What is the equation of a line that passes through 3/6 and 8 4?


Answer 1

The equation of a line whose slope is 3/6 and passes through (8, 4) is y- 4 = 3/6(x -8).

The equation of a line:

The equation of a line is an algebraic form of representing the set of points, which together form a line in a coordinate system. The numerous points which together form a line in the coordinate axis are represented as a set of variables x, and y to form an algebraic equation, which is referred to as an equation of a line.

Here we have to find the equation of a line.

Data given:

The slope (m) = 3/6

The point = (8,4)

The general formula for the equation of a line:

y - y1 = m( x - x1)

Where (x1, y1) is the point on the line.

As it is given that the point is ( 8, 4) and the slope is 3/6, so we have,

y - 4 = 3/6(x - 8)

Therefore the equation of a line is y-4 = 3/6(x -8).

To know more about the equation of a line refer to the link given below:



Related Questions

Determine if the sequence below is arithmetic or geometric and determine the common difference/ratio in simplest form.



The given sequence is a arithmetic sequence with the common difference is -6.

What is an arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers where the differences between every two consecutive terms is the same. The general form an arithmetic sequence is an=a+(n-1)d

The given sequence is 22, 16, 10.


Common difference = Second term - First term

16-22=-6 and 10-16=-6

Since the common difference between the terms is same, the given sequence is arithmetic sequence.

Hence, 22, 16, 10 is a arithmetic sequence with the common difference is -6.

To learn more about an arithmetic sequence visit:



if a1 = 2 and an = -5an-1 +3 then what's the value of a5





Step-by-step explanation:




plug in


Describe in detail how can you use problem-solving in personal, professional, or mathematical problems?.


In order to solve the challenges we encounter every day, Problem solving strategies are needed. To tackle a specific problem, we must first comprehend it, then create a plan for resolving it, and finally, put the plan into action.            

The techniques that a person uses to solve difficulties are referred to as problem-solving strategies. A person may experience difficulties at their place of employment or home. A problem-resolution strategy must be in place in order to address such issues.One must first understand the issue. Then, potential solutions to the issue must be identified, and the best one among the available options must be picked. The chosen approach would subsequently be put into practice.Mathematical problem-solving techniques are also necessary. One must first comprehend the issue at hand before attempting to resolve it in order to tackle a particular mathematical problem.

To sum up, everyone must use problem-solving techniques to overcome the obstacles we confront.

Read the related link on problem-solving :



A rectangular storage container without a lid is to have a volume of 10 m3. The length of its base is twice the width. Material for the base costs $15 per square meter. Material for the sides costs $9 per square meter. Let w denote the width of the base. Find a function in the variable w giving the cost C (in dollars) of constructing the box. C(w) = Find the derivative of C. C'(w) = Find the cost (in dollars) of materials for the least expensive such container. (Round your answer to the nearest cent.)


The cost function is C(w) = 300/w + 18w² and the cost of materials for the cheapest such container is $222.0

The function for constructing the cost of the box

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

The length is twice the width;

Volume = 10m³

This means that:

V = 10

l = 2w

The volume of the container is calculated as:

V = lwh

So, we have

v = 2w²h

By substitution, we have

h = v/2w²

So, we have

h = 10/2w²


h = 5/w²

The surface area of an open rectangular storage is:

A = 2h(l + w) + lw

So, we have

A = 2h(2w + w) + 2w²

A = 2h(3w) + 2w²

Substitute h = 5/w²

A = 2 * 5/w² * (3w) + 2w²


A = 20/w + 2w²

The base costs $15, and the sides cost $9

So, the cost function is:

C(w) = 15 * 20/w + 2w² * 9

Rewrite as:

C(w) = 300/w + 18w²

The least cost of the materials

We have

C(w) = 300/w + 18w²


C'(w) = -300/w² + 36w

Set to 0

-300/w² + 36w = 0

Rewrite as:

-36w = -300/w²

Cancel out the negatives

36w = 300/w²

Multiply through by ²

36w³ = 300

Divide through by 36

w³ = 8.33

Take cube roots of both sides

w = 2.03

Recall that:

C(w) = 300/w + 18w²

So, we have:

C(2.03) = 300/2.03 + 18(2.03)²


C(2.03) = 222.0

Hence, the cost of the materials is $222.0

Read more about minimizing functions at:



f(x)=x^2. What is g(x)?


g(x) = (1/9)*f(x) = (1/9)*x^2 = (x/3)^2
So the correct option is D.

f(x)=2x^2+7x-4. solve using quadratic fomula


The given function is solved to obtain x = -4, 0.5.

What is the quadratic formula?

Quadratic formula is used to find the roots of a quadratic function f(x) = ax² + bx + c as x = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac))/2a.

The expression b² - 4ac is called the determinant D.

When D = 0, roots are real and equal.

For D > 0, roots are real and unequal and for D < 0, roots are complex conjugates.

The given quadratic function is f(x) = 2x² + 7x - 4.

It can be solved by using quadratic formula as follows,

2x² + 7x - 4 = 0

x = (-7 ±√(-7²- 4 × 2 × -4))/(2 × 2)

  = (-7 ± 9)/(2 × 2)

  = -4, 0.5

Hence, the value of x found by using quadratic formula are -4 and 0.5 respectively.

To know more about quadratic formula click on,



A set of exam scores is normally distributed with a mean = 76 and standard deviation = 8.
Use the Empirical Rule to complete the following sentences.

68% of the scores are between __ and __

95% of the scores are between __ and __

99.7% of the scores are between __ and __


The required sentences can be completed as follows:

68% of the scores are between 68 and 84.

95% of the scores are between 60 and 92.

99.7% of the scores are between 52 and 100.

To complete the first sentence, we need to find the range of scores that includes 68% of the values.

We know that 68% of the scores fall within 8 points of the mean, so the range of scores that includes 68% of the values is 76 - 8 to 76 + 8, or 68 to 84.

Therefore, the first sentence can be completed as follows:

68% of the scores are between 68 and 84.

To complete the second sentence, we need to find the range of scores that includes 95% of the values.

We know that 95% of the scores fall within 16 points of the mean, so the range of scores that includes 95% of the values is 76 - 16 to 76 + 16, or 60 to 92.

Therefore, the second sentence can be completed as follows:

95% of the scores are between 60 and 92.

To complete the third sentence, we need to find the range of scores that includes 99.7% of the values.

We know that 99.7% of the scores fall within 24 points of the mean, so the range of scores that includes 99.7% of the values is 76 - 24 to 76 + 24, or 52 to 100.

Therefore, the third sentence can be completed as follows:

99.7% of the scores are between 52 and 100.

Learn more about the empirical rules here:



m is a two-digit integer. the two-digit integer n is obtained by reversing the digits of m. the difference between m and n is one eleventh (1/11) of the sum of m and n. find the value of m n.


The values will be of two digit either 92 or 29, 74 or 47 etc.

Let M = AB(A..B = 0…9) and N = BA. where A and B are numbers from 0 to 9.

The subtraction rule requires the last digit of the difference to be the Difference of A-B. To explain further, for example 44, take the last digit 4. This can be expressed as the difference of 5-1, 8-4, 4-0. (meaning 1st digit is A and 2nd digit is B) = 88 - 44 = 44, similarly 99-55  = 44, 44-0 = 44. So we can represent 44 according to the rules above.

For numbers greater than 100, the last digit can be represented as the sum of the numbers 0 through 9 and the numbers greater than 5. To explain this, let's analyze 121. The last digit is 1.

digit can be represented as the sum of the numbers 0 through 9 and the numbers greater than 5. To explain this, let's analyze 121.

The last digit is 1. Since the number is greater than 100, it must be expressed as the sum of single digit numbers that sum to 11,

so 9+2.8+3.7. + 4.6+5, then applying any of these gives 92+29 = 121, 83+38 = 121, 74+47+121, 65+56=121. So 121 is removed.

Learn more about Two Digit:



Chase looks around at an assembly. He notices his younger sister to his right and his older brother 16 feet ahead of him. If Chase's brother and sister are 20 feet apart, how far apart
are Chase and his younger sister?


The 16 feet distance from Chase to his older brother and the 20 feet distance from his older brother to his younger sister, using Pythagorean, Theorem, indicates that the distance from Chase to his younger sister in the assembly is 12 feet

What is Pythagorean Theorem?

Pythagorean Theorem states how the length of the sides of a right triangle are related, that is the square of the longest side of a right triangle is equivalent to the sum of the square of the other two sides.

The location of Chase, his younger sister, and his older brother forms a right triangle.

The distance from Chase to his older brother = A leg of the right triangle

The distance from Chase to his sister = A second leg of the right triangle

The distance from his older brother to his sister = The hypotenuse side of a right triangle

From the question, we get;

Distance between Chase and his older brother = 16 feet

Distance between Chase's older brother and his sister = 20 feet

According to Pythagorean Theorem, we get;

Distance between Chase and his younger sister = √(20² - 16²) = 12

The distance between Chase and his younger sister = 12 feet

Learn more about Pythagorean Theorem here:



Write the word sentence as an equation. 8 is the quotient of a number g and 3.
the sooner the better


8 = g/3
If you cross multiplication
g = 8*3
g = 24

The sun of the values in the solution set is
7e +63 < 12e



Step-by-step explanation:


An architect is making a model version of your house. She
plans to use a 1:25 scale, which means every inch on the
model equates to 25" on your house. If a part of the model
measures 7", what would the corresponding measurement
be on your house?



If the model is made using a 1:25 scale, then every inch on the model corresponds to 25 inches on the actual house. Therefore, if a part of the model measures 7 inches, the corresponding measurement on the actual house would be 7 * 25 = <<7*25=175>>175 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please Help on Thissss



ok first you'll have to subtract

6 from 22 = 16

so now easy

you'll say

16+3 and you'll have your answer



Step-by-step explanation:

ΘΘ + 6 = 22

Factor on the left.

2(Θ + 3) = 22

Divide both sides by 2.

Θ + 3 = 11

how do you graph data?


Move along the x-axis first (left or right) and find the x-coordinate, then move along the y-axis (up or down) and plot the point corresponding to the x-coordinate and y-coordinate.

is 7.33 a terminating or repeating decimal?


Answer: 7.33 is a terminating decimal. 7.333333... or 7 1/3 is a repeating decimal.

Step-by-step explanation:

An economics graduate student in the united states earns an $18,000 stipend per year. the u.s. sees significant inflation. how might the student react?


The reaction of the graduate student on inflation is that a cost-of-living increase to her stipend.      

What is inflation?

Inflation is the pace of expansion in costs over a given time-frame. Inflation is regularly a wide measure, like the general expansion in costs or the expansion in the typical cost for many everyday items in a country.

According to question:

Inflation is term which states there is an expansion in the cost level for any labor and products.

In the unique situation, a set of experiences graduate living in the US got a payment of 18,000 dollar. However, there is a critical expansion that US economy endures. In this way the expense of products and the administrations accessible to individuals increments quickly. Individuals presently need to spend more on everything. Accordingly the alumni understudy requirements to request the typical cost for most everyday items to be remembered for the payment as need might arise to spend more on living.

Thus, graduate student argue on the a cost-of-living increase to her stipend.      

To know more about inflation visit:



Evaluate 12.5s + 11.9t when s = 3 and t = 4


Answer: 85.1

Step-by-step explanation:

A right triangle is shown, where the horizontal leg has a measure of 42.7 centimeters(cm) and the hypotenuse has a measure of 52.5cm. Determine the length, in centimeters, of the vertical leg. Show your work for partial credit.


30.54cm is the length of the vertical leg.

What is Trigonometry?

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles.

In a right angled triangle  the horizontal leg has a measure of 42.7 centimeters(cm).

The hypotenuse has a measure of 52.5cm.

We need to find the measure of the vertical leg.

We can find this by using pythagoras theorem.

In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse side is equal to the sum of squares of the other two sides



Subtract 1823.29 on both sides



Taking square root on both sides


Hence, the length of the vertical leg is 30.54cm.

To learn more on trigonometry click:



The sum of two numbers is 58 and the difference is 18. What are the numbers?


Answer And step-by-step explanation: The sum of x and y is 58. In other words, x plus y equals 58 and can be written as equation A:

x + y = 58

The difference between x and y is 18. In other words, x minus y equals 18 and can be written as equation B:

x - y = 18

Now solve equation B for x to get the revised equation B:

x - y = 18

x = 18 + y

Then substitute x in equation A from the revised equation B and then solve for y:

x + y = 58

18 + y + y = 58

18 + 2y = 58

2y = 40

y = 20

Now we know y is 20. Which means that we can substitute y for 20 in equation A and solve for x:

x + y = 58

x + 20 = 58

X = 38

Summary: The sum of two numbers is 58 and their difference is 18. What are the two numbers? Answer: 38 and 20 as proven here:

Sum: 38 + 20 = 58

Difference: 38 - 20 = 18

Hope this is helpful if it is can I be marked With Crown?


x=38 y=20

Step-by-step explanation:







-38    -38


(c) in a certain country license plates consist of zero or one digit followed by four or five uppercase letters from the roman alphabet. how many license plates have atleast repeated letter?


39,877,760 license plates have at least one repeated letter.

What is probability?

The degree to which something is likely; the probability that something will occur or will be the case.

Here, we have


In a certain country license plates consist of zero or one digit followed by four or five uppercase letters from the roman alphabet.

We have to find how many license plates have at least a repeated letter.

For this,

We will first find how many different license plates the country can produce and how many license plates have no repeated letter.

The country can produce:

10 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = X

10 x 11,881,376 = X

118,813,760 = X

license plates have no repeated letter:

10 x 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 x 22 = X

10 x 7,893,600 = X

78,936,000 = X

Now, we find license plates have at least repeated letter:

118,813,760 - 78,936,000 = X

39,877,760 = X

Hence, 39,877,760 license plates have at least one repeated letter.

To learn more about probability from the given link



What is the solution to the compound inequality in interval notation?
4(x +1) > -4 or 2x - 4 < -10


Answer:   [tex](-\infty, -3) \ \cup (-2, \infty)[/tex]



Let's solve the first inequality.

4(x+1) > -4

4x+4 > -4

4x > -4-4

4x > -8

x > -8/4

x > -2

The inequality sign doesn't flip since we didn't divide both sides by a negative value.

Now let's solve the other inequality.

2x-4 < -10

2x < -10+4

2x < -6

x < -6/2

x < -3


To summarize:

solving 4(x+1) > -4 leads to x > -2solving 2x-4 < -10 leads to x < -3

Draw out a number line. Place open holes at -3 and -2.

Shade to the right of -2 and to the left of -3 to indicate x > -2 and x < -3 respectively.

See the diagram below.

The interval in red is x < -3. This is the same as [tex]-\infty < \text{x} < -3[/tex] and that becomes the interval notation [tex](-\infty, -3)[/tex]

The interval in blue is x > -2. It is the same as [tex]-2 < \text{x} < \infty[/tex] which becomes the interval notation [tex](-2, \infty)[/tex]

Glue those interval notations together to end up with the final answer of [tex](-\infty, -3) \ \cup (-2, \infty)[/tex]

The "U" is the union symbol.

Marta makes 90\%90%90, percent of the free throws she attempts. She is going to shoot 333 free throws. Assume that the results of free throws are independent from each other. Let xxx represent the number of free throws she makes.


Answer: 299

Step-by-step explanation: 333 X .9 = 299.7; Can't make .7 of a free throw.

A. The graph is incorrect and the line should go through the point (0.6, 1).
B. The x-axis and y-axis are labeled incorrectly.
C. The graph does not show a proportional relationship.
D. The equation c = 0.6w is correctly represented by the graph.




Step-by-step explanation:

An easy way to check is to look for a number that is on an exact corner on the graph for example 3. 1.8 divided by 3 is 0.6

What is the area of the shaded perimeter?


The required area of the shaded perimeter is given as 28 square units.

What are trigonometric equations?

These are the equation that contains trigonometric operators such as sin, cos.. etc.. In algebraic operations.

As shown in the figure the shaded part is a parallelogram,
The area of the parallelogram is given as = base × height
Substitute the value in the above equation,
Area = 4sin45 × 7 / sin45  [since base / 4 = sin45 and 7 / height = sin45]
Area = 4/√2 × 7 / [1 / √2]
Area = 28

Thus, the shaded perimeter's needed area is specified as 28 square units.

Learn more about trigonometry equations here:



a rectangle is 7 cm tall and 14 cm wide. if it is reduced to a height of 1cm , then how wide will it be


With the help of ratio, we know that when the length will be 1cm then the width of the rectangle will be 2cm.

What is the ratio?

In mathematics, a ratio shows how frequently one number appears in another.

For instance, the ratio of oranges to lemons in a fruit plate would be eight to six if there were eight oranges and six lemons.

Oranges make up 8:14 of the total fruit, whereas lemons make up 6:8 of the total fruit.

So, 1st we have a rectangle which:

length 7cm

width 14cm

Just get the ratio of length:width:





When height becomes 1cm, then according to the ratio the width will be:

1/2 * 1/1 = 1/2cm

Where 2cm is the width when height becomes 1cm

Therefore, with the help of ratio, we know that when the length will be 1cm then the width of the rectangle will be 2cm.

Know more about ratios here:



I need this done by tonight!!! this is the last question please help!!


The equation of best fit is y = (-22/5)x + 10.

What is an equation of a line?

The equation of a line is given by:

y = mx + c

where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept.


The slope of the line y = 2x + 3 is 2.

The slope of a line that passes through (1, 2) and (2, 3) is 1.

We have,

The following coordinates are given:

Pick two coordinates.

(0, 10) and (25, -100)

The equation of best fit.

y = mx + c


m = (-100 - 10) / (25 - 0)

m = -110 / 25

m = -22/5


(0, 10) = (x, y)

10 = (-22/5) x 0 + c

c = 10


y = mx + c

y = (-22/5)x + 10


Using the coordinates the equation of best fit is y = (-22/5)x + 10.

Learn more about equation of a line here:



Let S be the part of the plane 2x+4y+z=2 which lies inthe first octant, oriented upward. Find the flux of the vectorfield
F=1i+1j+2k across the surface S


The flux of the vector-field F = 1i + 1j + 2k across the surface S is 2. We find out the flux of the vector-field using Green's Theorem.

Define Green's Theorem.

Flux form of Green's Theorem for the given vector-field

φ = ∫ F.n ds

= ∫∫ F. divG.dA

Here G is equivalent to the part of the plane = 2x+4y+z = 2.

and given F = 1i + 1j + 2k

divG = div(2x+4y+z = 2) = 2i + 4j + k

Flux = ∫(1i + 1j + 2k) (2i + 4j + k) dA

φ = ∫ (2 + 4 + 2)dA

= 8∫dA

A = 1/2 XY (on the given x-y plane)

2x+4y =2

at x = 0, y = 1/2

y = 0, x = 1

1/2 (1*1/2) = 1/4

Therefore flux = 8*1/4 = 2

φ = 2.

To know more details about Green's Theorem visit:



What is the value of x in variable?


Answer: x doesn't really have a value, it is determined by the question and is unknown. For example, an equation like (2x = 6) would be asking for the value of x, but an equation that asks you to simplify would have it different, say 4(2x+8) simplified is 8x+32. As I said before, it depends on what they are asking for, otherwise, it is an unknown value.

Step-by-step explanation: math.exe is running in brain

1. A solar lease customer built up an excess of 17,500 kilowatt hours (kwh) during the summer using his solar panels. When he turned his electric heat on, the excess began to be used up at a rate of 75 kilowatt hours per day.
(a)lf E represents the excess left and d represents the number of days since the heat has been turned on, write an equation for E in terms of d.
(b)How much of the excess will be left after two months (use a month length
of 30 days)?


Using the concept of exponential function, the exponential decay after

2 months is 13000kwh

Exponential Function

An exponential function is defined by the formula f(x) = aˣ, where the input variable x occurs as an exponent. The exponential curve depends on the exponential function and it depends on the value of the x.

In this problem, we can model an exponential function to represent the problem.

E = a(1 - r)⁻^d

a = Initial valueE = final valuer = rate d = time


This function is an exponential decay function which when we substitute the values, we can easily express E in terms of d.

E = 17500(1 - 75)⁻^d

b) The excess energy left after 2 months ?

Using proportions;

75 kwh/ d = 1 day

x kw/h = 60 days

x = 60 * 75

x = 4500

The amount left will be 17500 - 4500 = 13000 kwh

We will have 13000kwh after 60 days

Learn more on exponential function here;



The tax rate at this restaurant is 9.5%.
Date: Sep 12th
Time: 6:04 PM
Server: # 27
Bread Stix
Ravioli Bites
Sales Tax
Date: Sep 12th
Time: 7:12 PM
Server: #27
Garden Salad
Broccoli Bites
Sales Tax
Another person's subtotal is $24.95. How much will their sales tax be?


a) The sales tax of the person with a subtotal of $24.95 is of: $2.37.

b) The subtotal of a person with a sales tax of $1.61 is of: $16.95.

How to obtain the amounts?

The amounts are obtained applying the proportion of 9.5%, which represents the sales tax of this restaurant.

The sales tax of the person with a subtotal of $24.95 is obtained with the multiplication of the subtotal by the sales tax of 9.5% = 0.095 as follows, hence:

Sales tax = 0.095 x 24.95 = $2.37.

The subtotal of a person with a sales tax of $1.61 is obtained considering that $1.61 represents 9.5% = 0.095 of the subtotal x, due to the tax rate, as follows:

0.095x = 1.61

x = 1.61/0.095

x = $16.95 -> which is the subtotal of the person.

More can be learned about proportions at https://brainly.com/question/24372153


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