What is the frequency of a 2 meter wavelength radio wave?


Answer 1

The frequency of a 2 meter wavelength radio wave is 149,668,992Hz .The range of the radio waves is considered to be 3 kHz up to 300 GHz.

Radio waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation with the longest frequencies in the electromagnetic range, commonly with frequencies of 300 gigahertz (GHz) and underneath. At 300 GHz, the relating frequency is 1 mm (more limited than a grain of rice); at 30 Hz the comparing frequency is 10,000 kilometers

For electromagnetic wave ,we know an expression

c=ν × λ

where c is the defined as the speed of wave  in any medium,

ν is  defined as the frequency of the wave and

λ is defined as the  wavelength of the wave.

Now, we know that speed of radio wave is 186,000 miles per second

We also know that 1mile= 1609.344 meters

Therefore,186,000 miles=186,000×1609.344 meters

So, speed of radio wave is 299,337,984m/sec.

Using the above formula, we get




or v=149,668,992Hz

Hence, frequency of radio wave is 149,668,992Hz.

To know more about frequency, visit here:



Related Questions

What is the time period of a wave with a frequency of 200hz?



Frequency=200Hz Time Period=1/Frequency =1/200=0.005sec.


iven the mass of the rubber in the balloon is 1.80 grams, what is the net vertical force on the balloon if it is let go? consider the buoyant force on the balloon, and the weight of the rubber and the helium inside the balloon. the volume of the rubber itself is negligible.


When a balloon is released, its buoyant force is 0.0316 N, and its net vertical force is 0.0096 N.

a) volume of balloon = 2.5 litre = 0.0025 m3

Buoyant force = Density of air * g * Volume of displaced air

At STP, the density of air is approximately 1.29 kg/m3

Buoyant force = 1.29 * 9.8 * 0.0025 = 0.0316 N

b) Net vertical force = Buoyant force – Weight

density of helium = 0.1786 kg/m3

Weight of rubber + helium = [0.0018 + (0.1786*0.0025)] * 9.8 = 0.0220 N

Net vertical force = 0.0316 – 0.0220 = 0.0096 N

A fully or partially submerged object is subject to an upward force known as the buoyant force. Upthrust is another name for this thrust upward. A body that is partially or completely submerged in a fluid gives the impression of losing weight because of the buoyant force, or that it is lighter.

The tendency for an object to sink is when its density exceeds that of the liquid it is submerged in. The object may be kept afloat by force if it is either less dense than the liquid or is shaped properly (like a boat). It floats in water if its relative density is less than one, and it sinks in water if its relative density is more than one.

Learn more about buoyant force here:



suppose a 50 turn coil lies in the plane of the page in a uniform magnetic field that is directed into the page. the coil originally has an area of0.15m2. it is squished to have no area in0.075s.what is the magnitude of the average induced emf in volts if the uniform magnetic field has a strength of 1.5 t?


The magnitude of the average induced emf if the uniform magnetic field has a strength of 1.5T is 150 Volts.

We know that the rate of change in magnetic flux will cause EMF in a closed loop because of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

So, according to Faraday's law

[tex]EMF = N\frac{BA}{del T}[/tex]


N = 50

B = 1.5T

del T = 0.075s

A = 0.15 [tex]m^{2}[/tex]


[tex]EMF = 50(\frac{1.5*0.15}{0.075})[/tex]

[tex]EMF = 150 Volts[/tex]

To know more about Faraday's law



Hey you know these safety barriers you see on the freeway all the time? Explain the physics behind how the safety barriers help save lives during car accidents.​


In the event of an accident or a car crash, road safety barriers and fences prevent automobiles from running off the road.

Which laws explain the physics behind the safety barriers and their use ?

Newton's Three Laws of Physics can help explain what these safety barriers are and how they help to save lives during car accidents :

I.  Unless acted upon by an imbalanced force, an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object at constant velocity will remain at constant velocity.

II.  If an imbalanced force occurs, a mass will experience acceleration proportional to its magnitude.

III.  When you apply a force to an object, you will feel a force that is equal    in magnitude but opposite in direction.

What are the reasons for installing road safety barriers ?To protect and prevent out-of-control automobiles from entering other vehicles' lanes. As a result, the safety road barriers are installed in the middle of the road.To keep the automobiles from sliding down an incline. If there is a drop of 5 meters or more along the road, the road safety barriers should be put at one end of the road.To keep an out-of-control car from collapsing and colliding with a roadside obstacle. If there are numerous items along the road, such as large traffic signs, bridge piers, poles, and so on, safety road barriers should be built on one end of the road.

Can learn more about safety barriers from https://brainly.com/question/17086354


in 1989, at solar maximum, there were 157 sunspots visible during the year. what would be the next year you would expect to observe about the same number of sunspots?


The next solar maximus which will be visible with 157 or close to 157 sunspots will be visible after 11 years. which is 2000.

Sunspots are formed in region of higher magnetic field, they appear dark on the surface of the Sun.

Solar maximus is nothing but the regular amount of period of the greatest solar activity during the sun's 11 year solar cycle.

It was not exactly 157 but 140 sunspots were seen in 2000.

As the year follows, the sunspots are becoming lesser and lesser.

This data is yearly created by NASA.

To know more about solar maximum,



What force must be exerted on the pedal cylinder of a hydraulic lift to support the weight of a 2000-kg car (a large car) resting on the wheel cylinder? the pedal cylinder has a 2. 00-cm diameter and the wheel has a 24. 0-cm diameter.


The Force that must be exerted on the pedal cylinder of a hydraulic lift is 136.11 newton.

Archimedes' principle states that:

F1 / A1 = F2 / A2

F2 = (A2 / A1) * F1

Also, the formula for the force is F = mg. (g is gravity = 9.8)

Formula for the area of the cylinder is A = πr^2, therefore we get

F2 = (πr2^2 / πr1^2) * mg

Given the diameter of the cylinders as 2 cm and 24 cm, so, the radius is :

r1 = 2/2 = 1

r2 = 24/2 = 12

π = 3.14

Substituting the above values in the formula, we get:

F2 = (π 1^2 / π 12^2) * 2000 * 9.8

F2 = (3.14*1^2 / 3.14*12^2)*2000*9.8

F2 = 136.11 N

So, we can conclude by saying that the force that must be exerted on the pedal cylinder of a hydraulic lift is 136.11 newton.

To know more about Force,



consider these two facts: (a) the earth has been hit by as many impactors as the moon and mars. (b) the state of washington has a total land area of about 177,000 km2. calculate how many 5-km-sized craters have been formed in washington state over the last 4 billion years. (show your work.)


As many impactors as the moon and mars combined have struck the earth are 35,400. Since the deposition process is happening everywhere across the planet

a) In the past 600 million years, the Moon has been struck by about 60 impactors, compared to about 43,000 for Mars.

Therefore, if we divide the size of Washington by the size of the hit, we get

177000 km² ÷ 5 km = 35,400.

b). However, there are no impact craters that are 5 km wide because the deposition process is ongoing everywhere over the earth. The erosional material that fills the craters causes them to shrink in size until they are no wider than 5 kilometers.

A deposition is a geological process that involves the addition of soil, rocks, and sediments to a landform or landmass. Transported by wind, ice, water, and gravity, previously weathered surface material is deposited when enough kinetic energy in the fluid is lost, forming layers of sediment.

The null-point hypothesis states that deposition occurs when sediment transportation-related forces are no longer strong enough to overcome gravity and friction-related factors, which provide resistance to motion. The deposition also covers the accumulation of sediment brought on by chemical or organic processes.

Learn more about deposition here:



An adult inhales about 6.0×10−4 m3 of fresh air during a breath. only 20% of fresh air is oxygen. Assume the pressure in the lungs is 1.0×10^5 pa and the air is at a temperature of 300 k. How many oxygen molecules are in each breath?


Number of oxygen molecules in each breath is 2.9 × 10²¹ mol.

The volume of air inside a breath is

V= 6 × 1/10⁴ m³

Of this, only 20% is oxygen, so the volume of oxygen is

V= 0.20 × 6 × 1/10⁴ m³

Then we can find the number of moles of oxygen by using the ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

Solving for n, we find

n= PV/RT = 4.8 × 1/10³ mol

Since the number of molecules in 1 mol is


(Avogadro number)

Then the number of molecules in  of oxygen is

(4.8 × 1/10³ mol)(6.022×10²³ mol)

= 2.9 × 10²¹ mol

What is the ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law, also called the general gas equation, is the equation of state for a hypothetical ideal gas.

To know more about ideal gas law, click the link given below:



A block with a mass of 55 kg is pulled with a force of 220 n. Assuming a frictionless surface, what will be the acceleration of the block?.


When a block with a mass of 55 kg is dragged with a force of 220 n, the acceleration is 4 m/s².

The frictionless surface it is maintained on means that the block will be under a net external force of 220 N.

The block weighs 55 kg.

F = m × a

In this case, the item is subjected to a net external force (F), mass (m), and acceleration (a).

Using the appropriate values in place of F and m:

220 = 55 × a

220 = 55 × a

Taking 55 as a factor, we get 4 = a.

As a result, a 55-kilogram item is drawn over a frictionless surface with an acceleration of 220 N is 4 m/s².

Learn more about force at



a sample of gas weighs 3.33 g and occupies a volume of 1.365 l at 95 °c and 790 torr. identify the gas sample.


This molar mass suggests that the gas sample is likely a compound made up of a single element, such as a noble gas. One possibility is that the gas sample is argon, which has a molar mass of approximately 39.9 g/mol. Alternatively, the gas sample could be krypton, which has a molar mass of approximately 83.8 g/mol.

Molar mass is a term used in chemistry to refer to the mass of a substance in grams per mole. It is defined as the mass of a substance divided by the number of moles of that substance. The molar mass of a substance is often used to convert between mass and moles, or to calculate the mass of a substance required to react with another substance in a chemical reaction.

To identify the gas sample, you can use the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature and the number of moles of the gas, and inversely proportional to the volume it occupies.

The ideal gas law is given by the following equation:

PV = nRT

where P is the pressure of the gas in pascals, V is the volume of the gas in liters, n is the number of moles of the gas, R is the universal gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas in kelvins.

Using the values provided in the question, we can solve for the number of moles of the gas:

n = (PV)/(RT)

= (790 torr * 1.365 L) / (8.314 J/mol*K * 368 K)

= 0.0478 moles

Since the mass of the gas sample is 3.33 grams and the number of moles is 0.0478 moles, we can use the molar mass of the gas to identify it. The molar mass is given by the following equation:

M = m/n

where M is the molar mass in grams per mole, m is the mass of the gas in grams, and n is the number of moles of the gas.

Solving for the molar mass, we get:

M = 3.33 g / 0.0478 moles

= 70.0 g/mol

Learn more about molar mass, here https://brainly.com/question/12127540


a certain heat engine is 25% efficient. how much exhaust heat is produced as this engine does 600 j of work?


Heat engines are engines that convert heat energy into mechanical energy.

If the efficiency of engine is = 25%

Then to calculate the input energy,

25 % X 600 = 150J

The efficient utilized energy is 150J

and the energy which is expelled as waste heat is

= 600J - 150J

= 450 J

To know more about heat engine,



The stars of the Milky Way are all near a great circle on the Celestial Sphere. This great circle?
A. is the Celestial Equator.
B. is the Ecliptic.
C. passes through the Celestial Poles.
D. is none of the other things listed here.


It is D. is none of the other things listed here. The stars of the Milky Way are all near a great circle on the Celestial Sphere. This great circle is called the milky circle

The Milky Circle is a great circle on the celestial sphere that is defined by the stars of the Milky Way. It is visible to the n_aked eye and is one of the most recognizable features of the night sky, stretching across the entire sky from horizon to horizon. It is composed of millions of stars, all of which reside in the same galactic plane and are moving in the same direction around the galactic center. The Milky Circle is a beautiful sight to behold, especially during a clear night, when it appears as a wide band of light. It is a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the beauty of the night sky. It is also a great way to orient oneself in the night sky, as its stars form a familiar pattern that can help one find constellations and other objects.

To know more about milky circle refer to the link brainly.com/question/29705703


a 2.5 kg copper block of mass at 500 degrees celsius is placed on a large block of ice. given that the specific heat capacity of copper is 390 j/kg and the latent heat of ice is 335000 j/kg, what is the maximum amount of ice that can melt?


The maximum amount of ice that can melt is 1.45 kg. The most heat that a copper block can dissipate Q=m * C

M = copper block's mass

C = copper's heat

Copper block mass, m=2.5 kg=2500g

the copper block's temperature increasing, =500^o C

Copper-specific heat, C = 0.39J / goC

The heat of water fusion, L=335J/g

The much heat that a copper block can possibly lose,

Q = m × C  

=2500 × 0.39×500    


When the copper block is placed on the ice block, let be the volume of ice that melts. = m1 g

The heat that the melted ice gained,


m1=Q / L

=487500 / 335


Hence, the maximum amount of ice that can melt is 1.45 kg.

To learn more about the maximum amount of ice that can melt Please visit the below link.



what is the density of a substance that has a mass of 2.0 g , and when placed in a graduated cylinder the volume changed from 70 ml to 75 ml ?


A material with a mass of 2.0 g when placed in a graduated cylinder the volume changed from 70 ml to 75 ml has a density of 0.4 g/mL.

How do I calculate the substance's density?

We'll start by getting the substance's volume. This is attainable as follows:

Water volume: 70 mL

75 mL = volume of material + water.

Substance volume =?

Substance volume equals (substance volume plus water) - (Volume of water)

Substance volume = 75 - 70

5 mL is the substance's volume.

Finally, we will calculate the substance's density. Below is an example to help:

2.0 g is the substance's mass.

5 mL is the substance's volume.

Substance density =?

Mass / volume equals density.

Substance density = 2/5

0.4 g/mL is the substance's density.

The density is therefore 0.4 g/mL.

To know more about density, visit:



a student pulls a box of books on a smooth horizontal floor with a force of 100 n in a direction of 37e above the horizontal. if the mass of the box and the books is 40.0 kg, what is the acceleration of the box?a student pulls a box of books on a smooth horizontal floor with a force of 100 n in a direction of 37e above the horizontal. if the mass of the box and the books is 40.0 kg, what is the acceleration of the box?


A student pulls a box of books on a smooth horizontal floor with acceleration of the box will be 1.99 m/s.

When we apply a horizontal force on a body kept on horizontal floor?

When we apply a horizontal force on a body kept on horizontal floor, a horizontal force starts opposing the net applied force. This force is called frictional force and is always tangential to the contact surface.

How do you calculate the force applied on a horizontal surface?

We can also find the normal force on the horizontal surface using the coefficient of friction. The basic formula of friction is f =mu N; from this, we get N = f/mu. mu is the coefficient of friction which tells the measure of friction acting between the surface.

To know more about  force visit :-



Which of the following is required in order for a copper wire to create a magnetic field?
A power source such as a battery.
Electrons that are attracted to each other.
Magnets that can help the electrons move.
An ammeter to measure the strength of the current


Coil your copper wire around an enormous iron nail to create an even more powerful electromagnet. Magnetic induction causes the nail to become into a magnet, strengthening the entire structure.

What copper wire to create a magnetic field?

Electric charges in motion and the intrinsic magnetic moments of elementary particles, which are connected to their spin, a fundamental quantum feature, create magnetic fields.

Electric charge movement results in the creation of a magnetic field. Inside the coil, the magnetic field is even and straight.

Therefore, You may create weak magnets by coiling some copper wire and attaching the ends to a small battery.

Learn more about magnetic field here:




A is the answer


During the Vibrations unit, Mr. Ricelander gave each lab group a spring and challenged them to determine the spring constant and then to select a mass to hang from the spring so that it oscillates up and down with a period of 1.0 seconds. Laquinta and Jamar determine the spring constant to be 38.4 N/m. What mass (in grams) should they choose to hang from the spring in order to meet the challenge?


The mass (in grams) they should choose to hang from the spring in order to meet the challenge is 973.7 g

How do I determine the mass?

The period of oscillation is related to mass and spring constant according to the following formula:

T = 2π√(m/K)


T is the periodm is the mass K is the spring constant

Using the above formula, we can obtain the mass that Laquinta and Jamar will choose in order to meet the challenge. Details below:

Period (T) = 1.0 secondSpring constant (K) = 38.4 N/mPi (π) = 3.14Mass (m) =?

T = 2π√(m/K)

Square both sides

T² = 4π²m / K

Cross multiply

4π²m = T²K

Divide both sides by 4π²

m = T²K / 4π²

m = (1² × 38.4) / (4 × 3.14²)

m = 0.9737 Kg

Multiply by 1000 to express in grams

m = 0.9737 × 1000

m = 973.7 g

Thus, the mass is 973.7 g

Learn more about mass:



how can you tell that an electroscope has an eletrical charge? can you tel from an electroscope alone what kind of charge it has? explain


An electroscope is used to detect the presence of an electric charge. It consists of two metal plates or leaves that are suspended from an insulating support.

When an electric charge is brought near the electroscope, the leaves will diverge due to the electrostatic force of repulsion between them.

The extent of the divergence will depend on the magnitude of the charge. However, it is not possible to determine the sign (positive or negative) of the charge from an electroscope alone.

An electroscope is a device used to detect the presence of an electric charge. To tell if an electroscope has an electric charge, you can observe the behavior of the metal leaves on the electroscope.

When an electroscope has an electric charge, the metal leaves on the electroscope will spread apart. This is because the same charge on the metal leaves repels each other, causing them to move away.

It is not possible to tell from an electroscope alone what kind of charge it has. To determine the type of charge, you will need to use another device to induce a charge on the electroscope and observe the behavior of the leaves. If the leaves move away from each other, the electroscope has a positive charge. If the leaves move towards each other, the electroscope has a negative charge.

to know more about magnitude click here:



A simple pendulum consisting of a blob of mass m attached to a string of length L swings with a period T. If the mass of the blob is reduced by half, what will the new period of oscillation be? Answer is: T The pendulum is now swinging on Pluto. Calculate the new period of oscillation in terms of T, knowing that on Pluto the gravity is 1/16 of gravity on the Earth. T pluto=______


A new oscillation period of 4T will be used. Pluto is currently in the pendulum's swing.

In a basic pendulum, what is the mass of the string?

One-tenth the mass of the pendulum bob, it turns out, the string of a simple pendulum has that mass.

The length of a pendulum's string can be determined in what way?

Use the equation L = (T/ 2)2*g to determine how long a basic pendulum is. where g is the gravitational acceleration and T is the simple pendulum's period of time. It consists of a point mass "m" hung from a fixed support by a light, inextensible string with length L. A gravitational force is responsible for the motion, which is in a vertical plane.

To know more about oscillation visit :-



what is the band gap energy in kilojoules per mole if blue diamonds absorb orange light with a wavelength of 675 nm?


The band gap energy in kilojoules per mole is 1.73×105J.

The band gap is the distance between the valence band and the conduction band of an electron. Essentially, the bandgap represents the minimum energy required to excite an electron to a state in the conduction band where it can participate in conduction. Higher frequencies and lower wavelengths of light are absorbed.

In physics, especially for solids, the band gap is also called the energy gap. It is the range of energies that exist in solids where no other electronic state can exist. In the diagram of the electronic band structure of solids, the bandgap is commonly called the energy difference.

Learn more about band gap energy here:-https://brainly.com/question/16960217


transmission electron microscopes that use high-energy electrons accelerated over a range from 40.0 to 100 kv are employed in many applications including the study of biological samples (like a virus) and nanoscience research and development (alloy particles and carbon nanotubes, for example). what would be the spatial limitation (in pm) for this range of electrons? it is often true that resolution is limited by the optics of the lens system, not by the intrinsic limitation due to the de broglie wavelength.


Picometer's spatial constraints for the specified range of electrons would be roughly 50 picometers.

What exactly is a transmission electron microscope (TEM)?

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a type of microscope that produces precise pictures of the structure of materials at the atomic or molecular scale using a beam of high-energy electrons. A focussed beam of electrons is sent through a tiny sample and the transmitted electrons are collected on a fluorescent screen or an electronic detector.

As per the problem:

The spatial resolution of the TEM would be hundreds of nanometers at the lower end of the energy range of 40.0 kV. At the upper end of the range (100 kV), the spatial resolution would be in the tens of nanometers.

In general, TEMs with electron energies ranging from 40 to 100 kV are capable of discerning features as small as 50 picometers (pm). The actual spatial resolution, however, will be determined by a number of criteria, including the quality of the electron optics, the stability of the electron beam, and the sample preparation.

It's worth mentioning that TEMs with considerably greater electron energies (up to several hundred kV) are available, allowing for spatial resolutions as low as one angstrom (less than 0.1 pm).

The method of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used to examine the characteristics of incredibly small specimens. Scientists can now see aspects like structure and morphology thanks to technology that accelerates an electron beam through a very thin specimen.

How does TEM work?

Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) are types of microscopes that provide an image that is greatly enlarged while viewing specimens using an electron particle beam. TEMs have a 2 million-fold magnification capacity.

What are the three different TEM types?

A TEM typically has three steps of lensing. The projector lenses, objective lenses, and condenser lenses make up the stages.

To know more about TEM visit;



L 5.3.2 Test (CST): Noncontact Forces
Question 1 of 10
Which sentence describes a difference between mass and weight?
OA. Only mass depends on the amount of matter in the object.
OB. Only mass changes depending on the gravitational force.
C. Only weight changes depending on the gravitational force.
OD. Only weight depends on the amount of matter in the object.


C.) Only weight changes depending on the gravitational force.

What is gravity, and what does it look like?

The term gravitational force refers to the force that the earth exerts on a body. Examples of motion caused by gravitational force include the downward motion of water in a river, the downward motion of water in a stream, and the upward motion of a ball when it is thrown.

How is gravity measured?

An equipment used to gauge gravitational acceleration is called a gravimeter. There is a gravitational potential for each mass. This potential's gradient acts as a force. This gravitational force is quantified by a gravimeter.

What factors affect gravity?

The size of this force is determined by the mass of each object and the separation of their centers.

Learn more about Gravitational Force here:



what is the period of this pendulum if its mass is doubled? note that you do not know the value of mm , ll , or gg , so do not assume any specific values. the required analysis involves thinking about ratios.


The period of this pendulum if its mass is doubled. The required analysis involves thinking about ratios is The period is 8 s when the pendulum's mass is doubled.

When a weight is shifted sideways from its equilibrium position, gravity acts as a restoring force on it, causing it to accelerate back toward the equilibrium position. This is what is meant by the term "pendulum," which refers to a weight that is hanging from a pivot so that it can swing freely. The restoring force acting on the mass of the pendulum once it is released causes it to oscillate, swinging back and forth about its equilibrium point. The duration, or the time required for a left swing and a right swing, is the period. The length of the pendulum and, to a lesser extent, the width of the amplitude, or swing, affect the period. Since Galileo Galilei's early scientific investigations of it in 1602, pendulums have been employed for timekeeping, and they remained the most precise timekeeping technology until the 1930s. For 270 years, households and offices utilized the pendulum clock invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1658 as the world's primary timekeeper before the quartz clock took its place.

To know more about pendulum please refer: https://brainly.com/question/14759840


A car tart from ret and travel for 3. 4 with a uniform acceleration for 17. 0 m/. What i the final velocity of the car?


Final velocity = 57.8m/s

What is acceleration?

In mechanics, acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time. Accelerations are vector quantities. The orientation of an object's acceleration is given by the orientation of the net force acting on that object

Acceleration = (Initial velocity - Final velocity) /time


time = 3.4s

Acceleration = 17 m/s^2

17 = (0-v)/3.4

final velocity = 17 X 3.4 = 57.8 m/s

To learn more about acceleration the link is given below:



What is the image of G for a dilation with center 0 0?


The image of G for a dilation with center 0 0 is G(1,-3).

Dilation is the process of changing the size of an object or shape by shrinking or enlarging its dimensions by some factor. For example, a circle with a radius of 10 units will shrink to a circle with a radius of 5 units. Applications of this method are used in photography, crafts, creating logos, etc. Geometry has four basic transformation types.

RotateTranslateReflectionResize or Stretch

If the scale factor is greater than 1, the image will be stretched.If the scale factor is between 0 and 1, then the image shrinks.If the scale factor is 1, then the original image and the image produced are congruent

Point G lies 1 on the X-axis and -three on the Y-axis.

when the size component is 1, the photograph stays similar to its pre-image.

Dimensions of the authentic plotted factor x Scale thing = Dimensions of

the brand new plotted factor

(1,-3) x1 = (1,-3).

After the dilation, pre-photograph image has gone through the transformation

the subsequent way. G(0,0)→ G(1,-3)

To learn about scale factor -



You and a friend are pulling on a rope in opposite directions as hard as you can. What is the equal and opposite force for the force of your hand pulling on the rope as described by newton's third law?.


The equal and opposite force is the force of your friend's hand pulling on the rope in the opposite direction.

Equal and Opposite Forces in Tug-of-War

According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the action of your hand pulling on the rope creates an equal and opposite reaction of your friend's hand pulling on the rope in the opposite direction. This creates a tug-of-war situation, where the two forces are in equilibrium and the rope does not move. This is what Newton's Third Law is all about - that two forces are always equal and opposite.

Learn more about Newton's Laws: https://brainly.com/question/25545050


What event made it possible for photons to begin to travel freely through the universe when the universe was about 380,000 years old? The universe had expanded and cooled enough for electrons to combine with nuclei to form neutral atoms. Atoms started to combine to make the first molecules. Magnetic fields had weakened to the point that they no longer interfered with light. Atomic nuclei were finally able to escape the plasma of the early universe. O Fusion of hydrogen to make helium ceased.


It had become weak enough for magnetic fields to stop interfering with light. Electromagnetic waves, or photons, are particles that can travel in response to the strength of magnetism.

The earth's magnetic fields are also known to shield us from ultraviolet radiation that are bad for our health. Forming atomic nuclei The universe began to enlarge, cool down, and become less dense. Deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, was created by the collision of protons and neutrons. As hydrogen and helium combine, Helium is created when deuterium atoms unite. Initial neutral atoms are created When the universe's matter sufficiently cooled, electrons joined with nuclei to create neutral atoms.The cosmos is translucent. The universe turned translucent during the phase known as "recombination" due to the free electrons' absorption. The formation of gases ultimately shapes the stars and galaxies.

Reionization is the stage at which gases condensed to the extent necessary to give rise to the first stars and galaxies.

To know more about magnetic fields



What is the change in internal energy of a system when a total of 150 J of heat transfer occurs out of the system and 159 J of work is done on the system?


The change in internal energy when work is done on system is 9J.

In thermodynamics, the ideal gas concept is often used. This is an approximation of a real system used for educational purposes.

An ideal gas is a gas made up of particles that appear as point objects that interact only by elastic collisions. Here the kinetic energy consists only of the translational energies of the individual atoms.

Therefore, the change in the internal energy of an ideal gas is due only to the change in its kinetic energy. In this case the energy depends only on pressure, volume and thermodynamic temperature. Values ​​are proportional to the mass (in moles), temperature, and specific heat of a given volume of gas.




To know more about specific heat -



when the number of turns on an inductor that has an inductance of 100 mh doubles, while keeping its length, cross-sectional area, and core material constant, what is the new inductance value


L=((N2)* u* A)/l is the coil's inductance in Henrys. Therefore, doubling the number N of turns results in a four times (2^2) increase in inductance.

Often in the form of a coil, a conductor's inductance is a quality that is determined by the amount of the electromotive force, or voltage, that is induced in it in comparison to the rate at which the electric current that generates the voltage changes.

Henries (H) is used as the unit of measure for self-inductance. A device's resistance to a change in current through it is inversely proportional to its self-inductance L. A big L, such as that seen in a large coil with numerous turns and an iron core, prevents rapid changes in current.

To learn more about inductance Please visit the below link.



Thomas sits on a small rug on a polished wooden floor. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the rug and the slippery wooden floor is only 0. 12. If thomas weighs 650 n, what horizontal force is needed to pull the rug and thomas across the floor at a constant speed?.


The horizontal force needed to pull the rug and Thomas across the floor at a constant speed is 78 N.

Taking to Thomas and the rug as a single system, if they slide across the floor at constant speed, this means that their acceleration is just zero. According to Newton's 2nd Law, if the acceleration is zero, this means that the net force applied is zero too.

In the horizontal direction, there are two forces acting on Thomas and the rug (as a single system), the applied force, and the kinetic friction force, which must be equal and opposite each other:

= f (Thomas) = f(rug)

By definition, as the friction force is the horizontal component of the contact force, it can be expressed as follows:

= f(rug) = μF(normal)

where μ = coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.12 and F(normal)

In this case, as the system thoomas+rug is not accelerating in the vertical direction, and the surface is level, the normal force (which is always perpendicular to the surface), must be equal to the force of gravity.

Assuming that the mass of the rug is neglectable, we can write:

= F(normal) = F(g)

= F(g) = mg

= 650 N

Substituting in the first equation,

= f (Thomas) = f(rug) = 0.12 X 650

= f = 78 N

To know more about Force:



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