What event in 1917 saw the end of the Russian involvement in World War I?

A. Russian soldiers rebelled after months with no warm clothing.
B.The Russian Revolution threw out the warring government and imposed communist leaders.
C.The German Empire marched into Moscow, forcing a surrender.
D.Kaiser Wilhelm II signed a secret treaty with Russia, promising not to fight.


Answer 1
The answer would be D: Russia signs a treaty with the Central Powers ending its participation in World War I.
Answer 2


The Russian Revolution threw out the warring government and imposed communist leaders.


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Document 1
Powers of the king. The King, Louis XVI, was absolute. He ruled by the divine right theory which held that he had
received his power to govern from God and was therefore responsible to God alone. He appointed all civil officials and
military officers. He made and enforced the laws. He could declare war and make peace. He levied taxes and spent
the people's money as he saw fit. He controlled the expression of thought by a strict censorship of speech and press.
By means of lettres de cachet (sealed letters which were really blank warrants for arrest) he could arbitrarily imprison
anyone without trial for an indefinite period. He lived in his magnificent palace at Versailles, completely oblivious to
the rising tide of popular discontent. ...
Source: Friedman & Foner, A Genetic Approach to Modern European History, College Entrance Book Co., 1938 from the NYS
Global History and Geography Regents Exam, January 2007
Historical Context-refers to the historical circumstances that led to this event/idea/historical development
1. Explain the historical circumstances that led to Louis XVI consolidation of power. [1]


Right is coming from the bottom

There are twelve countries and one "overseas district" in South America, what is the name of the overseas district?​


I also didn't know and it's called French Guiana :D

US military official, Commodore Matthew Perry, is widely credited with?
a) Sparking the transition to the Feudal Age in Japanese society
b) Opening Japan up to the West
c) Sparking the transition to the Industrial Age in Japanese society
d) Both b and c
e) None of the above


The answer is D ( Both B and C )

I took the test and got it right ( please put as Brainliest )

What does "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate" mean the Senate must do?



what do u mean can you give more specific words please if it dosent bothers


by and with the advice


consent of the senate mean the senate must do

How are the effects of the Haitian Revolution still felt today?



During the slave revolts that gradually morphed into a full-blown revolution, most participants in the Haitian Revolution had fairly limited goals: to destroy slavery and bring about a more free society on the island of Saint-Dominique, a French colony in the Caribbean. Beyond these goals, most of the slave forces had few long-term plans for what would come after emancipation.

Some of the leaders in the Haitian Revolution were steeped in Enlightenment philosophy and hoped to model Haiti on the principals of the French and American Revolutions. Unfortunately, many of the most educated and democratically minded of these leaders (most significantly, Toussaint L'Ouverture) died before the revolution found its end. Those that were left ruled the new nation single-handedly, with military might and sometimes cruelly.

Should we ensure that the winner of the popular vote also wins the Electoral College?
Please explain in paragraph form, it would be very much appreciated. I need textual evidence and an explanation about how my evidence proves my claim. Thank you


Yes because if the president gets the most electoral votes and popularity vote he should be the president of the United States since he won both. My reasons are for we can know the president won the election fairly and honestly. And for there is a pretty clear winner and who’s gonna be the next president of the United States.



I’m afraid i can’t put in my emxail here but it is Olivia 5678 and along gmaxil
I’m sorry I’m not going to give you my email because that’s unsafe :( but yes I support BLM!!

How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester versus Georgia affect American Indians?


Answer:Georgia, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on March 3, 1832, held (5–1) that the states did not have the right to impose regulations on Native American land. ... Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the ruling, the decision helped form the basis for most subsequent law in the United States regarding Native Americans.

Explanation:Here u go hope this helped u have an great day and may i plz have brainlist?

In the 1800s, the notion of manifest destiny was the belief that

Who did the United States fight in World War II?



On December 7, 1941, the U.S. was thrust into World War II when Japan launched a surprise attack on the American naval fleet at Pearl Harbor. The following day, America and Great Britain declared war on Japan. On December 10, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S


Manifest destiny a phrase coined in 1845 is the idea that United States is destined—by God,it’s advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North America continent
Hope this Helps :)

22. What kind of stories taught children how to behave?
A. proverbs
B. poetry
C. songs





What role did slavery play in the South in the mid-1800s?


Answer:Slavery was so profitable, it sprouted more millionaires per capita in the Mississippi River valley than anywhere in the nation. With cash crops of tobacco, cotton and sugar cane, America's southern states became the economic engine of the burgeoning nation.


Don't waste my points!! Don't Answer Unless %100 Positive

Which two choices were the effects of Neo-Confucianism on China during the Middle Ages?

A.It led to the decline of agricultural practices.

B.It gave rise to a new social class.

C.It made people more financially secure.

D.It helped with the selection of able government officials.

E.It caused an increase in artistic publications.


90% sure it's A and B...

What were the names of the three battles in Persia’s second invasion of Greece?



The name of the three battles are The battle Thermopylae, The battle of Salamis, and the battle of Plataea



The battle of Thermopylae

The battle of Salamis

The battle of Marathon


Which of the following is not a true statement about the right to vote?
Citizens may vote at the local, state, and federal levels.
Voting allows citizens to have their voices heard.
All citizens are required to vote.
Voting is a way to affect the direction of government.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


i still have 4 more questions so stick around if you want



C. All citizens are required to vote.


Citizens are not required to vote.

How is the life of Lorraine Hansberry similar to the Younger family's?​



Lorraine Hansberry was born at Provident Hospital on the South Side of Chicago on May 19, 1930. She was the youngest of Nannie Perry Hansberry and Carl Augustus Hansberry's four children. Her father founded Lake Street Bank, one of the first banks for blacks in Chicago, and ran a successful real estate business.

When compared to Nagasaki, Hiroshima was which of the following? A. larger in size B. smaller in size C. the same size​


Larger in size. If you mean the damage by “size”, then Hiroshima was a lot worse than Nagasaki which means larger.

Which of the following describes an effect of World War II on the United States economy?

A. Many factories had to expand to produce military equipment.

B. The airplane industry suffered as the Allies began using airplanes in combat.

C. Cities with shipyards declined because so many ships had been sent overseas.



WWII had a number of effects on the American home front. One of the biggest was increased work opportunities. The draft meant men were unavailable for a massive number of wartime production jobs that were available, so millions of women, students, unemployed and retired people moved into employment.

List the stages of hajj



Step#1- Circulating the Kaaba Seven Times.

Step#2 – Pray All Day on Mount Arafat.

Step#3 – Stay Overnight in Muzdalifah.

Step #4- Stoning of the Devil.

Step#5 – Run 7 Times between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa.

Step#6 –Perform Stoning of the Devil Up to Three Days in Mina

The source of individual rights in the United States is
A. administrative law.
C. constitutional law.
B. case law.
D. precedent.



c. constitutional law


The source of your individual rights in the United States is the Constitution.

how did the expansion of railroad lines affects the steamboat industry



It made commerce possible on a vast scale.

In addition to transporting western food crops and raw materials to East Coast markets and manufactured goods from East Coast cities to the West Coast, the railroad also facilitated international trade.




It made commerce possible on a vast scale.


What would you do if president Biden spent all of the country's money ?


I would be mad because we need all that money for new stuff in our country and just to spend it is selfish


I will be mad at him bcos is selfish and greedy

a main goal of the agricultural policy of the New Deal was






The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was a United States federal law of the New Deal era designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses. The government bought livestock for slaughter and paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land.


Which statement best describes the plight of Native American tribes at the end of the American Civil War?
The Confederacy lost against the Union and failed to help the Native Americans who had signed treaties with them before the war, leaving them devastated.
The Confederacy won the war against the Union, but refused to take responsibility for Native Americans who had signed treaties with them before the war, leaving them helpless.
The Confederacy lost the war against the Union and went on to build a healthier and stronger relationship with the Native Americans who had signed treaties with them before the war.
The Confederacy won the war against the Union, but most Native Americans had switched sides by then and were supporting the Union, leaving Indian Territory devastated.


Answer: A

Explanation:edg 2021

plz mark brainlist

How do you think the war influenced American race relations overall?



African American men, though they still experienced racism, were treated with more respect as fighting in a war for one's country gains anyone respect. But at the same time not all African American men served in the war. Some stayed home and took up the jobs that white men left when they went to fight in the war. So when all the white men came back racial violence ensued. So, it was a bit of both some saw African Americans more as just Americans others continued to see them as inferior. Then for minorities, such as Hispanics, Native Americans, and Italians the war did the same for them . If they served they were seen as heroes while also being attacked for their contributions.


Do you think Europeans would have gone to The New World without Zheng He's
exploration? Why?



His seven total voyages were diplomatic, military, and trading ventures, and lasted from 1405 – 1433. However, most historians agree their main purpose was to promote the glory of Ming dynasty China. Zheng He was born to a noble family in 1371 in the Yunnan Province of China.



yes because the people would have to have more land at one point.


How does the state of the Cherokee then differ from that of a "foreign state," and why is this distinction important? What does the status of "domestic dependent nation" mean?


Answer and Explanation:

The Cherokee state differs from a "foreign state" in that it does not have a different jurisdiction than the jurisdiction used in the USA. In addition, to be considered a "foreign state" the Cherokee state must be a state outside the USA, but recognized by the American government.

The term "domestic dependent nation" refers to an indigenous tribe that has a political structure independent of that used in the USA, but was considered by the American government to be valid and a relationship was established between the two governments.

Help help and don't wrry abt the colors



1. -1/4

2. 3/4

3. 5

4. 9/10

5. -9/10

6. undefined

7. 5/3


9. -7/6

10. 10

11. 10

12. 3/2

13. 3

Apologies if not all of these are right. But you can use a site called desmos graphing calculator as well. definitely helps a lot!

How does the cartoon display how the
Congolese people were treated during


That the white people were abuseing the black people with violence and that they also had a hold or control over the black people

On a Word document, please submit a short answer (1 or 2 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each) for the following prompt: What were some similarities between the American and French Revolutions? What were some differences? How would you rate the success of each Revolution in achieving its goals?​



no word document here but heres some info


Both want a change from being ruled by an absolute ruler, both have economic instability from war debt, both have social inequality. And also, both started because of enlightenment ideas.


The French Revolution and American Revolution had some similar aspects; however, there are a lot of differences between these two wars. A main difference is the context of the war. The American Revolution was caused by a majority of the America population becoming unhappy because of how the British were ruling them.

Both the American and French Revolutions were focused around liberty and equality. Both countries were trying to gain freedom. America was trying to gain freedom from the rules and taxes put upon them by Great Britain. Whereas the French wanted to abolish the French monarchy and create a better government in which the people could have more of a say in society. Although the revolutions of both started for very similar reasons, and both countries fought for the same thing, the outcomes of the two were very different.

The American Revolution was mainly focused on gaining independence. After the British victory during the Seven Year War, America was tied down from the British rules. America was obligated to pay off the war, and to pay the high taxes that British Parliament assigned. The British enforced the Stamp Act on the Americans. The stamp tax levied taxes on commercial and legal documents, such as, diplomas, pamphlets, newspapers, almanacs, dice, and playing cards. A stamp glued to each article indicated that the tax had been paid. What also angered the Americans was the lack of representation from the British Parliament, Americans had to no way to speak their mind to the British, other than rebellion. The British had crossed the line when they allowed the East India Tea Company to ship their products directly to the colonies, rather than sending it through the middlemen in London. In order to show the public's opinion, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, this book ridiculed the idea of a small island ruling a large continent, this was a call for freedom and republican government. After much fighting, the Americans finally found a way to make things fair. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson. By 1783, Britain allowed the 13 colonies of North America to have independence.

The common people of France wanted to get rid of the French monarchy, the lower classes wanted to enforce equality rather than having the nobles and the king overpower them. Like the Americans, the French were also in debt from war, they enterd the Seven Years War by using borrowed money. In order to pay the it off, the king, Louis XIV, levied a large tax, however the people refused to pay. To resolve this issue, Louis went to converse...

The French Revolution and American Revolution had some similar aspects; however, there are a lot of differences between these two wars. A main difference is the context of the war. The American Revolution was caused by a majority of the America population becoming unhappy because of how the British were ruling them. They believed they deserved more freedom from the British. The French Revolution was started by French’s lower class because they were unhappy with how they were being treated. Although both of the wars were caused by similar reasons, they were started by completely different kinds of people. One started by all different classes of people, but led by the upper class, and the other started by the lower class of a country. Another difference is who got involved after these Revolutions started. The American Revolution pretty much stayed between the Americans and the British except when the French joined. The French Revolution started between the French lower class and the French government. It then evolved into the French fighting against other monarchies in Europe such as Austria and Prussia. Another smaller difference is that the French Revolution was more violent and bloody. The revolutionaries in the French Revolution would kill anyone who they heard were supporters of the king. The revolutionaries in the American Revolution never really killed supporters of the British and weren’t very violent to British people unless they were in battle. These are just a few of the many difference between the French and American Revolutions.

5. Which famous French hero helped instill French nationalism during the
Hundred Years War?*


Answer: Joan of Arc


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