What is the formula of gas?


Answer 1

The equations describing these laws are special cases of the ideal gas law, PV = nRT, where P is the pressure of the gas, V is its volume, n is the number of moles of the gas, T is its kelvin temperature, and R is the ideal (universal) gas constant.

By rearranging the ideal gas law, P=n(RTV)=nconst, it can be demonstrated that the pressure of a sample of gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas present when volume and temperature are maintained constant. The common measurement of pressure is the pascal (Pa). The kilopascal is the most practical measure for measuring commonplace gas pressures since a pascal is a relatively tiny unit of pressure (kPa). There are 1000 pascals in a kilopascal. The atmosphere is yet another widely used pressure measurement unit (atm).

Learn more about ideal gas law here:



Related Questions

a fixed-volume container is used to prepare nh3(g) from a properly balanced mixture of n2(g) and h2(g) at 25 c. if the final pressure of the pure nh3(g) product is 10000.0 pa, what was the initial pressure of the reactant gas mixture?


The initial pressure of the reactant gas mixture is 20000.0

What is a gas reactant?

Ammonia, nitrous oxide, hydrogen chloride, and tungsten hexafluoride are examples of reactant gases. In chemical vapour deposition, ammonia is frequently used with silane or dichlorosilane to create silicon nitride layers.

[tex]N_{2} +3H_{2}[/tex]  → [tex]2NH_{3}[/tex]

At constant volume and temperature, pressure of a mixture of gas is proportional to its moles.

pf ∝ nNH3

pf ∝ nN2 + nH2

Using balanced equation,




⇒ 10000/Pi= 2/4

⇒ Pi = 20000.0

The initial pressure of the reactant gas is 20000.0

To learn more about reactant gas from the given link.



two hydrogen atoms collide head-on. the collision brings both atoms to a halt. immediately after the collision, both atoms emit a 121.6 nm photon. what was the speed of each atom just before the collision?


The speed of each atom just before the collision is 4.43 × [tex]10^{4}[/tex]

n1 = 1, n2 =2

Wavelength is in UV region; thus n1 will be 1.
1/121.6 × [tex]10^{-9}[/tex] = 1.097 × [tex]10^{7}[/tex] × (1/1² - 1/n²)

n2 = 2

1/2 m[tex]v^{2}[/tex]  = hc/λ

v =  4.43 × [tex]10^{4}[/tex]

A chemical element's atom is a particular type of particle of substance. A positively charged electron or many negatively charged electrons encircle the central nucleus of an atom. Protons and neutrons, two relatively hefty particles that make up the positively charged nucleus, may be present.

The fundamental components of matter are atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of all mass and space-occupying objects. Positively charged particles are protons. The chemical element's atomic number is determined by how many protons are present in its nucleus. In the Periodic Table of Elements, different elements' atomic numbers can be found. For instance, sodium's atomic number is 11 and it possesses 11 protons. mp is the symbol for the rest mass of a proton.

Learn more about atom here:



why do bonds form between atoms? group of answer choices to evenly distribute electrons to make the next charge zero to lower the total energy of the system to satisfy the octet rule


Fundamentally, atoms are attempting to achieve the most stable (lowest-energy) state possible. When an atom's valence shell is fully populated with electrons or when they comply with the octet rule, a large number of them become stable (by having eight valence electrons).

What are electrons?

It is possible for an electron to be free or linked to an atom. An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle (not bound). One of the three main types of particles inside an atom, along with protons and neutrons, is an electron that is linked to the atom. The nucleus of an atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Just one electron and one proton are present in the hydrogen atom, for instance. On the other hand, the uranium atom possesses 92 protons, which means 92 electrons.

To learn more about electrons

Here: https://brainly.com/question/860094


The partial pressure of ch4(g) is 0. 175 atm, and the partial pressure of o2(g) is 0. 250 atm in a mixture of the two gases. The mixture occupies a volume of 10. 5 l at 65 oc. Solve all three parts of the question.


0.161 mole of gas present in the the mixture of ch4 and o2 of volume 10.5l . This is calculated using the Dalton's law of partial pressure and Ideal gas equation.

Partial pressure of the gas is derived by Dalton's law of partial pressure. Dalton's law of partial pressures states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases. The partial pressure of ch4 is 0.175atm and the partial pressure of o2 is 0.250. we can calculate the total pressure.

Partial pressure CH4 = 0.175 atm.

Partial pressure O2 = 0.250 atm.

Total pressure = 0.175 atm. + 0.250 atm. = 0.425 atm.

mole fraction CH4 = 0.175/0.425 = 0.412

mole fraction O2 = 0.250/0.425 = 0.588

The mixture occupies a volume of 10.5l at 65 degree.so, we can use here the ideal gas equation. It is the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas.

PV = n RT

(0.425 atm.) (10.5 L) = n(0.0821 L atm. / K mole) (338 K)

n = 0.161 moles

To learn more about Dalton's law of partial pressure please visit:



Suppose a reaction were to happen in an open container in a lab. During the reaction, the scientist observes the chemicals bubble, and produces a gas. During the analysis the scientist notices that the reactants weighed 20 g when he started, and the product weighed 18 g. Explain what happened.

a. His chemical reaction defied the law of conservation of mass

b. The product destroyed mass during the reaction

c. The reactants created matter during the reaction

d. The gas that was produced was not able to be weighed since the container was open.


The thing that will happen during the analysis is that d. The gas that was produced was not able to be weighed since the container was open.

What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is the chemical transformation of one set of chemical substances into another. Chemical reactions can be classified in several ways, including product type, reactant type, reaction outcome, and reaction mechanism.

A given reaction can frequently be classified into two or three categories, including gas-forming and precipitation reactions. Many reactions result in the formation of a gas, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, or sulfur dioxide.

Since during the reaction, the scientist observes the chemicals bubble, and produces a gas, the gas won't be able to weighed since it escaped due to the open container.

Learn more about reaction on:



Classify each metabolic reaction as an oxidation-reduction reaction, isomerization reaction, or group transfer reaction.


Any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron is known as an oxidation-reduction reaction. The basic processes of life, such as photosynthesis, respiration, combustion, and corrosion or rusting, all depend on redox reactions.

What are examples of oxidation and reduction reactions?

An oxidation reaction is a process in which oxygen is acquired or hydrogen is destroyed. for instance, 2Cu+O2heats 2CuO Reduction reaction. Reduction reactions occur when either hydrogen or oxygen is acquired. CuO+H2heats Cu+H2O, for instance.

What kind of reaction is an oxidation example?

Initially, the word "oxidation" was used to refer to chemical processes in which an element reacts with oxygen. An illustration of this is the oxidation of magnesium in the formation of magnesium oxide when magnesium metal and oxygen react.

To know more about oxidation reaction visit;



In isomerization reaction, there is only structural rearrangement of all the bonds and atoms.

In group transfer reaction one atom from one substrate is transfer to other substrate point in the group transfer reaction given above, phosphate from ATP is transferred to substrate to convert it into product.

In oxidation reduction reaction, the gain and loss of electrons occur simultaneously. In the reaction given above NADH is Losing electrons which are gained by the substrate to form product.

To learn more about oxidation-reduction, isomerization reaction, or group transfer ,visit below link:



the enthalpy of vaporization of ethyl acetate is 31.9 kj/mol at its normal boiling ppoint. calculate q, w,


The enthalpy of vaporization of ethyl acetate is 31.9 kj/mol at its normal boiling p point. The b.p is 77.2 C.

The enthalpy of vaporization, also known as the (latent) heat of vaporization or heat of evaporation, is the quantity of energy (enthalpy) that must be added to a liquid substance in order to transform a portion of that substance into a gas. The enthalpy of vaporization depends on the pressure at which the transformation takes place. The normal boiling point of the substance is frequently provided along with the enthalpy of vaporization. The inaccuracy in the measured value is frequently smaller, even though tabulated values are typically corrected to 298 K. The larger internal energy of the vapor phase relative to the liquid phase, in addition to the work against air pressure, equals this. The increase in internal energy could represent the energy required to overcome intermolecular interactions in the liquid (or solid, in the case of sublimation). The extremely low enthalpy of vaporization of helium, which is 0.0845 kJ/mol, is a result of the weak van der Waals interactions between its atoms. However, the energy required to heat the same amount of water from 0 °C to 100 °C (cp = 75.3 J/Kmol) is more than five times more than the enthalpy of vaporization of liquid water, which is 40.65 kJ/mol.

To know more about enthalpy please refer: https://brainly.com/question/13996238


What does the wavelength of an EM wave tell about its energy?
A. As the wavelength decreases, the energy increases.
B. As the wavelength increases, the energy goes to zero.
C. As the wavelength decreases, the energy becomes constant.
D. As the wavelength increases, the energy increases.


Wavelength of an EM wave indicates that as the wavelength decreases, the energy increases. option A.

What defines electromagnetic wave's wavelength?

The distance between identical points in adjacent cycles of a waveform signal propagated in space or along a wire is defined as the wavelength. This length is typically specified in wireless systems in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm) (mm).

The frequency and energy (E) of a wavelength decrease as its size increases. These equations show that as the frequency and energy increases, the wavelength decreases. The wavelength grows longer as the frequency decreases. There are two basic types of waves: mechanical and electromagnetic.

Find out more on wavelength of an EM here: https://brainly.com/question/25847009


The biosphere is the sum of



... all of the ecosystems in the world

bio means life and sphere implies the world is how you can remember it.


which alkyl halide in each pair is more reactive in an e2 reaction with hydroxide ion?


t-Bulyl Chloride would be the alkyl halide that reacts with E2  reaction the with hydroxide ion.

An elimination reaction’s main byproduct is often a substituted alkene. This happens due to the lower energy and faster progressing transition state that leads to the formation of more substituted alkene.

Elimination reaction is very critical to first identify the electrophilic carbon in the substrate in order to determine the potential products of elimination reaction. Next, list of every hydrogen on every carbon that is next to the electrophilic carbon. Every distinct neighboring hydrogen has the potential to create a distinct elimination product in the elimination reaction.

Learn more about e2 reaction from the link given below.



Which is the correct statement regarding the relative rf values of the starting methyl benzoate vs the product, methyl m-nitrobenzoate on a silica gel tlc plate?

a. The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate.
b. The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is less polar than the starting methyl benzoate.
c. The product has a higher Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is less polar than the starting methyl benzoate.
d. The product has a higher Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate.


The correct option is a). The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate.

Describe a TLC plate.

A glass, metal, or plastic sheet that has been thinly covered with a solid adsorbent (usually silica or alumina)is known as a TLC plate. Near the bottom of this plate, there is a tiny bit of the mixture to be tested.

Silica gel has lots pores with contains water, and we know that water is polar. So we can say that our stationary phase here silica gel is polar. In chemistry we say 'like dissolves like' therefore polar substance interacts with polar substances. If interaction is more than Rf value will be less. Rf value is nothing but the distance travelled by molecule on TLC plate. Here methyl m nitrobenzoate has nitro group which is polar in nature therefore it will interact with water in silica gel and she this it will travel less distance therefore Rf value is lower than methyl benzoate which does not interact with water in silica gel as it has no polar groups therefore runs faster and travels more distance hence the high Rf.

Therefore, the correct option is a). The product has a lower Rf value on a silica gel TLC plate because it is more polar than the starting methyl benzoate.

To learn more about TLC plate from the given link.



Julie has been working in the laboratory with a new antibiotic. First, she placed an antibiotic on a petri dish of bacteria. Then she placed a solution of distilled water in the petri dish and observed under the microscope that water moves into the bacterial cells, causing them to burst. In the control group of bacteria that do not receive the antibiotic, the cells do not swell or burst. Julie is trying to determine what organelle is damaged, and preventing homeostasis?.


Since Julie is trying to determine what organelle is damaged, and preventing homeostasis, the organelle  is contractile vacuole.

The contractile vacuole's role in preserving homeostasis?

A specific sort of vacuole that controls the amount of water in a cell is called a contractile vacuole. Freshwater environments have hypotonic solute concentrations, meaning that they are higher inside the cell than outside. Osmosis causes water from the outside environment to build up in the cell under these circumstances.

Therefore, through osmoregulation, the contractile vacuoles of amoebas assist them in maintaining homeostasis. The ongoing process of keeping solvent and solute levels in the cell in a healthy range is known as osmoregulation. Water serves as both the solute and the solvent in a reaction.

Learn more about contractile vacuole from


cyclopentane c5h10 is an alkane with a ring structure, that reacts with chlorine, cl2, to produce c2h9cl and hcl. following is a representation of a proposed mechanism for the reaction. Cl2-->2CL (Slow) Cl+C5H10-->HCl+C5H9 (Fast) C5H9+Cl-->C5H9Cl (Fast). (a0 Write the overall equation for the reaction. (b)Write a rate for the reaction that is consistent with the mechanism. Justify your answer (c) A student claims that cl2 is a catalyst in the reaction. Explain why the students claim is false.


A. We are aware that the reaction's rate depends on the slowest, or rate-determining, step in the overall reaction mechanism. The first step of the reaction is the one that moves the most slowly in the example reaction mechanism. As a result, just one step (Step 1) would have an impact on the reaction's rate.

As a result, the rate law for the mechanism described is given by –

Step 1.  Cl2 2Cl  (slow)  ---------k1

Step 2.  Cl + C5H10HCl + C5H9  (fast) ---------k2

Step 2.  C5H9 + Cl C5H9Cl  (fast)  ---------k3

Step 1. is the slowest step. So, the reaction rate will depend upon on the rate of Step 1 only.

Hence, the rate law for the reaction is given by –

Rate = k1 [Cl2]

B. A species that is created and then consumed in situation is referred to as an intermediate of a reaction mechanism; hence, reaction intermediates never appear in the final rate law or in the actual reaction itself. The overall reaction in this reaction will show up, and likewise will be included in the rate law, as demonstrated above.

To learn more about Rate Law Reaction:



for the phase transfer catalysis experiment: when running a pipet column with silica gel, what is the correct order in which compounds will elute out of the column? for the phase transfer catalysis experiment: when running a pipet column with silica gel, what is the correct order in which compounds will elute out of the column? least polar compounds, most polar compounds, medium polar compounds most polar compounds, least polar compounds, medium polar compounds least polar compounds, medium polar compounds, most polar compounds most polar compounds, medium polar compounds, least polar compounds


The following substances are normally eluted from columns in the following order: alkyl halides, saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, ethers, esters, ketones, amines, alcohols, phenols, and acids. Frequently, salts and polymeric compounds do not elute.

What substances will elute from the column?

The more polar molecules will elute from the column following the non-polar ones. Elution is a result of chemicals interacting with the stationary and mobile phases. Therefore, in typical column chromatography, non-polar substances will elute first.

What chemicals elute first: less polar ones?

Elution is a result of chemicals interacting with the stationary and mobile phases. Therefore, in typical column chromatography, non-polar substances will elute first.

To know more about catalysis experiment visit:-



You are given the task to experimentally determine the density of an unknown liquid.


Answer:-Fill an oversized 1L graduated cylinder with a set amount 500ml of water and record below. To find the total Volume displaced, subtract Initial Volume and Volume of Object. To calculate Density divide the Mass in grams by the Volume displaced in milliliters. Finally record whether the object floats or sinks.

Measure the volume of water poured into a graduated cylinder, then place the object in the water and remeasure the volume. The difference between the two volume measurements is the volume of the object. Now simply divide the mass by the volume to calculate the density of the object.

Using a mass balance, mass the container. Pour the liquid into the container and mass them together. Subtract the mass of the container from the mass of the container with the liquid. The difference will be the mass of the liquid alone.

The equation for Beer's law is a straight line with the general form of y = mx +b. where the slope, m, is equal to εl. In this case, use the absorbance found for your unknown, along with the slope of your best fit line, to determine c, the concentration of the unknown solution.

What is the number of neutrons of an arsenic atom with atomic number 27 and mass number 60?


In this question, we are asked to determine the number of neutrons of an arsenic atom.

When we are given with the atomic number of Arsenic atom, i.e. 27 and mass number 60

We know that Atom is made up of three major sub atomic particles, i.e. electron, proton, and neutron.

Out of these three, electron is negatively charged sub atomic particle tat revolves around the nucleus.

Proton is positively charged sub atomic particles that resides inside the nucleus along with neutral neutrons.

As the majority of mass of atom is collected inside the nucleus, the mass number refers to the sum of the number of protons and number of neutrons.

and Atomic number is equal to the number of Protons.


Number of neutron = Mass number - Atomic number

Number of neutron = 60 - 27

Number of neutron = 33

To know more about Atom:



According to the following reaction, what volume of 0. 244 m kcl solution is required to react exactly with 50. 0 ml of 0. 210 m pb(no3)2 solution?.


According to the following reaction, the volume of KCl solution required to react with 50ml of 0.21M Pb(NO3)2 solution is 86mL (based on chemical equation).

What is chemical equation?

It is an equation that make use of chemical formulae and symbols to represent chemical reactions. The left-hand side of a chemical equation represents the reactants and the right-hand side represents the products.

How to calculate the volume of KCl solution using chemical equation?

First, let's write the chemical equation
2KCl + Pb(NO₃)₂ -> PbCl₂ + 2KNO₃

Given from the question

Molarity of Pb(NO₃)₂ = 0.210M

Volume of Pb(NO₃)₂ solution = 50mL = 50 / 1000 = 0.05L

Molarity of Pb(NO₃)₂ solution = Number of moles of Pb(NO₃)₂ / volume of solution in L

0.210M = Number of moles of Pb(NO₃)₂ / 0.05L

Number of moles of Pb(NO₃)₂ = 0.0105 mol

Using stoichiometric coefficients from the chemical equation above

1 mol Pb(NO₃)₂ requires 2 moles of KCl

so, 0.0105 mol Pb(NO₃)₂ requires (2 * 0.0105) moles KCl = 0.021mol KCl

Number of moles of KCl = 0.021 mol

Molarity of KCl solution = 0.244M

Molarity of KCl solution = Number of moles of KCl / Volume of KCl solution in L

0.244 = 0.021 / volume of solution in L

Volume of KCl solution = 0.021 / 0.244

= 0.0861 (rounded) L * 1000 mL

= 86mL

Therefore, the volume of KCl solution required is 86mL.

Learn more about chemical equation https://brainly.com/question/19626681


rank the the following compounds in order of increasing reactivity in electrophilic aromatic substitution. be sure to answer all parts.


The rank of the compounds in order of increasing reactivity in electrophillic aromatic substition is C, A and B.

OCH3 is electron releasing group . whenever electron releasing group present on benzene ring that molecule is highly reactive .

-Cl is withdrawing group . whenever the molecule is contain withdrawing group it is least reactiveReactivity is a somewhat ambiguous term in chemistry. It seems to embody both thermodynamic and kinetic factors.

That is, whether a substance reacts and how quickly it reacts. Both factors are actually different and generally temperature dependent. For example, it is commonly claimed that the reactivity of Group I metals (Na, K, etc.) increases towards the bottom of the periodic table groups, or that the reactivity of hydrogen is evidenced by its reaction with oxygen.

In fact, the reaction rate of alkali metals (as evidenced by their reaction with water, for example) is not only a function of position within the group, but also of particle size. Hydrogen does not react with oxygen, although it has a very large equilibrium constant, except when the flame initiates a radical reaction and causes an explosion.

Learn more about reactivity here : https://brainly.com/question/25103661


question 1

Clouds are formed when _____ evaporates.

A mist

B water

Question 2

When billions of tiny dust particles carrying water droplets come together they form a ______.

A cloud

B wind

Question 3

Clouds can be formed on both warm and cold ____.

A fronts

B tides

please help


Clouds are formed when water evaporates

When billions of tiny dust particles carrying water droplets come together they form a cloud

Clouds can be formed on both warm and cold fronts.

What is a cloud?

A cloud is a mass of water drops or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds form when water condenses in the sky. The condensation lets us see the water vapor. There are many different types of clouds. Clouds are an important part of Earth's weather and climate.

When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses into tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.

Learn more about clouds:https://brainly.com/question/508705


place the components of the electron‑transport chain to outline the flow of electrons from nadh to o2.


The electron transport chain NADH → NADH dehydrogenase complicated → ubiquinone → cytochrome b-c1 complicated → cytochrome c → cytochrome oxidase complicated → molecular oxygen (O2).

At every protein pump, NADH (or FADH2) offers up electrons (e-) and turns into NAD+ (or FAD).switch of electrons through NADH and FADH2 to complicated I and II, respectively. The status quo of an electrochemical gradient through proton pumping and motion of electrons thru the chain.

Splitting of oxygen molecule to shape water. Generation of ATP molecules through ATP synthase route of electron glide is NADH → NADH dehydrogenase complicated → ubiquinone → cytochrome b-c1 complicated → cytochrome c → cytochrome oxidase complicated → molecular oxygen (O2). The breathing enzyme complexes couple the energetically favorable shipping of electrons to the pumping of H+ out of the matrix.

Read more about electron:



Of the following atmospheric gases, only _________ is an important greenhouse gas.a. hydrogen sulfide (H2S)b. oxygen (O2)c. water vapor (H2O)d. nitrogen (N2)e. argon (Ar)


Water vapor (H2O) is an important greenhouse gas. The correct option is C

What is atmospheric gases?

Atmospheric Gases are gases located in the earth atmosphere. These gases are include oxygen and nitrogen making up 99% of the air. The remaining 1% mostly contains argon, carbon dioxide and several other gases.

The atmosphere supports life and is also needed for the water cycle and weather while gases in the air allow us to hear most of the sounds in our world.

Therefore water vapor (H2O) is an important greenhouse gas. The correct option is C

Learn more about atmospheric gases here: brainly.com/question/19587559


How many grams of potassium chloride can be dissolved in 100 grams of water at degrees?


At 50 degrees Celsius, potassium chloride is soluble in 43.0 grams per 100 grams of water.

The metal halide salt potassium chloride, also known as potassium salt or KCl, is made of these two elements. It has an appearance of a vitreous crystal and is odourless. The substance easily dissolves in water and has a salty flavour to its solutions. Dried lake sediments from long ago can be used to make potassium chloride. In addition to being used as a fertilizer, KCl is also utilized as an E number additive (E508) in food processing, as well as in science, medicine, and home water softeners (in place of sodium chloride salt).

When combined with sodium chloride, it forms the compound sylvinite, which is found naturally as the mineral sylvite.

Due to the fact that the availability of potassium restricts the growth of many plants, the bulk of the potassium chloride generated is used to create fertilizer, known as potash.

Learn more about Potassium chloride here:



What are the 3 mandatory statements that must be seen on label?


The 3 mandatory statements that must be seen on label are the product identity , the weight and best before or use by date.

The label should contains the product identity that is the name of the food and the ingredients used. the whole description of the nutrition values of the product. The product identity also includes the company name, trade makers. the net weight of the product should be labeled. the net contents should be listed according to the consistency of the product.

The label should also includes the best before use or use by the date is the expiry date of the product.

To learn more about label here



determine the molar mass (in g/mol) of a gas that travels with an effusion time that is 1.94 times longer than that of hcl(g).


The molar mass of a gas that travels with an effusion time that is 1.94 times longer than that of HCl (g) is 137 g/mol

What is the relationship between the molar mass of a gas and the effusion time of a gas?

The relationship between the molar mass of a gas and the effusion time of a gas is given by the equation below:

T₁/T₂ = √M₁/√M₂


T₁ is the time of effusion of HCl

T₂ is the time of effusion of the gas

M₂ is the molar mass of the gas

M₁ is the molar mass of HCl = 36.5 g/mol

T₂ = 1.94T₁

1 / 1.94 = √36.5 /√M₂

M₂ = 137 g.mol

Learn more about the effusion time at: https://brainly.com/question/22359712


a sample of ammonia, nh3, is completely decomposed to nitrogen and hydrogen gas. calculate the partial pressure of hydrogen if the total pressure after the reaction is 631 torr


The partial pressure of hydrogen is 473.25 mm of Hg.

What is Dalton s law?

Dalton’s Law, also known as Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures, states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases. This law was proposed by English chemist John Dalton in 1801. In a mixture of gases, each gas has an individual pressure, and the total pressure is the sum of the pressures of each of the gases. This law is based on the fact that each gas in a mixture behaves independently of the other gases, and that the total pressure of the mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each gas. The partial pressure of a gas is determined by the concentration of the gas in the mixture and the total pressure of the mixture.

Pi = Xi Pt
partial pressure of gas = mole fraction of that gas × total pressure
2NH3 ⇒N2+ 3H2
mole fraction of hydrogen =3/4 = 0.75
partial pressure of H2 = 0.75×631 mm of Hg = 473.25 mm of Hg.
(1 mm of Hg = 1 torr)

For more information about Dalton theory please visit:



A sealed cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains ideal gas at 27°c, pressure 0.500 × 10^5 pa, and volume 1.1 m^3. what will be the final temperature if the gas is compressed to 0.800 m3 and the pressure rises to 0.820 × 10^5 pa?


The final temperature if the gas is compressed to 0.800 m3 and the pressure rises to 0.820 × 10^5 pa is 357.8 K



T2= 0.820 × 10^5×0.800×300÷0.500 × 10^5×1.1 m^3

T2=357.8 K

The characteristic of matter that represents the amount of energy used in the motion of its constituent particles is its temperature. It provides a comparison of a material's heat or cold content. Absolute zero is the designation for the coldest possible temperature. It is the temperature where there is the least amount of thermal mobility in the particles (not the same as motionless). The Kelvin scale reads 0 K, the Celsius scale reads 273.15 C, and the Fahrenheit scale reads 459.67 F. A thermometer is the device used to measure temperature. The Kelvin (K) is the SI unit of temperature, while other temperature scales are more frequently employed in day-to-day settings. In order to describe temperature, one can use the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.

To know more about  temperatures  visit : https://brainly.com/question/22854014


as a system reaches thermal equilibrium, _____ has been transferred from areas of high to low _____.


As a system reaches thermal equilibrium, heat has been transferred from areas of high to low temperature.

In other words, when a system reaches thermal equilibrium, there is no longer a temperature difference between its different parts, and the heat has been evenly distributed throughout the system. This can happen through a variety of mechanisms, such as conduction, convection, and radiation, and the specific mechanism will depend on the properties of the system and the materials it is made of. Once thermal equilibrium has been reached, the system will remain at a constant temperature until something changes, such as the addition or removal of heat or a change in the materials or structure of the system.

to know more about heat-



Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are in fact 1000 real calories. one real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit. thus, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to:______


Nutritionists express energy in calories, which are 1000 real calories. One real calorie is equivalent to 4.18 joules, the universal energy unit and hence, one nutrition calorie is equivalent to: 4.18 kilojoules.

What is nutrition calorie?

In the nutrition world, calorie indicate amount of energy in foods. As a food calorie is equal to 1,000 small calories, it is also called a large calorie or a kilocalorie (kcal). Food calories come from these four sources: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and alcohol.

The calorie and nutrient content of single ingredients and individual foods  is found in the USDA's National Nutrient Database. Most of the packaged foods list information in the Nutrition Facts panel.

To know more about nutrition calorie, refer



14.3 the number-average molecular weight of a polypropylene is 1,000,000 g/mol. compute the degree of polymerization.


The degree of polymerization is 23765.

What is degree of polymerization?

The quantity of polymer monomer units. The ratio between the molecular weights of the repeat unit and the polymer is used to compute it.

What is polypropylene ?

Propylene has been polymerized to create polypropylene, a synthetic resin. A crucial member of the polyolefin resin family, polypropylene is moulded or extruded into a variety of plastic products when toughness, flexibility, light weight, and heat resistance are required.

Degree of polymerization is the number of monomeric units in a polymer

degree of the polymerization =molecular weight of polymer / polymer weight of monomeric

given polymer⇒ polypropylene

molecular weight of polypropylene= 10,00000 g/ mol

Repeat unit of polypropylene  (pp)

H       H

C   -    C

H       CH₃

Atomic weight of the carbon = 12.01 g/ mol

Atomic weight of the hydrogen = 1.008 g/ mol

step; 1

count the no. of atoms in the repaet unit

here, 3c and 6H

3C ⇒3*12.01 g/mol

6H ⇒ 6*1.008 g/mol


total molecular weight of the monomeric =

3*12.01 g/ mol+ 6*1.008 g/mol

36.03g/mol+ 6.048g/mol

= 42.078 g/mol

degree of polymerization = molecular weight of polymer/ molecular weight of monomeric

= 10,00000 g/ mol/ 42.078 g/mol

= 23765

Therefore, the degree of polymerization is 23765.

Learn more about degree of polymerization from the given link.



the half-life of strontium-90 is 28 years. how long will it take a 50-mg sample to decay to a mass of 22 mg? (round your answer to the nearest whole number.)


The half-life of strontium-90 is 28 years. how long will it take a 50-mg sample to decay to a mass of 22 mg it took 13 years.

What is half-life?

The period of time it takes for one-half of a radioactive isotope to decay is known as the half-life. An individual radioactive isotope's half-life is unaffected by environmental factors and is independent of the isotope's starting concentration.

What is decay ?

Reduction in amount, activity, or force, for instance. Chemistry: Radioactive material's radioactive atom content spontaneously decreases. Spontaneous disintegration in physics (as of an atom or a particle)

Using the half life formula

A=A₀ 2(-t/h)


A = restultant amount

A₀= initial amount

t= decay time

h= half life of substance


2^(-t/28)= 36/50

2^(-t/28= 0.72

taking log both sides

we have t=-28 ln(0.72)/ln2


t= 13 years.

Therefore, the half-life of strontium-90 is 28 years. how long will it take a 50-mg sample to decay to a mass of 22 mg it took 13 years.

Learn more about half-life from the given link.



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