, Greek Hekabe, in Greek legend, the principal wife of the Trojan king Priam, mother of Hector, and daughter, according to some accounts, of the Phrygian king Dymas. When Troy was captured by the Greeks, Hecuba was taken prisoner.

led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


Coldplay is led by singer and pianist Chris Martin, this British Band has been one of the biggest hits to come from England in the past two decades. They have many hits, including Viva la Vida, Fix You, Paradise, and the Scientist.

In 1997 a group of young people Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, and Will Champion formed a band called Coldplay.  Initially, the band, which was founded in London, called themselves Starfish.

Since the debut of their first album Parachute in 2000, they have received many awards including British Album of the Year, a  Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Album, and a Mercury Prize nomination for Grammy Award for Record of the Year.

In 2008, Coldplay received the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album for the albums Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends.  The album also became their first Album of the Year nomination. The song Viva la Vida itself is at the top of the most popular songs on the British and American music charts. Meanwhile, their albums, X&Y and Viva la Vida entered the top charts in more than 30 countries.

Coldplay has pop rock and post-Britpop as their music genre. However, they like to experiment with their albums, such as adding electric violins, synth-pop elements, and even rock operas.

Their newest album is Music of the Spheres which was released in 2021.

More about British band:



which technique of sculpture was used to create the piece of art above? a. casting c. carving b. assemblage d. modeling


The sculpture above was made using the sculpture technique of carving.

A sculpture technique known as carving entails using tools to cut or scrape away at a solid material, such as stone, wood, bone, or ivory, to shape a form. The extra material is removed from a solid block of a material, such as wood or stone, as it is carved, using the carving technique. In order to achieve the desired shape, excess material is thus removed from a solid mass.

To learn more about Sculpture, here: brainly.com/question/10968160


Shareen performs a skit to model a method of charging. In the skit, a painter shakes her hand and gets paint on her. How does the skit model a method of charging?.


The skit models a method of charging since "the painter represents a charged object and the paint represents electrons that are transferred through contact". The correct answer is B.

The charging-conduction phenomenon is the process by which two objects come into contact with each other and charges are transferred due to the potential difference between the two objects. We know that when hands are shaken, paint is splattered over them. As a result of the handshake, the hands come into contact with charge particles, and electrons are transported to the hand.

Now, we assume that the charge of the paint must be opposite that of the charge on the hand since the paint must be transferred to the hand only owing to opposite charge attraction.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

(A) It models induction because the painter represents a neutral object and the paint represents electrons that are transferred through rubbing.(B) It models conduction because the painter represents a charged object and the paint represents electrons that are transferred through contact.(C) It models induction because the painter represents a charged object and the paint represents electrons that are transferred through contact.(D) It models conduction because the painter represents a neutral object and the paint represents electrons that are transferred through rubbing.

The correct answer is B.

Learn more about method of charging here: brainly.com/question/3245124


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