what is the function of a membrane protein ​


Answer 1


Membrane proteins can allow hydrophilic molecules to pass through the cell membrane.


Answer 2



Membrane proteins are common proteins that are part of, or interact with, biological membranes. Membrane proteins fall into several broad categories depending on their location. Integral membrane proteins are a permanent part of a cell membrane and can either penetrate the membrane (transmembrane) or associate with one or the other side of a membrane (integral monotopic). Peripheral membrane proteins are transiently associated with the cell membrane.

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A newly identified virus infects a eukaryotic host cell without producing virions right away, with a long period where the host is largely unaffected by the infection. What's the best description of this virus?
A: This virus rapidly causes lysis of the host cell
B: This virus has a long period of latency
C: This virus is a bacteriophage
D: This virus can't replicate


The best description of the virus is that the virus cannot replicate. The correct option is D.

What is a virus?

A virus is an infectious agent which is non-living normally, but it becomes alive when come in contact with any living cell. It causes many diseases in humans, animals, and plants.

Here, the virus is not producing virions, which means it doesn't cause lysis. It doesn't affect the host, so do not have a long period of latency, and is not a bacteriophage, so the virus is not replicating.

Thus, option D: This virus can't replicate is correct.

Learn more about viruses, here:



Possible cause of sterility


Abnormal sperm production or function due to undescended testicles, genetic defects, health problems such as diabetes, or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps or HIV.

3) What evidence did scientists use to develop
the Law of Superposition?

a. Fossils only

b. Rock layers only

c. Rock layers and fossils

d. Fossils and environment


C is correct rock layers and fossils (:

If air pollution increases enough to begin reducing the amount of solar radiation to
reach the surface of the earth,
A. the ocean's thermocline would be directly affected
B. the salinity of the surface of the ocean would not be affected
C. the ocean would no longer be layered
D. more oxygen could be stored in the ocean



options c.....


Is hydrogen an atom or molecule


it’s a molecule .......
The answer I think is molecule

In quiet breathing, muscular effort is used mainly in inspiration, and expiration is largely passive, due to elastic recoil of the lung. It results in a pattern change between expiratory and inspiratory flow. Explain changes you observed in the recordings you obtained. 1 pts Enter your answer here



During quiet breathing, the main muscular effort is made in the inhalation process and the expiration process is mainly passive as it depends on the inhalation.

The expiration occurs due to the elastic recoil that causes a decrease in volume. In this process, the contraction of the diaphragm helps in the inhalation which is least affected by the intercostal muscle. During quiet breathing, the rate of inhalation and expiration time is relatively proportionate to one another.

During quiet breathing, the main muscular effort is made in the inhalation process and the expiration process is mainly passive basically depends on the inhalation because of elastic recoil that causes a decrease in volume.

During this, the contraction of the diaphragm helps in the inhalation which is least affected by the intercostal muscle whereas quiet breathing, the rate of inhalation and expiration time is relatively proportionate to one another.

What is Breathing?

Breathing is the process of moving air into and from the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly to flush out carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen.

Thus, in quiet breathing, the main muscular effort is made in the inhalation process and the expiration process is mainly passive basically depends on the inhalation because of elastic recoil that causes a decrease in volume.

To learn more about Breathing  click here:


You have a circular plasmid containing 9 kb of DNA, and you wish to map its EcoRI and BamHI sites. When you digest the plasmid with EcoRI and run the DNA on a gel, you observe a single band at 9 kb. You get the same result when you digest the DNA with BamHI. When you digest with a mixture of both enzymes, you observe two bands, one 6 kb and the other 3 kb in size. Explain these results. Draw a map of the restriction sites.



A nick is created between G and A in GAATTC when using Eco R1 site while a nick is generated between G and G in GGATCC when Bam H1 is used. The difference in the nicks created is the main reason you observe two bands when you digest the circular plasmid with a mixture of both


Circular plasmid containing : 9 kb of DNA

Eco R1 and Bam H1 are known as restriction sites in DNA ( i.e. special sequences found in a DNA ) hence they can  be specifically cleaved by the restriction enzymes enabling the insertion of a gene. that is why you will get a same result when you digest the Plasmid with either Eco R1 or Bam H1

but A nick is created between G and A in GAATTC when using Eco R1 site while a nick is generated between G and G in GGATCC when Bam H1 is used. The difference in the nicks created is the main reason you observe two bands when you digest the circular plasmid with a mixture of both

What is full form of ELISA?? Where it is used for ?¿​


The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay commonly used analytical biochemistry assay

Which statement is true about a red brick?
A red brick reflects red light and absorbs blue and green light.
O A red brick reflects blue light and absorbs red and green light.
A red brick reflects green light and absorbs blue and red light.
O A red brick reflects blue and green light and absorbs red light.



1. red brick reflects red light and absorbs blue and green light.

The statement which is true about a red brick is: A. A red brick reflects red light and absorbs blue and green light.

An electromagnetic spectrum refers to a range of frequency and wavelength that an electromagnetic wave is distributed (extends).

Generally, an electromagnetic spectrum comprises the following radiations:

Gamma rays.Ultraviolet radiation. X-rays. Radio waves. Infrared radiation.Visible light.

A visible light can be defined as the range of electromagnetic radiation or wavelength that the human eye can detect or see.

Also, the colors of the visible light spectrum are:


For a red brick, all red light would be reflected while the other colors such as blue and green light are absorbed.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/23419308

Plant growth is the result of cells dividing during _____.
plss help



Plant growth is the result of cells dividing during mitosis.


Mitosis is the process in which cells divide for cell growth or repair. All the cells, as a result of mitosis will have the same number of chromosomes as of the cell at the start.




Hope this helps




SeA URCHINS (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SURE ABOUT MY ANSWER) dont blame me if you get it wrong because i said im sure


Explain why the cell membrane is the brain of the cell, as opposed to the nucleus.



because it holds the information needed to conduct most of the cell's functions.

Cell membrane controls the transport of molecules across the cell and its external environment, Thus, it is called as the brain of the cell.

Why is cell membrane important?

Cell membrane regulates most of the cellular activities through the property of selective permeability.

It is responsible for maintaining the cellular equilibrium through influx and efflux of ions and molecules.

There are various receptors present on the cell membrane which regulates the vital biochemical processes taking place in the body.

Cell membrane functions in the cell-cell recognition and cell signalling through various receptors.

Cell membrane is important in regulating body homeostasis. It offers the protective environment to the cell.

Control and regulation of activities is processed through brain.

Therefore, cell membrane is considered as the brain of the cell.

Learn more about cell membrane, here:



The primary colors of visible light are:
Answer: red, green and blue



Correct / true


Please help me i really don’t know



I think its d or option 4


Please mark me brainliest

how many chromosomes are there in human ovum​



23 chromosomes

Unlike all the other cells in a human body which are diploid, human sex cells are haploid. That means that both sperm cells and ova are haploid; containing only 23 chromosomes.


have a good day!


The chromosomes in egg and sperm cells have just 23 chromosomes each.

What is gamete?

Male gametes are termed sperm, while female gametes are called "ova." Gametes are an organism's reproductive cells, also referred to as "gender cells." Since gametes are haploid cells, each chromosome is present in one copy per cell.

Unfertilized reproductive cells are called gametes. A zygote is an egg that has been fertilized. Gametes are always haploid cells since they are a byproduct of meiosis.

Zygote is a diploid structure because it results from the fusing of a male and female haploid gamete.

Similar to a sperm, an egg has 23 chromosomes total, which is half the number found in a normal cell.

The resultant embryo will therefore have the typical 46 chromosomes in total after an egg and sperm join during fertilization.

Thus, there are 23 chromosomes in human ovum.

For more details regarding gamete, visit:



What is a mold? in fossils​


Body fossils include molds and casts. A mold is the imprint left by the shell on the rock that surrounded it. Molds of the underside of shell may be left on the surface of rock that formed when sand or mud filled the inside of the shell.

Of the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum listed below, which has the shortest wavelength?
visible light
infrared radiation
radio waves


radio waves. hope this helps!

If you wanted to look at a cell wall.Which type of cell would you observe?



Plant cell


If you are trying to observe a cell wall, you should look at a plant cell. There are only two different types of cells, which are plant and animal cells. The plant cell is the only one which contains a cell wall. Animal cells actually only have a cell membrane.

Which one of the following would increase the amount of ground shaking produced by an earthquake?
a. being far away from the epicenter
b. building to code
c. having a deep focus
d. loose ground material



think it's A but not sure

What conclusion can you draw from the results shown?

A)The amount of the drug was decreased to achieve the same effect.

B) The mouse is in a state of tolerance.

C) The mouse is suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

D) The amount of drug injected was the same throughout the 7 weeks.

Answer and I will give you brainiliest



B) The mouse is in a state of tolerance.

Please hurry!!!

How does the DNA change during meiosis?




Law is a surname, of English, Scottish, Cantonese, or Chinese origin. In Scotland, the surname means dweller at the low; as in a hill. Another origin of the surname is a contraction of Lawrence, or Lawson.


Answer:When recombination occurs during meiosis, the cell's homologous chromosomes line up extremely close to one another. Then, the DNA strand within each chromosome breaks in the exact same location, leaving two free ends. Each end then crosses over into the other chromosome and forms a connection called a chiasma.

Explanation: Np

The introduction of Caulerpa, also known as killer algae, into California was ultimately the result of _______.
hull fouling
the aquarium trade in exotic, nonnative aquatic species
intentional release
an algae farming company


Answer: A

Explanation: Hull Fouling

The introduction of Caulerpa, also known as killer algae, into California was ultimately the result of the aquarium trade in exotic, nonnative aquatic species. The correct option is b.

What is exotic species?

Exotic species are those that have been introduced, either intentionally or unintentionally, by humans into an ecosystem where they did not evolve. Such introductions are most likely a natural occurrence.

Endemic species are those that are found only in one region and nowhere else on the planet.

Invasive species have the potential to extirpate native plants and animals, reduce biodiversity, compete with native organisms for limited resources, and alter habitats.

This has the potential to have significant economic consequences as well as fundamental disruptions to the coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems.

Caulerpa, also known as killer algae, was introduced into California as a result of the aquarium trade in exotic, nonnative aquatic species.

Thus, the correct option is b.

For more details regarding exotic species, visit:



In South Carolina, there is an area of shoreline called Grand Strand. Its central part is not protected by barrier islands. Explain what you could infer about the impact that water movement has on this area.

A. Water movement has caused strong waves to build the shoreline up through the process of deposition.

B. Water movement has caused longshore currents to erode the sediment from one end of this shoreline.

C. Water movement has caused this land to erode because there is no protection from strong waves.

D. Water movement has caused a build-up of various inlets to form a combination of tides and currents.


The impact that the movement of the water has in this area, is that the movement of the water has caused the erosion of this land because there is no protection against strong waves.

What causes marine erosion?

Marine erosion, also called maritime erosion, is defined as “the process of wear, transport and sedimentation of rocks and coastal soils by erosive agents”. Fundamentally, it can be caused by the action of three factors:

WavesCurrents and Tides.

With this information, we can conclude that the impact that the movement of water has in this area is that the movement of water has caused erosion of this land because there is no protection against strong waves.

Learn more about  water movement in brainly.com/question/16630851

what is an ecosystem


An ecosystem is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system.
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

A) How do scientists use molecular clocks to study evolution?

B) Explain some assumptions and limitations of the molecular clock concept.


A) Molecular clocks help to measure the number of changes and mutations which accumulate in the gene sequence of different species over a period of time.

B)It is based on the fact that genetic mutations although random, occur at a relatively constant rate. Evolutionary biologists use this information to deduce how species evolve and determine when two species diverged on the evolutionary time line.
It is useful in the study of variations in selective forces.
It also facilitates establishing the dates of phylogenetic events including those not documented by fossils.
The molecular clock technique is an important tool in molecular systematics. It helps to determine the correct scientific classification of organisms by deriving information from molecular genetics.

Hope this helped :) please mark brainliest


A) A molecular clock is a measure of evolutionary time based on the theory that specific DNA sequences mutate at constant rates. To use a molecular clock, scientists first select two different species and compare their DNA sequences. They can compare the DNA sequences directly, or by looking at the RNA and protein molecules created from the DNA. Molecular clocks help to measure the number of changes and mutations which accumulate in the gene sequence of different species over a period of time.

B) Molecular clocks assume the neutrality of gene mutation. They are based on the fact that genetic mutations although random, occur at a relatively constant rate. Evolutionary biologists use this information to deduce how species evolve and determine when two species diverged on the evolutionary time line. It is useful in the study of variations in selective forces, and also facilitates establishing the dates of phylogenetic events including those not documented by fossils. Molecular clocks do have some limitations. Rates of change may not be constant, may not be the same in all organisms, and may be different for different genes.

I used the answer above and added some stuff here and there, so credit to them. I'm not sure if what I wrote makes much sense, but hopefully it can be somewhat helpful. :)

Oompah’s with type O blood receive a tax break. ophine oompah has type a blood, but he wants a wife that will give him children with type o. what blood type should he request on his dating survey? what must Opine’s blood type be in order to produce offspring with type O blood?



He should request type O on his dating survey.

Opine's blood type must be AO to have a higher probability of producing O offsprings.


O blood type is recessive so, when it is paired with another blood type like B or A, these would be dominant, giving B and A blood, respectively.

O blood type results are possible thanks to OO genotypes.

If the man's blood type is A, to have a higher chance of producing OO offsprings, his blood should be AO. The other possibility is that he has AA blood, which will result in a low probability of OO offsprings.

As regards the mother, her blood type should be OO.

We can see this more clearly in Punnet Square.

║ A ║O



There is a 50% of probability of having O offsprings with AO and OO.

  ║ A ║A



With AA and OO, the probability is 0%

 ║ A ║O



With both parents having AO, blood the probability of having a OO offspring is 25%.

In conclusion, the higher chances of producing a OO offspring is if the parents are AO and OO.

Which of the following
Phylogenetic trees also know as ?
O Cladogram
O Clade
O Node
O Linnaean


The phylogenetic trees are also known as CLADOGRAMS.

A phylogenetic tree is a diagram that shows evolutionary relationships between different species/taxa from a common ancestor to its descendants.

A cladogram is a graphic representation that exhibits hypothetical phylogenetic relationships between groups of organisms/species/taxa.

In a cladogram, groups of organisms/species/taxa are organized into clades, which share different traits.

In a cladogram, a node denotes the common ancestor of a given clade.

The Linnaean system of classification consists of grouping organisms/species according to their physical similarities, thereby it is not an evolutionary system of classification.

In conclusion, phylogenetic trees are also known as CLADOGRAMS.

Learn more in:



Cladogram is correct on egde2023


Drag each statement into the appropriate bin depending on whether the event occurs in the lumen of the small intestine, in a small intestine epithelial cell, or in a lacteal.
a) Lipase breaks triglycerides down into monoglycerides and fatty acids.
b) Monoglycerides and fatty acids are reassembled to form triglycerides.
c) Chylomicrons are transported in this structure to veins.
d) This structure contains lymph.
e) Chylomicrons leave this structure by exocytosis.
f) Triglycerides are coated with phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins to form chylomicrons.



The correct answer is -

Lumen: a

Epithelial cell: b, e, f

Lacteal: c, d


The given statements are the events that occur in the particular location among the lumen of the small intestine, small intestine epithelial cell, or in a lacteal. the correct events and locations are grouped together:

in the lumen of the small intestine

a. The breakdown of TGA into monoglycerides and fatty acids takes place with the help of lipase.

In a small intestine epithelial cell:

b. Monoglycerides and fatty acids are form triglycerides again.

e. Chylomicrons leave this structure by exocytosis

f. TGAs are coated with proteins, cholesterol and phospholipids, to make chylomicrons.  

in a lacteal:

c. Chylomicrons are transported here

d. Lymph is present here.

We have come to know that the primary component of the plasma membrane is the phospholipid. What makes these molecules so unique and the perfect building block for a bilayer is ...

Group of answer choices

a phospholipid has both polar and nonpolar regions

a phospholipid is able to firmly attach to the neighboring phospholipid

all choices are correct

a phospholipid is both positively and negatively charged


I thing 1............

Plz help ASAP

Marking Brianelist



The answer is D

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