What is the answer to the angle BD?

What Is The Answer To The Angle BD?


Answer 1

straight angle. this is easyyy

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A bank account pays 0.5% monthly interest. If $500 is put in the account, what will the balance be at the end of one year, assuming no additional deposits or withdrawals are made? Do not include units ($) in your answer.


The balance at the end of one years is; $502.5. The equation that that represents the balance in the account is $500 x (1.005)^1

What will be the balance of the account?

The amount of money in the bank account would grow at an exponential rate. then the formula for calculating future value:

FV = P (1 + r)^nm


FV = Future value

P = Present value

R = interest rate

N = number of years

We are given that bank account pays 0.5% monthly interest. If $500 is put in the account, it will the balance be at the end of one year,

$500 x (1 + 0.5/100)^1

$500 x (1.005)^1

= $502.5

To learn more about future value, please check: brainly.com/question/18760477


Answer: $530.84

Step-by-step explanation: The principal is $500 with 0.5% added MONTHLY. One year has 12 months so we must calculate the interest for 12 months.

$500(1.005)^12 = $530.838 which rounds to $530.84

If each cube in the rectangular prism measures 1 cubic foot, what is the volume of the prism?

A. 13 cubic ft
B. 7 cubic ft
C. 6 cubic ft
D. 8 cubic ft



C; 6 cubic ft.

Step-by-step explanation:

theres 6 cubes and each are 1 feet 2^ so therefore 6 times 1 = 6 ft. 2^

The answer is c because there is 6 cubes

Answer this correctly I'll give brainalist + 10 points




Step-by-step explanation:

22.5 is more accurate

How many arrangements are there of 12 distinct items?



There are 479,001,600 arrangments of 12 distinct items.

Step-by-step explanation:

Arrangements of n items:

The number of possible arrangements of n itens is given by the factorial of n, that is:

[tex]A_{n} = n![/tex]

12 items:

[tex]A_{12} = 12! = 479001600[/tex]

There are 479,001,600 arrangments of 12 distinct items.

Carmel rode his horse 1,600 meters east from his house. Then he turned north and rode 1,200 meters, as shown in the diagram below. How far away, in meters, is Carmel from his house?​




Step-by-step explanation:

Just add 1,600 and 1,200 I think. I could be wrong good luck :)

A phone salesperson is paid a minimum weekly salary and a commission for each phone sold, as shown in the table. Confirm that the relationship is linear and give the constant rate of change and the initial value. Write it in the form of y=mx+b. *



i do not know that one

Step-by-step explanation:

I usely use desmos but thanks to my idiot dad i can't do that after 2 weeks he should be punished  

Subtract -4 and -11 with the help of number line. pls answer as soon as possible pls​




Step-by-step explanation:

-4 - -11 = 7

remember negative + or - equals a positive same way with a positive + or - positive will give you a  positive.

Suppose that, on the average, 1/3 of the graduating seniors at a certain college have two parents attend the graduation ceremony, another third of these seniors have one parent attend the ceremony, and the remaining third of these seniors have no parents attend. If there are 600 graduating seniors in a particular class, what is the probability that not more than 650 parents will attend the graduation ceremony



0.9803 = 98.03% probability that not more than 650 parents will attend the graduation ceremony.

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this question, we need to know the Poisson and the normal distribution.

Poisson distribution:

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of sucesses

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the mean in the given interval. The standard deviation is the square root of the mean.

Normal Probability Distribution:

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the zscore of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the pvalue, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

The Poisson distribution can be approximated to the normal with same means, and [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{\mu}[/tex]

1/3 of the graduating seniors at a certain college have two parents attend the graduation ceremony, another third of these seniors have one parent attend the ceremony, and the remaining third of these seniors have no parents attend.

There are 600 graduating seniors. This means that the expected number of parents attending the ceremony is given by:

[tex]\mu = 600*(2*\frac{1}{3} + 1*\frac{1}{3} + 0*\frac{1}{3}) = 600(\frac{2}{3} + \frac{1}{3}) = 600(1) = 600[/tex]


[tex]\sigma = \sqrt{600}[/tex]

What is the probability that not more than 650 parents will attend the graduation ceremony?

Using continuity correction, as Poisson is a discrete distribution while the normal is continuous, this is [tex]P(X \leq 650 + 0.5) = P(X \leq 650.5)[/tex], which is the pvalue of Z when [tex]X = 650.5[/tex]. So

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]Z = \frac{650.5 - 600}{\sqrt{600}}[/tex]

[tex]Z = 2.06[/tex]

[tex]Z = 2.06[/tex] has a pvalue of 0.9803.

0.9803 = 98.03% probability that not more than 650 parents will attend the graduation ceremony.

4 ^-3 rewrite without an exponent




Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps you



Step-by-step explanation:

Negative exponents means you bring the base to the denominator, which becomes a fraction.

[tex]4^{-3} \\=\frac{1}{4^{3}}[/tex]

The question wants us to write without an exponent.

The [tex]4^{3} = 4 * 4* 4=64[/tex]

So, it becomes:


I need help with this please!!




Step-by-step explanation:ok first off im not good at math try ur best

everybodys smartVwV

A basket contains four apples and six peaches. You randomly select one piece of fruit and eat it. Then you randomly select another piece of fruit. What is the probability that both pieces of fruit are apples.​



Answer as a fraction: 4/15

Answer as a decimal: 0.267

The decimal version is approximate rounded to three decimal places.

Step-by-step explanation:

6 apples, 4 peaches

6+4 = 10 pieces of fruit total

The probability of picking an apple is 6/10 = 3/5

After you pick and eat the apple, there are 10-1 = 9 pieces of fruit left. Also, the probability of picking a peach is 4/9, as there are 4 peaches out of 9 fruit left over.

Multiply out 3/5 and 4/9 to get (3/5)*(4/9) = (3*4)/(5*9) = 12/45 = 4/15

Using a calculator, 4/15 = 0.267 approximately.

Find cos (P)



cos P = 71.09

Step-by-step explanation:

cos = [tex]\frac{adajcent}{hypotenuse}[/tex]

cos P = [tex]\frac{24}{74}[/tex]

cos P = 0.324

cos-1 of 0.324 is 71.09

cos P = 71.09

Melinda and Davy are making postcards to announce their new address. The table shows the number of postcards they can make together during each hour they are working. If they continue to make postcards at this rate, what is the total number they will make in 6 hours? Postcards
Number of Hours Number of Postcards
1 7
2 14
3 21




Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the function given below.


you have to put a picture of the problem

For every hour that Jill worked, she made $10

Write an equation to model how much money she can make.?\



Answer how many hours did she work?

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 2/3=????????​



A. 4/6

Step-by-step explanation:

It's 4/6 because 4/6 is 2/3 just multiplied by 2.

Hope this helps. ; )


2 divided by 3

Step-by-step explanation:

0.6 repeating

I need help I can’t cuaet understand this



B, 140

Step-by-step explanation:

Alright so if you know to do volume this should be a breeze!

First off what you want to do is find the volume of the outside prism.



Then find the smaller prisms volume.



Minus the smaller from the bigger


The answers B!

can someone help me? I have to turn it on by tomorrow :(



The terms in #4 are 2500, 11t, and -3w

The terms in #5 are 17 and 4d

Could somebody help me with this please




Step-by-step explanation:

if PQR is isosceles then

PRQ will also equal 69 degrees

straight line = 180 degrees

so if PRQ is 69, then

PRS = 180-69

= 111 degrees

now to find x , since we have two angles within that triangle

180 - 111 - 33 = 36 degrees

Plz help due tomorrow iff correct ill give brailiest


Part A is D.
To work out part B, use the formula from part D to find S.

If you need further help let me know. Hope this helps!!

Simplify 3(r+5)-4r help me pls NOW



-r + 15

Step-by-step explanation:

3r + 15 - 4r =

-r + 15

Hope that helps!

Who knows this answer


i think it would be true

3/8 of a pizza was shared among 3 persons. how much pizza would each person get?​


1/8? I believe so ... yeah
each person would get one piece.

4. Which function defines the sequence -6,-10,-14, 18,... , where f(6) = - 26 ?
(1) f(x) = - 4x - 2
(2) f(x) = 4x - 2
(3) f(x) = - x + 32
(4) f(x) = x - 26​


(1) f(x) = -4x - 2

Substitute f(6) into f(x) = -4x - 2
f(6) = -4(6) -2
f(6) = -24 -2
f(6) = -26 ✅

* if you had substituted 6 for x into any other equation it would not equal -26

Floyd Electric is fabricating flanges for a new electrical motor. The flange is to be 25 millimeters in diameter with an upper tolerance limit of 26.5 millimeters and a lower tolerance limit of 23.5 millimeters. Bill Floyd took a sample consisting of ten flanges, measured the diameter and recorded the observations in the table. He has heard discussion of 6 sigma in the business news recently and would like to join the club. What percentage decrease in process standard deviation would be required for Floyd Electric to achieve 6-sigma process capability? Assume that his process mean remains where it is.
A) 36%
B) 40%
C) 46%
D) 58%


This question is incomplete, the missing table is uploaded along this answer below.


percentage of age reduction is 40

Option B) 40% is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data in the question;

from the table in the image below;

sample x = 25.69 , 25.58 , 24.78 , 24.94 , 24.87 , 24.63 , 25.70 , 25.52 , 24.95 , 24.91

mean = ∑x/n

where n is sample size

= (25.69  + 25.58  +24.78  + 24.94  + 24.87  + 24.63  + 25.70  + 25.52  +24.95 ) / 10

= 251.57 / 10

mean u = 25.157


S/N    Sample (X)       Mean (u)       (X-U)²

1            25.69              25.157      0.284089

2           25.58              25.157      0.178929

3           24.78              25.157       0.142129

4           24.94              25.157       0.047089

5           24.87              25.157       0.082369

6           24.63              25.157       0.277729

7           25.7                 25.157       0.294849

8           25.52              25.157       0.131769

9           24.95              25.157        0.042849

10          24.91               25.157       0.061009

Total     251.57                               1.54281

Mean  25.157

Sample Variance = ∑(x-u)²/n-1 = 1.54281 / (10 - 1) = 1.54281 / 9 = 0.1714

Standard deviation STD1 = √ (variance) = √0.1714 = 0.414

now, for 6-sigma capability, Cpk = 2

Cpk = min of ( USL - mean ) / 3×STD), (Mean - LSL) / 3×STD

since our mean is centered between USL and LSL;

Cpk = ( 26.5 - 25 ) / 3×STD2

we substitute

2 = ( 26.5 - 25 ) / 3×STD2

6STD2 = 1.5

STD2 =  1.5 / 6

STD2 = 0.25

so current standard deviation STD1 = 0.414

required standard deviation for 6-sigma process STD2 = 0.25

so percentage of age reduction will be;

⇒ ( 0.414 - 0.25 ) 0.414 = 0.164 / 0.414 = 0.396 ≈ 0.4

⇒ 0.4 × 100 = 40%

Therefore, percentage of age reduction is 40

Option B) 40% is the correct answer

Using formulas in geometry help! due tommorow



1. P= 12

2. A=6

3. 3.75

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope This Helped

Please help! Will give brainliest!


B is the Answer because that’s the only answer I got with doing the math and it was B
Yea he’s right it’s b have a nice day!

Often, frequency distributions are reported using unequal class widths because the frequencies of some groups would otherwise be small or very large. Consider the following​ data, which represent the daytime household temperature the thermostat is set to when someone is home for a random sample of households. Determine the class​ midpoint, if​ necessary, for each class and approximate the mean and standard deviation temperature.
Temp Frequency Class Midpoint
61-64 34 63
65-67 68 66.5
68-69 196 69
70 191 70.5
71-72 122 72
73-76 81 75
77-80 52 79
The sample standard deviation is _____degrees°F.



The sample standard deviation is 13.22°F

Step-by-step explanation:

Given - Often, frequency distributions are reported using unequal

            class widths because the frequencies of some groups would

            otherwise be small or very large. Consider the following​ data,

            which represent the daytime household temperature the

            thermostat is set to when someone is home for a random sample

            of households. Determine the class​ midpoint, if​ necessary, for

             each class and approximate the mean and standard deviation


Temp                    Frequency                        Class Midpoint

61-64                         34                                         63

65-67                         68                                         66.5

68-69                         196                                        69

70                              191                                         70.5

71-72                         122                                         72

73-76                          81                                           75

77-80                          52                                           79

To find - The sample standard deviation is _____degrees°F.

Proof -

Temp         Frequency(f)            Midpoint(m)           m×f        ( m - 70.73 )²×f

61-64                34                            63                   2142          2031.6

65-67                68                            66.5                4522           1216.7

68-69               196                            69                  13524          586.6

70                     191                           70.5               13465.5        10.1

71-72                122                           72                   8784             196.8

73-76                  81                            75                   6075             2224.4

77-80                  52                            79                    4108            3556.4

                   ∑f = 744                                    ∑m×f = 52620.5     ∑ = 9822.6

So, Mean = [tex]\frac{52620.5}{744}[/tex] = 70.73

Sample standard deviation = [tex]\frac{9822.6}{744 - 1} = \frac{9822.6}{743}[/tex] = 13.22

∴ we get

The sample standard deviation is 13.22°F

4.4.3 Test (CST) Continuous Probability Distributions
The head-to-tail length of a species of fish is normally distributed, with a mean of 17.4 cm and a standard deviation of 3.2 cm. One fish is 15.3 cm long. What is the z-score of the length of this fish? Round your answer to two decimal places.
A. -0.86
B. -0.66
C. 0.86
D. 0.66




Step-by-step explanation:

We have that for a normal distribution, the value of z can be calculated using the following formula:

z = (x - m) / sd

where x is the value to evaluate, m the mean and sd the standard deviation, we have those values x = 15.3, m = 17.4 and sd = 3.2

if we replace we have:

z = (15.3 - 17.4) /3.2

z = -0.65625

if we round to 2 decimal places, it would be -0.66, that is, the answer is B.

A Z-score helps us to understand how far the data is from the mean. The z-score of the given length of this fish is -0.66. The correct option is B.

What is Z-score?

A Z-score helps us to understand how far is the data from the mean. It is a measure of how many times the data is above or below the mean. It is given by the formula,

z-score = (x-μ)/σ

Where Z is the Z-score,

X is the data point,

μ is the mean and σ is the standard variable.

Given that the length of a species of fish is normally distributed, with a mean(μ) and the standard deviation(σ) is 17.4 cm and 3.2 cm. Therefore, the z-score of the length of this fish is,

z-score = (x-μ)/σ

            = (15.3 - 17.4) / 3.2

            = -2.1/3.2

            = -0.65625

            = -0.66

Hence, the z-score of the given length of this fish is -0.66.

Learn more about Z-score here:



Consider each statement about finding the measurements of triangles. Choose True or False for each statement.

A. If you know the measures of the three angles of a triangle, you can find the lengths of the sides.
True or False
B. If you know the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, you can find the measures of the angles.
True or False
C. If you know the measures of the two sides of a triangle and the measure of an angle not included between the two sides, you can solve the triangle. True or False




Step-by-step explanation:

Measurement of triangle

Measure of 3 angles find length is true.Lengths of 3 sides for angles is true.Measures of angles not included the two sides is false.What is the measure of the triangle?

The measure of the triangle is the sum of 3 interior angles of the triangle. This is always 180 degrees, as a triangle has 3 sides and 3 angles.

The measure of the three sides of the triangle can help in finding out the angles and similarly the three angles can help to find the length. If we consider two sides and then measure the angle then the triangle can't be solved.

Find out more information about the measurements of triangles.


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