a nurse administers dronabinol to a patient just prior to starting an infusion of chemotherapy drugs. before allowing the patient to leave the facility, what should the nurse instruct the patient to avoid?


Answer 1

The nurse instructs the patient to avoid Driving.Dronabinol is used to treat nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy.

It is often used when other medications have failed to control nausea and vomiting. Dronabinol also treats loss of appetite and weight loss in HIV patients. Common effects of dronabinol may include: feeling "high"; dizziness, drowsiness, thinking doubts; unusual thoughts or fears; feelings of excessive happiness; or nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. This is not a complete list of side effects and some are possible.

To know more about Dronabinol please click on the link brainly.com/question/29515642


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select each of the following that is true of a vegetarian child's diet compared to a non-vegetarian child's diet. a. a vegetarian child's diet is generally higher in saturated fat and total fat. b. a vegetarian child's diet is generally lower in fiber. c. a vegetarian child's diet is generally higher in fruit. d. calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin b12, and vitamin d need to be emphasized in a vegetarian child's diet.


A vegetarian child's diet is generally higher in fruit. The importance of calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in a vegetarian child's diet must be highlighted.

The foundation of a vegetarian diet is similar to that of any healthy diet: it should consist of a range of foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes like beans, soy, and lentils, nuts, and seeds. Watch out for processed foods, which are frequently heavy in fat, calories, and salt but poor in nutrients.

Consult your family physician, pediatrician, or a qualified dietitian if you are unsure that your kid is receiving all of the nutrients required or if you have any questions regarding vegetarian diets. Vegetarian diets are popular for several reasons. Younger vegetarians typically eat vegetarian meals with a family for ethical, religious, or cultural reasons. For reasons related to their health, the environment, or animals, older children may decide to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Learn more about vegetarian



which oral drug is used in patients with type 2 diabetes who have not had success with metformin or glipizide


Pioglitazone is used in patients with type 2 diabetes who have not had success with metformin or glipizide.

Pioglitazone, also known as Actos, is an anti-diabetic medication that is used to treat type 2 diabetes. It can be used in conjunction with metformin, a sulfonylurea, or insulin. It is recommended to use in conjunction with exercise and a healthy diet. It is not advised in the case of type 1 diabetes. It is taken orally.

Pioglitazone is used to treat high blood sugar levels caused by type 2 diabetes, along with a healthy diet and exercise. It can be used alone or in combination with other medications such as insulin, metformin, or sulfonylureas. Pioglitazone works by improving insulin utilization in the body.

To learn more about Pioglitazone, here



the unit has been so understaffed that the nurse has been unable to attend education sessions on new medications that physicians will be prescribing for the treatment of hypertension. this situation is likely to result in a medication error resulting from which contributing factor?


This situation is likely to result in a medication error resulting from  Work environment. contributing factor.

What is a hypertensive crisis?

A systolic blood pressure of greater than 130 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure of greater than 80 mmHg, or using a hypertension medication, characterizes nearly half of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 million).

What are 3 symptoms of hypertension?

When symptoms do occur, they can include early morning headaches, nosebleeds, irregular heart rhythms, vision changes, and buzzing in the ears. Fatigue, nauseousness, vomiting, bewilderment, anxiety, chest discomfort, and trembling are all symptoms of severe hypertension.

Learn more about hypertension to visit this link



Full Question :The unit has been so understaffed that the nurse has been unable to attend education sessions on new medications that physicians will be prescribing for the treatment of hypertension. This situation is likely to result in a medication error resulting from which contributing factor?

1. Work environment.

2. Task.

3. Individual staff member.

4. Organization and management.

the parents of a child with hemophilia a ask the nurse about their probability of having another child with hemophilia a. which information is the basis for the nurse's response?


Sons of female carriers have 50% chance of inheriting hemophilia. Hemophilia is an x-linked recessive disorder.

Blood does not clot properly in people with hemophilia, which is typically an inherited bleeding illness. Both spontaneous bleeding and bleeding after injury or surgery may result from this. Blood has a large number of clotting proteins that can halt bleeding. Low levels of factor VIII or factor IX are present in those with hemophilia. The quantity of factor in the blood determines how severe a person's hemophilia is. Bleeding is more likely to happen, which can cause major health issues, the lower the level of the component. Hemophilia can, in extremely rare circumstances, manifest later in life.

To know more about hemophilia :


which medication may be ordered to relieve discomfort associated with a urinary tract infection? phenazopyridine nitrofurantoin ciprofloxacin levofloxacin


Phenazopyridine .Phenazopyridine is a urinary analgesic prescribed to relieve discomfort associated with UTI.

Phenazopyridine helps to reduce the symptoms of pain, burning, and rapid gastrointestinal irritation. Treatment is symptomatic and does not address the cause of the symptoms. But it is used to relieve the symptoms of distress where other drugs are affected. Pyridium is not a cure for UTI. The urologist will prescribe antibiotics if there is an infection. The duration of treatment with Pyridium should not exceed 5 days, unless advised by a urologist. Treatment with phenazopyridine may cause abnormal results in urine tests.

To know more about Phenazopyridine  please click on the link brainly.com/question/29731128


the nurse is interviewing a client with schizophrenia. which client behavior requires immediate intervention? a. lip smacking and frequent eye blinking b. shuffling gait and stooped posture c. rocks back and forth in the chair d. muscle spasms of the back and neck


The nurse interviews a client with schizophrenia. Client behavior that requires immediate intervention is b. shuffling gait and stooped posture.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder when sufferers experience hallucinations, delusions, confusion in thinking, and changes in attitude. Generally, people with schizophrenia experience symptoms of psychosis, namely difficulty distinguishing between reality and thoughts in themselves.

Prevention that can generally be done is to control and avoid risk factors for schizophrenia by:

Maintain a healthy lifestyle.Manage stress.Doing relaxation of the mind.Maintain healthy relationships and relationships with others.Do not use illegal drugs.No smoking and no alcohol consumption.Seek medical help if experiencing problems in thinking or social life.

Learn more about planning and healthy lifestyle adjustment here :


a nurse is assessing a client who has a pneumothorax with a chest tube in place. for which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider? a. intermittent bubbling of the water in the water seal chamber with exhalation b. chest tube eyelets are not visible c. 45 cc of serosanguinous fluid in the drainage chamber in an hour d. movement of the trachea toward the unaffected side


The nurse should notify the provider about movement of the trachea toward the unaffected side.

Define pneumothorax.

Lung collapse is referred to as a pneumothorax. When air gets between your lung and chest wall, it causes a pneumothorax. Your lung collapses as a result of the air pressing against the outside of it. A pneumothorax can occur when the entire lung collapses or when only a section of the lung does.

Any other type of pneumothorax, such as a subsequent spontaneous pneumothorax or a traumatic pneumothorax, requires the use of a chest tube to drain the air if catheter aspiration is ineffective. The chest tube is placed through a cut in the chest wall and attached to a one-way valve or water-sealed drainage system that allows air to depart while preventing air from entering again. If air continues to enter through an irregular opening (fistula) between an airway and the pleural space, a suction pump may be fitted to the chest tube.

To learn more about pneumothorax use link below:



as a newly appointed nurse manager, the manager decided to assess the skills and competencies of all new nursing personnel. what can the nurse manager do to help new personnel learn their job duties and responsibilities? group of answer choices ask other nurses to keep an eye on the new staff. assign a preceptor to any new member of the nursing staff. ask current nursing staff to point out the new personnel's weak areas after a staff meeting. let the new staff learn job duties and function without nursing staff interference.


The nurse manager can help the new personnel to learn their job duties and responsibilities by: assign a preceptor to any new member of the nursing staff.

What exactly is a Preceptor?

A preceptor is an experienced and knowledgeable healthcare professional who provides guidance and instruction to a student or novice practitioner in a clinical setting. Preceptors are typically registered nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or physicians.

Additionally, the primary duty of a preceptor is to serve as a mentor to new and inexperienced nurses, providing support and guidance as they transition into the nursing profession. This may include providing clinical instruction on specific topics, introducing new nurses to the healthcare team and demonstrating proper patient care techniques. Preceptors may also assess the performance of new nurses and provide constructive feedback on their progress. In addition, preceptors may be responsible for creating educational materials and resources for new nurses, such as nursing orientation packets and handbooks.

To know more about preceptor,



part a: mrs. jones enters the hospital for a routine endoscopy for esophageal erosion which is not responsive to prescription drugs. the procedure goes well, however, mrs. jones becomes quite ill with an infection and has to be readmitted to the hospital for sepsis and nearly dies. during a meeting to conduct a root cause analysis, the gastroenterologist blames the endoscopy room nurse and the nurse blames the vendor. you are the vp of gi services and your bottom line is turning red. what would be the appropriate steps to take at this point in time? part b: in a subsequent investigation, the infectious disease team discovers the solution sold to clean the endoscopes was not removing all the contaminants. the fda announces a halt to all endoscopic procedures with this equipment and the cleaning solution. what are your next steps?



The appropriate step to take at this point in time would be to talk directly to the vendor as well as to the nurse about the whole problem. The next step would be to re-examine the equipment completely along with the solution that was used for cleaning the endoscopes not removing all the contaminants.

It often happens in hospitals because of a lot of tremendous pressure, the nurses do not get the time to check the solutions or the equipment purchased from the desired authority. This creates much chaos and confusion later among the hospital staff, patients, and their families. So at this point, it is better to put a halt to all endoscopic procedures including the equipment as well as the cleaning solution.  

By re-examining the types of equipment, the doctor can understand whether to sterilize the pieces of equipment or order some new pieces of equipment.  The same applies to the cleaning solution.  Reexamination should be done on whether the cleaning solution was completely new or was covered with microbes.

To know more about the equipment and the cleaning solution:    




a) record forms only need to be brief check sheets. b) records should contain every detail of the oral examination and follow-up procedures with reports from consultants, laboratories, medical follow-up, and outcomes.


A statement is false, B statement is True  a) record forms only need to be brief check sheets. b) records should contain every detail of the oral examination and follow-up procedures with reports from consultants, laboratories, medical follow-up, and outcomes.

They only carry out a little amount of disease monitoring, reference testing, and diagnostic testing. Additionally, they carry out applied research, support emergency response, and train lab staff. Lab Services refers to services associated with conducting lab tests, such as obtaining and ordering lab test requisitions and supplies, collecting and storing lab test specimens, performing lab tests on specimens, documenting lab test findings, and delivering lab test results. A laboratories is a structure or a space where scientific investigations, analyses, and research are done. In a school, college, or university, a laboratory is a room with scientific apparatus where students are taught science courses like chemistry.

Learn more about laboratories here:



according to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings?


According to Rogers, a therapist's role is to provide a secure setting in which a client may explore their thoughts and feelings since all people are inherently good. He believed it was crucial for the therapist to treat the patient with compassion and unconditional positive respect.

What kind of treatment did Carl Rogers create?

Client-centered therapy, which Carl Rogers created and which focuses on the subject's conscious self-perceptions, is a commonly utilised humanistic practise.

In order to assist clients become more fully functioning and self-actualizing, client-centered therapy's main objective is to help them create congruence between self and experience.

According to Rogers, self-actualization occurs when a person fulfils all of their objectives, wants, and aspirations throughout their life.

learn more about Client-centered therapy refer



a newborn experiences a hypothermic period while being bathed and having clothing changed. once the hypothermic episode has been identified and treated, which is the next nursing action?


A newborn experiences a hypothermic period while being bathed and having clothing changed. once the hypothermic episode has been identified and treated, nursing effect is feeding the infant Defense.

A newborn has hypoglycemia as a result of a hypothermic episode; calorie intake will increase blood glucose levels. If the hypothermic period is successfully managed, hyperthermia is not expected to happen. The blood count won't change if you experience mild hypothermia for a short while. If the newborn is left alone to rest, the need for an increase in blood glucose won't be met. Your body loses heat more quickly than it can produce it, resulting in a dangerously low body temperature, which is a medical emergency known as hypothermia. Body temperature is 98.6 F on average (37 C). Your body temperature needs to go below 95 degrees Fahrenheit in order for you to experience hypothermia (35 C). When your body temperature drops, your heart, nervous system, and other organs cannot function normally. Your heart and breathing apparatus may entirely stop working as a result of hypothermia, which will finally lead you to pass away. Hypothermia is frequently brought on by exposure to cold water or chilly weather. The main hypothermia treatments focus on how to return the body temperature to normal.

To know more about hypothermic please refer: https://brainly.com/question/29221671


7. for women who are experiencing severe symptoms during menopause, what is a strategy that can alleviate their distress? a.chiropractic massage b.hormone replacement therapy c.eating soybean-based foods d.frequent intercourse


a.chiropractic massage. A healthy lifestyle good nutrition and regular exercise, relaxation and stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing exercises and massage, self-nurturing activities, may all be beneficial.

The art of massage therapy involves relaxing stiff muscles to reduce discomfort, tension, and to allow blood to flow freely through constricted muscles. Contrarily, a chiropractor specializes in making delicate adjustments to the spine in order to maximize the function of the neurological system. In middle adulthood, freedom, power, and general well-being increase for many women. In certain nations, such as India, middle adulthood is regarded as the best stage of life.

Learn more about massage



a 50-year-old woman reports pain in one knee upon awakening each morning that goes away later in the morning. a knee radiograph is negative for pathology and serum inflammatory markers are normal. what will the provider tell this patient?


1-2 grams of acetaminophen should be taken every day for pain. Acetaminophen is most frequently used to treat mild aches and pains.

Such as premenstrual and menstrual cramps, toothaches, headaches, backaches, and minor arthritic pain. Additionally, it's frequently employed to momentarily lower fever. It falls under the category of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Aspirin and naproxen are additional members of this class of medications (Aleve). As you might have inferred from the descriptions above, acetaminophen works best for fever, aches, and pains but is ineffective for pain that is caused by inflammation. Two tablets or gel capsules (650 mg) of standard Tylenol every four to six hours while symptoms continue for adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older.

Learn more about pain



any woman can develop gestational diabetes, but some women are at greater risk. what are the risk factors for gestational diabetes? (select all that apply.)


Being overweight or obesity is the risk factor for gestational diabetes.

Over the years, high blood glucose tiers can harm the body's organs. Possible lengthy-term effects include damage to big and small blood vessels, which can lead to coronary heart attack, stroke, and problems with the kidneys, eyes, gums, feet, and nerves.

* The great majority of people with diabetes have kind 2 diabetes.

* Type 1 diabetes is most common in younger people.

* Kind 2 diabetes is preventable.

Kind 2 diabetes results from the body's useless use of insulin. Extra than 95% of humans with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. This kind of diabetes is basically the end result of excess body weight and a physical state of no activity.

Learn more about Diabetes here:-https://brainly.com/question/864309


what are the primary objectives that teaching young children about nutrition are intended to achieve? select all options that apply.


The goal of educating young children about nutrition is to encourage them to eat a variety of healthful meals and to inform them about the fundamentals of nutrition.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process that an organism employs to use food to sustain its life. It provides food that may be used by living beings to produce energy and chemical building blocks. The key factor contributing to malnutrition is inadequate food intake. Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, despite the fact that it typically concentrates on human nutrition. What nutrients an organism needs and how it gets them depends on the sort of creature. Intake of organic or inorganic materials, light absorption, or a combination of these provide nutrition for organisms. While some animals must consume other species in order to receive preexisting nutrients, others can produce their own nutrients by ingesting fundamental materials. All living organisms require the three fundamental molecules of carbon, energy, and water. In order to receive complex nutrients like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, animals feed other living things. To replace hunting and gathering and improve nutrient intake, humans created agriculture and cooking.

To know more about nutrition please refer: https://brainly.com/question/10685158


originally health insurance covered only hospital expenses. this coverage was then expanded to physician services and medications and other treatments. what effect did this type of coverage have on the medical system?


It encouraged doctors to provide more medical procedures for patients.originally health insurance covered only hospital expenses. this coverage was then expanded to physician services and medications and other treatments.

Drugs are substances that are used to treat, stop, or prevent disease, lessen symptoms, or aid in the identification of disorders. Thanks to improvements in medicine, physicians can now treat numerous ailments and save lives. Medicines nowadays originate from a number of sources. Utilizing the "five rights" — the appropriate patient, appropriate medicine, appropriate dose, appropriate route, and appropriate time — is one suggestion to decrease pharmaceutical mistakes and injury.

An alternative term for medicine is medications. The meaning is the same. The sole treatment for COVID-19 that has received official approval is an antiviral medicine. Medications are found within little, spherical objects called pills.

Learn more about medications  here:



the nurse is caring for a client immediately after inserting a picc line. suddenly, the client becomes anxious and tachycardiac, and loud churning is heard over the pericardium upon auscultation. what action should the nurse take first? a. place client in trendelenburg position on the left side. b. administer precordial thump c. monitor the client with a 12-lead electrocardiogram d. request a stat portable chest x-ray.


The action that the nurse should take first is to place client in trendelenburg position on the left side. That is option A.

What is peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line)?

The peripherally inserted central catheter is defined as the type of indwelling catheter that is being inserted by a health care provider to give access to the large Central vein that is closest to the heart.

The advantages of the peripherally inserted central catheter include the following:

Generally used for administration of drugs.It is used for the administration of fluid nutrients.it helps to avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks.it reduces the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in your arms.

The trendelenburg position is the position that involves placing the client in a supine position on the table with their head declined below their feet at an angle of roughly 16°.

This is used by nurses to arrest hypotension and shock during the insertion of a central catheter.

Learn more about pericardium here:



the icu and ed director of a small hospital has recently experienced conflict with the ed staff and icu staff related to patient transfers occurring at the end of the shift. the ed nursing staff work 12-hour shifts from 11am to 11pm, while the icu nursing staff work 12-hour shifts 7am to 7pm. the director realizes that the two nursing departments must negotiate to resolve the conflict. what is a critical goal in negotiation? (select all that apply.)


Critical goal negotiation here is that both parties perceived that they have won something they value and that both parties feel like they have gained something they wanted

What is critical goal negotiation?

Creating value, claiming value, empathizing with others, and asserting yourself are the four main components of a personal negotiation style. The most important preconditions for accomplishing negotiation goals are sound strategy and planning.

evaluate the situation, Recognize the struggle, Immediately resolve the conflict, Speak with the other party, Clearly and calmly express your concerns, Pay attention to the problem rather than the person involved, Open your thoughts as you listen and Work together by exchanging ideas are some ways to negotiate a complex.

Hence Critical goal negotiation here is that both parties perceived that they have won something they value and that both parties feel like they have gained something they wanted

To know more about critical goal negotiation from the given link



the unit where a nurse works is undergoing structural changes along with changes in client load and managerial style. the nurse feels disorganized and stressed and is having difficulty sleeping. the nurse wonders if these feelings are related to the changes at work. what next step should the nurse choose in the 4a plan to address this issue?


Committing to self-care. You can feel more at ease and focused throughout the day when you learn how to maintain your mental and physical wellness at work.

Combating stress or burnout at work requires engaging in self-care practices. Self-care is another technique to keep in mind that you are a person first, before you are an employee. Setting limits and placing yourself at the top of your list of priorities for care entail prioritizing your own health and wellness. Additionally, it promotes mental health protection. Setting your needs first during the workday can make you more focused, motivated, and productive. Manage your time well, take breaks, go for walks, and let others know it's acceptable sometimes for them to put their own needs first.

Learn more about Work



the nurse is assessing the skin of a teenage patient who has been using a benzoyl peroxide product for 2 weeks as part of acne treatment. which finding indicates that the patient is having an allergic reaction? the nurse is assessing the skin of a teenage patient who has been using a benzoyl peroxide product for 2 weeks as part of acne treatment. which finding indicates that the patient is having an allergic reaction? blistering skin over the treatment area peeling skin over the treatment area reddened skin over the treatment area sensation of warmth when the product is applied


Skin that is blistering over the treated area. Benzoyl peroxide is the most potent acne treatment substance that can be purchased over-the-counter.

Traditional red, pus-filled pimples respond well to it (pustules). Inflammatory acne, which is characterized by red lumps containing pus pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules rather than whiteheads and blackheads, responds particularly well to benzoyl peroxide.

Creams and lotions for treating and preventing acne are normally administered once or twice daily to the affected area of skin. Face washes and foams should be applied once or twice daily to help treat and prevent acne blemishes.

Gels: Usually come in the form of spot therapies with higher concentrations and are applied exclusively to the problematic area. Acne body washes and soaps: good if you have frequent outbreaks on the chest, back, and other regions of the body.

Learn more about acne treatment



after reviewing the medication history the nurse concludes that an older adult client is at risk for depression. which medication did the nurse identify as possibly causing depression in the client?


After reviewing the medication history the nurse concludes that an older adult client is at risk for depression. Cimetidine medication nurse identified as possibly causing depression in the client.

One drug known to cause depression is cimetidine. Digoxin, furosemide, and aspirin are not included as drugs that can result in depression. Cimetidine is used to treat ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a disorder in which the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, and causes heartburn and damage to the food pipe (esophagus), as well as ulcers. Cimetidine is a histamine H2 receptor antagonist that reduces the formation of stomach acid and is marketed under the trade name Tagamet among other names. It is mostly used to treat peptic ulcers and heartburn.

The complete question is:

After reviewing the medication history the nurse concludes that an older client is at risk for depression. Which medication did the nurse identify as possibly causing depression in an older client?

A - cimetidine

B - furosemide

C - aspirin

D - digoxin

To learn more about depression click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/2072829


consider example 13.18. suppose in a second case, 1.20 l of saline solution, with a density of 1020 kg/m3 and a viscosity of 1.10 x 10-3 pa.s, is to be infused into a patient in 10.5 hr. the catheter is 35.0 mm long and has an inner diameter of 0.320 mm. the gauge pressure in the the patient's vein is 12 mm hg. what is the gauge pressure in the patient's arm in pa?


The gauge pressure in the patient's arm would approximately be 1244.52 Pa. This value is important for proper intravenous drug administration.

Pressure is defined as the force that is acting per unit area. Gauge pressure is important in intravenous administration of drugs.

The pressure of liquid in a tube is give by the formula :

P= ⍴gh.

Where P is pressure in pascals, ⍴ is the density and h is the height.

Gauge pressure is important in intravenous administration of drugs. Density is mass of an object of unit volume.

Flow rate is the volume of fluid flowing per unit time. And velocity of a fluid flowing is obtained by dividing the flow rate with the area of cross-section.

The given values are:

Volume of saline solution = 1.20 l; density of  saline = 1020 kg/m3;  viscosity of saline = 1.10 x 10-3 pa.s;

time to be taken = 10.5 hr.

catheter length = 35.0 mm

inner diameter of catheter =  0.320 mm.

gauge pressure in the the patient's vein=  12 mmHg

As 1mmHg= 133.322 Pa

Gauge pressure in vein = 12* 133.322= 1599.864 mmHg

The flow rate of the saline= 1.20 L/ (10.5 *3600)s = 0.00003175 L/s.

Cross sectional area of catheter = r*r= (0.00016^2)= 8.042 x 10^-8 m^2

The velocity of saline = flow rate/ cross sectional area = 0.00003175/8.042 x 10^-8 = 0.00039378 m/s

Pressure drop = (8 * viscosity * length * flow rate) / (π * radius^4)

Pressure drop = (8 * 1.10 x 10^-3 Pa.s * 0.035 m * 0.00003175 L/s) / (π * (0.00016 m)^4)

Pressure drop = 0.04664696 Pa

Now, the gauge pressure in patient's arm:

Gauge pressure in the arm = Gauge pressure in the vein - Pressure drop

Gauge pressure in the arm = 1599.864 Pa - 0.04664696 Pa

Gauge pressure in the arm = 1599.817 Pa

Therefore, the gauge pressure in the patient's arm is approximately 1599.817 Pa.

From the given values the flow rate of saline is determined as 0.00003175 L/s. After determining the cross sectional area of the catheter, velocity of saline is determined as 0.00039378 m/s. Using Hagen Poiseuille's formula, pressure drop is calculated as 0.04664696 Pa. And from here the gauge pressure in the arm is obtained by subtracting pressure in the vein by pressure drop. The gauge pressure of the arm is found to be 1599.817 Pa.

Therefore the gauge pressure of the arm is 1599.317 Pa.

Learn more about gauge pressure here:



why do nausea and vomiting occur after cancer therapy to the abdomen? a. because the radiation is metabolized by the liver, which alters the intestinal mucosa b. because the cancer in the gastrointestinal tract causes these clinical manifestations c. because of the agent's direct action on the body's vomiting centers d. because the person is receiving chemotherapy at the same time as the radiation therapy


d. because the person is receiving chemotherapy at the same time as the radiation therapy. Common and occasionally significant adverse effects of cancer therapy include nausea and vomiting.

Cancer therapies including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and others can make you feel sick to your stomach. When you feel nauseated, you feel ill to your stomach and as though you could vomit. When you vomit, you expel the food and fluids from your stomach.

These signs might be minor or major. Even while mild nausea and vomiting might be bothersome, they often do not pose a health risk. Dehydration, weight loss, and exhaustion are a few more health issues that can result from frequent vomiting. Even a moderate case of nausea or vomiting should be reported to your doctor. There are several anti-nausea medications on the market now. To aid in preventing or minimizing these adverse effects, you could take one medication or a combination of medications.

Learn more about chemotherapy



what is the goal of nursing care for a client with a neurocognitive disorder due to alzheimer's disease?


The aim of nursing care for a client with neurocognitive impairment brought on by Alzheimer's disease is to maintain optimal functioning.

Alzheimer's disease has no known treatment, however assistance can help the patient and their family live much more comfortably. 60–70% of the time. Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative condition that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. Alzheimer's disease (AD) symptoms often appear gradually, get worse over time, and finally get bad enough to affect how you go about your everyday activities.

To know more about Alzheimer's disease please click on the link brainly.com/question/14795375


which approach would the nurse take for an older client who is confused does not recognize family members and often soils


Toileting the client every 2 hours.

A mental disorder, also known as a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a pattern of behavior or thought that causes significant distress or impairs personal functioning. These symptoms can be persistent, relapsing and remitting, or occur in isolated episodes. Many disorders have been described, with signs and symptoms varying greatly between them. A mental health professional, usually a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, can diagnose such disorders.

Assessments are performed by mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and clinical social workers in psychiatric hospitals or in the community, using various methods such as psychometric tests but often relying on observation and questioning. Various mental health professionals provide treatment. Two major treatment options are psychotherapy and psychiatric medication. Other treatments include behavioral modifications, social interventions, peer support, and self-help. In a small number of cases, involuntary detention or treatment may occur. Depression has been shown to be reduced by prevention programs.

To learn more about mental disorders, here



drugs that promote relaxation without necessarily producing sleep: a.analgesics b.sedatives c.anticonvulsants d.tranquilizers e.anesthetics


Drugs that promote relaxation without necessarily producing sleep sedatives.

A drug is any chemical substance that causes a change in an organism's body structure or psychology whilst fed on. Pills are commonly prominent from food and substances that provide dietary help.

Each drug causes exceptional physical reactions, depending on the kind of drug. Some will make you sense more wakeful, alert, and active.  Some regulate your perceptions and can purpose hallucinations.

Pills intervene with the manner neurons send, get hold of, and process indicators through neurotransmitters. A few tablets, consisting of marijuana and heroin, can spark off neurons due to the fact their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter in the body. This allows the medicine to attach to and set off the neurons.

Learn more about Drugs https:-//brainly.com/question/27333304


a client with hiv-iii is admitted to the hospital with toxoplasma gondii infection. which action by the nurse is most appropriate? a. initiate contact precautions. b. conduct frequent neurologic assessments. c. conduct frequent respiratory assessments. d. initiate protective precautions


The action that is taken by nurse which is more appropriated is initiate protective precautions, i.e., option d is correct.

Toxoplasma gondii contamination is an opportunistic contamination that reasons an encephalitis however poses simplest a unprecedented risk to immunocompetent people. The nurse could carry out ongoing neurologic checks. Contact and Protective Precautions aren't needed. Good respiratory checks are crucial to the client, however toxoplasmosis will reveal neurologic signs and symptoms.

To deal with toxoplasmosis in human beings with HIV, medical doctors use the medication leucovorin (folinic acid), alongside: Pyrimethamine (Daraprim). This medicine is generally for malaria. It works via way of means of interfering with folic acid.

Therefore, option d is the correct choice.

To learn more about toxoplasmosis check the link below:



the nurse is inspecting the abdomen of an 18 month old child which method would the nurse adopt to inspect for inguinal hernia


Have the child blow up a balloon.

To locate an inguinal hernia, the nurse typically places his or her finger at the appropriate site and asks the child to cough. If the child is too young to cough, such as at 18 months of age, the nurse can have the child blow up a balloon or laugh to raise the intraabdominal pressure enough to show the presence of an inguinal hernia. The nurse palpates the sac for abdominal contents and estimates the approximate size of the opening in the case of umbilical hernias.

A femoral hernia, which is felt or seen as a small mass on the anterior surface of the thigh just below the inguinal ligament in the femoral canal, should be felt for by placing the index finger of the right hand on the child's right femoral pulse and the middle finger flat against the skin toward the midline. When a child is old enough, the nurse can insert the little finger into the external inguinal ring at the base of the scrotum and ask the child to cough. If there is a hernia, it will hit the tip of the finger.

To learn more about inguinal hernia, here



you find a victim who is bleeding profusely from his neck and the blood is coming out in spurts. what type of bleed is this most likely to be? what steps should you take to get the bleeding under control?


Arterial bleeding is the type of blood which comes out from spurts.Put pressure directly on the wound will control the bleeding.

Bleeding from an open vein is normally bright red in color due to the high level of oxygen and flow (pulsates) in time with the contraction of the heart. The stress caused by speed also makes it difficult to control this type of blood. When the blood volume drops as the patient's blood pressure and eventually, the blood flow will decrease due to the low blood volume. Put pressure directly on the wound. If you have some kind of gauze, use it. The gauze pads catch the blood on the wound and help the blood clots to adhere, promoting closure.

To know more about Arterial bleeding please click on the link brainly.com/question/17243440


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